<p> PREQUALIFICATION DOCUMENTS FOR</p><p>CARRIAGE CONTRACT 2014-15</p><p>Documents issued to: </p><p>______</p><p>Date: ______</p><p>National Fertilizer Marketing Limited 53 Jail Road Lahore Table of Contents</p><p>Introduction 5 Scope of Work 5 Description of Work 5</p><p>SECTION I: Instructions to Applicants 9</p><p>1. Prospective Bidder 9</p><p>1.1 Participation Restrictions 9</p><p>1.2 Pre-Qualification Evaluation Requirements 9</p><p>1.3 Ineligibility of a Prospective Bidder 9</p><p>1.4 Prequalification Preparation Costs 10</p><p>2. Invitation for Prequalification 10</p><p>2.1 Requirements of Pre-Qualification Documents 11</p><p>2.2 Language 12</p><p>2.3 Currency 12</p><p>2.4 Schedule of Pre-Qualification Process 12</p><p>3. Pre-Qualification Application Submission 12</p><p>3.1 Format and Signing of the Pre-Qualification Application 12</p><p>3.2 Sealing and Marking of Pre-Qualification Applications 13</p><p>3.3 Pre-Qualification Application Due Date 13</p><p>3.4 Late Pre-Qualification Applications 14</p><p>3.5 Modifications/ Substitution/ Withdrawal of Prequalification 14</p><p>4. Pre-Qualification Opening and Evaluation 14</p><p>4.1 Opening of Application – Due Date 14</p><p>4.2 Evaluation of Pre-Qualification Applications – Criteria 14</p><p>4.3 Evidence of Supporting Documents 14 Page 2 of 36 4.4 Right to Reject or Accept any or All Applications 15</p><p>4.5 Confidentiality 15</p><p>4.6 Qualification and Notification 15</p><p>5. Criteria for Evaluation 16</p><p>5.1 Relevant Transport Experience 17</p><p>5.2 Transport Capability 17</p><p>5.3 Financial Capability 17</p><p>5.4 Mandatory Documentation 19</p><p>6. Invitation for Bids 19</p><p>SECTION II: Pre-Qualification Data Sheet 20</p><p>SECTION III: Application and Data Forms 21</p><p>1. Form 1 General Information 22</p><p>2. Form 2 Experience Record 23</p><p>3. Form 3 Equipment Capabilities 24</p><p>4. Form 4 Financial Resources 27</p><p>5. Form 5 Litigation History 28</p><p>6. Form 6 Integrity Pact / Disclosure Clause 29</p><p>7. Form 7 Application Submission Form 30</p><p>8. Form 8 Power of Attorney 31</p><p>9. Form 9 Affidavit for not having blacklisted/barred/defaulted 32</p><p>10. Form 10 Checklist 33</p><p>Page 3 of 36</p><p>DISCLAIMER</p><p>This Prequalification Document is provided to the recipient solely for use in preparing and submitting applications for prequalification in connection with carriage contract for transport of imported urea from various ports of Pakistan (hereafter called Project) to National Fertilizer Marketing Limited (NFML) designated stores. The Prequalification Document is being issued by the NFML solely for use by prospective investors in considering the Project.</p><p>Neither NFML, nor their employees make any representation (expressed or implied) or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein, or in other document made available to a person in connection with the tender process for the Project and shall have no liability for this Prequalification Document or for any other written or oral communication transmitted to the recipient in the course of the recipient’s evaluation of the Project. Neither NFML, nor their representatives will be liable to reimburse or compensate the recipient for any costs nor expenses incurred by the recipient in evaluating or acting upon this Prequalification Document or otherwise in connection with the Project as contemplated herein.</p><p>Page 4 of 36 This Prequalification Document does not constitute a solicitation to invest, or otherwise participate, in the Project. NFML reserves its right, in its full discretion, to modify the Prequalification Document and/or the Project at any time to the fullest extent permitted by law, and shall not be liable to reimburse or compensate the recipient for any costs nor expenses incurred by the recipient in such an event.</p><p>NATIONAL FERTILIZER MARKETING LIMITED PREQUALIFICATION OF TENDERS FOR CARTAGE CONTRACT</p><p>Introduction</p><p> a) NFML intends to prequalify experienced, capable and financially sound cartage transporters to participate in the tender for transportation of imported fertilizer by trucks / trailers or other justified means from Gawadar, Karachi and Bin Qasim Port to NFML consignees throughout Pakistan as and when directed by NFML.</p><p> b) National Fertilizer Marketing Limited (NFML) invites prequalification applications ("Prequalification Applications") from prospective bidders (each a "Prospective Bidder") for the execution and completion of NFML Cartage Contract 2014-2015 as detailed below.</p><p>Page 5 of 36 Scope of Work</p><p> a) NFML expects to transport the imported fertilizer through the Cartage Contractors for the period of 12 months subject to the terms of Cartage Contract. The actual quantity to be transported will depend upon the allocation made to NFML by the Government of Pakistan and Fertilizer Imported by TCP.</p><p> b) The actual requirements of trucks will be determined by NFML from time to time and conveyed to the Cartage contractor through Port Representative at Karachi and or NFML Head Office. It is clearly understood that the Cartage Contractor will be required to provide the number of trucks per day as directed by the Port Representative on 24 hours notice. NFML shall reserve the right to withdraw its requisition in part or whole at any time without assigning any reason or paying any compensation to the Cartage Contractor.</p><p> c) The Cartage Contractor shall work as a non-exclusive Cartage Contractor of the Company for transportation and delivery of imported fertilizer through trucks/ trailers or other justified means from Karachi Port , Port Qasim and Gawadar (hereinafter referred to as the Port) to such destinations/places in such quantities and in such a manner as NFML shall direct.</p><p>Description of Work</p><p>The exact description of work shall be specified in the Cartage Contract which will be part of tender document issued to successful pre-qualified contractors, however key points of description are generally detail as below:</p><p> a) The Cartage Contractor will be bound to keep the urea in transit in safe custody, properly secure, without damage or loss and will be bound to indemnify the actual urea import price plus penalties as would be decided by NFML. Transit time for each distance will be decided by NFML, transit time will be calculated in HOURS with limited number and duration of stopovers and will be duly incorporated in cartage agreement, which shall be a part of Tender document for pre-qualified firms. However it must be particularly noted that for urea transport from Gawadar to Karachi Transshipment Go-downs if there is any delay in transit as per time lines mentioned in the cartage agreement, OR if the contractor indulges in subversive activities, strikes, deliberately holding or delaying the loading , unloading and transport of urea on any pretext, further dispatch of the cartage contractor would be stopped immediately and it would be liable for full penalties and full recoveries as per actual TCP cost , immediate</p><p>Page 6 of 36 suspension and(or) termination of agreement and (or) blacklisting of the contractor as decided by NFML competent Authority.</p><p> b) The Cartage Contractor shall at his own cost and expense establish an independent office with telephone connection at a site close to the Ports (to enable NFML to have liaison with the Contractor or his authorized representative as and when required without any loss of time. Such representative shall be literate/ competent enough and mutually acceptable to handle the work involved and shall be replaced by a substitute upon any complaint made against him by the Company.</p><p> c) The Cartage Contractor shall ensure that his representative is permanently posted at the Ports in order to take and acknowledge the receipt of delivery of the supply order/ stock transfer notes. </p><p> d) The Cartage Contractor will maintain a record of all supply orders and stock transfer notes received by him for execution in a proper register. All dispatches made against the documents received will be recorded date wise. The relevant information pertaining to truck numbers etc. will also be duly recorded. </p><p> e) The Cartage Contractor shall deliver the product to the consignee at the NFML designated destination and obtain signatures along with delivery date and stamp from the consignee for the receipt thereof on the Supply Order/ Stock Transfer Note form. </p><p> f) In case the Cartage Contractor in connivance with the consignee delivers/ unloads/ dumps the consignment at a place other than the designated destination, the Cartage Contractor shall be liable to pay NFML the full value of the consignment at TCP import price plus damages as would be defined in the Cartage Contract. </p><p> g) Loading both at Ports and unloading from trucks at destination(s) will not be the responsibility of the Cartage Contractor. However, at the time of loading the Cartage Contractor or his authorized representative will supervise the loading of fertilizer to ensure that the number of bags mentioned in Supply Order/ Stock Transfer Notes are exactly loaded and there is no improper Page 7 of 36 loading. In case there is any delay or any loss, theft and adulteration or damage to the fertilizer due to improper loading after it has left Ports the Cartage Contractor will be held responsible for the same and will be liable to make good the losses plus damages as would be defined in the Cartage Contract.</p><p> h) The Cartage Contractor shall cover the entire product by tarpaulin at all times while in transit to avoid damage by rain, dust or other weather effects. If during transit rain, dust or other weather effects damage the fertilizer, the Cartage Contractor will be held responsible for the damage. External spoiling of bags through settlement of dust or soiling for any reason shall be construed to be damage to the product, and damages shall be levied on the contractor proportionate to the assessed value. The consignee shall check the use of tarpaulins at the receiving end. In case of a report by the consignee regarding tarpaulins not being used, the Cartage Contractor will be liable to pay damages plus damages as would be defined in the Cartage Contract. </p><p> i) The Cartage Contractor will be responsible to deliver the fertilizer in the same truck which has taken delivery at Ports. In case the truck receiving delivery from Ports meets an accident and does not remain in road worthy condition the fertilizer may be transferred to the other truck(s) by the Cartage Contractor who shall ensure its delivery to the destination in the original condition with due permission and prior information of NFML.</p><p> j) It will be responsibility of the Cartage Contractor to ensure that the driver of the truck presents on demand to the Competent Authority representing the Government or the Company documents related to the fertilizer carted by him i.e. Supply Order/Stock Transfer Notes, issued by the Company. “BILLTY” specifying the consignee and documents prescribed in the Motor Vehicles Act of Pakistan. The Cartage Contractor shall be responsible for the acts, commissions or omissions of his drivers and other servants and employees engaged by him and shall remain liable to pay to NFML the amounts plus damages as would be defined in the Cartage Contract , for ANY REASONS(s) WHATSOEVER there is any delayed delivery, non-delivery or short delivery of fertilizer or damage or loss to the fertilizer HOWSOEVER caused while the fertilizer is in the charge of and under the control of the Cartage Contractor.</p><p> k) The Cartage Contractor shall be solely responsible for any accident sustained by any of his labourers, drivers and other servants, agents and employees</p><p>Page 8 of 36 concerned in the handling and carriage of the product whether or not resulting in death and disability and shall be liable for all damages or compensation payable in respect of such accidents whether under the Workmen’s Compensation Act or the Fatal Accident Act, or any other enactment or law for the time being in force and shall keep NFML indemnified from against all claims made against NFML arising out of the work carried out by the Cartage Contractor under the Cartage Contract.</p><p> l) The Cartage Contractor shall be solely responsible for any and all liabilities arising in favour of third parties. The Cartage Contractor shall not at any time assign or sub-contract any one or more of the obligations imposed on him.</p><p> m) In case the Cartage Contractor sublets the Contract, NFML shall be within its right to terminate the Agreement forthwith forfeiting the security deposit and black listing the party. </p><p> n) NFML reserves the right to transport the fertilizer from ports by Railway Wagons, NLC Containers/ Trucks, dealers/ bulk purchasers own carriers, private carriers, or by other Cartage Contractors, or by its own transport in its discretion. </p><p> o) In the event of mal-performance/ non-performance by the Cartage Contractor(s), NFML has also the right to arrange transport through any means at the risk and cost of the Cartage Contractor and recover/debit the actual expenditure thereby incurred on transportation and handling including loading etc. as would be detailed in the Cartage Contract.</p><p> p) Remote monitoring and (or) tracker system from third party(s) and (or) third party validation of truck movement as decided by NFML may be installed and applicable on all vehicles at the expense of Cartage Contractor. </p><p>Page 9 of 36 SECTION I: Instructions to Applicants</p><p>The underlying Prequalification Document is in accordance with the invitation for prequalification being published on 28th September, 2014 and available on the website of NFML http://www.nfml.com.pk</p><p>1. Prospective Bidder </p><p>1.1 Participation Restrictions</p><p>(i) No Prospective Bidder may prequalify if it owns more than five percent (5%) of the share (directly or indirectly, in terms of voting rights and/or rights to dividends) of another Prospective Bidder or is a member of another bidding company / firm.</p><p>(ii) No Prospective Bidder may prequalify if it has any representative on the Board of Directors of another Prospective Bidder.</p><p>(iii) No Prospective Bidder may prequalify if any of NFML’s advisors or external consultants holds any shares or has any representatives in the Board of Directors of the Prospective Bidder or is a member of another bidding company / firm.</p><p>(iv)No Prospective Bidder may prequalify if it is fertilizer dealer, is enlisted with NFML as Labour, Security or Tally Contractor or if it has affiliation (first kin only) with any employee of NFML. (v) Joint venture experience and its resources and subcontracts shall NOT be considered for prequalification. However Limited Companies and Partnership firms would be considered as single entity.</p><p>1.2 Pre-Qualification Evaluation Requirements</p><p>Page 10 of 36 The criteria for evaluation of prequalification are based on the company / firm transport experience, transport capability and financial capability. Details of the selection criteria for each category are detailed in Section 5.</p><p>1.3 Ineligibility of a Prospective Bidder</p><p> i. If the Prospective Bidder has been barred / blacklisted from participating in any project by any federal, provincial or local government or any government instrumentality in Pakistan, whereas the bar subsists as on the request for Prequalification application advertisement publication date in newspaper, such entity shall not be eligible to participate in pre-qualification and contract process, either individually or as a member of another bidding company. Any concealment at any later stage would automatically lead to cancellation of pre-qualification and cartage contract with appropriate ancillary damages as determined by NFML. ii. A Prospective Bidder in the 5 (five) years preceding the Prequalification Application advertisement date in newspaper should not have: a. Failed to perform any contract, as evidenced by an arbitral or judicial authority or a judicial pronouncement or arbitration award against the Prospective Bidder as the case may be; or b. has been expelled from any project or contract by any public entity or authority; or c. had any contract terminated by any government or government instrumentality for breach by such Prospective Bidder. d. should not have defaulted on any account on any previous or current contract with NFML</p><p>Such entity shall not be eligible to participate in pre-qualification and contract process, either individually or as a member of another bidding company. Any concealment at any later stage would automatically lead to cancellation of pre- qualification and cartage contract with appropriate ancillary damages as determined by NFML. iii. Any concealment or later discovery of any default, concealment or misrepresentation by any means at any later stage would automatically lead to cancellation of pre- qualification and Cartage Contract with appropriate ancillary damages as determined by NFML.</p><p>1.4 Prequalification Preparation Costs</p><p>The Prospective Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of this Prequalification Application, including, without limitation, all costs and expenses related to the Prospective Bidder’s preparation of responses to questions or requests for clarification.</p><p>Page 11 of 36 2. Invitation for Pre-Qualification</p><p> i. National Fertilizer Marketing Limited intends prequalifying well reputed and experienced companies/firm/proprietors, having significant financial and transport resources in its name for execution and completion of NFML Carriage Contract 2014-2015.</p><p> ii. Interested firms/companies may obtain prequalification documents from the office of Manager (Commercial), 53 Jail Road, Lahore up to Monday the 20th October, 2014, 4:00 P.M Pakistan Standard Time (PST) upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Rs.1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) in the form of DD/Pay order in the name of NFML</p><p> iii. The prequalification documents must be duly completed and delivered on or before 14:00 Pakistan Time (PKT) on the Prequalification application Due Date mentioned in the Schedule of Prequalification Process provided in Section 2.4 and in the manner and form as detailed in Section 3 and this Prequalification document. Documents, which are received late, will be rejected and returned unopened. </p><p> iv. NFML may reject all or any application for prequalification and tender without assigning any reason and without bearing any cost or claim in relation to it, as per rules. Applicants will be informed of the result of the evaluation of applications in due course of time. Only the firms or contractors prequalified under this process will be invited to bid in subsequent tender.</p><p> v. There is no fee or deposit for the prequalification. However, at the time of inviting financial bid the successful bidder will be required to furnish security money of Rs 100,00,000/= (PKR 10 Million ) for each port in favour of NFML, Lahore till the period of contract / agreement with NFML.</p><p>For further details please contact:</p><p>Manager Commercial 53 Jail Road, Lahore Contact No: +92-42-99205666-73,</p><p>2.1 Requirements of prequalification documents i-The Prequalification Applications to be submitted by the Prospective Bidder shall comprise all the required documents according to the format provided in Section 7. All information provided by the Prospective Bidder through the documents mentioned in Section 7 shall be legally binding on the bidder and should the need arise, may be used as evidence in any court of law, which has jurisdiction. Further NFML reserves Page 12 of 36 the right without further recourse to verify at its own cost the accuracy of any information provided herein. </p><p> ii-All the applicants to please note that as per PPRA Rules and Regulations, all the documents/statements submitted by a Firm/Company for its pre-qualification are under Oath. Any document/statement provided if proved false, misstated, concocted, or incorrect at any time during or after Pre-qualification will result into permanent disqualification and black listing of the firm/Company/Partners with their names displayed on PPRA website. </p><p> iii- The Prequalification Applications must not contain any fee or fee schedules or any other reference to rates for undertaking the project. All the Prequalification Applications containing such fee or rate related information will be rejected.</p><p>2.2 Language</p><p>The Prequalification Application and all related correspondence and documents should be written in English. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by Bidder with the Prequalification Application may be in any other language provided that they are accompanied by appropriate translations of the submitted documents in English and being duly certified. Supporting materials, which are not translated into English, will not be considered for prequalification purpose.</p><p>2.3 Currency</p><p>The currency for the purpose of the Prequalification Application shall be Pak Rupee (PKR).</p><p>2.4 Schedule of Pre-qualification Process</p><p>The schedule of Prequalification process is as follows:</p><p>Activity Target Date Invitation for Prequalification 28th September, 2014 Clarification Requests Submission Deadline 3rd October, 2014 Communication of Response to Queries of Prospective Bidders 13th October, 2014 Prequalification document issue Dead line 20th October, 2014, 4:00 P.M. PST Prequalification Applications Submission Deadline 21st October, 2014, 2:00 P.M. PST Document opening Due Date 21st October, 2014 2:30 P.M. PST</p><p>3 Prequalification Application Submission Page 13 of 36 3.1 Format and Signing of the Prequalification Application</p><p> a. Each Prospective Bidder shall prepare and submit Prequalification Application/forms shall be typed or written in indelible ink. The person or persons duly authorized to bind the Prospective Bidder shall sign the Prequalification Application by signing all pages of original application form, copies of all supporting documents (where applicable), all annexures / forms and any other supporting documents. b. The relevant Prequalification Application shall contain no alterations, omissions or additions, unless such corrections are not significant and are signed by the person or persons required to sign the Prequalification Application.</p><p>3.2 Sealing and Marking of Prequalification Applications</p><p>Sealed application should be submitted to NFML enclosed in a DOUBLE ENVELOPE with the OUTER ENVELOPE bearing the words:</p><p>"APPLICATION FOR PREQUALIFICATION FOR NFML CARRIAGE CONTRACT 2014-15. DO NOT OPEN BEFORE 21st October, 2014” </p><p>The Prequalification Application must be deposited in the tender box and particulars of the application entered in the tender register, both placed at the following office:</p><p>Manager Commercial 53 Jail Road, Lahore Contact No: +92-42-99205666-73</p><p>The inner envelope shall each indicate the name and address of the Prospective Bidder to enable the relevant Prequalification Application to be returned unopened if it is declared "late". If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked as required in this Section 5.2, NFML will assume no responsibility for any Prequalification Application’s misplacement or premature opening. If the outer envelope discloses the Prospective Bidder's identity, NFML will not guarantee the anonymity of the submission, but this disclosure will not constitute grounds for rejection.</p><p>3.3 Prequalification Application Due Date</p><p>Page 14 of 36 Prequalification applications should be submitted before 14:00 Pakistan Standard Time (PST) on the Prequalification application Due Date mentioned in the Schedule of Prequalification Process, at the address provided above in the manner and form as detailed in this Prequalification. The applications submitted by hand or courier telex or e-mail will not be considered for evaluation and short listing. However, NFML reserves the right to extend the Prequalification application submission Date and Time, at any time prior to opening of Prequalification Applications in response to this Prequalification.</p><p>3.4 Late Prequalification Applications</p><p>Prequalification Applications received after the Due Date and time shall not be considered.</p><p>3.5 Modifications/ Substitution/ Withdrawal of Prequalification</p><p> i. The Bidder may modify, substitute or withdraw its Prequalification Application after submission, provided that written notice of the modification, substitution or withdrawal is received by NFML no later than the closing date for ‘Communication of Response to Queries of Prospective Bidders’ as mentioned in the Schedule of Pre-qualification Process. ii. The notice for modification, substitution or withdrawal of any tender shall be prepared, sealed, marked and delivered in accordance with the outer and inner envelopes additionally marked “MODIFICATION”, “SUBSTITUTION” or “WITHDRAWAL”, as appropriate. A withdrawal notice may also be sent by telex or fax but followed by a signed confirmation copy, post marked not later than the deadline for submission of Tenders. </p><p>4. Prequalification Opening and Evaluation</p><p>4.1 Opening of Application - Due Date</p><p>NFML will open the Applications on the Application opening Due Date mentioned in the Schedule of Pre-qualification Process, for the purpose of evaluation. </p><p>4.2 Evaluation of Prequalification Applications – Criteria</p><p>NFML will subsequently examine and evaluate Prequalification Applications in Accordance with the criteria set out in Section 5. The “Competent Authority” for final decisions in any aspect of the entire process is Chairman National Fertilizer Corporation (NFC) by designation.</p><p>Page 15 of 36 4.3 Evidence of Supporting Documents</p><p>NFML reserves the right to call for supporting documentation to verify the data provided by Bidder, at any time during the pre-qualification process. The Bidder in such cases will need to provide the requested clarification / documents promptly and within three days of communication. In case the bidder fails to provide the requested documents, such part(s) / portion(s) / document(s) will not be considered for evaluation marking and zero marks will be awarded if the clarification is of mandatory nature, as determined by NFML the Bid is liable to be disqualified.</p><p>4.4 Right to Reject or Accept any or All Applications</p><p>Notwithstanding anything contained in this Prequalification document, NFML reserves the right to accept or reject any Prequalification Application and to annul the pre-qualification process and reject all Prequalification Applications / proposals, at any time even after prequalification without any liability or any obligation for such acceptance, rejection or annulment as per PPRA Rules, 2004. </p><p>4.5 Confidentiality</p><p> i. Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation, and recommendation for the pre-qualified Bidders shall not be disclosed to any person not officially concerned with the process (except for verification or any other legal requirement). NFML will treat all information submitted as part of Prequalification Application in confidence and will require all those who have access to such material to treat the same in confidence. NFML will not divulge any such information unless it is ordered to do so by any authority that has the power under law to require information disclosure or unless deemed pertinent by NFML ii. Notwithstanding above, for operational requirements and to ensure conformity to relevant laws NFML reserves the right to share information/seek verification of vehicles (for successful contractors) used by contractor during urea transport with / from any government organization/department/agency at any stage and it will be the responsibility of the contractor to not use any such vehicle which is without valid registration , proper documentation or use of which violates any law, rule or regulation of any agency, department or organization of Pakistan.</p><p>4.6 Qualification and Notification</p><p>After the evaluation of Prequalification Applications, NFML will announce a list of prequalified Bidders who meet the Qualification Criteria. At the same time, NFML will notify the failing bidders regarding their Prequalification </p><p>Page 16 of 36 5. Criteria for Evaluation</p><p>The company shall be pre-qualified on the basis of the following criteria mentioned in the table below. Further explanation of the evaluation criteria is stated in the subsequent sections. CRITERIA Maximum Marks 1. Relevant Transport Experience 30 Relevant Transport Projects undertaken with Public Sector and (or) with companies listed with SECP within the last 03 years till date of prequalification advertisement in newspapers. - Sum of all contractual payments made to cartage contracts will be awarded marks on the basis of 1 mark for each 20 million PKR payment rounded to the previous lower round number up to a maximum of 30 marks. - Proof of payment for each contract by the relevant (Attested by Relevant Authority of that Organization) AND 30 - Satisfactory completion report for each period/project by each organization is mandatory (On Organization Letter addressed to Manger Commercial NFML in Original) - Non furnishing of any of these documents or submission in the manner other than mentioned above will automatically lead to absolute non consideration while calculating marks and NFML will NOT ask for provision of above missing document </p><p>2.Transport Capability 30 Number of vehicles available owned in complete working order 1.0 Mark for each Vehicle Owned in the name of the Company, or 30 Proprietor or Partner 3. Financial position 40 Annual Turn-over declared in Tax Return for Financial Year ending 40 2013-14.</p><p>IMPORTANT NOTE THE PRE-QUALIFICATION CRTIERIA IS SEPARATE FOR ONLY BALOCHISTAN CANDIDATES FOR GAWADAR PORTS BUT SAME FOR ALL CANDIDATES FOR KARACHI PORTS</p><p> i. The minimum marks required to be pre-qualified is 60. In case less than 05 candidate firms get 60 marks or above , ONLY THEN (in order to ensure competition for bidding) 10 firms obtaining highest marks will be pre- qualified provided that the candidate firm(s) meet and fulfill other mandatory criteria mentioned in this document AND provided that the marks obtained by that candidate firm(s) is Not Less than 50. Page 17 of 36 ii. FOR BALCHOSITAN APPLICANTS AT GAWADAR PORTS: The minimum marks required to be qualified for Baluchistan Cartage Contractors only for Gawadar port (not Karachi Ports) is 50 (in order to facilitate applicants from Baluchistan in compliance with Government Directives on Aghaza-e-Haqooq Baluchistan), in case less than 04 candidate firms get 50 marks or above, ONLY then 04 firms obtaining highest marks will be pre- qualified provided that the candidate firm(s) fulfill other mandatory criteria mentioned in this document AND provided that marks obtained by the candidate firm(s) is not less than 30. PLEASE NOTE: As the Quota for Baluchistan applicants is for Gawadar Ports only therefore Baluchistan applicants will be evaluated and pre-qualified for KARACHI PORTS at par with all other candidates as per criteria (i) mentioned above. </p><p>5.1 Relevant Transport Experience</p><p>The applicant firm/company must have sufficient and related transport experience with Public sector organizations and private listed companies/organizations for at least preceding THREE years and would be evaluated as per evaluation criteria and must provide all related information as mentioned.</p><p>5.2 Transport Capability</p><p>The applicant firm/company must have adequate own transport and would be evaluated as per evaluation criteria and must provide all related information as indicated in Form 3.</p><p>5.3 Financial Capability The Bidders would be evaluated by applicant/firm/company/proprietor turnover on duly attested Tax Return for the Financial Year Ending 2013- 2014.However it is mandatory that the applicant MUST submit Tax returns for last THREE years to be eligible as mandatory criteria to establish its experience .The point(s) allocation would be according to the outline given in table below:-</p><p>Annual Turnover (PKR) as declared in Tax Return Marks Allocation Greater or equal to Rs. 200 million 40 Greater or equal to Rs. 195 million but less than Rs 200 million 39 Greater or equal to Rs. 190 million but less than Rs 195 million 38 Greater or equal to Rs. 185 million but less than190 million 37 Greater or equal to Rs. 180 million but less than185 million 36 Greater or equal to Rs. 175 million but less than Rs 180 million 35 Greater or equal to Rs. 170 million but less than Rs 175 million 34</p><p>Page 18 of 36 Greater or equal to Rs. 165 million but less than Rs 170 million 33 Greater or equal to Rs. 160 million but less than 165 million 32 Greater or equal to Rs. 155 million but less than Rs 160 million 31 Greater or equal to Rs. 150 million but less than Rs 155 million 30 Greater or equal to Rs. 145 million but less than Rs 150 million 29 Greater or equal to Rs. 140 million but less than Rs 145 million 28 Greater or equal to Rs. 135 million but less than Rs 140 million 27 Greater or equal to Rs. 130 million but less than Rs 135 million 26 Greater or equal to Rs. 125 million but less than Rs 130 million 25 Greater or equal to Rs. 120 million but less than Rs 125 million 24 Greater or equal to Rs. 115 million but less than Rs 120 million 23 Greater or equal to Rs. 110 million but less than Rs 115 million 22 Greater or equal to Rs. 105 million but less than Rs 110 million 21 Greater or equal to Rs. 100 million but less than Rs 105 million 20 Greater or equal to Rs. 95 million but less than Rs 100 million 19 Greater or equal to Rs. 90 million but less than Rs 95 million 18 Greater or equal to Rs. 85 million but less than Rs 90 million 17 Greater or equal to Rs. 80 million but less than Rs 85 million 16 Greater or equal to Rs. 75 million but less than Rs 80 million 15 Greater or equal to Rs. 70 million but less than 75 million 14 Greater or equal to Rs. 65 million but less than Rs 70 million 13 Greater or equal to Rs. 60 million but less than Rs 65 million 12 Greater or equal to Rs. 55 million but less than Rs 60 million 11 Greater or equal to Rs. 50 million but less than Rs 55 million 10 Greater or equal to Rs. 45 million but less than Rs 50 million 09 Greater or equal to Rs. 40 million but less than Rs 45 million 08 Greater or equal to Rs. 35 million but less than Rs 40 million 07 Greater or equal to Rs. 30 million but less than Rs 35 million 06 Greater or equal to Rs. 25 million but less than Rs 30 million 05 Greater or equal to Rs. 20 million but less than Rs 25 million 04 Greater or equal to Rs. 15 million but less than Rs 20 million 03 Greater or equal to Rs. 10 million but less than Rs 15 million 02 Greater or equal to Rs. 05 million but less than Rs 10 million 01 Less than Rs 05 million 00</p><p>5.4 Mandatory Documentation</p><p> i. Company / Firm Certificate of Registration (name of relevant registration entity where the firm is legally registered). ii. NTN & Sales Tax No. & Certificate. iii. Bank Statement in Original duly stamped and signed for last one year and Bank covering letter certifying account title and maintenance not earlier than 1st January, 2013. iv. Assessment Orders along with Proof of Payment of Income Tax & Sales Tax during the last THREE financial years. v. FORM 1-10 duly filled and signed as specified. vi. Copy of Attested CNIC and 02 Attested Colour Photographs of proprietor in case of sole proprietor.</p><p>Page 19 of 36 vii. Copy of Attested CNIC of Power of Attorney holder of applicant to represent the applicant</p><p>The following documents shall be provided as evidence in addition to any other document requested for the pre-qualification evaluation: i. Audited statements of accounts for the last THREE financial year for limited companies. ii. In case of Joint company or private limited List of its directors, Form A , Form 29, Memorandum &Articles of Association. iii. Partnership Agreement in Case of Partnership Firm. iv. Power of Attorney, duly registered in favour of employee in case the employee is authorized to represent and submit forms on behalf of the applicant. v. Any other relevant information with documents in addition to the above that the /company Firm might like to furnish in support of their application.</p><p>6. Invitation for Bids</p><p>At the end of the Prequalification Applications evaluation, NFML will either: a. Notify a Prospective Bidder that it has been designated as being a Prequalified Bidder and will receive an invitation for bids through notice, PPRA and NFML website and (or) Newspaper Advertisement. b. Notify a Prospective Bidder that has been designated as being a Non-Prequalified Bidder in case their prequalification application has been rejected on the grounds of being substantively non-responsive, or that it does not meet the prequalification criteria and other requirements.</p><p>Page 20 of 36 SECTION II: Pre-Qualification Data Sheet</p><p>The following specific data shall supplement the provisions in the Instructions to Prospective Bidders. </p><p>1. Project Name NFML Carriage Contract 2014-15</p><p>2. Name of Contracting Authority National Fertilizer Marketing Limited</p><p>National Fertilizer Marketing Limited Manager Commercial 3. Address of Contracting Authority 53 Jail Road, Lahore Contact No: +92-42-99205666-73</p><p>Address for Submission of National Fertilizer Marketing Limited 4. Prequalification Document 53 Jail Road, Lahore</p><p>Prequalification Application 5. 21st October, 2014, 2:00 P.M. PST Submission Deadline</p><p>Language of Prequalification 6. English Application</p><p>7. Duration of Project 1st January, 2015 to 31st December , 2015 for 12 months (exact commencement date would be from the date of signing of Page 21 of 36 agreement with NFML) </p><p>SECTION III: APPLICATION AND DATA FORMS</p><p>Page 22 of 36 FORM 1</p><p>GENERAL INFORMATION</p><p>PROSPECTIVE BIDDER INFORMATION Full Name of Company______Abbreviated Name______Type / Status (corporation, partnership, private limited etc.)______NTN No.______Place of incorporation / registration______Year of incorporation / registration______In case of sole proprietor name______In case of sole proprietor CNIC No.______Number of years in relevant field / business______(to be supported by documentary evidence) Bank Detail Name______Branch______Address______Account Number/Type______Registered Office Address______City / Province______Postal code______Telephone No.______Fax No.______Branch Office Address______City / Province______Postal code______Telephone No.______Fax No.______Applicant’s authorized representative Name______Telephone No.______Email address______Fax No.______</p><p>Note: Please attach ATTESTED copies of all registration certificates and supporting documents.</p><p>Signed: ______Name:______CNIC:______Address:______Page 23 of 36 Date: ______Place:______</p><p>FORM 2</p><p>EXPERIENCE RECORD LAST 05 YEARS</p><p>RELEVANT TRANSPORT EXPERIENCE RECORD 01 02 03 04 05 Your Company [add separate Name sheets if necessary] Contract Name</p><p>Location / Site</p><p>Name of Public Agency /Listed Company Project /contract Description Your Company’s Role in contract JV, Partner, proprietor, subcontractor Project Value (in PKR) Millions Date Signed Date of Completion</p><p>If Company Name is different from your name, please indicate relationship with your company. Total number of Projects/contracts as mentioned in form above:______Total Value of completed projects as mentioned in form above:______PKR (Millions)</p><p>Signed: ______Name:______CNIC:______Address:______</p><p>Page 24 of 36 Date: ______Place:______</p><p>FORM 3</p><p>CARRAIGE VEHICLES CAPABILITY EVALUATION FORM</p><p>The Company / Firm shall provide adequate information r e g a r d i n g t h e e q u i p m e n t i t i n t e n d s t o m a k e a v a i l a b l e f o r e x e c u t i n g a n d c o m p l e t i n g t h e N F M L C a r r i a g e C o n t r a c t . EQUIPMENT PARTICULARS Sr. Fitness Registered Maximum How No self Certificate Owner Name Capacity many owned Vehicle / route Brand TONS wheeler/ Y/N No Permit GROSS Type Yes/no 1.</p><p>2.</p><p>3.</p><p>4.</p><p>5.</p><p>6.</p><p>7.</p><p>8.</p><p>9.</p><p>1 0.</p><p>1</p><p>Page 25 of 36 1 2.</p><p>1 3.</p><p>1 4.</p><p>1 5.</p><p>1 6.</p><p>1 7.</p><p>1 8.</p><p>1 9.</p><p>2 0.</p><p>2 1.</p><p>2 2.</p><p>2 3.</p><p>2 4.</p><p>Signed: ______Name:______CNIC:______Address:______Page 26 of 36 Date: ______Place:______FORM 3 (cont…)</p><p>EQUIPMENT PARTICULARS Sr. Max Fitness Registered How No Capacity self Certificate Owner Vehicle many owned Brand TONS / route Name No wheeler (Y/N) GROSS Permit 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 48</p><p>NOTE: Please attach copies of the following duly attested by a Gazetted Officer </p><p>Page 27 of 36 i. Copies of registration certificates pages indicating vehicle and ownership detail of EACH vehicle </p><p> ii. Certified Copied of fitness certificates (must be valid till 31st December, 2014)</p><p>Signed: ______Name:______CNIC:______Address:______Date: ______Place:______</p><p>EXCLUSION CONDITIONS FOR EVALUATION OF CARRAIGE VEHICLES</p><p> i. Only vehicles having Minimum Gross Tonnage of 20 TONS and maximum Gross Tonnage of 70 TONS will be considered for evaluation.</p><p> ii. The Axle Load/Tonnage capacity claimed MUST be in conformity with number of wheels iii. In case of non submission of any of the above document in manner prescribed above the particular vehicle(s) will NOT be considered for evaluation iv. Rented and LEASED Vehicles will NOT be considered for evaluation</p><p>TOTAL QUALIFIED VEHICLES =______</p><p>Signed: ______Name:______CNIC:______Address:______Date: ______Place:______</p><p>Page 28 of 36 FORM 4 FINANCIAL RESOURCES</p><p>(I) Annual Turn over as per declared amount in FBR Return</p><p> a. Financial Year End (2013-14)</p><p> i. in PKR in Millions:______</p><p> ii. In Words:______</p><p>(II) Net Worth </p><p> a. Financial Year End (2013-14)</p><p> i. in PKR in Millions:______</p><p> ii. In Words:______</p><p>Detail of Chartered Accountant ( if applicable)</p><p>Name:______</p><p>Address:______</p><p>Membership No:______</p><p>Signed: ______Name:______</p><p>Page 29 of 36 CNIC:______Address:______Date: ______Place:______</p><p>FORM 5</p><p>LITIGATION HISTORY</p><p>Applicants should provide information on any history of litigation or arbitration resulting from contracts executed in the three five years or currently under execution with any Public sector organizations. </p><p>(A) Decided Litigation.</p><p>Year Award FOR or Name of client, cause of litigation, and matter in AGAINST dispute Applicant</p><p>(B) Pending Litigation. </p><p>Year Matter in Dispute Page 30 of 36 Signed: ______Name:______CNIC:______Address:______Date: ______Place:______</p><p>FORM 6</p><p>INTEGRITY PACT /DISCLOSURE CLAUSE</p><p>(ON JUDICIAL STAMP PAPER DULY NOTORIZED) The candidate firm/compnay/proprieter hereby declares its intention not to obtain the procurement of any Contract, right, interest, privilege or other obligation or benefit from Government of Pakistan or any administrative sub-division or agency thereof or any other entity owned or controlled by it (GOP) through any corrupt business practice.</p><p>Without limiting the generality of the forgoing the candidate firm has not given or agreed to give and shall not give or agree to give to anyone within or outside Pakistan either directly or indirectly through any natural or juridical person, including its affiliation, agent, associate, broker, consultant, director, promoter, shareholder sponsor or subsidiary, any commission, gratification, bribe, finder’s fee or kickback whether described as consultation fee or otherwise, with the object of obtaining or including the procurement of a contract, right, interest, privilege or other obligation or benefit in whatsoever form from Government of Pakistan, except that which has been expressly declared pursuant hereto. </p><p>The Seller / Supplier / Contractor certifies that it has made and will make full disclosure of all agreements an arrangements with all persons in respect of or related to the transaction with Government of Pakistan and has not taken any action or will not take any action to circumvent the above declaration, representation or warranty.</p><p>The candidate firm accepts full responsibility and strict liability for making any false declaration, not making full disclosure, misrepresenting facts or taking any action likely to defeat the purpose of this declaration, representation and warranty. It agrees that any contract, right, interest, privilege or other obligation or benefit obtained or procured through any of the aforesaid corrupt business practices shall with prejudice to any other right and remedies Page 31 of 36 available to Government of Pakistan under any law, contract or other instrument, be void-able at the option of Government of Pakistan.</p><p>Notwithstanding any rights and remedies exercised by Government of Pakistan in this regard, the Seller / Supplier / Contractor agrees to indemnify Government of Pakistan for any loss or damage incurred by it on account of its corrupt business practices and further pay compensation to Government of Pakistan in any amount equivalent to ten time the sum of any commission, gratification, brief, finder’s fee or kickback given by the Seller / Supplier / Contractor as aforesaid for the purpose of obtaining or inducing the procurement of any contract, right, interest, privilege or other obligation or benefit in whatsoever from Government of Pakistan.</p><p>Signed: ______Name:______CNIC:______Address:______Date: ______Place:______</p><p>FORM 7</p><p>APPLICATION SUBMISSION FORM (The covering letter is to be submitted by the interested company / firm, on appropriate company letterhead)</p><p>To, The Manager Commercial, NFML </p><p>Subject: PRE-QUALIFICATION FOR NFML CARRIAGE CONTRACT-2015</p><p>Dear Sir,</p><p>I ………………………………. the undersigned, being duly authorized to represent and act on behalf of...... applies to be prequalified for the project cited above accepts the exclusive application of the federal laws of Pakistan and provincial laws of Pakistan and established principles/rules of NFML with respect to these prequalification procedures and enclose one (1) original, together with two photocopies of pre-qualification documents and declare the following:</p><p>(a) I have examined and have no reservations to the Prequalification Document. (b) I understand that NFML may cancel the prequalification process at any time and that NFML is not bound either to accept any application that it may receive or to invite the pre-qualified applicants to bid for the contract subject of this prequalification, without incurring any liability to the Applicants. (c) Bids by pre-qualified applicants will be subject to verification of all information submitted for prequalification at the time of bidding; Page 32 of 36 (d ) NFML reserves the right to amend the scope and value of any contract under this project; in such event bids will only be called from pre-qualified bidders who meet the revised requirements. (e) That all the information provided/submitted is under Oath and is complete, true and correct in every detail and no information adversely affecting pre- qualification is withheld. 2. NFML and its authorized representative(s) may contact the following person(s) for further information, if needed; Person to be contacted: ______Telephone: ______</p><p>Signed: ______Name:______CNIC:______Address:______Date: ______Place:______</p><p>FORM 8 Power of Attorney</p><p>(On a Stamp Paper of appropriate value DULY REGISTERED)</p><p>Know all, by these presents, we ______(name and address of the registered office) do hereby constitute, appoint and authorize Mr./Ms. ______R/o______having CNIC______who is presently employed with us and holding the position of ______as our attorney, to do in our name and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds and things necessary in connection with or incidental to our proposal for pre-qualification and including signing and submission of all documents and providing information/ responses to NFML, representing us in all matters before Government of Pakistan, and generally dealing with NFML in all matters in connection with our request for prequalification</p><p>Signed: ______Name:______CNIC:______Address:______Date: ______Place:______</p><p>STAMP OF COMPANY</p><p>Page 33 of 36 The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the procedure, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executants (s) and when it is so required the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required procedure.</p><p>Also, where required, the executants(s) should submit for verification the extract of the charter documents and documents such as a resolution / power of attorney in favor of the Person executing this Power of Attorney for the delegation of power hereunder on behalf of the applicant.</p><p>FORM 9</p><p>AFFIDAVIT FOR NOT HAVING BEEN BLACKLISTED/BARRED/DEFAULTED)</p><p>ON JUDICIAL STAMP PAPER DULY NOTORIZED)</p><p>1. The candidate firm/company/proprietor hereby declares that it has not been ever barred / blacklisted from participating in any project by any federal, provincial or local government or any government instrumentality in Pakistan. </p><p>2. The candidate firm/company/proprietor further declares that since the 5 (five) years preceding the Prequalification Application advertisement date in newspaper it has NOT:</p><p> i. Failed to perform any contract, as evidenced by an arbitral or judicial authority or a judicial pronouncement or arbitration award against the Prospective Bidder as the case may be; or ii. has been expelled from any project or contract by any public entity or authority; or iii. had any contract terminated by any government or government instrumentality for breach by such Prospective Bidder. iv. defaulted on any account on any previous or current contract with NFML</p><p>3. That any concealment or later discovery of any default, concealment or misrepresentation by any means at any later stage would automatically lead to cancellation of pre-</p><p>Page 34 of 36 qualification and Cartage Contract with appropriate ancillary damages as determined by NFML.</p><p>Signed: ______Name:______CNIC:______Address:______Date: ______Place:______</p><p>FORM 10 CHECKLIST (Tick Relevant Column)</p><p>CHECKLIST Company / Firm Certificate of Registration Yes No Company / Firm valid registration with Income Tax Department Yes No NTN Certificate Yes No Original Bank statement for last one year duly stamped not earlier than 1st Jan, Yes No 2013 with bank original covering letter duly stamped and signed List of past and present litigation / arbitration / disputes (if any) against any Client, Consultant, Government, Semi-Government, Autonomous or state Yes No owned organization showing its extent and results supported by documentary evidence. List of similar works completed during last 03 years indicating total cost of such Yes No works ATTESTED copies of all registration certificates and supporting documents as Yes No required in Form 1-9 ATTESTED copies of the following documents as required in Form 3 Yes No i) Copies of registration certificates of each vehicle (owned ) Yes No ii) Copies of fitness certificates (must be valid till 31st December, 2014) Yes No In case of joint company or private limited provide list of its directors, Form A , Form 29, Articles of Association, Memorandum Yes No Audited statements of accounts for the last financial year for limited companies Details of Chartered Accountant as (if applicable) in Form 4 02 coloured attested passport size photographs and CNICs of proprietor, Yes No Director(s) and Attorney holder Forms 1 to 10 along with all requisite and supporting documents duly filled and Yes No signed as specified</p><p>Page 35 of 36 Signed: ______Name:______CNIC:______Address:______Date: ______Place:______</p><p>Page 36 of 36</p>
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