<p>ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION</p><p>SECTION 03 49 00 - FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER (FRP) REINFORCEMENT</p><p>PART 1 - GENERAL</p><p>1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS</p><p>A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specifications Sections, apply to this Section.</p><p>1.02 SECTION SUMMARY</p><p>A. The Work in this Section shall include furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, and supervision to prepare the Surface of the structural concrete members and to install the FRP Reinforcement as indicated on the Drawings.</p><p>1.03 RELATED SECTIONS</p><p>A. The following work is related to this Section.</p><p>1. Section 03 01 00 - Concrete Restoration</p><p>1.04 REFERENCE STANDARDS</p><p>A. Comply with the following reference standards, except where more stringent requirements are indicated on the Drawings or specified herein:</p><p>1. American Concrete Institute (ACI)</p><p> a. ACI440.2R-02, Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded FRP Systems for Strengthening Concrete Structures. b. ACI 440 R-96, State-of-the-Art Report on Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures. c. ACI 503 R, Pull-off test to determine FRP adhesion to concrete substrate. d. Concrete Repair Guide (AC1546R)</p><p>2. ICRI Surface Preparation Guidelines for Repair of Deteriorated Concrete Resulting from Reinforcing Steel Oxidation, selection of repair materials and placement of repair materials.</p><p>3. American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) as cited herein.</p><p>1.05 QUALITY CONTROL</p><p>A. Manufacturer's Qualifications:</p><p>1. Materials Manufacturer/Supplier Company must be specialized in the manufacturing of the products specified in this Section.</p><p>FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER (FRP) REINFORCEMENT 03 49 00 - 1 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION</p><p>2. Materials Manufacturer/Supplier Company must have been in business for a minimum of 5 years, with a program of training and technically supporting a nationally organized Contractor Training Program.</p><p>B. Quality Control procedures performed by the Contractor shall include, but not be limited to the following:</p><p>1. The Contractor shall be trained by the Manufacturer and shall have completed a program on instruction in the use of FRP Reinforcement.</p><p>2. The Contractor shall have two years experience in FRP Reinforcement confirmed by actual field tests of 5 successful installations.</p><p>3. The Contractor shall inspect all materials prior to application to assure that they meet specifications and have arrived to the job-site undamaged.</p><p>4. The FRP Reinforcement shall be completely inspected by the contractor during and immediately following application of the composite materials. Conformation with the design drawings, proper alignment of fibers and quality workmanship shall be assured. Entrapped air shall be released or rolled out before the epoxy sets. Defects shall be noted in the Daily Construction Log.</p><p>5. After FRP Reinforcement has cured, the contractor shall inspect all work to check for voids and or debonding. Repairs shall be made, see 3.06 Repair of Defective Work.</p><p>C. Owner shall employ an independent testing agency to confirm or reject quality of work in surface preparation and FRP reinforcing installation.</p><p>1.06 SUBMITTALS</p><p>A. Submit for record Health and Safety Sheets and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) of each product, used on site and certification that the materials conform to local, state and federal environmental and worker's safety laws and regulations.</p><p>B. Submit product data indicating product standards, physical and chemical characteristics, environmental durability, technical specifications, limitation, installation instructions, maintenance instructions, and general recommendations regarding each material.</p><p>C. Submit for record, a qualification statement by the Contractor listing of their completed FRP Reinforcement projects, including size, location, owner, engineer/architect and contact numbers. Provide a field supervisor trained in the installation of CFRP </p><p>FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER (FRP) REINFORCEMENT 03 49 00 - 2 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION</p><p> laminates.</p><p>D. Submit for record a complete description of the FRP Reinforcing system materials, surface preparation, application procedures, rates and cure times.</p><p>E. Submit for record copies of purchase order and packaging slips showing quantities and dates of primer and resin purchased.</p><p>F. Submit for review and approval shop drawings including, the following:</p><p>1. Limits of FRP Reinforcing. 2. Details of epoxy injection crack repair and epoxy resin patching. 3. Complete system details including, but not limited to, FRP Reinforcement, primer, resin, filler and protection coating.</p><p>G. Submit for record test results of the Pull-off test to determine FRP adhesion to concrete substrate.</p><p>H. Submit for record Daily Construction Logs kept by the Contractor. These logs shall include the following information: Weather and temperature at application times; amount of product used and square footage/linear footage of substrate covered. Batch numbers of all products used; names of all crew members; any bond-strength tests, noting locations, quantity and who performed these tests.</p><p>1.07 JOB-SITE CONDITIONS</p><p>A. Do not apply FRP Reinforcement materials if raining, snowing, or dew condensation is expected or existing concrete surface is wet or if the ambient or surface temperature are below 40 deg. F (4 deg. C).</p><p>B. The ambient temperature and temperature of the epoxy components shall be between 50 deg. F (10 deg. C) and 80 deg. F (27 deg. C) at the time of mixing. See appropriate technical date sheets for more specific instructions.</p><p>C. Precautions should be taken to avoid damage to any surface near the work zone due to mixing and handling of the specified material.</p><p>D. The Contractor is solely responsible for fume control and shall take necessary precautions against injury to installer personnel or adjacent building occupants during application of primer and resin, etc. Contractor personnel shall use protective equipment and area shall be well vented to the outside. As a minimum, installer must take the following precautions:</p><p>1. Contractor to locate and protect building air intake during application. 2. Contractor to follow all state, federal, and local safety </p><p>FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER (FRP) REINFORCEMENT 03 49 00 - 3 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION</p><p> requirements. 3. Contractor to follow all Manufacturer's safety requirements.</p><p>1.08 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING</p><p>A. Delivery primer, saturant and protective coating in original unopened containers with the Manufacturers name, labels, product identification, and batch numbers.</p><p>B. FRP Reinforcement fabric may be stored either in rolls of 12 inch (30cm) radius or greater or stacked during cutting. Store in cool dry area away from direct sunlight, flame, or other hazards.</p><p>C. Store primer, saturant and protective coating under conditions as recommended by the Manufacturer in a cool dry place out of direct sunlight. Products that have exceeded their shelf life shall not be used.</p><p>D. Manufacturer and Contractor are required to confirm that all materials used in accordance with the Section conform to local, state, and federal environmental and worker's safety laws and regulations.</p><p>E. During operations Contractor shall maintain barricades.</p><p>F. The Contractor shall properly dispose of empty containers soon after use.</p><p>PART 2 - PRODUCTS</p><p>2.01 FRP REINFORCEMENT FABRIC AND/OR LAMINATE</p><p>A. FRP Reinforcement fabric shall be high strength, high modulus, fiber fabric that may be unidirectional or woven (in various fiber architectures) to suit specific repair needs.</p><p>1. FRP Reinforcement fabric shall be of the type, size, layer and location as indicated on the Drawings.</p><p>2. FRP Reinforcement fabric shall meet the following minimum requirements:</p><p>Property: Prior to testing, laminate samples shall be cured at least 7 days at 70 deg F than Requirement ASTM post-cured at 140 deg F for 48 Test Method hours Laminate Tensile Strength: In primary fiber direction - 1 layer, 4,160 lbs/layer D3039 per inch width (18.5 kN/layer) Laminate Tensile Modulus: In 9.4 x 108 psi primary fiber direction. (84,800 N/mm2) D3039</p><p>FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER (FRP) REINFORCEMENT 03 49 00 - 4 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION</p><p>Laminate Elongation at break 0.98% D3039</p><p>FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER (FRP) REINFORCEMENT 03 49 00 - 5 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION</p><p>Dry Fabric Weight, Minimum, per 18 oz./yd2 square yard (618 g/m2) Percent laminate Tensile Strength Retained after: 7 days, 100% humidity, 100oF(38oC) 90% 3,000 hrs exposure to alkali 90% 3,000 hrs exposure to salt water 90% 3,000 hrs exposure to 140oF(60oC) 90% Visual Defects D2563</p><p>3. Approved products are:</p><p> a. SikaWrap Hex Fabric 103C, Sika Corp. Lyndhurst, NJ b. Wabo Mbrace (CF130) Wabo Mbrace Fiber Reinforcement Systems supplied by Watson Bowman Acme Corp., 95 Pineview Drive, Amherst, NY 14228, 716-691-7566, 800-677-4WBA, Fax 716-691-9239. c. Alternate products must be submitted and approved by the Engineer a minimum of two weeks prior to the bid date.</p><p>B. Epoxy Resin Adhesive: Epoxy system for application of Fiber Reinforced Composite System approved by FRP Reinforcement Fabric manufacturer. The system shall include:</p><p>1. Primer 2. Putty/Filler 3. Saturant 4. Topcoat</p><p>PART 3 - EXECUTION</p><p>3.01 GENERAL PREPARATION FOR APPLICATION (The contract drawings show locations of CFRP reinforcement.)</p><p>A. Ambient Temperature</p><p>1. Conditions of CFRP process application must be examined carefully during the winter season and/or cold zones. DO NOT APPLY CFRP SHEET WHEN AMBIENT TEMPERATURES ARE LOWER THAN 40 DEGREES F (5 deg. C). Auxiliary heat may be applied to raised surface and air temperature to a suitable range. Utilize "clean" heat source (electric, propane) so as not to contaminate bond surfaces by the carbonation of the substrate.</p><p>B. Condensation</p><p>1. Presence of moisture may inhibit adhesion of primer and/or resin. DO NOT APPLY CFRP WHEN CONDENSATION IS ANTICIPATED.</p><p>C. Concrete Surface Defects and Corners</p><p>FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER (FRP) REINFORCEMENT 03 49 00 - 6 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION</p><p>1. UNEVEN CONCRETE SURFACE IRREGULARITIES (OFF SETS) MUST BE GROUND AND SMOOTHED TO LESS THAN 0.04 IN. (1mm). WHEN CFRP SHEET IS TO RUN PERPENDICULAR TO CORNERS, CONCRETE CORNERS MUST BE ROUNDED TO A RADIUS OF AT LEAST 0.5 IN. (14mm). INTERNAL CORNERS MUST BE SMOOTHED. NO DETAILING IS REQUIRED IF SHEET IS RUN PARALLEL TO CORNERS.</p><p>D. Handling of Primer and Resin</p><p>1. Refer to manufacturer's Specifications. DO NOT DILUTE PRIMER AND RESIN WITH ANY SOLVENT. After the resin has been mixed with hardener, the mixed resin batch must be used within its batch-life. The mixed batch resin must not be used after expiration of its batch-life because increased resin viscosity will prevent proper impregnation of CFRP Sheet.</p><p>E. Handling of CFRP Sheet</p><p>1. CFRP Sheet must not be handled roughly. CF Sheet must be stored either by being rolled to a radius greater than 12 in. (300mm) or being dry stacked after cutting. When multiple lengths of CFRP Sheet are adhered to a concrete or steel surface, a 4 in. (100mm) OVERLAPPING LENGTH MUST BE APPLIED IN LONGITUDINAL (FIBER) DIRECTION. No overlapping is required in the lateral direction (unidirectional sheet only).</p><p>3.02 SURFACE PREPARATION</p><p>A. All substrates must be clean, sound and free of surface moisture and frost. Remove dust, laitance, grease, curing compounds, waxes, impregnations, foreign particles and other bond inhibiting materials from the surface by blast cleaning or equivalent mechanical means. Any concrete surface including any exposed steel reinforcement or steel surface should be cleaned and prepared thoroughly by abrasive cleaning. Any spalled concrete areas should be patched prior to installation of CFRP laminates.</p><p>1. Any deteriorated concrete or corroded reinforcing steel must be repaired as per ICRI Specifications. Do not cover corroded reinforcing steel with CFRP.</p><p>B. Existing uneven surfaces must be filled with either the epoxy putty or a repair mortar or must be ground flat. If required, the strength of a concrete repair area can be verified after preparation by random pull-off testing. Minimum tensile strength required is 200 psi (1.4 MPa).</p><p>C. Prior to initiating surface preparation procedures, the Contractor shall first prepare a representative sample area. The sample area shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Specification, and shall be used as a reference standard depicting a satisfactorily prepared surface.</p><p>FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER (FRP) REINFORCEMENT 03 49 00 - 7 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION</p><p>D. Where applicable for concrete members, Contractor shall install a sample area (2 ft2 or 0.2m2) of CFRP for purposes of in-situ bond testing to verify bond.</p><p>E. Maintain control of concrete chips, steel particles, dust and debris in each area of work. Clean up and remove such material at the completion of each day of blasting.</p><p>3.03 APPLICATION STEPS</p><p>A. The deteriorated surface layer of the base concrete or steel (weathered layer, laitance, surface lubricants, broken mortar pieces, paint coatings, staining, rust etc.) must be removed and the surface ground using a grinder of abrasive blasting.</p><p>1. Dusting from surface grinding must be removed using an air blower or other suitable means. If the dust has been removed by means of water washing, the surface must be thoroughly dried.</p><p>B. Restoration of Concrete Cross Section</p><p>1. Defects in the concrete (such as broken pieces, voids, honeycomb, corrosion, etc.) must be chipped off and removed. If reinforcing bar has been exposed and corrosion exists, it must be repaired before the concrete restoration commences. The repair material shall be selected as per ICRI "Guide to Selecting Repair Material" and project requirements.</p><p>2. Epoxy resin or similar material must be injected into concrete cracks greater than 0.010 in. (0.25mm) wide.</p><p>3. If water leaks through cracks or concrete joints are significant, water protection and a water conveyance or run- off must be provided prior to concrete surface restoration.</p><p>3.04 MIXING EPOXY RESIN</p><p>A. Epoxy based material used in the composite system may develop higher viscosity and/or slow curing and insufficient curing at low ambient temperature. The ambient temperature of the epoxy components shall be between 50 and 100 degrees F (10 to 38 degrees C) at the time of mixing. Presence of moisture may inhibit adhesion of the system to the concrete or steel substrate. Provide necessary weather protection to protect surfaces from rain or cold.</p><p>B. Premix each component of the primer according to Manufacturer's recommendation. Use the appropriate mixing tools, at proper speed to achieve the proper mix. Take care to scrape the sides of the pail during mixing.</p><p>C. Components which have exceeded their shelf-life shall not be used.</p><p>FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER (FRP) REINFORCEMENT 03 49 00 - 8 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION</p><p>D. Mix only that quantity of epoxy which can be used within its pot life. 3.05 APPLICATIONS</p><p>A. No primer coat should be applied if the ambient temperature is lower than 40 degrees F (5 degrees C) or condensation is anticipated.</p><p>1. Primer must be thoroughly mixed with hardener at the specified ratio in the mixing pot until it is uniformly mixed (about 2 minutes). Agitation shall be by means of electric hand mixer. Volume of primer prepared at one time must be such that it can be applied within its batch life. A mixed primer batch that has exceeded its batch life must not be used. (The batch life may vary subject to ambient temperature or volume of the mixed primer batch and care must to taken accordingly.)</p><p>2. Prime and concrete or steel surface with the penetrating primer prior to application of any subsequent coatings using brush or roller. Alternatively, the primer may be spray applied with airless spray equipment, followed immediately by thorough back rolling to work the primer into the concrete surface. The primer shall be applied uniformly in sufficient quantity to fully penetrate the concrete or cover the steel and produce a nonporous film on the surface not to exceed two (2) dry mils (50 micrometers) in thickness after application. Volume to be applied may vary depending on direction and roughness of the concrete or steel surface.</p><p>3. Surface irregularities caused by primer coating must be ground and removed using disc sander, etc. If any minor protrusions on the concrete or steel surface still remain, such surface defects may be corrected again using epoxy resin base putty/filler as needed.</p><p>4. Apply base putty/filler to primed surfaces to fill all substrate voids and irregularities (See 3.01-C).</p><p>B. Adhesion of CFRP Sheet: CFRP sheet shall not be applied whenever ambient temperature is lower than 40 degrees F (5 degrees C), or whenever rainfall or condensation is anticipated.</p><p>1. CFRP Sheet must be cut beforehand into prescribed sizes using scissors and/or cutter. The size of CFRP Sheet to be cut is preferable less than 10 ft (3m) in length, but may be longer if access allows.</p><p>2. When the primer coat has been left unattended for more than one week after the application, the surface of the primer coat must be roughened using sandpaper. Do not solvent wipe.</p><p>3. Apply saturant coat to primed surface or CFRP sheet using a </p><p>FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER (FRP) REINFORCEMENT 03 49 00 - 9 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION</p><p> medium nap roller (3/8 in. or 9.5mm) to approximately 20 mil (500 micrometers) film thickness.</p><p>4. CFRP is placed into the concrete or steel surface where the wet saturant coat had been applied. The surface of adhered CFRP sheet must be squeezed in the fiber direction(s) using a defoaming roller in order to impregnate resin into CFRP Sheet and to defoam the resin coat.</p><p> a. For joining strips of CFRP Sheet in the fiber direction, a 4 in. (100mm) overlapping length is required. At the overlapping location, additional resin is applied to the outer surface of the CFRP Sheet layer to be overlapped. No lapping is required in the fiber lateral direction (unidirectional sheet only).</p><p> b. Minimize the elapsed time between mixing and application of the saturant to ensure the material is applied to the sheet at least 15 minutes prior to any thickening or gelling. </p><p>5. The secondary saturant coat of mixed resin must then be applied onto the surface of the CFRP Sheet. The surface onto which resin has been applied must be applied in fiber direction, in order to impregnate and replenish resin into the CFRP Sheet using a roller in the same film thickness as detailed in Item 3 above.</p><p>6. In case more than one layer of CFRP Sheet must be laminated, the processes as detailed in items 3 through 5 must be repeated.</p><p>3.06 REPAIR OF DEFECTIVE WORK</p><p>A. Repair of all the defective work after the minimum cure time for the CFRP laminates. Comply with material and procedural requirements defined in this specification. Repair all defects in a manner that will restore the system to the designed level of quality. Repair procedures for conditions that are not specifically addressed in this specification shall be approved by the Owner's representative. All repairs and touch-up shall be made to the satisfaction of the Owner's representative.</p><p>3.07 TESTING OF THE INSTALLED CFRP LAMINATES</p><p>A. Test all the repaired areas to check for voids, bubbles and delaminations. Repair all voids, bubbles and delamination by approved methods per manufacturer's direction.</p><p>B. Conduct direct pull-off test (concrete member only) to verify the tensile bond between the CFRP and the existing concrete substrate. Inspect the failure surface of the core specimen. Failure at the bond line at tensile stress below 200 psi (1.4 Mpa) is </p><p>FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER (FRP) REINFORCEMENT 03 49 00 - 10 (45307035) ST. VINCENT COLLEGE SIS AND HERMAN DUPRÉ SCIENCE PAVILION</p><p> unacceptable.</p><p>C. Perform a minimum of one pull-off test (concrete member only) per 50 ft2 strengthen with the CFRP laminate system. The test is to be completed prior to the application of topcoat finishes on the CFRP laminates.</p><p>D. Repair the test areas of the composite system to the satisfaction of the Owner's representative.</p><p>3.08 QUALITY CONTROL AND INSPECTION</p><p>A. In Process Control: The Field Supervisor shall observe all aspects of onsite material preparation and application, including surface preparation, resin component mixing, application of primer, resin and CFRP Sheet, curing of composite, and the application of protective coating.</p><p>B. Inspection for Void/Delaminations: After allowing at least 24 hours for initial resin cure to occur, perform a visual and acoustic tap teat inspection of the layered surface. Large delamination shall be marked for repair. For small delaminations, which are typically less than 2 in2 (1300mm2) do not require corrective action.</p><p>C. Adhesion Testing: </p><p>1. Adhesion Test: The contractor will conduct adhesion testing of the fully cured CFRP Sheet concrete assembly (See 3.07).</p><p>D. Load Testing: If required by Engineer, a representative area(s) shall be in-situ load tested before and after application of CFRP Sheet to verify results. The in-situ test shall be designed by the Engineer of Record and carried out by a designated third party at Owner's expense.</p><p>E. Report: The Field Supervisor shall keep a copy of daily log report for inspection of the Engineer of Record.</p><p>END OF SECTION</p><p>FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER (FRP) REINFORCEMENT 03 49 00 - 11 (45307035)</p>
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