<p>Math 116 - Daily log – Read on a daily basis – SAVE PAPER - DO NOT PRINT Current day is on the top of this document – scroll down to see earlier days </p><p>Friday 12/9/11 We reviewed for the final exam NOTICE: on the last cell of the first row there are two new documents: Very important: The study guide lists the topics to study Study Guide for Final Exam I will provide the formulas paper the day of the final Formulas I will also provide the z- and the t-tables Study all exams and practice solving the examples of the books (the ones with solutions) Or the problems from my website that have solutions You can also solve the final review that is in my website The test has 12 problems with many parts each. A total of 8 pages (plan on 15 minutes for page) There are a few multiple choice questions Others where you show work to get solutions Other with results in which you will have to interpret If you have any questions you can e-mail me during the weekend HAPPY STUDYING!!!!</p><p>This is my schedule for next week: Wednesday Monday 12/12 Tuesday 12/13 12/14 Thursday 12/15 8:00-10:00 8:00 - 10:00 8:00-10:00 FINAL EXAM FINAL EXAM FINAL EXAM 8:30 - 9:30 MA 116 SW 114B MA 097- SW 105 MA 116 SW 105 OFFICE - SW 007</p><p>10:15-12:15 10:15 - 12:00 10:15 - 12:00 10:15 - 12:00 FINAL EXAM OFFICE - SW 007 OFFICE - SW 007 OFFICE - SW 007 MA 097-SW 010</p><p>12:30 - 2:30 FINAL EXAM MA 180-SW 134 </p><p>Wednesday 12/7/11 To study for the final exam re-do all exams. Solve some of the problems that are in my website and have solutions If you want, solve the final review which is in my website</p><p> Read the following documents that have interpretations: Ch. 14 - CI - Length Solutions - Read Interpretations (2nd page) Matched pairs – diet problem - Ch. 17 - Diet Problem - Solutions This refers to problems from exam 3: Ch. 17 - After test 3 assignment - Written comments Ch. 14 - CI & HT Interpretations – Solutions Ch. 14 - CI - Length Solutions - Read Interpretations (2nd page)</p><p> This Friday we have a class and I will be answering the questions you have. If you prefer to stay at home to study, you will not be counted absent.</p><p> This Friday, read the daily log. Once I write the final exam I will give you more details.</p><p>FINAL EXAMS: STUDY chapters: 3, 4, 5, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20 Monday December 12: from 8 to 10 am, (8 am class) in the regular classroom Wednesday December 14: from 8 to 10 am for the 9 am class in the regular classroom You can’t use notes on the final exam I will provide a paper with the formulas and the charts (z and t) PLEASE, DO NOT MISS THE FINAL EXAM – NO MAKE UPS WILL BE GIVEN!!!!</p><p>Friday 12/1/11 We had our last exam Study for the final exam. Use the final review from my website (it is on the last cell of the first row) and solve the problems on the first 4 pages. (Check your answers with the ones listed at the end of the document.</p><p>Wednesday 11/30/11 We covered sample size (chapter 19 - it will also be on the test) Individual work - part of the test – 15 minutes - STATS @WORK –Which Method to Use?</p><p> The rest of the test will be Friday 12/2 - chapters 17, 18, 19, 20 – chapter 15 (sample size for means) will also be included in this test Bring ½ page of notes one sided only</p><p> The solutions to the last handout have been posted in my website on the chapter 19-20 block Ch-14-20-HT-CI-Mix</p><p> Also, check the document More - Mixed (in the same cell)</p><p> On Friday, after the test, check the daily log. There will be an assignment due on Monday 12/5</p><p> I am still writing the test and I am considering having a problem that has a long introduction. If I end up including this problem in the test I WILL E-MAIL YOU the introduction tomorrow after 5 pm. Think about the situation and what test will be appropriate to use in that situation. On the test I will give you the rest of the story and the numbers. If I don’t include the problem on the test I will also e-mail you saying that the problem is not in the test.</p><p>Monday 11/28/11 We discussed the last problem of the handout Ch. 19-20 Problems We started a new handout which you should complete by Wednesday Listen to the chapters 17, 18, 19, 20 - STATS @WORK –Which Method to Use? This Wednesday there will be some multiple choice questions in reference to this STATS@WORK assignment. It will be part of your test Exam 4 will be on Friday December 2: chapters 17, 18, 19, 20 Next week we will work on chapter 22 and on the final review</p><p>Monday 11/21/11 We solved one problem from the Ch. 19-20 Problems handout We also covered chapter 20 – we did one problem in class. Complete the other problem about vasectomies and prostate cancer and check with the solutions document which is in the chapter 19-20 block in my website Study chapters 19 and 20 and read all documents in the chapter 19-20 block</p><p> In chapter 20, read the examples in the book: 20.1, 20.2 (do it with the calculator and check your results ignoring the formulas that they are using to get the results) Do problem 20.17 in the book</p><p> NEXT TEST on chapters 17 (matched pairs), 18, 19, 20, and may be 22(???) has been moved up to Friday Dec. 2 STUDY these chapters by reviewing your notes and all the documents posted online. Most of them have solutions You can bring ½ page of notes (one sided only) to the test. I will provide the tables and the formulas</p><p>HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!</p><p>Friday Notice that in the chapter 18 block of the website we have the solutions to the document that you got last class. Review the answers in comparison to your work. If there are any mistakes in the answers, let me know. Chapters 14, 15, 17, 18 - Some solutions</p><p> We covered chapter 19 - proportions (the procedures done today are similar to the procedures done for x-bar in chapters 11 and 14) Keep up with the STATS PORTAL assignments of this chapter. READ THE SOLUTIONS to the documents Ch. 19-20 - Acct Qualifying Exams Ch. 19-20 - Cable TV These documents will help you in solving the 3 problems from the front of the handout that you got today in class. The handout is found in my website: Ch. 19-20 Problems Next Monday we will cover chapter 20 – please, do not miss classes. Next Wednesday there will be no class Explore all the following documents. Some have solved problems!!! PLEASE, READ THEM and use them to study Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Ch. 19 - Stat Tutor Summary Summary Ch. 19 - Stat Tutor - CI Ch. 19-20 Problems Ch. 19-20 - Acct Qualifying Exams Ch. 19-20 - Cable TV</p><p> NEXT TEST on chapters 17 (matched pairs), 18, 19, 20, and 22 has been moved up to Friday December 2</p><p>Wednesday Check the solutions to the DIET problem online in the block for chapter 17: Ch. 17 - Diet Problem Solutions STATS PORTAL work only on chapter 18 I gave you a handout mixing chapters 14, 15, 17, 18. Solve the problems and bring questions next class. It’s important to know all procedures about means very well before moving to PROPORTIONS which starts next class (chapter 19). If you missed class, this document is in the website, in the chapter 18 block </p><p>Monday 11/14/11 We talked about the assignment that I returned In reference to this assignment: PRINT the document: Ch. 17 - After test 3 assignment (Written comments) which is in the chapter 17 block. READ and PRACTICE writing essays based on the HT and CI results. On the final exam you will have to write an essay interpreting results of HT and CI.</p><p> I collected the diet problem – we’ll discuss it next class.</p><p> Finish problem 2 on the document: Ch. 17 - Matched Pairs - Problems (due next class). We started this problem on Friday last week.</p><p> We covered chapter 18. We will not use the formulas for the problems on this chapter. We will get the results with the calculator and then give the conclusions. We did problem 1 of the document: Chapter 18 - Problems in the chapter 18 block. Finish the second problem which is due next class</p><p> Read all solved problems shown on my website. Read all examples in the book. </p><p> Listen to the assigned STATS TUTOR for chapter 18 – there is a summary on my website. Even though the formulas are shown on the summary, we will not use them in the class. Solve the same problems with the calculator and compare the answers. What is important is what the results tell you in reference to the claims!!</p><p> Check later on to see if there are more STATS PORTAL assignments for the chapter – I have not had time to do that yet!</p><p> Get into the e- Friday 11/11/11 We covered matched pairs Listen to STATS TUTOR – matched pairs (take note on the given examples, make sure you understand them) Review the STATS TUTOR with the document in my website: Ch. 17 - Stat Tutor- Matched Pairs Read the book: example 17.4, page 455 and solve 17.11 and 17.12 in the book Read the solved problems: Ch. 17 - Systolic Blood Pressure Ch. 17 - SAT Verbal Matched Pairs Matched Pairs For exam 4 For exam 4 If we did not finished the document Ch. 17 - Matched Pairs - Problems, complete it for next class Due next Monday: DIET problem (given out in class) or copied below for the students who missed class:</p><p>Math 116 – Matched pairs – Chapter 17 - Show work on another paper – due 11/14/11</p><p>The table below shows the weights of seven subjects before and after following a particular diet for two months.</p><p>Part 1) Using a 0.01 level of significance, test the claim that the diet is effective in reducing weight. Part 2) Construct a 98% confidence interval estimate for the mean difference in weights.</p><p>BEFORE answering questions, do all of the following:</p><p>(1) Can we use t-procedures? Let’s THINK ABOUT assumptions a) Some important information about HOW the sample was selected is missing. Rephrase the problem to include this important information.</p><p> b) Since the sample size is small, what are the necessary conditions about the shape of the sample? (check on ROBUSTNESS, chapter 17)</p><p> c) Checking shape of the “before – after” data Enter data into L1 and L2 in the calculator, and produce the list L3 = BEFORE – AFTER Construct a normal probability plot for the BEFORE – AFTER data. Do you get an approximately linear graph?</p><p>(2) Use the 1-var-Stats feature to find the relevant statistics of the “before – after” data (which is in L3)</p><p>(3) Now answer question from part (1) - Using a 0.01 level of significance, test the claim that the diet is effective in reducing weight. Use the calculator to test the hypothesis. Make sure you o Write the hypotheses o Sketch graph, shade and label o Use a feature of the calculator to obtain the results o Write the results o Write conclusion within context. </p><p>(4) Now answer question from part (2) - Construct a 98% confidence interval estimate for the mean difference in weights. Use the calculator to obtain the interval o Write results o Explain what the results suggest in reference to the claim that the diet is effective in reducing weight</p><p>(5) Using formulas – Just for fun Use formulas to find the test statistic and use the t-table to find the range for the p-value Use formulas to obtain the interval</p><p>(6) Explain meaning of p-value (read the solution documents from my website for similar interpretations) Explain meaning of interval (read the solution documents from my website for similar interpretations)</p><p>Wednesday 11/9/11 I have e-mailed you the assignment that is due next class</p><p>Monday 11/7/11 The test on chapters 11, 14, 15, 17 (not including matched pairs) will be Wednesday next week (11/9) To the test, you can bring ONE-HALF PAGE ONE SIDE ONLY with notes. We reviewed for the test Answers to chapters 15 and 17 take home are below: Ch15: 1-c, 2-a, 3-a, 4-d, 5-b, 6-c, 7-c Ch17: 1-a, 2-d, 3-b, 4-c, 3-c, 5-b, 7-c, 8-a, 9-c, 10-a, 11-d, 12-a Study all handouts There will be an assignment due this Friday. Check the daily log on Wednesday.</p><p>Friday 11/4/11 The test on chapters 11, 14, 15, 17 (not including matched pairs) will be Wednesday next week (11/9) To the test, you can bring ONE-HALF PAGE ONE SIDE ONLY with notes. Assignment on matched pairs will be due Friday next week – after the test on Wednesday, check daily log for assignment due on 11/11/11 We did a problem on chapter 17 – see below We went over the graded take home quiz (the one with the graph) You got a HOUT, complete it to discuss it on Monday There is a new assignment in STATS PORTAL about the p-value (chapter 14) The solutions to the HOUT Ch. 14 - CI & HT Interpretations-Solution are in the website STUDY ALL HANDOUTS – our test will be similar to them!! there will be one problem where you test a hypothesis and show all work (with a z or t), one with confidence intervals and show all work (with a z or t), interpretations and then many short problems similar to the HOUTS </p><p>Here is a chapter 17 problem 1) Alcohol appears to be involved in a variety of birth defects, including low birth weight and retarded growth. A researcher would like to investigate the effect of prenatal alcohol on birth weight. A random sample of n = 16 pregnant rats is obtained. The mother rats are given daily doses of alcohol. At birth, one pup is selected at random from each litter to produce a sample of n = 16 newborn rats. The average weight for the sample is 15 grams and the standard deviation is 4. The researcher would like to compare the sample with the general population of rats. It is known that regular newborn rats (no exposed to alcohol) have an average weight of mu = 18 grams. Use alpha = 0.05 (5% risk of saying that alcohol produces effect when in fact it does not)</p><p> a) Think about the conditions that should be met in order to conduct HT and CI procedures with the methods learned in class b) Write the relevant statistics using proper notation c) State the hypotheses. Explain your choice. d) Will you use a z-test or a t-test? e) Set the decision criteria by locating the critical region. f) The critical region is determined by sample values that are very unlikely if the null hypothesis is true. g) Run the test in the calculator and give results h) Write conclusion within context i) Use formulas to review procedures j) Construct a 90% confidence interval estimate for the mean birth weight of the pups whose mothers have been exposed to alcohol. k) Do the results coincide with the HT results?</p><p>Wednesday 11/2/11 Here is what we covered ERRORS chapter 15 Interpretations document Chapter 17 – t scores</p><p> READ chapter 17 about confidence intervals and hypothesis testing with the t-distribution up to MATCHED PAIRS Keep up with STATS PORTAL The test on chapters 11, 14, 15, 17 will be Wednesday next week</p><p>READ the examples in the book and compare with the z-procedures to convince yourself that procedures are the same, we just use a t-score instead of a z-score. o Read example 17.2 (page 447) and compare with example 14.3 on (page 366) . Write the interval constructed on page 366 . Write the interval constructed on page 447 . Compare the z-interval and the t-interval – what is the same, what is different? . Which one is longer, (less precise), the z-interval or the t-interval? o Write in your paper the formulas used to find confidence intervals: . Using z . Using t . Write the format, with words, as shown on page 448 o Read example 17.3 (page 450) and compare with example 14.5 (page 369) which continues in example 14.7 (page 374) . Write the results to example 14.7 . Write the results to example 17.3 . What is the same, what is different? . Are the conclusions to the hypothesis testing process the same?</p><p>Monday 10/31/11 We did one problem on chapter 14 o Construct confidence interval o Test hypothesis o Determine the sample size for a smaller margin of error (this is in chapter 15) Study for a quiz on chapter 14 Complete the HOUT given out in class – a copy of the HOUT can be found in my website for those who missed class Keep working on the TAHE HOME CHAPTER 14 and bring questions to class</p><p>This is the plan for Wednesday 11/2 Talk about interpretations Ch. 14 - CI & HT Interpretations, Finish chapter 15 (there is one topic left on ERRORS in HT) Start with chapter 17 – NOTICE that chapter 17 is exactly the same as chapter 14 with a slight variation – if you know chapter 14, it will be VERY EASY, otherwise, it will be another nightmare </p><p>Friday 10/28/2011 We finished with HT Due next class: Complete the back of the HOUT from last class HYPOTHESIS TESTING CONCEPTS– (we finished the front in class today). Complete the back pate (it has a graph on it) Finish with the chapter 14 STATS PORTAL Complete the HOUT given out in class: TAKE HOME CHAPTER 14 (28 multiple choice questions – bring your ????? to class) Practice solving hypothesis testing problems (see the samples in my website and the solved examples in the book) Practice solving confidence interval problems (see the samples in my website and the solved examples in the book) In chapter 15 – read about lengths of intervals, how to affect it by changing the confidence levels or the sample size – we have done this in class PRINT the document: Ch. 14 - CI & HT Interpretations, we’ll work on this on Monday At the end of Monday’s class we’ll have a quiz on testing hypothesis and constructing confidence intervals</p><p>Wednesday I collected the paper on confidence intervals that you started last class We discussed the paper on critical z values (for hypothesis testing) We discussed the paper on the length of the interval (this is in chapter 15) From the handout that we started last class, Ch. 14 - Hypothesis Testing, we finished discussing the story related to page 2. On the same handout, complete page 1, and read the examples in the book related to those numbers: example 14.5, page 369 and 14.7 on page 374 We have finished chapter 14 – this Friday we’ll do problems on hypothesis testing</p><p> Listen to the STAT TUTOR sections for Hypothesis testing to understand the procedure READ the HT documents from my website. It will help you in understanding the procedure Ch. 14 - Systolic Blood Pressure - HT Ch. 14 - SAT Verbal - HT Ch. 14 - CI & HT - PH Level Start working on the take home for chapter 14 that I gave you last class. We’ll discuss some of it this on Friday</p><p></p><p>Monday 10/24/11 We started three one-page handouts in class – complete them at home to turn them in next class You also got a TAKE HOME for chapter 14 – start answering the questions. We will go over them during the next two classes We started the document from my website: Ch. 14 - Hypothesis Testing - Introduction - o We completed page 2, complete page 1, read page 4 that has the story of all the numbers from pages 1 and 2 – the rest will be done in class Keep up with the STATS PORTAL Our next test on chapters 11, 14, 15, 17 is on 11/7 – keep up with the material!!! In the website THERE ARE MANY DOCUMENTS WITH SOLUTIONS – practice by solving the problems on your own and then compare with the given solutions – if your find mistakes, please, let me know!!</p><p>Friday 10/21/11 Study constructing confidence intervals and interpretations The quiz will be in constructing the intervals Refer to the book examples up to “The reasoning of tests of significance” on page 368 Refer to my documents in confidence intervals in the website Ch. 14 - Confidence Interval Ch. 14 - Systolic Blood Pressure - CI Ch. 14 - SAT Verbal - CI Ch. 14 - CI - Length & Interpretations Ch. 14 - CI & HT - PH Level - do the part of confidence intervals only Practice constructing intervals by hand and with the calculator: go to STATS, go to TESTS, and select 7. Practice with DATA and with STATS Print Ch. 14 - Hypothesis Testing Introduction – we will work on this on Monday</p><p>Wednesday 10/19/11 We had a quiz on probability We started chapter 14 and covered up to “The reasoning of tests of significance” on page 368 Keep up with the stats portal and read the examples in the book There are many new documents for chapter 14 in the website. o Three sections of STATS TUTOR to review after you watch the videos in the Portal o Complete the document: Ch. 14 - Confidence Interval o The other 3 documents on CI (confidence intervals) have worked out examples – if you find mistakes, please, e-mail me Quiz next time: constructing a confidence interval</p><p>Chapter 14 Ch. 14 - Stat Tutor Ch. 14 - Stat Tutor Ch. 14 - Stat Tutor Study Guide Introduction Reasoning Margin of Error & Conf. Level Ch. 14 - Confidence Interval Ch. 14 - Systolic Blood Ch. 14 - SAT Ch. 14 - CI & HT Ch. 14 - CI - Length & Pressure - CI Verbal - CI Interpretations Interpretations Ch. 14 - Hypothesis Testing Ch. 14 - Systolic Blood Ch. 14 - SAT Ch. 14 - CI & HT - PH Introduction Pressure - HT Verbal - HT Level </p><p>Math Club Review Session!</p><p>Getting ready for the Exams? Are you in a Math mood yet?</p><p>Come and get [free tutoring]n </p><p>When? Friday 10/21/2011</p><p>Where? SW40</p><p>Time? 4:30 - 6:00 pm Monday 10/17/11 We had a quiz We started a multiple choice work on chapter 11 – finish and bring questions to class Next class, the quiz will be at the beginning of the class. it will be about probabilities in the x-bar distribution – read the ch. 11 documents from my website that have similar problems Finish what we started in class: we found the z-scores that separate the middle 90% of a normal distribution. Do the same finding the z-scores that separate the middle 95% and the middle 99% - we need that for chapter 14 which we’ll start next class.</p><p>Friday 10/14/11 We finished chapter 11 Complete STATS PORTAL assignments on chapter 11 Monday: I will give you the quiz that we were supposed to do today and the new quiz on finding probabilities in the x-bar distribution. (I will not ask for now to say what the results may imply) Check my website: o The Chapter 11 practice o Check these documents that have worked out problems Ch. 11 - Head circumference Ch. 11 - Systolic Blood Pressure Ch. 11 - SAT Verbal o Also, check the solutions to the volumes of coke that we did in class (2nd page). Read the comments at the end to see if you understand what the results may tell you about population means.</p><p>Wednesday 10/12/11 We covered chapter 11 up to and not including example 11.8 on page 305 If you did not understand the class – listen to the Chapter 11 STAT TUTOR (3rd) again There is a STAT TUTOR summary in my website – chapter 11 row Some STAT TUTOR assignments are due soon – check them out Go through the power point presentation of my SIMULATION TALK (my website – chapter 11 row) There will be a quiz in what we covered in class: for a given population with a given mean and standard deviation, describe the distribution of sample means for samples of size n. That is, give the shape, mean and standard error for the x-bar distribution for samples of size n. The quiz will be similar to problems 1, 2, and 3 of the Chapter 11 Practice Hout from my website ASSIGNMENT DUE NEXT CLASS: from the Volumes of Coke handout given out in class do: Problem 1-a; 1-b (this is chapter 3 material – similar to the test question on chapter 3); and 1-c DO THIS on another paper to turn in at the beginning of the class – I will grade this paper. In class we will work with 1-d and with problem 2</p><p>Monday 10/10/11 We had our second exam ASSIGNMENT due Wednesday 10/12 – scroll down to the NEXT page of this document to find the assignment! If you do not want to print the assignment page, you can use your own paper. SCROLL DOWN TO THE NEXT PAGE </p><p>Math 116 – Assignment due on Wednesday 10/12 Name______STATS PORTAL ASSIGNMENTS – due by 6 am on Wednesday: 1) Listen to STATS TUTOR: Parameter and Statistics. On the back of this paper, explain the following: a) Explain the difference between the two terms and give an example.</p><p>2) Listen to STATS TUTOR: the Law of Large Numbers. On the back of this paper, explain the following: a) Statistical inference, what does it mean? b) Law of large numbers, what does it mean? 3) Listen to STATS TUTOR: the Sampling Distribution of x-bar. On the back of this paper, explain the following: a) In your own words, what does the Sampling Distribution of x-bar mean?</p><p>SIMULATION ASSIGNMENT – In class, last Friday, we did some simulations If you do not understand, please get help! Go to the MSC or come to my office before next class.</p><p>PART 1: Simulate rolling a die twice, write the obtained outcomes, and find the mean of those outcomes. Do this process 10 times and record the results in the table.</p><p>Press MATH, go to PRB, select 5:randInt( randInt(1,6) press ENTER twice. Those will be the outcomes rolled Example, if I roll a 4 and a 5, the mean will be (4+5)/2 = 4.5 Do this process 10 times and record the results in the table:</p><p>Outcomes rolled Mean of the outcomes Outcomes rolled Mean of the outcomes 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10</p><p>PART 2: Simulate rolling a die five times, write the obtained outcomes, and find the mean of those outcomes. Do this process 10 times and record the results in the table.</p><p>Press MATH, go to PRB, select 5:randInt( randInt(1,6) press ENTER five times. Those will be the outcomes rolled Example, if I roll a 4, 5, 4, 3, 6, the mean will be (4+5+4+3+6)/5 = 4.4 Do this process 10 times and record the results in the table:</p><p>Outcomes rolled Mean of the outcomes Outcomes rolled Mean of the outcomes 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10</p><p>During Wednesday’s class, we will use your results to talk about the distribution of sample means.</p>
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