Cropwell Bishop Parish Council Meeting

Cropwell Bishop Parish Council Meeting

<p> 1 Cropwell Bishop Parish Council – Minutes of Meeting 12th May 2015 7.33pm -The Old School (The meeting started at 7.32pm and finished at 10.05pm)</p><p>Present: Cllrs. C. Bryan, J. Gelsthorpe, J. Greenwood, J. Jones, C. Rickells, B. Stanley, J. Wroughton & A. Wilson - Chairman </p><p>In Attendance: Mrs J. Towndrow (Clerk), 3 Local Residents, Cllr. G. Moore (Rushcliffe Borough Council) PC. C. Vose & PCSO J. Heaps (Nottinghamshire Police) ______</p><p>Apologies Approved</p><p>12. Cllr. R. Butler (Nottinghamshire County Council)</p><p>Declarations of Interest & Confirmation of Agenda</p><p>13. Cllr. Bryan – Community Grant – Church Clock Agenda Item 5e) The Agenda was confirmed.</p><p>14. Standing Orders were suspended at 7.35pm to allow the order of business to be amended to enable attendees to speak to the meeting.</p><p>Parishioners’ Question Time & Policing Report</p><p>There were no comments made by the attendees to the meeting.</p><p>Crime figures for April 2015 Criminal Damage to a vehicle on Hoe View Road There were no incidents of ASB</p><p>PC C. Vose and PCSO J. Heaps reported:</p><p>They have been targeting speeding in the area and 4 tickets had been issued in Cropwell Bishop in April. The speed guns have been sent off for re-calibration and further speeding sessions will take place when the guns are returned.</p><p>The community police officer reported the travelling community had been present at a site in Langar.</p><p>15. Standing Orders reinstated at 7.43pm.</p><p>Minutes of the Previous Meeting</p><p>16. Resolved: “That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 7th April 2015, be confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman”.</p><p>Progress</p><p>17. M.345 3/3/15 – Flooding Ditches/Dykes Barlows Close To Note: Waterloo Housing have decided to have the ditches and pipes under the drive of the farmer’s entrance cleared out to a good depth then monitor the situation. The contractors have not yet given a time frame of works. Waterloo Housing will keep the council informed of progress.</p><p>2 18. M.377 7/4/15 – Fibre Optic Broadband To Note: New lines have been made available in the Fibre Cabinets and they went live on the 11th May 2015. Any residents awaiting availability can now place orders.</p><p>Planning Matters & Applications </p><p>19. RBC Grant Permission: 15/00164/FUL – (Retrospective) Extension of existing lean – to canopy at rear of dwelling – Kirkridge 4 The Maltings, Cropwell Bishop NG12 3DA - NOTED.</p><p>20. RBC Grant Permission: 15/00263/FUL – Two storey side extension; single storey rear and front extension (revised proposals) – 19 Brownhill Close, Cropwell Bishop NG12 3DN - NOTED.</p><p>21. RBC Grant Permission: 14/00319/FUL – Proposed addition of pitched roof – Limestone House, Colston Road Cropwell Bishop NG12 3BN – NOTED</p><p>Finance</p><p>22. a) Financial Statement up to 30 th April 2015 It was: RESOLVED: “To approve the financial statement.”</p><p>23. b) Payments Made up to 30 th April 2015 It was: RESOLVED: “To approve all payments as reproduced on payments document 100.”</p><p>Audit Commission Annual Return Year Ending 31 st March 2015</p><p>24. ci) To Note Internal Auditors Report and Variance Explanation Letter & Annual Return Accounting Statements Members received a copy of the completed annual return and a letter from the Internal Auditor stating the significant variances over 15% for the last financial year. There were no areas of concern raised. It was: Resolved: “That the accounting statements are approved and duly signed by the Chairman.”</p><p>25. cii) To Approve the Annual Governance Statement and Authorise the Chairman to Sign Members considered the Annual Governance Statement and the system of internal control. It was: RESOLVED: “To approve the Annual Governance Statement and was duly signed by the Chairman.”</p><p>26. d) To Consider Grant Request – Replacement Boiler and Diesel Tank – Cropwell Bishop Memorial Hall Action: To defer to next meeting - Memorial Hall Committee hand not yet produced 2 further quotes that include installation or provided details of any further funding from other sources.</p><p>27. e) To Consider Grant Request – Annual Service and Repair to Church Clock - St. Giles Church It was: RESOLVED: “To approve a grant of £292.50.” NOTED: Cllr. Stanley did not agree. Cllr. Bryan to liaise with Church council re timing of tower renovations and organise sheeting of the clock for protection when the tower renovations commence.</p><p>28. f) To Consider Quote for Small Stage Legs It was: RESOLVED: “To purchase 6 sets of legs at a cost of £183.95. ACTION: Clerk to move funds from S.137 budget to cover the cost.</p><p>29. g) Staffing Issues to be considered Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 (To exclude the press and public due to confidential nature of Business to be transacted) i) To Consider – Clerk Salary Award – CiLCA Qualification in line with SLCC/NALC Guidelines. It was: RESOLVED: “To approve the Salary Award in Line with the report produced at the meeting.” 3 Correspondence for Action</p><p>30. To Consider Adoption of Telephone Kiosk British Telecom have reported to the Council that unfortunately at this point in time we cannot adopt the Telephone Kiosk is on private land and there is a wayleave in place for the kiosk. The wayleave agreement is between BT and Heaselden Properties. ACTION: “Clerk to write to Heaselden Properties to request permission to adopt the kiosk.”</p><p>31. To Note Cllr. Wilson declined nomination in Star Council Awards 2015. It Was: Resolved: “That the nomination of the Chairman would not go ahead.”</p><p>Village Ranger/Lengthsman Inspections</p><p>32. Lengthsman Scheme – Notification has been received from Nottinghamshire County Council that funding will be given at the same rate as last year for the year 2015/16. TO NOTE: All councillors were pleased the scheme is to continue and would like to thank R. Kimpton for all his hard work and noted the difference it made to the village. To consider continuation of the scheme in the 2016/17 budget in case the scheme should cease.</p><p>The Old School</p><p>33. a) Entertainments, Activities & User Update</p><p>The film for Friday 15th May is The Theory of Everything and tickets are selling well. The last film The Imitation Game was well received with a lot of people attending – a popular choice of film.</p><p>34. b) To Approve the Promotion of Village Ventures Acts Chosen and Costs for 2015/16 Deferred to the next meeting as the winning bids had not yet been allocated.</p><p>35. c) To Approve Future Venue’s For Ticket Sales It Was: RESOLVED: “To use The Cabin and Gary Jowett Butchers if and when required.”</p><p>Defibrillator Awareness Training</p><p>36. Cllrs. Greenwood and Wroughton reported to the meeting following the St. Johns course they attended on the 15th April. Training session showed how the machines work and the process of the machine talking you through the process of defibrillation from start to finish. At the end of the training session they were allowed to have a practice go with the machine on a dummy.</p><p>Cllr. Wroughton had spoken with the Dairy where the current village defibrillator is situated and ascertained that the machine outside the diary is logged with the emergency services and when a call is made to 999 they will issue the code to get into the box so you can remove the defibrillator.</p><p>There is a 4 minute window from having a heart attack to needing to use the defibrillator and CPR needs to be carried out whilst the defibrillator is collected.</p><p>ACTION: Cllr. Wroughton to organise a training course for our parishioners based on the model installed at the Dairy. Cllr Wroughton will co-ordinate with the Clerk re dates, advertising etc.</p><p>Best Kept Village Competition</p><p>37. Exclusion areas for the entry forms were noted. ACTION: Clerk to organise village litter pick the week prior to the first round of judging commences. Clerk to liaise with Tony Jarrow re some posters asking for help. Poster to be in the next Cropwell News and on village web sites. 4 Community Luncheon</p><p>38. Event will be held on Tuesday 2nd June 2015. Attendees will be groups from RCVS, Nottingham First, Alzheimer’s Society who will do a talk, Better Broadband Nottinghamshire and some of our local groups. Each person attending will get a raffle ticket on entry with a list of all the social clubs that run at The Old School, The Memorial Hall and in Cropwell Butler. A lunch is to be provided. Cllr. Butler has awarded us a Grant of £60 Towards the buffet lunch thank you. ACTION: Clerk formerly request a grant from Cllr. Moore towards the buffet lunch. Cllrs all agreed to help with the leaflet drop for this event. Clerk to liaise with the RCVS team with regards to the leafletting. Leaflet drop will be in week commencing the 18th May. Cllr. Wilson has agreed to drive the community bus for us that day to bring our senior residents that need transport to the event. Clerk to let Rawlings Court know that transport will be available on the day to bring them to the event.</p><p>Picnic In The Park</p><p>39. Clerk produced a report for the council on progress so far. Cllr. Wilson advised the meeting that we still had no event co-ordinator and a co-ordinator was urgently required for the day. Cllr. Wilson advised that he had spoken to Chris Keast with regards to this but as yet has had no response. ACTION: A working group meeting of Cllrs. Wilson, Greenwood, Bryan, Gelsthorpe and Stanley is to take place on Wednesday 27th June at 7.00pm upstairs at The Old School. Clerk/Chairman to invite Trevor Flint, Peter Walters, Chris Keast and Scott Marshall to the meeting. Everyone to ask around to gather interest in the village and to invite anyone who is interested to the meeting on the 27th. Tony Jarrow to write an article for the websites and notice boards to attract attention.</p><p>Memorial Hall – Caravan Club Bookings</p><p>40. Complaints to the council were received following the last caravan Raleigh held at the Memorial Hall during the Easter break. Parishioners were unhappy that such a large amount of the playing fields were taken up by the caravans which stopped the youth of the village being able to use the football pitches etc. Cllr. Wroughton suggested we request restrictions on the areas to be used for the caravans which would mean the playing park could still be utilised. Council felt a compromise needs to be in place for future caravan events. ACTION: Clerk to write to the Memorial Hall Committee to ask them to liaise with the Parish Council prior to the next Caravan Raleigh to reach a suitable compromise for both parties on the areas to be used by the Caravans.</p><p>41. Cllr. Wilson requested that Standing Orders be extended at 9.27pm to allow the order of business continue. It was: RESOLVED: “To extend Standing Orders to 10.15pm”.</p><p>Transport/Community Transport</p><p>42. Cllr. Greenwood reported on the meeting held 28th April 2015 at Barnstone when Trent Barton and the County Council described proposals for a revision to the Radcliffe Green bus service. A note describing the proposals was placed on the village web sites and Facebook. It is proposed to abandon the Bingham Express and run a core ‘mainline’ service from Bingham through Radcliffe to Nottingham every 10 minutes. Cropwell would lose its Green’ via Radcliffe to Nottingham and be served by a restored ‘22’ service via Cotgrave taking 8 minutes longer to get to town. Cllr Greenwood thought this was totally inadequate for Cropwell Bishop and links to Radcliffe (and Bingham) were required. Trent Barton and the County agreed to reconsider the proposals and a further meeting is planned for early June 2015 to hopefully present more acceptable proposals. The revised service is due to commence in August 2015.</p><p>43. Cllr Wilson reported that any person who passed their driving test prior to 1997 could drive the community bus without a special licence. Any drivers passing their test after this date would need to take a special test. 5 Highways & Footpaths Defects/Issues</p><p>44. Nottingham Road Access/Visibility. The Proposed Traffic Regulation Order and Design Statement have been received and are available for public consultation. It is proposed to install double yellow lines at the junctions of Barratt Close and Mil Lane with Nottingham Road to help relieve traffic conflict problems on Nottingham Road. Comments and Objections have to be reported to Nottinghamshire County Council by the 4th June. ACTION: Clerk to e-mail the documents out to all Councillors and residents affected for consideration. Any Councillor comments to be fed back to the Clerk to respond by the 4th June.</p><p>45. Hedge Fires Back of Nottingham Road Cllr. Bryan reported that someone has been setting fire to the hedges behind the flats on Hoe View Road. It was: RESOLVED: “PC Vose would report this to PC Scott Redgate and Metropolitan Housing”.</p><p>Councillors Reports</p><p>46. Cllrs. Greenwood reported he had attended the launch of the Grantham Canal Guide on 5th May at Hickling. An article drafted by the Parish Council referring to the need to progress the re-watering of the Cropwell dry section has been included in the new guide. Cropwell Bishop was thanked by Canal Society Chairman Mike Stone for its on-going contribution to the canal restoration. Ian Wakefield confirmed that the CRT (Canal and Rivers Trust) had given approval for work to commence on the leaking culvert which could eventually lead to re-watering of the Cropwell Section.</p><p>47. Cllr. Wilson reported he had received communication from Rushcliffe Borough Council re the Annual Parish Conference on Friday 12th June at Nottingham Golf and Country Club. The communication urged new councillors to attend. Cllrs. Jones and Rickells to confirm to the Clerk if they will be able to attend.</p><p>48. Cllr. Wilson reported to the meeting we had received a legal briefing note from NALC to advise us to advertise for any councillor’s positions and advised the meeting that the one position we have will be advertised.</p><p>49. Cllr. Gordon Moore reported to the meeting that he had been re-elected as our Borough Councillor for the next Four years. The Parish Council congratulated him.</p><p>50. Cllr. Gordon Moore reported to the meeting that he had attended the Holocaust Centre with Howard Kendall recently and that Howard did an excellent talk. Cllr. Moore advised anyone who could attend one of his talks to do so whilst they had the opportunity.</p><p>Correspondence for Information</p><p>51. Folder issued to Cllr. C. Rickells for circulation.</p><p>Date of Next Meeting</p><p>52. 2nd June 2015 </p><p>There being no further business the meeting closed at 10.05pm</p><p>Chairman’s Signature…………………………………………………..Date………………</p>

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