<p> Custer County Commissioner Meeting Date: December 14, 2011 </p><p>Chairman Hazeltine called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Travis Bies, Jim Lintz, Phil Lampert, Mark Hartman, Tracy Kelley, State’s Attorney and the Auditor were present. The Board moved to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried. In the following proceedings, all action taken was first duly moved and seconded, received a unanimous vote of the Commissioners without dissenting vote or abstention, unless otherwise stated. Minutes The Board moved to approve the minutes of the November 22nd, 2011 commission meeting as presented. Motion carried. Declaration of Conflict of Interest-Mark Hartman declared a conflict of interest with Land Use Findings of Fact under David Green, Planning. Bill Kirsch, Weed Supervisor Mt. Pine Beetle Project -The Custer County Weed Department has reached their spending ceiling of $89,000 from Title III funds and Kirsch would like to continue to help the State Forestry with the inspection of and the marking of infected trees with the expenses coming out of weed and pest’s budget with no reimbursement from State Forestry. The Board moved to allow the weed department to continue to help the State with inspections and marking of infected trees with expenses coming out of the weed department’s budget until the end of the year. Motion carried. Automatic Supplement-The weed department has received $19,735.54 from Title III funds for costs associated with marking trees infested with the mountain pine beetle. The Board moved to authorize an automatic supplement for those unexpected funds in the amount of $9,867.77 to 101-615-411 for personnel and $9,867.77 to 101- 615-426.90 for chemicals. Motion carried. Chemical Reimbursement-Custer County Weed and Pest requested approval to disburse grant funding to landowners in Custer County for participation in the 2011-2012 Chemical Reimbursement Project. Payment to Custer County landowners is anticipated to be about $14,000.00. Funds will come from the grant received from the Department of Agriculture in the amount of $19,025.00. The Board moved to approve the dispersal of grant funding to landowners in Custer County who participated in the 2011-2012 Chemical Reimbursement Protect. Motion carried. Gary Woodford, Highway Superintendent County Auction Total sales from the county auction were $28,433.00 less commissions of $2,843.30 for a balance due the county of $25,589.70. The proceeds will be deposited to the Highway Fund. Application for Occupancy on Right of Way –Black Hills Power made application to install a 50’ self supporting wood laminate pole in the ROW on Highway 345 in Section 15, T3S, R5E in Custer County to support electrical conductors with installation done to the depth of 9 feet. The Board moved to approve the application. Motion carried. -East County Shop-Woodford, Hazeltine and Lintz attended a meeting with the Hermosa Water Board to see if property on Missile Road, a possible site for a county shop in the Hermosa area, would have access to water. The water board stated that they are not meeting infrastructure needs as it is and they could not promise access to water. The Board asked Woodford to get an estimate on what it would cost to drill a well. -Woodford ordered signage to reroute traffic through Buffalo Gap due to the road change from Walnut Street to Main Street. Construction Update -The basement of the courthouse has been vacated and remodeling has started. Dispatch, IST, Tech Support and the Clerk of Courts are in their new offices and the States Attorney will move next. The Sheriff’s office should be able to move in the week of Christmas. The demolition of the sheriff’s office will happen between Christmas and New Years. -The Board moved to authorize David Green to order a 4 foot brushed aluminum medallion to be hung in the courthouse and authorized the painting of a mural in the east entrance of the courthouse. Motion carried. A matching medallion will also hang near the courtroom and will be paid for by court services. </p><p>1 -The Board moved to accept the $13,000.00 change order that was a result of necessary modifications to the precast panels on the outside of the building. Motion carried. David Green, Planning Planning Commission –The Board moved to authorize the Chairman to sign letters of recognition for Steve Langendorf and Walker Witt. Motion carried. Langendorf’s term ends 12-31-11 and Witt resigned his position leaving one year remaining in his term. The Board moved to appoint Sue Brown to fill Witt’s vacancy. Motion carried. Land Use Findings of Fact-A letter was received from the Federal Aviation Administration asking how the county supported their decision to allow the construction of a gun range in the vicinity of the Custer County Airport. The Board came to the following conclusions. CONCLUSIONS OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF CUSTER COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA REGARDING THE LAND USE DECISION RELATED TO PARCEL #5743 It is the determination of the Board of County Commissioners of Custer County, South Dakota concerning parcel #5743 based upon a review of applicable County Ordinances, the Custer County Comprehensive Plan, all information provided concerning the intended use of the property and an on-site inspection of the property, the Board of County Commissioners of Custer County, South Dakota does now hereby make the following findings: The proposed land use is a retail gun shop and shooting range; 1. The land use is an appropriate use under the Custer County Comprehensive Plan; 2. The land use is an approved land use as specified in Custer County Ordinance #2, an Ordinance Providing Regulations For The Subdivision And Use Of Land within Custer County; 3. The use of land does not violate the use restrictions as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance for the Custer County Airport; 4. The property owner has followed applicable NRA safety guidelines; 5. Applicable FAA guidelines were reviewed and adhered to by the Custer County Planning Office; 6. Custer County sought input from State and Federal aviation authorities without definitive determination provided by either entity; 7. The owner of the property has established appropriate safety protocols to minimize perceived risk to the airport and incoming and outgoing aircraft; and 8. The owner of the property has established a schedule of hours of operation that minimize potential negative interaction between the adjacent land uses. Based on the foregoing findings, in consideration of public and private interests and in an effort to promote compatible, consistent and equitable land uses that support the county tax base, and in an effort to minimize incompatible land use throughout the county, the Board of Commissioners does now hereby make the following conclusion(s): IT IS THE CONCLUSION of the Board of Commissioners for Custer County, South Dakota, that the land use on the subject property meets all applicable local standards and furthermore does not create an incompatible land use situation with the operation of the Custer County Airport. s/scommissioners -Lampert made a motion, seconded by Lintz, to approve the conclusion statement and to send it along with David Green’s response to the FAA. Bies voted against, Lintz and Lampert voted for. Hartmann declared conflict of interest and did not vote. Motion carried. -Flood Ordinance -A letter was received from FEMA reminding Custer County that we have until 1-6-12 to adopt and have FEMA approve floodplain management measures that satisfy 44 Code of Federal Regulation. A public hearing has been scheduled for December 28th, 2011 at the Custer County Commission meeting at 9:00 a.m. for a revision of the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance. Dan Holsworth/ Jim Dagget Holsworth, Mayor of Hermosa, and Daggett, Hermosa City Marshall, voiced concerns about use of alcoholic beverages at the ball field last August at the Custer County Fairgrounds and about trash resulting from the incident. The Custer County Fair Board manages the fairgrounds and those issues should be discussed with them. Since the Fair Board was not selling alcoholic beverages at the event, the City’s open container law should have been enforced. They also </p><p>2 asked about county planned improvements at the ball field. The Fair Board receives a budget from the county but they are in control of what improvements get done. Mike Carter, Director of Emergency Services -Carter has been working with KLJ on the cost benefit analysis for grant application. The application should be completed and turned in to the mitigation committee in March. - Carter is continuing to explore and research the possibility of a formalized plan for treatment of the Mountain Pine Beetle. Mark & Shannon Stites, Airport -Mark and Shannon gave a monthly update on activity at the Custer County Airport. November fuel sales for 100 low lead fuel was 142.73 gallons and Jet A fuel was 199.5 gallons. Black Hills Life Flight staged all day training at the airport which included a National Guard Helicopter. -The Board moved to authorize a $.20 per gallon discount for airplane fuel for pilots with airplanes based at the Custer County Airport. Motion carried. Dawn McLaughlin, Treasurer -The Board acknowledged the Treasurer’s Advertising Check List for real estate tax certificates for 2011. Dawn will proceed to sell the listed real estate tax certificates at public auction for delinquent taxes payable 2011 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Monday, December 19th, 2011 in the Treasurer’s Office in the Custer County Courthouse. -The Board also acknowledged the Mobile Homes and Building On Leased Site delinquent tax list for 2010/2011 taxes. Taxes must be paid on or before March 12, 2012 or distress warrants will be issued. Supplemental Budget Hearing -A supplemental budget hearing was held December 14th, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. in the Custer County Courthouse, Custer, SD at which time no interested persons appeared. The Board moved and seconded a motion to adopt resolution 2011-13. Motion carried. Resolution 2011-13 Supplemental Budget 2011 Whereas, The Board of County Commissioners propose a supplement to the General Fund Budget (101) in the amount of $49,040.00 as follows: $30,000 for the Court Budget; $6,540.00 for Commissioners Budget; $7,500.00 for Library Budget and $5,000.00 for the Airport Budget. Means of finance will come from the General Fund Reserve. Now Therefore Be It Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners to adopt the Supplemental Budget for 2011. s/s commissioners Executive Session, Contract Negotiations Action was taken to go in and out of executive session for contract negotiations. The session began at 10:12 a.m. and adjourned at 10:18 a.m. No action taken. Mail Call/General Business -The Board acknowledged the following: a notice of BH Association of County Commissioners and County Officials Meeting on Monday, December 19 at Easy Riders Saloon in Sturgis at 11:00 for elected officials and 12:00 for commissioners; a thank you note from the Tumbleweeds with Attitude 4-H Club for supporting 4-H; a thank you note from Arlene Ham for the opportunity to state her case for abatement of property tax; a notice from Hermosa saying that the New System drinking water supply violated the radium 226-228 standard of SD Drinking Water Standards and a notice from the VA Black Hills Health Care Systems of scheduled town hall meetings about the future of the VA . -The Custer County Fair Board asked that an addendum be done to the Custer County Fairgrounds lease agreement to change stipulation 8.c.iii whereby the sentence: “The accounting shall be submitted to the Custer County Auditor no later than December 31st of each year and shall be in the form required by the Custer County Auditor” will be changed from December 31st to January 15th. The Board agreed to the change. -The Board received a schedule to review for approval at the December 28th meeting for dates for commission meetings in 2012. Monthly Reports The Board acknowledged the following reports. - Register of Deeds November 2011 statement of fees with $720.00 collected in state fees, $7,484.50 for county fees for a total of $8,204.50.</p><p>3 -The Auditor’s report with the Treasurer for November 2011 as follows: Cash $4,038.81; Checks/ Drafts <3days $43,964.30; Checks/Drafts >3 days $1,050.00; 1st Interstate Bank checking $52,850.57; 1st Interstate Bank Savings $2,183,801.21; 1st Interstate Bank Flex $58,987.83; ED Jones MM $347,434.56; 1st Interstate Investment $35,830.59; TELCO Checking $208.03; TELCO TIIA $22,865.99; TELCO Savings $79,783.68;Highmark Investment $147,547.10 Highmark Savings $10,160.77; Highmark Checking $5,000.00; Dakotah Bank Checking $5,000.00; Dakotah Bank Investment $150,000.00Accrued Interest $2,471.39, ED Jones $4,009,912.33 for a total of $7,163,907.16. - Custer County Sheriff’s November 2011 report: $60.00 fingerprints; $42.00 accident reports; $57.00 pistol permits; $261.34 in mileage; $475.00 service fees; $140.00 executions; $15.00 commission earned; $688.00 from 24/7 Program; $22.36 fees & postage; $150.00 Sheriff Sale Service; for a total $1,910.70 submitted to Custer County Treasurer. Travel Requests Custer County Weed Department made a request for approval of registration fees, hourly pay and use of the county vehicle to attend re-certification classes in Rapid City. Kirsch, Wiese & Ellis will attend the General/Forest/Ornamental & Turf class on 2/4/12; Kirsch and Wiese will attend the Rodent & Bird class on 2/8/12; Kirsch will attend Aquatic Pest Control on 1/10/12; Wiese will attend the Public Health class on 1/11/12 and Ellis will attend the ROW/Ag Plant class on 1/25/12.Total cost to the county is $390.00. The Board moved to approve the travel request. Motion carried. Abatement/Refunds Abatement 1019A Alexander Investments requested an abatement of 2011 taxes payable in the amount of $136.98. Mobile home was moved to Pennington County in June of 2009 and should have been removed from the assessment roles for 2010 payable 2011. It was added to Pennington County assessment rolls for 2010 payable 2011 and the taxes have been paid in Pennington County. The Board moved to approve the abatement. Motion carried. Meeting Schedule - Black Hills Association of County Commissioners and County Officials Meeting on Monday, December 19 at Easy Riders Saloon in Sturgis at 11:00 for elected officials and 12:00 for commissioners. Human Resources/Personnel The Board acknowledged receipt of a letter of resignation from Terri Herman as secretary for the Custer County Health Nurse effective 12/16/11. Animal Control Contract -The Board moved to renew Genie Ziolkowski’s animal control contract for 2012. Motion carried. Airport Property Appraisal -Simpson and Associates submitted a Uniform Agricultural Appraisal Report on the north 2 acres of Mountainview Baptist Church’s property. The appraised value was established at $35,000 or $17,500 per acre. The Board moved to pay for the appraisal in the amount of $3,000.00 motion carried. -The next step will be for the county to have the property surveyed and start the platting process. Mountainview Baptist Church should start the title search process. SD Dept Health Contract -The Board moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the contract with the State of SD for the community health nursing services. Motion carried. Signed Airport Leases -Revised airport hangar leases have been received from Donald Fogal, Vern Scheibe, Craig Woloshyn and Jim Frank. The Board moved to authorize the Chairmen to sign the leases. Motion carried. Cash and Contingency Transfers Cash Transfers-The Board moved to approve cash transfers from the General Fund to the Emergency Management Fund for $39,884.00 and to the Domestic Abuse Fund for $900.00. Motion carried. These amounts were budgeted for in the General Fund. </p><p>4 Contingency Transfers-The Board moved to authorize a contingency transfer in the amount of $3,250.00 to Emergency Management payroll account 226-226-411 and $100.00 to Homeland Security 226-222-426.23 for $100.00. Motion carried. GASB Priority Spending Policy -GASB (Government Accounting Standards Board) is requiring that all cash reserves be qualified as restricted, committed, assigned or unassigned and that a policy be adopted that prioritizes the order in which the reserves are spent. The Board moved to declare that reserve funds will be spent in the following order: Restricted, Committed, Assigned or Unassigned to comply with GASB statement 54. Motion carried. Vouchers -The Board moved to approve the vouchers as presented. Motion carried. PAYROLL: COMMISSIONERS 6,227.73; ELECTION TRAVEL 114.00;AUDITOR 11,475.26; TREASURER 13,672.73; IST 2,891.30; ST ATTORNEY 14,152.64; BUILDING 8,991.76;DOE 13,692.66 INCLUDES TRAVEL $54.00;ROD 6,886.40; VETERANS 2,257.45; SHERIFF 51,369.22;NURSE 1,286.88; LIBRARY 11,285.17 INCLUDES TRAVEL 20.75; EXTENSION 2,135.09 INCLUDES TRAVEL 166.56; SOIL 656.17; WEED 13,629.46; PLANNING 5,841.17 INCLUDES TRAVEL 40.00; HIGHWAY 60,733.02 INCLUDES SUPPLIES 200.00; EMERGENCY MGMT 4,704.55 INCLUDES TRAVEL 86.00; 24/7 SOBRIETY 388.37; 911 EM 25,251.99; COURT-HOUSE PROJECT 6,226.51. TOTAL PAYROLL 263,869.53. G ZIOLKOWSKI CONTRACT 600.00, SHELTER FOR NOVEMBER 36.00; COBRA ESCROW 79.41. A & B WELDING INC 57.49 11-9-11 167862 HWY SHOP SUPPLS, APEX TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS GRP 9922.73 7/26-10/21/11 EQUIP & SERVICES, BEN MEADOWS 663.00 10/28- 11/3/11 WEED TREE SUPPLY, BLACK HILLS ELECTRIC COOP 1433.08 11/8/11 1030400 AIRPORT ELEC, BLACK HILLS POWER 1203.09 11/10/11 COUNTY ELECTRICITY, BLACK HILLS TRUCK&TRAILER INC 848.90 11/9-16/11 HWY PARTS, WINIFRED BLAND 50.74 11/17/11 GRAND JURY & MILEAGE, BUTLER MACHINERY CO INC 679.92 11/10-21/11 HWY PARTS/SUP, DOUGLAS COMPESTINE 51.48 11/17/11 GRAND JURY & MILEAGE, CROELL REDI-MIX, INC 131750.00 10-31-11 171507 HWY CHIPS/GRVL, CULLIGAN WATER 50.50 10/31/11 CC SHERIFF WATER, CUSTER TRUE VALUE 127.71 11/9-21/11 HWY SHOP/ PARTS, DAKOTA SECURITY SYSTEMS, INC 197.25 10/28-11/1/11 ENTRY CARDS, DARA DEBERARD 270.00 11/14/11 15 TREES REMOVED, DISCOVERY BENEFITS 25.00 11/15/11 275255 ADMIN FEE, EDDIE'S TRUCK SALES INC 478.39 11-16-11 1213200033 HWY 0514 R, JERRY ELLERMAN 73.68 11/17/11 GRAND JURY & MILEAGE, FASTENAL COMPANY INC 125.07 11/9-11/11 HWY SUPPLIES, FEDEX 18.22 10/26/11 767439927 SO SHIPPING, FRENCH CREEK LOGGERS SUPPLY 12.99 11/7/11 685949 SO HEADLIGHT, FRONTIER PRECISION INC 224.60 11/9/11 97971 GPS REPAIR & BAT, JOHN GILLILAND 2130.00 11/14/11 140 TREES REMOVED, GRIMMS PUMP SERVICE INC 68.83 11-8-11 33063 HWY DIESEL NOZZL, HILLS MATERIAL INC. 12525.00 11-15-11 153023 HWY 391 GRAVEL, HILLYARD/SIOUX FALLS 477.00 11/8/11 600003169 MAINT ICEMLT, RICHARD OR PATRICIA HUDSON 990.00 11/14/11 55 TREES REMOVED, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF 175.00 2012 DOE MEMBERSHIP DUES, IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS 505.00 11/10/11 85910658 COPIER RENT, BRUCE LARSEN 55.18 11/17/11 GRAND JURY & MILEAGE, LEXISNEXIS 180.00 10/31/11 1110060576 SA ONLINE, LEXISNEXIS RISK DATA MGMT, INC 85.00 10/31/11 1215224 SO CONTRACT, MAUNA TOWERS LLC 265.10 12/1/11 5106 HWY BEAR MTN TOWR, M. G. OIL COMPANY 15807.78 11/10-17/11 HWY/SO FUELS, NEVE'S UNIFORMS INC. 91.65 10/26-11/10/11 SO UNIFORMS, OFFICE DEPOT 222.33 10/3/11 EXTENSION OFFICE SUPPL, FRANK PAGE 63.32 11/17/11 GRAND JURY & MILEAGE, SARAH PAVEK 500.00 11/18/11 DOE REIMB INS DEDUCT, PENNINGTON COUNTY JAIL 704.70 10-11/11 TRANSPORTS, PENNINGTON COUNTY STATE'S 200.00 11/8/11 MENTAL ILLNESS BOARD, JOYCE PILGRIM 57.40 11/17/11 GRAND JURY & MILEAGE, QUILL CORPORATION 296.30 11/4-14/11 COUNTY OFFICE SUPPL, MATTHEW RAMSEY 97.50 11/17/11 HWY SAFETY 6.5 HRS, RAPID DELIVERY 10.93 11/9/11 195770 HWY 0514 FRT, RAPID CITY REG. HOSPITAL INC 644.59 10/21-11/4/11 MH & PRIS CARE, TELCO FED CREDIT UNION 1085.40 11/9/11 COUNTY CREDIT CARD BIL, REGIONAL BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CEN 252.14 11/4/11 2113150026CB MH CARE, REGIONAL HEALTH 87.60 11/3/11 CUOL01 BLOOD DRAWS, RUSHMORE COMMUNICATIONS 44.45 10/25/11 10851 SO RADIO REPAIR, S&B MOTOR </p><p>5 PARTS 5.99 11/9/11 COUNTY PARTS, WILLIAM SCOTT 1008.00 11/14/11 72 TREES REMOVED, SD DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 65.46 11-16-11 S67925 HWY 8TH STR BR, SERVALL TOWEL & LINEN 259.44 11/14-21/11 COUNTY RENTALS, JERRY SORENSON 1838.00 11/14/11 139 TREES REMOVED, STEELE COLLISION 780.33 9/7/11 SO VEHICLE REPAIRS, SUNSHINE STORAGE 52.50 11/15/11 429 DEC STORAGE FEE, JOYCE URROZ 6661.00 11/14/11 430 TREES REMOVED, UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE 88.00 11/16/11 EXTENSION POSTAGE, VERIZON WIRELESS 650.38 11/1/11 986764478 CELLPHONES, VERIZON WIRELESS 83.44 11/1/11 986764478 CELLPHONES, WALMART COMMUNITY 1778.56 11/16/11 CO FURN & SUPPLIES, WILLIAM WELLS 350.00 11/14/11 140 TREES REMOVED, Z & S DUST CONTROL SERV. 3803.80 11-11-11 23004 HWY 18 MAG WATER, AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING 6081.80 7/24/11 187081 CRTHSE TESTING, BERBER- ICH DESIGN, INC. 1830.50 4/4/11 BALANCE OF CONTRACT, DAKOTA INDUSTRIAL HY- GIENE, INC 245.00 10/1/11 118245 ASBESTOS INSPCT, FENNELL DESIGN INC 1502.40 10/30/11 483 CONSTRUCTION ADMN, J SCULL CONSTRUCTION 242643.75 10/25/11 ESTIMATE 16, INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO., INC. 374.87 11/30-12/5/11 HWY METAL/VALVE, ADVANCED DRUG TESTING INC 36.00 11-30-11 43951 HWY RANDOM DRUG, AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION- 175.00 11/30/11 MEMBERSHIP DUES, ANDERSON AUTO SALES 56.00 11-29-11 681154 HWY TIRES BLNC, APEX TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS GRP 780.00 11/16/11 10057 DELL 390 COMPTR, ARGYLE FIRE DEPARTMENT 4375.00 12/10/11 4TH QTR BUDGET PAYMNT, ARLENE HAM 342.58 12/10/11 2011 PROP TAX REFUND, BAD- LANDS SAND & GRAVEL INC 23750.00 11-29-11 6362 HWY GRAVEL, BATTERY SHACK 50.70 12/1/11 111511 SO VEHICLE REPR, BEESLEY LAW OFFICE, P.C. 3199.55 11/8-30/11 COURT APPT ATTY, BEST WESTERN RAMKOTA INN N 335.96 11/18/11 AUD MOTEL CONFERENCE, BUFFALO GAP FIRE DEPT. 4125.00 12/10/11 4TH QTR BUDGET PMT, BLACK HILLS AMMUNITION INC 498.78 11/28/11 195438 SO AMMUNITION, BLACK HILLS POWER 5533.10 11/23-12/1/11 COUNTY ELECTRICI, BUTLER MACHINERY CO INC 2078.67 11/23-12/611 HWY PARTS/CREDIT, SOUTHERN HILLS PUBLISHING INC 736.95 12/1/11 NOV COUNTY PUBLISHING, CUSTER COUNTY SEARCH & RESCUE 2000.00 12/10/11 4TH QTR BUDGET PMT, CUSTER CO. SHERIFF'S OFFICE 46.17 11/30/11 SO PETTY CASH REIMB, CUSTER COUNTY WEED & PEST 9765.00 11/29/11 MARK TREES, SD ASSOC OF COUNTY COMMISSNRS 553.35 11/01/11 SPECIAL PAYMENT, COMPUTER FORENSICS RESOURCES 367.50 12/1/11 COMPUTER EXPERT C10113, RANDAL CONNELLY 889.20 10/31-11/10/11 COURT APPT ATTY, CULLIGAN WATER 67.50 11/30/11 SO WATER, CUSTER CITY 367.94 10/28/11 COUNTY SEWER & WATER, CUSTER DO IT BEST 99.83 11/21/11 COUNTY SUP- PLIES, CUSTER VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPART. 35000.00 12/10/11 4TH QTR BUDGET PMT, CUSTER STOREHOUSE 875.00 12/10/11 4TH QTR BUDGET PMT, CUSTER TRUE VALUE 35.43 11/22-12/6/11 HWY PARTS/SUPPLI, D-WARE INC 1400.00 12-15-11 9912012 HWY COMP SUPT, DALE'S TIRE & RETREADING, INC 3015.71 11/21-22/11 HWY/SO TIRES, DEWEY FIRE DEPT. 1250.00 12/10/11 4TH QTR BUDGET PMT, DIAMOND PHARMACY SERVICES 241.77 12/5/11 PNCUST PRISONER MEDS, EDDIE'S TRUCK SALES INC 116.35 12-5-11 HWY 0516 PARTS, STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA 5.00 11/18/11 DP210206 BIT BILL- ING, FASTENAL COMPANY INC 563.70 11-22-11 181894 HWY WRNCH/PRTS, FEDEX 20.97 11/23/11 248394056 SO SHIPPING, FOLSOM FIRE DEPARTMENT 3125.00 12/10/11 4TH QTR BUDGET PMT, FORWARD DISTRIBUTING 76.60 12-7-11 940688 HWY TIRE RPR, FRENCH CREEK LOGGERS SUPPLY 50.64 10/27-12/1/11 COUNTY PTS/TOOL, GODFREY BRAKE 244.05 11-16-11 213200047 HWY FLSHRS, GOLDEN WEST TELECOMMUNICATIONS 2024.53 12/1/11 COUNTY PHONE BILLS, GOLDEN WEST TELECOMMUNICATIONS 1876.58 12/1/11 COUNTY PHONE BILLS, GOLDEN WEST TECHNOLOGIES 919.50 11/14-12/1/11 INTERNET & PAGER, ARLENE HAM 692.81 12/10/11 2009 2010 PR TAX REFN, MARK HARTMAN 300.00 12/10/11 4TH ATR TRAVEL ALLOW, DAVE HAZELTINE 300.00 12/10/11 4TH ATR TRAVEL ALLOW, HIGHLANDS FIRE DEPARTMENT 2625.00 12/10/11 4TH QTR BUDGET PMT, DUSTY HOFFMAN MLS 120.00 11/6/11 BLOOD DRAW FEES, HORIZONS UNLIMITED 72.00 12/3/11 462 'I VOTED' STICKERS, IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS 345.00 11/17/11 5021492634 COPIER RNT, INTOXIMETERS, INC. 600.00 11/30/11 348575 SO 24/7 SUPPLY, KEY FLEET RESALE 12500.00 12/3/11 1977 FOLSOM FIRE TRUCK, MIKE KLICK 274.00 11/29/11 REIMB 26 TREES CUT, LABORATORY CORPORATION OF 21.00 11-26-11 </p><p>6 36282282 HWY ALCHL TS, PHIL LAMPERT 300.00 12/10/11 4TH QTR TRAVEL ALLOW, PAUL A LEWIS 6690.23 11/3-28/11 COURT APPT ATTY, JAMES LINTZ 300.00 12/10/11 4TH QTR TRAVEL ALLOW, LYLE SIGNS, INC 867.00 11-21-11 841855 911/STRT/FIRE, MANLOVE PSYCHIATRIC GROUP PC - 83.33 11/29/11 MENTAL HEALTH CARE, MCLEOD'S PRINTING & 1037.50 11/18/11 25898 ELECTION SUPPLY, MEDICAP PHARMACY 183.73 2/16-5/24/11 JUV PRIS MEDICINE, M. G. OIL COMPANY 3320.15 11-22-11 HWY DIESEL, MT RUSHMORE TELEPHONE COMPANY 244.65 12-1-11 EAST COUNTY PHONES, LINDA S. NELSON 500.00 12/6/11 AUD REIMB INS DEDUCT, NELSON'S OIL & GAS, INC. 1624.68 11/14-30/11 HWY PROPANE/REPRS, NEVE'S UNIFORMS INC. 72.29 11/16/11 26776 SO UNIFORMS, PEN- NINGTON COUNTY COURTHOUSE 108.00 12/2/11 MENTAL COMMITMENT HRNG, PENN- INGTON COUNTY STATE'S 200.00 11/18/11 MENTAL ILLNESS BOARD, PRINGLE FIRE DEPT. 4250.00 12/10/11 4TH QTR BUDGET PMT, QUILL CORPORATION 908.33 11/16-22/11 COUNTY OFF SUPPLYS, RAPID CITY MEDICAL CENTER 156.40 10/21-11/4/11 PRISONER MED CR, CITY OF RAPID CITY 350.00 10/31/11 948 BAC DETERMINATION, RIVER LODGE 64.00 8/18/11 62581 EMS TRAVEL MOTEL, RR WASTE SOLUTION 26.25 11/30/11 168509 WEED GARBAGE, RT COMMUNICATIONS 23.97 12/1/11 039313 W CO 911 RELAY, RUSH- MORE COMMUNICATIONS 178.00 11/15-21/11 10881 HWY & TOWER, S&B MOTOR PARTS 832.96 11/1-30/11 9331-9527 HWY/SO/WD, SANDER SANITATION SERVICE INC 413.50 12/1/11 142176 COUNTY GARBAGE, WILLIAM SAVERY 1908.00 11/29/11 106 TREES REMOVED, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 2715.00 11/23/11 149014 4TH QTR WEB HS, S.D.HUMAN SERVICES CENTER 600.00 11/8/11 44259 MENTAL HLTH CARE, SD STATES ATTORNEYS ASSOC 746.00 12/6/11 2012 MEMBERSHIP DUES, SDAAO MEMBERSHIP 165.00 12/10/11 2012 MEMBERSHIP DUES, SERVALL TOWEL & LINEN 201.77 10/10- 12/5/11COUNTY RENTALS, MATTHEW L SKINNER, P.C. 700.51 11/1/11 COURT APPT ATTY FEES, SLOWEY COURT REPORTING 27.50 6/28/11 COURT REPORTER MI HRNG, GREG- ORY SLOWEY 244.00 11/29/11 REIMB 15 TREES REMVD, HAROLD SNOW 1562.50 12/10/11 4TH QTR BUDGET PMT, STAN HOUSTON EQUIPMENT INC 119.00 11-30-11 991058 HWY IMPACT DRV, MATTHEW T STEPHENS ESQUIR 700.00 11/9/11 COURT APPT ATTY, CLEAR- SPAN 30.40 11-21-11 4968785 HWY RPR TAPE, TOWN OF BUFFALO GAP 45.00 12/10/11 HWY BG WATER/GRABAGE, TOWN OF HERMOSA 99.04 12/1/11 E HWY WATER/SWR/ GARB, TOWN OF HERMOSA 350.00 12/10/11 E SO OFFICE RENT, US BANK 90.00 11/28/11 ROD SAFETY DEPOSIT BX, VANGUARD APPRAISALS, INC. 7651.00 11/3/11 SOFTWARE & MANUAL, VFW POST 3442 250.00 12/10/11 4TH QTR BUDGET PMT, WEAVE 1090.00 12/10/11 4TH QTR BUDGET PMT, GERALD WENDORFF 104.00 11/29/11 REIMB 10 TREES REMOVD, MARK & SHANNON STITES 3000.00 12/10/11 AIRPORT MANAGEMENT, WEST- ERN SD JUVENILE SERVC 1075.00 12/1/11 645 NOV JUV PRIS CARE, WESTERN STATION- ERS 10884.24 8/15-10/4/11 NEW FURNITURE, ALLEN & BARBARA WILSON 738.00 11/29/11 REIMB 41 TREES REMOVD, WITT'S HEATING & AC INC 50.67 11/28/11 10040 ANNEX FILTERS, YOUNG'S MOBIL-PIERRE AMOCO 99.73 11-18-11 HWY/EM FUEL. </p><p>-Chairman Hazeltine adjourned the meeting at 11:25 a.m. with the next meeting being held January 4th, 2012 at 8:00 a.m. in the Commissioner’s Room in the Custer County Courthouse.</p><p>Attest: ______</p><p>Linda Nelson David Hazeltine, Chairman</p><p>Published once at the total approximate cost of______.</p><p>7</p>
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