Minutes of a Meeting of Pitsford Parish Council Held

Minutes of a Meeting of Pitsford Parish Council Held

<p> Chairman: Councillor Martin Flanagan Clerk and RFO: Maureen Holliday</p><p>Minutes of a Meeting of Pitsford Parish Council held Monday 9th January 2017 in the Village Institute, Pitsford at 7.30 pm</p><p>Present: Cllrs Martin Flanagan (Chair), Alastair Kimbell, Martin Jaffrey, Edward Rogers, Stephen Arnold, Stephen Trott, Keith Isaacs, Sarah Bentley (8 members) In attendance: Maureen Holliday, Clerk and RFO, County Councillor Judy Shephard, District Councillor Barry Frenchman 4 Members of the public</p><p>094/16 PUBLIC SESSION: The Chairman opened the public session at 7.30pm, a) Application No: DA/2016/1121, Construction of detached dwelling, Orchard Cottage, Ride Lane, Pitsford, 2 members of the public were registered to speak on the above matter: </p><p>Mr M Palmer: Proposal is designed 2m away from the boundary of adjoining properties. Over 6ft complies with bldg regs. Natural light and sunlight cannot be objected to. Sunlight coming round from the east to the west is blocked out by trees in Ride Lane until past the first tree at about 1pm and the sun is in the bungalow gardens and down high street. We feel we have actually kept our property as low as possible in keeping with the surroundings. There are no windows overlooking the bungalows. The only window overlooking is to orchard cottage. Dormy windows and all others are skylights. To keep everyone happy, including ourselves. Keeping as low as we can to the ground. No additional vehicles there are only 2 of us. Annex just for family. </p><p>Mr Barry Warner: We are elderly people and consider that our values and lifestyle are jeopardised by this application. Objection on the grounds of overbearing on our property being within 3 feet of our boundary. The property invades our privacy with windows overlooking our property. We will be deprived of sunlight. Our bungalows are quite dark and cold. This proposal is on a very small site which will make us feel very hemmed in. We do not live in an urban community where properties are built very close together. We would like to invite any planning officer or planning committee member to visit our home to evaluate the effect that it will have on our lives.</p><p> b) Councty and District Councillor reports: i)District Councillor Barry Frenchman raised 3 points: Building Regulations are nothing to do with planning applications. Light is an issue and other matters can be taken into account provided there are other circumstances. If the Parish Council objects or asks that an application goes to Committee you must impress on the applicant and objectors that they should speak. The Committee takes on board what is said and by whom; the Committee to take matters into account. A site meeting can be requested. Site meetings by the Committee – DDC have a policy on site visits. The Task Panel report for Scrutiny & Improvement; writing is finished and contains a recommendation to relax the DDC policy on visiting sites where deemed appropriate. More discretion on site meetings. , Cllr Frenchman asked about the outstanding planning application to provide extended parking near Brampton Halt. He will follow that up with Development Control. </p><p> ii)County Councillor Judy Shephard Report. Budget: Cllr Shephard gave the following report on the Northamptonshire County Council (NCC) Budget & Plan:- In consultation with NCC the Budget results will be fed to Cabinet in Feb and to full council for ratification on 23rd Feb. The public budget consultation is still open for comment and there are a number of open meetings and webcasts. Putting forward a proposal for a 3.95% increase in Council Tax, 1.95% general and 2% specifically allocated for adult social care. It is the 2nd year of a budget spread over 4 years. We have been told to make £66.9m of savings in this next year out of a budget of over £700m, a little under 10% which is very tight for us. The approach is on a zero based budget basis instead of the norm where we see where cuts can be made. This is to assess the services to be delivered so that resources can be deployed in the right areas. Adult &Social Care (ASC) and Children need a different approach as they face the biggest increase in demand with no associated increase in income. The top 100 ASC services cost £12m and there are more children coming into care. Duplication of front line services will be tightened up where people receive more than one service. 12 HQ buildings are being consolidated into one at 1 Angel Square in the town centre in Feb. There will be open plan offices, hot desking and car sharing using Faxi car pooling. The old buildings will be sold which is estimated to save £53m. A unitary council is being explored but because the county is long and thin there could be 3 unitaries. Cllr Tony Ciaburro says there are no planned cuts to transpost and bus routes, just managing demand in the current year. The Police and Fire services manage their own budget process and payment is collected through Council Tax. NNOR NCC now have the last £7m to fund the NW Relief Road from Duston, over the golf courses to The Windhover which will be going forward very soon. NNOR to Moulton will be re-consulted upon, including the ‘5th Option’ that DDC suggested. Spurs to Moulton Park have changed and one has been dropped. There will be a further public consultation. The Empowering Councillors and Communities Scheme will be continuing. The Parish Council thanked Cllr Shephard for the funding to repair Moulton Road Pitsford Cllr Flanagan closed the public session at 20:10</p><p>095/16 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - apologies received from Councillors not in attendance Apologies received From Cllr Holmes (illness). Resolved to be approved by Parish Council</p><p>096/16 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST/DISPENSATION REQUESTS Councillors are reminded that if they have either a Disclosable Pecuniary interest or other interest in any of the agenda items then they should declare the interest and withdraw from the debate or meeting as appropriate. There were none.</p><p>097/16 RESOLUTION TO SIGN & APPROVE MINUTES OF MEETINGS HELD ON 29th September, 2016 and 14th November, 2016. Resolved to be approved by Parish Council as an accurate record of the meetings.</p><p>097/16 UPDATE ON MATTERS NOT REQUIRING A DECISION: Chairman and Clerk to bring Councillors up-to-date on matters and action points from meeting 14th November The Clerk reported: Zebra Crossing: Completed apart from the fitting of the Belisha beacons. Action: Clerk to chase on progress. White lining of village roads: Highways applied the parking white/yellow lines in The Square and in Drummond Close. All other white lining cannot be completed at this time because the roads need to be dry and of a good finish. Lining in Pitsford is to be added to the 2017 budget. Trees in The Square: The programme of work to remove the stump and dead trees in The Square was interrupted by the contractor claiming that one of the trees was not dead and did not remove it despite instruction from Highways. Following a complaint from the Parish Council Highways are happy to review the condition of the tree once the spring growth is evident. Action: Cllr Isaacs to monitor growth.</p><p>098/16 RESOURCES a) Bank Balances – Parish Council resolution to approve. Parish Council resolved to approve the following as at December 31st 2016:- Community Account £50.00 Reserve Account £29,454.63 Total £29,504.63</p><p> b) Income received – to report Interest £0.73. Resolved to be approved. c) Receipts and Payments Summary, Bank Reconciliation and 2016/17 Budget Forecast to Year End Parish Council to discuss and make resolution. Following discussion Parish Council resolved to approve the documents as tabled. d) Payment of invoices (see below), and any additional payments Parish Council resolution to approve. There were no payments to be made. Council resolved to bring forward agenda items 098/16 (f) and 101/16 (b) for discussion e) Budget and Precept Demand for 2017/18 Final review of Draft Budget discussed at meeting 14 November, 2016. Total of First Draft of Budget 2017/18 £18,233. (2015/16 Precept £17,572) Suggestions made since the first draft in November were outlined, discussed and Resolved to increase the Budget and Precept demand to £22,072. This figure is necessary to add to reserves in order to complete a robust plan of major projects in 2017 including; replacement and upgrade of street lighting, a dedicated PCSO shared with 4 neighbouring villages, the Pitsford Neighbourhood Development Plan, to provide a defibrillator, to deliver the new bus shelter, to replace street furniture and to carry out a planned programme of tidying the village. </p><p> f) Defibrillators To consider the British Heart Foundation funding stream for free machines. The 2017 funding stream to fund a defibrillator - which must be made available 24/7 and cannot be housed in a locked cabinet. Our insurers confirm that they are happy to insure the machine. It was resolved to include £1,000 in the budget to fund a heated cabinet which will not be locked. Action: Cllr Flanagan to speak with EMAS</p><p>099/16 PLANNING – New applications can be viewed on the village website: http://www.pitsfordvillage.co.uk/planning Recommendations of Planning Advisory Group to be circulated. a) Applications and responses</p><p>Application No: DA/2016/1121 Description: Construction of detached dwelling Location: Land At Orchard Cottage, Ride Lane/High Street, Pitsford, NN6 9AD Case Officer: Mrs K Daniels on 01327 302598 or email [email protected] Response: Parish Council is concerned about overdevelopment of the site, the proprosal is very cramped and not in keeping with the landscape of spacious gardens in the lane. Limited parking and manoeuvrability, the affects of loss of light, privacy and the overbearing impact on the bungalows. Also, the ‘five dwellings rule’ is NCC adopted policy and Ride Lane exceeds this. Orchard Cottage should be retained as an annex and conditioned not to be sold off. We would be grateful if the Planning Committee would visit the site. </p><p>Application No: DA/2016/0479 Description: Remove tree subject of Tree Preservation Order DA 70 Location: Darwin Lodge 1, Stable Lane, Pitsford, Northamptonshire, NN6 9NG Case Officer: By 9th June 2016 M Venton on 01327 302594 [email protected] Following consultation Parish Council defers to the decision of the Landscape Officer Action: Clerk to speak with the DDC Landscape Officer to ascertain the current position with this application. </p><p>Application No: DA/2015/0670 Description: Change of use to car park (retrospective) Location: Land Opposite Brampton Halt, Pitsford Road, Chapel Brampton Case Officer: B Allen on 01327 302575 or email [email protected] Parish Council has asked for this application to be given early consideration to alleviate the traffic and parking problems. Action: Barry Frenchman to speak with Development Control for an update on this application. </p><p> b) Recent Decisions</p><p>Application No: DA/2016/0833 Description: Two storey extension to side and first floor extension to rear Vine Cottage, Approval 16 December, 2016</p><p>Application No: DA/2016/0939 Description: Change use of agricultural land to extend existing site for add timber store, plant nursery Hassett Fencing Ltd, Approval Full 2 December, 2016</p><p>Application No: DA/2016/0936 Description: Partial demolition, extension and conversion of stone barn to self-contained residential annexe Meadow View Approval Full 6 December, 2016</p><p>Application No: DA/2016/0905 Description: Work to and removal of tree within a conservation area Nethercote House, Approval Trees in Cons Area 9 November, 2016</p><p>Application No: DA/2016/0871 Description: Single storey rear ext Rochberrie 25, Manor Road, Approval Householder 18 Nov 2016</p><p>100/16 PITSFORD NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN (PNDP)– Designated Neighbourhood Plan area - to receive information for discussion and decide course of action moving forward. The Clerk confirmed that the whole of the Parish of Pitsford has been accepted by DDC as the PNDP area and outlined advice gathered from a variety of sources and recent meetings held with nearby villages who have either completed or are well on the way to completing their NDP’s. It was resolved that there should be an explanatory exhibition with presentations for village residents at the upcoming Annual Parish Meeting in order to engage residents in the process. Cllrs Flanagan, Kimbell, Isaacs and Bentley have expressed interest in forming the Parish Council element of the PNDP Strategy Group which must be made up of councillors and residents; the plan cannot be formulated without involvement of the residents. Action: Clerk to gather information and materials for the explanatory exhibition at the Annual Parish Meeting. Begin the process of drafting a village questionnaire with the objective of establishing residents’ views on how the village will grow in future years. Arrange a meeting with the strategy group to discuss the village questionnaire and progress. Action: Chairman to identify the character and landscape settings, views and assets/facilities and photos for inclusion in the PNDP. </p><p>101/16 HIGHWAYS, MOWING AND MAINTENANCE a) Road surface and road markings in Pitsford following the December resurfacing and Zebra crossing. Council to discuss and agree action if any. Cllr Kimbell reported a near accident at the zebra crossing likely to have been caused by the fact that the Belisha beacon signage is not in place. A pot hole in Manor Road was recently repaired but has since reappeared. Other pot holes have been reported on StreetDoctor. Action: Clerk to chase the signage to complete the zebra crossing. Report road repairs through StreetDoctor.</p><p> b) Bus shelter base quotations and temporary shelter. Council to consider quotations received and agree action. Highways have agreed that the new base for the shelter must be on the playing field alongside the bus stop sign. Written quotations for the base alone had been received ranging from £3,700 to £4,500. A fourth verbal quotation has been received and accepted subject to Council being assured that the work will be carried out to a safe standard. Action: Chairman and Cllr Kimbell to meet and dicuss the specification of works with the proposed contractor.</p><p> c) Streetlighting Upgrade: Council to discuss options and to agree action. Cllrs Flanagan and Bentley visited Silverstone (LED) and Bugbrooke (PLL) to review the lighting choices in the villages. The adequacy of the lighting depends upon how close the columns and lamps are to each other. Some older villages appear to prefer the softer PLL lamps despite the fact that it is said that LED is cheaper to run. Some, like Boughton, have chosen special architectural heritage lamps in the conservation area. Following discussion Council resolved that Cllrs, Flanagan and Bentley, plus Cllr Arnold, should visit a further 3 villages with similar characteristics to Pitsford. Council has changed to a cheaper energy provider. Action: Clerk to identify which villages are similar to Pitsford and have begun a lighting upgrade project. Also, obtain information from Silverstone on the lighting specification on the following streets: High Street, Church Street, and a lane going off Church Street which is sparsely lit. From Bugbrooke: High Street, Badgers Close. Action: Cllrs Flanagan, Bentley, Arnold to visit and assess. </p><p> d) Parish Councillors walk of the village to identify any repairs or maintenance that require attention. To receive an update for discussion and agree action. Currently the list has 58 points. The biggest problem is general tidyness and lack of care and attention with weeds growing out from property walls and pavements outside properties. Added to which are various maintenance issues i.e., the Pitsford Village sign on the A508. Some of these issues will be reported through StreetDoctor and included in the DDC Community Enhancement Gang works request. Council resolved to organise a village cleanup day in April. Action: Council to organise a cleanup day and analyse the tasks for completion. </p><p> e) Millennium Spinney: To receive an update and agree further action. Following the clearing out of the overgrown shrubs, plants and ivy it was recommended to seed the area with grass seed suitable for shaded areas and allow a year of growth. To remove the remainder of the ivy, to repaint the fence and repair the gate. Works can be carried out as part of the village cleanup.</p><p> f) Footpath: Moulton Road to Grange Lane. Clerk to provide an update for consideration. This is an application to reinstate the footpath made by members of the community. The Council agreed to support it. The Clerk and Chairman met the Moulton College Principal and Vice-principal but despite the safety issues along the narrow strip in Moulton Road and Grange Lane the College proposed only to reinstate the permitted footpath. This will be for an initial period of 15 years and they have reserved the right to terminate. The path will have to be stock-fenced and gated. The Clerk informed the application signatories who agreed to accept the proposal, it was not a unanimous decision. The alternative is to continue with the application to claim the footpath. Although our District and County Councillors and the Ramblers Association have supported the application it could take some years to find its way to the top of the list. Funding has yet to be found to fence the area, an appeal needs to be set up and fencing quotations obtained.</p><p>102/16 POLICE: For discussion and resolution to approve action. Noted. a) Pitsford - crime 05 Oct: Manor Road – forced entry to premises, items taken. b) Pitsford - ASB 19 Nov: Griffin – report of disturbance in pub and car park – officers attended. c) Burglary non-dwelling in High Street, Pitsford d) Daventry District Police - Christmas Letter and contacting Police e) Daventry Community Policing message from Sgt Sam Dobbs – Daventry Police 22 December 2016</p><p>103/16 REPORTS FROM RECENT MEETINGS: Parish & Town Council's Meeting - 15 December, 2016. Chairman and Clerk to report. Minutes were circulated. Agenda item: Diversion and other road signs placed on the verges when works are being carried out. Noted Frequently, diversion and road works signs are placed on the verge in such a position as to block visibility of oncoming traffic. Are there regulations and are they being adhered to? At Pitsford we frequently have to move the signs in order that vehicles can clearly see traffic approaching. Neighbourhood planning networking event – East Midlands. Wed 23rd Nov – Clerk to report- Noted above Northamptonshire ACRE’s AGM, Wednesday 16th November Noted. Peterborough Funding RSN Seminar 14th November Literature to follow</p><p>104/16 EXTENSION OF PARKING FACILITIES AT THE SPORTSFIELD Council to receive feedback for discussion and to decide further action, if any. Two quotations were obtained but were incomplete and the contractors are being asked to re-quote. These will be discussed at the next meeting. </p><p>105/16 CORRESPONDENCES (previously circulated): To discuss and agree action, if any - NCC draft budget and council plan – published – discussed and noted - Government News – Policing and reduction in recycling rates. - Invitation: Paint Means Poo Campaign Forum - 21.2.17 (PC) Dog Warden to attend. - Rural Services: Government's provisional funding settlement for local authorities and Post Office services - My Community Forum – Neighbourhood Planning - DDC current consultations – ACRE Noted - Community Enhancement gangs returning in 2017 – forms to be completed and returned by Clerk - 2017 Best Village Competition reminder - circulated</p><p>106/16 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED Items received of interest to parishioners will be displayed on the Noticeboard or Social media where relevant. - Rural Opportunities Bulletin December, 2016 Funding Opportunities. - Good Neighbour Schemes - vote for us now in the Aviva Community Fund - Prince's Countryside Fund - grants to support rural enterprise - Smart Meter rollout - Daventry & District Forum Newsletter - November 2016 - NCALC - Newsletter No.19 http://www.superfastnorthamptonshire.net/find-out-more/Pages/newsletters.aspx - Holocaust Memorial Day 2017: UPDATE (& Pitsford Royal British Legion)</p><p>107/16 URGENT MATTERS FOR REPORT ONLY (Notified to the Chairman before the meeting)</p><p>108/16 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 13th March, 2017 7.30 pm, Village Institute, Pitsford</p><p>Meeting Closed at 22:00</p><p>Signed………………………………………………………………………… Date: 13 February, 2017 Chairman </p><p>Meeting dates in 2017: 13th March, 8th May, 10th July, 11th September, 13th November</p><p>Pitsford Farmhouse, Church Lane, Pitsford, NN6 9AJ 01604 880395 [email protected] </p>

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