~ , I . I I MHH~~ ,' . - ,' Track Meet Mere Reading Knowledge . With Norwich Examinations Saturday Afternoon Tomorrow Afternoon Geology Stud ents " liiferarf Associates Meet To Leave Frida y "Prexy Johnson Decides Prob Fifteen Plan To Take 3O0 able Winning Run Mile Trip To Bar Harbor y Pirdfes sors Weber , Wilkinson , And In Favor Of Facilit This Friday fifteen of the Geology Mars hall Are Speake rs For classes will make a three-hundredmile Cap And Gown Elects Picnic Closes With Singing trip that will take in a complete study Gf Alma Mater of the Geological features in and Seven New Members Eveni ng around Bar Harbor. This excursion has been an annual feature for many Over four hundred wildly stamping, years having been started probably Purpose Of Society To Initi- Book Exhibit Is Held In rd Represents , madly yelling specimens of the most Packa by the late Professor Perkins. ate And Promote College rabid "type of Gus H. Fan known to Social Room OF Alumnae Moot Court The group will leave Friday noon captivity stampeded for the over- Marshall and' will spend the two nights while Activities And Standards flowing food tables when our un- Building at the Y. W. C. A. in Mr. Joseph Packard, son of Mr. they are away, biased arbiter "Prexy" Johnson stop- Bar Harbor. The small group that and Mrs. Thomas P. Packard of 3 ped all athletic proceedings because Tuesday evening, May 10, the first will remain to take in the fraternity At women's assembly, Monday Prospect St., Houlton, Maine, first morning, of Midget - Peck's mighty homer and regular* meeting of the Colby Library Friday night, will May 16, the annual induc- year student at Columbia Law School dances at Colby consequent lost nail in deep left field Associates was held in the Y. W. C. leave Saturday morning to meet the tion of Cap and Gown was held. Cap in New York City, recently repre- hay this afternoon ,at Mayflower.• ¦Hill. A. room of the Alumnae Building. others at some predetermined point and Gown, is the honorary senior girl sented Marshall Moot Court in the Thus ended another faculty-student Dean Marriner, who was the chair- society which hopes eventually to be- first year practice trials conducted on the island. softball classic. Our scorers are; still man of the occasion, began his re- geological points come affiliated with the National under the auspices of the Harlem While the list of adding up the runs, hits, and errors, marks by welcoming the undergradu- of interest that will be studied is ex- Honor Society of Mortar Board, and Fiske Stone Moot Court Competition, and next week's ECHO might con- ates and by giving a brief history and some of them are either so its ceremony is a long anticipated oc- in which the eighteen student trial haustive, tain the results. an outline of the purpose of the asso- well-known or so significant that they casion. practice organizations of the Law Recapitulation of the rapid-fire ciation. He also read a list of the are deserving of mention and among The outgoing members of Cap and School participate. This competition, events would be mere superfluity. Let wide variety of volumes now in the these are Mount Cadillac, the Gown are : Martha Bessom, Jean named in honor of Mr. Justice Stone it suffice to mention a few of the high- Colby Library which have been pur- "ovens " Anemone Caves and Somes Cobb, Edith Fait, Alice Manley, Alice of the United States Supreme Court, , , lights. The umpiring was beyond, chased with the funds of this organ- Sound which is supposed to be the Mulligan, Sigrid Tompkins and Helen former dean of Columbia Law School, words—way beyond. For the profs, ization. only glacial fiord on the Atlantic Wade. is .designed to give the students act- stars were numerous in every inning. coast. Sigrid -Tompkins, Professor Carl J. Weber, who was ual trial-practice experience. the retiring presi- The all round form of "Donkey" Mor- had The entire party will return Sun- dent, explained the purposes the first speaker on the program, Mr. Packard was graduated from of this row, both at the plate and in the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. day afternoon. organization which are to initiate, as his topic, Colby college in 1937, where he was field , was phenomenal. Marj Duffy enigmatical promote and uphold college activities Thomas J. Wise is the a member of Delta Upsilon social fra- looked like Rabbit Maranville at and standards; and to honor personal- figure to whom this title is applied. ternity. While in college he was ac- short. Miss Mary Marshall led her ity, leadership, and' achievement in To this man have been written many tive in debating and was elected to Pi English department fellows , to the O-At-Ka Conference To college women. Seven women of the high tributes,. such as: "one of the Kappa Delta, national forensic so- outfield , and there they held their an- junior class are chosen each year foremost bibliographers of our time," ciety, for his excellence in public Be Opened June 13 by nual conference on the life and works (Continued on page 6) speaking. (Continued on page 3) (Continued on page 3) Student Christian Movement Of New England Colleges Two Maine Stations Carry To Meet For One Week Day Trip To Colby's First Varsity Show June 13 is the opening date of the Mt latalidta second conference of New England college men and women at Camp O-at-ka. Under the auspices of the Club Plans To Find Out What Spot U. Si Studio Audience Of 200 Hear Pro gram In Student Christian Movement, this Ii* conference was held for the first Is First To See Suil Alumnae Buildin g time last year, and was a tremendous ' success. This year the conference Trip Planned For Memorial Special Equipment Brought is to be held during the week of June Wellesley To Act As Dr. Charles Bea le 13-20 and promises to be worth while Day Week-End From Bangor For Hour Addresses Forum to all who attend. Host To N. L Colleges Broadcast • Camp O-at-ka is located on the To its eighth and final trip of' the shores of beautiful Lake Sebago, year, the Colby Outing Club will head about thirty miles north-west of Port- Prominent Educational Lead- Says Everybody Needs A north over the Memorial Day holiday], Opening with fanfare of trum- land, Maine. The camp is ideally ers To Speak At Eleven spending three days in the Mount pets and continuing with fast moving Philosophy Of Life equipped for every sort of outdoor Katahdin region. sport; indeed, it is considered by entertainment throughout, the first Day Session This will be the fifth time ' many the best equipped recreational that the annual radio Varsity Show scored a Club has sponsored trips ' to" Maine Dr. Charles Beale, one of the out- spot in the state; and now, in the 's big hit Saturday night both with its highest most famous standing preachers in the country, midst of these surroundings, pressing The seventh annual New England , , and most spec^ listeners on the air and a studio audi- tacular mountain spoke to the Student Fellowship topics of the day will be discussed. Institute of International Relations, , and it will be the ence in' the Alumnae Building of first time that members of Forum Sunday night on the subject, Among the leaders of the conference to be held June 28 to July 8, will find the wom- about 200. en's division will be taken along. "Can We Be Moral?" In his introduc- ( Continued on page 3) the beautiful Wellesley College cam- ¦ Climaxing the work of the radio tion to a discussion which centered pus dotted with students, teachers, According to present plans, the Club" staff for this year, the show presen- around questions of war, or race re- college professors, and many others will leave Waterville Friday, ted all the outstanding radio perform- lations, and of economic problems, interested in current international May 28, with Chimney Pond, at the ers heard ovor Colby at the Micro- Dr. Beale stressed the fact that every- Colby Closes Year problems. A number of prominent very base of the mountain as its desi- phone and many new stars. It was a one needs a philosophy of life. educational loaders in this country tination. The state-owned shelters full hour show carried' through under ¦ are among tho faculty leaders, spon- around this beautiful mountain lakie the capable direction of Ellis , Mott. "We're here ! We have a life to live. Of Deputations will be used as the base camp for the What are wo going to do with it?" sors and active niembers of the com- Special equipment from Bangor and mittee planning the trip, and from there parties wiil mak'6 was his opening question. He quoted eleven-day ses- tho use of the stage permitted a real- , Colby closed a most successful year sion of lectures, informal discussions trips over tho network of traits that Joseph Fort Newton of Philadelphia, ly professional piece of work such as of deputation Sunday, , May 15, by and recreation. , run up and over the mountain. ' who has said that there are four pos- few Colby students havo had the sending; a team to tho Newport Meth- A sub party will spend ono night sible things to do with life : dodge it; Among the 'speakers will bo Dr. Ro- privilege of witnessing. Both WLBZ odist Church, and another one to on tho summit plateau of the moun- run along with it; get all you can out land Hall Sharp, of the editorial staff and WRDO carried tho program.
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