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<p> LSE-09 ASSIGNMENT BOOKLET</p><p>Bachelor Degree Programme in Science (B.Sc.)</p><p>Elective Course in Animal Diversity – I (LSE-09)</p><p>ASSIGNMENTS 2004</p><p>ASSIGNMENT-1 TMA-1 ASSIGNMENT- 2 TMA-2 ASSIGNMENT-3 CMA</p><p>SCHOOL OF SCIENCES Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi New Delhi – 110 068 LSE-09 Assignments 1, 2 & 3 2004</p><p>Dear Students,</p><p>As explained in the Programme Guide, you will have to do 3 assignments for the Animal Diversity-I (LSE-09) Course. Out of these, two assignments are Tutor Marked (TMA) and the other is Computer Marked (CMA). The block-wise distribution of assignments is as follows: Assignment – 1 (TMA) Block 1 & 2 Assignment – 2 (TMA) Block 3 & 4 Assignment – 3 (CMA) Block 1 to 4</p><p>The instructions for doing the assignments are provided in the Programme Guide under Section 7.1 Assignment. You should read the instructions carefully before you start doing these assignments.</p><p>Please submit your assignments as follows:</p><p>Assignment No. Date of Submission Where to Send Assignment – 1 8 weeks after receiving the The Coordinator of your study (TMA) printed material with centre assignments. Assignment – 2 12 weeks after receiving the The Coordinator of your study (TMA) printed material with centre assignments. Assignment – 3 12 weeks after receiving the The Director (SR&E), (CMA) printed material with Indira Gandhi National Open assignments. University, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi – 110068.</p><p>Answer sheets received after the due date shall not be accepted.</p><p>We strongly suggest that you retain a copy of your assignments.</p><p>Wishing you all good luck.</p><p>2 ASSIGNMENT – 1 (Tutor Marked Assignment)</p><p>Course Code: B.Sc./LSE-09 Assignment Code: LSE-09/AST-1/TMA-1/2004 Max. Marks : 100</p><p>1. What are the various levels of organization seen in organisms? Explain with the help of examples how each successive level is more advanced than the one preceding it. (15)</p><p>1. Describe the distinctive features of protozoans. Explain why a protozoan may be considered a complex organism even though it is composed of only a single cell. (10)</p><p>2. (a) How are the following diseases spread among humans?</p><p>(i) Giardiasis (ii) Kala azar</p><p>(b) Describe the life cycle of the organism that causes malaria in humans. (5+10)</p><p>3. Describe the five-kingdom classification of living organisms. Discuss its limitations. (6+4)</p><p>4. What are coral reefs? Explain the mode of coral reef formation and their significance. (4+6)</p><p>5. Describe with the help of diagrams how the insect mouthparts are adapted for their various feeding habits. (15)</p><p>6. What is torsion? Discuss its significance in Gastropoda. (10)</p><p>7. Describe the characteristic features of phylum Echinodermata. Give its classification and also describe the important characters of the classes under this phylum. (15)</p><p>3 ASSIGNMENT – 2 (Tutor Marked Assignment)</p><p>Course Code: B.Sc./LSE-09 Assignment Code: LSE-09/AST-2/TMA-2/2004 Max. Marks : 100</p><p>1. Compare the excretory organs among the various groups of non-chordates and write their functions. (15)</p><p>2. With the help of examples distinguish between open and closed types of circulatory system among non-chordates. (10)</p><p>3. Describe various types of locomotion and the structural components of locomotory machinery found among the lower metazoans and annelids (15)</p><p>4. Discuss the modes of feeding in different non-chordate metazoan phyla and describe the structures associated with these feeding modes. (15)</p><p>5. Describe the endocrine structures in annelids, molluscs and insects. (15)</p><p>6. Explain the process of asexual reproduction in non-chordates. (10)</p><p>7. What do you understand by migration? Describe the process and significance (2+8) of migrations in the insects.</p><p>8. Discuss the usefulness of non-chordates as source of food for humans. (10)</p><p>4 ASSIGNMENT – 3 (Computer Marked Assignment)</p><p>Course Code: B.Sc./LSE-09 Assignment Code: LSE-09/AST-3/CMA-1/2004 Max. Marks : 100</p><p>1. Who among the following first discovered the cell? 1) Schwann 2) Schleiden 3) Robert Hook 4) Miller</p><p>2. Which of the following is acellular form? 1) Bacteria 2) Viruses 3) Plasmodium 4) Volvox</p><p>3. Who proposed modern system of Binomial Nomenclature? 1) Ernst Mayr 2) Linnaeus 3) Darwin 4) Lamarck</p><p>4. Protoplasm is bound by the membrane called 1) cell wall 2) pellicle 3) cytoskeleton 4) plasmalemma</p><p>5. Some protozoans synthesise their own food from inorganic precursors and hence are called 1) heterotrophic 2) autotrophic 3) saprozoic 4) holozoic</p><p>6. Which of the following are homologous organs? 1) Wings of insects and birds 2) Hands of man and wings of bats 3) Exoskeleton of beetles and exoskeleton of turtle 4) Gills of fish and lungs of whales</p><p>7. Kinetostome and infraciliary system is a characteristic of 1) phylum Ciliophora 2) phylum Apicomplexa</p><p>5 3) phylum Sarcomastigophora 4) phylum Ascetospora</p><p>8. If an organism can be divided in not more than two equal halves, it is said to be 1) radially symmetrical 2) spherically symmetrical 3) asymmetrical 4) bilaterally symmetrical</p><p>9. Which of the following are Schizocoelomates? 1) Platyhelminthes, nematodes, arthropods 2) Annelids, arthropods, molluscs 3) Echinoderms, arthropods, molluscs 4) Chordates, echinoderms, arthropods</p><p>10. In which of the following animal the system of spaces connecting the inhalent pores or ostia with the exhalent oscula is called canal system? 1) Coelenterates 2) Sponges 3) Cestodes 4) Newatodes</p><p>11. The feeding polyps with tentacles are called as 1) dactylozooids 2) gastrozooids 3) gonozooids 4) gonochorism</p><p>12. True coelomate animals belong to which of the following phylums? 1) Porifera 2) Ctenophora 3) Annelida 4) Arthropoda</p><p>13. In Arthropoda the cuticle in each segment forms a dorsal plate called 1) tergum 2) sternum 3) pleura 4) tagmata</p><p>14. All species of which one of the following sub-phylum of Arthropoda are extinct? 1) Trilobitomorpha 2) Chelicerata 3) Crustacea 4) Uniramia</p><p>6 15. In which animal locomotion is performed by peristaltic movement and setae are used for anchoring the body? 1) Nereis 2) Chaetopterus 3) Arenicola 4) Pheretima</p><p>16. Biting and chewing type of mouthparts is found in 1) mosquito 2) housefly 3) grasshopper 4) butterfly</p><p>17. Clams and squids belong to phylum 1) Annelida 2) Arthropoda 3) Myriapoda 4) Mollusca</p><p>18. Which of the following animal’s is the parasitic barnacle living in crabs? 1) Cyclops 2) Candona 3) Sacculina 4) Nebalia </p><p>19. Body of which of the following animal is enclosed within a bilobed mantle and in a two-valved shell? 1) Dentalium 2) Mytiius 3) Octopus 4) Dorsis</p><p>20. Torsion is the most distinctive character of which of the following molluscs? 1) Monoplacophora 2) Polyplacophora 3) Aplacophora 4) Gastropoda</p><p>21. The unique system consisting of canals and appendages of body wall in Echinoderms in called 1) perivisceral coelom 2) haemal system 3) water vascular system 4) hyponeural sinus system</p><p>7 22. In which of the following annelids suckers are the locomotory structures? 1) Hirudinea 2) Polycheates 3) Oligochaetes 4) Acoelomates</p><p>23. Which of the following insects shows polymorphism? 1) Butter fly 2) Cockroach 3) Silver fish 4) Honeybee</p><p>24. In which animal hydrostatic skeletons are found? 1) Nereis 2) Earthworm 3) Peripatus 4) Chilopoda</p><p>25. Animals that have well developed parapodia are 1) tube dwelling 2) burrowing 3) slow walking or crawling 4) creeping and swimming</p><p>26. Which coelenterate feeds on fishes? 1) Hydra 2) Obelia 3) Anthozoans 4) Tubipora</p><p>27. Which of the following insects has mandibulate types of mouth parts? 1) Cockroach 2) Butterfly 3) Mosquito 4) Honeybee</p><p>28. Respiration takes place by means of book lungs in the arthropods that are 1) insects 2) spiders 3) crustaceans 4) centipedes</p><p>29. Respiration with the help of abdominal gills occurs in 1) cockroach 2) mayfly 3) honeybee 4) butterfly</p><p>8 30. In which animal there is a pair of coxal glands in almost all the segments? 1) Centipede 2) Millepede 3) Peripatus 4) Butterfly</p><p>31. Copper is the component of respiratory pigment 1) haemoglobin 2) chlorocruorins 3) haemerythrins 4) haemocyanins</p><p>32. Ladder type of nervous system is found in 1) planarian flatworms 2) annelids 3) arthropods 4) molluscs</p><p>33. Earthworm and leaches are devoid of special 1) circulatory organs 2) excretory organs 3) reproductive organs 4) respiratory organs</p><p>34. Open type of circulatory system is found in 1) octopus 2) squid 3) earthworm 4) crayfish</p><p>35. Invertebrate ganglia having a cellular rind or cortex and a central mass are called 1) nerve cell bodies 2) neuropile 3) neurolamella 4) glial cell nuclei</p><p>36. In which of the following animals reversal of torsion (detorsion) leads to untwisting of nerve loop? 1) Patella 2) Gastropod 3) Opisthobranchia 4) Loligo</p><p>37. Jurenile hormone has been isolated from 1) prothoracic gland 2) corpus allatum 3) corpus cardiacum 4) Y-organ</p><p>9 38. In the insects conspicuous groups of neurosecretary cells in the median region of the protocerebrum of the brain are known as 1) nervi corpora cardiaci 2) pars intercerebralis 3) median cells 4) tritocerebral cells</p><p>39. Prothoracic glands produce a steroid hormone called 1) brain hormone 2) ecdeysone 3) moulting hormone 4) juvenile hormone</p><p>40. Which of the below mentioned receptors in non-chordate metazoans is involved in the perception of gravity? 1) Trichoid sensillium 2) Campaniform sensillium 3) Stretch receptor 4) Statocyst</p><p>41. Plasmotomy is a variant form of fission found in some multinucleate protozoans like 1) Euglena 2) Paramecium 3) Opaline 4) Amoeba</p><p>42. In which of the following animals, on cutting into half the missing half will regrow in each piece to produce a complete animal? 1) Syllis 2) Chaetopterus 3) Linckia 4) Planaria</p><p>43. Which of the following species of honeybee can not be domesticated? 1) Apis indica 2) Apis florae 3) Apis dorsata 4) Apis mellifera</p><p>44. Which of the following is mulberry-silk worm? 1) Phylosamia ricini 2) Bombyx mori 3) Antheraea assamia 4) Antheraea paphia</p><p>10 45. Strobilation is a kind of asexual reproduction exhibited by 1) Hydra 2) Obelia 3) Aurelia 4) Nematodes</p><p>46. The best known edible oyster is 1) C.aucullata 2) C.discoidea 3) C.madrasensis 4) Ostrea</p><p>47. Daily rhythm such as feeding, drinking and sleeping that follows a cycle of approximately twenty four hours is called 1) lunar rhythm 2) tidal rhythm 3) circadian rhythm 4) solar rhythm</p><p>48. The lung parasite of human beings is 1) Paragonimus 2) Schistosoma 3) Taenia 4) Hymenolopis</p><p>49. The percentage of sucrose found in honey is 1) 1% 2) 2% 3) 3% 4) 4%</p><p>50. Which country discovered the usefulness of silk? 1) India 2) Korea 3) China 4) Japan</p><p>11</p><p>INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY RESPONSE SHEET FOR COMPUTER MARKED ASSIGNMENT</p><p>Enrolment No. Programme : BDP Name & Course Code : B.Sc./LSE-09 Address Assignment Code : LSE-09/AST- (Block 3/CMA/2004 Letters) </p><p>Pin Code Signature ______Date : ______</p><p>Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No. Answers</p><p>Question 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 No. Answers</p><p>Question 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 No. Answers</p><p>Question 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 No. Answers</p><p>Question 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 No. Answers</p><p>For Office Use Only</p><p>12 13</p>

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