<p> SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE SCHOOL OF NURSING SON Distance Education Committee minutes DRAFT Presiding: Jennifer Ortiz/Susan McCabe Date: March 4, 2008 1:30 pm Present: Lisa Aymong, Susan McCabe, Jennifer Ortiz, Jill Thornton, Helene Winstanley, TOPIC DISCUSSION DECISION Announcements</p><p>Email address The DE (Distance education) committee has Faculty made aware been provided with a mailbox to receive inquiries and conduct committee work. The address and password is as follows:</p><p>Username: SONdistanceed Password: disted</p><p>Meeting dates Distance ed committee meetings will be Faculty made aware held on April 1st and May 6th at the Ammerman campus, RM 115 at 1:30 pm Mission and vision Faculty reviewed the mission and vision Faculty agreed on the attached worksheet (see appendix A) Discussion mission, vision and plan statement followed.</p><p>Subcommittee Faculty discussed the importance of Faculty agreed to develop plans for organization and achieving committee outcomes through each subcommittee and report on membership subcommittee design that would focus on progress as necessary. achieving elements of each point in the strategic plan. Committee members volunteered to chair subcommittees and recruit members as needed to achieve goals. The subcommittees identified are as follows: Mentoring committee: chaired by J. Ortiz to assist faculty in developing and implementing DE proposals Assessment Committee: chaired by Lisa Aymong to design surveys and conduct research to assess faculty and students readiness for DE Resource committee: chaired by Helene Winstanley and Susan McCabe to obtain resources for faculty and student development in DE. Evaluation Committee: chaired by Jill Thornton and C Shaffer to evaluate education effectiveness of DE offerings.</p><p>NR 23 revision Faculty discussed the status of the NR 23 Faculty agreed to follow the FAS </p><p>- 1 - hybrid proposal. The proposal approved in recommendations and seek to pilot Nov 2007 was placed on hold due to NR 23 the Spring 2009 semester with concerns that the implementation would be 20 online students using some too costly and concern about class limit students from the Spring evening, size. SDH had asked committee members hospital partnership and LPN students to research how lab courses were who have scheduling conflicts. implemented in the college.</p><p>Cynthia Eaton of the FA brought up for discussion with the FA who recommended that the nursing department separate out the lecture from lab and offer it as on online course with a companion lab. (see attached revision: Appendix B) New proposals</p><p>NR10/30 NR10/30 Faculty discussed the proposal to offer Faculty agreed to present the proposal NR10/30 as a blended course in Spring at the SON meeting. 2009. NR10/30 has been offered four times on campus with significant use of web based resources and is easily adaptable. See NR19 appendix C NR19 K. Burger to work on proposal and J. Ortiz met with K. Burger and H Wist forward to committee. Faculty agreed regarding an NR 19 proposal to be offered to present the proposal at the SON as an online course in Spring 2009. meeting. Currently the course is under-enrolled in the traditional format. It is hopeful that the online offering will increase student enrollment. Discussion regarding the utility of year round offerings of NR 19 were brought to discussion and widely accepted as an wise pursuit.</p><p>New Business</p><p>Pharmacology Course Pharmacology course: Lisa Among and Jill Thornton agreed Faculty discussed developing a proposal for to work with interested faculty in a pharmacology course online due to developing a proposal for an online student performance on Pharmacology course. questions integrated in nursing theory courses and knowledge of survey feedback from graduates requesting a pharmacology course. Denise D’Ambrosia has recently developed a traditional pharmacology course that was tabled due other SON priorities. </p><p>Respectfully submitted: - 2 - S McCabe</p><p>Appendix A School Of Nursing Distance Education Committee worksheet Corrected in meeting 3/4/08</p><p>Mission: The mission of the Distance Education Committee of the School of Nursing is to facilitate the integration of distance education modalities into the nursing curriculum when it best serves the goals and interests of both the students and the program. </p><p>Vision: The Distance Education Committee of the School of Nursing is dedicated to: </p><p> ensuring that nursing students enrolled in distance education achieve student learning and program outcomes in each of the nursing program's core components. </p><p> mentoring faculty in exploring, developing and implementing distance education in the nursing program. Strategic Assess student and faculty readiness for, and interest in, distance education Plan: modalities. </p><p> Facilitate acquisition of resources and education for program development and implementation to assist students and faculty. </p><p> Assist faculty in developing distance education proposals for implementation in the nursing program. </p><p> Evaluate educational offerings effectiveness in achieving course and program outcomes. </p><p>- 3 - Appendix b</p><p>Distance Education Course Development Form Use this form to propose a course that has not yet been offered via your chosen distance education modality at Suffolk.</p><p>This form has been created to ensure that the process has been adhered to in proposing a distance education (DE) course at Suffolk. Here’s how the process works:</p><p> To propose a course that complete this All new DE courses require approval has never been offered via DE Course Development in a specific DE modality (online, DE at Suffolk… Form. hybrid, DL classroom, or telecourse) by your department/area.</p><p> Due dates for 2009 for spring courses by second Monday in April – academic year April 14, 2008 for summer courses by second Monday in September – September 08, 2008 for fall courses by second Monday in November – November 10, 2008 - 4 - * Faculty proposing a DE course must have taught that course in a traditional classroom environment prior to teaching it in a DE format.</p><p>1. Faculty Victoria Siegel/Helene Winstanley 3/ /08 Information Faculty Name Date Employment Status Faculty Campus Ammerman Full-time Eastern Adjunct Grant </p><p>2. Proposed NR 23 Health Assessment Course Course Name and Number Information</p><p>Nursing Academic Department or Area</p><p>DE Modality online Proposed CMS Blackboard hybrid SLN DL classroom other: Current CMS in use at time of implementation telecourse Note to Faculty: Please keep a copy for your records and submit a copy of the first page to the Office of Instructional Technology at the time of submission to the Chair.</p><p>- 5 - Rationale</p><p>1. Rationale Briefly explain your rationale for proposing this course in your chosen DE modality. Consider integrating answers to the following questions in your response:</p><p> Why are you proposing this course as a DE course? What makes this particular course well suited for this specific DE modality? That is, what are some of the unique characteristics and requirements of this DE modality and how that differs—pedagogically, philosophically, strategically and organizationally—from the traditional, on-campus environment? What methods are you considering for how the technology might be employed? What communication strategies might you use, e.g., email, threaded discussion, chat, integration of web resources, electronic instructional resources? The Distance Education Committee in the School of Nursing has selected NR23, Health Assessment, for development as an online course to progress towards its goal of integrating distance education modalities into the nursing curriculum when it best serves the goals and interests of both the students and the program. </p><p>NR 23 is well suited for online course development because of the course content and skill performance objectives. Although our student population is experientially and academically diverse, each must achieve the same performance competencies upon completion of this course as a foundation for application in clinical decision making in nursing theory courses. An online format provides an opportunity for faculty to create challenging online learning activities that are self-paced while maximizing face-to-face time with clinical faculty with the associated lab to develop skills performance and application skills. </p><p>The methods and communication strategies considered in employing the technology will include self-paced learning activities, collaborative work and web-based resources. Self-paced learning will be guided by faculty-developed instructions and integrate electronic resources, ready-to-use animations and images, audio and video clips, interactive exercises and practice tests to master content. Students would work collaboratively online using threaded discussion as well as in on-campus activities during laboratory skills practice. A course website with relevant Weblinks will be provided to reinforce content and correlate learning to its application to health care delivery. Faculty will communicate with students using both email and in online discussion. Face-to-face activities during the companion skills lab will focus on facilitating student achievement of course outcomes, coaching in improving skills performance and exploring application strategies in clinical situations. </p><p>- 6 - Approval & Notification Signatures</p><p>1. Department Each department/area determines which courses are to be offered in a DE or Area format, initiates the approval process for new DE courses, and determines Approval how many can be offered each semester. All course development proposals must be put to a vote in your entire department/area. Indicate the total department votes for, against, and abstaining from your proposal.</p><p>Date of Department or Area Vote</p><p>Vote Results ______total # of votes for ______total # of votes against ______total # of votes abstaining</p><p>3. Intra- Once your department has voted to approve or disapprove this course, Campus your department chair/area supervisor should notify the chairs on the other Department/ two campuses. Attach a copy of the email or memo to the other chairs Discipline indicating that they’ve been notified. Notification All DE course proposals must receive the signature of your area or department chair. He or she should sign on the line below.</p><p>Campus Department Chair/Supervisor Date</p><p> Email/Memo Notification Attached</p><p>4. Campus All DE course proposals must receive the signature of your campus Technology technology administrator as well as your campus dean. Administrator and Campus Dean</p><p>Campus Technology Administrator Date</p><p>Campus Dean Date</p><p>- 7 - Technology Training and Certification</p><p>1. Faculty The first time a faculty member is selected to teach a synchronous or Development asynchronous DE course, he or she shall receive three (3) credit hours of either release time or overload compensation the semester prior to the DE assignment for the purposes of training and/or course modification. Indicate your preference for overload pay or released time. </p><p>* Development compensation does not apply to telecourses.</p><p>Faculty Preference overload release time</p><p>2. Certification All DE faculty must have training in and be certified for the specific modality for which they are proposing to develop a course. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY </p><p>CMS Platform</p><p>Date of Training Completion</p><p>Signature of Instructional Technology Dean Date </p><p>10. Assignm All DE faculty teaching online and hybrid courses will be assigned to a ent to DE faculty mentor. Faculty Peer Mentor Assignment to a peer mentor does not apply to DL classroom courses or telecourses.</p><p>Name of DE Faculty Mentor</p><p>Date Mentor Notified Proposal for NR 23 Heath Assessment as an Online Course</p><p>- 8 - The Distance Education Committee in the School of Nursing has selected NR23, Health Assessment, for development as an online course to progress towards its goal of integrating distance education modalities into the nursing curriculum when it best serves the goals and interests of both the students and the program. </p><p>NR 23 is well suited for online course development because of the course content and skill performance objectives. Although our student population is experientially and academically diverse, each must achieve the same performance competencies upon completion of this course as a foundation for application in clinical decision making in nursing theory courses. An online format provides an opportunity for faculty to create challenging online learning activities that are self-paced while maximizing face-to-face time with faculty to develop skills performance and application skills in the companion skills lab. </p><p>The methods and communication strategies considered in employing the technology will include self-paced learning activities, collaborative work and web-based resources. Self-paced learning will be guided by faculty-developed instructions and integrate electronic resources, ready-to-use animations and images, audio and video clips, interactive exercises and practice tests to master content. Students would work collaboratively online using threaded discussion as well as in on-campus activities during laboratory skills practice. A course website with relevant Weblinks will be provided to reinforce content and correlate learning to its application to health care delivery. Faculty will communicate with students using both email and in online discussion. Face-to-face activities in the companion skills lab will focus on facilitating student achievement of course outcomes, coaching in improving skills performance and exploring application strategies in clinical situations. </p><p>Respectfully Submitted,</p><p>Victoria Siegel, Academic Chair, Associate Professor of Nursing, Grant Campus Helene Winstanley, Assistant Professor of Nursing, Ammerman Campus</p><p>NR 23 Course Information</p><p>Course Name: Health Assessment</p><p>Sponsoring Institution & Department: Suffolk County Community College, - 9 - School of Nursing</p><p>Course Number: NR23</p><p>Number of Credits: 3</p><p>Will Students have an option for additional credits? No</p><p>What are the course prerequisites? Acceptance into the nursing program </p><p>Is this course generally part of a degree program? Yes What Program? Area of Study: Nursing</p><p>What students might be interested in this course? Students interested in the course are those who are enrolled in the nursing program and are progressing towards completion of the degree requirements for graduation.</p><p>Have you taught this topic before? In what formats have you taught this course? Yes, this course has been taught as a lecture-based course with skill laboratory since 2000. </p><p>What features does this course have? The course would be a online course that would utilize a companion skills lab for coaching and refining assessment skills performance and applying assessment strategies to clinical situations. o Requires participation in group work and electronic discussion board as well as attendance of mandatory on-campus sessions. Self-paced modules available online to enhance comprehension of topics generally provided in lecture format only. o Requires internet access, student computer resources that can run narrated PowerPoint slideshows, email address to facilitate communication with faculty Web-based references including audio and video clips relevant for health assessment. o Requires internet access using broadband or high-speed connection. Requires completion of performance objectives pass the course. o Students will be required to achieve the behavioral objectives for skills performance to receive a passing grade. All requirements will mirror those requirements specified in the course syllabus for the lecture-based course.</p><p>About the Materials</p><p>What texts will you use? Required texts purchased for Health Assessment and the user access for online resources. A complete list of texts as of 3/08 is as follows:</p><p>Required Textbooks </p><p>Jarvis, Carolyn (2008) Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 5th Edition, Philadelphia, PA. W.B. Saunders Co.</p><p>Jarvis, Carolyn, Robinson, Kris, & Mansen, Thom. (2008). Health Assessment </p><p>- 10 - Online to Accompany Physical Examination and Health Assessment (User Guide and Access Code), 5th Edition, Philadelphia, PA. W.B. Saunders Co.</p><p>Jarvis, Carolyn (2008) Laboratory Manual for Physical Exam and Health Assessment, Philadelphia, PA. W.B. Saunders Co. </p><p>What other readings/print materials? None</p><p>Will students need any additional software? No</p><p>What video or other media will students use? Weblinked electronic videos and media</p><p>External Resources</p><p>During the term, will the course have: None of the criteria listed (guest experts, additional instructors, auditors, outside participants)</p><p>In development, will the course have: None of the criteria listed (guest experts, additional instructors, auditors, outside participants)</p><p>NR 23 Course Profile</p><p>Course Name: Health Assessment</p><p>Developer’s Name: Victoria Siegel & Helene Winstanley - 11 - Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student should expect to have accomplished the following:</p><p>Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:</p><p>1. Critically analyze findings from the collection of subjective and objective data and to distinguish between the data consistent with health, and the data which indicates alteration in health.</p><p>2. Obtain a health assessment using proficient interviewing skills. </p><p>3. Conduct a nursing health history, which includes the systematic collection of subjective data to determine health status including collection of physiological, psychological, socio cultural, developmental, and spiritual data.</p><p>4. Identify nursing diagnoses by using data obtained in the assessment. </p><p>5. Develop a therapeutic plan of care identifying outcomes and specific nursing measures that include resources to promote and maintain health.</p><p>6. Complete a physical assessment using: inspection, auscultation, palpation, and percussion.</p><p>7. Communicate a therapeutic plan of care to others. </p><p>Narrative Description: This course focuses on the health assessment of individuals from multi-cultural and diverse backgrounds. Psychosocial and spiritual dimensions are also assessed. A systems approach is used as a guide for establishing a comprehensive nursing data base which allows for a systematic and standardized approach to data collection. It includes the skillful collection of subjective data during the interview, the analysis of objective data by inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation of each body system, and the synthesis of the combined information to formulate a nursing diagnosis, determine priorities and therapeutic nursing interventions. This provides the student with the opportunity to develop proficiency in health assessment skills which will increase the students’ ability to make effective decisions in diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating health care. It will provide students with guidance in meeting the core components of our program. </p><p>The online course version will integrate independent and group learning activities and utilize web-based resources to enhance skills performance and application of health assessment in nursing theory courses.</p><p>Course Modules: This course will be presented in 12 modules and will incorporate the course objectives listed above.</p><p>Module 1: Introduction to lab, Health History, Interviewing techniques Module 2: General Survey, Assessment Techniques, Skin, hair and nails Module 3 & 4: Thorax and lungs Module 5 & 6: Cardiovascular and peripheral vascular Module 7:</p><p>- 12 - Abdomen and male genitourinary Module 8: Head, neck, nose, mouth and pharynx Module 9: Eyes Module 10: Ears and breast Module 11: Musculoskeletal Module 12: Neurological</p><p>Learning Activities: Students will be involved in several different types of learning activities as you progress through the course including include self-paced learning activities, collaborative work and web-based resources. Emphasis will be placed on synthesizing relevant information about assessment strategies, documentation and application to clinical situations. </p><p>Self-paced learning will be guided by faculty-developed instructions and integrate electronic resources, ready-to-use animations and images, audio and video clips, interactive exercises and practice tests to master content. Students would work collaboratively online using threaded discussion as well as in on-campus activities during laboratory skills practice. A course website with relevant Weblinks will be provided to reinforce content and correlate learning to its application in the health care delivery. Students will use discussion boards and electronic mail to seek guidance and clarification of material. Face-to-face activities in the companion skills lab will focus on facilitating student achievement of course outcomes, coaching in improving skills performance and exploring application strategies in clinical situations. </p><p>Students will be required to submit weekly physical assessment findings electronically. A comprehensive health history is required. Three proctored examinations will be provided throughout the course following the completion of correlated material. Assessment skills performance will be evaluated at the end of the course.</p><p>Methods of Evaluation:</p><p>1. Weekly physical assessment and recording of findings including Online practice assignments 10% 2. Health history, review of systems (ROS) and recording of data. 20% 3. Three exams 30% 4. Performance Examination 40%</p><p> Thorax and lungs Cardiovascular System Abdomen 5. Participation in mandatory class sessions Pass/Fail 6. Participation in electronic discussion Pass/Fail 7. Participation in laboratory skills work Pass/Fail</p><p>- 13 - Appendix c</p><p>Distance Education Course Development Form Use this form to propose a course that has not yet been offered via your chosen distance education modality at Suffolk.</p><p>This form has been created to ensure that the process has been adhered to in proposing a distance education (DE) course at Suffolk. Here’s how the process works:</p><p> To propose a course that complete this All new DE courses require approval has never been offered via DE Course Development in a specific DE modality (online, DE at Suffolk… Form. hybrid, DL classroom, or telecourse) by your department/area.</p><p> Due dates for 2009 for spring courses by second Monday in April – academic year April 14, 2008 for summer courses by second Monday in September – September 08, 2008 for fall courses by second Monday in November – November 10, 2008</p><p>* Faculty proposing a DE course must have taught that course in a traditional classroom environment prior to teaching it in a DE format.</p><p>3. Faculty Susan McCabe 3/ /08 Information Faculty Name Date Employment Status Faculty Campus Ammerman Full-time Eastern Adjunct Grant </p><p>4. Proposed NR 10/30 LPN to RN Transition Course Course Course Name and Number Information</p><p>Nursing Academic Department or Area</p><p>DE Modality online Proposed CMS Blackboard hybrid SLN DL classroom other: SUNY/Suffolk CMS in use at time of implementation telecourse </p><p>- 14 - Note to Faculty: Please keep a copy for your records and submit a copy of the first page to the Office of Instructional Technology at the time of submission to the Chair.</p><p>- 15 - Rationale</p><p>2. Rationale Briefly explain your rationale for proposing this course in your chosen DE modality. Consider integrating answers to the following questions in your response:</p><p> Why are you proposing this course as a DE course? What makes this particular course well suited for this specific DE modality? That is, what are some of the unique characteristics and requirements of this DE modality and how that differs—pedagogically, philosophically, strategically and organizationally—from the traditional, on-campus environment? What methods are you considering for how the technology might be employed? What communication strategies might you use, e.g., email, threaded discussion, chat, integration of web resources, electronic instructional resources?</p><p>The Distance Education Committee in the School of Nursing has selected NR10/30, The LPN to RN transition course as an online hybrid course to progress towards its goal of integrating distance education modalities into the nursing curriculum when it best serves the goals and interests of both the students and the program. </p><p>NR 10/30 is well suited for hybrid course development because it is a portfolio assessment course that requires students to create required assessments independently. In addition, the content outline addresses key material required in the first year of the nursing program that is organized according to the program’s core components. Although our student population is experientially and academically diverse, each must achieve the same performance competencies upon completion of this course as a foundation for entry into their senior year in nursing. An online hybrid format provides an opportunity for faculty to create challenging online learning activities that are self-paced while maximizing face-to-face time with faculty to develop skills performance and application skills. </p><p>The methods and communication strategies considered in employing the technology will include self-paced learning activities, collaborative work and web-based resources. Self-paced learning will be guided by faculty-developed instructions and integrate electronic resources, interactive software, audio and video clips, interactive exercises and practice tests to master content. Students would work collaboratively online using threaded discussion as well as in on-campus activities during. A course website with relevant Weblinks will be provided to reinforce content and correlate learning to its application to health care delivery. Faculty will communicate with students using both email and in online discussion. Face-to-face activities will focus on facilitating student achievement of course outcomes, coaching in improving performance core competencies. </p><p>- 16 - Approval & Notification Signatures</p><p>8. Department Each department/area determines which courses are to be offered in a DE or Area format, initiates the approval process for new DE courses, and determines Approval how many can be offered each semester. All course development proposals must be put to a vote in your entire department/area. Indicate the total department votes for, against, and abstaining from your proposal.</p><p>Date of Department or Area Vote</p><p>Vote Results ______total # of votes for ______total # of votes against ______total # of votes abstaining</p><p>10. Intra- Once your department has voted to approve or disapprove this course, Campus your department chair/area supervisor should notify the chairs on the other Department/ two campuses. Attach a copy of the email or memo to the other chairs Discipline indicating that they’ve been notified. Notification All DE course proposals must receive the signature of your area or department chair. He or she should sign on the line below.</p><p>Campus Department Chair/Supervisor Date</p><p> Email/Memo Notification Attached</p><p>11. Campus All DE course proposals must receive the signature of your campus Technology technology administrator as well as your campus dean. Administrator and Campus Dean</p><p>Campus Technology Administrator Date</p><p>Campus Dean Date</p><p>- 17 - Technology Training and Certification</p><p>2. Faculty The first time a faculty member is selected to teach a synchronous or Development asynchronous DE course, he or she shall receive three (3) credit hours of either release time or overload compensation the semester prior to the DE assignment for the purposes of training and/or course modification. Indicate your preference for overload pay or released time. </p><p>* Development compensation does not apply to telecourses.</p><p>Faculty Preference overload release time</p><p>18. Certificatio All DE faculty must have training in and be certified for the specific n modality for which they are proposing to develop a course. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY </p><p>CMS Platform</p><p>Date of Training Completion</p><p>Signature of Instructional Technology Dean Date </p><p>26. Assignm All DE faculty teaching online and hybrid courses will be assigned to a ent to DE faculty mentor. Faculty Peer Mentor Assignment to a peer mentor does not apply to DL classroom courses or telecourses.</p><p>Name of DE Faculty Mentor</p><p>Date Mentor Notified Proposal for NR10/30 LPN to RN Transition Course as a Hybrid Course</p><p>- 18 - I would like to explore the possibility of offering a section of “LPN to RN Transition Course” (NR10) as a hybrid course. The School of Nursing approved the development of NR15, a required nursing course, for online development based on the assertion that many of our nursing students are proficient in using the internet and have adequate computer skills. The offering was described as a “more flexible modality” and accepted by faculty as a reasonable alternative for some of our students. Likewise, some of our students may benefit from a hybrid course that would have mandatory classroom sessions that are complemented by online resources and learning activities.</p><p>A hybrid course would provide an opportunity for students to integrate the knowledge and skills in nursing core competencies at their own pace. Students would utilize web-based references, study materials, and tutorials to independently study topics that were previously lectured on during scheduled meetings on campus. Mandatory classroom sessions would focus on enhancing collaboration and analysis through the use of case studies and practice questions in group work with faculty guidance. </p><p>I would be willing to complete the faculty development required to facilitate this change in course design with the hope of a pilot course date of spring 2009.</p><p>Respectfully submitted, Susan McCabe Assistant Professor of Nursing</p><p>NR 10/30 Course Information</p><p>Course Name: LPN to RN Transition Course</p><p>Sponsoring Institution & Department: Suffolk County Community College, School of Nursing</p><p>- 19 - Course Number: NR10/30</p><p>Number of Credits: 3</p><p>Will Students have an option for additional credits? No</p><p>What are the course prerequisites? Requirements for enrollment include licensure as a licensed practical nurse in a United States Jurisdiction. BY30, BY32, PC11, EG11, SO11, EG elective </p><p>Is this course generally part of a degree program? Yes </p><p>What Program? Area of Study: Nursing</p><p>What students might be interested in this course? Students interested in the course are those who licensed practical nurses are seeking entry into the nursing program to progress towards completion of the degree requirements for graduation as a registered profession nurse.</p><p>Have you taught this topic before? In what formats have you taught this course? Yes, I have taught this course as a lecture-based course since its inception in 2004. </p><p>What features does this course have? The course would be a hybrid course that would utilize classroom time for coaching and refining Core competencies of the nursing program. o Requires participation in group work and electronic discussion board as well as attendance of mandatory on-campus sessions. Self-paced modules available online to enhance comprehension of topics generally provided in lecture format only. o Requires internet access, student computer resources that can run narrated PowerPoint slideshows, email address to facilitate communication with faculty Web-based references including audio and video clips relevant for core competencies. o Requires internet access using broadband or high-speed connection. Requires completion of portfolio assessment to pass the course. o Students will be required to develop a portfolio of four assignments to receive a passing grade. All requirements will mirror those requirements specified in the course syllabus for the lecture- based course.</p><p>About the Materials</p><p>What texts will you use? Required texts purchased for LPN to RN Transition Course. A complete list of texts as of 3/08 is as follows:</p><p>Harrington, N. & Terry, C. (2003). LPN to RN transitions. (2nd ed.). Philadelphia, Lippincott. </p><p>- 20 - What other readings/print materials? </p><p>Students will begin to develop a library of nursing references typically purchased in the first year of nursing school and required for the second year of study.</p><p>Will students need any additional software? No</p><p>What video or other media will students use? Weblinked electronic videos and media</p><p>External Resources</p><p>During the term, will the course have: None of the criteria listed (guest experts, additional instructors, auditors, outside participants)</p><p>In development, will the course have: None of the criteria listed (guest experts, additional instructors, auditors, outside participants)</p><p>NR 10/30 Course Profile</p><p>Course Name: LPN to RN Transition Course</p><p>Developer’s Name: Susan McCabe</p><p>- 21 - Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student should expect to have accomplished the following:</p><p>Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:</p><p>1. Differentiate role changes necessary to transition from Licensed Practical Nurse to a student in a registered nursing program. 2. Define the scope of practice for the Registered Nurse. 3. Use therapeutic communication techniques. 4. Describe the RN responsibility in the interpretation of data acquired from assessment. 5. Establish personal goals for success as a student in an RN program incorporating concepts of time management, values clarification and critical thinking. 6. Identify the needs of the client utilizing clinical decision-making. 7. Utilize the nursing process; develop a comprehensive (multi-disciplinary) plan of care. 8. Develop a teaching-learning plan for selected clients. 9. Use group process to promote collaboration with members of the health care team.</p><p>Narrative Description:</p><p>Course for PNs to validate prior learning, and update /enhance the student’s knowledge. This course facilitates transition from the role of Practical Nurse to that of a student preparing for the role of Registered Nurse. Nursing process is used as the framework for critical thinking and problem solving. The hybrid course version will integrate independent and group learning activities and utilize web-based resources to enhance understanding of the core competencies of the nursing program in preparation for entry into NR 24 and their senior year of nursing studies.</p><p>Course Modules: This course will be presented in 8 modules and will incorporate the course objectives listed above.</p><p>Module 1: Professional Behaviors Module 2: Communication Module 3: Assessment Module 4: Clinical Decision Making </p><p>Module 5: Caring Interventions Module 6: Teaching/Learning Module 7: Collaboration Module 8: Managing Care</p><p>Learning Activities: Students will be involved in several different types of learning activities as you progress through the course including include self-paced learning activities, collaborative work and web-based resources. Emphasis - 22 - will be placed on synthesizing relevant information to achieve each core competency required by a first year nursing student. </p><p>Self-paced learning will be guided by faculty-developed instructions and integrate electronic resources, ready-to-use animations and images, audio and video clips, interactive exercises and practice tests to master content. Students would work collaboratively online using threaded discussion as well as in on-campus activities during laboratory skills practice. A course website with relevant Weblinks will be provided to reinforce content and correlate learning to its application in the health care delivery. Students will use discussion boards and electronic mail to seek guidance and clarification of material. Face-to-face activities will focus on facilitating student achievement of course outcomes, coaching in improving core competencies. </p><p>Students will be required to submit a portfolio assessment and participate in both online and classroom based learning activities. The portfolio assessment will be evaluated at the end of the course.</p><p>Methods of Evaluation:</p><p>4. Weekly online practice assignments 10% 5. Portfolio assessment 90% 6. Participation in mandatory class sessions Pass/Fail 7. Participation in electronic discussion Pass/Fail</p><p>- 23 -</p>
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