<p> BTEC National Children's Play, Learning & Development</p><p>Unit 12: The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Scheme of work</p><p>This Scheme of work is provided to help you make the most of your planning time. Customise this by adding your own activities/lesson ideas to the ‘Activities’ column. Guided learning hours (GLH): 60 Number of lessons: 30 Duration of lessons: 2 hours</p><p>Resource Lesson Unit content* Activities checklist Learning aim A: Understand the legal status, principles themes and aims of the Early Years Foundation Stage 1 Unit introduction ● Teacher presentation (approx. 10 minutes) to introduce the unit: Outline the nature of the learning aims and inform learners of the number of assignments they will be expected to complete. ● Teacher input: Explain to learners about the unit assessment: o type of assessment – internal o assessment terms o refer to links with Unit 11: Reflective Practice o refer learners to relevant and reputable websites o refer learners to student book and professional journals o explain to learners that learning aims C and D require practical work to be carri ed out in a work placement, with evidence recorded in the Practical Evidence P ortfolio (PEP).</p><p>1 The scope and legal status ● Teacher-led discussion: What do learners know about the EYFS? What do they think the Websites: (cont.) of the Early Years y need to know? What might they need to know more about in relation to implementing it in ● Department for Foundation Stage (EYFS) the workplace? Education: – that it is the curriculum ● Teacher presentation: Introduce key learning points for learning aim A. www.education.g framework for England ● Teacher input: Explanation of the legal status and purpose of the EYFS in all early years ov.uk only, the range of settings settings in terms of quality and consistency, a secure foundation, partnership working and ● EYFS that it covers, the age of Framework – to </p><p>*See the specification for full details of unit content. 1 © Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free. BTEC National Children's Play, Learning & Development</p><p>Unit 12: The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) </p><p>Resource Lesson Unit content* Activities checklist</p><p> children it is for. equality of opportunity. be used for ● Small group activity: Split learners into four groups (one for each of the four purposes). reference Each group to devise a mind map that expands on the ‘purpose’ selected. Learners to throughout unit feedback to the whole group. (downloadable from: ● Teacher presentation: Introduce a quiz on the EYFS quiz. www.foundationy ● Individual activity: Learners to complete an EYFS Quiz. ears.org.uk) ● Teacher input: Explanation of the types and range of early years settings and the differences between mandatory/statutory, private and voluntary provision. 2 The overall structure of the ● Teacher input: Recap previous sessions and introduce aims of session. Computers with EYFS, including the ● Small group activity: Learners look at structure (sections) of the Statutory Framework for access to safeguarding and welfare the EYFS and produce a presentation giving an overview of the information that is presentation software requirements and the early contained in one section (ensure each section is covered). Learners to present information Interactive education curriculum to the whole group and follow up with a Q&A session. The sections to be covered are whiteboard programme. learning and development requirements, assessment and safeguarding and welfare EYFS Framework or The legislation behind the requirements. access to the internet safeguarding and welfare ● Teacher presentation: Recap that the EYFS is a statutory requirement and it is underpinn Sticky notes requirement regulations in ed by legislation. List the following legislation on a whiteboard - Childcare Act 2006, the EYFS, including the Children Act 1989 and 2004, Data Protection Act 1998 and Equality Act 2010. Childcare Act 2006, Children Act 1989 and ● Paired activity: Research one piece of legislation behind the EYFS and present to the wh 2004, Data Protection Act ole group (ensure each piece of legislation is covered). 1998 and Equality Act 2010. 3 The terminology used in the ● Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. EYFS Framework or documentation, including ● Teacher input: Explain the difference between ‘specific legal requirements’, ‘statutory access to computers the specific legal guidance’ and ‘practice guidance’. with internet access requirements, statutory Are you ready for guidance and practice ● Individual activity: Learners to read through EYFS Framework and highlight any key terms. your inspection? A guidance. guide to inspections How early years settings ● Individual activity: Learners to produce a glossary of key terms from the EYFS of provision on are inspected to check their Framework for their personal files. Ofsted’s Early Years delivery of the EYFS, ● Teacher input: Explanation of quality monitoring (self-assessment) and inspection of all and Childcare </p><p>*See the specification for full details of unit content. 2 © Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free. BTEC National Children's Play, Learning & Development</p><p>Unit 12: The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) </p><p>Resource Lesson Unit content* Activities checklist including the focus on types of early years settings. Register (document emotional care and ● Guest speaker: A childminder/day nursery manager to discuss their role, the EYFS and available from children’s progress. inspection. Guest speaker to explain the inspection process and how a setting can www.ofsted.gov.uk) prepare. Learners to take notes, followed by question and answer session. ● Individual activity: Learners read – Are you ready for your inspection? A guide to inspections of provision on Ofsted’s Early Years and Childcare Registers document produced by Ofsted and make notes. ● Teacher-led discussion: Lead a discussion about how the inspection process can enhance/improve learners’ practice. Learners make notes. 4 How and why children’s ● Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. A Know How Guide: development is assessed at ● Small group activity: Learners to discuss the factors that might cause children not to reac The EYFS progress different points, including h development stages typical for their age group. Learners to feedback answers to whole g check at age two the development check and roup. (available from the EYFS Profile www.foundationyears assessment. ● Teacher-led activity: Show learners samples of progress checks of children at age two .org) years from the Know How Guide on the Foundation Years website. Then, show learners a video clip of a child between two and three years of age playing and ask them to complete Relevant sections for sections of the progress report (depending on areas of development shown in the video age/stage of clip). Learners refer to relevant sections from development statements in the supporting development from Development Matters guidance to help them. Development Matters in the Early Years ● Small group activity: Learners to discuss: Foundation Stage o the methods they would use to assess a child’s progress at age two years guidance o why it is important to include parents in the assessment (downloadable from: www.foundationyears o how the information might be used. .org.uk or Facilitate feedback and discussion. www.education.gov.u k) Videos of two-year- old children at play (from video-sharing websites or other resources. These can be found on </p><p>*See the specification for full details of unit content. 3 © Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free. BTEC National Children's Play, Learning & Development</p><p>Unit 12: The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) </p><p>Resource Lesson Unit content* Activities checklist video-sharing websites, but teachers should view and check them first for suitability before use.) Interactive whiteboard 5 How and why children’s ● Teacher input: Recap previous session and the EYFS assessment profile at four years. Interactive development is assessed at ● Teacher input: Give examples of formative assessment methods in early years settings whiteboard different points – the EYFS (e.g. types of observations, learning journals, and daily diaries). EYFS Development Profile assessment. ● Teacher-led activity: Show video clips of four-year-old children playing. Matters guidance – The aims of the EYFS, extract of including school readiness, ● Paired activity: Learners to discuss the videos, in particular the children’s development, development to reduce inequality and to and make notes about their stage of development relating to each area of learning and statements at ensure that children in the development. appropriate setting are safe. ● Paired activity: Learners read through and familiarise themselves with the 17 early stage/age learning goals from the EYFS, then identify any goals that are being met by children in the (downloadable from: film clips. Learners feedback their decisions to the whole group. www.foundationyears ● Small group activity: Learners discuss what is meant by the phrase ‘school readiness’. .org.uk or What do children need to know and be able to do when they transfer to key stage 1, and www.education.gov.u why? Learners to feedback ideas to the whole group. Collate and write up ideas/points on k) the board. EYFS videos of ● Individual activity: Learners to read Chapter 3 (‘Equipped for life, ready for school’) from children at play – Dame Clare Tickell’s report The Early Years: Foundations for life, health and learning. search on video- sharing websites for ● Extension/Homework activity: Individually, learners to carry out observations of a child the Early Years over two years of age and reflect on their learning and development using statements from Foundation Stage the development statements within the EYFS Development Matters guidance. EYFS Framework or access to the internet Document: ● Early Years: Foundations for </p><p>*See the specification for full details of unit content. 4 © Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free. BTEC National Children's Play, Learning & Development</p><p>Unit 12: The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) </p><p>Resource Lesson Unit content* Activities checklist life, health and learning – An Independent Report on the Early Years Foundation Stage to Her Majesty’s Government (Available from: www.education.g ov.uk) 6 The aims of the EYFS, ● Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. Interactive including school readiness, ● Teacher-led discussion: Lead a discussion on groups which are more likely to whiteboard to reduce inequality and to underachieve, such as children from less advantaged homes and backgrounds, and EYFS Framework or ensure that children in the strategies for removing barriers, such as the introduction of free education for some two- access to the internet setting are safe. year-olds from 2013. ● Small group activity: Learners to read though the requirements of the EYFS and summar ise the requirements relating to the aims of the EYFS to reduce inequality. ● Small group activity: Learners to discuss the characteristics of an inclusive environment and identify five ways to reduce inequality in early years settings. Learners to use the information from their discussions to produce a classroom display entitled ‘Inclusion at Little Tots Nursery’. ● Small group activity: What are the risks to young children in early years settings? Learners to discuss and feedback ideas to the whole group. Collate feedback and write each of the points on the board. ● Paired activity: Learners to discuss each of the points listed on the board and suggest what can be put into place to reduce each of the risks identified. ● Individual activity: Learners to read the safeguarding and welfare requirements section in the EYFS Framework and summarise. </p><p>*See the specification for full details of unit content. 5 © Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free. BTEC National Children's Play, Learning & Development</p><p>Unit 12: The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) </p><p>Resource Lesson Unit content* Activities checklist 7 The overarching principles ● Teacher input: Recap on previous session and introduce aims of session. EYFS Development and themes of the EYFS, to ● Teacher input: Introduce the overarching principles of the EYFS and the themes that Matters Guidance include: unique child, underpin effective practice. (downloadable from: positive relationships, www.foundationyears enabling environments, that ● Small group activity: Learners to discuss and suggest what each of the four principles .org.uk or children develop and learn means in practice. Facilitate feedback and discussion. www.education.gov.u in different ways and at ● Small group activity: Learners to discuss how practitioners can meet the requirements of k) different rates. the principle of ‘a unique child’ by learning about the needs and interests of each child. Learners to feedback their ideas to the class. ● Individual activity: Ask each learner to note down three examples of how positive relationships are formed in their own placement. Invite each learner to share at least one of their examples with the whole group. ● Whole group activity: Learners to suggest strategies for supporting positive relationships when children first enter a setting. 8 The overarching principles ● Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. EYFS videos of and themes of the EYFS, to ● Teacher input: Recap overarching principles of the EYFS – unique child and positive children at play are include: unique child, relationships – and introduce overarching principle to be covered in this session, i.e. available on video- positive relationships, enabling environment. sharing websites. enabling environments, that Search for Early children develop and learn ● Paired activity: Show the group a video of children playing in a stimulating environment. Years Foundation in different ways and at In pairs, learners to discuss and note aspects of the environment that make it ‘enabling’ Stage and there are different rates. and how it supports children’s learning and development. a number of How these principles ar ● Paired activity: Create a set of case studies describing children of the same age at education.gov.uk e reflected within the e different stages of development. Learners to use the case studies to answer the following video clips available. arly education curriculu questions: Check videos for m requirements, includi o Why might children develop at different rates? What are the implications for the suitability before ng the focus on individ EYFS? using them in sessions. ual progress and creati o How can practitioners plan to support children at different stages of learning ng challenging and enj and development? EYFS Development oyable experiences. Matters guidance ● Small group activity: Learners to create a poster on one of the following themes – unique (downloadable from: child, positive relationships, enabling environment – showing the principles that underpin t www.foundationyears heir chosen theme and then giving examples of how this is implemented in practice. .org.ukor www.education.gov.u</p><p>*See the specification for full details of unit content. 6 © Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free. BTEC National Children's Play, Learning & Development</p><p>Unit 12: The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) </p><p>Resource Lesson Unit content* Activities checklist k) Case studies – describing children’s development at different stages Creative materials (e.g. card, large sheets of paper, pens, felt pens, scissors, glue, etc.) 9 The importance of applying ● Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. Planning cycle the principles to practice, ● Teacher input: Show an illustration of the planning cycle and ask learners to identify what illustration including compliance with is involved and the importance of each stage of the cycle in meeting children’s needs. legal requirements, to Facilitate discussion. create a stimulating, inclusive and enjoyable ● Teacher-led discussion: Lead a discussion about the role of the early years professional environment. in applying the principles to practice – enthusiasm, motivation, organisation, collaboration, reflection and willingness to keep up to date with developments and practice. How settings can apply principles to practice, to ● Small group activity: Learners to discuss the importance of the role of key person and include planning for working with parents. Learners to feedback to the group, drawing on own experiences children, providing children from work placement setting. with a key person and ● Individual activity: Learners to discuss and write a report on the importance of the key working with parents. worker and working with parents when applying principles. </p><p>*See the specification for full details of unit content. 7 © Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free. BTEC National Children's Play, Learning & Development</p><p>Unit 12: The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) </p><p>Resource Lesson Unit content* Activities checklist 10 Issue Assignment 1, Task ● Teacher input: Recap learning aim and introduce aims of this session. Recap Other reference 1 to cover 3A.P1, 3A.P2, assessment requirements. books 3A.P3, 3A.M1, 3A.D1 ● Individual activity: Learners to work on completing assignment independently and submit EYFS Framework (or Use centre-devised on agreed date. access to the assignment or alternatively, internet) use the authorised Computers with assignment from Pearson. printers and access to the internet Centre-devised assignment or, use the authorised assignment from Pearson. Learning Aim B Understand the educational programme within the early years foundation stage 11 The requirement to deliver ● Teacher presentation: Introduce learning aim B and the aims for this session. Recap EYFS Framework (or all areas of development previous session. access to the through planned purposeful ● Teacher input: Recap on the three prime and four specific areas of learning within the internet) play and the three EYFS Framework. Interactive characteristics of learning, whiteboard including playing and ● Teacher input: Explain the three characteristics of learning (playing and exploring, active exploring, active learning, learning and creating and thinking critically) and invite learners to give examples of these EYFS Development and creating and thinking characteristics in practice. Matters guidance critically. ● Paired activity: Show learners video clips of children at play. After each film clip, ask (downloadable from: learners to identify and discuss any links between their observations and the three www.foundationyears characteristics of learning. Learners to feedback to the whole group. .org.ukor www.education.gov.u ● Individual activity: Learners to describe an activity that children in their own placement k) have taken part in and feedback to the whole class on how it meets the characteristics of learning. EYFS videos of children at play are available on video- sharing websites. Search for ‘Early Years Foundation </p><p>*See the specification for full details of unit content. 8 © Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free. BTEC National Children's Play, Learning & Development</p><p>Unit 12: The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) </p><p>Resource Lesson Unit content* Activities checklist Stage’ and there are a number of education.gov.uk video clips available. View and check videos for suitability before use. 12 The rationale behind each ● Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce learning aims of this session. EYFS Framework (or of the areas of learning in ● Individual or small group activity: Using the reports listed in the resources column access to the terms of children’s overall opposite, ask learners to research the three prime areas of learning and produce a poster internet) development, including the to include: Documents: difference between the three prime areas of o the rationale (reason) for each prime area of learning in terms of supporting ● The Early Years: learning (personal, social children’s overall development Foundations for and emotional o the scope of each area of learning. life, health and learning: An development, Learners to present their posters to the whole class. communication and Independent language, physical ● Individual activity: Using the EYFS Development Matters document and the report on Report on the development) and the four The Early Years: Foundations for life, health and learning, ask learners to familiarise Early Years specific areas (literacy, themselves with the rationale and scope of the specific areas of learning. Foundation mathematics, ● Group activity: Learners to discuss the differences between the prime and specific areas Stage to Her understanding the world, of learning – for instance how the prime areas provide a foundation for other learning, such Majesty’s expressive arts and as developing curiosity and building friendships, while other areas are more specific and Government – design). subject-based. Annex 8, 9 and 10 The scope of each of the (www.education. areas of learning, including gov.uk) how the prime areas of learning relate to the ● EYFS specific areas. Development Matters (downloadable from: www.foundationy ears.org.uk or www.education.g</p><p>*See the specification for full details of unit content. 9 © Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free. BTEC National Children's Play, Learning & Development</p><p>Unit 12: The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) </p><p>Resource Lesson Unit content* Activities checklist ov.uk) Creative materials (such as large sheets of paper, felt pens, scissors, glue, etc.) 13 How areas of learning are ● Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. Recap prime Planning sheets/pens interrelated, including the and specific areas of learning. Computer with way in which one play ● Small group activity: Write the following quote from section 1, point 4 of the EYFS printers activity may provide Framework on the board: ‘Three areas [of learning] are particularly crucial for igniting EYFS Framework (or opportunities for several children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building their capacity to learn, areas of learning. access to the form relationships and thrive’. Ask learners to discuss the reasons why. internet) ● Paired activity: Learners to write each of the seven areas of learning on a large planning EYFS sheet and create a concept map. Learners draw lines between areas that have strong links Development and write alongside the drawn lines how the areas are interlinked. Draw learners’ attention Matters to how the prime areas provide a foundation for the specific areas. (downloadable ● Individual activity: Learners to describe a play activity and use a spider diagram to show from: how the activity will target different areas of learning. www.foundationy ears.org.uk or www.education.g ov.uk) 14 The importance of ongoing ● Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session explaining the EYFS videos of formative assessment, difference between formative and summative assessment. children at play are including observing ● Group activity: Show video clips of children playing. Learners to observe and make available on video- children’s development and notes. Lead a discussion of their observations – an analysis of the children’s learning and sharing websites. discussing children’s development and discussion of how practitioners should use observation to plan for Search for ‘Early progress with key persons, individual progress. Years Foundation colleagues, parents and/or Stage’ and there are carers in order to use the ● Individual activity: Learners to use the information from their observations of children a number of information to plan for playing in the video clips and then complete AS 5 on planning activities with links to a education.gov.uk individual children’s number of areas of learning and development. Learners to feedback to whole group. video clips available. progress within the EYFS. View and check videos for suitability before use.EYFS </p><p>*See the specification for full details of unit content. 10 © Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free. BTEC National Children's Play, Learning & Development</p><p>Unit 12: The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) </p><p>Resource Lesson Unit content* Activities checklist Framework (or access to the internet) EYFS Development Matters (downloadable from: www.foundationy ears.org.ukor www.education.g ov.uk) 15 The importance of ● Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. Planning balancing adult-led and ● Teacher-led activity: Write two headings ‘Teacher-led’ and ‘Child-initiated’ on the sheets/coloured pens child-initiated activities and whiteboard and ask learners to suggest the characteristics of each type of activity. Write EYFS Framework (or how the balance may learners’ suggestions on the board under the relevant heading. access to the change according to the internet) age/stage of development ● Small group activity: Learners to respond to the following questions and discuss ideas as of children. a group. EYFS o What types of activity are teacher-led or child-initiated? Development Matters o Are there differences according to ages/stages of development? (downloadable o Are there differences depending on the area of learning being targeted by the from: activity? www.foundationy ears.org.ukor o What are the benefits of: a) child-led learning and b) adult-led activities? www.education.g ● Individual activity: Learners to research constructivist theories of learning – Lev Vygotsky ov.uk) (zone of proximal development), Jerome Bruner (scaffolding) – and identify how these theories have influenced ways that adults interact with children to extend learning. Learners to identify theories in practice in their own setting. 16 Issue Assignment 1, Task ● Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. Other reference 2 to cover 3B.P4, 3B.M2. ● Whole group activity: Learners give examples of adults supporting children’s learning books Use centre-devised and development from own observations in their workplace setting. EYFS assignment or alternatively, Development </p><p>*See the specification for full details of unit content. 11 © Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free. BTEC National Children's Play, Learning & Development</p><p>Unit 12: The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) </p><p>Resource Lesson Unit content* Activities checklist use the authorised ● Teacher input: Revisit assignment brief for Task 2. Matters assignment from Pearson. ● Individual activity: Learners to work on completing assignment independently and submit (downloadable on agreed date. from: www.foundationy ears.org.ukor www.education.g ov.uk) EYFS Framework (or access to the internet) Computers with printers and access to the internet Centre-devised assignment or, use the authorised assignment from Pearson Learning Aim C: Be able to plan, lead and assess purposeful play and education programmes that support children’s progress towards Early Years Foundation Stage areas of learning and development 17 How to plan play and ● Teacher presentation: Introduce learning aim C. Recap previous session. Interactive activities to support ● Small group activity: Learners to complete the table identifying types of activity (adult-led whiteboard children’s progress in each or child-initiated) and areas of learning covered for the different activities listed. Range of creative of the areas of learning ● Small group activity: Learners to create and take part in an activity (e.g. model- materials for creating within the EYFS towards an activity (e.g. large early learning goals. making/printing) for use with children between 30 and 60 months. Give learners materials to create the activity. Once they have created the activity, they need to try it out. sheets of paper, felt pens, card, paints, ● Individual activity: Learners to reflect on each area of learning that was being targeted shapes for printing during the activity. with, scissors, glue, o Which areas of learning were targeted? etc.) o How does the activity support children towards the goals of each of the areas? EYFS Framework (or access to the o How can adults support and promote children’s communication during the </p><p>*See the specification for full details of unit content. 12 © Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free. BTEC National Children's Play, Learning & Development</p><p>Unit 12: The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) </p><p>Resource Lesson Unit content* Activities checklist activity? internet) ● Individual activity: Learners to plan an activity for a group of children they know in their EYFS own placement. Learners to identify the areas of learning and development (from the Development EYFS) that it will promote. Matters ● Homework activity: Learners to implement, observe and review the activity they planned, (downloadable and discuss with supervisor and/or key person. Learners to make notes for use in the next from: session. www.foundationy ears.org.uk or www.education.g ov.uk) 18 How to plan for children’s ● Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce learning aims for this session. progress within the EYFS, ● Whole group activity: Learners feedback on the success of the activities they planned for using observations, use in their work placement settings. Learners to reflect on their observations of the assessment, records, children and the discussions with colleagues and discuss how it can help them to plan for discussions with key future activities to promote learning and development. persons, colleagues, parents and/or carers. ● Small group activity: Learners to identify different methods that can be used to assess children’s progress, and suggest and discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each method. Facilitate feedback and discussion. ● Individual activity: Learners to investigate types of records and also the way these records are shared and stored in own placements. Facilitate feedback. 19 How to plan an adult- ● Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. directed activity, including ● Small group activity: Learners to prepare the agenda for a staff training session about the identification of adult-directed activities. Topics covered in the agenda should cover the following things. children’s needs and Produce handouts on each of the topics. interests, links to areas of learning, the need for o Activities and the environment – children’s progress through planned and activities to be purposeful unplanned learning. and playful. o The importance of enabling children to plan ahead from day to day. How to support and extend o The importance of listening, challenging. children’s learning and o Giving children time. thinking, including sustained shared thinking. o Giving your time.</p><p>*See the specification for full details of unit content. 13 © Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free. BTEC National Children's Play, Learning & Development</p><p>Unit 12: The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) </p><p>Resource Lesson Unit content* Activities checklist o How to support and extend children’s learning and thinking. ● Homework activity: Ask learners to bring three play and activity plans they have carried out in placement to the next two sessions. 20 How to balance adult-led ● Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. Play and activity and child-initiated activities, ● Individual activity: Learners to reflect on the activity plans they have used in placement plans that learners including allowing equal and identify the child’s and their own involvement in the session. They can present their have carried out in opportunities for each child placement activities to peers in a small group, explaining ways they ensured children had placement to participate fully and be opportunities to participate. Other reference included. ● Small group activity: Using one theme (e.g. ourselves, animals, etc.), ask learners to books How to promote diversity, suggest three adult-led and three child-initiated play and learning activities. They should Computers with equality and inclusion when then discuss the positive or negative aspects of each type of activity with the rest of the printers and access planning, leading and group. Facilitate feedback to the whole group. to the internet assessing play and educational programmes. ● Small group activity: Return to plans and discuss the extent to which diversity, equality Centre-devised and inclusion has been considered in the plans. Learners update plans. assignment or, use ● Teacher input: Facilitate discussion on ways to promote diversity, equality and inclusion the authorised when planning, leading and assessing play and educational programmes. assignment from Pearson. Large planning sheets / pens 21 How to lead and support ● Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. Play and activity children’s progress in more ● Individual activity: Learners to use own activity plans and reflections from previous plans that learners than one area of learning. session to assess how the plans have supported children across different areas of learning have carried out in How to carry out and development. placement observational assessment ● Whole group activity: Write each of the 17 early learning goals on separate large sheets Large sheets of and record children’s of paper (pinned to the wall or spread out on tables). Learners to move around the room paper and pens progress towards early adding one or more suggestions of play or activities that will support children’s progress EYFS Framework (or learning goals. towards the goal. Discuss ideas and evaluate the likelihood of each activity in supporting access to the children to meet the early learning goals. internet) EYFS Development Matters </p><p>*See the specification for full details of unit content. 14 © Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free. BTEC National Children's Play, Learning & Development</p><p>Unit 12: The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) </p><p>Resource Lesson Unit content* Activities checklist (downloadable from: www.foundationy ears.org.uk or www.education.g ov.uk) 22 Issue Assignment 1, Task ● Teacher input: Recap learning aim C and revisit assignment brief for Task 3. Other reference 3 to cover 3C.P5, 3C.P6, ● Individual activity: Learners to work on completing assignment independently and submit books 3C.P7, 3C.M3 on agreed date. EYFS Use centre-devised ● Individual activity: This assignment requires practical work to be carried out in a work pla Development assignment or alternatively, cement, with evidence recorded in the Practical Evidence Portfolio (PEP). Matters use the authorised (downloadable assignment from Pearson. from: www.foundationy ears.org.uk or www.education.g ov.uk) EYFS Framework (or access to the internet) Computers with printers and access to the internet Centre-devised assignment or, use the authorised assignment from Pearson Learning aim D : Support safeguarding and welfare requirements within the Early Years Foundation Stage 23 The rationale behind the ● Teacher presentation: Introduce learning aim D and the aims for this session. Recap Interactive safeguarding and welfare previous session. whiteboard requirements. ● Teacher input: The rationale behind the safeguarding and welfare requirements. EYFS Framework (or</p><p>*See the specification for full details of unit content. 15 © Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free. BTEC National Children's Play, Learning & Development</p><p>Unit 12: The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) </p><p>Resource Lesson Unit content* Activities checklist The requirements and ● Individual activity: Learners to investigate what providers must do under the statutory access to the practical implications with requirements in the EYFS and produce a leaflet for new learners explaining the internet) regard to children’s requirements for children’s protection and welfare. Computers with protection, to include the ● Individual activity: Provide learners with an exemplar child protection policy. Learners to printers Exemplar requirement for a read through the policy and highlight links with EYFS requirements. child protection policy safeguarding policy and the importance of recognising and recording changes in children’s behaviour. 24 The requirements and ● Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. Recap EYFS Framework (or practical implications with requirements for child protection. access to the regard to suitable people, ● Paired activity: Learners to respond to the following questions relating to a scenario internet) to include the disclosures about concerns about a colleague’s practice (e.g. a colleague takes children into a hidden Scenario based on that staff must make about area to carry out changing routines, they handle a child roughly, they withdraw food or concerns about a convictions, cautions and drink as punishment): colleagues practice court orders. o What is it about this person’s practice that is unacceptable? Computers with The requirements and access to the internet practical implications in o If you observe this practice, what action should you take? relation to staff o What are the implications for this childcare worker? qualifications, training, o What can be done in a setting to reduce the risk of institutional abuse? support and skills, to include the requirement for ● Small group activity: Identify the essential skills, knowledge and requirements when ongoing supervision and recruiting people for working with young children. staff appraisal. ● Paired activity: Learners to produce an advertisement for a new member of staff in an early years setting to be placed in an early years education magazine/journal. ● Individual activity: Learners to carry out research to find out about the role of the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and feedback findings to whole group. ● Homework activity: Ask learners to obtain a copy of the Health and Safety policy from their work placement and bring it to the next session. 25 The requirements and ● Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. Interactive practical implications with ● Teacher input: Introduce the role and responsibilities of a key person in line with the whiteboard regard to the provision of a requirements in section 3.26 of the EYFS Framework. EYFS Framework (or key person for each child. access to the </p><p>*See the specification for full details of unit content. 16 © Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free. BTEC National Children's Play, Learning & Development</p><p>Unit 12: The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) </p><p>Resource Lesson Unit content* Activities checklist The requirements and ● Small group activity: Learners to identify the qualities required by a key person and internet) sections practical implications with feedback ideas to the rest of the class. 3.26 (key person), regard to staff ratios. ● Small group activity: Learners select one aspect of health, safety and security below (en 3.27 – 3.41 (staff The requirements and suring all aspects are covered) and produce information showing guidelines(in line with ratios), 3.42 – 3.44 practical implications with the requirements in the EYFS) that must be followed in an early years setting Learners (health/medicines), regard to the health, safety present information to the whole group: 3.45 – 3.47 (food and drink), 3.48 – 3.49 and security of children, to o maintaining and promoting a healthy environment include the administering of (accident and injury) medicines, provision of o safety and security of the children Computers with food and drink, and o administering medicines printers accident and injury. o provision of food and drink. Health and safety How to identify and provide policies from ● Paired activity: Learners discuss how they identify children’s needs in relation to food for children’s physical learners’ own and drink, rest and sleep and how these are provided for in own placement and feedback. welfare needs including placements sleep and rest, food, drink. ● Individual activity: Learners to use the EYFS Framework to produce a chart that shows staff:child ratios at different ages in the range birth to 5 years, in different types of setting and different situations for their personal files. 26 The requirements and ● Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of session. EYFS Framework (or practical implications with ● Teacher-led discussion: On ways that behaviour is managed. access to the regard to managing internet) – sections behaviour, to include the ● Small group activity: Learners discuss and make notes on positive ways of encouraging 3.50 and 3.51, 3.52 importance of a policy and wanted behaviour and sanctions that may and may not be used when there is unwanted behaviour. Learners to feedback their ideas to the whole group. Creative materials ways of responding to (e.g. paper, felt pens, unwanted behaviour. ● Individual activity: Learners to read sections 3.50, 3.51, 3.52 of the EYFS Framework on pens, glue, scissors, The requirements and managing behaviour and review their notes from the previous activity. etc.) practical implications with ● Whole group activity: Ask learners to identify the barriers to inclusion and share ideas Interactive regard to equal with the whole group. Write up the list on the whiteboard. whiteboard opportunities, to include the ● Small group activity: Learners to discuss and identify ways that each of the barriers can Role-play scenarios importance of a policy and be removed. Facilitate feedback. challenging inappropriate attitudes and practices. ● Teacher-led discussion: Lead a discussion on the importance of challenging discrimination and ways of doing this. How to value diversity and promote equality of ● Paired activity: Learners to carry out some role-play scenarios where there has been opportunity and anti- inappropriate practice. For example, where a colleague has shown practice that is </p><p>*See the specification for full details of unit content. 17 © Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free. BTEC National Children's Play, Learning & Development</p><p>Unit 12: The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) </p><p>Resource Lesson Unit content* Activities checklist discriminatory practice in discriminatory (e.g. a child has been excluded from an outside play activity because they an early years setting. are physically disabled, a practitioner is overheard saying that they are not happy to be a child’s key worker because they are from a certain family and will misbehave, a practitioner disregards a child’s dietary needs and suggests they should eat what is on offer). ● Whole group activity: Learners write one example of ways that early years professionals can show that they value diversity and promote equality and diversity on a sticky note. Collect notes and read out – display notes in the classroom for reference. ● Homework activity: Ask learners to carry out a health and safety audit of their work placement’s premises (including the layout, equipment used, rules for access, smoking) in preparation for the next session. 27 The requirements and ● Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. Discuss the EYFS Framework (or practical implications of the EYFS requirements relating to safety. access to the safety and suitability of ● Teacher input: Introduce purpose and stages of risk assessment. internet) – sections premises, environment and 3.53, 3.54, 3.55. equipment, to include risk ● Individual activity: Learners to read sections 3.53 and 3.54, 3.55 of the EYFS Framework 3.64, 3.65 assessment, ban on on safety and suitability of premises, environment and equipment including the ban on smoking. Using the requirements, learners to draw a plan of an indoor and outdoor area of Planning sheets and smoking, how outings need coloured pens to be organised. their own work placement setting and annotate it to show how the premises and equipment used meet the requirements of the EYFS Framework. How to act on own responsibilities in relation to ● Individual activity: Using the health and safety audit learners were asked to carry out in safeguarding and their work placement in the previous session, learners to select one area of their work promoting health and placement setting and produce a risk assessment. Learners should also make safety. recommendations for improvements. Learners identify own responsibilities relating to safety and security. How to act on own responsibilities in relation to ● Individual activity: Learners to read through sections of EYFS Framework on outings safety and security within (3.64 and 3.65) and other relevant welfare information. an early years setting. ● Small group activity: Learners to produce a flow chart to show how outings must be organised in order to meet safeguarding and welfare requirements. Learners should explain (and give reasons) for each stage in the flow chart in relation to the requirements. Facilitate feedback. Feedback to whole group and agree key points for ensuring a safe outing, amending the flow chart if necessary.</p><p>*See the specification for full details of unit content. 18 © Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free. BTEC National Children's Play, Learning & Development</p><p>Unit 12: The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) </p><p>Resource Lesson Unit content* Activities checklist 28 The requirements and ● Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. Examples of record practical implications in ● Small group activity: Learners identify the information kept in an early years setting and templates relation to information and the purpose of it. Learners to feedback ideas to rest of the group. Facilitate feedback and Scenarios describing records, to include make a list of the ideas on the board. Add any ideas that learners have not considered. situations relating to confidentiality of information and information, provision of ● Small group activity: Learners to discuss who has access to, for example, personal data, health information, additional needs records, progress records; how information is shared records about information for parents and individual children carers and circumstances with parents; the information that must be shared with Ofsted and why. Learners to draw when Ofsted must be on own experiences from placement. Facilitate feedback and discussion. Interactive notified. ● Teacher input: Explanation of the importance of confidentiality and the eight principles of whiteboard How to record and manage the Data Protection Act and explain the term ‘need to know’. accurate and coherent ● Individual activity: Learners to read through scenarios describing situations relating to information about children, information that is held about children, for example: ensuring confidentiality, o records and information about a child who is not progressing as planned and including passing where intervention is being planned information to those who need to know. o an observation of a child with behavioural issues o information relating to a child whose behaviour has changed and where there are child protection concerns o information provided by a parent about a child’s ongoing health condition. For each situation, learners to answer the following questions: o Why is the information required? o How and where is it stored? o Who needs to know the information and when? o To whom should the information be passed? ● Small group activity: Learners explore templates of types of records (personal data, health and development records, learning progress records) and discuss the purpose of each (i.e. how they benefit the child’s learning and development). Facilitate feedback and discussion.</p><p>*See the specification for full details of unit content. 19 © Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free. BTEC National Children's Play, Learning & Development</p><p>Unit 12: The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) </p><p>Resource Lesson Unit content* Activities checklist 29-30 Revision of safeguarding ● Teacher input: Recap safeguarding and welfare requirements. Other reference and welfare requirements. ● Teacher presentation: Overview of assignment requirements, nature of assessment and books Issue Assignment 1, Task timeline for completion/submission. EYFS Framework (or 4 to cover 3D.P8, 3D.M4, ● Individual activity: Learners to work on completing assignment independently and submit access to the 3D.M5, 3D.D2 on agreed date. internet) Use centre-devised ● Individual activity: This assignment requires practical work to be carried out in a work pla Computers with assignment or alternatively, cement, with evidence recorded in the Practical Evidence Portfolio (PEP). printers and access use the authorised to the internet assignment from Pearson. Centre-devised assignment or, use the authorised assignment from Pearson TOTAL: 60 hours</p><p>*See the specification for full details of unit content. 20 © Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.</p>
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