Heinemann Geography 2 SACSA Correlation Grid

Heinemann Geography 2 SACSA Correlation Grid

<p> Heinemann Geography 2</p><p>Society and the Environment Curriculum Correlation Grid for SACSA Framework Prepared by Sandy Stuart Key to abbreviations Essential Learnings Key Competencies F Futures KC1 Collecting, analysing and organising information Id Identity KC2 Communicating ideas In Interdependence KC3 Planning and organising activities T Thinking KC4 Working with others and in teams C Communication KC5 Using mathematical ideas and techniques KC6 Solving problems KC7 Using technology</p><p>Chapter and page title SACSA SACSA Essential Learnings Learning activities within this unit strand outcomes and Key Competencies</p><p>Chapter 1 Geospatial skills Pages 2–29 What do you already Place, space 4.5 Cw Inw T w KC1 w KC2 w KC4 w KC3 w KC7  Using and interpreting a variety of know? Understanding and maps (pp 6, 7, 9) geospatial concepts environment  Interpreting map and photo (pp 2–7) information (pp 11, 15, 22) Types of maps, elements of 4.5 In w T w C w KC1 w KC2  Drawing a cross section (pp 15, 16) maps (pp 7–11)  Constructing a variety of graphs Topographic maps 3.5, 4.5 (p 19) (pp 12–16) In w F w T w KC1 w KC2 w KC6  Accurately interpreting graphs (p 20) Maps, graphs and statistics, 3.5, 4.5 In w T w C w KC1 w KC2  Using map evidence to draw photographs and satellite inferences and predict associated images, map and photo outcomes (p 24) sketching (pp 16–24) Fieldwork, Computers in 4.5 Inw T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC6 w KC7 Geography (pp 24–27)</p><p>Copyright © Pearson Australia (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) Page 1 of 10 Heinemann Geography 2 SACSA Correlation Grid</p><p>Chapter and page title SACSA SACSA Essential Learnings Learning activities within this unit strand outcomes and Key Competencies</p><p>Making links (pp 28–29) 4.4, 4.5 T wC w KC1 w KC2  Using map evidence including GIS to draw inferences and predict associated outcomes (pp 25, 27)  Accurately reading and interpreting maps (p 29)</p><p>Chapter 2 Water: Part of life Pages 30–55 What do you already Place, Space 4.4, 4.5, 5.4 F w Inw T w KC1 w KC2 w KC7  Constructing a flow diagram (p 33) know? The water cycle, and  Interpreting photo information (p 33) Rainfall: where and why environment  Using sketches or diagrams to show (pp 30–36) natural systems (p 39) Rivers change the land, 4.5 InwT wC w KC1 w KC2 w KC3 w KC 4  Using fieldwork activities on local Investigating local waterways (p 41) waterways, Rivers on maps  Accurately interpreting maps (p 43) (pp 36–44)  Using map evidence to draw Too much water: 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 In w F w T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC3 w KC4 w inferences (p 47) Bangladesh, Too little KC6 w KC7  Developing a group action plan (p 50) water: Australia (pp 44–51)  Using an atlas to understand an area Narrative: Living with the 4.4, 5.6 T w C w KC1 w KC2 (p 59) water cycle (pp 52–53)  River investigation using film (p 55) Making links (pp 54–55) 5.4 T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC6</p><p>Chapter 3 Plate tectonics: What’s going on beneath our feet Pages 56–79 What do you already Place, Space 5.1, 5.3 F w T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC3 w KC4 w KC7  Working in groups to create maps know?, What is meant by and (p 59) plate tectonics, Plates on environment  Drawing graphs and inquiries to show the move, What happens information (pp 62, 69) when plates move?  Analysing maps (pp 69, 75) (pp 56–65) Heinemann Geography 2 SACSA Correlation Grid</p><p>Chapter and page title SACSA SACSA Essential Learnings Learning activities within this unit strand outcomes and Key Competencies</p><p>What do earthquakes and 5.1, 5.3 T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC4 w KC7  Writing reports (p 75) volcanoes have to do with  Using research for understanding plate tectonics? What are (p 77) ‘hot spots’? How  Using maps for understanding (p. 79) dangerous is it to live in a region affected by tectonic activity? (pp 66–73) How have plate tectonics 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 T w Cw KC1 w KC2 w KC4 affected Australia? (pp 73–75) Narrative: Volcanic 5.1, 5.2 T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC7 eruption — Mt. Vesuvius, March 1944 (pp 76–77) Making links (pp 78–79) 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC4 </p><p>Chapter 4 Coasts: Where land and sea join Pages 80–103 What do you already Place, space 4.4 In w T w KC1 w KC2 KC7  Describing and comparing features of know? A variety of and geographical and human different coasts, Natural environment environments (p 83) processes that shape  Designing a model of the coast (p 88) coastal environments (pp  Designing a test to show geographical 80–84) processes (p 90) Features formed by 5.5, 5.6 In w T w C w KC1 w KC2  Interpreting photographic information destructive wave processes (p 92) (pp 84–88)  Using group work to develop The process of longshore 4.4 In w T w KC1 w KC2 w KC4 w KC6 desirable coastal development (p 94) drift (pp 88–90)  Using graphs to show trends (p 97) Features produced by 4.4 In w Tw C wKC1 w KC2  Developing a role play (p 97) deposition (pp 90–92) Heinemann Geography 2 SACSA Correlation Grid</p><p>Chapter and page title SACSA SACSA Essential Learnings Learning activities within this unit strand outcomes and Key Competencies</p><p>Managing coasts: how do 5.5, 5.6 In w T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC4 w KC6  Developing a poster showing a major we prevent destruction? oil spill in Australia (p 101) (pp 93–94)  Interpreting maps (pp 102, 103) Anglesea: a coastal 5.5, 5.6 In w F wT wC w KC1 w KC2 w KC5 w KC6 community (pp 94–99) Narrative: Coasts — 5.5, 5.6 T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC4 w KC7 Environmental disaster looms (pp 100–101) Making links (pp 102–103) 4.4</p><p>Chapter 5 Natural environments: Where nature and people interact Pages 104–125 What do you already Place, space 4.4, 5.4 T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC7  Interpreting information from maps know? People and the and and photographs (p 108) mountains: adapting to a environment  Exploring river system operations natural system, Farming in using maps, films, television the mountains programs (p 113) (pp 105–110)  Interpreting maps and photos (p 117) Deserts and people: water 5.5, 5.6 T w C w In w KC1 w KC2 w KC4 w KC7  Using a variety of communication is critical (pp 110–113) techniques to discuss coasts (p 121) Farming in the forest 5.5, 5.6 F w In w T w C w KC1 w KC2  Using the Internet to develop a report (pp 114–117) on orang-utan conservation (p 123) People and the Gold Coast 5.5, 5.6 F w In w T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC6 w KC7  Planning a resort (p 125) (pp 118–121) Narrative: Orang-utans and 5.5, 5.6 F w In wT w C w KC2 w KC4 w KC6 w KC7 people — Interacting with the environment (pp 122–123) Making links (pp 124–125) 5.4, 5.6 F w In w T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC6 w KC7 Chapter 6 Land degradation: A sinister disease Pages 126–147 Heinemann Geography 2 SACSA Correlation Grid</p><p>Chapter and page title SACSA SACSA Essential Learnings Learning activities within this unit strand outcomes and Key Competencies</p><p>What do you already Place, space 4.4, 5.4 In w T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC4 w KC7  Using data to present findings on local know? How can this and land degradation (p 130) sinister disease ruin land? environment  Using diagrams to show land (pp 126–130) degradation (p 132) How can water be a 4.4, 5.4 In w T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC3  Using annotated flow block diagrams problem? (pp 130–132) to show water movement (p 135) Why is salinity the silent 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 T w C w In w KC2  Using tables, figures, photographs to disaster?, Wind erosion: predict outcomes (p 136) what’s the problem?  Identifying, describing and analysing (pp 132–138) global development patterns (p 141) Desertification: Earth’s 5.4, 5.5 In w T w C w KC2 w KC3 w KC6  Using a case study to understand a creeping plague natural environment (pp 144–145) (pp 139–141)  Using satellite images, films and How can the challenge of 4.6, 5.6 F w In w T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC5 w KC7 report writing to understand land degradation be met? degradation (p 147) (pp 142–143) Narrative: China – living in 5.5, 5.6 T w In w Cw KC2 a loess environment (pp 144–145) Making links (pp 146–147) 4.4, 4.6,5.4, In w T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC5 w KC7 5.5, 5.6</p><p>Chapter 7 Climate change and global warming Pages 148–173 Heinemann Geography 2 SACSA Correlation Grid</p><p>Chapter and page title SACSA SACSA Essential Learnings Learning activities within this unit strand outcomes and Key Competencies</p><p>What do you already Place, Space 4.4, 4.5, 5.4 F w In w T w KC1 w KC2 w KC7  Interpreting photo information (p 150) know? What is all the fuss and  Working in pairs to create diagrams about? The greenhouse environment (p 152) effect and enhanced  Using tables to show natural systems greenhouse effect (p 154) (pp 148–152)  Brainstorming in pairs (p 157) What are the greenhouse 4.5 In w T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC3 w KC 4  Using map evidence and graphs for gases and where did they meaning (pp 160, 163, 165) come from? Global  Using the internet for meaning (p 162) warming (pp 152–157)  Conducting an audit (p 169) Impacts of climate change: 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 In w F w T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC3 w KC4 w  Using maps and photographs for weather, Impacts: coastal KC6 w KC7 information (p 171) areas, Impacts: ecosystems  Conducting a debate (p 173) and habitats, Impacts: agriculture, Impacts: human health (pp 158–165) Combating global 4.4, 5.6 T w C w KC1 w KC2 warming, Narrative: Climate change and global warming (pp 166–171) Making links (pp 172–173) 5.4 T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC6</p><p>Chapter 8 Growth and change in Australian cities Pages 174–199 What do you already Place, space 5.4 In w T w KC1 w KC2 w KC5  Using and interpreting maps (p 178) know? Australian cities and  Using research for a presentation (pp 174–178) environment Heinemann Geography 2 SACSA Correlation Grid</p><p>Chapter and page title SACSA SACSA Essential Learnings Learning activities within this unit strand outcomes and Key Competencies</p><p>Functions of cities 4.4 In w T w C w KC2 w KC5 (p 178) (pp 178–180)  Using images for an AVD (p 180) Landuse zones within 4.4,5.5, 5.6 In w T w C w KC2 w KC3w KC4 w KC7  Using maps to construct a transect to Melbourne, Melbourne predict future city growth (p 183) sprawl (pp 181–186)  Using computer software to design a Regional city development: 4.4, 5.4, 5.6 In w F w T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC3 w KC4 campaign for presentation in class Ballarat (pp 186–188) (p 188) Urban change and renewal: 4.4, 5.5, F w In w T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC4 w KC5 w  Developing an activities/futures Docklands, Change in 5.6 KC7 strategy plan for Docklands landuse and function at (pp 191, 195) Docklands, The future of  Using aerial photographs (p 193) Docklands (pp 189–195)  Comparing positives/negatives of Narrative: One city, two 5.4 In w T w C w KC1 w KC2w KC4wKC5 w KC6 inner city living (p 197) faces (pp 196–197)  Using a variety of skills to investigate Making links (pp 198–199) 5.5, 5.6 F w In w T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC4 w KC5 w city issues (p 199) KC7</p><p>Chapter 9 Cities: Are they sustainable? Pages 200–223 What do you already Place, space 4.4, 5.4 T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC7  Interpreting information from maps know? The distribution of and and photographs (pp 206, 209) global cities, The megacity environment  Analysing tables and graphs (pp 200–210) (pp 211, 213, 216, 219) What about sustainability? 5.5, 5.6 T w C w In w KC1 w KC2 w KC4 w KC7  Interpreting information (p 221) (pp 210–219)  Using a variety of communication Narrative: Mumbai’s 5.5, 5.6 F w In w T w C w KC1 w KC2 techniques to explore megacities ‘cockroaches’ (p 223) (pp 220–221) Making links (pp 222–223) 5.4, 5.6 F w In w T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC6 w KC7</p><p>Chapter 10 Poverty: A global problem Pages 224–249 Heinemann Geography 2 SACSA Correlation Grid</p><p>Chapter and page title SACSA SACSA Essential Learnings Learning activities within this unit strand outcomes and Key Competencies</p><p>What do you already Place, space 4.4, 5.4, In wF w T w C w KC1  Using maps and graphs to develop an know? The Human and 5.10 understanding of the HDI Development Index, The environment (pp 227, 228) rich and the poor nations,  Using statistics, figures, maps to Defining poverty, What are establish global development patterns the causes of poverty in the (p 230) world? (pp 224–236)  Analysing development issues using Burma: a case study of a 4.4, 5.4 In w T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC4 w KC7 research (p 238) less developed country  Drawing inferences from data and (pp 236–238) writing a report on development Poverty in wealthy 4.4, 5.4, 5.5 In w T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC6 w KC7 issues (p 241) countries, Responses to  Using tables, maps, atlases to examine poverty (pp 239–245) illegal immigration issues (p 247) Narrative: Poverty causes 5.4 F w In w T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC4 w KC5 w  Using a variety of activities to illegal immigration — KC6 w KC7 understand poverty and associated Even in southern Africa issues (p 249) (pp 246–247) Making links (pp 248–249) 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 In w T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC6</p><p>Chapter 11 Food, hunger and technology Pages 250–273 What do you already Place, space 4.4 In w T w KC1 w KC2 KC7  Undertaking class research know? Feeding the world’s and (pp 252, 256) growing population, environment  Using Excel to develop graphs (p 256) Patterns of food  Undertaking class research (p 259) consumption in the world (pp 250–256) Heinemann Geography 2 SACSA Correlation Grid</p><p>Chapter and page title SACSA SACSA Essential Learnings Learning activities within this unit strand outcomes and Key Competencies</p><p>Reasons for differences in 5.5, 5.6 In w T w C w KC1 w KC2  Developing a table to predict global food consumption outcomes (p 263) (pp 256–259)  Using websites to predict outcomes What factors affect global 4.4 In w T w KC1 w KC2 w KC4 w KC6 (p 269) food production?  Using a case study for information (pp 260–263) (p 271) Technological changes in 4.4 In w Tw C wKC1 w KC2  Undertaking research using a variety food production of forms (p 273) (pp 264–269) Narrative: China considers 5.5, 5.6 In w T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC4 w KC6 the use of genetically modified rice to solve its food problems (pp 270–271) Making links (pp 272–273) 4.4</p><p>Chapter 12 Changing the world-for the better? Pages 274–297 What do you already Place, space 4.4, 5.4 In w T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC4 w KC7  Using data to show global know? Forwards and and development and associated issues backwards: is the world environment (p 278) changing for the better?  Interpreting maps and photographs Large-scale projects: (p 282) dealing with large-scale  Use of tables, figures, photographs to problems predict outcomes (pp 283, 286) (pp 274–282) Heinemann Geography 2 SACSA Correlation Grid</p><p>Chapter and page title SACSA SACSA Essential Learnings Learning activities within this unit strand outcomes and Key Competencies</p><p>Selling and making 4.4, 5.4 In w T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC3  Identify, describe and analyse global resources development patterns using graphs, (pp 282–287) internet research, debates (p 290) Foreign aid: a solution to 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 T w C w In w KC2  Analysing development issues (p 293) poverty?  Using a case study for meaning (pp 287–290) (p 295)  Using maps to solve issues(p 297) Tourism: instant 5.4, 5.5 In w T w C w KC2 w KC3 w KC6 development? (pp 291–293) Narrative: Sonny Tran, tour 5.5, 5.6 T w In w C w KC2 guide (pp 294–295) Making links (pp 296–297) 4.4, 4.6, In w T w C w KC1 w KC2 w KC5 w KC7 5.4, 5.5, 5.6</p>

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