<p> 1</p><p>L I T T L E G A D D E S D E N p a r i s h c o u n c i l</p><p>MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE VILLAGE HALL on 21st August 2017 PLEASE NOTE THAT MINUTES ARE ALSO PUBLISHED ON THE VILLAGE WEB SITE http://www.littlegaddesden.org.uk</p><p>The meeting commenced at 8.00pm.</p><p>Present : Cllrs. Hargreaves, Heaphy, Hyde, Irving, Kelly (until 9pm), Magson; Alastair Greene (Clerk), PCSO Lee Clements, County and Borough Councillor Terry Douris and ten members of the public. Apologies : Cllr. Archer </p><p>1. FORMALITIES</p><p>Due to the absence of Chairman Louise Archer due to illness, Vice Chairman Cllr. Irving chaired the meeting. He opened the meeting by wishing Louise a speedy recovery.</p><p>The attendance register was signed. Cllr. Magson declared an interest in the NHS item under Correspondence. </p><p>The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a correct record of the meeting and were signed at the end of the meeting.</p><p>2. OPEN SESSION FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC</p><p>Cllr. Irving asked if anyone wished to raise any matters not already covered in the Agenda. Wendy Molloy advised that the defibrillator would be installed at the pub within a month and said that a user would need to ring 999 to get the code to open the cabinet. Wendy said that she and Sarah Gall who were first responders for the village would be happy to offer a training session for anyone interested in operating the defibrillator. </p><p>Richard Baker advised that the grass clamp at the back of the Bowls Club was smelly and fly ridden and was causing a nuisance to the Bowls Club Members operating in the adjacent kitchen of the club during the summer when the windows and doors were open. He asked if consideration could be given to removing the problem. The Clerk was asked to review with the Grounds man Malcolm Weaver and look for potential solutions.</p><p>3. REPORTS AND MATTERS ARISING</p><p>(a) Police Report. PCSO Lee Clements went through the Police Report for the previous month. </p><p>There had been one burglary and two vehicle crimes. </p><p>Signed by the Chairman……………………………………..Dated……………………… 2</p><p> Burglary – Offender has gained access to a compound and taken trailers and an All Terrain Vehicle ATV. The ATV has subsequently been located and returned to owner. There are no further lines of enquiry at this stage.  Vehicle crime – o Offender has been doing donuts in car park causing damage to other vehicles. Enquiries are continuing. o Offender has gained access to a van and removed items from within. There are no further lines of enquiry at this stage. Drivers are urged to remove all items from vehicles when leaving them unattended. People should also consider getting their tools security marked, as this makes them less attractive to thieves. Contact your local Safer Neighbourhood Team for details. Lee recommended that people go online https://www.immobilise.com/ and register items of equipment that are easily stolen and sold on. The benefits are:-</p><p> Immobilise helps Police identify the owners of recovered property thousands of times every day.  Property updates you make are immediately available to the Police nationally.  Combats the sale of stolen gadgets & valuables; alerts the second-hand trade & publicly checkable stolen goods database CheckMEND if an item goes missing.  Simplifies insurance claims and Police reports with certificates of ownership</p><p>The full police report is posted on the web site and the notice board next to the shop. Lee was asked by a resident about poaching of deer on the Ashridge Estate. Lee confirmed that the main cull of deer is in November and contactors involved will be wearing appropriate identification. Lee suggested if in doubt residents should note details e.g. car registration numbers but not approach anyone directly, just call 101 and report your concerns.</p><p>(b) Playing Field matters - Cricket Club and Loose gate to field. The Clerk said that the Chairman had written to the Cricket Club about the untidy area around the storage containers.</p><p>A resident noted that cricket wicket covers had been introduced and asked what the winter storage plans were. Cllr. Irving advised that the covers had been permitted by the Parish Coun- cil on the basis that when not in use they will be stored so that other users of the playing field and the footpath would not be impeded.</p><p>Cllr. Hyde mentioned that the paint was pealing on the Cricket Club’s storage containers and that the planting to mask the containers had failed in part. Cllr. Irving mentioned also that the Cricket Club had asked about the possibility of creating an all-weather practice area. The Clerk was asked to pursue all these matters with the Cricket Club.</p><p>The Clerk confirmed that Neil Rogers had repaired the gate that led from the Play Area into the sheep fields. Cllr. Paul Kelly confirmed that it was a satisfactory solution to the weakened gatepost.</p><p>(c) Woodland at Ringshall. Cllr Hyde advised that the woodland that had been the subject of an auction recently had the protection of Grade II Parkland and a draft Tree Preservation Order (TPO), both of which would limit the likelihood of development. George Godar commented that the draft TPO did not always guarantee the protection of all trees in the designated area, sometimes it was the precursor to discussions on which trees could be legitimately felled. </p><p>Signed by the Chairman……………………………………..Dated……………………… 3</p><p>The Clerk advised that the land had been sold with the retention of overage rights on plan- ning, meaning that if significant development eventually took place, the vendor would gain. The Clerk suggested that the value of the rights when sold on recognized that there was little hope of significant development there.</p><p>(d) Road Closure by Affinity and the Affinity Drought Plan. The Parish Council had expressed its concern to the County Council about the lack of consulta- tion about the road closure for what Affinity had described as emergency works to repair a leak. Residents had been negatively affected by this lack of notice and disruption to their trav- el plans and business operations.</p><p>County & Borough Councillor Terry Douris advised that he had received a thorough response from the County Council and it was clear that on this occasion they only received the notifica- tion themselves on the day of the proposed works. Affinity had apologized for this and what was described as internal confusion within the Affinity team about how to manage the works during a period in which leaks had been given top priority. Affinity said that they would en- deavour to ensure that such lack of consultation would not be repeated.</p><p>It was also noted that Affinity recently cut water supplies or reduced pressure without notice. Cllrs. asked if there was a mechanism for notice.</p><p>The Clerk advised that he had received notification from Affinity that they were preparing their next version of their Draft Resources Management Plan and Drought Plan and comments were welcomed by all on the drafts.</p><p>Cllr. Irving asked whether, with the problems already occurring in simply meeting the current demand of the population, consideration was being given by Dacorum Borough Council to the ability of the Affinity and others to meet the demands for expansion in the Core Strategy Plan. County Councillor Terry Douris said he thought that the water Companies were statutory con- sultees but that he would double check.</p><p>(e) Working Party at Cromer Close Play Area Cllr. Hyde advised that Simon Cole, Chris Mawhood and others were involved in cleaning up and weed removal, jet washing etc. around the play equipment and that Cllr. Kelly was re- quested to provide the necessary Hammerite paint to provide future protection to some of the equipment. David Brattle had volunteered to mend the Picnic Table (once his damaged finger had recovered!) and other matters would be dealt with to ensure compliance with the ROSPA requirements. Top up bulk bark bags had been requested from Dacorum Borough Council, to- gether with a future cutting regime that would keep the nettles at bay behind the logs.</p><p>The group were trying to investigate the feasibility of installing another item of equipment perhaps a zig-zag twister or a basketball pole and net. Penny Holland said it was great that the Council were supporting the improvements to the Cromer Close Play Area and it would be good if the Village ended up with two play area, Church Road and Cromer Close that residents could be proud of.</p><p>(f) Flooding on the Nettleden Road due to raising of the road surface level Cllr. Douris advised that a request had been made to check out the efficiency of the gulley at the mouth of Gatesdene Close to ensure there was no unnecessary buildup of water in the area and to lessen the threat of flooding. He advised also that he was investigating the costs of carrying out further kerbing improvements along the road from the shop towards the bend</p><p>Signed by the Chairman……………………………………..Dated……………………… 4</p><p> in Nettleden Road at October House. This would help differentiate the road from the footway and reduce the likelihood of flooding. It was noted that following the resurfacing of the Net- tleden Road there were many loose stones at the road edge and junctions that needed to be swept and County Cllr. Terry Douris agreed to take action on that point.</p><p>(g) Electricity on the Green. The Clerk confirmed that the project was funded though the Parish Council budget and kind donations from the VPA £300, the Church £300 and Mr & Mrs Molloy £200 as well as the Gad- desden Society (amount to be confirmed once final costs are determined). He also advised that County Councillor Douris had been able to get approval from the County Council for the Parish Council to do the installation of the electrical cabinet and that he had submitted a planning application to Dacorum Borough Council for the electrical cabinet. The Clerk asked whether he could accept the quote from UKPN for their work of connecting the power to the cabinet, albeit there was a risk on getting planning consent through. It was agreed that the Clerk should proceed.</p><p>(h) White lines on Nettleden Road Cllr. Irving asked the Councillors and those present whether people were in favour or not of reinstating the central white lines in the road now that the resurfacing of Nettleden Road had been completed. On balance Cllr. Irving, having heard preferences on both options, felt that the stronger arguments were in favour of reinstatement and asked Cllr Douris to proceed on that basis.</p><p>(i) SID location – The Clerk confirmed that the SID would be relocated to the junction of the Net- tleden Road with Church Road. This was because Cllr Hyde had fortunately noted that the previously preferred location, opposite Chasleton, was badly affected by contractor’s vehicles and would give a false set of readings if moved to that location over the next few months. The Parish Council has five different bases for the SID in the village and the SID will be moved around the village over time so that all locations will eventually be used.</p><p>(j) Policy on Public Participation at Parish Meetings. The Clerk advised that this policy had been introduced two years previously and as the Coun- cil’s approach was to review all policies at least every two years, asked whether this Policy should be readopted unchanged or with amendments. It was agreed to amend it to encour- age those wishing to raise issues to give advance notice where possible, so that the Council- lors could provide a more considered response.</p><p>(k) Protection of the old trees on the Meads fields, Church Road Cllr. Hyde noted that the old Oaks along the original route to the Church from the Green (i.e. the footpath from the Playing field running across the sheep fields to the Church) had died yet remained standing and she wondered about their long term replacement. Having spoken with the tenant farmer of the Meads land, Neil Rogers who supported the idea, Lyn asked whether there was interest in re-planting along that old route. There was general approval to take this initiative forward.</p><p>(l) Second consultation on the Weight limit through the Village The Clerk confirmed that there had been no objections to the consultation, so the order would be made and probably implementation would be by year end.</p><p>(m) It was noted that there was a planned road closure through Little Gaddesden for the Tour of Britain Cycle race, Sat 9th Sept, 10-12am. It would be a rolling closure as the peloton ap-</p><p>Signed by the Chairman……………………………………..Dated……………………… 5</p><p> proached each zone, so would not be a complete closure but nevertheless a disruption during that morning</p><p>(n) Broadband Update Cabinet 1 - Junction of Hudnall and Nettleden Road - Lastest update is that it will go live MARCH 2018 - This is the revised date now legal issues have been solved. Cabinet 3 - The Green. Connected and taking orders Cabinet 4 - Ringshall. In final stages, within two months. Can't place orders just yet. Cabinet 5 - Hudnall. Connected and taking orders. </p><p>Each house can get their cabinet number and ordering status from the following web site, by entering their postcode. http://www.connectedcounties.org</p><p>4. ADMINISTRATION Correspondence</p><p>The Clerk advised he had received a number of items of correspondence which he summarised as follows:-</p><p>Copy of a letter from Jane Bunting addressed to Cllr. Terry Douris asking for consideration to be given to providing a drop kerb at Cromer Close to allow a mobility scooter to cross Cromer Close near to the junction with Nettleden Road. Further there was a request that the verge be cut and cleared back to allow prams etc. to pass along the eastern side of the road from Cromer Close to Home Farm Stables and beyond. Cllr. Douris advised he had received a costing for a drop kerb which he would review and that he had asked Dacorum Borough Council to review the verge cut- ting along stretch of footway mentioned. Anne Wooster advised that since her boundary was the flank wall she did not mind if the plants were cut back to the wall. Originally there had been no footpath there, just highway up to the boundary wall. As far as she was concerned although there were shrubs present they could be cut right back.</p><p>HAPTC had advised that the Data Protection Act was being amended and would impact on Parish Council’s amongst others next year.</p><p>The Mayors request for an invitation to the village was considered and suggestions included the Sports Day of 9th Sept or the Saturday Village Market, The Carol Service or Fireworks night. The Clerk was asked to pass on the invitation and settle a date.</p><p>The NHS Herts Valleys CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) had written in advising that they were seeking views on how best to prioritise spend. The Parish Council may respond direct but every- one is invited to respond individually too. The Clerk was asked to forward to Mandy Haines to send out on the Gaddesden Society address list. http://www.healthierfuture.org.uk/nhsletstalk</p><p>Liz Toop had written in regarding used Dog Waste bags abandoned adjacent to the bag dispenser at the Bridgewater Car Park and asked whether bins could be introduced so that residents and vis- itors can dispose of the waste properly. Draft costings were provided by the Clerk for provision of bins and a collection service. It was agreed to proceed with green bins subject to finalised costings and bin locations etc.</p><p>Signed by the Chairman……………………………………..Dated……………………… 6</p><p>The owner of Fourways Garage, Stuart Champion had written in asking whether the Parish Council wished to view plans prior to submission to Dacorum Borough Council. Cllr. Lyn Hyde and Cllr. Irving had attended a meeting with him and Cllr. Hyde explained what was included in the pro- posed development. It comprised ten small houses and retention of a small business unit. The full application will be subject to the usual formal consultation just the same as all other applications once it has been submitted. However, having looked at the plans, a resident mentioned that he was concerned about loss of privacy as he would be overlooked by a row of houses. Although screening was discussed it was agreed that it would not be possible to completely screen the pro- posed properties from his own.</p><p>Finance a. Cheques approved:-</p><p>Clerk & Village Hall Manager – Salary & PAYE for July/Aug SRT Trading Limited – £220 plus vat – Warden Services (July/Aug invoices) MWAgri – £520.50 plus vat July/Aug invoices Clerk – Petty cash – £83.99 Stamps and Poo bags Signs of the Times £162.41 inc vat Village hall Hire – April & July £66 no vat HAPTC Training on Community Engagement LMA £40 no vat</p><p> b. Cheques/payments received LGVH Management Committee - Village Hall Manager salary £300 Church, £300 VPA, £200 Mr & Mrs Molloy</p><p>PLANNING SCHEDULE - CURRENT APPLICATIONS (status at 21st August, 2017) (Red text show changes since previous meeting)</p><p>BLUE COTTAGE, RINGSHALL ROAD, RINGSHALL, BERKHAMSTED, HP4 1ND. WORKS TO TREES. 4/03305/15/TCA. No objection from LGPC, DBC decision awaited</p><p>MOSSHALL FARM, NETTLEDEN ROAD NORTH, VARIATION OF CONDTION 7 (APPROVED PLANS) ATTACHED TO PLANNING PERMISSION 4/02699/15/FUL (PROPOSED REPLACEMENT DWELLING AND REPLACEMENT OF TWO BAYS OF EXISTING OUTBUILDING WITH A DOUBLE GARAGE). 4/00614/17/ROC. No objection from LGPC, Granted by DBC</p><p>WHITE MEADOWS, NETTLEDEN ROAD NORTH, DETACHED TWO-BAY CAR PORT. 4/00327/17/FHA. Objection by LGPC, no decision by DBC.</p><p>FAIRWAYS, GOLF CLUB ROAD, CONVERSION OF EXISTING GARAGE, SINGLE STOREY FRONT/SIDE EXTENSION AND CONSTRUCTION OF ATTACHED TRIPLE GARAGE, 4/00898/17/FHA. Objection by LGPC using the comment ‘Objection: The site is in the Chilterns AONB. LG Parish Council considers this application to be over development of the site and our grounds for objection are as per previous application 4/00169/14/FHA – that the scale and siting of the triple garage in front of the building line would negatively impact upon the character of the surrounding area’. Granted by DBC </p><p>11 THE LYE, CONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE STOREY DETACHED TIMBER GARDEN OUT- BUILDING FOR USE AS A GARDEN OFFICE / LEISURE ROOM. 4/00978/17/FHA. Supported by LGPC, Granted by DBC </p><p>Signed by the Chairman……………………………………..Dated……………………… 7</p><p>50 NETTLEDEN ROAD, WORKS TO YEW TREE AND SILVER BIRCH, 4/01151/17/TCA Supported by LGPC, DBC Decision Raise No objection</p><p>27 NETTLEDEN ROAD NORTH, CONNECT ANNEX BUILDING TO MAIN HOUSE, INTERNAL ALTERATIONS TO LISTED BUILDING ANNEX, CONVERSION OF FIRST FLOOR FLAT ROOF TO PITCHED GABLE, INSTALLATION OF REAR FACING DORMER TO ALLOW ROOF CONVERSION. 4/01249/17/FHA & 4/01250/17/LBC. No objection from LGPC, DBC Decision awaited</p><p>THE OAK HOUSE, NETTLEDEN ROAD NORTH, SINGLE STOREY REAR EXTENSION AND OUTBUILDING. 4/01259/17/LDP. No objection from LGPC, Granted by DBC </p><p>13 RINGSHALL ROAD, RINGSHALL. LIME PLASTER LOUNGE AND BEDROOM WALLS. 4/00892/17/LBC. No objection from LGPC, Granted by DBC </p><p>THE HAWTHORNES, HUDNALL LANE, TWO STOREY REAR EXTENSION, SINGLE STOREY REAR EXTENSION, REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING SIDE EXTENSION, SINGLE STOREY SIDE EXTENSION, CONVERSION OF EXISTING INTEGRAL GARAGE INTO A BOOT ROOM/UTILITY ROOM, CONVERSION OF ROOF SPACE, CONSTRUCTION OF GARDEN ROOM/ BIKE STORE AND GARDEN STOREY. 4/01322/17/FHA. LGPC objected to original proposal but removed the objection on the basis of amended plans, DBC decision awaited</p><p>Additions since last meeting:-</p><p>THE OAK HOUSE, NETTLEDEN ROAD NORTH, DEMOLITION OF EXISTING BUILDINGS, CONSTRUCTION OF A REPACEMENT DWELLING AND GARAGE BUILDING 4/01377/17/FUL. LGPC originally objected to this proposal but lifted the objection on the basis that the garage was relocated to the building line, rather than being in front of the proposed rebuilt house. DBC decision - Granted on the relocated garage amendment</p><p>1 LITTLE GADDESDEN HOUSE, NETTLEDEN ROAD CHANGE OF USE FROM PADDOCK TO MENAGE.4/01489/17/FUL. LGPC did not object provided that no floodlighting was proposed and also suggested landscaping to reduce the impact. Granted by DBC</p><p>54 NETTLEDEN ROAD, CONSTRUCTION OF PORCH AND REAR DORMER. 4/01548/17/FHA and 01549/LBC. Supported by LGPC, Granted by DBC.</p><p>11 RINGSHALL ROAD, RINGSHALL DEMOLITION AND REPLACEMENT OF A SINGLE STOREY REAR EXTENSION, DEMOLITION AND REPLACEMENT OF DETATCHED GARAGE, INTERNAL ALTERATIONS AND REPAIR WINDOWS AND DOORS TO FRONT ELEVATION. 4/01561/17/FHA & 1562/LBC. No objection from LGPC, DBC decision awaited.</p><p>WITCHCRAFT HILL, RINGSHALL DRIVE. CONSTRUCTION OF GARDEN MACHINERY STORE AND HORSE FEED STORAGE AREA. 4/01065/17/FUL. Under consideration by LGBC, DBC reviewing</p><p>ASHRIDGE HOUSE, REMOVE EXISTING GATE AND USE INFILL MATERIAL TO RESTORE TO ORIGINAL CONDITION. INSTALLATION OF NEW GATE. 4/01633/17/LBC. Supported by LGPC, DBC decision awaited</p><p>2 THE LYE, SINGLE STOREY REAR EXTENSION. 4/01746/17/FHA Supported by LGPC, </p><p>Signed by the Chairman……………………………………..Dated……………………… 8</p><p>DBC decision awaited</p><p>CHRISTMAS HOUSE, NETTLEDEN ROAD NORTH, INFILL OF EXISTING COVERED REAR PORCH TO CREATE PANTRY. SMALL LEAN-TO EXTENSION TO EXISTING OAK FRAME OUTBUILDING. 4/01765/17/FHA. LGPC to review, DBC to review.</p><p>27 RINGSHALL ROAD, RINGSHALL, SINGLE STOREY SIDE EXTENSION. NEW RAISED MEZZANINE AND PITCHED ROOF. 4/01862/17/FHA. LGPC to review, DBC to review.</p><p>11 RINGSHALL ROAD, RINGSHALL, LIKE-FOR-LIKE REPLACEMENT FRONT AND REAR WINDOWS AND FRONT DOOR. 4/01867/17/LBC. LGPC to review, DBC to review.</p><p>9 BRIDGEWATER COURT, REPLACE LEAKING BATHROOM SKYLIGHT AND SURROUNDING ROOF SLATES. 4/01936/17/LBC. LGPC to review, DBC to review.</p><p>Information to share / Items for the next meeting</p><p>Next meeting is on Monday 18th September.</p><p>The meeting closed at 10.10pm</p><p>Signed by the Chairman……………………………………..Dated………………………</p>

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