Collection Overview

Collection Overview

<p>1 COLLECTION OVERVIEW</p><p>Creator: Gene Collerd, 1913 – 2004</p><p>Title: The Gene Collerd Papers and Photographic Collection, 1870 – 2004.</p><p>Inclusive Dates: 1870 – 2004</p><p>Bulk Dates: 1940 – 2004</p><p>Quantity: 239 Boxes – 119.5 Cubic Feet</p><p>Repository: Caldwell Public Library, 268 Bloomfield Avenue, Caldwell, New Jersey 07006</p><p>Custodial History: In July of 2007 the family of long time Caldwell photographer, the late Gene Collerd, deeded his extensive photographic collection and papers to the Caldwell Public Library. We thank them for their foresight in making this collection a public gift and applaud their civic largesse and understanding of the importance of this collection in furthering study of the history of the Caldwells. We feel certain their commitment to making these photographs a source of learning and understanding for generations to come will act as a model for others interested in the preservation of similar historic materials related to our town.</p><p>Collection Access: The collection is open for research. </p><p>Copyright: The Collerd Family assigned and conveyed to the Caldwell Public Library all rights title and interest in and to the Archives including but not limited to any and all copyrights in the Archives. Contemporaneously with the signing of the Deed of Gift, the Family’s ownership rights in the Archives are terminated.</p><p>2 Preferred Citation: Item, folder title, box number, The Gene Collerd Papers and Photographic Collection, Local History Collection, Caldwell Public Library, Caldwell, New Jersey</p><p>Collection Processors:</p><p>Katie Banaszynski, Jessica Centuori, Jackie Colley, Tom Gartland, Sam Kent, Dan Lembo, August T. Lembo, Karen Kleppe Lembo, Gillian Maxwell, Joe Picini, Marsha Robbins, Paul Shultz, Dorothy Smith, Nora Snoddy, Emilie Stewart, and Bruce White.</p><p>BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE</p><p>Gene Collerd was born May 11, 1913 in his parents’ home at 27 Park Avenue in Caldwell. He attended elementary school in Caldwell and graduated from the then Grover Cleveland High School. He was a self-employed photographer who established a studio in Caldwell in 1946. Almost sixty years later, his studio was still a fixture on Bloomfield Avenue. An unmatched force and presence within the community, Collerd was a longtime contributing photographer to The Progress Newspaper in Caldwell and very active in a host of town organizations. As well, he served the Caldwell community in a variety of capacities; as a volunteer firefighter with the Caldwell Volunteer Fire Department for more than sixty years, a member of the Kiwanis Club of Caldwell- West Essex since 1946, and as an honorary member of both the Rotary Club of the Caldwells and UNICO. Other community distinctions held by Collerd was that he was the oldest living Eagle Scout in Essex County, New Jersey prior to his death on September 25, 2004 and was the original Scoutmaster and organizer of Troop 6 of Caldwell.</p><p>SCOPE AND CONTENT NOTE With the eye of a photographer and a deep sense of history, Gene Collerd captured and preserved the changing scene of his beloved Caldwell for upwards of sixty years. Whether through the lens of his camera or through the purchase of vintage</p><p>3 photographs taken by other photographers long before him, he assembled an unsurpassed iconographic history of the Caldwells and its environs. His collection will serve future generations of residents and students. Others, such as genealogists, local historians, and historical researchers will find a myriad of images and supportive materials to trace the growth and development of the communities covered by these materials, as well as the families who resided within. The user of this collection will access a plethora of early photographic formats (cabinet cards, carte de visits, and glass plate negatives, as well acetate negatives), documents and clippings. A vast number of the black and white prints that comprise the collection are identified as to location and identity of the individual or group portrayed; however there are still numerous prints and negatives that are not. Where images are not identified they have be grouped by theme, subject matter or event, whenever possible. Researchers must be mindful of the fact that this collection was disorganized when it arrived in the archives and that in no way does it reflect the arrangement or structure of its creator, Gene Collerd. The processing team has structured the collection to facilitate ease of access and use. It has established five major sub- groupings representing blocks of related subject matter and materials. Within these sub-groups, there are thirty-one distinct series narrowing the holdings to specific topics and formats. The collection arrangement appears below. While the collection contains a broad swath of photographic images and textural materials, Series 8 is a unique and important grouping of prints and negatives of business and commercial establishments along Bloomfield Avenue in the late 1940’s. Arranged by address, it is believed that the Township of Caldwell commissioned Collerd to photograph every civic, residential and commercial building extant at that time. </p><p>The collection has been processed to the highest archival standard with prints and negatives re-housed in polyester clear film enclosures, perma-life acid free folders and containers. The overall condition of the collection is excellent. However, researchers are reminded to follow all directives of the archival staff in the viewing, use and handling of the materials within this very unique holding.</p><p>4 Collection Arrangement</p><p>Subgroup I. Historic Caldwell</p><p>Series 1 - Kiwanis Collection – Boxes 1- 2</p><p>Series 2 - Vintage Photographs – Boxes 3-4</p><p>Series 3 - Greater Caldwell Communities – Boxes 5 – 52; Oversize Boxes OS 1- 4</p><p>Series 4 - Miscellaneous Collection of Papers – Box 53</p><p>Series 5 - Upper Longwood Forge Iron Works Area – Box 54</p><p>Series 6 – Crane’s Mill Photographs – Boxes 55 - 58</p><p>Series 7 – Local Politicians and Officials – Portraits Photographs/Negatives –Boxes 59-68</p><p>Series 8 - Caldwell Houses and Businesses (negatives) – Boxes 69 - 72</p><p>Series 9 - Miscellaneous Negatives – Boxes 73 - 80</p><p>Series 10 – Acetate Negative Strips –Boxes 81 - 106</p><p>Subgroup II. Family Photographic Albums</p><p>Series 11 - Curtiss Family Album –Box 107</p><p>Series 12 - Pryor Family Album – Box 108</p><p>Series 13 - Peck Family Album – Box 109</p><p>5 Subgroup III. Historic Photographic Materials</p><p>Series 14 - Glass Plate Negatives – Boxes 110 - 113</p><p>Series 15 - Collection of Negatives – Boxes 114 - 117</p><p>Series 16 - Witkin Gallery Collection – Boxes 118 - 119</p><p>Series 17 - Norwood Collection –Box 120</p><p>Series 18 - Mixed Collection of Photos and Negatives – Boxes 121 - 122</p><p>Series 19 - Photographic Equipment and Photography Group – Box 123</p><p>Series 20 - Carbutt’s Eclipse Plates (Glass Plate Negatives) – Box 124</p><p>Series 21 - Photos and Negatives –Boxes 125 – 141; Oversize OS 5 - 9</p><p>Series 22 - Glass Plate Negatives –Boxes 142 - 155</p><p>Series 23 - Historic Negatives – Boxes 156 - 158</p><p>Series 24 - Historic Photographic Materials – Boxes 159 - 160</p><p>Subgroup IV. Collerd Photographic Collection</p><p>Series 25 - Shoebox Collection of Photographic Negatives – Boxes 161 - 162</p><p>Series 26 - Welling Job – Box 163</p><p>Series 27 - Families and Groups – Boxes 164 - 168</p><p>6 Series 28 - Wedding Pictures – Boxes 169 - 173</p><p>Series 29 - Family Gatherings – Boxes 174 -229</p><p>Subgroup V. Miscellaneous</p><p>Series 30 – Gene Collerd’s Papers and Memorabilia – Boxes 230 - 237</p><p>Series 31 – Historical Documents and Papers – Boxes 238; Oversize OS 10</p><p>SERIES STATEMENTS Subgroup I. Historic Caldwell</p><p>Series 1</p><p>KIWANIS COLLECTION</p><p>1929-1999 2 boxes. 1 cubic foot. Arrangement varied.</p><p>This series consist primarily of black and white prints documenting varied Kiwanis activities ranging from parades, concerts, theatrical events, and other civic related matters and date from 1920’s. The majority of images are group photographs but some are of individuals. Of special note are a cache of pictures of performances called “Kiwanis Kapers” from 1940’s to 1960’s, showing performers on stage and backstage in costume. “Kiwanis Kapers” performances were major fund raising events to support for various Kiwanis projects.</p><p>Series 2 VINTAGE PHOTOGRAPHS 1882 – 1941. 2 boxes. 1 cubic foot. Arrangement varied Contained within this series are original vintage photographs (mostly mounted albumen prints) and many vintage reproductions of Caldwell scenes, structures, businesses and personages. Most remain unidentified.</p><p>7 Series 3 GREATER CALDWELL COMMUNITIES: AN ICONOGRAPHIC RECORD 1920 – c. 2004. 48 boxes. 24 cubic feet. Arranged alphabetically by communities and organizations. The majority of the black and white images contained in this series are the work of Caldwell community photographer, Gene Collerd. His pictures document numerous community activities and events, civic leaders, public personalities, corporate and civic organizations, as well as educational and religious institutions within the communities of Caldwell, North Caldwell, West Caldwell, Roseland, Fairfield, Essex Fells, and West Essex. Many of these photographs were used to illustrate articles for the community newspaper, The Progress. In addition to the contemporary images, the series also holds vintage photographs and photographic reproductions of the early Caldwell communities. </p><p>Series 4 MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION OF PAPERS 1883-2003. 1 box. 0.25 cubic foot. Arrangement varied. This series is a collection of miscellaneous papers: newspapers, insurance certificate, advertising poster, calendars, Caldwell water bill, Morristown water bill, postcards and European tour itinerary. The oldest date identified is an 1883 postcard and most recent is a Progress calendar from 2003. Series 5 UPPER LONGWOOD FORGE AND IRONWORKS AREA 1885. 1 Box. .5 cubic foot. Arranged numerically This small grouping includes black and white photographic reproductions of vintage photographs of the Upper Longwood Forge and Ironworks area. The original photographs were taken in 1885. An index card identifying the scenes is included in the file. The pictures are identified by number (as found on the index card) and arranged numerically. </p><p>8 Series 6 CRANE’S MILL PHOTOGRAPHS 1950’s. 4 Boxes. (2 oversized) 2 cubic feet. Arrangement varied. This series contains photographs of the historic Crane's Mill before it was dismantled and a nursing home erected on the site. Some of these had been previously framed and are still on the matting. There are both large (11 x 14 and 8 x 10 inch) and small (3 ½ x 5 inch) black and white photos and small color photos. Views show both inside and outside of the mill. Folders are arranged according to view-exterior, interior, and dismantling. Rachel Farrington’s sketches of the mill are included here as well as a postcard of the mill. Boxes 57 and 58 contain both photos (color and black and white) and negatives. Since Crane’s Mill was demolished (around 1950?) and supposedly rebuilt at Allaire State Park, Box 58 contains photos and negatives of this park. (one large picture of exterior of Crane’s Mill and three pictures of Allaire State Park are in the oversized box) Series 7 LOCAL POLITICIANS AND OFFICIALS – PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHS/NEGATIVES 1949-1998. 10 boxes (4 boxes of photos and 6 boxes of negatives). 5 cubic feet. Alphabetically arranged by surname. This grouping contains photos and negatives of headshots of politicians, firemen, policemen, and businessmen/women from the Caldwell/West Essex Area. Folders are arranged alphabetically according to the name found on the envelope which contained the prints/negatives. The first four boxes contain only prints. The last 6 boxes contain only negatives. Most of the pictures are black and white.</p><p>Series 8 CALDWELL HOUSES AND BUSINESSES (ALL NEGATIVES) 1948-1964. 4 boxes. 2 cubic feet. Arrangement, mostly alphabetical. This series contains all negatives of Caldwell scenes. There are businesses as well as houses. The dates range from late 40’s to 1964. Houses are identified according to street. Streets are filed alphabetically according to the first street listed on the envelope which contained the negatives. Gene Collerd, in the early </p><p>9 1950’s, was commissioned by Caldwell Township to conduct photographic survey all extant structures in Caldwell. </p><p>Series 9 PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE FILES 1930 to 1966. 8 document boxes. 4 cubic feet. Arrangement varied. Series contains only negatives. Some are indentified, but the majority remains unidentified. Dates are questionable but seem to range from negatives of old pictures to more recently taken pictures. Where identified, dates are from 1930- 1966. Boxes 1-6 contain unidentified negatives and are separated into firemen, females, males, young children, groups, buildings/houses, landscapes, things, and old cameras. Boxes 7 and 8 are identified by names and dates on the envelope which contained the negatives. These negatives depict people, places, and things. Series 10 ACETATE NEGATIVE ROLLS AND STRIPS 1990’s - 2002. 26 boxes. 13 Cubic Feet. Arrangement Varied. Of the many negative rolls and strips that Collerd had, a small amount was digitized. When digitized, there were created “contact sheets” of thumbnail images. Additionally, all scanned images were placed on to archival discs (nine discs). The discs are in folders labeled “Folder D” at the end of each batch. Each strip is assigned a number that appears on the strip, on the contact sheet, and on the folder. Strips are arranged in batches according to when they were processed. Within each batch, the numbers are chronological. (The last six boxes are unprocessed film strips, both wide strips and 35 mm strips, in layers inside the boxes.) This series of acetate strips include both identified and unidentified images. The user will find many images of Caldwell, whether a present day or vintage scenes. A few of the batches include photos of the well known “Caldwell Street Fair”, the many parades that took place in this area, such as the “Armistice Day Parade” (Batch one-Box 3-Folder 43); photos of the filming of the famous HBO show </p><p>10 “Sopranos” (Batch 4-Box 2-Folder 732 or Batch 1 – Box 1-Folder 14), as well as shots taken of organizational banquets, parade committees, union meetings and school graduations. The last six boxes have not been digitized and for the most part are unidentified but contain pictures of fire departments, family Christmas parties, etc.</p><p>Subgroup II. Family Photographic Albums Series 11 CURTISS FAMILY ALBUM</p><p>1869-1954. 1 box.0.25 cubic feet. Arrangement varied.</p><p>This series contains photos from the Curtiss Family Album, as well as the Curtiss Foto Service of Morristown, New Jersey. The family originates from Morristown, New Jersey and judging from the information gathered from the photos, images date from 1869 to 1954. </p><p>Included here are varied sized photos of Albert Erdman Curtiss on a motorcycle with some images mounted. Other pictures to be found in the series are of Curtiss’ daughter Alberta, wife Rose and of various family members. Of special note are two photos of Robert Voss (a family member) also known as “Bob Ace”, perhaps a noted actor of the time. </p><p>Series 12 PRYOR FAMILY ALBUM 1880’s -1890’s. 1 box. 0.25 cubic feet</p><p>This series of the Pryor Family (mainly Robert and William Pryor) includes a variety of items dating from the late 19th century. Judging from the variety of materials in this series, the family seemed to be prominent within the community.</p><p>Photographs range from portraits of family members to pictures of a resort or summer home in New Paltz, New York. Other materials in the series include certificates of membership and election. These documents seem to indicate that</p><p>11 Robert W. Pryor and family were involved with varied scholarly programs and were members of learned societies and organizations. .</p><p>Series 13</p><p>AGNES PECK PHOTO ALBUM 1897. 1 box. 0.25 cubic feet The album documents an October 1897 fire in Caldwell. However, the vast majority of the images contained in the album seem to be of Peck’s friends and family at many social outings, vacation trips, travels, and get-togethers. Travels destinations identified on some of the photographs include “Sentinel Hill” in Connecticut and Pamlico in North Carolina where family members might have vacationed, stayed or owned a house. Due to the embrittled condition of the album leafs; the album was unbound and placed in polyester enclosures with the original pagination maintained.</p><p>Subgroup III. Historic Photographic Materials Series 14 GLASS PLATE NEGATIVES 1889 – 1898. 4 boxes. 2 cubic feet. Arrangement varied. This series is comprised of glass plate negatives of various sizes (from 3.5” x 2.5” up to 8” x 5”). There appear to be different groupings, some are numbered on the plates, and some have numbers and writing on the paper sleeves, they were originally housed in. The negatives include individuals (of all ages), groups of people, places, and people in places. Studios and suppliers noted on some of the envelopes include W. C. Cullen, 61 William Street, NY and Hastings & Miller, 113 Nassau Street, NY.</p><p>Series 15 1940’s COLLECTION OF NEGATIVES 1946-1949. 4 boxes. 2 cubic feet. Arranged chronologically. This grouping of negatives, all of which (with the exception of three negatives) are identified with dates and names are of individuals or couples. Some of the images </p><p>12 of the couples are of weddings and receptions. Individuals and couples are found in boxes 114 and 115 and are arranged chronologically. Other negatives are of places, events, or groups. These are found in boxes 116 and 117 and are also arranged chronologically. Series 16 WITKIN GALLERY COLLECTION 1890-1984. 2 boxes. 1 cubic foot. Arranged alphabetically by photographer or photographic exhibit. This is a series of miscellaneous photographs obtained from the Witkin Gallery in New York City. Subjects range from well-known to unknown individuals, known places to unknown places, and other topics. About half of these have dates and those range from 1890 to 1984, with the majority of these dates falling in the 60’s and 70’s. Folders are arranged alphabetically according to identified names of photographers or photographic exhibits. Three folders are unattributed and are grouped according to people, places, or things. In the front of the first box is a New York Times Magazine article dated September 23, 1979 about Lee Witkin.</p><p>Series 17 “W. NORWOOD COLLECTION” 1926-1954. 1 Box. 0.5 cubic foot. Arranged chronologically. This series contains photographs and negatives of people, places, and things both in New Jersey and outside the state. Each folder has an envelope in which the photos/negatives were contained, and each envelope has dates and/or place names. Some folders contain “stereo” negatives. All but two folders are dated. Series 18 MIXED COLLECTION OF PHOTOS AND NEGATIVES 1888 – 197?0’s. 2 boxes. 1 cubic foot. Arrangement varied. This series is a mixture of photos and negatives of people, groups, houses, and street scenes. Most are undated and unidentified. The earliest date given is 1888, but there are photos of more recent events. Series 19 PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT AND PHOTOGRAPHY GROUPS 1938- 1940’s. 1 box. 0.25 cubic foot. Arrangement varied.</p><p>13 This series contains photos of old cameras and equipment, a photographic equipment display, a photography group, and photos of an ambrotype of Abraham Lincoln with an accompanying letter explaining the ownership of ambrotype. </p><p>Series 20 CARBUTT’S ECLIPSE PLATES (GLASS PLATE NEGATIVES) 1906. 1 box. 0.25 cubic foot. Arrangement varied This series is comprised of glass plate negatives (approximately 4” by 5”) contained in a small box entitled “Carbutt’s Eclipse Plates” manufactured by The Carbutt Dry Plate and Film Co., Wayne Junction, Philadelphia., U.S.A. The back of the 4 x 5 inch box has faded pencil markings which may describe the 12 glass plate negative images. A small scrap of paper in Folder 2 may also describe the plates. Separating some of the negatives were small pieces of newspaper, one of which is from the Boston Daily Globe, Wednesday, Jan. 17, 1906.”</p><p>Series 21 PHOTOGRAPHS 1980’s to 1990’s. 17 boxes. 8.25 cubic feet. Arrangement varied. This series of photographs are mostly unidentified and have been organized into females/ males groupings, groups of two, groups of three or more, old photos, animals, etc. Some prints have names on the verso, but could not be placed into the larger collection identified by town, group, or event. The box of celebrities (Box 141) is arranged alphabetically by last name of person identified.</p><p>Series 22 GLASS PLATE NEGATIVES 1903-1923. 14 boxes. 5 cubic feet. Arrangement varied. This series contains all glass plate negatives. Some of the boxes the negatives were housed in were labeled and are included in a folder. Some have dates and/or names. Dates range from 1903 to 1923. Sizes of the glass plates vary from 4 by 5 inches to 8 by 10 inches. Subjects include houses, people, buildings, fire companies, community gatherings, and business cars. Series 23</p><p>14 HISTORIC NEGATIVES 1927-1954. 2 boxes. 1 cubic foot. Arranged chronologically. This series contains negatives that are mostly unidentified and are of miscellaneous subjects: people, things, and scenes. Those that are identified were inside envelopes with identification on the outside. Sizes of negatives range from 1.75” by 2.75” up to 4” by 5”. This contains negatives and some “land prints” that came in envelopes marked “Caldwell Music Shoppe 376 Bloomfield,” as well as “Norax Sound Service” envelopes. </p><p>Series 24 HISTORIC PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS 1897-1982. 2 boxes. 1 cubic ft. Arrangement varied. This series contains a mixed collection of photos, photographic journals, photography scrapbooks and magazine pictures and articles. Dates range from 1897 to 1982.</p><p>Subgroup IV. Collerd Photographic Collection Series 25 SHOE-BOX COLLECTION OF PHOTOGRAPHS AND NEGATIVES 1994-1996. 2 boxes. 1 cubic feet. Arrangement varied. This grouping came from a shoebox-sized box. Most of the sets are identified with a name and three sets have a date. With the exception of one negative, all are wedding/reception photos and/or negatives. Series 26 WELLING JOB</p><p>Undated. 1 box. 0.5 cubic feet. Arrangement varied.</p><p>These photographs are from a box marked “Welling.” From papers contained within box, this was one of Gene Collerd’s photographic assignments for William B.</p><p>15 Welling, 145 East 27th Street, New York, N Y 10016. Included are photographs of various sizes and matched negatives. </p><p>Series 27 FAMILIES AND GROUPS 1938-1998. 5 boxes. 2.5 cubic feet. Arranged alphabetically This series contain negatives and photographs of families (couples or families primarily, though, also some individuals and some groups). The identifications are primarily based on what was on the envelopes. Most of those envelopes are included with the photos inside the folders. Dates fall mainly in 1988, but a few are of earlier years.</p><p>Series 28 WEDDING/RECEPTION PICTURES 1946-1994. 5 boxes. 2.25 cubic feet. Arranged alphabetically. This series contains wedding/reception photographs and/or negatives of couples, identified by name(s) as well as unidentified images. Where identified, folders are arranged alphabetically. Series 29 FAMILY GATHERINGS 1950-2004. 56 boxes. 27.5 cubic feet. Arrangement varied. This series consists of photographs and/or negatives of family gatherings are chronologically arranged within the year with names (when identified) arranged alphabetically. Unidentified people within that year are filed separately and listed as “unidentified” in that year. Some envelopes were identified only by name and are found in Boxes 45-54. Photos and/or negatives which were found in envelopes that had neither name nor date are in Boxes 228 and 229.</p><p>Subgroup V. MISCELLANEOUS</p><p>Series 30</p><p>16 GENE COLLERD’S PAPERS AND PERSONAL MEMORABILIA</p><p>C.1940 – 2004. 8 boxes. 4 cubic feet. Arrangement varied.</p><p>This series is made up of prints and negatives (black & white, as well as color) and papers related to Gene Collerd. The photographs range from Collerd family photographs to Gene in the company of, or receiving awards from, many Caldwell/West Caldwell community, church and political groups over the years. </p><p>This series also contains photographs and articles related to camera and photography equipment, clubs and information. The papers Collerd collected primarily pertinent to the West Essex area are included in this series. Letters and cards sent to Gene – on the occasion of his being named “Citizen of the Year” by the West Essex Chamber of Commerce in June 1986 and his 90th birthday celebration held in June 2003 at the Caldwell Community Center - are also included in this series.</p><p>Also to be found in this series are personal items belonging to Gene Collerd, such as membership cards, pins, badges, signs, rubber stamps, copper plate images, and even some of his business advertising materials, including match books with the Collerd name misspelled. Series 31 HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS AND PAPERS 1837-1976. 2 boxes. 1 Cubic Foot. Arrangement Varies. The items contained within this series include a variety of pictures, business certificates and receipts, property surveys, genealogical information and family letters of New Jersey families and related Caldwell personages and businesses dating from 1837-1976.</p><p>CONTAINER LISTS</p><p>Subgroup I</p><p>17 Series 1</p><p>BOX 1 </p><p>Folder 1 - Three newspaper articles</p><p>Folder 2 - 0ld cars in parade</p><p>Folder 3 - “Field Music” band</p><p>Folder 4 - Old group photo-“Kiwanis International-Masonic Hall” in front of church</p><p>Folder 5 - Two old photos of men digging “Oval” (?)</p><p>Folder 6 - Identified Kiwanis members photos</p><p>Folder 7 - Past presidents & District Governor’s visit photos</p><p>Folder 8 - Street Fair 1999 & 19?? </p><p>Folder 9 - Halloween party</p><p>Folder 10 - Older group pose</p><p>Folder 11 - 25th anniversary banquet booklet (1948)</p><p>Folder 12 - Photos of Kiwanis awards</p><p>Folder 13 - Photos of Kiwanis golf events</p><p>Folder 14 - Miscellaneous unidentified Kiwanis groups</p><p>BOX 2 </p><p>Folder1 - Performers-formal pose-on stage Folder 2 - Men performing on stage</p><p>Folder 3 - Men and women performing on stage-10/28/49</p><p>Folder 4 - Group-formal pose-on stage</p><p>Folder 5 - Group-formal pose-on stage</p><p>Folder 6 - Group-formal pose-on stage</p><p>Folder 7 - Group-formal pose-on stage and backstage</p><p>18 Folder 8 - Group-formal pose-on stage</p><p>Folder 9 - Group-formal & action pictures on stage</p><p>Folder 10 - Couple in costume</p><p>Folder 11 - Group-formal and action pictures on stage</p><p>Folder 12 - Group-formal pose-on stage</p><p>Folder 13 - Group-formal pose-on stage—March 16-18, 1939</p><p>Folder 14 - Group-formal pose-on stage--negatives</p><p>Folder 15 - Groups in costume-in classroom (?)</p><p>Folder 16 - Performers in country costume-in gym</p><p>Folder 17 - Performers in costumes-in gym</p><p>Folder 18 - Performers—negatives</p><p>Folder 19 - Display signs for a photographic exhibition And one folder with matted picture of Kiwanis Kapers performers on stage (see oversized box)</p><p>Series 2 Box 3 Folder 1 - - Gosman's Hardware - Caldwell Pharmacy Building at Roseland Avenue - West Caldwell Mayor Joseph Tempesta Folder 2 - - Unidentified couple - Unidentified bride and groom - Unidentified couple - House on lake Folder 3 - </p><p>19 - Young girl and older woman (in same envelope) - Woman and children - Man, woman, and child - Young girl Folder 4 - - Sickel Family portrait--Christmas 1882 - Unidentified family with dog - Bride and groom Folder 5 - Unidentified man in Masonic hat (?) "restoration by J. Aarismaa" Box 4 Folder 1 - - Old man with beard-19th century "John Aquilino airbruarwood - sh artist" - Man and woman-19th century ""Restoration by J. Aarismaa" - Bride in wedding gown and - Bride and groom-mid 20th century Folder 2 - - Mother and children-mid 20th century Folder 3- - Private grammar school boys - Man and woman in car-"1941" Folder 4 - - Man in military uniform - Man reading book--19th century - Woman in formal dress--19th century - Woman in wedding gown - Posed family picture-damaged - Baby - Group gathering outside--mid 20th century (possibly Italy) </p><p>20 - Family portrait Folder 5 - - Man in tuxedo - Man and woman Folder 6 - - Color photos of man and woman Series 3 Box 5 - Caldwell Folder 1 - Provost Square Folder 2 -Grover Cleveland Park Folder 3 - Progress Staff Folder 4 -The Bridge, Inc. – Youth and Family Counseling Folder 5 -Christmas on the Green Folder 6- Police Department Box 6 - Caldwell Folder 1 - Politicians Folder 2 - Arborist Association Folder 3- American Legion Folder 4 - Turning Point Folder 5 -Women's club Folder 6 -Individuals and Groups Folder 7- Goodman and the Retreads Folder 8- Trinity Academy Folder 9 - Lincoln School Box 7 - Caldwell Folder 1- Welshman Court Block party Folder 2 - Elm Road Block party Folder 3 - Film shoot of Sopranos TV show Folder 4 - Film shoot of movie “North” Folder 5- Paul Jemas & Family (former Mayor of Caldwell)</p><p>21 Folder 6 - Irene Gibbons (former Mayor of Caldwell) Folder 7 - Susan and Tom Gartland Family (Susan Gartland, Mayor) Folder 8 - Grace Fisk Folder 9- Nelle Hunt Folder 10 - Michael Duffy Folder 11 - Robert Davison Family Folder 12 - Chief Joe Durr Folder 13 - John Taylor Family Box 8 - Caldwell Fire Department Folder 1 - Fire Department—General (large file) Folder 2 - Park Theatre Burning Box 9 - Caldwell Rotary Folder 1 -Golf Outings Folder 2 -Street Fair Box 10 - Caldwell Folder 1 - Caldwell businesses Folder 2 - Caldwell businesses Folder 3 - Kung Jom Jee Laundry Folder 4 -Cloverleaf Tavern Box 11 - Caldwell Parades Folder 1 – Parades Part I Folder 2 – Parades Part II Folder 3 – Parades Part III Box 12 - Caldwell Folder 1 -Sidewalk Sale Folder 2- Art on the Avenue Folder 3 -Caldwell street scenes Folder 4 - Play Crafters Folder 5 - Caldwell Senior Citizens Folder 6 - War and Peace</p><p>22 Folder 7 - Caldwell Library Folder 8 - Caldwell Sewer Treatment Plant Folder 9 -Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts Box 13- North Caldwell Folder 1 - Oath of Office Folder 2 - Politicians Folder 3 - Matarazzo’s Retirement Dinner Folder 4 - Matarazzo's 50th Birthday Dinner Folder 5 - Mayor’s Balls/Banquets Box 14 - North Caldwell Folder 1 - Police Department Folder 2 - Fire Department Folder 3 - Ralph Dougan Folder 4 -Recreation Folder 5 - Pool Folder 6 - Camp Wyanokie Folder 7 -Singac/Grandview Park Box 15 - North Caldwell Folder 1 - Businesses Folder 2 - Hilltop Reservation Folder 3 - Widening of Central Avenue Folder 4 - Individuals and Groups Folder 5 - North Caldwell Scenes Folder 6 - Unibomber’s House (house bombed by) Folder 7 - Block Party on Ferndale Road Folder 8 - Lighting of Menorah Box 16 - North Caldwell Folder 1 - Gould School Folder 2 - Notre Dame Folder 3 - West Essex High School Construction </p><p>23 Folder 4 - West Essex High School Folder 5 - West Essex High School Graduations Box 17 - West Caldwell Folder 1 - Historical Society Folder 2 - ECIA (Henderson Industries) Folder 3 - Library Folder 4 - Health Fair Folder 5 - Police Department Folder 6 - Fire Department Folder 7 - Blacksmith Shop Box 18 - West Caldwell Folder 1 - Businesses Folder 2 - Mayor’s Golf Outing Folder 3 - Presentations Folder 4 - Recycling Folder 5 - Holiday Home Visits Folder 6 - Fourth of July Folder 7 - Jefferson School Folder 8 - Wilson School Box 19 - West Caldwell Folder 1 -Westville Pool Folder 2 - Cedar Street Pool Folder 3 - Crane’s Mill Retirement Facility Folder 4 - Care Center Folder 5 - Senior Citizens Folder 6 -Intergenerational Prom Box 20 - West Caldwell Folder 1 - Construction of James Caldwell High School Folder 2 - James Caldwell High School Folder 3 - James Caldwell High School Graduations</p><p>24 Folder 4 - James Caldwell High School – “My Fair Lady” Box 21 - West Caldwell Folder1 - Cavell Place Folder 2 - Street Scenes Folder 3 - Canfield Home Folder 4 - Judge Failla/Councilman Masella Retirement Dinner Folder 5 - Foley Family Folder 6 - Ed Falk Retirement Dinner Folder 7 - Elmo (Bud) Crump and Mary Crump Folder 8 - Court Clerk Ebner Retirement Dinner Folder 9 - Democratic Committee Folder 10 - Individuals and Groups Box 22 - West Caldwell Folder 1 - Dinners Folder 2 - 2004 Centennial Dinner Box 23 - West Caldwell Folder 1 - Gazebo Box 24 - West Caldwell Folder 1 - Washington School Folder 2 - Teachers’ Contract Demonstration Folder 3 - Essex County Vocational Technical School Folder 4 - Essex County College Folder 5 - West Caldwell Mayors—by last name Box 25 - Roseland Folder 1 - Clergy and churches Folder 2 - Robert Bosworth Folder 3 - Town scenes and businesses Folder 4 - Fire Department Folder 5 - Police Department Folder 6 - First Aid Squad </p><p>25 Folder 7 - Emergency Services Banquet Folder 8 - Playground Folder 9 - Becker Farm Folder 10 - William Sinque —Train man Box 26 - Roseland Folder 1 - Rotary Folder 2 - Mock Trial Folder 3 - Craft Fair Folder 4 - -Run for the Roses Race Folder 5 - Flood Folder 6 - Christmas Party Folder 7 - Things Folder 8 - Oath of Office Folder 9 - Breaking ground/Ribbon cutting Folder 10 - VFW Folder 11 - Banquet Folder 12 - Roseland Political Figures Box 27 - Roseland Folder 1 - Individuals and Groups Folder 2 - Law Firms Folder 3 – “New Fernwood” News paper Box 28 - Fairfield Folder 1 - Police Department Folder 2 - Fire Department Folder 3 - Businesses Folder 4 - Schools Box 29- Fairfield Folder 1 - Political Folder 2 - Flood Folder 3 -Rotary </p><p>26 Box 30 - Fairfield Folder 1 - Reformed Church Folder 2 – Elks - BPOE Folder 3 - Recreation Folder 4 - VFW Folder 5 - Knights of Columbus Folder 6 – Pio Costa Box 31 - Fairfield Folder 1 - Parades Folder 2 - Churches and Clergy Folder 3 - Pool Folder 4 - John Morgan Folder 5 - Demolition of Red Brick Schoolhouse Folder 6 - Superfund Site Folder 7 - Library Folder 8 - Sept. 11, 2001 Memorial Folder 9 - Archeological Dig Folder 10 - Van Ness Historic Home Folder 11 - Miscellaneous Box 32 - Essex Fells Folder 1 - Foundation for Educational Excellence Folder 2 - Presentations Folder 3 - Oath of Office Folder 4 - Police Folder 5 - Fire Department Folder 6 - Churches and Clergy Folder 7 - Essex Fells School Folder 8 - Houses Folder 9 - Individuals and Groups Box 33 - Essex Fells </p><p>27 Folder 1 - Demolition of Railroad Trestle Folder 2 - Block Party Folder 3 - Garden Club Folder 4 - Country Club Folder 5 - Recreation </p><p>Box 34 Folder 1 - Annin Flag Company Folder 2 - Grave stones/Monuments/Cemeteries Folder 3 - Grover Cleveland Birthplace—exterior Folder 4 - Grover Cleveland Birthplace—interior Folder 5 - Grover Cleveland Birthplace Memorial Association—parties Folder 6 - Rainbow Room NYC Box 35 Folder 1 - Giblin Association Folder 2 - Ancient Order of Hibernians Folder 3 - Parade Committee Folder 4 - Local 68 Operating Engineers Folder 5 - Giblin Family Box 36 - Caldwell College and Mt. St. Dominic Academy Folder 1 - Sister Ann John Folder 2 - Sister Vivien Jennings Folder 3 - Sister Vivien and Desmond P. McDonald Folder 4 - Sister Patrice Werner Folder 5 - Banquet Folder 6 - Grounds Folder 7 - Marion Manor Folder 8 - Nuns Folder 9 - Individuals and Groups Folder 10 - Mt St. Dominic Academy</p><p>28 Box 37 - Art Shows Box 38 Folder 1 - Stanley Cup Folder 2 - Possible Conover Collection Box 39 - West Essex Folder 1 - Red Cross Folder 2 - West Essex Policeman’s Benevolent Association Folder 3 - West Essex Lion’s Club Folder 4 - West Essex Community Health Services Folder 5 - West Essex Family Service Folder 6 - West Essex United Way Folder 7 - West Essex First Aid Squad Folder 8 - West Essex Jr. Women’s Club Folder 9 - West Essex Art Association Folder 10 - West Essex Camera Club Box 40 Folder 1 - West Essex UNICO Folder 2 - West Essex Board of Realtors Box 41 - West Essex Chamber of Commerce Folder 1 - General (including Dinners & Luncheons) Box 42 - Chamber Golf Outings Box 43 - Kiwanis Folder 1 - Officers Folder 2 - Presentations/installations Folder 3 - Installation Banquet Folder 4 - Banquets/Luncheons Folder 5 - Golf Folder 6 - Anthony Riolo Folder 7 - Key Club Folder 8 - Miscellaneous </p><p>29 Box 44 - Board of Education/Reunions Folder 1 – General – Board of Education Folder 2 - Central School (Demolished) Folder 3 - Prospect Junior High School (Demolished) Folder 4 - Grover Cleveland High School Folder 5 - Grover Cleveland Middle School Folder 6 - Orange High School Reunion 5/17/1985—Class of 1940 Folder 7 - Grover Cleveland H.S. Reunion—no date—Names given Folder 8 - Grover Cleveland 1988 H.S. Reunion--Class of 1938 (no IDs) Folder 9 - Grover Cleveland H.S. Reunion—Class of 1940 (no IDs) Folder 10 - Grover Cleveland H.S. Reunion—Class of 194(?)-Names given Folder 11 - Grover Cleveland 1996 H.S. Reunion—Class of 1946—Names given Folder 12 - Grover Cleveland 1997 H.S. Reunion—Class of 1947 (no IDs) Folder 13 - Grover Cleveland 1990 H.S. Reunion—Class of 1954 (no IDs) Folder 14 - Grover Cleveland H.S. Reunions—Class of 1955 Folder 15 - James Caldwell H.S. Reunion—Class of 1967 (no IDs) Folder 16 - James Caldwell 1998 H.S. Reunion—Classes of 1971 & 1972 (no IDs) Folder 17 - James Caldwell H.S. Reunion—Class of 1985 (no IDs) Folder 18 - Class Reunions—no dates—unidentified people Folder 19 - Grover Cleveland H.S. Sports Dinner--1949 Box 45 - Rotary Folder 1 - Awards Folder 2 - Installation Dinners Folder 3 - 50th Anniversary Folder 4 - Clergy Luncheon Folder 5 - June Van Zandt & Donald Calvin Folder 6 - General Box 46 - Clergy and Churches Folder 1 - Synagogue- Congregation Agudath Israel Folder 2 - Presbyterian Church </p><p>30 Folder 3 - Saint Aloysius Church Folder 4 - Methodist Church Folder 5 - Baptist Church Folder 6 - Clergy Folder 7 - Ecumenical Groups Box 47 Folder 1 - Pine Brook—warehouse, school buses, old egg wagon Folder 2 - Verona—Lake, old fire department, old train station, old post office/general store Folder 3 - Cedar Grove Folder 4 - Paterson Folder 5 - Little Falls Folder 6 - Montclair Folder 7 - Newark Folder 8 - Willowbrook Mall, Wayne Folder 9 - Construction site - possibly Crane’s Mills Folder 10 - William Loesch photos Folder 11 - Views of N.Y. City’ Box 48 - Old Caldwell scenes Folder 1 – Bloomfield Avenue Folder 2 – Old Caldwell train station Folder 3 – Old Caldwell scenes Folder 4 – Caldwell trolley Folder 5 – Monomonock Inn Folder 6 – Caldwell National Bank</p><p>Box 49 Folder 1 - Caldwell schools—class pictures c. 1910 Folder 2 - Caldwell—Churches Folder 3 - Caldwell personalities—identified</p><p>31 Folder 4 - Caldwell houses Folder 5 - Businesses—Office scenes—unidentified Folder 6 - Businesses—Store fronts—Madison’s book store Folder 7 - Businesses—Clothing tailor Folder 8 - Businesses—Cigar factory—unidentified Folder 9 - Businesses—unidentified Folder 10 - Businesses—miscellaneous Folder 11 - Fire Department—Madison, New Jersey Folder 12 - Fire Department—Hamburg Fire Department Folder 13 - Houses—Willet Mansion Folder 14 - Houses—unidentified Folder 15 - Houses—unidentified Folder 16 - Motion picture set, c. 1920’s Folder 17 - People—Carte-de-Visite includes pictures of Mr. and Mrs. Ganphy (Matthew Brady images) – [These items were taken back by donor 6/2010] Folder 18 – Train station Box 50 Folder 1 - People—individuals--unidentified Folder 2 - People-- individuals—Henry Frank Harrison Folder 3 - People—individuals—Pauline Hall Folder 4 - People—groups—unidentified Folder 5 - Swimming pool scenes Folder 6 - Street scenes Folder 7 - Street scenes—Washington Avenue Folder 8 - Unidentified photographs Box 51 Folder 1- Essex County Board of Agriculture Folder 2 - Al Can Aluminum Corporation, Woodbridge Plant Folder 3 - Lipman Hall Prison—Newark Folder 4 - Essex County Penitentiary</p><p>32 Folder 5 - Civil War related pictures Folder 6 - Old cars Folder 7 - Old motorcycles</p><p>Box 52 </p><p>Folder 1 – Unidentified house</p><p>Folder 2 – Transportation</p><p>Folder 3 – Scenery</p><p>Folder 4 – Street Scenes</p><p>Folder 5 – Buildings, Architecture and Roller Coaster (?)</p><p>Folder 6 – Houses</p><p>Folder 7 – “Plaza” Construction of… 1905/1906</p><p>Folder 8 – Unidentified Individuals</p><p>Folder 9 – Unidentified Group Portraits</p><p>Folder 10 – Unidentified Group Shots</p><p>Folder 11 – “Harry W. Smith” Photography </p><p>Series 4 Box 53 Folder 1 - Prudential Insurance Company Certificate for George Bradley, January 1899 Folder 2 - Newspaper—Caldwell News, February 28, 1903 Folder 3 - Newspaper—The Sunday Call, Newark, NJ, August 20, 1933 Folder 4 - 1912 European Tour itinerary—Mrs. Nelson B. Chester, tour guide </p><p>33 Calling cards: Miss Brown, Miss Nellie E. Heden, Miss Ida A. Braue, Miss Jessie I. Perkins Folder 5 - Certificate for celebration of 225th anniversary of founding of Caldwell Folder 6 - Advertising poster for June Wachtler, harpist—photo by Gene Collerd Folder 7 - “Newfane, Vermont”—information sheet & 2 cartoons Folder 8 - Caldwell Water Department bill—Jun 1910 for Allan Lindsly, Forest Avenue and Jun 1911 for Caroline Brandley, Forest Avenue Folder 9 - Caldwell Tax notice—1894 and 1895 for Frederick F. Thompson Folder 10 – Vintage Caldwell calendar 1987 and 1993 Folder 11 – Progress calendar 2003 Folder 12 - Morristown Water bill – 1912 for Frank Pifner Folder 13 - Old postcards (1883-2002) Folder 14 – Liberty State Park Map</p><p>Series 5 Box 54 Folder 1 - Photos</p><p>Series 6 Box 55 All photos were previously framed Folder 1 - Exterior Folder 2 - Interior Folder 3 - Interior Folder 4 - Dismantling</p><p>BOX 56 Most of these photos are 11x14 inch Folder 1 - Exterior Sketches of exterior of Mill Old postcard of Mill Three negatives</p><p>34 Folder 2 - Interior Folder 3 - Dismantling Box 57 Small (3.5 by 5 inch) photos and negatives of Crane’s Mill Folder 1 - Exterior Folder 2 - Interior Folder 3 - Demolition Folder 4 - Rachael Farrington sketching Folder 5 - Unidentified people at Crane’s Mill Folder 6 - Negatives of Crane’s Mill Box 58 - Allaire State Park Folder 1 - Buildings and Grounds Folder 2 - People Folder 3 - Negative strips of Park (One picture of exterior in oversized box, 3 pictures of Allaire State Park in oversized box)</p><p>Series 7 Box 59 Prints Folder 1- Abdulla, ? (male) (1988) Folder 2 - Ackerman, ? (male) Folder 3 - Adams, Joe Folder 4 - Adams, Tom Folder 5 - Aiello, Dominic Folder 6 - Archibald, Robert Folder 7 - Arvanites, John (10/31/1996) Folder 8 - Arwood, John R. (1988) Folder 9 - Bates, Tom Folder 10 - Berk, John (9/12/1996) Folder 11 - Betchler, Steve (1988) Color Folder 12 - Bottone, ? (female) (1988) Color</p><p>35 Folder 13 - Brindock, Andrew Folder 14 - Brown,Toby (1995) Folder 15 - Bruno, John Folder 16 - Buechner, Peter Folder 17 - Burtiss, ? (male) (2/1988) Folder 18 - Busby, Frank (1996) Folder 19 - Cadby (see Verner-Cadby males) Folder 20 - Caggiano, ? (male) Folder 21 - Callahan, Tom Folder 22 - Carter, ? (male) Folder 23 - Cavalieri, Anthony Folder 24 - Cebulash, ? (male) Folder 25 - Cerrigone, Pat Folder 26 - Chase, Fran Folder 27 - Chen, ? (female) (1994) Folder 28 - Ciuba, Ed Folder 29 - Clasoh (male) Folder 30 - Cole, Jere Folder 31 - Condit, ? female (1988) Folder 32 - Conklin, Jack Folder 33 - Conway, ? (male) Folder 34 - Cook, Jane Folder 35 - Coots, ? (female) Folder 36 - Cordes, Kay Folder 37 - Crawley, Bob (1994) Folder 38 - Cunningham, Grace Folder 39 - Curley, Jeff Folder 40 - Dancy, Matthew Folder 41 - Darcy, Frank (Giblin Group/Local 68) Folder 42 - Davidson, ? (female twin)</p><p>36 Folder 43 - Davidson, Mary Folder 44 - Davison, Bob (1995) Folder 45 - Day, Ronald Folder 46 - DeBell, Louis Folder 47 - DeCamp, Leroy Folder 48 - Dennis, John Folder 49 - Domino, ? (male) Folder 50 - Dorchak, Richard Folder 51 - Dorgan, ? (female) (1994) Folder 52 - D’Orio, James Folder 53 - Downey, William Folder 54 - Drumm, William Box 60 Prints Folder 1 - Dubonis, ? (male) Folder 2 - Dubrow, (?) (male) Folder 3 - Dubrow, Bill Folder 4 - Dudek, Elaine (8/1998) Folder 5 - Dugan, Ralph Folder 6 - Durkin, Raymond Folder 7 - Durnisek (?), Mike (1988) Folder 8 – Dussinberre, Bob Folder 9 - Eastman, Ralph (11/3/1994) Folder 10 - Evans, George Folder 11 - Farrar, William Folder 12 - Feeney, Valerie (Giblin Group/Local 68) Folder 13 - Fischer, Joseph Folder 14 - Foley, Irene Folder 15 - Folley, ? (male) (1988) Folder 16 - Francavilla, John(1/2/1975) Folder 17 - Freeman, Charles</p><p>37 Folder 18 - French, Marlene Folder 19 - Frey, Michael Folder 20 - Friel, Pat Folder 21 - Fry, James Folder 22 - Galluzzi, Joseph Folder 23 - Garland, David (1/19/1995) Folder 24 - Garvey, Joseph Folder 25 - Georgi, ? (male) (7/1988) Folder 26 - Giblin, Thomas P. Folder 27 - Glista, Ned Folder 28 - Goodman, Bert Folder 29 - Goodwin, ? (female) Folder 30 - Greco, Jerome (cousin to Jerry Greco) Folder 31 - Greco, Jerry Folder 32 - Gregory, Ed Folder 33 - Gregory, Irene (1998) Folder 34 - Grenci, Anthony Folder 35 - Grenci, Jerry Folder 36 - Grenci-Rock, Sandra Folder 37 - Groeschel, Mark Folder 38 - Hahn, Thomas J. Folder 39 - Haikan (?), Bridget (1988) Folder 40 - Hamilton, Gene (1993) Folder 41 - Hartman (?) (male) (1998) Folder 42 - Hibo, ? (male) Folder 43 - Higgins, Hilton Folder 44 - Holck, Cynthia Folder 45 - Horn, Peter (1996) Folder 46 - Horowitz, S. (female) (1988) Folder 47 - Illge, Bill</p><p>38 Folder 48 - Isenman, ? Dr. (male) Folder 49 - Jerk, ? (male) (1994) Folder 50 - Johnson, Skip Folder 51 - Jones, Lori (1988) Folder 52 - Kaplan, George Folder 53 - Kaplan, Richard, DDS (1994) Folder 54 - Kebler, ? (female) Folder 55 - Kinzel, Philip Folder 56 - Kostyshyn, Wanda Folder 57 - Krebs, ? (male) Folder 58 - Krueser, Carmella Folder 59 - Krug, Patricia Folder 60 - Kunzman, Ken Folder 61 - Kyser, ? (female) (1988) Box 61 Prints Folder 1 - Latimor, Don Folder 2 - Levine, Mel Folder 3 - Lordi-Cavanaugh, Linda Folder 4 - Lorenzo, Anthony Folder 5 - Luker, Brian Folder 6 - Malanga, group (men) Folder 7 - Malanga, Lou Folder 8 - Marchetti, Kathleen Folder 9 - Marindea, Holly Folder 10 - Martin, Kathe Folder 11 - Matarazzo, James (Mayor North Caldwell) Folder 12 - Matarazzo, James (realtor) Folder 13 - Mazza, Donna Folder 14 - Mazziotti, ? (male) Folder 15 - Mennetti, Florence (1998)</p><p>39 Folder 16 - Montanaro, Leopold Folder 17 - Muller, ? female (1988) Folder 18 - Murphy, Dennis Folder 19 - McCabe, ? (male) (1997) Folder 20 - McDonald, ?(male) (1988) Folder 21 - McGeechan, ? (male) Folder 22 - McGlynn, Michael Folder 23 - McGrath, Michael Folder 24 - McGrath, Jr., Michael Folder 25 - McIntee, David Folder 26 - McLaughlin, Joe Folder 27 - Nash, ? (female) Folder 28 - Nichols, ? (male) Folder 29 - Nielsen, Jeffrey Folder 30 - Nolan, Frank (1990) Folder 31 - Novick, ? (male) Folder 32 - Oberst, Arlene Folder 33 - O’Connor, Sheila Folder 34 - Pacio, Michael Folder 35 - Palmieri, Rocco Folder 36 - Payne, William Folder 37 - Plante, Dewey Folder 38 - Poole, Ron Folder 39 - Ravkin, ? (male) Folder 40 - Reiher, Robert Folder 41 - Reilly-King, Grace Folder 42 - Renda, Andrew Folder 43 - Rochkind, Mark Box 62 Prints Folder 1 - Roland, ? (male)</p><p>40 Folder 2 - Rommelle, Warren (1990) Folder 3 - Rosenberg, Ned Folder 4 - Rubin, Michael Folder 5 - Rush, James Folder 6 - Sanford, ? (male) Folder 7 - Sawtoro, Steve Folder 8 - Scappichio, John Folder 9 - Scheidt, Henry Folder 10 - Schilling, Charles Folder 11 - Schmidt, Robert Folder 12 - Schmoyer, ? (male) Folder 13 - Seadler, Stephen Folder 14 - Seidner, Eugene Folder 15 - Sharkey, Alfred Folder 16 - Shaw, ? (male) Folder 17 - Shaw, Kevin Folder 18 - Siegel, Angela Folder 19 - Silverstein, Rabbi Alan Folder 20 - Slattery, Kay Folder 21 - Slayter, Alan Folder 22 - Smallheer, Alan Folder 23 - Stewart, Peter Folder 24 - Sullivan, Robert (1980) Folder 25 - Sullivan, Tom Folder 26 - Tempesta, Joseph Folder 27 - Thompson, Bill Folder 28 - Trabucco, Patricia Folder 29 - Vanaro, ? (male) Folder 30 - Vanderhoof, William Folder 31 - VanDuren, ? (male) (1995)</p><p>41 Folder 32 - VanHorn, Karen (1990) Folder 33 - VanLieu, Sandy Folder 34 - VanZandt, June Folder 35 - Verner-Cadby (males) Folder 36 - Vesay, Brendan Folder 37 - Viscardo, Frank Folder 38 - Vogt, Jean (1993) Folder 39 - Voynick, Jack Folder 40 - Walsh, Wm. Kevin Folder 41 - Ward, Al Folder 42 - Ward, Bob Folder 43 - White, Bradford Folder 44 - Whitehead, Anne Folder 45 - Yeager, Joan</p><p>Box 63 Negatives Folder 1 - Abdulla, ? (male) (1988) Folder 2 - Ackerman, ? (male) Folder 3 - Adams, Joe Folder 4 - Adams, Tom (1988) Folder 5 - Aiello, Dominic Folder 6 - Albanese, ? (female) Folder 7 - Arvanites, John Folder 8 - Arwood, John R. (1988) Folder 9 - Bates, Tom Folder 10 - Beard Lee Folder 11 - Bernmotto, Jim Folder 12 - Betchler, Steve (1988) Folder 13 - Birdsall, Harry (1988) Folder 14 - Blin, Tom Q</p><p>42 Folder 15 - Blumberg 5/76” (male) Folder 16 - Bottone, ? (female ) (1988) Folder 17 - Bretzger, ? (male) Folder 18 - Bretzger, ? (male) (1988) Folder 19 - Brindock, Andrew Folder 20 - Brown,Toby Folder 21 - Buechner, Peter Folder 22 - Burtiss, ? (male) (2/1988) Folder 23 - Busby, Frank (1996) Folder 24 - Busse, ? (male) (1988) Folder 25 - Cadby (see Verner-Cadby males) Folder 26 - Caggiano, ? (male) Folder 27 - Carter, ? (male) Folder 28 - Cavalieri, Anthony Folder 29 - Cebulash, ? (male) Folder 30 - Cetrulo, ? (male) Folder 31 - Chabot, Mary Ann (1988) Folder 32 - Chase, Fran Folder 33 - Chen, ? (female) (1994) Folder 34 - Clasoh, ? (male) Folder 35 - Clover, ? (female) (1988) Folder 36 - Cole, Jere Folder 37 - Collins, John (1996) Folder 38 - Condit, ? female (1988) Folder 39 - Conklin, Jack Folder 40 - Connally, Doc (male) Folder 41 - Conway, ? (male) Folder 42 - Cook, Jane Box 64 Negatives Folder 1 - Coots, ? (female) </p><p>43 Folder 2 - Crawley, Bob Folder 3 - Cristell, Rev. (1988) Folder 4 - Cross (?), Julie (1988) Folder 5 - Cunningham, Grace (?) Folder 6 - Curley, Jeff Folder 7 - Dancy, David Folder 8 - Dancy, Matthew Folder 9 - D’Andrea, Mrs. (5/24/1949) Folder 10 - Daum, Robert Folder 11 - Davidson, ? (female twin) Folder 12 - Davidson, Bill (1995) Folder 13 - Davidson, Mary Folder 14 - Davison, Bob (1995) Folder 15 - Day, Ronald Folder 16 - DeBell, Louis Folder 17 - Dennis, John Folder 18 - DiMasi, Gabe (July 1988) Folder 19 - Domino, ? (male) Folder 20 - Dorchak, Richard Folder 21 - Dorgan, ? (female) Folder 22 - Downey, William (1995) Folder 23 - Drumm (?), William Folder 24 - Dubonis, ? (male) Folder 25 - Dubrow, (?) (male) Folder 26 - Dubrow, Bill Folder 27 - Dudek, Elaine (8/1998) Folder 28 - Dugan, Ralph Folder 29 - Durnisek (?), Mike (1988) Folder 30 - Eastman, Ralph Folder 31 - Evans, George</p><p>44 Folder 32 - Feeney, Valerie (Giblin Group/Local 68) Folder 33 - Fischer, Joseph Folder 34 - Foley, ? (male) (1988) Folder 35 - Foley, Irene Folder 36 - Fry, James Box 65 Negatives Folder 1 - Gardner, “Chip” (9/1988) Folder 2 - Gartland, Joe (4/29/1948) Folder 3 - Gates, James W. Folder 4 - Georgi, ? (male) (7/1988) Folder 5 - Glasses, ? (male) (1991) Folder 6 - Goodman, Bert Folder 7 - Goodwin, ? (female) Folder 8 - Granelli, ? (male) Folder 9 - Graske, ? (male) Folder 10 - Greco, Jerry Folder 11 - Gregory, Ed Folder 12 - Gregory, Irene (1998) Folder 13 - Grenci, Anthony Folder 14 - Grenci, Jerry Folder 15 - Groeschel, Mark Folder 16 - Hamilton, Gene Folder 17 - Hardy, Randy Folder 18 - Hartman (?) (male) (1998) Folder 19 - Heon, Margaret (1988) Folder 20 - Hibo, ? (male) Folder 21 - Hicks, ? (male) Folder 22 - Holck, Cynthia Folder 23 - Horowitz, S. (female) (1988) Folder 24 - Illge, Bill</p><p>45 Folder 25 - Inari, Frank (1988) Folder 26 - Intili, James (?) Folder 27 - Isenman, ? Dr. (male) Folder 28 - Jacangelo, Joe (2/1988) Folder 29 - James, Frank (?) Folder 30 0 Jenkins, Bunny Folder 31 - Jerk, ? (male) (1994) Box 66 Negatives Folder 1 - Johnson, Skip (1990) Folder 2 - Johnston, Kevin Folder 3 - Jones, Cathy (1988) Folder 4 - Jones, Lori (1988) Folder 5 - Kaminski, Tammy Folder 6 - Kaplan, George Folder 7 - Kaplan, Richard, DDS Folder 8 - Kebler, ? (female) Folder 9 - Keefe, William (“Skeeter”) (?) Folder 10 - Kent, Sam Folder 11 - Kerr, Martina (3/1988) Folder 12 - Kolbener, ? (male) Folder 13 - Konner, Dean (1995) Folder 14 - Krebs, ? (male) Folder 15 - Kyser, ? (female) (1988) Folder 16 - Latimor, Don Folder 17 - Leice, ? (female) (87/88) Folder 18 - Lemansky, ? (female) (1988) Folder 19 - Levine, Mel Folder 20 - Lorenzo, Anthony Folder 21 - Luker, Brian Folder 22 - Malanga, ? (male)</p><p>46 Folder 23 - Malanga, group (men) Folder 24 - Malanga, George Folder 25 - Malanga, Lou Folder 26 - Marchetti, Kathleen Box 67 Negatives Folder 1 - Marindea, Holly Folder 2 - Marty (male) (1988) Folder 3 - Matarazzo, James Folder 4 - Mazziotti, ? (male) Folder 5 - Mennetti, Florence (1998) Folder 6 - Messer, Richard (?) Folder 7 - Mitschella, ? (male) (1997) Folder 8 - Montanaro, Leopold Folder 9 - Muller, ? (female) (1988) Folder 10 - Murphree(?), ? (male) Folder 11 - McCabe, ? (male) (1997) Folder 12 - McDonald, ?(male) (1988) Folder 13 - McGeechan, ? (male) Folder 14 - McLaughlin, Joe Folder 15 - Nash, ? (female) (6/1988) Folder 16 - Nelson, ? (female) (1988) Folder 17 - Nichols, ? (male) Folder 18 - Nielsen, Jeffrey Folder 19 - Nolan, Frank Folder 20 - Novick, ? (male) Folder 21 - Oberst, Arlene Folder 22 - O’Connor, Donald Folder 23 - O’Connor, Sheila Folder 24 - O’Reilly, T (male) Folder 25 - Pacio, Michael</p><p>47 Folder 26 - Palmieri, Rocco Folder 27 - Plante, Dewey Folder 28 - Poole, Ron Folder 29 - Randy (male) Folder 30 - Ravkin, ? (male) Folder 31 - Reiher, Robert Folder 32 - Renda, Andrew Folder 33 - Rochkind, Mark Folder 34 - Roland, ? (male) Folder 35 - Romano, John Folder 36 - Rommelle, Warren (1990) Folder 37 - Rosenberg, Ned (1995) Folder 38 - Rubin, Michael Box 68 Negatives Folder 1 - Sanford, ? (male) Folder 2 - Sawtoro, Steve Folder 3 - Scappichio, John (1996) Folder 4 - Scheidt, Henry Folder 5 - Schilling, Charles Folder 6 - Schmoyer, ? (male) Folder 7 - Seadler, Stephen Folder 8 - Shaw, ? (male) Folder 9 - Shaw, Kevin Folder 11 - Siegel, Angela Folder 11 - Simone, Ray Folder 12 - Smallheer, Alan (1995) Folder 13 - Spina, Sam Folder 14 - Stewart, Peter Folder 15 - Sullivan, Bob (4/8/1980) Folder 16 - Sullivan, Ray</p><p>48 Folder 17 - Tempesta, Joseph Folder 18 - Thompson, Al Folder 19 - Thompson, Barry Folder 20 - Thompson, Bill Folder 21 - Trivino, Dan (1988) Folder 22 - Vanaro, ? (male) Folder 23 - Vanderhoof, William (1996) Folder 24 - VanDuren, ? (male) (1995) Folder 25 - VanHorn, Karen (1990) Folder 26 - VanZandt, June Folder 27 - Verner-Cadby (males) Folder 28 - Vincent, Father Folder 29 - Vogt, Jean Folder 30 - Voynick, Jack Folder 31 - Walsh, Wm. Kevin Folder 32 - Ward, Al Folder 33 - Ward, Bob Folder 34 - White, Bradford Folder 35 - Whitehead, Anne Folder 36 - Winans, Newton (?)</p><p>Series 8 Box 69 Folder 1 - Aerial views of Caldwell (1964) Folder 2 - Caldwell scenes—businesses and houses Folder 3 - Caldwell Feed Store Folder 4 - Hennion’s Moving and Storage Folder 5 - Kennel Food Co. (2/10/1948) Folder 6 - Malcolm Konner Showroom (7/10/49) Folder 7 - Unidentified houses</p><p>49 Folder 8 - Unidentified houses Folder 9 - Academy R/Thomas S Folder 10 - Arlington Ave Folder 11 - Arlington Ave/Hatfield St Folder 12 - Arlington Ave/Hatfield St Folder 13 – Birkendene Rd Folder 14 - Birkendene Rd/Cleveland Rd Folder 15 – Birkendene Rd/Leaycraft Lane Folder 16 - Birkendene Rd/Leaycraft Lane/Lockwood Rd Folder 17 – Birkendene Rd/Lockwood Rd Folder 18 – Birkendene Rd/Wakefield Pl/Knollwood Ter/Gladding Rd Folder 19 - Bloomfield Ave Folder 20 - Bowers Rd Folder 21 - Bowers Rd/Cherry Lane Folder 22 - Bowers Rd/Cleveland Rd/H.B. Folder 23 - Brookside Ave Folder 24 - Brookside Ave Folder 25 - Brookside Ave Folder 26 - Cedars Rd/Gould Pl Folder 27 - Central Ave Folder 28 - Central Ave Folder 29 - Central Ave Folder 30 - Central Ave Folder 31 - Central Ave Folder 32 - Central Pl/Academy Rd/Prospect St/Francis Pl Folder 33 - Central Pl/Caton Terrace Folder 34 - Central Pl/Central Ave Box 70 Folder 1 - Cherry Lane/Bowers Rd Folder 2 - Chestnut St/Oak Grove Rd</p><p>50 Folder 3 - Cleveland Rd Folder 4 - Cleveland St Folder 5 - Cleveland St Folder 6 - Cleveland St Folder 7 - Cleveland St Folder 8 - Crane St Folder 9 - Crane St/Erwin Pl Folder 10 - Elizabeth St Folder 11 - Elizabeth St Folder 12 - Elizabeth St/Washburn Pl Folder 13 - Elm Rd/Linwood Terr/Ryerson Ave/Mountain Ave/Ashland St Folder 14 - Erwin Pl Folder 15 - Erwin Pl/Bloomfield Ave Folder 16 - Espy Rd Folder 17 - Espy Rd/Bloomfield Ave Folder 18 - Espy Rd/Bloomfield Ave/Hillcrest Rd Folder 19 - Florence Pl/Thomas St Folder 20 - Forest Ave Folder 21 - Forest Ave Folder 22 - Forest Ave/Hillside Folder 23 - Francis Pl/Central Pl Folder 24 - Gladding Rd/Oak Ridge Rd Folder 25 - Gould Pl Folder 26 - Gould Pl Folder 27 - Gould Pl/Cedars Rd Folder 28 - Gould Pl/Westville Ave Folder 29 - Grover Lane/Personette St/Hatfield St Folder 30 - Hanford Pl Folder 31 - Hanford Pl Folder 32 - Hatfield St</p><p>51 Folder 33 - Hatfield St/Grover Lane Folder 34 - Highview Folder 35 - Highview Folder 36 - Highview/Lane Ave/Prospect Folder 37 - Highview Rd/Prospect St Box 71 Folder 1 - Hillcrest Rd/Ravine Ave Folder 2 - Hillside Ave Folder 3 - Hillside Ave Folder 4 - Hillside Ave/Forest Ave Folder 5 - Jackson Pl/Westville Ave Folder 6 - Kirkwood Pl Folder 7 - Kirkwood Pl/Forest Ave Folder 8 - Knollwood Ter/Gladding Rd/Cedars Rd Folder 9 - Lane Ave Folder 10 – Lincoln Ter/Brookside Ave/Gould Pl Folder 11 - Myrtle Ave Folder 12 - Myrtle Ave Folder 13 - Oak Grove Rd/Parkway West Folder 14 - Oak Grove Rd/Roseland Ave Folder 15 - Oak Grove Rd/White Birch Ter Folder 16 - Old Chester Rd/Arlington Ave/Hawthorne Rd Folder 17 - Orchard Sq/Hatfield St Folder 18 - Overlook Rd Folder 19 - Overlook Rd Folder 20 - Park Ave Folder 21 - Park Ave Folder 22 - Park Ave Folder 23 - Park Ave/Ella Rd Folder 24 - Park Ave/Ella Rd</p><p>52 Folder 25 - Park Ave/Miller St Folder 26 - Park Lane/Essex Road Folder 27 - Parkway East/Chestnut St Folder 28 - Parkway West Folder 29 - Personette St Folder 30 - Personette St/Orchard Sq Box 72 Folder 1 - Ravine Ave Folder 2 - Ravine Ave Folder 3 - Ravine Ave Folder 4 - Ravine Ave/Caton Ter Folder 5 - Ravine Ave/Westover Ave Folder 6 - Roseland Ave/Birkendene Rd Folder 7 - Seymour St/Grove St/Linwood Terr/Ryerson Ave/Mountain Ave/Elm Road Folder 8 - Smull Ave Folder 9 - Smull Ave Folder 10 - Smull Ave Folder 11 - Smull Ave Folder 12 - Smull Ave Folder 13 - Wakefield Rd Folder 14 - Wakefield Pl/Park Ave Folder 15 - Wakefield Pl/Welshman Court Folder 16 - Ward Pl/Myrtle Ave Folder 17 - Ward Pl/Cedars Rd/Overlook Rd Folder 18 - Washburn Pl Folder 19 - Washburn Pl/Westville Ave Folder 20 - Welshman Court/Miller St Folder 21 - Welshman Court/Wakefield Pl Folder 22 – Westville Ave</p><p>53 Folder 23 – Westville Ave Folder 24 - Westville Ave Folder 25 - Westville Ave Folder 26 – Westville Ave/Brookside Ave Folder 27 – Westville Ave/Overlook Rd Folder 28 – Westville Ave/Prospect St Folder 29 - Whitfield St/Central Ave/Cleveland St</p><p>Series 9 Box 73—All unidentified Folder 1 - Caldwell Firemen Folder 2 - Females Folder 3 - Females Folder 4 - Females Box 74—All unidentified Folder 1 - Females Folder 2 - Males Folder 3 - Males Folder 4 - Males Box 75—All unidentified Folder 1 - Males Folder 2 - Males Folder 3 – Males Folder 4 - Males Box 76—All unidentified Folder 1 - Males Folder 2 – Males Folder 3 - Groups of two Box 77—All unidentified Folder 1 - Groups of three or more</p><p>54 Folder 2 - Groups of three or more Folder 3 - Groups of three or more Box 78—All unidentified Folder 1 - Young children Folder 2 - Buildings/houses Folder 3 - Landscapes Folder 4 - Things Folder 5 - Old cameras Box 79 Folder 1 - “Old Caldwell negatives” Folder 2 - Nixon/Lodge campaign Folder 3 - American Red Cross Folder 4 - “ATCROBATS”—2/1946 Folder 5 - Delaware Water Gap—1945 Folder 6 - Irene Schulyers shop—5/1946 Folder 7 - Shore scenes Folder 8 - Bob Holton Screwing Machine Folder 9 - Bank Grand Opening Folder 10 - S.L.T. & S. Club—7/14/1946 (Spring Lake Tennis and Swim Club?) Folder 11 - “Bath Club” (Spring Lake Tennis and Swim Club?) Folder 12 - Dwyer’s Riding Stables—Spring Lake—1946 Folder 13 - Kiggon’s House—1/23/1949 & 4/26/1949 Folder 14 - Victor shoes Folder 15 - Roseland House—Zimmer Folder 16 - Ice storm—1/1/1948 Folder 17 - Snow—1/1961 Folder 18 - Snow—Fells Crest (?)—3/10/1966 Folder 19 - S.S. Amerika Folder 20 - Flood—9/1945 (Sundance Lodge) Folder 21 - “Birthplace—Dad’s—Fayetteville”</p><p>55 Folder 22 - unidentified man with machinery Folder 23 - Bridge at Fort Lee, N.J. April 20, 1930 Box 80 Folder 1 - “Our wedding”—2/17/1945 Folder 2 - Domberg, Bob with dog Folder 3 - Castiglione Folder 4 - Gallagher Family—S.L. & J. C.—9/29/1946 Folder 5 - Duffy’ Family Christmas Party—12/25/1946 Folder 6 - Sally’s Prom Dress—5/12/1946 Folder 7 - Beaty Family—Bay Head—9/6/1946 Folder 8 - Caroline and Gang—Hopatcong—4/28/1946 Folder 9 - Joe Applebaum’s Party—8/1944 Folder 10 - Moe & Rene at Seashore—1944 Folder 11 - Moe & Rene—Walter, Mary, & Kay [These were taken back by donor 6/2010] Folder 12 - Maning’s baby—4/29/1945 Folder 13 - Martin’s baby—Christening Day [These were taken back by donor 6/2010] Folder 14 - Kay Anuonce [These were taken back by donor 6/2010] Folder 15 - unidentified family group [These were taken back by donor 6/2010] Folder 16 - unidentified family group Folder 17 - unidentified family [These were taken back by donor 6/2010] Folder 18 - unidentified lake house Folder 19 - Mr. and Mrs. Higgons – 4/1962 Folder 20 - Higgon’s Testimonials – 1965 Folder 21 – Horse racing stables (color transparencies)</p><p>Series 10 Box 81 (Pictures contained in Boxes 81-84 can be found on Disk 1 in Box 84 Folder D)</p><p>56 Folder 1 - Good Tymes, floral arrangements</p><p>Folder 2 - Memorial Day parade Folder 3 - Golf event Folder 4 - Caldwell Banker staff, Kung Jom Jee demolition Folder 5 - West Caldwell gazebo, Penn Federal grand opening Folder 6 - Construction of Community Center Folder 7 - Dinner, storm damage Folder 8 - Memorial Day parade Folder 9 - Shoprite, flower shop (?), dinner Folder 10 - Gene Collerd, union workers protest, Mayor Joe Tempesta & West Caldwell Fire Dept. Folder 11 - Essex Fells Recreation, Foodtown Folder 12 - Foodtown, Ray Sullivan, Colony Diner Folder 13 - Councilman Michael Rubin, Essex Fells outdoor pond Folder 14 - Roseland Community Services Banquet, Sopranos film shoot Folder 15 - United Way Day of Caring, Essex Fells Police Dept Folder 16 - Community Center Easter party, Faith Colletti, opening of Saplings Folder 17 - Carol Macken, Villa Meats, David Gurion, Al & Joanne Josephson, St. Patrick’s Day - Essex Fells Country Club Folder 18 - Anti-war demonstration, Father John food collection for troops Folder 19 - Art on the Avenue Folder 20 - Memorial Day parade Folder 21 - Memorial Day parade Folder 22 - Bridge Gold Classic 2002 Folder 23 - James Caldwell H.S. graduation 2002 Folder 24 - West Essex Chamber of Commerce, Florence Monetti Folder 25 - Essex Fells school 2002 Folder 26 - Nielsen oath of office, Anthony Cavalieri oath of office, Father John Folder 27 - Lincoln School, Peter Frazza family</p><p>57 Folder 28 - James Caldwell H.S. graduation 2000 Folder 29 - James Caldwell H.S. awards dinner 2002, Mary Davidson, Fran Chase Folder 30 - James Caldwell H.S. graduation 2002 Folder 31 - St. Aloysius event Folder 32 - Rotary Club event, Sam Kent, West Essex H.S. graduation Folder 33 - West Caldwell Library mural, Presbyterian Church cemetery Folder 34 - Sidewalk sale Folder 35 - West Essex Chamber of Commerce, West Caldwell gazebo (See Folder 24) Folder 36 - Old Caldwell scenes Box 82 Folder 1 - Churches Folder 2 - Parade, James Caldwell H.S. band Folder 3 - building Folder 4 - ? Folder 5 - People Folder 6 - Halloween at bank Folder 7 - Guy’s lumber fire Folder 8 - Pool, houses, road signs Folder 9 - Golf outing Folder 10 - Golf outing Folder 11 - Gene Collerd [The contact sheet and negative strip were taken back by donor 6/2010] Folder 12 - Aerial views—Bloomfield Avenue, Presbyterian Church Folder 13 - Aerial views—houses, church Folder 14 - Aerial views Folder 15 - Aerial views Folder 16 - Aerial views - Shopping Mall, Caldwell College Early years Box 83 Folder 17 - Aerial views—airport, high school</p><p>58 Folder 18 - Parade Folder 19 - Aerial views—Bloomfield Avenue (?) Folder 20 - Aerial views—Mt. St. Dominic & Caldwell College high school, mall Folder 21 - Aerial views—airport, church Folder 22 - Aerial views—interstate Folder 23 - Aerial views—church Folder 24 - Aerial views—interstate, helicopter & pilots Folder 25 - Construction project, airport, Gene Collerd Folder 26 - Aerial views Folder 27 - Aerial views Folder 28 - Rotary Club, Presbyterian Church, tree Folder 29 - Golf event Folder 30 - ? Folder 31 - Rotary club event Folder 32 - Rotary Club event Box 84 Folder 33 - ? Folder 34 - Rotary Club event Folder 35 - Aerial views— Willowbrook Mall, Presbyterian Church Folder 36 - Caldwell street scenes, woman Folder 37 - 4H Club, Optimist Club Folder 38 - James Caldwell H.S. class of 1985 reunion, Christmas star Folder 39 - Essex County fair, 4H Club Folder 40 - West Essex Savings Bank thermometer Folder 41 - Essex County fair Folder 42 - Essex County 4H Club Folder 43 - Armistice Day parade, Caldwell Folder 44 - Caldwell Fire Dept. dinner, Hanover Manor (?) Folder D – Disk 1 (contains images from all folders in Boxes 81-84)</p><p>59 Box 85 Folder 3 - Produce, Essex Fells Fire Dept, Chamber of Commerce Folder 5 - Play (?) Folder D – Disk 1A (contains images from these two folders)</p><p>Box 86 (Pictures contained in Boxes 86-87 can be found on Disk 2 in Box 87 Folder D)</p><p>Folder 477 - Caldwell Street Fair 10/5/1997 Folder 478 - Caldwell Street Fair 10/4/1998, North Caldwell Bicentennial 9/12/1998 Folder 479 - Rotary Club Golf outing Folder 480 - Caldwell Street Fair Folder 481 - Relay for Life, Kiwanis Club dinner 2000 Folder 482 - Kiwanis Club dinner 2000 Folder 483 - Kiwanis Club dinner Folder 484 - Kiwanis Club dinner, fallen tree Folder 485 - Kiwanis luncheon, John P. Salamone Memorial Golf outing Folder 486 - Verona Fire Dept. Golf outing Folder 487 - Golf outing (The Bridge?) Folder 488 - Kiwanis Club dinner Folder 489 - UNICO dinner/dance 3/24/2001 Folder 490 - Rotary Club Golf outing Folder 491 - West Essex Chamber Golf outing/dinner 1997 Folder 492 - Rotary Club, Union Workers meeting Folder 493 - Kiwanis Club Honors dinner 2/29/2003</p><p>Folder 494 - Willing Hearts opening, election results,</p><p>60 Gene Collerd’s office Folder 495 - Fairfield Police, Caldwell Street Fair sign10/5/1997, Sound-a-rama Music Center opening Folder 496 - North Essex Chamber of Commerce President’s banquet, Jack’s Supermarket Folder 497 - The Bridge Golf outing Folder 498 - The Bridge Golf outing Folder 499 - West Essex Chamber of Commerce Golf outing 7/18/2000, West Caldwell gazebo Folder 500 - United Trust Bank, North Caldwell Police Folder 501 - Lester C. Noecker School-Roseland, Rotary, Club, Caldwell Police Folder 502 - Caldwell Street Fair 10/7/2001 Folder 503 - Caldwell/West Caldwell Senior Citizens Group, Caldwell Street Fair Folder 504 - Caldwell Street Fair Folder 505 - Artist, Bangkok Kitchen opening, woman Folder 506 - West Essex teachers, Caldwell Street Fair 9/172000, Rotary Club-Dan Gerardi, ?</p><p>Box 87 Folder 507 - Street Fair Folder 508 - James Caldwell H.S Halloween party, Presentation of certificates Folder 509 - Senator Ted Kennedy Folder 510 - West Essex Chamber of Commerce, Rhonda Linnett Graber 6/30/1996 Folder 511 - ? Group, Gene Collerd, West Caldwell Gazebo 11/30/1995 Folder 512 - West Essex Chamber of Commerce 6/1996</p><p>61 Folder 513 - Taste of Essex, Mrs. Kahl-WazWan Restaurant Folder 514 - North Essex Chamber of Commerce Excellence in Education, Sister Patrice Werner 5/2003 Folder 515 - Rotary Club Golf outing Folder 516 - Eagle Rock 9/11 Memorial dedication 10/20/2002 Folder 517 - Yogi Berra, Turning Point presentation to George “Walt” Connell Folder 518 - Caldwell College Art Show Folder 519 - Rotary Club event, Dan Gerardi Folder 520 - Gerald Ford at Mayfair Farms Folder 521 - Art show, Grover Cleveland Park Folder 522 - Gerald Ford at Mayfair Farms Folder 523 - Gerald Ford at Mayfair Farms Folder 524 - State of N.J. check to North Caldwell 10/2001, Caldwell Politicians, West Essex Family Health Day 10/2001 Folder 525 - Glen Highland Farm border collies Folder 526 - ?woman Folder 527 - Cryan Association-Gret Aheriday Folder 528 - Cryan Association-Thomas Callahan Folder 529 - Cryan Association-Thomas Callahan 1/30/1999 Folder 530 - The Bridge Golf Classic 2000 Folder 531 - Golf outing Folder 532 - Chamber of Commerce Golf outing Folder 533 - Memorial Day Parade Folder 534 - Kiwanis Home club-Amazing Kreskin, ? Folder 535 - Caldwell Street Fair 10/4/1998, Villa Meats, Kiwanis club Folder D – Disk 2 (contains images from all folders in Boxes 86-87) Box 88 (Pictures contained in Boxes 88-89 can be found on Disk 3 in Box 89 Folder D)</p><p>62 Folder 415 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder 416 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder 417 - Giblin Assn. Community Service Awards Folder 418 - West Caldwell Mayor’s Ball Folder 419 - David M. Schwartz, Sister Patrice Werner, ? group Folder 420 - North Caldwell Councilman, Essex Fells Police Chief, Judge Richard Camp Folder 421 - ?, Essex Fells Fire Dept. Folder 422 - Essex Fells Firemen’s dinner, Gene Collerd Folder 423 - Sam Kent, church, ? group Folder 424 - Pinnacle Savings, Community Center construction, ? family, Chamber Golf outing Folder 425 - Snow scenes, Muriel Shurr oath of office Folder 426 - Judge Fiella’s retirement dinner Folder 427 - Lincoln School Native American display Folder 428 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder 429 - Oath of office: John Taylor, Brad White, Paul Jemas; Essex Fells oath of office Folder 430 - Nelson-North Caldwell, Roseland Folder 431 - West Essex H.S. graduation Folder 432 - Fireworks, Garrett Jones Folder 433 - Ned Gladstein, James Caldwell H.S. awards, Boy Scouts and Father’s Day Folder 434 - Caldwell Firemen (Grenci, Lorenzo, Adams), West Caldwell gazebo Folder 435 - James Caldwell H.S. Bonnel Field, Yami’s Origami Folder 436 - Allen McWright (Chamber), damaged car, Silver Starlite Ochestra Folder 437 - Girl Scouts presentation, West Essex board of Realtors</p><p>63 Folder 438 - Dog Folder 439 - Mailman, Gene Collerd, Grover Kayhart Folder 440 - Field Day? Folder 441 - Tree, John Collins Folder 442 - James Caldwell H.S. band/orchestra, Mr. Aguaro Folder 443 - Rotary Golf outing Folder 444 - James Caldwell H.S. Bonnel Field Folder 445 - ? people Folder 446 - Snow scenes Folder 447 - West Caldwell Library card display Folder 448 - Silver Starlite Orchestra Box 89 </p><p>Folder 576 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder 577 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder 578 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder 579 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder 580 - UNICO dinner Folder 581 - St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee Folder 582 - Ancient Order of Hibernians Folder 583 - UNICO dinner Folder 584 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder 585 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder 586 - Ancient Order of Hibernians Folder 587 - St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee 1998 Folder 588 - UNICO Folder 589 - Giblin Assn. Folder 590 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union at Seton Hall Folder 591 - UNICO dinner Folder 592 - Caldwell College event</p><p>64 Folder 593 - St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee Folder 594 - St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee Folder 595 - West Orange Parade Committee Folder 596 - Essex West Hudson Central Labor Council Folder 597 - Giblin Assn. Folder 598 - Essex West Hudson Central Labor Council Folder 599 - Giblin Assn. Folder 600 - St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee Folder 601 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder 602 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder D – Disk 3 (contains images from all folders in Boxes 88-89) Box 90 (Pictures contained in Boxes 90-91 can be found on Disk 4 in Box 91 Folder D)</p><p>Folder 603 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union</p><p>Folder 604 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder 605 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder 606 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder 607 - Essex West Hudson Central Labor Council Folder 608 - Essex West Hudson Central Labor Council Folder 609 - St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee Folder 610 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder 611 - UNICO dinner Folder 612 - West Orange Parade Committee Folder 613 - Giblin Assn., Susan Gartland Folder 614 - UNICO, Chamber of Commerce Folder 615 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder 616 - UNICO dinner Folder 617 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder 618 - Ancient Order of Hibernians</p><p>65 Folder 619 - Jim McGreevey, Ancient Order of Hibernians Folder 620 - Ancient Order of Hibernians Folder 621 - Essex West Hudson Central Labor Council Folder 622 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder 623 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder 624 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder 625 - Giblin Assn. Folder 626 - Ancient Order of Hibernians Folder 627 - Giblin Assn. Folder 628 - Giblin Assn. Folder 629 - St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee, Caldwell College Library Folder 630 - Ancient Order of Hibernians Folder 631 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder 632 - Ancient Order of Hibernians Folder 633 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder 634 - Giblin Assn. Folder 635 - St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee Folder 636 - Jim McGreevey, Tom Giblin, Local 68 Operating Engineers union</p><p>Box 91 Folder 716 - Silver Starlite Orchestra Folder 717 - Car accident, Kids in pool Folder 718 - Football game at James Caldwell H.S. Folder 719 - Apartment at Crane’s Mill? Folder 720 - Art show at Caldwell College Folder 721 - Giblin Assn., Marian Manor, Caldwell Fire Dept. Folder 722 - Roseland Council oath of office</p><p>66 Folder 723 - West Caldwell Council oath of office, Fairfield Council Folder 724 - West Caldwell Mayor’s Ball Folder 725 - James Caldwell H.S., Valentine’s Day at elementary school, Roseland First Aid Squad dinner Folder 726 - Caldwell Council chambers, Roseland outdoor concert Folder 727 - Roseland First Aid Squad Folder 728 - Fairfield Police, Dept., Mark Caldwell, Caldwell College concert Folder 729 – Ancient Order of Hibernians Folder 730 - Francis Astorino and Company Folder 731 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder 732 - “Sopranos” film shoot, Grover Cleveland Birthplace, Fairfield, North Caldwell-Nelson Folder 733 - Sam Kent, NorCrown Bank opening, West Essex photo club Folder 734 - North Caldwell politicians Folder 735 - North Caldwell awards, play rehearsal Folder 736 - Caldwell College, UNICO, Fairmont Restaurant in Little Falls Folder 737 - Mountain Ridge Country Club Folder 738 - West Essex Awards assembly 2002 Folder 739 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union, Caldwell Library, Grover Cleveland Birthplace, St. Aloysius Church Boy Scouts, Trinity Academy Folder 740 - James Caldwell H.S. awards ceremony Folder 741 - James Caldwell H.S. graduation 2003 Folder D – Disk 4 (contains images from all folders in Boxes 90-91) Box 92 (Pictures contained in Boxes 92-93 can be found on Disk 5 in Box 93 Folder D)</p><p>67 Folder 742 - Ron Day’s Retirement Dinner Folder 743 - Caldwell Fire Dept. Folder 744 - West Essex H.S. graduation Folder 745 - Caldwell Garden Club, Tony Lorenzo family Folder 746 - North Caldwell council Folder 747 - West Caldwell Mayor’s Ball Folder 748 - West Caldwell Mayor’s Ball Folder 749 - North Caldwell Council Folder 750 - Giblin, Voting, Holiday open house Folder 751 - West Caldwell Mayor’s Ball Folder 752 - Blood Drive Folder 753 - Happy Hanukah, Chamber Folder 754 - ? Folder 755 - The Bridge Golf outing Folder 756 - Century 21 opening, ? Folder 757 - Class reunion 1940’s, Eagle Rock 9/11 Memorial Folder 758 - Giblin, Street Fair, ? Folder 759 - Roseland Mayor’s Ball Folder 760 - Roseland Mayor’s Ball Folder 761 - Gene Collerd, Yogi Berra Folder 762 - Yogi Berra, ? Folder 763 - West Caldwell Mayor’s Ball Folder 764 - Christie Todd Whitman in Caldwell, Halloween decorations Folder 765 - West Essex Chamber, Rally Folder 766 - Collerd & Fire Dept., Intergenerational Ball Folder 767 - Caldwell Progress staff Folder 768 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder 769 - Roseland Mayor’s Ball Folder 770 - UNICO</p><p>68 Folder 771 - ?, Progress staff, Caldwell College party Folder 772 - Cedar Street Pool Folder 786 - ? Folder 787 - Fairfield Reformed Church Folder 788 - Tiger Rackett Folder 789 - Rotary Casino Night Folder 790 - Fairfield awards Folder 791 - Caldwell Fire Dept. Folder 792 - Oath of office, Roseland Council Folder 793 - ?, Kiwanis Folder 794 - Caldwell College, Arbor Day Folder 795 - Caldwell College Art Show Folder 796 - John Sullivan, Essex Fells Folder 797 - North Caldwell Firemen, Mayor, Gould School Folder 798 - Caldwell dinner at Mayfair Farms Folder 799 - West Caldwell Mayor’s Ball</p><p>Box 93 Folder 800 - Collerd’s studio, Bloomfield Avenue Folder 801 - James Caldwell H.S. graduation Folder 802 - James Caldwell H.S., Caldwell mayor & council, Essex Fells Country Club Folder 803 - July 4th Fireworks Folder 804 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union, Sir Speedy Grand opening Folder 805 - James Caldwell H.S. graduation Folder 806 - West Essex Chamber Scholarship luncheon Folder 807 - West Essex H.S. graduation Folder 808 - James Caldwell H.S. graduation Folder 809 - July 4th Celebrations</p><p>69 Folder 810 - Giblin and Susan Gartland Folder 811 - John Sullivan, Arthur Franzblau, Ralph Saviano, Barn at Crane’s Mill Folder 812 - Roseland Recreation Folder 813 - West Essex Chamber, Holiday Festival Folder 814 - West Essex Chamber Scholarship luncheon Folder 815 - Bush/Cheney political sign, Santa Claus at Roseland Folder D – Disk 5 (contains images from all folders in Boxes 92-93) Box 94 (Pictures contained in Boxes 94-95 can be found on Disk 6 in Box 95 Folder D)</p><p>Folder 535 - West Caldwell Gazebo Nov. 1995 Folder 536 - West Caldwell Fire Dept. dinner Folder 537 - West Essex Athletic Hall of Fame 10/13/1995 Folder 538 - West Essex/Caldwell Kiwanis 10/12/1995, West Essex Athletic Hall of Fame 10/13/1995 Folder 539 - West Essex Athletic Hall of Fame 10/13/1995 Folder 540 - West Caldwell Police Folder 541 - Blood Drive, Kiwanis Lunch, Boy Scout Awards, West Caldwell Council awards Folder 542 - Flowers, Trinity Academy Builder’s Club Award, Pearle Vision grand opening, Jefferson School Folder 543 - UNICO Folder 544 - UNICO award to Gene Collerd 6/2004, King’s Supermarket, BOE award to Gene Collerd & Eagle Scouts Folder 545 - North Caldwell Council, School Children, Band instruments, Fireworks Folder 546 - Engineering Award ceremony ?, Block party, Halloween decorations Folder 547 - Essex Fells Fire Dept., West Caldwell house fire, Caldwell Public Library</p><p>70 Folder 548 - White House Furniture grand opening, Richard Cass retirement dinner Folder 549 - Fire Dept. hosing down, Mrs. Ziemlinski at Trinity Academy, West Essex School Folder 550 - Notre Dame rectory-North Caldwell Folder 551 - Caldwell Fire Dept. dinner, Fireworks at Bonnel Field Folder 552 - Caldwell/West Caldwell Recreation, Konner Chevrolet Folder 553 - Lynn Stoddard Folder 554 - ? (men) Folder 555 - ?(men) Folder 556 - 1989 Happy New Year Banner Folder 557 - ?(men) Folder 558 - ? (group) Folder 559 - Essex Fells School Box 95 Folder 983 - Caldwell Fire Dept. Folder 984 - Caldwell Fire Dept., West Essex First Aid Squad Folder 985 - Mountain Ridge Country Club-West Caldwell Folder 986 - Steve Gallo-Kiwanis, Caldwell Fire Dept. Folder 987 - West Caldwell Gazebo Folder 988 - West Caldwell Gazebo 9/11 Memorial Folder 989 - West Essex Chamber Folder 990 - The Bridge Gold outing, The Bridge office, Reconstruction of a bridge-North Caldwell Folder 991 - Allstate Insurance office grand opening-Roseland, ? dinner Folder 992 - West Essex Chamber Folder 993 - Caldwell Council presentation, West Caldwell Gazebo fundraiser Folder 994 - Delaware Water Gap-Firemen’s Golf outing Folder 995 - North Caldwell Mayor’s Ball</p><p>71 Folder 996 - West Essex Chamber Scholarship awards Folder 997 - West Caldwell Gazebo, Kid’s Day America Folder 998 - Rotary Golf outing Folder 999 - Senior Golfers at Canoe Brook Folder 001 - Grover Cleveland Park, West Essex Chamber Folder D – Disk 6 (contains images from all folders in Boxes 94-95) Box 96 (Pictures contained in Boxes 96-97 can be found on Disk 7 in Box 97 Folder D)</p><p>Folder 816 - United Way banner, Presbyterian Church, West Essex Family Services Folder 817 - Roseland Mayor’s Ball Folder 818 - Joe Piscopo Folder 819 - Caldwell Hadassah Folder 820 - ?, Hilltop Reservation protest Folder 821 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union, Banyan School Folder 822 - ? dinner Folder 823 - Essex Fells Country Club Golf outing Folder 824 - Essex Fells Country Club Folder 825 - UNICO Folder 826 - July 4th fireworks-West Caldwell Folder 827 - Senior golfers- Essex Fells Country Club Folder 833 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union dinner Folder 834 - North Caldwell town picnic Folder 835 - James Caldwell H.S. band Folder 836 - Giblin, ?dinner Folder 837 - Fairfield Sept. 2002, 9/11 Memorial Folder 838 - James Caldwell H.S. graduation Folder 839 - Essex County Hilltop Reservation (?)</p><p>72 Folder 840 - St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee Folder 841 - ? Folder 842 - Essex West Hudson Central Labor Council, Jim McGreevey Folder 843 - West Essex H.S. graduation Folder 844 - Roseland Council oath of office Folder 845 - Essex Fells Fire Dept. Folder 846 - Rosh Hashanah, Gould School wintertime Folder 847 - West Caldwell Mayor’s Ball Folder 848 - Essex Fells Fire Dept. dinner Folder 849 - Kiwanis-Father Laughlin, Local 68 Operating Engineers union, Fairfield Reformed Church Folder 850 - Bicyclist, Roseland Scram Folder 851 - Grover Cleveland Park concert Folder 852 - Bonnel Field 9/11 Memorial Folder 853 - Sam Kent & family/house, wild turkeys Folder 854 - School pageant, Christmas open house, Father John and trains Folder 855 - Giblin family gathering (?) Folder 856 - Ed Falk’s retirement, Giblin family gathering (?) Folder 857 - ?dinner Folder 858 - Christmas on the Green Folder 859 - West Essex Chamber Holiday Party Folder 860 - Halloween decorations Folder 861 - Essex Fells Country Club Golf outing Folder 862 - Essex Fells Fire Dept. Folder 863 - Senior golfers dinner Folder 864 - Gil Medina, West Essex Chamber, Grover Cleveland Park Box 97 Folder 868 - ? dinner, Grover Cleveland H.S. class reunion class of 1940</p><p>73 Folder 869 - Fairfield Recreation Folder 870 - Senior golfers Folder 871 - My Fair Lady Folder 872 - Recreation baseball Folder 873 - Essex Fells Country Club golf outing, John Sullivan Folder 874 - Caldwell Street Fair, Golf outing, Author, Rabbi From Cedar Grove Folder 875 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union awards dinner Folder 876 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union, Century 21 Cedarcrest Realty office, Ancient Order of Hibernians Folder 877 - Ancient Order of Hibernians, ? Folder 878 - Giblin, Honda Civic test drive, Film shoot Folder 879 - John Jacobson, ?, Strikers, ?, Essex Fells Fire Dept. Folder 880 - Father John, Santa Claus, Carter’s Garden Center, Rabbi Silverstein Folder 881 - Grover Cleveland Park skating, Paul Jemas & Santa Claus, Caldwell Council & youth Folder 882 - Red Cross facility in Fairfield, Barber of Mountain Ridge Country Club Folder D – Disk 7 (contains images from all folders in Boxes 96-97) Box 98 (Pictures contained in Boxes 98-100 can be found on Disk 8 in Box 100 Folder D)</p><p>Folder 883 - West Caldwell, Payne & Day, ? Folder 884 - North Caldwell council, North Caldwell pool Folder 885 - Fairfield Recreation, Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder 886 - Essex Fells Country Club golf outing Folder 887 - ?, Essex County College & Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder 888 - ?, Miniature trains Folder 889 - James Caldwell H.S. Athletic awards, Essex Fells council, Caldwell Police Dept.</p><p>74 Folder 890 - North Caldwell Mayor’s Ball, Valentine Day at school Folder 891 - West Caldwell mayor & John Sullivan, Valentine Day at school Folder 892 - Mayor Paul Jemas, Caldwell election, Fairfield election, West Caldwell Election Folder 893 - Collerd studio, Tree debris, Block party, Grover Cleveland Birthplace Folder 894 - Grover Cleveland Birthplace, Boy Scouts, Fitness trail Folder 895 - Rabbi Platz & menorah, Outdoor concert Folder 896 - Sgt. Fran Raushenberger party, Roseland Mental Health Fair Folder 897 - North Caldwell Police Folder 898 - Fairfield mayor & council, Local 68 Operating Engineers union Folder 899 - Photos of George Washington, Exercise classes Folder 900 - Caldwell election, Roseland election, Essex West Hudson Central Labor Council Folder 901 - Jefferson School, Coldwell Banker staff, Richard Codey Folder 902 - Essex Fells centennial Folder 903 - Senior Golfers Essex Fells Country Club Folder 904 - West Essex Chamber Golf outing, Senior Golfers Essex Fells Country Club Folder 905 - Caldwell politicians, Essex Fells politicians, Fairfield politicians Folder 906 - Fairfield council, Mayor Nalesnik Folder 907 - Tommy Dorsey Orchestra by Buddy Morrow, Fairfield Box 99 Folder 908 - Astorino Financial Group, Mayor Tempesta Folder 909 - Senior Golfers outing, Skip Johnson Folder 910 - Essex Fells-Oak Lane, Maple Lane Folder 911 - Rotary Club awards, Battered Women’s shelter-St. Peter’s Church Essex Fells Folder 912 - Giblin Awards dinner, Fairfield July 4th parade, Ken Myron Folder 913 - James Caldwell H.S. construction, Boonton Firemen’s Home, Fairfield Firemen, Fairfield Recreation</p><p>75 Folder 914 - Fairfield Police, Groundbreaking for West Caldwell Gazebo, Mayor Reiher, Caldwell College Folder 915 - Fairfield July 4th parade-Ken Myron Folder 916 - Caldwell/West Essex Kiwanis-George McGregor, Fairfield Police- Mayor Muriel Shore Folder 917 - Children, Sea plane on Passaic River, Skip Johnson-Essex Fells, N.J. Seniors Folder 918 - Fairfield Police & Fire Dept., Election night 11/7/1995 Folder 919 - Senior Golfers Essex Fells Country Club Folder 920 - Essex Fells Police Dept., Christmas decorations, North Caldwell menorah Folder 921 - UNICO Folder 922 - Essex Fells Country Club Folder 923 - UNICO awards dinner Folder 924 - West Caldwell Post Office, Astorino Financial Group Box 100 Folder 966 - Caldwell/West Caldwell B.O.E. award to Gene Collerd (6/8/1998), “Togetherweprepare”, Fairfield July 4th parade, Grover Cleveland Birthplace party Folder 967 - Fairfield July 4th parade Folder 968 - UNICO dinner 6/4/2003 Folder 969 - Fairfield Bicentennial 1998 Folder 970 - Essex Fells Memorial Day Folder 971 - North Caldwell Centennial 1998 Folder 972 - Roseland Fire Dept., Children’s event, ?, James Caldwell H.S. grounds Folder 973 - Caldwell Fire Dept., Jefferson School garden, Caldwell mayor & council, Board of Health proclamation-Mayor Jemas & Maria Burak Folder 974 - Caldwell Firemen’s golf tournament 2000, Lifeguard training in pool Folder 975 - Golf tournament-Essex Fells Country Club (?) Folder 976 - West Essex H.S. graduation 2000 (?)</p><p>76 Folder 977 - North Caldwell mayor, council & police, Verona 5K Run/Walk, Essex Fells Centennial parade Folder 978 - Notre Dame Golf & Tennis Classic Folder 979 - Essex Fells Country Club golfers, North Caldwell Fire Dept., Woody Walker, Fire Dept. hose down Folder 980 - Jane Burgio, West Caldwell Library Director Richard Cass, Dentist visits school Folder 981 - West Caldwell Library Director Richard Cass retirement, Mayor Reiher Folder 982 - James Caldwell H.S.-Dan Gerardi, Caldwell Fire Dept. Folder D – Disk 8 (contains images from all folders in Boxes 98-100) Boxes 101 - 106 — Unprocessed</p><p>Subgroup II. FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS</p><p>Series 11 Box 107</p><p>Folder 1 - Albert Erdman Curtiss Folder 2 - Albert and Rose and Alberta Curtiss Frederick Fenton Curtiss Robert G. Voss (cousin to Alberta) Folder 3 - J. A. VanDuyne Alberta Clara Curtiss VanDuyne Miscellaneous photos and papers--unidentified people, dogs, houses</p><p>Series 12 Box 108</p><p>Folder 1 - Robert W. Pryor - Late 19th century photos Robert W. Pryor newspaper obituary Folder 2-William Y. Pryor photo - Late 19th & 20th century Unidentified couple photo</p><p>77 N.W.Pryor, Robert W. Pryor, & F.L.Pryor photo (1874) (see folder 3) Folder 3 - Mohonk Lake house, New Paltz, N.Y. photos Unidentified man photo Unidentified woman photo N.W. Pryor, Robert W. Pryro, Jr., F.L. Pryor (1874) Folder 4 - Will and Billy horse (photo) Father and Rob horse (1892) (photo) Unidentified group (photo) Folder 5 - Robert W. Pryor, Jr., N.W. Pryor, and F. L. Pryor photo (see folder 3) Robert W. Pryor, Jr. photo Masonic Lodge Rooms (photocopy) Folder 6 - Newspaper obituary for Charles G. Bourgin Knight of Justice diploma for William Young Pryor (2/2/1962) Copy of Forman School certificate for William Brand Pryor (6/5/1965) Folder 7 - The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution certificate of Appreciation for William Y. Pryor 06/23/73 Certificate of notice of appearance of William Young Pryor’s name in “Community Leaders and Noteworthy Americans 1973-1974 edition” Copy of original print “Nova Amsteldam” Folder 8 - Society of the War of 1812 certificate of membership for William Young Pryor 07/30/73 Folder 9 - Goldsmith Bros. receipt for William Y. Pryor (1967) The Sons of the American Revolution Maryland Society certificate of medal ownership for William Pryor 6/24/1974 The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution certificate of Appreciation for William Y. Pryor 6/6/1970 Unidentified men photo Historic Flags of Early United States sheet Folder 10 - Unidentified groups photos Folder 11 - Unidentified house and grounds photo Unidentified group photo Unidentified scene photo Folder 12 - Frederick Pryor photo from “The National Cyclopedia of American Biography” James T. White & Company letter regarding photo 6/11/1962 Folder 13 - Photocopy of Aurelie Jaus Bogardies (?) Handwritten note concerning photocopy from (?) 4/17/1964 Folder 14 - General Society Sons of the Revolution Triennial Banquet program</p><p>78 10/12/1964 Liberty Bell pamphlet Folder 15 - American Legion members photos 1961 Royal Order of Jesters, N.Y. photo May 1971 Unidentified group photo 2/9/1973 Two photos unidentified men Folder 16 - Unidentified group photo from Monaco Restaurant, San Francisco Folder 17 - Unidentified group on parade float Folder 18 - Two unidentified scenes photos Folder 19 - Society of the War of 1812 membership certificate for William Brand Pryor 7/30/1973 Letter from Dennis Blizzzard regarding certificate Folder 20 - Unidentified male on donkey Greece Folder 21 - Dennis Blauvelt graduation photo School of the Ozarks commencement program 5/9/1971 Letter to William Y. Pryor from R. M. Good regarding photo & program 7/1/1971 Folder 22 – Three photos unidentified groups of men (The National Society Sons of the American Revolution ?) Photographic envelope</p><p>Series 13</p><p>BOX 109</p><p>Folder 1 Peck Family Scrapbook, Part 1 Folder 2 Peck Family Scrapbook, Part 2 Folder 3 – Peck Family tree (also see folder in oversize box)</p><p>Subgroup III. Historic Photographic Materials</p><p>Series 14 Box 110 People</p><p>Folder 1 - Uncle George & Family Folder 2 - Florence and Lillian Folder 3 - WJ Peters</p><p>79 Folder 4 - baby sitting outside Folder 5 - girl on bicycle Folder 6 - two men on bicycles Folder 7 - woman on bicycle Folder 8 - woman outdoors Folder 9 - woman outdoors feeding chickens Folder 10 - little girl outdoors (“Cubanola” sign in distance behind her) Folder 11 - man with guitar Folder 12 - people in field Folder 13 - horse and rider (Feb. 1889) Folder 14 - family gathering Folder 15 - people in caravans Folder 16 - unidentified people Folder 17 - self by wife Folder 18 - 3 unnamed people Folder 19 - unidentified woman</p><p>Box 111 Places/Things</p><p>Folder 1 - Church – Northfield (Aug. ’98) Folder 2 - The Everett House Folder 3 - Conklin Statue Folder 4 - “The Huckhouse” Folder 5 - Washington’s Headquarters Folder 6 - Elliott House - Mendham Folder 7 - Grand Hotel (“Du Grand Cerf et du Cheval Blanc Reunis”) Folder 8 - High Bridge Folder 9 - Greenwood Lake Resort Folder 10 - Camera lens (?) Folder 11 - Bridge Folder 12 - Wooden Bridge Folder 13 - North America map (from National Geographic) Folder 14 - street scene (with carriages) Folder 15 - house Folder 16 - house Folder 17 - inside a house Folder 18 - inside what appears to be an art studio</p><p>80 Box 112 Two possible collections of plates – (“1894-1896 Athen, PA” in folders 1-7 and “Montrose” in folders 8-20)</p><p>Folder 1 - Snow Scene looking South (numbered #39) Folder 2 - Main Street looking North (numbered #40) Folder 3 - Main Street – Fred Miller & Team (numbered #41) Folder 4 - Protective Hose Co. #1 – Meeting Room & Parlor – Fred Miller & A. Groat (numbered #43) Folder 5 - Harness Shop (numbered #44) Folder 6 - Union Br. Co. (numbered #46) Folder 7 - William Penn House, Philadelphia 1894 Folder 8 - Office & Bridge Folder 9 - Inside a house (numbered #963) Folder 10 - Man on porch in hammock (numbered #966) Folders 11-16 - Outside of house (numbered #967 - #972) Folder 17 - Men outside buildings (numbered #993) Folder 18 - People outside buildings (numbered #994) Folder 19 - Buildings (numbered #995) Folder 20 - Inside a house (indiscernible number, but, looks like glass plate in Folder 9 - #963)</p><p>Box 113 - New York Collection</p><p>Folder 1 - Bridge Central Park (1892) Folder 2 - Christmas Tree (1892) Folder 3 - Central Park Lake Folder 4 - Quilting Party (1894) Folder 5 - Mt Tabor (tents)</p><p>Series 15 Box 114 Folder 1 - Duffy & Grimes—3/29/46—military uniforms Folder 2 - Mrs. Florence BurnsNoise—12/30/46—home pose Folder 3 - Brodnick, John O’Connor—9/13/47—wedding/reception Folder 4 - Al-Jim John—9/47—Community Chest (sp?)—formal Folder 5 - Brushci Ebanholt (sp?)—10/5/47—wedding/reception </p><p>81 Folder 6 - Mrs. Francis—10/22/47—formal pose Folder 7 - Mrs. Broderick—10/24/47—formal pose [These were taken back by donor 6/2010] Folder 8 - Arthur & Mrs. Broderick—10/25/47—formal pose [These were taken back by donor 6/2010] Folder 9 - Bossert (sp?)—11/8/47—wedding—formal poses Folder 10 - Hayslip (sp?)—11/15/47—wedding/reception Folder 11 - Williams—11/20/47—wedding/reception Folder 12 - Lois Haden—11/24/47—wedding formal Folder 13 - Haden McGrath—11/27/47—wedding/reception Folder 14 - Jessie Fliedner (sp?)—11/29/47—formal [These were taken back by donor 6/2010] Folder 15 - ORastz (sp?) Jones—11/29/47—wedding/reception Folder 16 - Grimes Hoboken (sp?)—12/6/47—wedding—formal pose Folder 17 - Janet Nortz—12/14/47—wedding gown—formal pose Folder 18 - Katee McDermott mit clr (sp?)—1/20/48—formal pose [These were taken back by donor 6/2010] Folder 19 - Joan-model—1/30/48—formal pose Folder 20 - Bach, Allen—3/17/48—formal pose Folder 21 - Leon Lasser Zolen (sp?)—4/10/48—formal pose Folder 22 - Art Jones—4/30/48—formal pose Folder 23 - Beverly Van Holland—6/10/48—formal pose Folder 24 - Howards—7/11/48—Formal pose at home Folder 25 - Fishers & baby—8/2/48—formal pose Box 115 Folder 1 - Boon-Baldwin—8/7/48—wedding/reception Folder 2 - Onysheck-Kionatibuk (sp?)—8/14/48—wedding/reception Folder 3 - Mary Blinn—9/8/48—wedding dress-formal Folder 4 - Courter (sp?)—9/9/48—deceased Folder 5 - Mary Dury—10/30/48—wedding/reception </p><p>82 Folder 6 - Mayor Canidates (sp?)-Progress—11/2/48—voting Folder 7 - Jimmie Fleidner (sp?)—11/11/48—formal pose [These were taken back by donor 6/2010] Folder 8 - Swift Family—11/21/48—formal pose at home Folder 9 - Mr. & Mrs. Tierney—11/24/48—wedding-formal pose Folder 10 - Suzie Taylor Fritz—11/26/48—formal pose Folder 11 - Moe Schuyler—11/28/48—formal pose Folder 12 - Joe Lebeda—12/17/48—deer Folder 13 - Jean Chalifoiux (sp?)—2/5/49—formal pose Folder 14 - Picken Beverly gus (sp?)—3/11/49—wedding/reception Folder 15 - Joan Maher—3/20/49—wedding-formal pose Folder 16 - Tutuaka—5/7/49—wedding/reception Folder 17 - Jimmie & Grace—5/28/49—wedding/reception Folder 18 - Steve Kenny (sp?) Rose Mary—6/18/49—wedding/reception Folder 19 - Innone Kittly (sp?)—8/2/49—formal pose Innone—8/20/49—wedding/reception Folder 20 - Bobbi Ori—8/5/49—formal pose Folder 21 - Dorthy Gogarity—8/15/49—wedding-formal pose (see next file) Folder 22 - Gogarty-Johnson—8/27/49—wedding/reception Folder 23 - ATCRobats (sp?)vacation—8/49—family Folder 24 - Doug, Mildred Flint—11/19/49—wedding/reception Folder 25 - Blake Roseland—11/26/49—formal pose Folder 26 - Ira Quimby—12/25/49—X’mas—family pose Folder 27 - unidentified male—formal pose Folder 28 - unidentified couple—formal pose Box 116 Folder 1 - A Howards house—7/4/47 Folder 2 - Haberland Co.-Mr. Frarty Bryan (sp?)—7/29/47 Folder 3 - Dunne Fire Engine—10/20/47 Folder 4 - Dog Prize Kennel Pond (sp?)—11/12/47 </p><p>83 Folder 5 - New Councilmen-Verona—1/3/48 Folder 6 - X’mas Tree Fire—1/6/48 Folder 7 - Lou’s A.C. Team—3/21/48 (basketball) Folder 8 - Boys of Troop 6 M.B. class—4/7/48 B.S. Commission (sp?) Breakfast—4/18/48 Folder 9 - CYO Basketball—4/13/48 Folder 10 - Devy Dinner (sp?)—4/29/48 Folder 11 - Bowers Girl Scouts—5/11/48 Folder 12 - Bowling Banquet—5/11/48 Folder 13 - Girl Scouts—5/22/48 Folder 14 - Pres. Choir—6/6/48 Folder 15 - Real Estate Digest—10/25/48—house Folder 16 - Ray Harmons Group—10/31/48 Folder 17 - St. Al’s CYO Girls Basketball—3/14/49 Folder 18 - CYO Players—3/20/49—formal pose Folder 19 - Joan McNulty-model—3/5/49 Folder 20 - Haberland Co. Steam Boilers—3/21/49 Folder 21 - Zimmerman Holmgren Store—3/21/49 Folder 22 - Optimist Club-Capt’n—3/29/49 Folder 23 - Pres. League Basketball winner—4/2/49 Folder 24 - Geter (sp?) lights—4/4/49 Folder 25 - Womens Club Bandage Group—4/9/49 Folder 26 - Gov. Moore-Optimist Club—4/12/49 Folder 27 - Egg Hunt—4/16/49 Folder 28 - R & S Stores-Grand Opening—4/28/49 Folder 29 - Essex Fire Fog Engine—5/3/49 Folder 30 - German Educators (sp?) at Grammar School—5/17/49 Folder 31 - St. Al’s Play-Mrs. Cayhill—5/26/49 Folder 32 - Red Cross R.N.s-Louise Miller—5/26/49 Folder 33 - Memorial Day Parade—5/30/49—street scene </p><p>84 Folder 34 - Bobbi Ori Dancing Recital—6/2/49 Folder 35 - R & S outside—6/5/49 </p><p>Box 117 Folder 1 - Mrs. Kiggons Rose Garden—6/11/49 Folder 2 - St. Al Grad Class—6/15/49 Folder 3 - Verona Forest Ave. Playground—7/11/49—children Folder 4 - Fells Brook Swimming Pool—7/27/49—swimmers Folder 5 - Pet show Caldwell Red—7/27/49 Folder 6 - Roseland Field Day—8/28/49 Folder 7 - Optimist Club-Mrs. Driscoll—10/49 Folder 8 - M Comiors (sp?) garage—10/6/49 Malcolm Konner Folder 9 - Kiwanis Pre-show—10/17/49 Folder 10 - Kiwanis shots—10/28/49 Folder 11 - CYO Players—10/30/49—formal pose Folder 12 - Speer’s Truck—11/3/49 Folder 13 - Essex Fells Water Tank—11/4/49 Folder 14 - Walters Luigi—X’ming (sp?)—11/6/49 Folder 15 - Essex Fells Water Valve—11/14/49 Folder 16 - Scout Troop 6-Comm. Breakfast—11/18/49 Folder 17 - Community Choral—11/28/49 Folder 18 - Greenwood Dairy—12/1/49—hunters with deer Folder 19 - Telescope Dancing Group—12/5/49 Folder 20 - P.O. machine—12/6/49 Folder 21 - negative of artist’s rendering of New Jersey Bell Telephone building </p><p>Series 16 Box 118 Folder 1- Abbott, Berenice (Eugene Atget, 1927) Folder 2- Abercrombie, Tom </p><p>85 Folder 3- Adams, Ansel Folder 4- Adler, Myles Folder 5- Allen, Harold Folder 6- Angeli, Daniel (Queen Elizabeth II, 1980) Folder 7- Atget, Eugene Folder 8- Atkeson, Ray Folder 9- Atkins, H. William Folder 10- Balzer, Richard Folder 11- Beaton, Cecil (pictures of himself) Folder 12- Benda, Arthur (opera singer Anne Roselle) Folder 13- Gernheim, Marc and Evelyne Folder 14- Bischof, Werner Folder 15- Bowman, Tally O Folder 16- Brady, Mathew Folder 17- Brandt, Bill Folder 18- Brassai Folder 19- Brokaw, Dennis Folder 20- Bruggemann, Richard W. Folder 21- Buld, Clarence (actress Joan Marsh) Folder 22- Bullock, Wynn Folder 23- Callahan, Harry Folder 24- Carrillo, Manuel Folder 25- Carroll, Lewis Folder 26- Cartier-Bresson, Henri (Charles Munch, 1967) Folder 27- Chadwick, Tabu Folder 28- Clergue, Lucien Folder 29- Coke, Van Deren Folder 30- Cunningham, Imagen (Martha Gram.) Folder 31- Cutcliffe, Max Folder 32- Darnell, John (Kent State University, 1970) </p><p>86 Folder 33- Dater, Judy Folder 34- Doisneau, Robert Folder 35- Duncan, David Douglas (Richard Nixon) Folder 36- Eliasson, Leif Folder 37- Evans, F. H. Folder 38- Evans, Walker Folder 39- Falk, Sam (Saint Patrick’s cathedral) Folder 40- Fink, Larry Folder 41- Fun, Yip Cheong Folder 42- Gilpin, Laura Folder 43- Halsman, Philippe (Edward Steichen) Folder 44- Hanson, Fred Folder 45- “Harlem on my mind” Exhibit (Dr. W.E.B. Dubois) Folder 46- Healy, Gerard Folder 47- Hedemann, Christian J. (Hawaii, 1890) Folder 48- Heinecken, R. F. Folder 49- Henle, Fritz (Paris, 1938) Folder 50- Hill, David Octavius Folder 51- Hine, Lewis W. Folder 52- Howick, Lee Folder 53- “Israel: The Reality” Exhibit 1969 Folder 54- Kappelmeier, Gottfried Folder 55- Kerr, Norman Folder 56- Kessl, Demitri Folder 57- Killip, Chris Folder 58- Kodak Photography Gallery Exhibit Folder 59- Krause, George Box 119 Folder 1- Lange, Dorothea Folder 2- Lanker, Brian </p><p>87 Folder 3- Lartique (portrait of Brassai, 1972) Folder 4- Lesch, Lee Folder 5- Mallas, William Folder 6- Manning, Jack Folder 7- Maroon, Fred (Caerphilly Castle, Wales) Folder 8- McCann, Hank Folder 9- McCombe, Leonard Folder 10- Miller, Wayne Folder 11- Morgan, Barbara (Martha Graham) Folder 12- Naitoh, Masatochi Folder 13- Newhall, Beaumont Folder 14- O’Sullivan, T. H. Folder 15- Pearson, John Folder 16- Penn, Irving Folder 17- Pfahl, John Folder 18- Riboud, Marc (Pentagon March, 1967) Folder 19- “Roots” still photos from ABC Folder 20- Savage, Naomi Folder 21- Scherschel, Frank (Farm auction, 1932) Folder 22- Seidman, Dan Folder 23- Silverthorne, Jeffrey Folder 24- Smith, W. Eugene (Albert Schweitzer, 1971) Folder 25- Snowden, Lord (Princess Margaret, 1967) Folder 26- Steichen, Edward (Eugene O’Neill, Greta Garbo) Folder 27- Steiner, Ralph Folder 28- Stern, Bert (Harpo, 1966) Folder 29- Stettner, Louis (Holland, 1970) Folder 30- Strand, Paul Folder 31- Tanaka, Tokutaro Folder 32- Teske, E. </p><p>88 Folder 33- Tress, Arthur Folder 34- “USSR Photo ‘70” Exhibit by various photographers Folder 35- Warner, James A. Folder 36- Webb, William/Robert A. Weinstein (Hopi Village, 1895) Folder 37- Weiner, Dan Folder 38- Weiss, Murray Folder 39- Welpott, Jack (Maria Moreno, 1970) Folder 40- West, Levon Folder 41- Weston, Brett Folder 42- Weston, Edward Folder 43- White, Margaret Bourke (Depression Era) Folder 44- Worth, Dan Folder 45- Wu, Daisy Folder 46- Zimmerman, John Folder 47- unattributed photos, people Folder 48- unattributed photos, places Folder 49- unattributed photos, things </p><p>Series 17 Box 120 Folder 1 - Bear Mountain, 1926—negatives Folder 2 - Wyanaque, Jan April 1928—negatives Folder 3 - Scranton, Nov 1928—ngeatives Folder 4 - Caldwell, Jun 1929—photo & negatives (family gathering) Folder 5 - Culvers Lake, July 7, 1929—photo & negatives Folder 6 - Rocky Pt, L.I., Aug 8 1931—negatives Folder 7 - Verona, Ruth Walkers Day, Oct Fall 1931—photo & negative Folder 8 - East Orange, Nov 16, 1931—photo & negatives (parade) Folder 9 - Andover, 8/14/32—negatives (Iron Works) Folder 10 - Sea Bright, Nov 14, 1932—negatives </p><p>89 Folder 11 - Horseback Leadbeaters, Pine Brook, Jan 8, 1933?—negatives Folder 12 - Washington, April 17, 1933—negatives Folder 13 - Hurricane Jersey Shore, Sept 1944—negatives Folder 14 - Maine, 1944 (stereos)—negatives Folder 15 - Maine, 1956, Stereos—negatives Folder 16 - Stereos, Florida, Dec 1945—photos & negatives Folder 17 - Stereo Photos-Port Jervis, Sept 6, 1946—negatives Ticonderoga, Oct 13, 1946—negatives Milford & Raymondshill Falls—negatives Folder 18 - Beckers Farm, July 4, 1947—negative Folder 19 - Stereos, Canada, Sept 1947(?)—negatives Folder 20 - Stereos, Florida, Dec 48; Jack, Sept 48—negatives Folder 21 - Ham Pictures, 1948 & 1949—photos & negatives (radios) Folder 22 - Whippany, Oct 1949; Port Jervis, N.Y., Nov 1949; Stamford, Conn., 5/21/50—negatives Folder 23 - Stereo, Fla 1949—negatives Folder 24 - Bernardsville, 11/12/50—negatives (ham radio operator) Folder 25 - Mar 18, 1951—photos & negatives (woman with car) Folder 26 - Cape Cod Canal, July 8, 1951—negatives Folder 27 - Mt. Greylock Mass, July 20, 1952—negatives Folder 28 - New Haven R R Trip, Oct 1953—negatives Folder 29 - Stereos, Florida, Dec 1953—negatives Folder 30 - Niagara Gorge & Welland Canal, 7/5/54—negatives Folder 31 - Unidentified bridge and falls—photo and negatives Folder 32 - “Stereoscope Pictures”—negatives (unidentified people) Series 18 Box 121 Folder 1 - David Cowell and family house moving Folder 2 - Mr. Roswell W. Chandler photos Folder 3 - Ridge View Farm auction </p><p>90 Folder 4 – Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cleveland Folder 5 - Parade May 1933—photos/negatives by George C. Brown Folder 6 - Photography lecture Folder 7 - Miscellaneous photos—banquet, log cabin, house Folder 8 - “Jimmee-Plainfield” (Tong?)—photos & negatives 2 unidentified men—photo Folder 9 - “Tara Bush”—wedding photo & negatives Folder 10 - “Kathy McDermott:--photos & negatives [These were taken back by donor 6/2010] Unidentified man Folder 11 - “Beth Tichnor”—negative Folder 12 - Russell Sambrook—artist’s reception </p><p>Box 122 Folder 1 - “Crane Picnic at Hook Mountain” 1890—photo Folder 2 - Jimmy Durante—negative Folder 3 - Man in deep sea diving suit—negative Folder 4 - Old photos—people Bloomfield Hat Factory, 1890 “CHS-1915” Folder 5 - Old photos—houses “Big Storm-May 12, 1888” (Newark?) Folder 6 - N.J. State Fireman’s Association dinner—photos Folder 7 - Unidentified group—negatives Folder 8 - Unidentified house and grounds (Provost Square?) –matted photos</p><p>Series 19 Box 123</p><p>91 Folder 1 - Photographic equipment, photos of old photos, photographic equipment display, and group photo with Gene Folder 2 -"Jack's home-Mass" Folder 3 - Photos of old ambrotype of Abraham Lincoln Folder 4 -Copy of letter explaining ownership of original ambrotype, 1938 </p><p>Series 20 Box 124 Folder 1 - Box in which glass plate negatives were housed Folder 2 - Small scrap of paper with pencil markings appearing to list descriptions of images Folder 3 - older man sitting in chair inside house Folder 4 - young girl inside house Folder 5 - young man inside house Folder 6 - older man outside with lawnmower Folder 7 - view of house on street Folder 8 - two men and two women on couch inside house Folder 9 - young girl inside house Folder 10 - young man inside house Folder 11 - two women outside house Folder 12 - scraps of newspaper “Boston Daily Globe Wednesday, Jan. 17, 1906”</p><p>Series 21 Box 125 Old photos Folder 1 - Groups Folder 2 - Groups Folder 3 - Individuals Folder 4 - Things Box 126 </p><p>92 Folder 1 - Objects and scenes Folder 2 - Objects and scenes Folder 3 - Snow scenes Folder 4 - Nature scenes Folder 5 - Fireworks Box 127 Folder 1 - Artwork Folder 2 - Artwork Folder 3 - Animals Folder 4 - Christmas trees Folder 5 - Miscellaneous Box 128 Folder 1 - Houses Folder 2 - Buildings Folder 3 - Outdoor scenes Box 129 Folder 1 - Females Folder 2 - Females Folder 3 - Females Folder 4 - Females Box 130 Folder 1 - Females Folder 2 - Females Folder 3 - Females—older photos Box 131 Folder 1 - Males Folder 2 - Males Folder 3 - Males Folder 4 - Males Box 132</p><p>93 Folder 1 - Males Folder 2 - Males Folder 3 - Males Folder 3 - Males—older photos Box 133 Folder 1 - Children Folder 2 - Children Folder 3 - Children Box 134 Groups of two Folder 1 - Groups Folder 2 – Groups Folder - Groups—older photos Box 135 Folder 1 - Couples Folder 2 - Couples—older photos Folder 3 - Groups of 3 or more Folder 4 - Groups of 3 or more Box 136 Groups of 3 or more Folder 1 - Groups Folder 2 - Groups Folder 3 - Groups Box 137 Groups of 3 or more Folder 1 - Groups Folder 2 - Groups Folder 3 - Groups Box 138 Groups of 3 or more Folder 1 - Groups Folder 2 - Groups Folder 3 – Groups—Older photos Box 139 Groups of 3 or more</p><p>94 Folder 1 - Groups Folder 2 - Groups Folder 3 - Groups Box 140 Folder 1 - Business/advertisements Folder 2 - Wedding related photos Box 141 - Celebrities Folder 1 - Ballard, Kay Folder 2 - Berra, Yogi Folder 3 - Clark, Joe Folder 4 – Florio, Jim - Governor Folder 5 - President Gerald Ford’s visit to Mayfair Farms Folder 6 - Hope, Bob Folder 7 - Kean, Tom, Governor Folder 8 - Kreskin, Amazing Folder 9 - Letterman, David Folder 10 – McGreevey, James , Governor Folder 11 - Piscopo, Joe Folder 12 - Player, Gary, Golf Pro Folder 13 - Quindlen, Anna Folder 14 - Ruth, Babe Folder 15 - Sales, Soupy Folder 16 - Tim, Tiny Folder 17 - Whitman, Christie Todd , Governor Folder 18 - Miscellaneous</p><p>Series 22 Box 142 Glass Plate Negatives Folder 1 - Box cover #33 Folder 2 - George Aschenbach 5/19/1918</p><p>95 Folder 3 - Aschenbach as Happy Hobo 5/19/1918 Folder 4 - Unidentified group 5/19/1918 Folder 5 - Group of girls “Mrs. Aschenbach—Green Village” 5/19/1918 Folder 6 - Art McVary (?)—group of boys 5/19/1918 Folder 7 - McVary (?)—group of boys with farmer 5/19/1918 Folder 8 - Scouts (?) saluting flag 5/19/1918 Folder 9 - “6 young girls as soldiers” (scouts?) 5/19/1918 Folder 10 - Six girls 5/19/1918 Folder 11 - Six girls 5/19/1918 Folder 12 - Three couples in front of ship (a play?) 5/19/1918 Folder 13 - Three soldiers and three women in front of ship (a play?) 5/19/1918 Box 143 Glass Plate Negatives Folder 1 - Box cover #36 Folder 2 - Airplane 7/4/1918 Folder 3 - Couple “Celiac and Della” 7/28/1918 Folder 4 - Two men “Celiac and Self” 7/28/1918 Folder 5 - GAR vets—5 men 8/3/1918 Folder 6 - Group “Reception” 8/3/1918 Folder 7 - Reception “Jos. Lombardi” 8/3/1918 Folder 8 - Reception “Jos. Lombardi” 8/3/1918 Folder 9 - Reception “Jos. Lombardi” 8/3/1918 Folder 10 - Reception “Jos. Lombardi” 8/3/1918 Folder 11 - “Mrs. Sharp” 8/24/1918 Folder 12 - “Mrs. Sharp birdhouse” 8/24/1918 Folder 13 - “Mrs. Sharp” 8/24/1918 Folder 14 - “Mrs. Sharp” 8/24/1918 Folder 15 - “Mrs. Sharp” 8/24/1918 Box 144 Glass Plate Negatives Folder 1 - Box cover #39 Folder 2 - Morristown’s Roll of Honor 10/26/1918</p><p>96 Folder 3 - George Greens Library Court House 12/20/1918 Folder 4 - George W. Green Court House Library 12/30/1918 Folder 5 - Aldus Pierson-New Memorial Hospital 1/28/1919 Folder 6 - “Home-Parsippany: 6/16/1923 Folder 7 - Speedwell Bridge 7/4/1923 Folder 8 - Speedwell Bridge 7/4/1923 Box 145 Glass Plate Negatives Folder 1 - Box cover #69 Folder 2 - Campus Market Dodge Car 6/20/1923 Folder 3 - M. P. Greenberger Co. Dodge Car 6/20/1923 Folder 4 - John Barber Florist Dodge Car 6/20/1923 Folder 5 - Sockoloff’s Race St. Bakery Car 6/201923 Folder 6 - Walton’s Hardware Dodge Car 6/20/1923 Folder 7 - Glick Hardware Dodge Car 6/20/1923 Folder 8 - Frank Giordano Butcher Dodge Car 6/20/1923 Folder 9 - Louis Moglia’s Dodge Car 6/20/1923 Folder 10 - Verelli’s Bakery Car 6/20/1923 Folder 11 - John J. Little’s Bakery Car 6/21/1923 Folder 12 - Chatham Laundry Dodge Car 6/22/1923 Folder 13 - Boniface Market Dodge Car 6/25/1923 Folder 14 - “Home-Parsippany” 6/16/1923 Box 146 Glass Plate Negatives Folder 1 - Box cover #62 Folder 2 - Municipal Bldg 2/10/1923 Folder 3 - Panel #3 on Door Municipal Bldg 2/10/1923 Folder 4 - Panel #8 on Door Municipal Bldg 2/10/1923 Folder 5 - Panel #4 on Door Municipal Bldg 2/10/1923 Folder 6 - Morris Plains New Public School 2/12/1923 Folder 7 - Unidentified woman 2/17/1923 Folder 8 - Couple “photo from Italy” ?/17/1923</p><p>97 Folder 9 - Lew Nelson pulling fire truck 2/23/1923 Folder 10 - Morris & Somerset Electric Co. 2/23/1923 Folder 11 - Morris & Somerset Electric Co. 2/23/1923 Folder 12 - Morris & Somerset Electric Co. 2/23/1923 Folder 13 - Market Street Mission 3/1/1923 Folder 14 - Market Street Mission 3/1/1923 Box 147 Glass Plate Negatives Folder 1 - Box cover Folder 2 - Dock Scene Folder 3 - Men in field Folder 4 - Couple with bicycles Folder 5 - Woman on porch Folder 6 - Man with bicycle Folder 7 - Boy with bicycle Folder 8 - Couple Folder 9 - House Folder 10 - Couples at table Folder 11 - Building (church?) Folder 12 - Church Folder 13 - Church Folder 14 - House Folder 15 - Country scene Folder 16 - House Folder 17 - Two boys Folder 18 - Street scene Folder 19 - West Brookfield house Folder 20 - West Brookfield house Folder 21 - Street scene Folder 22 - Building Folder 23 - Baby in buggy</p><p>98 Box 148 “Curtiss Collection of Negatives” –Fire related Glass Plate Negatives Folder 1 - Box cover #8B Folder 2 - Fire, explosion of glass dying place 11/24/1905 Folder 3 - “Big Fire, Rear Dulton” 3/25/1907 Folder 4 - Mansion house stable fire 3/25/1907 Folder 5 - Parade, Goshen, N.Y. 9/28/1904 Folder 6 - Parade, Goshen, N.Y. 9/28/1904 Folder 7 - “Fireman’s Parade, Goshen, N.Y.” 9/28/1904 Folder 8 - “Cauldwell Barn Fire” 5/9/1905 Folder 9 - Inspection Day 10/13/1903 Folder 10 - Fire 11/24/1905 Box 149 “Curtiss Collection” Glass Plate Negatives Folder 1 - Box cover #15 Folder 2 - Fire whistle 8/25/1915 (broken) Folder 3 - “Olive Portrait” 8/11/1915 Folder 4 - Andrew Apple Baby Portrait 8/4/1915 Folder 5 - Andrew Apple Baby Portrait 8/4/1915 Folder 6 - Andrew Apple Baby 8/4/1915 Folder 7 - Mabel Curtiss Portrait 7/31/1915 Folder 8 - “Olive Rus” 7/27/1915 Folder 9 - “Olvie Rus” 7/27/1915 Folder 10 - “Char., Olive, and Mabel” 7/27/1915 Folder 11 - “Denville M.E. Ch. 105th Anniversary” 7/25/1915 Folder 12 - Helen Henshey 7/4/1915 Folder 13 - Helen Henshey 6/28/1915 Folder 14 - Helen Henshey 6/28/1915 Box 150 Glass Plate Negatives Folder 1 - unidentified box—Morris County Library(?) Folder 1a - Box cover Folder 1b - Woman with books</p><p>99 Folder 1c - Two women with books Folder 1d - Ship model in library Folder 1e - Two women with books Folder 1f - Mixed group in library Folder 1g - Morris County Library book truck Folder 2 - Box 48 Folder 2a - Box cover Folder 2b - Burial (?) 9/1/1920 Folder 2c - “Cath and Cousin Lucille-Navarro” Aug 29 Folder 2d - “Cath (standing) and her cousin Lucille Navarro (sit)” Aug 29 Folder 2e - James Gregory 8/1/1920 Folder 2f - Elzerman Store Bldg. Morris Plains 7/30/1920 Folder 2g - Elzerman Awning, Morris Plains 7/30/1920 Folder 2h - Mrs. Frost baby on lap 7/17/1920 Folder 2i - Mrs. Frost 7/17/1920 Folder 2j - Mrs. Frost baby alone 7/17/1920 Folder 2k - Cake for Theo D. Puims 7/6/1920 Folder 2l - Set silver ware at Parkers and Van Cleve 7/10/1920 Folder 2m - Elaine Anderson 7/17/1920 Folder 2n - Gas mask 11/24/1918 Folder 2o - New Auto Engine 11/11/1928 Folder 2p - Mrs. Anderson, mother, Mrs. Frost 11/10/1918 Folder 2q - Parlor and dining room 11/10/1918 Folder 2r - Chas. Desk and photos on wall 11/10/1918 Box 151 Glass Plate Negatives Folder 1 - Box #38 Folder 1a - Box cover Folder 1b - Uncle Ed Purims (?) House 9/11/1918 Folder 1c - New Auto Pumping Engine 9/13/1918 Folder 1d - Chemical Engine 9/28/1918</p><p>100 Folder 1e - Chemical Engine 9/28/1918 Folder 1f - Chemical Engine 9/28/1918 Folder 1g - Firemen’s Day Parade 9/25/1918 Folder 1h - Firemen’s Day 9/25/1918 Folder 1i - Firemen’s Day 9/25/1918 Folder 1j - Firemen’s Day 9/25/1918 Folder 1k - Morristown Fire Co. 9/13/1918 Folder 1l - Mrs. Frost, Mrs. Anderson 9/17/1918 Folder 1m - Joseph Lopiparo Children’s Home, Parsippany 10/6/1918 Folder 1n - Joseph Lopiparo, Children’s Home, Parsippany 10/6/1918 Folder 1o - Della Casimano as an Indian 9/29/1918 Folder 2 - Unmarked box Folder 2a - Lucy Whittlemore Folder 2b - Elihu Ives Folder 2c - Two men Folder 2d - Woman reading book Folder 2e - Book truck Folder 2f - Building Folder 2g - Christmas Card Folder 3 - Unmarked box Folder 3a - Building Folder 3b - Car 1911 Folder 3c - House of Wm Penn, Philadelphia 1894 Folder 3d - Protective Hose Room Folder 3e - Protective Hose Carts Box 152 Glass Plate Negatives Folder 1 - Unmarked box Folder 1a - Town Scene Folder 1b - Christmas tree Folder 1c - Christmas tree</p><p>101 Folder 1d - Horse and cart with boy Folder 1e - Kodak photo store Folder 1f - Concession stand Folder 1g - Cartoon Folder 1h - Horses/mules Folder 1i - Woman reclining on grass Folder 1j - Old gramophone Folder 1k - Building Folder 1l - Two bottles Folder 1m - Woman by fence Folder 1n - The Everett Folder 2 - A box Folder 2a - Box cover with writing Folder 2b - Lighthouse Folder 2c - Man, woman, and two children Folder 2d - Woman in chair Folder 2e - Woman and child Folder 2f - Man Folder 2g - Man Folder 2h - Man Folder 2i - Man Folder 2j - Man Folder 2k - Family Folder 2l - Choir boy Folder 2m - Street scene Folder 3 - wooden box Folder 3a - Old gramophone Folder 3b - Young boy with bird Folder 3c - Cat Folder 3d - Scene in woods</p><p>102 Folder 3e - Scene in woods Folder 3f - Man on bicycle Folder 3g - Woman with two men Folder 3h - Two women in parlor Folder 3i - Two women in parlor Folder 3j - Bird cage in yard Folder 3k - House with fence Folder 3l - N.J. and Penn Railroad Station 5/30/1906 Folder 3m - Curtiss Photography, Morristown Folder 3n - Scene on lake Folder 3o - North Jersey trolley Folder 3p - Man in yard Box 153 Glass Plate Negatives Folder 1 - Papers found in box separating negatives Folder 2 - Courtyard of building Folder 3 - Room in house Folder 4 - Town with church Folder 5 - Oscar Baldwin house, North Caldwell Folder 6 - Country Estate Folder 7 - House with creek Folder 8 - Houses Folder 9 - House Folder 10 - Old stone house Folder 11 - Houses Folder 12 - House Folder 13 - House Folder 14 - Scene in woods Folder 15 - People with carriages Folder 16 - Woman with child in woods Folder 17 - Man in garden</p><p>103 Folder 18 - Elm tree and frog pond 7/13/1899 Folder 19 - Intersection of two roads Folder 20 - Hoboken Ferry Terminal Folder 21 - Model train set Folder 22 - Group, outside Folder 23 - Two men in chemical lab Folder 24 - Man at desk Folder 25 - Man at desk Folder 26 - Young girl Folder 27 - Fireman Folder 28 - Bloomfield Battery Folder 29 - Family with tennis rackets Folder 30 - Group—children and adults Folder 31 - Cowboy Folder 32 - Medical office Folder 33 - Group of men Folder 34 - Classroom scene Folder 35 - Street scene Box 154 Glass Plate Negatives Folder 1 - Box cover Folder 2 - Papers in box separating negatives Folder 3 - Man with bicycle Folder 4 - Boy with water pump Folder 5 - Bloomfield Lumber Co. truck Folder 6 - Blondel’s Fuel truck, Montclair Folder - Group of men Folder 8 - Group of men Folder 9 - Group of men with instruments Folder 10 - Group of men with instruments Folder 11 - Family portrait</p><p>104 Folder 12 - Family portrait Folder 13 - Family portrait Folder 14 - Boy with dog Folder 15 - Robert Wolf Folder 16 - Group of boys Folder 17 - Group of women Folder 18 - Group of women Folder 19 - Group of women (scouts?) Folder 20 - Two women (nurses?) Folder 21 - Group of girls Folder 22 - Double exposure—couple Folder 23 - P.O. of A group Folder 24 - Pumping truck Folder 25 - Fusco Construction truck, Montclair Folder 26 - Construction scene Folder 27 - Town scene Folder 28 - Town scene Folder 29 - Street scene Folder 30 - House Folder 31 - Cars Folder 32 - Excelsior Hose Co. Folder 33 - Mary Plume grave marker Box 155 Glass Plate Negatives Folder 1 - Anton Gross Brass Band Folder 2 - First Presbyterian Church, Caldwell Folder 3 - Man with Christmas tree Folder 4 - Photographic Equipment Folder 5 - Ginger Champagne stand Folder 6 - Seated man with firearms Folder 7 - Merry Christmas, Happy New Year card</p><p>105 Folder 8 - Grover Cleveland Birthplace Folder 9 - People with cows Folder 10 - Men with hay wagon Folder 11 - Old Christmas tree Folder 12 - Seated man with bowler hat Folder 13 - Man in park Folder 14 - Man with Whiskers Folder 15 - Street scene Folder 16 - Train engine Folder 17 - Carriage with building Folder 18 - Three men outside Folder 19 - Woman Folder 20 - Woman in bathing suit Folder 21 - Woman with baby and carriage Folder 22 - Toddler with toy train Folder 23 - Woman with baby Folder 24 - Men with horses in front of forest cabin Folder 25 - Woman in costume Folder 26 - Woman in fancy dress Folder 27 - Woman in costume Folder 28 - Young woman Folder 29 - Woman in costume Folder 30 - Fishing boat at pier Folder 31 - Woman with flowers (large)</p><p>Series 23 Box 156 Folder 1 - Anna Angerer—July 30, 1949 [These were taken back by 6/2010] Folder 2 - Baby Angerer—Christmas, 1949 [These were taken back by donor 6/2010]</p><p>106 Folder 3 - C.H.S. Ground breaking—1/31/1959 Folder 4 - Female Folder 5 - Miss N.Jo—Pat Timmons—2/5/1959 Folder 6 - Female Folder 7 - Foreign Scenes Folder 8 - Two females Folder 9 - Eagle Rock, inside a store--Oct. 1929 Folder 10 - Elm Tree Pool—Olive Nestor Folder 11 - Old wooden ship—Newport, R.I. Folder 12 - James Barnes, golfer,-- airplanes--1921 Folder 13 - Mrs. Hult and daughters—9/2/1948 Folder 14 - Fireman’s Parade, Verona—6/4/1949 Folder 15 - Winter snow scenes—1969 Folder 16 - Young female Folder 17 - Two young females Box 157 </p><p>Folder 1- West Point 10/27/1927 (prints & negatives)</p><p>Folder 2- Lakehurst –“Graf Zeppelin” 8/29/1929 (Prints & negatives)</p><p>Folder 3- Fortugue 9/11-12/1929 (negatives)</p><p>Folder 4 – Bushkill Falls 10/1929 (negatives)</p><p>Folder 5 – Eagle Rock Radio 11/1929 (prints & negatives)</p><p>Folder 6- Andover 5/30/1930 (negatives)</p><p>Folder 7 – Atlantic City 6/5/1930 (negatives)</p><p>Folder 8 – Fishing off Seabright 7/1930 (negatives) </p><p>Folder 9 – Fortugue 7/4/1930 (negatives)</p><p>Folder 10- Belford 8/25/30 Goshen 8/27/30 (prints & negatives)</p><p>Folder 11 – Easton, PA 10/5/30 (negatives)</p><p>107 Folder 12 – Lakehurst 10/12/30 (prints & negatives)</p><p>Folder 13- Bayonne Bridge (NY) 2/1/31 Snow Scenes 2/12/31 (negatives)</p><p>Folder 14 – Princeton & Plainfield Snow Scene 2/23/31 (negatives)</p><p>Folder 15 – Bushkill Falls – Hackettstown 5/3/31 (prints & negatives)</p><p>Folder 16 – Fort Lee Bridge 5/6/31 (negatives)</p><p>Folder 17- Andover 4/15/31 Bridgeton 4/19/31 (negatives)</p><p>Folder 18- Airplane over NY City 5/23/31 (negatives)</p><p>Folder 19 – Fort Lee/GW Bridge 5/31/31 (negatives)</p><p>Folder 20 – Asbury 6/14/31 (negatives)</p><p>Folder 21 – Croton Dam 7/10/31 (negatives)</p><p>Folder 22 – Sandy Hook 7/10/31 (negatives)</p><p>Folder 23 – High Point 7/29/31 (negatives) </p><p>Folder 24 – Andover 7/30/31</p><p>Box 158 </p><p>Folder 1 – Hackle Berry Park 11/2/31 (print & negative)</p><p>Folder 2 – Fortugue/Pat Norris 11/22/31 (prints & negatives) </p><p>Folder 3 – Flood Paterson Etc. 1/33 (prints & negatives)</p><p>Folder 4 – Bear Mountain 2/18/34 (negatives)</p><p>Folder 5 – Chicago Stock Yards 9/1934 (negatives)</p><p>Folder 6 – Morro Castle – Asbury Park 1934 (negatives) </p><p>Folder 7 – Auto Racers – Radio Hem Station 5/30/37 (negatives)</p><p>Folder 8 – Lighthouse Radio 1938 (negatives)</p><p>Folder 9 – Hurricane Long Island 1938 (negative)</p><p>Folder 10 – Catskill, NY 7/4/39 (negatives)</p><p>108 Folder 11 – Antennas (NY state) 7/1946 – Mar 1947 (negatives)</p><p>Folder 12 – Ticonderoga, NY Fort & Battleship Philadelphia 10/3/46 (negatives)</p><p>Folder 13 – N.C. School – Play Easter 4/13/1949 (Negatives) </p><p>Folder 14 – Santa Claus 12/6/1950 (Negatives)</p><p>Folder 15 – Barre, VT – Trains 10/13/1953</p><p>Folder 16 – CV RR Trip – Steam Locomotives 5/16/1954 (negatives)</p><p>Folder 17 – Glens Falls, NY 5/29/1954 (negatives)</p><p>Folder 18 – Einstein, Albert (negatives) [These items were taken back by donor 6/2010]</p><p>Folder 19 – Human Anatomy (negatives) </p><p>Folder 20 – Unidentified Negatives</p><p>Folder 21 – West Point, NY – Bus Accident & Asbury Park (negatives)</p><p>Series 24 Box 159 Folder 1 – Scientific American Article 9/8/1900 Folder 2 – Historical Photography Papers Munsey’s Magazine Article Kodak Camera Booklet Orange Camera Club Booklet 12/1908 Haze Filter Bulletin 1/1965 Ground Glass Bulletin 3/1922 Abcumograph operating instructions Folder 3 - Photography-related photos Folder 4 - Panoramic prints—an estate & a cartoon Folder 5 – Magazine Pictures Folder 6 - “The Journal”—New England Journal of Photographic History—1982 “Northlight” photographic journals—1974 & 1975 Folder 7 - Magazine pictures</p><p>109 Folder 8 – Historical Photography scrapbook Folder 9 – Historical Photography scrapbook Folder 10 – Photographic equipment show/sale (?) Folder 11 – Old oxidized daguerreotype in frame Box 160 Folder 1 - American Photographic Historical Society events Folder 2 - Camera club event Folder 3 - Camera club event Folder 4 - Camera club event Folder 5 - Camera club event Folder 6 - Camera club event Folder 7 - Camera club event Folder 8 - Camera club event Folder 9 - Camera club event Folder 10 - Photography items Folder 11 - Photographic Historical Society of NY 1983 meeting Folder12 - Photographic Historical Society of NY 10th anniversary Folder 13 - PhotoHistory V meeting Folder 14 - PhotoHistory VIII meeting Folder 15 - PhotoHistory IX meeting</p><p>Subgroup IV. Collerd Photographic Collection Series 25 Box 161 Folder 1 - "Tara and Scott Weinfeld"--wedding/reception--photos and negatives Folder 2 - "Tara"--wedding/reception--photos and negatives Folder 3 - Lanna Marinaccio and Michael Lebet-12/9/1995--wedding/reception-- photo and negatives Folder 4 - "Garner/Hardy wedding Michelle and Dave 9/17/1994"-- wedding/reception--photos and negatives </p><p>110 Box 162 Folder 1 - "Lynch 11/96"--wedding/reception--negatives Folder 2 - unidentified couple--wedding/reception--photos Folder 3 - "Johnson"--young man--negative Folder 4 - "Alterbaum"--2 young boys--negative </p><p>Series 26 Box 163 Folder 1 - Photography Projects Folder 2 - Folder 3 - Folder 4 - Folder 5 - Miscellaneous photographs Folder 6 - All negatives—no matching photographs</p><p>Series 27 Box 164 - “A-D” Folder 1 - Abayian, Bill & Guariglia, Dawn – 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 2 - Alterbaum – 1988 – bridal couple (negatives) Folder 3 - Avanti – 1988 – mother/daughter (negatives) Folder 4 - Bain scar – Oct. 1988 (negatives) Folder 5 - Balcerski family – Jan. 1988 (negatives) Folder 6 - Barisso (?), Janice family – 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 7 - Barrows family – Nov. 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 8 - Berk family – 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 9 - Berler (?) females (negatives) Folder 10 - Bess (negative) Folder 11 - Bianco, Mr.& Mrs. – 1988 – couple (prints & negatives) Folder 12 - Bianco, Tiffany – March 1988 (negatives) Folder 13 - Boudewisn family – 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 14 - Candido children – 9/1988 (prints & negatives)</p><p>111 Folder 15 - Capilla, D. (family?) – 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 16 - Caplan family – 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 17 - Carole/Alex – 1988 – (negatives) Folder 18 - Cawley family Folder 19 - Chisholm children -1988 – (prints & negatives) Folder 20 - Clancey children – 1988 – (negatives) Folder 21 - Condit – 1988 – mother/daughter (negatives) Folder 22 - Cornine baby – 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 23 - Cowell (?) baby (print & negatives) Folder 24 - Crump family (prints) Folder 25 - Dancey (David) family – Dec. 1983 (prints & negatives) Folder 26 - Doncoes couple – 1988 (negatives) Folder 27 - Dorchak family (Joanne, Lee & 2 kids) – August 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 28 - Duesenberre/Kesler – 1988 (negatives) Box 165 - “E-H” Folder 1 - Ebersbok house -1988 (negatives) Folder 2 - Emmanuele twins (photo) Folder 3 - Erickson/Kierston couple – July 1988 (negatives) Folder 4 - Farley baby (prints & negatives) Folder 5 - Farnieck children – 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 6 - Folescu, Simona - 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 7 - Forsyth (couple) – 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 8 - Fout children – 1987 or December 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 9 - Galacky family – 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 10 - Galagher graduate – 1988 (negative) Folder 11 - Galagher family – 1980 & 12/1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 12 - Gallagher, Susan (with brother & sister) – 1991 (prints & negatives) Folder 13 - Garvey family – June 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 14 - Gates couple – August 1988 (negatives)</p><p>112 Folder 15 - Goodman, Jackie baby – 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 16 - Gordon sisters – August 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 17 - Hillman siblings (Joanne & Dennis) – August 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 18 - Hirshberg family (bat mitzvah) – 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 19 - Holmquest couple – 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 20 - Home Nursing Counselors Family Service (unidentified woman) – 1988 (prints & negatives) Box 166 - “I – L” Folder 1 - Jackson girls – 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 2 - Jagen couple - 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 3 - Jenkins bride – 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 4 - Kabler family – 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 5 - Kayhart, female – June 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 6 - Kirchner/Malanga – June 1975 (prints & negatives) Folder 7 - Koenig family – 1988 (negatives) Folder 8 - Lamb, Colleen (couple) – 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 9 - Lamb family – 1988 (negatives) Folder 10 - Lanza, Kelly – (negatives) Folder 11 - Leddy couple – 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 12 - Lembo family – 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 13 - Liddy, G. Gordon family – 1998 (prints & negatives) Folder 14 - Linnett family (prints & negatives) Folder 15 - Linnett baby – (prints & negatives) Folder 16 - Lozito male (communion) – 1988 (negatives) Folder 17 - Lozowick (20th wedding anniversary)-6/5/1938 (prints) Folder 18 - Luklin males – 1988 (prints & negatives) Box 167 - “M - O” Folder 1 - Mallek family – 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 2 - Martin children – August 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 3 - McGlocklan family – 1988 (prints & negatives)</p><p>113 Folder 4 - McGovern family – March 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 5 - Mehta, Uday family – April 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 6 - Messer couple – August 1988 (proof & negatives) Folder 7 - Misrah, Raj family (proofs and negatives) Folder 8 - Mungano family – 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 9 - Murphree/Richo family – 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 10 - Myron family (4 generations) (prints & negatives) Folder 11 - Nash family (Mary, Bill, Mary Jane & Becky) – 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 12 - Nelson couple – 1988 (prints & negatives) Box 168 - “P – V” Folder 1 - Pio Costa/LaHue 30th anniversary party (prints) Folder 2 - Realtors (female) – 1991 (prints & negatives) Folder 3 - Rubino family (90th birthday celebration) (prints & negatives) Folder 4 - Rush, Jimmie (couple) – 1988 (negatives) Folder 5 - Slayback, David (and horse) (prints & negatives)-10/1963 Folder 6 - Tafaro/Romano (anniversary) (negatives) Folder 7 - Taranto/Yudd wedding (prints) Folder 8 - Voss, Bob – July 1942 (prints)</p><p>Series 28 Box 169 Folder 1 - Bestys, Jim & Laura – November 15, 1997 (negatives) Folder 2 - Condit wedding – September 10, 1949 (negatives) Folder 3 - Grenci/Cavalieri (print) Folder 4 - Huggins, Janet & Linnett, Russell – August 24, 1985 (prints & negatives) Folder 5 - McDermott (bride) (prints) [These items were taken back by 6/2010] Folder 6 - McDonald, Lorraine (negatives) Folder 7 – Birchler, Chris & Michelle (prints & negatives) Box 170</p><p>114 Folder 1 - Nelson, Dick & Hedden, Jody – October 8, 1988 (prints & negatives) Folder 2 - Robinson, Ann – December 7, 1946 (negatives) Folder 3 - Schmidt/Smith – October 22, 1994 (prints & negatives) Folder 4 - “Tara” (negatives) Folder 5 - Veccione (negative) Folder 6 - Walter & Mildred – April 27, 1946 (negatives) [These items were taken back by donor 6/2010] Folder 7 - Wasowsky/Monroe (prints) Box 171 Folder 1 - Unidentified couple/family (prints) Folder 2 - Unidentified couple/family (prints & negatives) Folder 3 - Unidentified couple/family (prints) Folder 4 - Unidentified couple/family (prints & negatives) Folder 5 - Compilation of unidentified wedding/reception prints (different families and couples) Folder 6 - Unidentified couple (negatives)</p><p>Box 172 Folder 1 - Unidentified couple/family (prints) Folder 2 - Unidentified couple/family (prints) Folder 3 - Unidentified couple/family (prints & negatives) Folder 4 - Unidentified couple/family (negatives) Box 173 Professional photo album unidentified couple’s wedding (prints) Series 29 Box 174 - 1950-1988 A-P Folder 1 - Santa Claus, Essex Fells—12/23/1950 Folder 2 - American Legion—1959 Folder 3 - American Legion officers—10/1/1959</p><p>115 Folder 4 - “Mom and Dad 60th Anniversary”—12/17/1963 [These items were taken back by donor 6/2010] Folder 5 - Collerd Antique Shop—6/20/1976 Folder 6 - Yu, Toby, Fairfield—10/4/1977 Folder 7 - Hovck family—1982 Folder 8 - Wendt family—1983 Folder 9 - Halligan—1985 Folder 10 - O’Brien, Jackie—1985 Folder 11 - Bobst, Mike—1986 Folder 12 - DeBell, Lou—1986 Folder 13 - Sullivan, John III—1986 Folder 14 - Snow ’68—1986 Folder 15 - Vandermill, Nicole wedding—5/1987 Folder 16 - Cresibene wedding—12/3/1988 Folder 17 - Hemil baby—1988 Folder 18 - Leslie, Ellen—1988 Folder 19 - Lion’s Club dancer—1988 Folder 20 - Mickey—1988 Folder 21 - Northrop, Ann-realtor—1988 Folder 22 - Orange/Marty (Orange class reunion)--1988 Folder 23 - Oyler—1988 Folder 24 - Palumbo, Donna—1988 Folder 25 - Paturno baby—1988 Folder 26 - Paul—1988 Folder 27 - Pello, Rodney—1988 Folder 28 - Perry, Gladys—1988 Folder 29 - Plunket—1988 Folder 30 - Presbyterian Church choir—1988 Folder 31 - Presbyterian Church—1988</p><p>116 Box 175 - 1988 R-Z Folder 1 - Racioppi—1988 Folder 2 - Reiss’ dog—1988 Folder 3 - Revoch—1988 Folder 4 - Ricoh group picture—1988 Folder 5 - Rodino, Jr.—1988 Folder 6 - Rudin young girl—1988 Folder 7 - Rupreck—1988 Folder 8 - Sanburg, Harvey/Gloria—1988 Folder 9 - Saltz (?), Ann—1988 Folder 10 - See family—1988 Folder 11 - Sheft—July 1988 Folder 12 - Shvaykus, Darrell—July 1988 Folder 13 - Shulte—1988 Folder 14 - Shulte—1988 Folder 15 - Sigler—1988 Folder 16 - Singh baby—June 1988 Folder 17 - Stoddard—1988 Folder 18 - Straub family—1988 Folder 19 - Tembra baby—3/3/1988 Folder 20 - Temple—1988 Folder 21 - Tobin, Robert—1988 Folder 22 - Toomey wedding—1988 Folder 23 - Villano, Tom--1988 Folder 24 - Visoskos family—1988 Folder 25 - Waldron (?)—1988 Folder 26 - Washman children—1988 Folder 27 - West Essex Savings Bank sign/staff—1988 Folder 28 - Zaros first communion—1988</p><p>117 Folder 29 - Zock, Paul—1988 Box 176 - 1989 A-C Folder 1 - Alen, Donald E.F.—Feb. 1989 Folder 2 - Amy—1989 Folder 3 - Amy—1989 Folder 4 - Anderson, Kristen—1989 Folder 5 - Antocelli, John—Sept. 1989 Folder 6 - B., Janice—1989 Folder 7 - Bains family—Aug. 1989 Folder 8 - Baseball, North Caldwell—1989 Folder 9 - Birchler—1989 Folder 10 - Birdsal, Harry—1989 Folder 11 - Bottone—1989 Folder 12 - Bradford—1989 Folder 13 - Brasi, Ms—1989 Folder 14 - Brenneman, David—Sept. 1989 Folder 15 - Buchner, Janet Pete—1989 Folder 16 - Caldwell Fire Dept.--1989 Folder 17 - Camp/Covert—1989 Folder 18 - Campbell—1989 Folder 19 - Campbell sales Emmory—1989 Folder 20 - Clancey, Xmas—1989 Folder 21 - Cardella—Feb. 1989 Folder 22 - Carr, Ron—1989 Folder 23 - Carracino, Tom—1989 Folder 24 - Cawley, Bob--1989 Folder 25 - Cevaia, Bob—9/15/1989 Folder 26 - Chamber of Commerce—1989 Folder 27 - Cheap—1989 Folder 28 - Collins, Jack—1989</p><p>118 Folder 29 - Cornine—1989 Folder 30 - Corns, Jacqueline—1987 & 1989 Folder 31 - Cunningham—1989 Folder 32 - Curran, Scott—1989 Box 177 - 1989 D-G Folder 1 - Dale, Martin—1989 Folder 2 - D’Amicolo, Magee—1989 Folder 3 - Dancey—1989 Folder 4 - Dancey—1989 Folder 5 - Dankowski, Dennis—1989 Folder 6 - DeBell, Roseland—1989 Folder 7 - DePalma baby—1989 Folder 8 - DePasquale—Nov. 1989 Folder 9 - Detantis—1989 Folder 10 - DeVaney—8/1989 Folder 11 - Donahue, Soffie—1989 Folder 12 - Donavan—July 1989 Folder 13 - Dubbrow—1989 Folder 14 - Duffy—1989 Folder 15 - Durkin, Ann—1989 Folder 16 - Emer—1989 Folder 17 - Fano—1989 Folder 18 - Farrel, Kate—1989 Folder 19 - Fermani—Feb. 1989 Folder 20 - Fess baby—1989 Folder 21 - Field, Cheryl—Aug. 1989 Folder 22 - Fishman, Eileen—Sept. 1989 Folder 23 - Flannery—1989 Folder 24 - Garannella—1989 Folder 25 - Garasino--1989</p><p>119 Folder 26 - Gartland, Susan—1989 Folder 27 - Gartman—1989 Folder 28 - Giasullo—Feb. 1989 Folder 29 - Gerald, Sister—Dec. 1989 Folder 30 - Gennario--1989 Folder 31 - Germain—Aug. 1989 Folder 32 - Gibson, Alice—Nov. 1989 Folder 33 - Gordan, Nancey—1989 Folder 34 - Gould—6/7/1989 Box 178 - 1989 H-L Folder 1 - Halligan—1989 Folder 2 - Hanigan—1989 Folder 3 - Harold, Jim--1989 Folder 4 - Hwang—Aug. 1989 Folder 5 - Hein—1989 Folder 6 - Hoffman family—1989 Folder 7 - Irving, Brian—1989 Folder 8 - Jantausch, Barbara—1989 Folder 9 - Julie—1989 Folder 10 - Kelley girls—1989 Folder 11 - Kelley, Kaitlin--1989 Folder 12 - Kinkel family—1989 Folder 13 - Kisala—Jan. 1989 Folder 14 - Lamb—Oct. 1989 Folder 15 - Lillia—Oct. 1989 Folder 16 - Lima, Vince—1989 Folder 17 - Linger, Bruce—1989 Folder 18 - Linhoff—1989 Folder 19 - Linnett—1989 Folder 20 - Linnett baby—1989</p><p>120 Folder 21 - Loyd family—1989 Folder 22 - Lupine, Rita—1989 Box 179 - 1989 M-R Folder 1 - Macknouck, David—Aug. 1989 Folder 2 - Marcella communion—1989 Folder 3 - Marcey family—1989 Folder 4 - Masil, Sister Ann—Sept. 1989 Folder 5 - Maura, Sister—1989 Folder 6 - May, Janet—1989 Folder 7 - Mazzo family—1989 Folder 8 - McMarrow family—1989 Folder 9 - Miko, Ray—1989 Folder 10 - Milegan realtors—1989 Folder 11 - Mills, Kathy—1989 Folder 12 - Miscellaneous—1989 Folder 13 - Moogan family—1989 Folder 14 - Mostwell—9/2/1989 Folder 15 - Mustillo baby—6/1989 Folder 16 - Nash girls—1989 Folder 17 - Newman—1989 Folder 18 - Newman, Jack—1989 Folder 19 - Otterbien family—1989 Folder 20 - Ollerenshaw—Oct. 1989 Folder 21 - O’Rourke—1989 Folder 22 - Pacelli communion—1989 Folder 23 - Parrinello, John—July 1989 Folder 24 - Patnica—1989 Folder 25 - Pocelinkopoc family—Dec. 1989 Folder 26 - Rayburn, Roy—1989 Folder 27 - Rees, Meyer—1989</p><p>121 Folder 28 - Reiyer, Bob—1989 Folder 29 - Bonn Realtor—1989 Folder 30 - Rosenthal (Weiss & Co)—1989 Box 180 - 1989 S-Z Folder 1 - Saltz, Julie—1989 Folder 2 - Sansone—Nov. 1989 Folder 3 - Schwartz—1989 Folder 4 - Shenoy family—1989 Folder 5 - Silverthorne—Dec. 1989 Folder 6 - Simcoe, Kevin—1989 Folder 7 - Simone, Michael (Campbell Sales)—1989 Folder 8 - Singalli family—1989 Folder 9 - Slowinsky (brother and sister)—May 1989 Folder 10 - Smith—Feb. 1989 Folder 11 - Spatola communion--1989 Folder 12 - Stevens—1989 Folder 13 - Stoeckel, Lisa—1989 Folder 14 - Straitor, Jerry—Oct. 1989 Folder 15 - Toffenelli—Jan. 1989 Folder 16 - Triola christening—1989 Folder 17 - “Upstairs”—Aug. 1989 Folder 18 - Vandermay baby—Jun. 1989 Folder 19 - Viskaros—1989 Folder 20 - West, Robin—Sept. 1989 Folder 21 - West Caldwell Fire Dept Memorial Day—1989 Folder 22 - Principal Wilson—1989 Folder 23 - Wilson couple—2989 Folder 24 - Wing, Janet—Sept. 1989 Folder 25 - Zeras—1989 Box 181 - 1990 A-C</p><p>122 Folder 1 - Anne, West Orange family—1990 Folder 2 - Archibald family—1990 Folder 3 - Barnes, Jim-golfer—1990 Folder 4 - Bates—1990 Folder 5 - Bearded politician, Fairfield—1990 Folder 6 - Beechey—1990 Folder 7 - Brindock, Andy—1990 Folder 8 - Bsarany, Betty--1990 Folder 9 - Buccarelli—1990 Folder 10 - Byrnes—1990 Folder 11 - Campbell Sales—1990 Folder 12 - Campbell Sales—1990 Folder 13 - Campbell Sales—1990 Folder 14 - Caplan, Joe-cantor—1990 Folder 15 - Cavanagh, Linda Lordi, freeholder—1990 Folder 16 - Chemoctwiz—1990 Folder 17 - Chi, Ray—1990 Folder 18 - Christian, Cynthia Eng.—1990 Folder 19 - Cisilli family—1990 Folder 20 - Colivito, Frank—1990 Folder 21 - Collerd children—1990 Folder 22 - Conklin—1990 Folder 23 - Conrick, George family—1990 Folder 24 - Copeland, Wayne—1990 Folder 25 - Costas, Allen—1990 Folder 26 - Crump family—1990 Box 182 - 1990 D-J Folder 1 - DeBell—1990 Folder 2 - DeLorenzo—1990 Folder 3 - Denman-Philips—1990</p><p>123 Folder 4 - Eisen—1990 Folder 5 - Essex Fells grads—1990 Folder 6 - Farmer—1990 Folder 7 - Father (priest)—1990 Folder 8 - Fells—1990 Folder 9 - Figurelli, James—1990 Folder 10 - Fireman—1990 Folder 11 - Firetruck—1990 Folder 12 - Florio, James (governor)—1990 Folder 13 - Ford sales—1990 Folder 14 - Freidman, Dorothy Rube family—1990 Folder 15 - Gallagher—1990 Folder 16 - Geogria, Ben—1990 Folder 17 - Giblin Assoc.—1990 Folder 18 - Gould School, North Caldwell—1990 Folder 19 - Grandview School—1990 Folder 20 - Gray family—1990 Folder 21 - Guarino, Susan—1990 Folder 22 - Hansen—1990 Folder 23 - Hoysted—1990 Folder 24 - Icone, Donna—1990 Folder 25 - Iljas family—1990 Folder 26 - Jablonski, Karen—1990 Folder 27 - Janice—1990 Folder 28 - Jemas, Paul—1990 Folder 29 - Johnson, Austin (?)—1990 Box 183 - 1990 K-O Folder 1 - Kahn, Yasmin—1990 Folder 2 - Kayhart, Scott—1990 Folder 3 - Kayhart, Tara—1990</p><p>124 Folder 4 - Kazinski, Tom—1990 Folder 5 - Kelly, Snooty Fox—1990 Folder 6 - Koenester baby—1990 Folder 7 - Kranick—1990 Folder 8 - Krosnowski “baggie eyes”—1990 Folder 9 - Kwock, Kam—1990 Folder 10 - Lanza, Diane—1990 Folder 11 - Lanford—1990 Folder 12 - Leanard, Pattie—1990 Folder 13 - “Leo”—1990 Folder 14 - Lembo, Gus—1990 Folder 15 - Magee family of 5—1990 Folder 16 - Mangum—1990 Folder 17 - Martone—1990 Folder 18 - Maydress—1990 Folder 19 - Memmelar—1990 Folder 20 - Mgotto, Mary—1990 Folder 21 - Mike family--1990 Folder 22 - Mostwell, Jeff—1990 Folder 23 - Mustillo—1990 Folder 24 - Nash girls—1990 Folder 25 - Nash Halloween—1990 Folder 26 - Nash girls Christmas dresses—1990 Folder 27 - “Nice sales person”—1990 Folder 28 - Nolan, Frank—1990 Folder 29 - Ostergaard, Paul—1990 Box 184 - 1990 P-W Folder 1 - Pacio, Mike, Roseland—1990 Folder 2 - Pollock family—1990 Folder 3 - Post, Debbie—1990</p><p>125 Folder 4 - Presbyterian Church—1990 Folder 5 - Quigley—1990 Folder 6 - Ready, Jack—1990 Folder 7 - RER realtors—1990 Folder 8 - Richer, Robert, West Caldwell—1990 Folder 9 - Rubber hose—1990 Folder 10 - Scagnelli—1990 Folder 11 - Scale inspector, N.J.—1990 Folder 12 - Summer copies-old images—1990 Folder 13 - Swartz—1990 Folder 14 - Shaw family—1990 Folder 15 - Steven family—1990 Folder 16 - Stoddard—1990 Folder 17 - Stoddard, Lynn—1990 Folder 18 - Tara (?)—1990 Folder 19 - VanBaulen, Guy/Edna—1990 Folder 20 - Vandermay baby—1/9/1990 Folder 20 - Whitehead, Langford—1990 Folder 21 - Woods—1990 Folder 22 - Xiques—1990 Box 185 - 1991 A-L Folder 1 - Allegra Farm—1991 Folder 2 - Ashley communion—1991 Folder 3 - Audobaum—1991 Folder 4 - Ben & Mary—1991 [These items were taken back by 6/2010] Folder 5 - Birchler—1991 Folder 6 - Block, Bill—1991 Folder 7 - Bongo—1991 Folder 8 - Buechel, Mark family—1991 Folder 9 - Columbo—1991</p><p>126 Folder 10 - Connel—1991 Folder 11 - Coughlin—1991 Folder 12 - Cute Blonde—1991 Folder 13 - Decara—1991 Folder 14 - Ellen, Mt. Ave—1991 Folder 15 - Fischer—1991 Folder 16 - Grass, Walter—1991 Folder 17 - Groughan—1991 Folder 18 - Hanover Floral—1991 Folder 19 - Kalt—1991 Folder 20 - Kaplan, Naomi—1991 Folder 21 - Kapica, Hays—1991 Folder 22 - Linnett—1991 Folder 23 - Lockward, Bob—1991 Box 186 - 1991 M-R Folder 1 - Manmino—1991 Folder 2 - Markino family—1991 Folder 3 - Matarazzo—1991 Folder 4 - McGawkin family—1991 Folder 5 - McGowan—1991 Folder 6 - McNally—1991 Folder 7 - Meclina—1991 Folder 8 - Monahan—1991 Folder 9 - Mustillo, Donna—1991 Folder 10 - Nash—1991 Folder 11 - Nolan, Father (priests)—1991 Folder 12 - Nunamaker—1991 Folder 13 - O’Neil—1991 Folder 14 - O’Rourke, Claire communion—1991 Folder 15 - Palombini—1991</p><p>127 Folder 16 - Peter—1991 Folder 17 - Presbyterian Church—1991 Folder 18 - Richards—1991</p><p>Box 187 - 1991 S-W</p><p>Folder 1 - Saltz, Nancey–1991 Folder 2 - Saltz, Julie—1991 Folder 3 - Singer—1991 Folder 4 - Sorhagen—1991 Folder 5 - Stern, Pat—1991 Folder 6 - Ted (dog)—1991 Folder 7 - Trasak, Donna—1991 Folder 8 - Trish—1991 Folder 9 - United Fund—1991 Folder 10 - Wildstein, David—1991 Folder 11 - Unidentified event Box 188 - 1992 A-D Folder 1 - Arden—9/28/1992 Folder 2 - Blount couple—1992 Folder 3 - Braz—1992 Folder 4 - Cece—1992 Folder 5 - Chamber of Commerce presidents—1992 Folder 6 - Chiropractor, West Caldwell—1992 Folder 7 - Cole, Scott—1992 Folder 8 - Conklin, Verona—1992 Folder 9 - Coughlin—1992 Folder 10 - Country factory—1992 Folder 11 - Dankwort—1992 Folder 12 - Damonoitz—1992 Folder 13 - DeFranco—1992</p><p>128 Folder 14 - Duffy, Tara engagement—1992 Folder 15 - Dwyer—1992 Box 189 - 1992 E-K Folder 1 - Essex Fells—1992 Folder 2 - Ethridge—4/1992 Folder 3 - Fells Eng.—1992 Folder 4 - Ferris family—12/1992 Folder 5 - Ferris, P.J. communion—1992 Folder 6 - Frankavilla—11/1992 Folder 7 - Gedzir family of 5—6/1992 Folder 8 - Gervasi, Peggy—1992 Folder 9 - Glista, Henry—1992 Folder 10 - Goldenstein—1992 Folder 11 - Gordon, Jeff & Laurie—6/1992 Folder 12 - Grenci family—1992 Folder 13 - Griffoul, Carol—11/1992 Folder 14 - Haydu—1992 Folder 15 - Honiker—11/1992 Folder 16 - Ilige—1992 Folder 17 - Judge, Cathy—1992 Folder 18 - Kaul—7/1992 Folder 19 - Kayhart—4/1992 Folder 20 - Kazack—1992 Folder 21 - Krouse—9/1992 Box 190 - 1992 L-O Folder 1 - Linnett—1992 Folder 2 - Linnett, Rhonda & husband—1992 Folder 3 - Maclowd, Dave—1992 Folder 4 - Maden—1992 Folder 5 - Menzil, Fay & Mathew—9/1992</p><p>129 Folder 6 - Meyersville—1992 Folder 7 - Montville oriental sales person—1992 Folder 8 - Morelli, Lenny—9/1992 Folder 9 - Motlewski—1992 Folder 10 - Mower, Miss Muscle—1992 Folder 11 - Mulligan—1992 Folder 12 - Nash girls—1992 Folder 13 - Nash—12/1992 Folder 14 - Nedbaum, Steve—1992 Folder 15 - Nicole—11/1992 Folder 16 - O’Dowd, Dana—6/1992 Folder 17 - Ohio State University camera meeting—1992 Folder 18 - Oliver—1992 Box 191 - 1992 P-R Folder 1 - Palermo, Cuella—12/1992 Folder 2 - Paris, David—1992 Folder 3 - Pasquale—1992 Folder 4 - Phillips-1992 Folder 5 - Patton—1992 Folder 6 - Polizzi—1992 Folder 7 - Presbyterian Church—1992 Folder 8 - Presbyterian Church—1992 Folder 9 - Presbyterian Church cemetery—1992 Folder 10 - Rainbow, Bill—1992 Folder 11 - Rapoli—1992 Folder 12 - Raymond—1992 Folder 13 - Remington—1992 Folder 14 - Ripps, Norman & Julia—1992 Folder 15 - Robino, Bob—1992 Box 192 - 1992 S-W</p><p>130 Folder 1 - Schmidt, Elks Club—1992 Folder 2 - Shaw communion—1992 Folder 3 - Shufro, Joan & family—1992 Folder 4 - Spatola—1992 Folder 5 - Speir, Bernie Michael—1992 Folder 6 - State Policemen—1992 Folder 7 - Stendar, Kevin—1992 Folder 8 - Steven Christmas—1992 Folder 9 - Stevens, Cathy—1992 Folder 10 - Stoopak girls—1992 Folder 11 - Swartz, Ann & husband—1992 Folder 12 - Swenson picture—1992 Folder 13 - Terp, Bess & Gene—9/1992 Folder 14 - Teshquian (old photos-negatives)—1992 Folder 15 - Theabald—11/1992 Folder 16 - Tremba—12/1992 Folder 17 - Trusak, Donna—1992 Folder 18 - Vadala, Betty & Brianna communion—8/1992 Folder 19 - Weber, Erica—9/1992 Folder 20 - West Orange family—1992 Folder 21 - Wilson, Kathy—11/1992 Box 193 - 1993 A-F Folder 1 - Adulet—1993 Folder 2 - Amato, Matthew—1993 Folder 3 - Apicela—1993 Folder 4 - Baechler, Sherry—1993 Folder 5 - Benyo—1993 Folder 6 - Bennett—1993 Folder 7 - Bodrow, Camille, children—1993 Folder 8 - Bruce & Amy—1993</p><p>131 Folder 9 - Burgess family—1993 Folder 10 - Chamber of Commerce Board member—1993 Folder 11 - Class of 1933—1993 Folder 12 - Daye—1993 Folder 13 - DelaTour, Odette—1993 Folder 14 - Dolnite—1993 Folder 15 - Farrar, Bill, North Caldwell—1993 Folder 16 - Farrel—1993 Folder 17 - Fireworks—1993 Folder 18 - Fry—1993 Folder 19 - Frazer, Donald, Roseland—1993 Box 194 - 1993 G-M Folder 1 - Gartland—1993 Folder 2 - Golf—1993 Folder 3 - Hannah wedding—1993 Folder 4 - Harte—1993 Folder 5 - Hauser-Straub—1993 Folder 6 - Hauser-Straub—1993 Folder 7 - Juliano—1993 Folder 8 - Kagan—1993 [These items were taken back by donor 6/2010] Folder 9 - Kaul—1993 Folder 10 - Kleinman, Jeremy—11/1993 Folder 11 - Kollar—1993 Folder 12 - Lansberger—1993 Folder 13 - Lanz—1993 Folder 14 - Larossa—1993 Folder 15 - Levine, Sherry—1993 Folder 16 - Linnett, Bob—1993 Folder 17 - Linnett opening—1993 Folder 18 - Longo, Nancy—1993</p><p>132 Folder 19 - Lucy—1993 Folder 20 - Maltino family—1993 Folder 21 - Mann—1993 Folder 22 - Marple Toft—1993 Folder 23 - Metoo graduation—1993 Folder 24 - Mike, Roseland—1993 Folder 25 - Morgan family1993 Folder 26 - Murphy—1993 Folder 27 - Murphy family—1993 Box 195 - 1993 N-S Folder 1 - Nash—1993 Folder 2 - Nash—1993 Folder 3 - Nash—1993 Folder 4 - Nash, Mary—1993 Folder 5 - Nerone—1993 Folder 6 - Nicole’s baby—1993 Folder 7 - Orr—1993 Folder 8 - Parker, Ellen—1993 Folder 9 - Perepletchikov, Yam--1993 Folder 10 - Philomeano, Patrice—1993 Folder 11 - Piveck—1993 Folder 12 - Presbyterian Church—1993 Folder 13 - Rogers—1993 Folder 14 - Rollins—1993 Folder 15 - Rudin—1993 Folder 16 - Schenkel—1993 Folder 17 - Scipione, Pat, realtor—1993 Folder 18 - Sheehan, Pat—1993 Folder 19 - Spano—1993 Folder 20 - Spatulla—1993</p><p>133 Folder 21 - Stoddard—1993 Box 196 - 1993 T-Z Folder 1 - Tara—1993 Folder 2 - Tara stitches—1993 Folder 3 - Taub, Charlie—1993 Folder 4 - Tow--1993 Folder 5 - Voltz, Karen & son—1993 Folder 6 - Walsack—1993 Folder 7 - Weiss, Paul, Montclair—1993 Folder 8 - Wojcik, Justin—1993 Folder 9 - Zacone—1993 Folder 10 - Zeuran—1993 Box 197 - 1994 A-H Folder 1 - Alterbaum—1994 Folder 2 - Boyas—3/1/1994 Folder 3 - Burgess—12/1994 Folder 4 - Connel—1994 Folder 5 - Connell—1994 Folder 6 - Copeland, Drew—1994 Folder 7 - Cunningham, Grace—2/1994 Folder 8 - Danny & Anna Tailor shop—1994 Folder 9 - DeMiro communion—10/1994 Folder 10 - Dwyer, Tara—6/1994 Folder 11 - Elk, unkown—1994 Folder 12 - Fanning—1994 Folder 13 - Farrel family—1994 Folder 14 - Francavilla—2/1994 Folder 15 - Galgano family—1994 Folder 16 - Georgi—12/1994 Folder 17 - Glasscock—1994</p><p>134 Folder 18 - Glassen—1994 Folder 19 - Houser, Nancy—10/1994 Folder 20 - Hanisko family—1994 Folder 21 - Honeker family—1994 Box 198 - 1994 J-R Folder 1 - Kaufman, Nad—6/1994 Folder 2 - Kwock, Kam—3/1994 Folder 3 - Lisa—1994 Folder 4 - Luce, Shwab, & Case, Fairfield business—1994 Folder 5 - Marcey, Mary—1994 Folder 6 - Monico, Fran, Lisa, brother/sister—1994 Folder 7 - Nash, Mary & girls—1994 Folder 8 - Nicole—1994 Folder 9 - Oehler, Simone, Mark, Kit—9/1994 Folder 10 - Pallante—1994 Folder 11 - Patton—1994 Folder 12 - Peck, Bob & Barbra—1994 Folder 13 - Perkins communion—5/1994 Folder 14 - Plainfield picnic—1994 Folder 15 - Red Mass, Ronald Riccio, Adrian Foley, Father Peterson—11/3/1994 Box 199 - 1994 S-Y Folder 1 - Seagnelli—5/1994 Folder 2 - Stanley—12/1994 Folder 3 - Stewart—1994 Folder 4 - Swearing in—1994 Folder 5 - Tichnor—1994 Folder 6 - Valentine’s Day—1994 Folder 7 - Vrouvas family of 4—1994 Folder 8 - Walter camp (old photos)—1994 Folder 9 - Yeager, Jim—1994</p><p>135 Box 200 - 1995 B-H Folder 1 - Boyas kids—8/1995 Folder 2 - Bromborsky, Gerrie Panitch—6/1995 Folder 3 - Caldwell Dem’s—1995 Folder 4 - Cedar Grove “Jewish conformation”—6/1995 Folder 5 - Cole—6/1995 Folder 6 - Conroy, Kathy Doud—1995 Folder 7 - Dancy—1995 Folder 8 - DiSanto communion—1995 Folder 9 - Drauciras—6/1995 Folder 10 - Dwyer, Scott & Tara—3/1995 Folder 11 - East Hanover grads—1995 Folder 12 - Fortonata, Sam—1995 Folder 13 - Freelander (Freedman), Rubin—8/1995 Folder 14 - Giblin, Vincent—11/1995 Folder 15 - Grey, Dr.—1995 Folder 16 - Helpher communion—1995 Folder 17 - Hertzberg, Lisa—1995 Folder 18 - Johnson, Stacey—4/1995 Folder 19 - Johnson, Skip—1995 Box 201 - 1995 K-V Folder 1 - Kagan, Stanley—1995 [These items were taken back by 6/2010] Folder 2 - Kayhart—8/1995 Folder 3 - Kiernan, Pat—1995 Folder 4 - Konnor family—1995 Folder 5 - Krug, Patty—1995 Folder 6 - Kunzman—1995 Folder 7 - Lanzo communion—1995 Folder 8 - Linnett, Janet, Russ & family—1995 Folder 9 - Livingston Vets—1995</p><p>136 Folder 10 - Marcey—1995 Folder 11 - Montanaro, Leo & Craig—1995 Folder 12 - Nash, Mary & girls—8/1995 Folder 13 - Nugent—1995 Folder 14 - Otterbein—1995 Folder 15 - Rodgers, Fred—1995 Folder 16 - Schultz, Cliff, Fairfield Fire Chief—1995 Folder 17 - Schoonrok, Peter—1995 Folder 18 - Skelly—1995 Folder 19 - Stevens, Kathy & family—1995 Folder 20 - Troia—8/1995 Folder 21 - Vitamins, Fairfield—3/15/1995 Box 202 - 1996 All Folder 1 - Couple (old copy)—1996 Folder 2 - Class of 1936—1996 Folder 3 - Drew & girl, fireman—1996 Folder 4 - Fortunato—1996 Folder 5 - Haydon—1996 Folder 6 - Kaplan—1996 Folder 7 - Kuzmick—1996 Folder 8 - Moreau, Nicole—1996 Folder 9 - Mullen—1996 Folder 10 - Plainfield Photo lecture—1996 Folder 11 - Presbyterian Church steeple—1996 Folder 12 - Salberg, Harvey—1996 Folder 13 - Shopgirl—1996 Folder 14 - Stewart—6/1996 Folder 15 - Verhagin—1/1996 Box 203 - 1997 A-E Folder 1 - Adessa—997</p><p>137 Folder 2 - Anne—1997 Folder 3 - Bajwa—1997 Folder 4 - Bretzler—1997 Folder 5 - Brooks—1997 Folder 6 - Busby—1997 Folder 7 - Cecere—1997 Folder 8 - Chadrjian, Alan—1997 Folder 9 - Chang—1997 Folder 10 - Class reunion “47”—1997 Folder 11 - Connel-Local 68—1997 Folder 12 - Daley—1997 Folder 13 - Daley, Kedra—1997 Folder 14 - Bestys-Dassing—1997 Folder 15 - Delaar—1997 Folder 16 - DeMiro—1997 Folder 17 - Dimaggio—1997 Folder 18 - Everswick—1997 Box 204 - 1997 F-I Folder 1 - Farrinet—1997 Folder 2 - Farrell-1997 Folder 3 - Fasset—1997 Folder 4 - Flynn—1997 Folder 5 - Foley, Irene—1997 Folder 6 - Forbes—1997 Folder 7 - Forest Hills—1997 Folder 8 - Forest Hills-John Clancy, Pres.—1997 Folder 9 - Fralley, Robert & Emma—1997 Folder 10 - Frank—1997 Folder 11 - Fres (Fref?)—1997 Folder 12 - Gates, James—1997</p><p>138 Folder 13 - Gray—1997 Folder 14 - Grey, Ken “39”—1997 Folder 15 - Haight, Tom—1997 Folder 16 - Haydu—1997 Folder 17 - Hemmel, Bill wedding—1997 Folder 18 - Hudson, Don—1997 Folder 19 - Inero communion--1997 Box 205 - 1997 J-O Folder 1 - Sister Joan—1997 Folder 2 - Kayhart, Donald—1997 Folder 3 - Keifer, Bob—1997 Folder 4 - Kuhn, Eileen—1997 Folder 5 - Lewis, Jamie—1997 Folder 6 - Lizas baby—1997 Folder 7 - Macaroni, Dan Patrick—1997 Folder 8 - Mastranberd, Debbie—1997 Folder 9 - Melinda—1997 Folder 10 - Nash—1997 Folder 11 - Newsom, Joan--1997 Folder 12 - Nicole—1997 Folder 13 - Nolan—1997 Folder 14 - O’Malley—1997 Box 206 - 1997 P-Z Folder 1 - Pacio-Roseland—1997 Folder 2 - Pappas, George & Kay—1997 Folder 3 - Podvey, Robert & Debbie—1997 Folder 4 - Presbyterian Church—1997 Folder 5 - Praccu, Pat-Local 68—1997 Folder 6 - Ramsland—1997 Folder 7 - Robert—1997</p><p>139 Folder 8 - Rogers—1997 Folder 9 - Rogers (children)—1997 Folder 10 - School class—1997 Folder 11 - Senior Citizens Home—1997 Folder 12 - Smith—1997 Folder 13 - “Someone’s” wedding—1997 Folder 14 - Spatola—1997 Folder 15 - Stoll—1997 Folder 16 - Wilderotter—1997 Folder 17 - Yoinov—1997 Folder 18 - Zoino, Jennie—1997 Box 207 - 1998 A-D Folder 1 - Abbott—10/1998 Folder 2 - Afonso—1998 Folder 3 - Angela—6/1998 Folder 4 - Antonecelli, John—7/16/1998 Folder 5 - Bar Mitzvah—1998 Folder 6 - Barrett—1998 Folder 7 - Barry—1998 Folder 8 - Belfonte, Alfonso—1998 Folder 9 - Blanca—1998 Folder 10 - Bob—1998 Folder 11 - Bove—1998 Folder 12 - Bradley, Bill—1998 Folder 13 - Brown—1998 Folder 14 - Checkoowacka—1998 Folder 15 - Crane’s Mill staff—1998 Folder 16 - Cryan—1998 Folder 17 - Delessi—1998 Folder 18 - Desilvas—1998</p><p>140 Box 208 - 1998 E-K Folder 1 - East Hanover Middle School—1998 Folder 2 - Ellen brother-in-law—1998 Folder 3 - Fallick RN—1998 Folder 4 - Farrel, Marquerette--1998 Folder 5 - Ferrara, Mary (Mary Sardo)—1998 Folder 6 - Fishman, Ilene—1998 Folder 7 - Folesco, Marianna—1/29/1998 Folder 8 - Frazza--1998 Folder 9 - Free—1998 Folder 10 - Gallo—1998 Folder 11 - Garamela—11/1998 Folder 12 - Gersman, Henry—1998 Folder 13 - Giblin—1998 Folder 14 - Glasser—1998 Folder 15 - Gotilla—10/1998 Folder 16 - Grey, Dr. Kenneth R.—1998 Folder 17 - Grenci, Anthony & family—1998 Folder 18 - Harrison, Martin—10/1998 Folder 19 - Huff—1998 Folder 20 - Kathy-husband & wife—1998 Folder 21 - Kline & Co.—1998 Folder 22 - Kreskin—1998 Box 209 - 1998 L-P Folder 1 - Linnett Agency—1998 Folder 2 - Lisa baby—1998 Folder 3 - Lozito, Vatito--1998 Folder 4 - Macagnone, Toni—1998 Folder 5 - Macnamara—1998 Folder 6 - Marcy—1998</p><p>141 Folder 7 - McCaffery communion—1998 Folder 8 - McGurk wedding—1998 Folder 9 - Memelaar, Mary Mascharky—1998 Folder 10 - Mirsia, Dr. (“Dr. Indian”)—1998 Folder 11 - Nelson—1998 Folder 12- Nicole – 1998 Folder 13 - North Caldwell Council—9/1998 Folder 14 - North Caldwell picnic—8/1998 Folder 15 - Local 68 Operating Engineers union—1998 Folder 16 - Palermo, Mike—1998 Folder 17 - Picarellio (Pucciariello?)—9/1998 Folder 18 - Pio Costa--1998 Folder 19 - Presbyterian Church confirmation--1998 Box 210 - 1998 R-W Folder 1 - Regan-Roseland—10/1998 Folder 2 - Reiher, Bob—1998 Folder 3 - Richie wedding—12/1998 Folder 4 - Rizzo—1998 Folder 5 - Rogers—1998 Folder 6 - Russel—1998 Folder 7 - School group--1998 Folder 8 - Sherry—1998 Folder 8 - Shine, Anita—1998 Folder 10 - Schiffinhouse communion—1998 Folder 11 - Slowinsky, Barb—1998 Folder 12 - Vincent—1998 Folder 13 - Wachenfeld—9/1998 Folder 14 - Weber—9/1998 Folder 15 - Westville, house of—6/6/1998 Folder 16 - Wilderotter—1998</p><p>142 Folder 17 - Wilson, Don employees—1998 Folder 18 - Wilson, Marcy—1998 Box 211 - 1999 A-G Folder 1 - Antoneslli, Carol—1999 Folder 2 - Baretti—1999 Folder 3 - Benson—8/1999 Folder 4 - Callahan—1999 Folder 5 - Christmas color—1999 Folder 6 - Cole—3/1999 Folder 7 - Cook, Jane-West Caldwell—1999 Folder 8 - Copeland, John—1999 Folder 9 - Coughlin—1999 Folder 10 - Davidson—1999 Folder 11 - Davidson wedding—6/1999 Folder 12 - Democratic chairman—1999 Folder 13 - Durkin—7/1999 Folder 14 - Farrel—1999 Folder 15 - French, Marlene—1999 Folder 16 - Fritz—1999 Folder 17 - Gladstein—1999 Folder 18 - Guarino—1999 Box 212 - 1999 H-Z Folder 1 - Hoffmeyer—1999 Folder 2 - James, Alison—1999 Folder 3 - Lesko—1999 Folder 4 - Lockwood communion—1999 Folder 5 - Lorenzo—3/1999 Folder 6 - Makwski, Greg—1999 Folder 7 - Mee, Steve—1999 Folder 8 - Myron females--1999</p><p>143 Folder 9 - Newark churches by Alice Gibson—11/13/1999 Folder 10 - Norman Bus—1999 Folder 11 - Obrien, Jerry family—1999 Folder 12 - Polenza/Weiss wedding-Ira & Vinissa—1999 Folder 13 - Remington boy—1999 Folder 14 - Rosenburg, Ned—1999 Folder 15 - Taylor, Midge & Jack—1999 Folder 16 - Tichnor—1999 Folder 17 - Winkow family—1999 Folder 18 - Zeha—11/30/1999 Folder 19 - Unidentified resort area--1999</p><p>Box 213 - 2000 B-S Folder 1 - Babbage—2000 Folder 2 - Bell choir, Presbyterian Church—2000 Folder 3 - Bob & Mary—4/20/2000 Folder 4 - Cloverleaf, outside—2000 Folder 5 - Hinkel—2000 Folder 6 - Jensen—2000 Folder 7 - Key Club-Barry—2000 Folder 8 - Leo’s Bank—2000 Folder 9 - Otterbein—2000 Folder 10 - Pheasant/goat—2000 Folder 11 - Plainfield Club—2000 Folder 12 - Redfern—6/2000 Folder 13 - Sheehan confirmation—2000 Box 214 - 2001 A-L Folder 1 - Aircraft carrier—1/11/2001 Folder 2 - Anderson, Bill—2001 Folder 3 - Auda, Nancy & Mike--2001</p><p>144 Folder 4 - Balloons—7/2001 Folder 5 - Barber kids—2001 Folder 6 - Bell ringers, Presbyterian Church—2001 Folder 7 - Birchler—12/2001 Folder 8 - Burgess—2001 Folder 9 - Caldwell Fire, Boonton Home—2001 Folder 10 - Craig—2001 Folder 11 - Crane Christmas—2001 Folder 12 - Dickson—2001 Folder 13 - Farnett—2001 Folder 14 - Garibaldi, Ellen—2001 Folder 15 - Giblin group—2001 Folder 16 - Grenci—2001 Folder 17 - Kelly family—2001 Folder 18 - Lipman Hall, Newark—2001 Folder 19 - Lynch, Jim & Eleanor anniversary—2001 Box 215 - 2001 P-Y Folder 1 - Plainfield Antique camera lecture—10/2001 Folder 2 - Sanchez communion—2001 Folder 3 - Scott—2001 Folder 4 - Simone communion—2001 Folder 5 - Spring—2001 Folder 6 - Synagogue—2001 Folder 7 - Tempesta, Joe (Mayor)—2001 Folder 8 - Toni’s friend, Bloomfield fireman—2001 Folder 9 - Washington School—2001 Folder 10 - Wood, Suzie--2001 Folder 11 - Yarger, Russ—2001 Box 216 - 2002 B-U Folder 1 - Balone family—2002</p><p>145 Folder 2 - Bruce—2002 Folder 3 - Clowns-Bruce & Amy—2002 Folder 4 - cone, Bian family—2002 Folder 5 - Edwards—2002 Folder 6 - Essex Fire (Fells?)—2002 Folder 7 - Essex Fells Police/Roseland First Aid—2002 Folder 8 - Firemen—2002 Folder 9 - Fireworks—2002 Folder 10 - Jill (children)—2002 Folder 11 - Joe’s 3 kids—2002 [These items were taken back by donor 6/2010] Folder 12 - McCabe, John—2002 Folder 13 - Mailman (children)—2002 Folder 14 - Matt—2002 Folder 15 - North, Charles—2002 Folder 16 - Paul—2002 Folder 17 - Robin—2002 Folder 18 - Roseland baptism party--2002 Folder 19 - Rusian—2002 Folder 20 - Shine, Chris family—2002 Folder 21 - Tara (model)--2002 Folder 22 - Unidentified family—2002 Folder 23 - Unidentified family—2002 Folder 24 - Unidentified group—2002 Folder 25 - Unidentified female--2002 Box 217 - 2003 & 2004 Folder 1 - Friendly’s store—10/15/2003 Folder 2 - Marinucio, Paul—2003 Folder 3 - Street Fair, Caldwell—10/6/2003 Folder 4 - Tara—2003 Folder 5 - Fair—2004</p><p>146 Folder 6 - Fairfield July 4th parade--2004 Folder 7 - Grover Cleveland Birthplace party—7/6/2004 Folder 8 - July 4th celebration—7/6/2004 Folder 9 - Scriffignano, Anthony—2004 Folder 10 - UNICO—2004 Folder 11 - Unidentified children—4/15/2004 Folder 12 - Unidentified group—2004 Folder 13 - West Essex High School graduation—2004 Box 218 - A-Be Folder 1 - Adams wedding (prints) Folder 2 - Agudath Israel Nursery school (prints) Folder 3 - Albert & Smiley Memorial (print) Folder 4 - Albetta, Victor (negatives) Folder 5 - Alburg, male (negatives) Folder 6 - American Photographic Historical Society (prints & negatives) Folder 7 - Angerer family (negatives) [These items were taken back by donor 6/2010] Folder 8 - Antonessli couple (negatives) Folder 9 - Balloon festival (prints) Folder 10 - Barria, Jorga family (prints & negatives) Folder 11 - Bartle, Dot house (prints & negatives) Folder 12 - Betchler wedding (negatives) Box 219 - Bi-Bu Folder 1 - Bishop, Patrick family (prints & negatives) Folder 2 - Blake wedding (negatives) Folder 3 - Blanka, Agnes (prints & negatives) Folder 4 - Booth, Jill (prints & negatives) Folder 5 - Braue family (prints & negatives) Folder 6 - Braz children (prints & negatives) Folder 7 - Brooks female (prints & negatives)</p><p>147 Folder 8 - Bruce & Amy (Millburn) (prints & negatives) Folder 9 - Brundige family (prints & negatives) Folder 10 - Buccl, Joan (negatives) Folder 11 - Buechel, Fred family (prints & negatives) Folder 12 - Burdet, Alba communion (print & negatives) Box 220 - C-D Folder 1 - Camera Club event (negatives) Folder 2 - Camera Club meeting (prints & negatives) Folder 3 - Camera swap (prints & negatives) Folder 4 - Catelakos family (prints & negatives) Folder 5 - Cedar Grove synagogue (print & negatives) Folder 6 - Christmas decorations (negatives) Folder 7 - Cole, female (print & negatives) Folder 8 - Collerd family (prints & negatives) [These items were taken back by donor 6/2010] Folder 9 - Copeland, “store manager” (prints & negatives) Folder 10 - Coronado family (prints & negatives) Folder 11 - Coughlin, female communion (negative) Folder 12 - Crosby, male (negatives) Folder 13 - Curley baby (prints & negatives) Folder 14 - Cynthia wedding (prints & negatives) Folder 15 - Daguerreian Society (prints) Folder 16 - Daguerreian Society lecture (prints) Folder 17 - Dancy Funeral Home (prints & negatives) Folder 18 - Dentist, male (prints & negatives) Folder 19 - DiMasi, Gabe (prints & negatives) Folder 20 - Dimeck, Paul family (prints & negatives) Folder 21 - Dombrowski bride (negative) Folder 22 - Donnelly, male (negatives) Folder 23 - Donofrio children (prints & negatives)</p><p>148 Folder 24 - Downey, William, Jr. (prints & negatives) Folder 25 - Dareley family (prints & negatives) Box 221 - E-F Folder 1 - Edgewater Commons Professional Park (prints) Folder 2 - Essex Fells school (negatives) Folder 3 - Falk couple (print & negatives) Folder 4 - Farkas couple (negatives) Folder 5 - Farrell, male communion (prints & negatives) Folder 6 - Fire Parade (prints & negatives) Folder 7 - Fireman-Bloomfield (prints & negatives) Folder 8 - Fireman-Caldwell (prints & negatives) Folder 9 - Firemen-Caldwell (prints & negatives) Folder 10 - Firemen (negatives) Folder 11 - Firemen (negatives) Folder 12 - Fischer couple (prints & negatives) Folder 13 - Flynn children (prints & negatives) Folder 14 - Forest Hills Country club (negatives) Folder 15 - Forsythe couple (prints & negatives) Folder 16 - Frank (party) (negatives) Folder 17 - Fuller family (prints) Box 222 - G-H Folder 1 - Gallo family (negative) Folder 2 - Gam family (prints & negatives) Folder 3 - Gavin children (prints & negatives) Folder 4 - Gervasci, RJ (prints) Folder 5 - Gernstein History expert (negatives) Folder 6 - Giblin Association (prints & negatives) Folder 7 - Gilleck children (print & negatives) Folder 8 - Gonzalez, Claudia family (prints & negatives) Folder 9 - Grant (prints)</p><p>149 Folder 10 - Grenci family (prints & negatives) Folder 11 - Grenci, Tony (prints & negatives) Folder 12 - Hale child (negatives) Folder 13 - Hamilton couple (prints & negatives) Folder 14 - Harper, Bob wedding (prints & negatives) Folder 15 - Helfer, male communion (print & negatives) Folder 16 - Hibernians banner (prints & negatives) Folder 17 - Holleran, Catherine (prints & negatives) Folder 18 - Holleran, female (prints & negatives) Folder 19 - Holt, female (prints & negatives) Folder 20 - House, Big rock (negatives) Folder 21 - House, people, Jack (negatives) Box 223 - I-K Folder 1 - Iadarola, William (prints & negatives) Folder 2 - Iorio, Chirstine (prints & negatives) Folder 3 - Irving Gladstein Commerative Green (prints & negatives) Folder 4 - Jalink, Alphonse (prints) Folder 5 - Janett wedding (negatives) Folder 6 - Jemas Montclair house (prints & negatives) Folder 7 - Jenn chair (color transparencies) Folder 8 - Jersey shore (prints & negatives) Folder 9 - Jillett children (negative) Folder 10 - Jimmee couple (prints & negatives) Folder 11 - Jimmee golf pro (negatives) Folder 12 - Joan, Sister (prints & negatives) Folder 13 - Josephson, female (print & negatives) Folder 14 - Jones, David wedding (prints & negatives) Folder 15 - Kaprilian couple (prints & negatives) Folder 16 - Kathy (prints & negatives) Folder 17 - Kaufman, Jeremy & James (prints & negatives)</p><p>150 Folder 18 - Keimel, Bob (negative) Folder 19 - Kouhch, Amy family (prints & negatives) Folder 20 - Kovak family (prints & negatives) Box 224 - L-M Folder 1 - LaBett wedding (negatives) Folder 2 - Laclare car (prints & negatives) Folder 3 - Lamb family (prints & negatives) Folder 4 - Lana wedding (negatives) Folder 5 - Labraun family (prints & negatives) Folder 6 - Leonard family (print & negatives) Folder 7 - Leslie family (prints & negatives) Folder 8 - Letcho, Sam family (prints & negatives) Folder 9 - Lille | Falls, male (prints) Folder 10 - Linnett wedding (negatives) Folder 11 - Lott family (prints & negatives) Folder 12 - Macagnone child (negatives) Folder 13 - MacConville, Joseph (negatives) Folder 14 - Maloney, John (print) Folder 15 - Mann child (negatives) Folder 16 - Matilda Fleetwood Museum (prints & negatives) Folder 17 - McCabe male (prints & negatives) Folder 18 - McCarthy male communion (prints & negatives) Folder 19 - McDermott female (negative) [These items were taken back by donor 6/2010] Folder 20 - McGovern (?) family (prints & negatives) Folder 21 - McGovern, Denise family (negatives) Folder 22 - Meniger family (prints & negatives) Folder 23 - Messer family (prints & negatives) Folder 24 - Mezzanote staff (prints) Folder 25 - Michelle child (prints & negatives)</p><p>151 Folder 26 - Miscellaneous (studio, flea market, Everett Leonard) (prints & negatives) Folder 27 - Mitch (prints) Folder 28 - Mitchell, male (prints & negatives) Folder 29 - Montclair house walk (prints & negatives) Folder 30 - Montinero, Craig family (print & negatives) Folder 31 - Mountain Sanitarium & Overlook Hospital (prints & negatives) Box 225 - N-P Folder 1 - Nash family (prints & negatives) Folder 2 - Nash, Bill (negatives) Folder 3 - Naylor-Kapprilon, Ed (negatives) Folder 4 - New Jersey, Miss wedding (prints & negatives) Folder 5 - Newark Judge’s chambers (negatives) Folder 6 - Nicastro class, 2 models (prints & negatives) Folder 7 - Nicastro neice, outdoors (negatives) Folder 8 - O’Connor, Donald family (prints & negatives) Folder 9 - Oszmianski, Cynthia wedding (prints & negatives) Folder 10 - Pajonk, female (print & negatives) Folder 11 - Palmieri, Rocco (negatives) Folder 12 - Pat (male) confirmation (prints & negatives) Folder 13 - Paton, males (prints & negatives) Folder 14 - Patruzzi, males (prints & negatives) Folder 15 - Peppie, Marie family (prints & negatives) Folder 16 - Pio Costa, female (prints & negatives) Box 226 - P-S Folder 1 - Pesci, Joe golf event w/ La Salle, Lou (prints & negatives) Folder 2 - Plainfield Picnic camera show (prints & negatives) Folder 3 - Plymouth Rock, Mass. (prints) Folder 4 - Powell, Angela (prints & negatives) Folder 5 - Presbyterian Church group (negatives)</p><p>152 Folder 6 - Presbyterian Church group (negatives) Folder 7 - Presbyterian Church class (print & negatives) Folder 8 - Presbyterian Church graveyard (prints) Folder 9 - Radio, old (prints & negatives) Folder 10 - Remmington, Jennie (print & negatives) Folder 11 - Richard, couple (negative) Folder 12 - Richo group (prints & negatives) Folder 13 - Robin, female (negative) Folder 14 - Rochester camera meeting (prints & negatives) Folder 15 - Rosenberg couple (negative) Folder 16 - Russian family (prints & negatives) Folder 17 - Sanchez, Antonio communion (prints & negatives) Folder 18 - Scagnelli, female communion (prints & negatives) Folder 19 - Schmidt family (prints & negatives) Folder 20 - Schumansky family (prints & negatives) Folder 21 - Shane, male (prints & negatives) Folder 22 - Shaw wedding (negatives) Folder 23 - Shawn, male (prints) Folder 24 - Shine family (prints & negatives) Folder 25 - Skylands (negatives) Folder 26 - Slayman family (prints & negatives) Folder 27 - Soleburg (?) wedding (negatives) Folder 28 - Stoddard, Sara family (prints) Box 227 - T-Z Folder 1 - Tichenor, John family/house (prints & negatives) see box 2 –oversized photos Folder 2 - Twin Towers (World Trade Center) (print & negatives) Folder 3 - Van Mil, Ment (prints & negatives) Folder 4 - Vest Couple (prints & negatives) Folder 5 - VonLengerke (prints & negatives)</p><p>153 Folder 6 - Watkins family (negatives) Folder 7 - Weber family (prints & negatives) Folder 8 - Weinfeld, Ruth (negatives) Folder 9 - Weinfeld, Tara (prints) Folder 10 - West Caldwell politicians (negatives) Folder 11 - White, Burk (print) Folder 12 - Whitehead, Ann (prints & negatives) Folder 13 - Wiese, Kelly (prints & negatives) Folder 14 - Wilson couple (prints & negatives) Folder 15 - Wilson, Cindy wedding (prints & negatives) Folder 16 - Wilson, Donald family (prints & negatives) Folder 17 - Wilson, Mary (negative) Folder 18 - Wilson, Thao (prints & negatives) Folder 19 - Wong, Magai (prints & negatives) Folder 20 - Yogi Berra Museum (prints) Folder 21 – Zelsman, outdoors (prints & negatives) Folder 22 – Zucker, Harvey Photographic Historical Society of N.Y. (prints) [These items were taken back by donor 6/2010] Box 228 Folder 1 - male (prints & negatives) Folder 2 - male with child (prints & negatives) Folder 3 - males (prints & negatives) Folder 4 - Bar mitzvah (prints) with Rabbi Silverstein Folder 5 - female (Nash?) (prints & negatives) Folder 6 - female communion (prints & negatives) Folder 7 - females (prints & negatives) Folder 8 - couple with flowers (prints & negatives) Folder 9 - family (prints & negatives) Folder 10 - family (prints & negatives) Folder 11 - family (prints & negatives)</p><p>154 Folder 12 - group (negatives) Folder 13 - wedding (prints) at Notre Dame Church Folder 14 - group (negatives) Folder 15 - group (negatives) Folder 16 - group (negatives) Folder 17 - group (negatives) Folder 18 - camera group (negatives) Folder 19 - camera group (prints & negatives) Box 229 Folder 1 - house tour (negatives) Folder 2 - house (negatives) Folder 3 - house (negatives) Folder 4 - house (negatives) Folder 5 - house (prints) Folder 6 - building (negatives) Folder 7 - city scene (prints) Folder 8 - waterfront scene (negatives) Folder 9 - foreign trip (negatives) Folder 10 flowers/trolls (prints)</p><p>Subgroup V. Miscellaneous Materials</p><p>Series 30 </p><p>Box 230 – Gene Collerd’s Awards/Certificates</p><p>Folder 1 - The Bridge Silver Celebration Brunch (November 24, 1996) Folder 2 - Caldwell College Presidential Gala (April 27, 1990) Folder 3 - Caldwell/West Caldwell Board of Education Resolution (June 8, 1998)</p><p>155 Folder 4 - Caldwell-West Essex Kiwanis Club Legion of Honor Folder 5 - The Giblin Association 45th Anniversary Dinner-Dance (November 21, 1999) Folder 6 - West Essex Board of Realtors (January 18, 1986) Folder 7 - West Essex Chamber of Commerce (June 12, 1986) Folder 8 - West Essex Chamber of Commerce “Citizen of the Year” poster of Gene Folder 9 - Letters & cards to sent to Gene on the occasion of being named “Citizen of the Year” Folder 10 - West Essex Chamber of Commerce Certificate of Membership (1973)</p><p>Box 231 – Gene’s 90th Birthday Party </p><p>Folder 1 - Party invitation and memento (June 1, 2003) Folder 2 - Guest Registers from Birthday Party Folder 3 - Letters/Cards sent to Gene for his birthday</p><p>Box 232 – Camera/Photography and Related Papers</p><p>Folder 1 - Newspaper & journal articles as well as advertisements Folder 2 - Assorted articles & equipment information, as well as some photographs Folder 3 - Photographic Historical Society of New York – photographs Folder 4 - Photographic Historical Society of New York – papers Folder 5 - “Photographica” magazine (Photographic Historical Society of New York) Folder 6 - American Photographic Historical Society Folder 7 - Miscellaneous items Folder 8 - Various items in folder box (such as sleeves, photolist of Roberts G. Pins, exhibit flyer from “the Spira Collection”) Folder 9 - VHS – “George Eastman for Gene” Folder 10 - 14 Pembridge Cresent, Notting Hill Gate W. Folder 11 – J Lett Photo Dealer (photograph of store front & letter 1960)</p><p>Box 233 – Gene’s Miscellaneous Papers</p><p>Folder 1 - “Along the Old Road” by Al Harris [Claremont Avenue used to be known as the “Old Road”] Folder 2 - Borough of Caldwell correspondence and certificates (includes List of Mayors of Caldwell from 1892 to 2002) Folder 3 - Christine Davis (5/24/1899 to 2/5/2004)</p><p>156 Folder 4 - Gene Collerd Photographer – studio related Folder 5 - Congregation Agudath Israel (Community List/Calendar 1977) Folder 6 - Letters & Cards sent to Gene Folder 7 - Misc. Folder 8 - National Railway Historical Society “Block Line” (June & Summer 1982) Folder 9 - The Progress Folder 10 - Sesquicentennial of Grover Cleveland (March 21 & 22, 1987) Folder 11 - West Caldwell Centennial (2004) – notes related to Recreation Department Folder 12 - West Caldwell Diamond Jubilee (1904-1979) Folder 13 - Articles on Gene Collerd Folder 14 – Framed picture of Archie Cowart,Jr. “Photographer/35 Campbell Avenue/Caldwell, New Jersey – placed in separate box # 233A</p><p>Box 234 – Photographs of Gene Collerd </p><p>Folder 1 – Gene Collerd (alone) [These items were taken back by donor 6/2010] Folder 2 – Gene (and couples) Folder 3 – Gene (and groups) Folder 4 – Gene (and men) Folder 5 – Gene (and women) Folder 6 – Gene (at physical rehabilitation) Folder 7 – Gene (oversize photographs) Folder 8 – Kathryn Collerd Folder 9 – Gene Collerd Family (prints & negatives) [These items were taken back by donor 6/2010] Folder 10 – Albuquerque, New Mexico Collerd vacation--1992 Folder 11` – Gene Collerd (silhouette)</p><p>Box 235 - Photographs of Gene Collerd with Various Organizations</p><p>Folder 1 - Gene & Caldwell/West Caldwell Board of Education Folder 2 - Gene & Caldwell Fire Department Folder 3 – Gene & Caldwell Town Council Folder 4 – Gene & Photography/Photography Groups Folder 5 – Gene & Essex Fells Fire Department Folder 6 – Gene & Giblin Association</p><p>157 Folder 7 – Gene & Kiwanis Club Folder 8 – Gene (alone or with Kathryn) & NJ Governors (alone or with their wives) Folder 9 – Gene & The Progress colleagues Folder 10 – Gene & The Rotary Club Folder 11 – Gene Collerd’s studio Folder 12 – Gene & Unico Folder 13 – Gene & West Essex Chamber of Commerce</p><p>Box 236 - Personal Memorabilia Folder 1 – Kiwanis pins/Life Member card Folder 2 – Police/Sheriff ID/membership cards Folder 3 – Rotary pin, miscellaneous badges Folder 4 – Fire Department badges [These items were given to Sam Kent for the Caldwell Fire Department 1/7/2010] Folder 5 – “Press” badges Folder 6 – “Photographer” signs Folder 7 – “Gene Collard” match books Folder 8 – Booklet & stamps—225th anniversary pageant-Caldwell Folder 9 – Undeveloped glass plates—3 Folder 10 – Plaque “On the occasion of the Caldwell College Presidential Gala, the President’s Award is presented to Gene Collerd in recognition of accomplishments in the art of photography and service to the local community, April 27, 1990 – placed in separate box # 236A (oversize)</p><p>Box 237 - Assorted Rubber Stamps and Lithographic Plates</p><p>Series 31 Box 238 Folder 1 - Original Mounted Photograph of “Avenue A, New York City, 1870” Folder 2- C.W. Leavitt & Co. correspondence Folder 3 - C.W. Leavitt & Co. correspondence Folder 4- C.W. Leavitt & Co. correspondence Folder 5- C.W. Leavitt & Co. Russian letter Folder 6 - Pusey & Jones Co. Paddle Wheeler—Wilmington, Delaware (photograph) Folder 7 - Morris Canal Company Stock Certificate and Miscellaneous Papers, Receipts,etc.</p><p>158 Folder 8 - Morse family letters [These items were taken back by donor 6/2010] Folder 9 - Montclair, New Jersey—Papers and Clippings Folder 10 -Manuscript Survey of John Cummings Property, 1806-Survey by John Dodd. Folder 11 - Pamphlets--Miscellaneous Folder 12 -Business Handbills Motion Pictures—1917/Sears, Roebuck Letter Folder 13-Lattin/Holmes Family History and Genealogy Folder 14– Miscellaneous Receipts of the Edward E. and William F. Cone Company Folder 15 – Photographs of the fire damaged ocean liner, USS Morro Castle, 1934 </p><p>OVERSIZED BOXES</p><p>Series 3 – Greater Caldwell Communities</p><p>Box OS 1 Folder 1 - Aerial Views of Caldwell Folder 2 - Caldwell Fire Department Folder 3 - Caldwell Police Folder 4 – Caldwell Folder 5 - Old Caldwell Folder 6 - Caldwell High School Athletes Folder 7 - North Caldwell Folder 8 - West Caldwell Folder 9 - Essex Fells Folder 10 - Pine Brook Folder 11 - Roseland Folder 12 - Mount St. Dominic Folder 13 - Singac-Little Falls Folder 14 - Allaire State Park Folder 15 - Moravian Inn Folder 16 – Spear Oil Co. Fire </p><p>Box OS 2 Folder 1 - Asterino Folder 2 - Class Reunion Folder 3 - Collerd, Gene [These items were taken back by donor 6/2010] Folder 4 - Fairfield Airport Protest</p><p>159 Folder 5 - Farrington Color Paintings of West Caldwell for Diamond Jubilee Folder 6 - Flynn, Carol Ann Folder 7 - GCHS Reunion Class of 1940, 50th Reunion, 1991 Folder 8 - Golf Events Folder 9 - Hippodrome Folder 10 - Overbrook Mental Hospital/Essex Mountain Sanitarium Folder 11 - Park Theatre Fire Folder 12 - Peck Family Tree Folder 13 - Posters Folder 14 - The Progress Folder 15 - Speer Company Fuel Tank Fire Folder 16 - Street Fair Folder 17 - West Essex First Night Folder 18 - J. Tichenor Photography </p><p>Box OS 3 - Caldwell related Folder 1 – Bloomfield Avenue Folder 2 – Grover Cleveland Birthplace Folder 3 – Joe Piscopo Folder 4 – Map Caldwell Township Folder 5 – Men Folder 6 – National Bank Folder 7 – Caldwell Feed Store Folder 8 – Unidentified woman Folder 9 – Poster for charity football game Komets Club vs Cedar Grove A.C. Folder 10 – Poster for political meeting regarding Caldwell Trolley Road Folder 11 – Paper sign: Gene Collerd Photographer Folder 12 – Poster: “Paul Strand at work” by Morris Engel Folder 13 - Kiwanis Kapers—matted Framed picture of Kiwanis Kapers</p><p>Box OS 4 Folder 1 - Kiwanis Club—1937 Folder 2 - Caldwell Sewer Treatment Plant Folder 3 - David Cowell’s house (little house behind store) Folder 4 - Crane’s Mill Folder 5 - Roseland Town Hall Folder 6 - Baldwin House, Nob Hill, North Caldwell</p><p>160 Folder 7 - County of Essex Proclamation Folder 8 - Sundance Lodge—1958 Folder 9 - Miss New Jersey (photos and booklet)</p><p>SERIES 21</p><p>Box OS 5 Folder 1 - Women Folder 2 – Women (older images) Folder 3 - Children Folder 4 – Animals</p><p>Box OS 6 Folder 1 – Men Folder 2 – Couples Folder 3 – Groups Folder 4 - Groups </p><p>Box OS 7 Folder 1 - Events Folder 2 - Buildings Folder 3 - Snow scenes Folder 4 - Flowers Folder 5 - Rooms Folder 6 - Christmas trees Folder 7 – Objects</p><p>Box OS 8 [This entire box was taken back by donor 6/2010] Folder 1 – Italian-American party (?) Folder 2 – Young male Folder 3 – Unidentified male Folder 4 – Unidentified couple Folder 5 – Panoramic street scene Folder 6 – Unidentified house Folder 7 - Unidentified house</p><p>161 Folder 8 - Unidentified house Folder 9 – Water scene</p><p>Box OS 9 Three framed photographs of unidentified houses</p><p>Series 31</p><p>Box OS 10 Folder 1 – Caldwell—Miscellaneous papers, indentures (1843), handbills, etc. Folder 2 – Essex County Mutual Insurance Company manuscript, April 5, 1865? Folder 3 – Map of Caldwell District before the Revolution, published on December 20, 1912 Folder 4 – Calendar for E.E. Liming—Select Grocer, 1912 Folder 5 – Caldwell News Newspaper, February 14, 1903</p><p>Series 30</p><p>Box OS 11</p><p>Framed picture of Archie Cowart, Jr. “Photographer/35 Campbell Avenue/Caldwell, New Jersey </p><p>Plaque “On the occasion of the Caldwell College Presidential Gala, the President’s Award is presented to Gene Collerd in recognition of accomplishments in the art of photography and service to the local community, April 27, 1990 </p><p>Unboxed: Wooden sign: “Gene Collerd Camera Collector” Large colored diagram of Caldwell, N.J. with businesses identified (1985)</p><p>Two long pictures of motorcycle groups (one dated 1919)</p><p>162</p>

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