<p> PARAMUS HIGH SCHOOL PARAMUS, NEW JERSEY</p><p>CURRICULUM OUTLINE</p><p>DEPT: PHYSICAL EDUCATION DATE: May 1988</p><p>COURSE: Family Life - PE0160 REVISED/REVIEWED: Jan. 2005</p><p>LEVEL: Grade 12</p><p>I. COURSE DESCRIPTION</p><p>Family Living is a twelfth-grade coeducational course that meets for one marking period. The course explores aspects of real life situations; personality development, communications, relationships with family and friends, dating and mate selection, marriage, divorce, money management, family planning, parenthood, and various social crimes. The course is graded as are all academic courses; the marking period grade is the final grade.</p><p>II. Course Objectives:</p><p>To provide students with: Standard 2.2,2.4 A. an understanding to identify forces that shape personality and to evaluate their own personalities on the basis of their own views and the views of others.</p><p>2.2,2.3 B. an understanding of problem-solving techniques and decision making resources concerning substance abuse, drugs, alcohol and tobacco.</p><p>2.2,2.4 C. the ability to analyze consequences of decisions concerning sexual commitments.</p><p>2.2,2.4 D. an understanding of the importance of dating, the social and psychological forces in mate selection and factors to evaluate and identify life style choices.</p><p>2.2,2.4 E. the ability to identify issues and commitments of marriage and divorce and to assess available resources.</p><p>2.2,2.4 F. the ability to identify educational and career choices and to help evaluate these choices as they relate to financial obligations for life. </p><p>Page 2 2.2,2.4 G. the understanding of the many factors of parenting and parenthood.</p><p>2.2,2.4 H. an understanding of specific areas of life crises and the understandings of resources available to withstand life crises.</p><p>III. MAJOR TOPICS AND CONCEPTS</p><p>Unit 1 - Personal Development - 2 Weeks</p><p>Major Areas</p><p>A. Personality</p><p>1. Individual’s needs and values - shape personality 2. Personality traits and behavior 3. Personality types 4. Philosophy of life</p><p>Concepts</p><p>Standard 2.1,2.4 To provide twelfth grade students with an understanding to recognize their personality traits and how they affect behavior.</p><p>2.2,2.4 Students will understand what needs and values are important to them which shape their personality and provide direction and goals for their future.</p><p>B. Heredity</p><p>1. Patterns of heredity in family 2. Impact of heredity “sexual predisposition”</p><p>Concepts </p><p>Standard 2.4 To provide twelfth grade students to understand the process in which an individual receives certain genes.</p><p>2.4 Students will recognize particular genetic (inherited characteristics) patterns with their own family structure and the impact it may have on their lives.</p><p>Page 3 C. Environment</p><p>1. Recognize environmental influences 2. Effect of environment on personality development</p><p>Concepts</p><p>Standard 2.1,2.4 To provide students with an understanding of how environmental influences can shape one’s life.</p><p>2.4 Students will recognize the influences in which family, education, occupation, religion and community develop personalities.</p><p>D. Stress, Suicide</p><p>1. Physical symptoms of unrelieved stress 2. Resolving stress 3. Defense mechanisms 4. Emotional disorganization 5. Suicidal symptoms 6. Prevention of suicide</p><p>Concepts</p><p>Standards 2.2 Students will understand that stress is the effect of physical and mental demands on the body</p><p>2.2 Students will develop an understanding that there are several ways of coping with stress.</p><p>2.2 Students will recognize normal defense mechanisms in individual personalities.</p><p>2.2 To provide students with understanding of various emotional problems.</p><p>2.2 Students will learn of the warning signs of suicide and positive methods of prevention.</p><p>Page 4</p><p>Unit II - Getting Along With Self and Others Major Areas</p><p>A. Problem Solving, Decision Making</p><p>1. Five steps of problem solving 2. Making responsible decisions</p><p>Concepts</p><p>Standard 2.2 To provide twelfth grade students with the ability to identify problem solving techniques and decision making resources.</p><p>B. Communications with Others</p><p>1. Communicating with family and friends</p><p>Concepts</p><p>Standard 2.2,2.4 To recognize the complexities of human relations and communications and the need to establish and maintain clear communication lines.</p><p>C. Substance Abuse</p><p>1. Effects of tobacco, alcohol and drugs</p><p>Concepts</p><p>Standard 2.3 To provide twelfth grade students with skills to trace consequences of decisions concerning tobacco, alcohol and drugs.</p><p>2.3 Students will understand how to judge their ability to make decisions and work through problems associated with substance abuse.</p><p>D. Communication of Love (decisions and consequences)</p><p>1. Types of love 2. Sexual decision making 3. Birth control Page 5</p><p>4. Premarital pregnancy 5. Sexual lifestyles, abuse and rape Concepts</p><p>Standard 2.4 To provide students with the understanding to recognize the many meanings of love and differentiate between love, infatuation and sexual gratification. 2.4 To help students analyze the total commitment between husband and wife and weigh the consequences of decisions concerning sexual commitments.</p><p>E. Sexually Transmitted Diseases</p><p>1. Types and causes 2. Treatment and prevention</p><p>Concepts:</p><p>Standard 2.1,2.4 To provide students with understandings of the nature and causes of social- communicable diseases that are of epidemic proportion in today’s society.</p><p>2.1,2.4 Students will learn of the cause, prevention and cure of sexually transmitted diseases.</p><p>F. Choosing a Mate and Life-Style</p><p>1. Traditional dating patterns 2. Forces and factory affecting mate selection 3. Choosing a lifestyle</p><p>Concepts:</p><p>Standard 2.2,2.4 To provide students with the knowledge of the importance of dating in their lives.</p><p>2.2,2.4 To recognize social and psychological forces involved in mate selection and to recognize factors people use to evaluate possible mates.</p><p>2.2,2.4 Students will be able to identify lifestyle choices as they exist today and to decide which of these lifestyles might apply to them.</p><p>Page 6</p><p>Unit III - Personal Commitments Major Areas</p><p>A. Engagement, Divorce and Wedding</p><p>1. Communication during engagement 2. Legal termination of marriage 3. Marriage laws 4. Organization of a wedding</p><p>Concepts</p><p>Standard 2.2,2.4 To provide students with the knowledge to identify issues they should discuss with their mate prior to marriage.</p><p>2.2,2.4 Students will interpret their attitude toward divorce.</p><p>2.2,2.4 Students will recognize their legal and moral commitments in beginning and ending of marriage relationship.</p><p>2.2,2.4 Students will be able to assess wedding plans as they affect their total commitments and goals in marriage.</p><p>B. Building a Marriage</p><p>1. Happiness in marriage 2. Adjustments in marriage</p><p>Concepts</p><p>Standard 2.2,2.4 To provide the students with knowledge to recognize factors related to happiness and success in marriage.</p><p>2.2,2.4 Students will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of five adjustment forms.</p><p>C. Management Choices</p><p>Page 7</p><p>1. Education and career opportunities 2. Consumer choices 3. Housing decisions 4. Insurance programs Concepts</p><p>Standard 2.1 To provide students with the knowledge to identify education and career choices available to them.</p><p>2.1 Students will recognize wise consumer practices.</p><p>2.1,2.2 Students will understand the pros and cons of renting and buying a home.</p><p>2.1,2.2 Students will be able to appraise their needs for life, health, auto and property insurance.</p><p>D. Personal Economics</p><p>1. Income 2. Savings and checking accounts 3. Budgeting</p><p>Concepts</p><p>Standard 2.2 To provide students with the understanding to help differentiate between gross income and net income.</p><p>2.2 Students will understand how to select sources for saving so that money can work for them.</p><p>2.2 Students will understand how to analyze the use of credit and construct a responsible system for regarding their income and expenses.</p><p>Unit IV - Dimensions of Families</p><p>Major Areas</p><p>A. Establishing Your Family</p><p>Page 8</p><p>1. Family planning 2. Evidence of pregnancy 3. Labor and delivery 4. After the baby is born 5. Infertility: adoption, surrogacy, I.V.F., G.I.F.T. Concepts</p><p>Standard 2.2,2.4 To provide the students with the knowledge to identify many factors involved in the decision to become parents and recognize methods of family planning.</p><p>2.4 Students will understand the development of the unborn child, the importance of the mother’s health during pregnancy, and the process of childbirth.</p><p>B. Your New Baby</p><p>1. Types of parenthood 2. Child development a. physical b. intellectual c. social d. emotional</p><p>Concepts</p><p>Standard 2.2,2.4 To provide students with the knowledge to recognize different types of parenthood and evaluate the joys as well as the responsibilities of parenthood.</p><p>2.4 Students will understand the needs of infants and analyze the growth and development of children.</p><p>C. Crises in The Family</p><p>1. Separation, divorce, remarriage 2. Child abuse and neglect 3. Incest 4. Handicapped children 5. Death and Dying - The grieving process</p><p>Concepts</p><p>D. Careers in Health 1. Education and career opportunities 2. Consumer choices 3. Housing decisions 4. Insurance programs Page 9</p><p>Standard 2.2 To provide students with an understanding of the resources which give one the ability to withstand crises.</p><p>2.2 Students will have the knowledge to recognize the consequences of various crisis and determine how they would react to crisis in their own life.</p><p>IV. STUDENT SKILL OBJECTIVES Standard 2.1,2.2 Given a lecture and discussion, students will identify basic emotional needs vital to all human beings.</p><p>2.1,2.2 Upon completion of classwork and discussion, students will list the values most important to them which shape their personality.</p><p>2.1,2.2 After lecture, students will understand how personality traits relate to behavior patterns.</p><p>2.1,2.2 After explanation, students will write an essay discussing how their needs and values correspond to their goals and philosophy of life.</p><p>2.1,2.2 Following instruction and discussion, students will identify certain environmental influences that shape their lives.</p><p>2.1,2.2 Given classwork, students will recognize and list specific ways in which the environment can shape one’s personality and lifestyle.</p><p>2.1,2.2 After completing this unit, students will be able to name five symptoms of stress and four ways of coping with stress.</p><p>2.1,2.2 Following discussion and classwork, students will recognize the effects of stress in their life.</p><p>2.1,2.2 Given lectures, students will be able to recognize various defense mechanisms used in everyday situations.</p><p>2.1,2.2 Upon completion, students will be able to list at least eight warning signs of suicide.</p><p>2.1,2.2 Following class lecture, discussions and film presentation, students will have an understanding of various methods of preventions and coping with suicide.</p><p>Page 10 2.2 After explanation, students will be able to list the five steps for objective problem solving.</p><p>2.2 Following lecture and discussion, students will have an understanding of the necessary ingredients for responsible decision making.</p><p>2.2 Given lecture, students will be able to list five levels of communication.</p><p>2.2 Following discussion, students will recognize the importance of proper communicating skills between their families and friends.</p><p>2.3 Sequential to lecture, film and discussion, students will be able to list decision- making chains for cigarette smoking, alcohol and drugs.</p><p>2.3 Upon completion, students will have the capacity to judge the negative consequences of tobacco, alcohol and drug abuse and relate them to problems facing society.</p><p>2.3 Upon completion of instruction, students will be able to deal with problems associated with substance abuse in a parent-child relationship.</p><p>2.4 Following lecture and discussion, students will be able to distinguish between different types of love.</p><p>2.4 After viewing a film and discussion, students will face the reality of teenage pregnancy and its consequences.</p><p>2.4 Given lecture, students will understand the choices facing a pregnant teenager and their difficulties.</p><p>2.4 Following discussion, students will see the actual effect of becoming a parent on a teenager’s growth and development and on the ways in which her options are limited.</p><p>2.4 After explanation, students will consider the role and responsibility of the young father.</p><p>2.1,2.4 Upon completion, students will see the ways in which present behavior can affect future choices and permanently change them.</p><p>2.2,2.4 Upon completion of the unit, students will identify the attitudes and values necessary to make sexual decisions suited to themselves.</p><p>Page 11</p><p>2.4 Upon completion of the unit, students will state how deviations of sexual behavior may conflict with society and accepted roles.</p><p>2.1,2.4 Following lecture and discussion, students will list three recommendations to avoid rape and to identify “danger signals” common in the behavior of sex offenders.</p><p>2.1,2.4 After seeing a film and discussion, students will be able to identify individual rights to say “no” as they relate to sexual abuse.</p><p>2.1,2.4 After explanation, students will refute the common myth that sexual abuse occurs most often with strangers.</p><p>2.1,2.4 Upon completion, students will have examined why young victims often hesitate to report sexual abuse and discuss the importance of doing so.</p><p>2.1,2.4 After classwork and occasional guest speakers, students will list various people and resources to whom a young person can turn in the event of sexual abuse.</p><p>2.1,2.4 Following lecture and discussion, students will name and state the causes, prevention and treatment of four common sexually transmitted diseases.</p><p>2.4 Given lecture and discussion, students will list five traits important in dating a member of the opposite sex.</p><p>2.4 Following discussion, students will identify seven factors which are instrumental to marital compatibility.</p><p>2.4 Upon completion, students will be able to explain three purposes of the engagement period.</p><p>2.4 After explanation, students will list eight factors involved in building a happy marriage.</p><p>2.4 Upon completion, students will recognize adjustments necessary in sustaining a marriage and be able to explain seven legal reasons for the termination of a marriage.</p><p>2.1,2.2 After explanation, students will realize what job opportunities exist following their education.</p><p>Page 12</p><p>2.2,2.4 Given classwork and budget assignment, students will list their preferences concerning careers, lifestyle, housing, insurance programs, and consumer choices; thus effecting fixed and flexible expenses in budgeting. 2.4 Given lecture, students will list six symptoms which recognize evidence of pregnancy.</p><p>2.4 Following lecture and discussion, students will be able to explain the three stages of delivery.</p><p>2.4 Upon completion, students will list and explain the three methods of childbirth.</p><p>2.4 Following classwork and guest speakers, students will be able to list six symptoms of child abuse.</p><p>2.4 Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to state three agencies which deal with child abuse. 2.4 Following classwork and guest speakers, students will be able to differentiate between “good touches” and “bad touches” within the family environment.</p><p>2.4 Following class and textbook work, students will list four ways one might inherit birth defects.</p><p>2.4 Upon completion, students will describe five methods of coping with parenting a handicapped child.</p><p>V. EVALUATION PROCEDURES</p><p>A. Participation and classwork performance B. Attendance C. Successful written/oral tests D. Successful final examination E. Successful written and oral reports F. Attitude and seriousness of purpose G. Extra credit work</p><p>VI. SUGGESTED MATERIALS</p><p>A. Speakers: Planned Parenthood B. Speakers: Womens League of Bergen County C. Speakers: Alcoholics Anonymous</p><p>D. Speakers: Testicular examination E. Speakers: Breast Health F. Alternatives to Domestic Violence G. Bergen County Prosecutors – Sex Crimes Unit Page 13</p><p>F. Textbook: Ryder, Verdene, Contemporary Living. Illinois: The Goodheart- Willcox Co., Inc.</p><p>“Inside the Sexes” - examines sex roles, impotence and AIDS.</p><p>“The Human Animal” - Phil Donahue discusses teenage pregnancy, successful relationships.</p><p>“Date Rape” - examines the issue of date and acquaintance rape.</p><p>Birth Control - STD’s</p><p>“STD Update” - discusses facts about syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes: causes, prevention, treatment.</p><p>“AIDS Lifeline” - facts concerning the AIDS virus, how it is acquired, spread, treatment and prevention.</p><p>“AIDS - An Enemy Among Us” - deals with the emotional aspects of a family dealing with AIDS, son acquires AIDS through blood transfusion and must cope with society.</p><p>Family Planning - Infertility</p><p>“The Last Babies” - scientific information detailing alternatives to infertility, i.e., “IVF”, “GIFT”, “IPI”, Zonadrilling.</p><p>Parenting: Page 14</p><p>“Psychology of Parenting” - how to raise children effectively.</p><p>“After the Baby Comes Home” - first six months of care for an infant.</p><p>“The First Years” - examines growth patterns, emotional, intellectual, social and physical development.</p><p>Family Crisis:</p><p>“Children of Divorce” - three case histories of situations on how divorce affects child behavior.</p><p>“Being a Single Parent” - how to raise a child effectively as a single parent.</p><p>“How Children Are Affected by Emotional Child Abuse” - news special concerning parental criticism - promoting negative self image of children.</p><p>“Sometimes I Don’t Like My Mother” - problems associated with single parenthood.</p><p>“Post-Partum Psychosis” - examines the problem of severe emotional depression and hormonal changes following child birth.</p><p>“The Unique Death of Eli Creekmore” - child abuse case resulting in young boy’s death.</p><p>“Battered Wives”, “Run, Mommy, Run”, “Burning Beds” - examines the problem of wife beating; causes, effect on family, alternatives, solutions and available counseling.</p><p>Films - Family Living Curriculum: 1988</p><p>Stress - “Stressed to Kill” - how to cope with stress - Type A personalities - physically related illness.</p><p>Suicide - “The Best Years of Your Life” 21 Jump Street - a high school student commits suicide and friends confront the issues of life, death and friendship.</p><p>“A Desperate Exit” Page 15</p><p>Decision Making</p><p>“Legalization of Drugs” - Ted Koppel examines how drugs and alcohol abuse can best be controlled. Panel discussion, interviews and factual visual aids.</p><p>“Drug Free Kids” - Discusses how to deal with adolescent drug and alcohol abuse as a parent. Scenarios on how to communicate properly within a family environment. “Alcohol: Sober or Drunk” - 48 Hours: Examines alcohol abuse in America.</p><p>“Smoke Free Environment” - 48 Hours: Smokers rights versus non- smokers.</p><p>“Cocaine and the Student Athlete” - 19 minutes. VTR 88-89.</p><p>“Strip Search at High School” - Court hearing which deals with the loyalty and morality of searching a student under reasonable suspicion.</p><p>12 th Grade Health Chapter 8 – Self Esteem Chapter 9 – Stress Chapter 10 – Coping with Loss Chapter 11 – Suicide Chapter 12-15 – Drugs Chapter 18 – Adulthood, Marriage, and Parenthood Chapter 26 – Wise Consumer Chapter 19 – Families Chapter 20 – Preventing Abuse and Violence Chapter 22 – STD’s Chapter 23 – HIV - AIDS</p>
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