February 13, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1323 they were shunned and denied their agement, and guidance have been in- logical breakthroughs. As chairman of rightful hero’s welcome. We must vow strumental in helping current and fu- the Senate Committee on Small Busi- to never let this happen again and to ture leaders in our great State get a ness and Entrepreneurship, each week I always honor those who serve in our start. Thank you for you your leader- recognize a small business that em- Armed Forces. Let this flight be a re- ship, friendship, humor, and extraor- bodies the unique American entrepre- minder that we can all do our part to dinary service to our State and Na- neurial spirit. This week, it is my dis- keep the sacred trust we have with our tion.∑ tinct privilege to honor JL Marine Sys- veterans. Let it be a reminder that f tems, Inc., as the Senate Small Busi- there is still more work to do to honor ness of the Week. REMEMBERING BILL BURGESS their service, and let us be inspired by Located in Tampa, FL, JL Marine their selfless and heroic service to a ∑ Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I am Systems is known in fishing commu- grateful nation. here to speak today with a heavy heart nities throughout the country as the I am honored to recognize the very from the sudden and untimely passing manufacturer of the Power-Pole shal- first Wisconsin Honor Flight to Viet- of my dear friend and confidant, Bill low water anchor. John Oliverio, the nam and I commend Old Glory Honor Burgess of Lawton, OK. creator of the Power-Pole, has been an Flight on this extraordinary mission to Bill spent his entire life in service to angler for all his life and used this ex- honor our Wisconsin military veterans. Oklahoma and the Nation, and his loss perience to create a more practical ap- It is my sincere hope that this momen- will be felt throughout the State. proach to shallow water fishing. As a tous trip will bring some peace to these Bill was a talented attorney, busi- flats fisherman, he was frustrated that brave men traveling back to Vietnam. nessman, and civic leader. Among bringing his boat to a stop with a push f many different titles Bill held through- out his career, he served the State he pole or an anchor required him to lose ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS loved on the Oklahoma Board of Re- sight of fish. In 1998, John devised the gents for Higher Education and the concept for an anchor that he could University of Oklahoma Board of Re- lower from anywhere, allowing him to RECOGNIZING PHIL BATT gents. keep his eyes on fish. Today, the ∑ Mr. CRAPO. Mr. President, along Bill was widely recognized and re- Power-Pole is a premier shallow water with my colleagues Senator JAMES E. spected as one of Oklahoma’s out- anchor, featuring sophisticated tech- RISCH, Representative MIKE SIMPSON, standing leaders, and he was inducted nology for more effective shallow and Representative RUSS FULCHER, I into both the Oklahoma Hall of Fame water fishing. pay tribute to former Idaho Governor and the Oklahoma Higher Education JL Marine Systems’ Power-Pole Phil Batt for his immense service to Hall of Fame. technology is available in five different our State. As a businessman who developed the models, at more than 3,500 dealers, As his last official act in the Gov- largest software engineering company manufacturers, and retailers. These ernor’s Ceremonial Office in the Idaho in Oklahoma and the owner and pub- quality products have helped JL Ma- State Capitol, outgoing Idaho Governor lisher of the Lawton Constitution, Bill rine Systems to build strong partner- C.L. Butch Otter co-presented, with was admired for his entrepreneurial ships in the boating and fishing indus- current Idaho Governor Brad Little, ability and success. A tireless advocate tries and has earned accolades at pro- the 2019 Idaho Medal of Achievement to for Oklahoma business, he served stints fessional fishing tournaments, in mag- Governor Phil Batt for his many ac- as chairman of both the Oklahoma azines, and on television shows. The complishments and years of service to State Chamber of Commerce and the Power-Pole won Best New Boating Ac- the State of Idaho. The award is con- Oklahoma Business Roundtable. cessory at the International Conven- sidered the highest civilian honor be- I worked closely with Bill in his role tion of Allied Sportsfishing Trades in stowed by the State. Phil Batt is the as civilian aide to the Secretary to the 2011, 2012, and 2013 and won awards for third recipient of this great honor, for Army and am so thankful to have a its electronics at the International which many nominations from across man of such integrity, character, and Boatbuilders Exhibition and Con- our State have been made by the pub- grit in this position. ference in 2017. lic. If you spent any time at all around JL Marine Systems’ commitment to Governor Batt has an extensive ca- Bill, you were sure to know that he was a higher standard is not only seen in reer of service to our State and Nation. the son of a sergeant major, the ‘‘back- their innovative products and customer He served as our State’s 29th Governor bone of the Army.’’ Friends say that service, but also in how the company from 1995 to 1999. Prior to his service as growing up in the house of a non-com- gives back to its community. JL Ma- Governor, he served as Idaho Repub- missioned officer gave him a love not rine Systems is a proud supporter of lican Party Chairman, Lieutenant Gov- only for the Army but also for the en- the Florida Aquarium, the Coastal ernor of Idaho, and president pro tem- listed men and women who serve their Conservation Association, the National pore of the Idaho Senate. He served in country. Pediatric Cancer Foundation, and nu- the Idaho Senate for approximately 15 Bill was incredibly proud of his dad’s merous other organizations. The com- years after serving in the Idaho House service to our Nation and continued pany also supports its community by of Representatives from 1965 to 1967. He that tradition of service. No one loved, hosting hurricane relief fundraisers also served in the U.S. Army from 1945 admired, and supported our men and and by sponsoring Tampa-area youth to 1946 after growing up on a farm in women in uniform more than Bill. sports teams and high school and col- Wilder, ID. Kay and I are praying for Bill’s fam- lege fishing teams. Idaho has benefited greatly from ily, friends, and many loved ones in Governor Phil Batt’s sensible voice, this extremely hard time. Bill was an John Oliverio’s work to develop and commitment to service, and out- exceptional leader, a loving father, and produce the Power-Pole shallow water standing leadership. Governor Batt’s an incomparable friend. anchor represents the innovation that principal role in advancing human I am blessed to have known him, and Floridian entrepreneurs are known so rights in Idaho is among his many he will be sorely missed by myself and well for. Through hard work and perse- achievements on behalf of Idahoans. He the rest of Oklahoma.∑ verance, John and his team at JL Ma- led efforts to establish a Commission f rine Systems have revolutionized the on Human Rights and pushed for bene- shallow water anchor and have set an fits for Idaho farmworkers. RECOGNIZING JL MARINE excellent example of ingenuity. I would Governor Batt, you have much to be SYSTEMS, INC. like to congratulate John and the en- proud of and reflect on for your out- ∑ Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, it is my tire team at JL Marine Systems for standing service over your exemplary privilege to honor a Florida small busi- being named the Senate Small Busi- life. You have stood against inequities ness that exemplifies innovation and ness of the Week. I wish them good and, in so doing, helped make others’ how thinking outside of the box to luck and look forward to watching paths better. Your mentorship, encour- solve problems can create techno- their continued growth and success.∑ VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:27 Feb 14, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13FE6.011 S13FEPT1.
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