<p>Great Chart Cricket Club RULES</p><p>Rule 1</p><p>The Club and it’s Objectives</p><p>(i) The Great Chart Cricket Club will herein after be called ‘The Club’.</p><p>(ii) Godinton Park, the site on which the Club play cricket, will herein after be called ‘The Ground’.</p><p>(iii) The Ground and Pavilion are held in a Charitable Trust, namely the Great Chart Cricket and Recreation Ground Trust, and will herein after be called ‘The Trust’.</p><p>(iv) There shall be Trustees as specified in the Trust deed dated 28th November 1985.</p><p>(v) The Objective of the Club shall be the provision of playing cricket and such other activities as the Management Committee may sanction.</p><p>Rule 2</p><p>The Management Committee and Officers of the Club</p><p>(i) The affairs of the Club shall be administered by a Management Committee whose members shall be deemed as Officers of the Club and shall consist of the following positions;</p><p>Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Bar Secretary, Fixture Secretary, Ground Secretary, Social Secretary, Colts Manager, Club Welfare Officer and all Team Captains. </p><p>(ii) The positions of President and all Team Vice-Captains shall also be deemed as Officers of the Club but shall not serve on the Management Committee.</p><p>(iii) All Officers of the Club shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting by the members present at such a meeting in accordance with Rule 7 sub-sections B & C. </p><p>(iv) The President shall retain this position until such time as he or she resigns. When a replacement is required, the President shall be elected at the next Annual General Meeting.</p><p>(v) Members of the Management Committee shall be members of the Club, however Associate or Colt Members cannot hold the positions of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer or Team Captain.</p><p>(vi) No person shall hold more than two positions within the Management Committee.</p><p>(vii) If both the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman are unable to attend any General Meeting or any meeting of the Management Committee, the members present at any such meeting shall appoint one of their number to act as Chairman.</p><p>(viii) Five members of the Management Committee shall constitute a quorum.</p><p>(ix) Should a vacancy occur during the year for any position, the Management Committee shall have the power to fill the vacancy (within the criteria as laid out in Rule 2(v)) until the next Annual General Meeting. All rights of the previous incumbent shall be transferred to their successor.</p><p>Rule 3 Sub-Committees and Special Committees</p><p>The Chair of each Sub-Committee or Special Committee shall be responsible to the Management Committee for, but not limited to, their remit. (See Appendix). </p><p>A) Selection Committee</p><p>(i) The Selection Committee shall consist of all Team Captains and all Vice-Captains. Other members of the Management Committee may be co-opted at the Selection Committee’s discretion. </p><p>(ii) The Selection Committee shall be responsible for the selection of Club elevens (except Colt elevens). The Selection Committee will meet every Thursday at 8pm to pick teams for forthcoming matches and members must make their availability for selection known before that time. The decisions made by the Selection Committee shall be final and it will be the responsibility of each player to find out if they have been selected or if the match has been called off.</p><p>B) Playing Committee</p><p>The Playing Committee shall consist of all Team Captains, all Vice-Captains, Fixture Secretary and Colts Manager. The Playing Committee shall discuss all aspects of playing cricket at the Club.</p><p>C) Other Committees</p><p>(i) The Bar Secretary, Colts Manager, Ground Secretary, and Social Secretary shall have the power to co-opt any person that he or she so chooses to form a sub-committee to cover their remit. (See Appendix). Co-opted members do not have to be members of the Club.</p><p>(ii) The Management Committee shall have the power to set up other sub-committees as it may deem desirable.</p><p>Rule 4</p><p>Membership</p><p>Membership shall be open to all, irrespective of age, gender, disability, race, ethnic origin, creed, colour, social status or sexual orientation.</p><p>Membership shall be effective from 1st May through to 30th April of the following year.</p><p>A) Classes of Membership</p><p>Classes of Membership within the Club shall be; </p><p>President, Vice President, Hon. Life Member, Full Member, Junior Member, Colt Member, Social Member and Associate Member.</p><p>B) Membership Criteria and Entitlements </p><p>Persons shall be invited to become Vice-Presidents or Hon. Life Members at the discretion of the Club at each Annual General Meeting.</p><p>The entitlements for each Class of Membership shall fall into 3 categories:</p><p>(a) The rights and privileges that being a Member of the Club allows. (b) Entitlement to play cricket for the Club. (c) Entitlement to vote at any General Meeting of the Club.</p><p>(i) Vice Presidents shall be entitled to categories (a) and (c) but shall not be entitled to nominate or vote on the election of Captains and Vice Captains.</p><p>(ii) The President, Full and Hon. Life Members shall be entitled to all categories.</p><p>(iii) Junior Membership shall be restricted to any person under 25 years of age and in full time education on 1 st September of the preceding year and they shall be entitled to all categories. Full time education is regarded as attending an educational establishment for a minimum of 12 hours per week.</p><p>(iv) Colt Membership shall be restricted to persons under 16 years of age on 1 st September of the preceding year and they shall be entitled to categories (a) and (b). Additionally, Colt Members who serve on the Management Committee shall be entitled to voting rights as for Vice Presidents. (Refer to (i) above). Colt Members shall be entitled to play Colt cricket (dependant on age). Any Colt Member can be selected for adult cricket matches provided that no other Full, Hon. Life or Junior Members are available to play.</p><p>(v) Social Members shall be entitled to categories (a) and (c).</p><p>(vi) Associate Membership shall be automatically given to spouses or partners of any member of the Club. For Colt Members, Associate Membership shall be automatically given to their parents or guardians. Associate Members shall be entitled to category (a). Additionally, Associate Members who serve on the Management Committee shall be entitled to voting rights as for Vice Presidents. (Refer to (i) above). </p><p>C) Applications for Membership </p><p>(i) Applications for Full, Junior and Social Membership shall be forwarded to the Hon. Secretary following the completion of a Club Membership Form. The Management Committee may admit or refuse an application at their discretion.</p><p>(ii) Applications for Colts Membership shall be made to the Colts Manager for consideration who may admit or refuse an application at his or her discretion.</p><p>Rule 5</p><p>Conduct of Members</p><p>(i) Members are expected, at all times, to uphold the dignity and good name of the Club. Dissent and bad language will not be tolerated on or off the pitch. The Captain of the day has the power to act as he sees fit in the circumstances.</p><p>(ii) The Management Committee shall have the power to suspend or expel any member if such a course is considered necessary in the interests of the Club.</p><p>(iii) Any member suspended or expelled shall have the right of appeal to a special meeting of the Management Committee. Notice of such an appeal must be lodged with the Hon. Secretary within seven days from notification of the decision.</p><p>(iv) All members shall keep the buildings and ground tidy and shall report any damage or loss to the Officers.</p><p>(v) The Captain of the day has the power, at his discretion, to play the twelfth man in the event of selected players not being present by the time designated by the Captain or as League Rules dictate.</p><p>(vi) Full and Junior Members are expected to assist with work in maintaining the buildings and the ground and in preparation for matches and to help before and after all home games. </p><p>(vii) Every Full and Junior Member shall help with the running of the Club not less than 3 times per year by either attending groundwork sessions or preparing a tea or assisting at a major fund-raising event (or any combination of the three). Members who fail to complete the minimum requirement will have their future membership reviewed by the Management Committee and possibly refused.</p><p>Rule 6</p><p>Subscriptions and Match Levies</p><p>(i) An annual subscription shall be payable by Full, Junior, Colt and Social Members. Rates of subscription for different classes of membership shall be fixed by the Club at the Annual General Meeting. </p><p>(ii) Subscriptions must be paid by 1st May each year. The Selection Committee will give preference to members who have paid their subscription. (iii) Payment should be made to the Hon. Treasurer or Hon. Secretary together with a completed Club Membership Form. (iv) New members may be admitted to the Club at any time. New members admitted on or after 1st July will be entitled to a minimum of a 25% reduction in the annual subscription. The reduction will be increased on a pro-rata basis.</p><p>(v) Match levies shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting.</p><p>Rule 7</p><p>Annual General Meeting</p><p>(i) The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall usually be held during the month of January or February each year.</p><p>(ii) An Annual General Meeting shall be called at least eleven months and not more that thirteen months after the preceding Annual General Meeting.</p><p>(iii) Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given to all members in writing at least twenty-eight days prior to the date of the meeting.</p><p>(iv) Any motion to be discussed at the Annual General Meeting shall be submitted to the Hon. Secretary at least fourteen days prior to the meeting.</p><p>(v) A quorum of 30% or more of Full, Junior and Social Members shall be present for any meeting to proceed.</p><p>A) The Business of the Annual General Meeting shall include;</p><p>(i) Consideration of the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting and any subsequent Extraordinary General Meeting.</p><p>(ii) The report and accounts for the previous year ending 31st December.</p><p>(iii) The election of Officers and, where appropriate, members of other Committees. </p><p>(iv) Alteration to the Club Rules.</p><p>(v) Appointment of Accountant(s).</p><p>(vi) Items as authorised by the Management Committee.</p><p>(vii) Any additional items not on the agenda.</p><p>B) Nominations </p><p>(i) Nominations for all Officers of the Club and other Committees where appropriate shall be duly made and seconded by any member of the Club who has the entitlement. Refer to Rule 4 sub-section B.</p><p>C) Elections </p><p>(i) For all elections and other matters, each member of the Club who has the entitlement (refer to Rule 4 sub-section B) on being present at the Annual General Meeting, shall be permitted to cast one vote in any ballot held. </p><p>(ii) In the event of any election being inconclusive, an additional ballot shall be held between nominees who obtained the most votes.</p><p>(iii) If the results of any ballot remain inconclusive, the Chairman shall have an additional casting vote and it’s exercise shall be mandatory.</p><p>D) Voting on changes to the Club Rules</p><p>(i) None of the Club Rules shall be altered nor any rule added without the approval of two thirds of the members present at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting called for the purpose.</p><p>(ii) A proposal to add to or vary the Club Rules shall not be valid unless it is in writing and given to the Hon. Secretary not less than fourteen days before the date of the General Meeting. Rule 8</p><p>Extraordinary General Meeting</p><p>(i) An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at the request of the Management Committee or by the Hon. Secretary upon receipt of a written request from at least five members of the Club (except Colt and Associate Members). </p><p>(ii) Such an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened not later than thirty days thereafter.</p><p>(iii) Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting, conduct of business and voting rights of members present at the said meeting shall be in accordance with the Rules for an Annual General Meeting. (Refer to Rule 7).</p><p>Rule 9</p><p>Visitors and Guests</p><p>(i) Members may introduce friends as guests and be permitted to purchase and consume alcoholic beverages under conditions laid down from time to time by the Management Committee.</p><p>(ii) Visitors and guests shall be expected to uphold the dignity and good name of the Club.</p><p>Bar</p><p>The licensed bar will comply with National Licensing Laws as they apply in relation to sports clubs. Opening times will be fixed by the Management Committee. </p><p>Rule 10</p><p>Finance</p><p>(i) The Club financial year shall commence on 1st January.</p><p>(ii) The Hon. Treasurer shall receive monies on behalf of the Club and shall make payments as the Management Committee shall direct.</p><p>(iii) Annual Balance Sheets shall be audited and presented to the Annual General Meeting and, if approved, be signed by the Hon. Treasurer, the Chairman and the Accountant(s).</p><p>(iv) The Hon. Treasurer shall produce, at each Management Committee meeting, details of the Club’s finances.</p><p>Rule 11</p><p>Miscellaneous</p><p>A) Grievances and Suggestions</p><p>(i) Any grievances or suggestions should be reported to the Management Committee in writing through the Hon. Secretary.</p><p>(ii) Matters may be dealt with by the Management Committee or where appropriate by a specially convened General Meeting.</p><p>B) Dissolution of the Club If the Club is dissolved, any assets shall be applied for approved sporting or charitable purposes to comply with the Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) legislation.</p><p>C) Surplus assets</p><p>(i) All surplus income or profits of the Club shall be invested in the Club.</p><p>(ii) No surplus or assets shall be distributed to members or third parties.</p><p>D) Welfare of Members and Volunteers</p><p>The Club agrees to abide by and adhere to a Child Protection and Welfare Policy and a Code of Conduct for Cricket Staff and Volunteers as required by the England & Wales Cricket Board (ECB) and as amended by them from time to time.</p><p>Rule 12</p><p>Club Rules</p><p>Every member of the Club shall, by virtue of his or her membership, be deemed to have full knowledge of the above Rules and shall be bound by them.</p><p>2012</p><p>Appendix Remit for each Officer of the Club</p><p>President (not on the Management Committee)</p><p> Act as the figure-head of the Club and promote the Club’s image. Ensure that the Club is run properly and lawfully. Direct the Club to meet specific standards. Be the Club’s representative at the highest level. Be available for consultation if difficult problems arise.</p><p>Chairman</p><p> Lead and Chair the Management Committee (monthly) and Annual General Meeting (annually). Act as the “focal” point for other village organisations/residents. Represent the Club with other organisations as appropriate (these could include Parish Council, Planning meetings, Playing Fields, etc.). Act as the “conduit” to co-ordinate the various activities within the Club. Attend sub-committees and selection meetings as required/invited. Co-ordinate communications where required. Consider how the Club may develop and make proposals. Assist in dispute resolutions and mediate as required. Support the Colts section, whenever possible, by attending events and meetings.</p><p>Vice-Chairman</p><p> Be the Chairman’s ‘right-hand’ person and liaise closely with him. Deputise for the Chairman in his absence in all aspects of his role as listed above. Responsible for coordinating the use of Club facilities. </p><p>Hon. Secretary</p><p> The principal and initial link between the Club members and outside parties. Deal with correspondence both from within and outside the Club. Responsible for the correspondence between two or more people through e-mail or letter. Prepare the Agenda for the Management Committee (monthly) and the Annual General Meeting (annually). Make a formal written record of any discussions, agreements or action points arising from these meetings for distribution to committee members and maintaining those records. Ensure ‘action points’ from meetings are carried out.</p><p>Hon. Treasurer</p><p> Responsible for managing all Club Accounts (currently four). Report Account balances at each Management Committee meeting. Produce Annual Statements and Reports for the AGM. Prepare the Accounts to be verified by a qualified Accountant. Deal with the collection and collation of all Club income. Collate and pay all expenses (usually cash or cheque, but occasionally direct debit) Make frequent trips to the bank to pay cash in, often weekly during the playing season. Make occasional bank transfers between Accounts - arranged by telephone.</p><p>Captains ‘Captain’ his side during the match. Attend (and possibly chair) Playing Committee meetings. Attend Selection Committee meetings. Responsible for ensuring that teas are arranged and groundwork duties have been completed on match day mornings. Responsible for ensuring an umpire and scorer are in place and also for drinks to be taken out at the appropriate times during the game. Responsible for the security of the pavilion on match days. Responsible for the good conduct of players on match days. Responsible for ensuring pre and post match tasks are completed. Responsible for match-day monetary transactions and subsequent presentation to the Treasurer. Arrange for the bar to be manned after the game has finished.</p><p>Vice Captains (not on the Management Committee)</p><p> Support the Captain on the field. Deputise for the Captain in his absence. Support the Captain in all his responsibilities as listed above. Attend Selection and Playing Committee meetings.</p><p>Club Welfare Officer</p><p> Provide a ‘Duty of Care’ to all young people involved within the Club. Abide by the guidelines as laid down by the ECB and the NSPCC. Make sure that the Rules, with reference to young people playing within the sport, are met. Attend two courses with reference to ‘Safeguarding and Protecting Children’ and ‘Time to Listen’. Ensure that all necessary positions with the Club have had CRB checks and that existing ones are up to date. Read and inwardly digest all correspondence and literature received from the KCB and ECB in this regard.</p><p>Colts Manager</p><p> Arrange and attend training for all Colts - currently two evenings each week from April to July. Attend matches for two teams - currently two evenings each week from May to July. Responsible for the security of the pavilion and ground during training sessions and match days. Organise and attend ‘registration evenings’ before the start of each season. Responsible for all monetary transactions and maintenance of accounts and subsequent presentation to the Treasurer. Organise and attend ‘winter net’ sessions. Form and chair Colts sub-committee meetings. Responsible for the maintenance of Colts equipment (including player’s shirts) and their replacement. Arrange optional teas for touring teams. Organise a ‘Colts Day’ held at the Club annually which includes the purchase of trophies, raffle prizes, refreshments and the enrolment of assistance from Club members and parents. Organise trophies for ‘Presentation evenings’ ensuring annual trophies are returned and engraved - also arrange refreshments and write speeches. Attend ‘district’ meetings throughout the season - currently three. Attend training courses as necessary. Attend Playing Committee meetings. </p><p>Fixture Secretary</p><p> Arrange and collate fixtures with Fixture Secretaries from other village clubs for 3 adult teams plus the Colts Arrange extra fixtures throughout the season including Twenty20’s, touring teams and Cricket Week. Arrange emergency fixtures when required through the Emergency Fixture Bureau. Compile fixture card for printing and distribution before the beginning of the playing season. Attend Playing Committee meetings. Bar Secretary Form bar sub-committee and chair occasional meetings. Ensure the bar is clean and ‘fit for purpose’ throughout the year including regular pipe-cleaning. Complete an annual stock take (with the Treasurer). Responsible for the ordering, delivery and security of alcohol, gas and other incidental stock. Ensure the bar is fully stocked - particularly Cricket Week, functions and other events. Arrange for the bar to be manned - particularly Cricket Week, functions and other events. Arrange for the recycling of bottles and cans.</p><p>Ground Secretary</p><p> Form ground sub-committee and chair meetings. Prepare home ‘pitch plans’ for the playing season based on games arranged by the Fixture Secretary. Organise and implement pre-season and post-season groundwork. Implement the preparation of pitches for forthcoming home matches (about 45 per season). Organise and implement the post-match repair of each used pitch. Organise and implement general groundwork on match-day mornings. Order and receive (and sometimes collect) materials. e.g. seed, loam, fuel, etc.</p><p>Social Secretary</p><p> Form social sub-committee and chair meetings. Responsible for the ordering, delivery and security of foodstuffs for forthcoming events or fund-raising activities. Responsible for the advertising, promotion and manning of forthcoming events and fund-raising activities.</p><p>All Officers shall be responsible for security of the buildings and for the care and preservation of all equipment.</p>
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