<p> January 2006 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0225r0</p><p>IEEE P802.11 Wireless LANs</p><p>CBP-SG Waikoloa January Minutes</p><p>Date: 2006-01-18</p><p>Author(s): Name Company Address Phone email Dee Denteneer Philips Kevin Rowett</p><p>Abstract Contention-based protocol Study Group minutes from January IEEE Interim session</p><p>Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.11. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.</p><p>Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.11.</p><p>Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures <http:// ieee802.org/guides/bylaws/sb-bylaws.pdf>, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair <[email protected]> as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE 802.11 Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at <[email protected]>.</p><p>Minutes of January CBP-SG Interim Session page 1 Dee Denteneer, Kevin Rowett January 2006 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0225r0</p><p>January 16, 2006</p><p>Discussion leader: Peter Ecclesine: [email protected] +1 408-527-0815</p><p>Attendance Dee Denteneer (Recording Secretary) Peter Ecclesine Steve Shellhammer Lothav Stibov</p><p>Chair called meeting to order at 10:40 AM</p><p>Session Report is Closing Report 802-11-06/0066r1</p><p>Reviewed Agenda</p><p>Read IEEE patent policy The required statements about the IEEE patent and antitrust policy were read by the chair Peter Ecclesine. There were no questions or statements from those present.</p><p>Reviewed Minutes of November 05/1227r1 No objections to approving the minutes from November meeting</p><p>Chair status update FCC have received comments on the May 11 2005 rules The FCC has four commissioners and will soon have a total of 5 commissioners. At that point the FCC may respond to the comments that they have received on the Report and Order Chair does not expect changes to the R&O, other than changing the name “contention-based protocol.”</p><p>Chair called for presentations for the session Steve Shellhammer – Presentation on Wednesday on Range in 802.11y and impact on OFDM Symbol Format</p><p>Chair reviewed the Objective for the Session</p><p>Chair presented the following presentation: CBP and David Allen’s Methods Document 802.11-06/0056r0 Chair is suggesting a process for the task group – Slide 4 on the presentation The chair would solicit submissions on the steps defined on Slide 4. Then the task group agrees on the task group position on each of these steps. For example, the task group would agree on the “purpose and principals” of the task group.</p><p>Minutes of January CBP-SG Interim Session page 2 Dee Denteneer, Kevin Rowett January 2006 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0225r0</p><p>Chair reviewed document 11-05-0892r “dot1AM-task sizing”, in particular the schemes for Multiple Access</p><p>Chair shared FCC document 47 CFR 101.105 with the task group – Interference Protection Criteria Chair shared FCC document 47 CFR 101.141 with the task group – Microwave Modulation Minimum Payload Capacity 20 MHz 89.4 Mbit/s at 50% loading</p><p>Chair reviewed 802.11-05/0340r0 which was submitted in 2005. 802.16 and CSMA-CA</p><p>Dee suggested that a “Call for Motivating Examples” should be sent out to give concrete examples which could be used to help develop the TG purpose and principals.</p><p>Action – Chair to send out a call for “Purpose, Principals and Outcome Visioning.”</p><p>Meeting recessed at 12:30 pm</p><p>January, 18 2006, 8:00am meeting called to order Discussion leader: Peter Ecclesine: [email protected] +1 408-527-0815</p><p>Notes Scribe: Kevin Rowett accepted role of recording secretary Roll call The following names were recorded as present for at least part of the meeting:</p><p>(All .11 affiliated unless noted) Peter Ecclesine (Chair) Stuart Kerry Marc Jalfon Takashi Ishdoshious Joseph Levy Frans Hermodsson Rich Kennedy Kevin Rowett (recording secretary) Yasuhiko Inoue Dee Denterneer Steve Shellhammer (.19 affiliation) Fred Haisch Sacha Tolpin Darren McNamara Jeoangki Kim</p><p>15 total attendees</p><p>Agenda reviewed from Monday's meeting (11-06/0066r1)</p><p>Peter wishes to add an item - status of WG and status of PAR.</p><p>Peter providing information about: IEEE SA NESCOM - commented - PAR was weak as approved in November. Grammar issues - needs complete sentences in section 13, Scope. </p><p>Minutes of January CBP-SG Interim Session page 3 Dee Denteneer, Kevin Rowett January 2006 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0225r0</p><p>Item 13 changed to be a complete sentence: “The scope of the proposed project is the application of 802.11 based systems to the 3650-3700 MHz band in the USA.”</p><p>Change approved by WG chair and 802 chair. No further SG action needed. No other changes in PAR. Updated PAR will be on server as 802-11y-IEEE-Submitted-PAR as PDF received from NESCOM.</p><p>Attendance sheet circulated. Chair requests indicating primary affiliation.</p><p>Agenda accepted.</p><p>Review minutes of telecon of January 4th. 11-06/0006r0 Approved.</p><p>Call for volunteers to chair the task group. Peter is committed to chair the study group.</p><p>----Presentations----</p><p>11-06/0172r0 - Range in 802.11y and Ramifications on OFDM Symbol Format - Steve Shellhammer, et al.</p><p>Discussion - Chair: </p><p>Issue of 801.11j didn't deal with GI correctly - 'j' needed 2x the 0.8 usec GI.</p><p>Regulatory - what is the PSD really required? Is it really total PSD, or active protocol to support other users of the channel? 25 watt limit - may not need to be contigious in frequency though.</p><p>------</p><p>Chair noted copy of PAR is on TGy temp folder on file server. 802-11y.pdf, later renamed to as 802-11y-IEEE-Submitted-PAR </p><p>Reviewing items in presentation 11-06/0056r0. Email on reflector is encouraged to determine what market, what is our advantage.</p><p>Review FCC regs for use of the 3650Mhz band - 47 CFR 90.7. CBP definition Sharing on the band must be fair. Scalable for future equipment. "future proof protocol". Provide reasonable opportunities for other transmitters to operate.</p><p>Chair notes CSMA, with tweaks might be able to fit these requirements.</p><p>Will regulatory compliance be achieved? (KJR) Review FCC proceedings 04-151 filing, etc. </p><p>Minutes of January CBP-SG Interim Session page 4 Dee Denteneer, Kevin Rowett January 2006 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0225r0</p><p>Discussion of definition of QoS term - The premise is "If you can't control the medium, you can't control QoS". Reviewed 11-05/0340r0 Contention Based Protocol and 802.16 QoS.</p><p>Chair recommended using David Allen's approach (presented in Monday’s meeting).</p><p>Should SG send comments to FCC? Possibly thru 802.18. Chair notes it may be not worth it. Reviewed part of 11-05/0336r0 – CBP telecom minutes 13 April 2005 [NTIA comments on ETDocket03-108APPENDIXA]</p><p>Have to cover US Gov't being primary allocation in 3650MHz band.</p><p>Should the SG/TG take on the task of defining an "FCC" level of solution of the regs?</p><p>Chair requested items for Future SG/TG work. None submitted at this time.</p><p>New Motions for WG? None heard. Telecon dates: Feb/1 Feb/15 Mar/1 Mar/22 – subsequently changed to Feb 8 and Feb 22 (every other wednesday, same telcon info)</p><p>Motion to adjourn by Joe Levy 2nded by Steve Stellhammer</p><p>WG Adjourned at 9:32AM, Wednesday January 18th.</p><p>Closing report - 11-06/0066r1</p><p>Submitted by Kevin Rowett, Recording secretary</p><p>References: (A1) To access IEEE 802.11 SG documents on the web: http://www.802wirelessworld.com/index.jsp</p><p>Register or Login - Register to have a login email address and password, or perform Login</p><p>Click on 802.11 WLAN WG http://www.802wirelessworld.com/group</p><p>Click on Documents under 802.11 WLAN WG tab on left http://www.802wirelessworld.com/docs</p><p>On Document Listing tab, choose DCN (Document Content Number) or Title as appropriate scroll to document</p><p>Click to download</p><p>Or at bottom of Document Listing tab,</p><p>Minutes of January CBP-SG Interim Session page 5 Dee Denteneer, Kevin Rowett January 2006 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0225r0 scroll down and use FTP Access tab (A2) CPB-SG document list:</p><p>The following documents have been filed by the study group:</p><p>11-05-0223-00-0wng-3650-3700-mhz-fcc-action.ppt</p><p>11-05-0328-00-0000-coordination-contention-interference-resolution.doc</p><p>11-05-0328-01-0000-coordination-contention-interference-resolution.doc</p><p>11-05-0331-00-0000-cbp-sg-telecon-minutes-6-april.doc</p><p>11-05-0336-00-0000-cbp-sg-telecon-minutes-13-april.doc</p><p>11-05-0340-00-0000-cbp-sg-contention-based-protocol-and-802-16-qos.ppt</p><p>11-05-0344-01-0000-cbp-sg-telecon-minutes-20-april.doc</p><p>11-05-0349-01-0000-cbp-sg-telecon-minutes-27-april.doc</p><p>11-05-0351-05-0000-CBP-SG-Five-Criteria-Draft.doc</p><p>11-05-0480-00-0000-CBP-SG-Cairns-closing-report.ppt</p><p>11-05-0484-00-0000-CBP-SG-Cairns-May-minutes.doc</p><p>11-05-0556-00-0000-cbp-sg-telecon-minutes-4-may.doc</p><p>11-05-0527-00-0000-cbp-sg-telecon-minutes-25-may.doc</p><p>11-05-0533-01-0000-cbp-sg-par-and-five-criteria-draft.doc</p><p>11-05-0565-04-0000-cbp-sg-draft-par.doc</p><p>11-05-0604-00-0000-cbp-sg-telecon-minutes-15-june.doc</p><p>11-05-0616-00-0000-cbp-sg-telecon-minutes-22-june.doc</p><p>11-05-0671-00-0000 cbp-sg-telecon-minutes-13-july.doc</p><p>11-05-0751-02-0000-cbp-sg-sf-closing-report.ppt</p><p>11-05-0795-01-0000-cbp-sg-sf-july-minutes.doc</p><p>11-05-0847-01-0000-cbp-sg-telecon-minutes-24-august.doc</p><p>11-05-0919-01-0000-cbp-sg-gg-closing-report.ppt</p><p>11-05-0936-00-0000-cbp-sg-gg-september-minutes.doc</p><p>11-05-1039-02-0000-cbp-sg-candidate-requirements-and-objectives.doc</p><p>11-05-1041-00-0000-cbp-sg-telecon-minutes-19-october.doc</p><p>11-05-1056-00-0000-cbp-sg-telecon-minutes-2-november.doc</p><p>11-05-1202-02-0000-cbp-sg-van-closing-report.ppt</p><p>Minutes of January CBP-SG Interim Session page 6 Dee Denteneer, Kevin Rowett January 2006 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0225r0</p><p>11-06-0006-00-0000-cbp-sg-telecon-minutes-4-january.doc</p><p>11-06-0056-00-0000-cbp-and-david-allens-methods.ppt</p><p>11-06-0066-01-0000-cbp-sg-waikoloa-closing-report.ppt 11-06-0172-00-0000-CBP Range in 802.11y and Ramifications OFDM Symbol Format.ppt</p><p>For reference, the following is an alphabetical list of people who have expressed interest in the CBP-SG: Malik Audeh Dennis Baker Farooq Bari Scott Blue Edwin Brownrigg Carlos Carderio Clint Chaplin Narasimha Chari Remi Chayer Gerard Chouinard Charles Cook Roger Durand Peter Ecclesine Mariana Goldhamer Nada Golmie Ahren Hartman Amer Hassan James P. Hauser John Humbert Yasuhiko Inoue Lusheng Ji Stuart Kerry Byoung-Jo "J" Kim Changhoi Koo Bruce Kraemer Andrew Kreig Jan Kruys Joseph S. Levy Changwen-Liu Dan Lubar Mike Lynch Tim Ma Roger Marks Mike Moreton Andrew Myles Masoud Olfat Barry O’Mahony Richard H. Paine Kourosh Parsa</p><p>Minutes of January CBP-SG Interim Session page 7 Dee Denteneer, Kevin Rowett January 2006 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0225r0</p><p>Victoria Poncini Jim Raab Kevin Rowett Richard Roy Marian Rudolf Andy Sago Stephen J. Shellhammer Ian Sherlock Ramachandran Shyamal David Steer Adrian P. Stephens Carl R. Stevenson Karl Stringer? Jeff Tao Paul Thompson Jim Tomcik Wen Tong Jerry Upton Fabian Varas Lisa Ward Lily L. Yang Eldad Zeira</p><p>Minutes of January CBP-SG Interim Session page 8 Dee Denteneer, Kevin Rowett</p>
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