Request for Proposals s36

Request for Proposals s36

<p> Request for Proposals</p><p>9-1-1 Logging Recorder System</p><p>Cowley County Emergency Communications Cowley County, Kansas</p><p>SUBMITTAL DEADINE August 26, 2014</p><p>RFP NUMBER 2014-004 Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page ii REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS</p><p>FOR 9-1-1 LOGGING RECORDER SYSTEM</p><p>FOR </p><p>COWLEY COUNTY EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS</p><p>RFP# 2014-004</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page i Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>Table of Contents</p><p>1. INTRODUCTION...... 1</p><p>1.1 PURPOSE...... 1 1.2 STATEMENT OF NEEDS...... 1 1.3 PROJECT KNOWLEDGE...... 1 1.4 RFP DATES...... 3 1.4.1 Publish RFP...... 3 1.4.2 RFP Questions...... 3 1.4.3 RFP Submission...... 3 1.4.4 Proposals Opening...... 4 1.4.5 Proposal Evaluations...... 4 1.4.6 Proposal Evaluation Criteria...... 4 1.4.7 Final Selection...... 5</p><p>2. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS...... 6</p><p>2.1 ACCEPTANCE OF RFP TERMS...... 6 2.2 AWARD OF SUB-RESPONDENTS AND OTHER CONTRACTS FOR PORTIONS OF THE WORK...... 6 2.3 SUPERVISION AND CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES...... 6 2.4 RESPONSIBILITY FOR THOSE PERFORMING THE WORK...... 6 2.5 PROGRESS AND COMPLETION...... 7 2.6 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY...... 7 2.7 PROOF OF INSURANCE...... 7 2.8 INDUSTRY STANDARDS...... 7 2.9 NEW MATERIALS, SUPPLIES, OR EQUIPMENT...... 7 2.10 IMPLIED REQUIREMENTS...... 7 2.11 CHANGES IN THE WORK...... 8 2.12 CLAIMS FOR ADDITIONAL COST OR TIME...... 8 2.13 MINOR CHANGES IN THE WORK...... 8 2.14 AMENDMENT...... 8 2.15 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS...... 8 2.16 CONFLICT OF INTEREST...... 8 2.17 CONTRACT...... 8 2.18 CONTRACT TERMINATION...... 9 2.19 FAILURE TO DELIVER...... 9 2.20 EXPENSES...... 9</p><p>3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS...... 10</p><p>3.1 COMPLETENESS AND ACCURACY OF INFORMATION...... 10 3.2 SUMMARY OF FEATURES...... 10 3.3 PSAP LOCATION...... 10</p><p>4. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS...... 11</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page ii Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>4.1 OVERVIEW...... 11 4.2 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS...... 11 4.3 DESIGN CAPACITIES...... 11 4.4 DEMONSTRATIONS...... 12 4.5 SUPPORTED RADIO CONSOLES...... 12 4.6 SUPPORTED 9-1-1 CALL HANDLING SYSTEMS...... 12 4.7 SUPPORTED COMPUTER AIDED DISPATCH (CAD) SYSTEMS...... 13 4.8 REMOTE ACCESS...... 13 4.9 ACCESS LEVELS...... 13 4.10 SYSTEM ALARM MONITORING...... 14 4.11 UPTIME...... 14 4.12 INTERFACE STANDARDS...... 14 4.13 RECORDING FORMATS...... 15 4.14 RECORDING FUNCTION...... 15 4.15 SIMULTANEOUS RECORD AND REPLAY...... 15 4.16 SEARCH CRITERIA...... 16 4.17 REDACTION OF RECORDINGS...... 16 4.18 REPORTS...... 16 4.19 REDUNDANCY...... 17 4.20 EXPANSION...... 17 4.21 LOCKABLE CABINET...... 17 4.22 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS...... 18 4.23 USER INTERFACE...... 18 4.24 WORKSTATION SOFTWARE...... 18 4.25 PLUG-INS...... 18 4.26 SPARE PARTS...... 19 4.27 EXTERNAL ALARM...... 19 4.27.1 Email/Page/Text Messaging...... 19 4.27.2 Visual...... 19</p><p>5. INSTALLATION...... 20</p><p>5.1 TURNKEY INSTALLATION...... 20 5.2 PUNCH BLOCKS...... 20 5.3 BACKBOARD SPACE...... 20 5.4 WIRING PATCH PANEL...... 20 5.5 WIRING CERTIFICATION...... 21 5.6 TERMINATION LABELING...... 21</p><p>6. GROUNDING AND LIGHTNING SUPPRESSION...... 22</p><p>6.1 POWER LOAD...... 22 6.2 COMMON GROUND POINT REQUIREMENTS...... 22 6.3 EQUIPMENT ELECTRICAL GROUND...... 22 6.4 ADHERENCE TO CODES...... 23</p><p>7. TRAINING...... 24</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page iii Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>7.1 END USER TRAINING...... 24 7.2 TRAIN-THE-TRAINER...... 24 7.3 TRAINING TIMES...... 24 7.4 TRAINING MATERIALS...... 24 7.4.1 Hard and Soft Copies...... 24 7.4.2 Feature Guide...... 25 7.5 TRAINING CRITERIA REVIEW...... 25 7.6 ON-LINE TRAINING...... 25</p><p>8. INSTALLATION AND IMPLEMENTATION RESPONSIBILITIES...... 26</p><p>8.1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT...... 26 8.2 HIGH-LEVEL PROJECT PLAN AND GANTT CHART...... 26 8.2.1 Project Plan...... 26 8.2.2 Gantt Chart...... 26 8.2.3 Within 30 Days...... 27 8.3 BIWEEKLY PROGRESS REPORTS...... 27 8.4 RESPONDENT CHANGE ORDER...... 27 8.5 LIMITED INTERRUPTION...... 27 8.6 RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGES...... 28 8.7 TECHNICIAN QUALIFICATIONS...... 28 8.8 RESPONDENT PERSONNEL...... 28 8.9 STORAGE...... 29 8.10 DELIVERY...... 29 8.11 PACKAGING AND SHIPPING MATERIAL...... 29 8.12 INVENTORY CONTROL...... 29</p><p>9. TESTING...... 30</p><p>9.1 PRELIMINARY TEST PLAN...... 30 9.2 COMPONENT TESTING...... 30 9.3 CUTOVER TESTING RESPONSIBILITY...... 30 9.4 FINAL TEST PLAN...... 31 9.5 PRE-CUTOVER ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA...... 31</p><p>10. IN-SERVICE ACCEPTANCE...... 32</p><p>10.1 FAULT CATEGORIES...... 32 10.2 FINAL TEST ACCEPTANCE...... 32 10.2.1 Initiation...... 32 10.2.2 Resolution...... 33 10.2.3 Priority 2 – 4 Faults...... 33 10.3 MEASURABLE TESTING CRITERIA...... 33 10.4 SOFTWARE BACKUPS...... 34 10.5 POINT OF CONTACT...... 34 10.6 DOCUMENTATION...... 34 10.7 MAINTENANCE SUPPORT...... 35</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page iv Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>10.7.1 Warranty...... 35 10.7.2 Pricing...... 35 10.8 SPARES AVAILABILITY—24/7 – TWO HOURS...... 35 10.9 SPARES AVAILABILITY—24/7 – EIGHT HOURS...... 36 10.10 REPAIR AND ADVANCE REPLACEMENT...... 36 10.11 MEAN TIME BETWEEN FAILURES (MTBF)...... 36 10.12 WARRANTY NON-COVERED ITEMS...... 36 10.13 POST-CUTOVER REPAIR LOGGING AND REPORTING...... 37</p><p>11. POST-CUTOVER SUPPORT...... 38</p><p>11.1 TROUBLE ESCALATION PROCEDURES...... 38 11.2 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE...... 38 11.3 TECHNICIAN LIST – TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE...... 38 11.3.1 Employee List...... 38 11.3.2 Evaluation...... 39 11.3.3 Installation and Repair Teams...... 39 11.4 CONFIGURATION/UPGRADE MANAGEMENT...... 39</p><p>12. APPENDIX A – PSAP CONFIGURATION...... 40</p><p>ATTACHMENT A – PRICING PROPOSAL...... 41</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page v Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>1. INTRODUCTION</p><p>1.1 PURPOSE Cowley County, Kansas, is accepting proposals from qualified Respondents to provide an Internet Protocol (IP)-based logging recorder solution.</p><p>1.2 STATEMENT OF NEEDS Cowley County, Kansas, through Cowley County Emergency Communications (CCEC), provides Enhanced 9-1-1 (E9-1-1) wireline and wireless services from public safety answering points (PSAPs) in Arkansas City and Winfield. These two locations currently serve a combined population of approximately 36,000.</p><p>The E9-1-1 customer premises equipment (CPE) currently deployed at both PSAPs is VESTA® Pallas™, manufactured by Cassidian Communications and maintained by AT&T. At both PSAPs, Cassidian Communications also provides MapStar (mapping) and MagIC for management information system (MIS) reports. Although the Cassidian equipment is end-of-life1, the public branch exchange (PBX) telephony portions will be retained in order to originate and receive administrative calls at the Arkansas City and Winfield police departments. Call recording at each PSAP is currently accomplished via NICE recording equipment. The NICE recording equipment will also remain in place to record administrative calls.</p><p>Cowley County (County) is consolidating E9-1-1 call handling and dispatching operations into a single PS AP/communications center located at 321 E. 10th Ave., Winfield, Kansas, 67156. It is the County’s intent t o pursue a planned migration to new 9-1-1 call handling, 9-1-1 Internet Protocol (IP)-based logging record er system, and radio consoles that will meet today’s needs, migrate to next generation network methodolo gies, and leverage state-of-the-art technology to achieve cost effective deployment, maximum sustainabili ty, and improved functionality for the residents of Cowley County. Appendix A contains PSAP configuratio n details.</p><p>The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to facilitate the procurement of a 9-1-1 IP-based loggin g recorder system and associated installation, maintenance, monitoring, trouble reporting, and problem re solution. Respondents are responsible for ensuring proposals are in alignment with the State of Kansas’ RFP EVT0003196 Next Generation 9-1-1 Infrastructure System requirements, published June 5, 2014. Th e State RFP may be found at:</p><p>1.3 PROJECT KNOWLEDGE In order to demonstrate total project knowledge and an understanding of the requirements, Respondents shall provide a response for each paragraph in each section in the RFP. </p><p> The mandatory features are indicated by the use of the words must, shall, or will. In order to comply, Respondents must provide a detailed written description on how they will meet the requirements.</p><p>1 Product Discontinuation Notice (PDN VP140228) for VESTA Pallas, effective Feb. 28, 2014.</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 1 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p> The words should, desired, or desirable represent features that are desirable. These responses will be considered when evaluating proposals, but only after the mandatory features are addressed.</p><p>The responses to each paragraph of the RFP can only be: </p><p> Understood. The Respondent understands the statement. Respondents do not have to supply a written description to these paragraphs.</p><p> Complies. The Respondent’s proposal complies with the requirement and the product/service is included in the base price, is currently developed, and is available for shipment and installation or activation.</p><p> Complies with Exception. The Respondent’s proposal either addresses the requirement through another method or is available at a contractually defined date without additional costs.</p><p> Does Not Comply. The Respondent’s proposal does not/cannot meet the requirement.</p><p>Below each requirement will be either one (Understood) check box or three (Complies, Complies with Exception, and Does Not Comply) check boxes. Respondents must respond by placing an “X” in only one check box per requirement. (Double click on the appropriate box, change the default value to “Checked” and click “OK.”) Failure to complete this process properly will be treated the same as not providing an answer.</p><p>Understood </p><p>A response and description to each requirement is required. Do not underestimate the importance of providing details. The details should be sufficient to properly convey the Respondent’s intentions, but should not be verbose in nature. Marketing materials are not considered appropriate in-line responses. Respondents may attach marketing materials as separate, supplemental documents, but details are still required to support the answer.</p><p>Respondents must not refer to other sections as a response. Even if the response is an exact duplicate of a previous response, the details must be provided in the same paragraph as the requirement. Respondents must not include pricing information in their description and must not refer the reader to pricing.</p><p>1.4 RFP DATES</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 2 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>1.4.1 Publish RFP</p><p>The RFP is being published on Friday, July 25, 2014. This RFP consists of this document (in both Microsoft® (MS) Word and Adobe® Acrobat® formats) and Appendix A – Pricing Proposal, a Microsoft® Excel file.</p><p>Understood</p><p>1.4.2 RFP Questions</p><p>The last day to submit questions is no later than 5:00 PM central standard time on Friday, August 8, 2014. Questions regarding this RFP shall be directed via email to Beth Leach at [email protected] and copied to Richard Gaston at [email protected]. Oral responses shall not be binding on the County. If it becomes necessary to revise any part of this RFP, an amendment will be sent to Respondents that will require the Respondents to acknowledge the receipt of any amendment.</p><p>Understood</p><p>1.4.3 RFP Submission</p><p>Proposals must be received by the County no later than 3:00 p.m. central standard time on Tuesday, August 26, 2014. Responses received after that time will not be accepted. Responses shall consist of:  A version of this document (in either Word or Adobe® PDF format) with check boxes completed along with detailed responses; and  A completed Attachment A – Pricing Proposal in Excel format, in a separately sealed package labeled “Cowley County 9-1-1 Logging Recorder System RFP # 2014- 004 Attachment A – Pricing Proposal”</p><p>One (1) unbound original and six (6) copies, for a total of seven (7) copies, of the sealed proposal, as well as one (1) electronic copy on CD or USB drive, must be clearly labeled “Cowley County 9-1-1 Logging Recorder System RFP # 2014-004”. These copies and the separately sealed Attachment A – Pricing Proposal shall be sent to: </p><p>County Clerk Karen Defore Cowley County Courthouse 311 E. 9th P.O. Box 472 Winfield, KS 67156 Responses will not be accepted by facsimile or email.</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 3 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>Understood</p><p>1.4.4 Proposals Opening</p><p>Proposals shall be opened at 10:00 a.m. central standard time on Wednesday, August 27, 2014. Only the names of Respondents shall be announced. Proposals that are identified as responsive shall be submitted to the Evaluation Teams within two (2) business days.</p><p>Understood</p><p>1.4.5 Proposal Evaluations</p><p>Evaluation Teams will complete their review of all responsive proposals by 5:00 p.m. central time on Thursday, September 18, 2014.</p><p>Understood</p><p>1.4.6 Proposal Evaluation Criteria</p><p>The County shall evaluate proposals based on a number of criteria, including:</p><p>A. RFP compliance B. Respondent experience C. Cost of equipment D. Life cycle costs E. Unit costs of console equipment components F. Capability, features, and functionality of the consoles G. Warranty, maintenance, and support H. Demonstrated ability to perform the services described I. Quality of work as verified by references J. Demonstrated history of providing similar services to comparable entities K. Willingness to accept the County’s contract terms L. Any other factors Evaluation Teams deem relevant </p><p>1.4.7 Final Selection</p><p>Final selection and notice of intent to award a contract will occur by 5:00 p.m. central time on Monday, September 22, 2014.</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 4 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>Understood</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 5 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>2. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS</p><p>Respondents shall provide a response to the terms and conditions, as a whole, following Section 2.20. Any exceptions shall be so noted in the response.</p><p>Understood </p><p>2.1 ACCEPTANCE OF RFP TERMS</p><p>A proposal submitted in response to this RFP shall constitute a binding offer. Acknowledgment of this condition shall be indicated on the Letter of Interest or Cover Letter by the autographic signature of the Respondent or an officer of the Respondent legally authorized to execute contractual obligations. A submission in response to the RFP acknowledges acceptance by the Respondent of all terms and conditions including compensation, as set forth herein. A Respondent shall identify clearly and thoroughly explain any variations between its proposal and the RFP requirements. Failure to do so shall be deemed a waiver of any rights to subsequently modify the terms of performance, except as outlined or specified in the RFP.</p><p>2.2 AWARD OF SUB-RESPONDENTS AND OTHER CONTRACTS FOR PORTIONS O F THE WORK</p><p>Respondents shall furnish as part of their proposal a list of the names of the sub-Respondents or other persons or organizations proposed for such portions of the work as may be designated in the proposal requirements, or, if none is so designated, the names of the sub-Respondents proposed for the principal portions of the work. </p><p>2.3 SUPERVISION AND CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES</p><p>The successful Respondent shall supervise and direct the work, using the highest skills and attention. The successful Respondent shall be solely responsible for all means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures, and for coordinating all portions of the work under the contract. </p><p>2.4 RESPONSIBILITY FOR THOSE PERFORMING THE WORK</p><p>The successful Respondent shall be responsible to the County for the acts and omissions of all its employees and all subcontractors, their agents and employees, and all other persons performing any of the work under a contract with the Respondent.</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 6 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>2.5 PROGRESS AND COMPLETION</p><p>The successful Respondent shall begin work on the date of commencement as defined in the contract, and shall carry the work forward expeditiously with adequate forces and shall complete it within the contract time.</p><p>2.6 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY</p><p>The successful Respondent shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and orders of any public authority having jurisdiction for the safety of persons or property or to protect them from damage, injury, or loss. When or where any direct or indirect damage or injury is done to public or private property by or on account of any act, omission, neglect, or misconduct by the successful Respondent, s/he shall restore, at her/his own expense, such property to a condition similar or equal to that existing before such damage or injury was done, by repairing or otherwise restoring as may be directed, or shall make good such damage or injury in an acceptable manner.</p><p>2.7 PROOF OF INSURANCE</p><p>Upon request, the successful Respondent shall present an affidavit of Worker's Compensation, Public Liability, and Property Damage Insurance to the County.</p><p>2.8 INDUSTRY STANDARDS</p><p>If not otherwise provided, materials or work called for in this RFP shall be furnished and performed in accordance with best established practice and standards recognized by the contracted industry and comply with all codes and regulations which shall apply.</p><p>2.9 NEW MATERIALS, SUPPLIES, OR EQUIPMENT</p><p>Unless otherwise specified, all materials, supplies, or equipment offered by a vendor shall be new, unused in any regard, and of current design. All materials, supplies, and equipment shall be first class in all respects. Seconds, refurbished, or flawed items will not be acceptable. All materials, supplies, or equipment shall be suitable for their intended purpose and, unless otherwise specified, fully assembled and ready for use on delivery.</p><p>2.10 IMPLIED REQUIREMENTS</p><p>All products and services not specifically mentioned in this RFP, but which are necessary to complete conversion to an IP-based logging recorder system as described by these specifications, shall be included, and specifically noted within a submitted proposal. </p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 7 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>2.11 CHANGES IN THE WORK</p><p>The County, without invalidating the contract, may order changes in the work within the general scope of the contract consisting of additions, deletions, or other revisions; the contract sum and the contract time being adjusted accordingly.</p><p>2.12 CLAIMS FOR ADDITIONAL COST OR TIME</p><p>If the successful Respondent wishes to make a claim for an increase in the contract sum or an extension in the contract time, s/he shall give the County written notice thereof within a reasonable time after the occurrence of the event giving rise to such claim. This notice shall be given by the successful Respondent before proceeding to execute said work. </p><p>2.13 MINOR CHANGES IN THE WORK</p><p>The County shall have authority to order minor changes in the work not involving an adjustment in the contract sum or an extension of the contract time, and not inconsistent with the intent of the contract documents. </p><p>2.14 AMENDMENT</p><p>No oral statement of any person shall modify or otherwise change, or affect the terms, conditions, or specifications stated in the resulting contract. All amendments to the contract shall be made in writing by the County.</p><p>2.15 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS</p><p>Proposals must comply with all Federal, State, County, and local laws governing or covering this type of service. </p><p>2.16 CONFLICT OF INTEREST</p><p>No public official and/or City or County employee, or immediate relative thereof shall have pecuniary interest in any contract resulting from this RFP.</p><p>2.17 CONTRACT</p><p>This RFP, submitted documents, and any negotiations, when properly accepted by the County, shall constitute a contract equally binding between the County and the successful Respondent. The contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral, </p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 8 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004 including the proposal documents. The contract may be amended or modified with change orders or addendums.</p><p>2.18 CONTRACT TERMINATION</p><p>The contract shall remain in effect until any of the following occurs: 1) Contract expires; 2) Completion of services; 3) Acceptance of services; or 4) For convenience terminated by either party with a written Notice of Cancellation stating therein the reasons for such cancellation and the effective date of cancellation.</p><p>2.19 FAILURE TO DELIVER</p><p>In the event of failure of the successful Respondent to deliver services in accordance with the contract terms and conditions, the County, after due oral or written notice, may procure the services from other sources and hold the successful Respondent responsible for any costs resulting in additional purchase and administrative services. </p><p>2.20 EXPENSES</p><p>Expenses incurred in preparation, submission, and presentation of this RFP are the responsibility of the Respondent and cannot be charged to the County.</p><p>Acceptance of Terms and Conditions:</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 9 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS</p><p>3.1 COMPLETENESS AND ACCURACY OF INFORMATION</p><p>Respondents are solely responsible for conducting their own independent research, due diligence, or other work necessary for the preparation of responses, negotiation of contracts, and the subsequent delivery of services pursuant to any contract. The County takes no responsibility for the completeness or the accuracy of any information presented in this RFP or otherwise distributed or made available during the selection process or during the term of any subsequent contract.</p><p>Understood </p><p>3.2 SUMMARY OF FEATURES</p><p>Cowley County intends to procure a Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1)-ready logging recorder. The logging recorder solution must include the ability to capture, replay, and archive telephone and radio communications for compliance and quality assurance.</p><p>By achieving these goals, the County will improve public safety for the citizens and visitors to Cowley County and establish the infrastructure to:  Improve emergency and non-emergency call transfer and conference functionality within the county  Improve operational efficiencies within the county  Adapt the solution to maximize emergency response  Quickly accommodate changing requirements  Prepare the County for future NG9-1-1 technologies (Telematics, i3—Voice over IP [VoIP], text messaging, video, automatic crash notification)  Collect and analyze PSAP operation performance metrics  Improve reliability and redundancy in the 9-1-1 delivery network</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>3.3 PSAP LOCATION</p><p>The new Cowley County PSAP is located at 321 E. 10th Ave., Winfield, Kansas, 67156. The facility does have backup emergency power capable of supporting a logging recorder solution.</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 10 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>Understood 4. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS</p><p>4.1 OVERVIEW</p><p>Respondents must include documentation stating their support to meet next generation standards and features as they are developed.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>4.2 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS</p><p>The logging recorder solution shall meet the following minimum requirements: 1. A minimum of 1 (terabyte) TB hard disk drive (HDD) space 2. 48 data channels, capable of analog, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Project 25 (P25) digital interface 3. Email and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)-based alarming 4. Customizable database fields 5. Browser-based live monitoring and last message recall 6. Network Time Protocol (NTP) support 7. 256-bit encryption advanced storage compression 8. Network-based archiving support 9. Unattended and automatic archiving per user-defined schedule 10. Personalized views 11. Synchronized incident reconstruction 12. Ability to monitor and verify communications 13. Automatic number identification/automatic location identification (ANI/ALI) annotating 14. Designed to record in a 24/7/365 continuous operation 15. Redundancy</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>4.3 DESIGN CAPACITIES</p><p>Respondents shall describe the following: 1. HDD shall be redundant via redundant array of inexpensive disks (RAID) or equivalent. 2. Respondents shall describe in detail how redundancy is achieved.</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 11 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>3. Maximum number of 9-1-1 lines and radio channels the unit can support for future growth expansion. 4. Maximum number of analog ports. 5. Maximum number of Ethernet ports. 6. Maximum amount of playback supported. 7. Maximum number of simultaneous recorders supported. 8. Data recall functionality. 9. How data is presented, specifically for correlating with NG9-1-1. 10. Media formats available and the impact it would have on recording capability.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>4.4 DEMONSTRATIONS</p><p>Respondents must be able to demonstrate logging recorder applications and functions if desired by the County. If the requirements are planned for near-future releases, Respondents must explain the migration plan and demonstrate what is available in the commercial release. A lab environment or real-life application must allow hands-on operations by County staff and its representatives. If this cannot be provided, Respondents must explain why in detail.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>4.5 SUPPORTED RADIO CONSOLES</p><p>Respondents shall list the models and formats (analog, digital, IP) of the radio consoles that they have successfully recorded.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>4.6 SUPPORTED 9-1-1 CALL HANDLING SYSTEMS</p><p>Respondents shall list the models and formats (analog, digital, IP) of the 9-1-1 call handling systems that they have successfully recorded.</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 12 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>4.7 SUPPORTED COMPUTER AIDED DISPATCH (CAD) SYSTEMS</p><p>Respondents shall list their capability to interface to CAD systems and which CAD systems they have successfully interfaced with in the past five (5) years. Respondents shall also indicate the physical interfaces supported (RS-232, Ethernet, etc.) and data formats (American Standard Code for Information Interchange [ASCII], IP, etc.) supported.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>4.8 REMOTE ACCESS</p><p>The logging recorder solution must support on-line monitoring locally via a maintenance and administration terminal. Remote access is also required through the County’s Internet access via a secure virtual private network (VPN) connection. Remote entry into the logging recorder solution must be limited to authorized maintenance personnel as allowed by the County’s administrator function.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>4.9 ACCESS LEVELS</p><p>The solution must have administrator and individual user access levels. The administrator must have the ability to setup different user rights and privileges for each individual. Respondents must describe how their solution handles:  Authentication  Security of voice file transfer  Audit of who has accessed a recording</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer: 4.10 SYSTEM ALARM MONITORING</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 13 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>The logging recorder solution must have the capability, at a minimum, of monitoring system alarms of elements of the proposed solution and:  Alarms must be displayed on the monitoring solution.  The solution must also be able to send alarms to alert 9-1-1 support staff utilizing email as well as SNMP version 3 (SNMP v3).  Channel inactivity for a user-defined period of time.  The logging recorder solution must keep a full audit trail of alarms and faults and provide a method of viewing the alarm history.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>4.11 UPTIME</p><p>The logging recorder solution must meet an uptime of 99.999 percent or better. Respondents must describe processes and client notification procedures for scheduled maintenance or upgrades that would require the proposed solution to be taken out of service.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>4.12 INTERFACE STANDARDS</p><p>The logging recorder solution must be configured in a fully redundant design and meet National Emergency Number Association (NENA), Network Reliability and Interoperability Council (NRIC), and other industry best practices, and support NENA i3 requirements. The proposed configuration must be designed to be fully survivable, fault tolerant, and secure.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 14 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>4.13 RECORDING FORMATS</p><p>The logging recorder solution must be capable of recording a mix of analog ports, IP recording from 9-1-1 CPE, IP recordings from P25 conventional radio, and i3 formats (when standardized by NENA) on the same chassis. Respondents shall identify the output file formats (MP3, wav, etc.) supported.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>4.14 RECORDING FUNCTION</p><p>The logging recorder solution shall have one or more of the following means of activating and deactivating the record function:  Record continuously  Record during voice activity  Record while the off-hook signal contact is closed  Record while telephone line voltage indicates off-hook</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>4.15 SIMULTANEOUS RECORD AND REPLAY</p><p>The logging recorder solution must be capable of simultaneous recording on all channels during replay. The replay function must not affect the recording performance. The solution must be capable of instant playback on multiple remote workstations and multiple channel playback without loss of data. Respondents shall describe any restrictions to this requirement.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 15 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>4.16 SEARCH CRITERIA</p><p>The search and replay application must allow users to search on the following criteria, individually, in any combination (Boolean), and support wild cards:  Time  Date  Duration of Recorded Message  Channel Identification (ID)  Position or Alias  Condition Code (Incoming or Outgoing)  Dialed Number  Calling Number  Annotation (Comments added during call)  Caller ID  ANI/ALI Data</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>4.17 REDACTION OF RECORDINGS</p><p>The logging recorder solution shall support redaction of recordings, including the ability to add silence over specific portions of the audio or video files so that the duration of recorded calls is not affected and remains true to the original recording. The solution must include the ability to indicate why a recording is being redacted.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>4.18 REPORTS</p><p>The logging recorder solution shall provide a standard reporting package at no extra charge with built-in, predefined, and customizable reports, including summaries per channel and per archive media, and system configuration summaries. Respondents shall identify the skill sets required to customize the reports.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 16 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>4.19 REDUNDANCY</p><p>Respondents must design the solution such that modules, devices/servers, etc. that support crucial applications be fully duplicated. The logging recorder solution must switch over automatically and not impact in-progress calls. Respondents must describe which modules, devices/servers, etc. are hot-swappable and which are not. Respondents must describe in detail compromised levels of service caused by module or component failure. This description should include PSAP operational requirements, including backups and recovery.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>4.20 EXPANSION</p><p>The logging recorder solution must be capable of expansion in order to meet future growth and next generation applications as they are developed. The solution must be expandable without a disruption of service. Adequate space for additional hardware and wiring must be included in the solution design. Respondents must describe their solution design to meet these requirements, including vacant module slots and the increments of expansion.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>4.21 LOCKABLE CABINET</p><p>The logging recorder equipment must be compact, free-standing, in Respondent-provided lockable cabinets. Respondents shall identify the number of keys to the lockable cabinet and who has access to the keys. Respondents must provide a diagram showing the footprint of the proposed logging recorder solution, including rack layout, power requirements, plug type, etc.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 17 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>4.22 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS</p><p>The recommended environment for equipment rooms and operations centers is 60 degrees (°) Fahrenheit (F) to 80° F, and relative humidity from 40 percent to 60 percent. The logging recorder equipment must be able to operate in ambient temperatures between 40° F to 95° F and relative humidity from 10 percent to 95 percent. Respondents shall provide the heat load in British Thermal Units (BTU)/hour for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) sizing purposes.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>4.23 USER INTERFACE</p><p>Respondents must provide a user interface based on WEB 2.0 architecture for end user functions including searching, reports, quality, and auditing. The user interface system must be browser-based and support on-line help.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>4.24 WORKSTATION SOFTWARE</p><p>Respondents must provide logging recorder solutions that operate with Microsoft Windows® 7 or higher version.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>4.25 PLUG-INS</p><p>The logging recorder solution must not require “ActiveX” plug-ins to be installed on the user’s workstation except those “ActiveX” plug-ins supplied as part of the workstations’ standard operating system.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 18 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>4.26 SPARE PARTS</p><p>Respondents must provide a recommended spares list (parts, modules, boards, and/or equipment) required to maintain the proposed logging recorder solution. Pricing for these spares must be provided in Attachment A – Pricing Proposal.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>4.27 EXTERNAL ALARM</p><p>4.27.1 Email/Page/Text Messaging</p><p>The logging recorder solution must support alarm notification by email, paging, and text messaging to County support personnel.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>4.27.2 Visual</p><p>The logging recorder solution must provide an external alarm panel installed in the PSAP that can be seen by the call takers from their positions.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 19 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>5. INSTALLATION</p><p>5.1 TURNKEY INSTALLATION </p><p>Respondents must provide a turnkey installation of the logging recorder solution that complies with Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-International (APCO) and NENA NG9-1-1 standards. The successful Respondent must take full contractual responsibility. Respondents must include constraints that may be required to achieve this goal.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>5.2 PUNCH BLOCKS</p><p>Respondents must describe the style of rack-mounted intermediate distribution frame (IDF) and punch blocks proposed, including model, type, and style. Analog punch down requirements must then be terminated at a patch panel for ingress or egress cross-connects. </p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>5.3 BACKBOARD SPACE </p><p>Respondents must identify the amount of backboard space required. Respondents are invited to suggest alternate solutions, if available. </p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>5.4 WIRING PATCH PANEL</p><p>Respondents must provide Category (Cat) 6a data patch panels for all cabling supporting the logging recorder solution. This includes, but is not limited to, printers, trunk ports, telecommunications lines, and data wiring. These patch panels are intended to be used by County staff or maintenance personnel for trouble isolation. Patch cords must be Cat 6a and be to length.</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 20 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>5.5 WIRING CERTIFICATION</p><p>Respondents must use automated test equipment to test every Cat 6a cable and patch cord end-to-end and shall provide the County with test results in hard- and soft-copy formats. </p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>5.6 TERMINATION LABELING</p><p>Termination points, jacks, patch panels, and cables must be labeled at both ends using high- quality labels printed with a mechanical device. Identification must be by circuit ID number, position name or number, module port, etc. Labeling schemes must be approved by County staff prior to and/or during the installation process. </p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 21 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>6. GROUNDING AND LIGHTNING SUPPRESSION </p><p>6.1 POWER LOAD</p><p>The logging recorder solution will be powered through a County-provided uninterruptible power supply (UPS). Respondents must provide detailed estimates of the kilovolt-ampere (KVA) load and plug type.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>6.2 COMMON GROUND POINT REQUIREMENTS</p><p>The equipment cabinet must provide a ground bar capable of supporting equipment installed inside the cabinet. The ground bar must be connected to the equipment room ground.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>6.3 EQUIPMENT ELECTRICAL GROUND</p><p>Respondents must provide detailed documentation on how their logging recorder solution will be protected from the hazards of equipment damage, service interruptions, and personal injury from electrical shock.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 22 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>6.4 ADHERENCE TO CODES</p><p>Respondents must follow applicable codes and practices for frame/chassis ground isolation from common equipment eliminating ground loops. Respondents must describe how this is accomplished.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 23 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>7. TRAINING</p><p>7.1 END USER TRAINING</p><p>Respondents must include end user training for all shifts in their proposal. Each class will be conducted at the PSAP.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>7.2 TRAIN-THE-TRAINER</p><p>Respondents must include at least one (1) on-site logging recorder training session of “train-the- trainer” that focuses on the features of the solution. </p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>7.3 TRAINING TIMES</p><p>The time when the training courses are scheduled to be performed is subject to the County’s approval. </p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>7.4 TRAINING MATERIALS</p><p>7.4.1 Hard and Soft Copies</p><p>The successful Respondent must provide hard and soft copies of logging recorder end user training documentation and copies of administrative training documentation in CD or DVD format, in addition to a hard copy for each participant. </p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 24 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>7.4.2 Feature Guide</p><p>Workstations must have a feature guide that explains the commonly used features, in addition to the quantity of full documentation packages.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>7.5 TRAINING CRITERIA REVIEW</p><p>The County will review and approve training material and course presentations prior to the actual training of County personnel. </p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>7.6 ON-LINE TRAINING</p><p>The County is interested in on-line training that is available. Respondents must list on-line training available for the County, even if it is refresher training. Costs associated with this training must be provided in Attachment A – Pricing Proposal.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 25 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>8. INSTALLATION AND IMPLEMENTATION RESPONSIBILITIES</p><p>The following subsections outline the County’s anticipated deliverables for the installation and acceptance of the logging recorder solution.</p><p>8.1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT</p><p>Respondents must assign a project manager to this project that has experience with similar projects, the proposed solution, IP connectivity, and 9-1-1 solution requirements. Respondents must provide the project manager’s résumé, references, and experience with like projects.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>8.2 HIGH-LEVEL PROJECT PLAN AND GANTT CHART</p><p>8.2.1 Project Plan</p><p>Respondents must include in their proposal a high-level project plan that shows the entire project. The plan must include the steps that will be followed so there are no service interruptions. At a minimum, the following milestones should be included:  Server and workstation installation  9-1-1, administrative phone, and radio system interface testing  ALI, format, and interface testing  Comprehensive test and acceptance plans </p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>8.2.2 Gantt Chart</p><p>The project plan must also include a task-oriented Gantt chart based on the project plan and created in Microsoft® Project.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 26 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>8.2.3 Within 30 Days</p><p>In addition to the high-level project plan, the successful Respondent must provide the County a more detailed project plan, timeline, and a Gantt chart created in MS Project within thirty (30) days of contract signing.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>8.3 BIWEEKLY PROGRESS REPORTS</p><p>The County requires, at a minimum, biweekly written progress reports via email. The biweekly progress report must contain details relating to the following tasks:  On-site installation progress  Testing and acceptance  Adherence to the Gantt chart and adjustments, if necessary  Punch list items, outstanding issues, and progress report </p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>8.4 RESPONDENT CHANGE ORDER</p><p>The successful Respondent is responsible for the submission of a written change order prior to performing work or for equipment not covered under the contract with the County.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>8.5 LIMITED INTERRUPTION</p><p>As the successful Respondent performs the installation of the logging recorder solution, the Respondent must ensure the County there will be a minimal amount of interruption to the mutually agreed upon schedule of the PSAP. The County reserves the right to alter or suspend the intended schedule for any reason as determined by the County.</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 27 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>8.6 RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGES</p><p>The successful Respondent is responsible for damages caused by the Respondent, subcontractors or delivery personnel to any County facility through the receiving, delivery, and installation of the entire logging recorder solution.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>8.7 TECHNICIAN QUALIFICATIONS</p><p>Installations shall be performed by factory-authorized or successful Respondent-affiliated service shops. Other shops or technicians may be used upon mutual agreement between the County and the successful Respondent. Qualified, adequately trained personnel familiar with this type of work shall perform installations. Respondents shall provide the names of the service shops, a summary of their experience, and a list of five references (minimum) for each proposed shop.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>8.8 RESPONDENT PERSONNEL</p><p>The successful Respondent’s personnel and subcontractors must be professional at all times while on-site and working with and around County personnel. If issues arise, the County reserves the right to request any of the successful Respondent’s personnel to be replaced at any time.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 28 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>8.9 STORAGE</p><p>The successful Respondent is accountable for the storage of materials until such time that the items are to be installed. County facilities must not be used as a warehouse for uninstalled equipment.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>8.10 DELIVERY</p><p>The successful Respondent must arrange for equipment to be delivered on-site with a minimum of a week’s notice, and the cost for delivery must be included in Respondents’ proposals. The successful Respondent must provide tracking numbers for the equipment being delivered. The receipt, inventory, and movement of material are the responsibility of the successful Respondent.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>8.11 PACKAGING AND SHIPPING MATERIAL</p><p>The successful Respondent is responsible for the disposal of shipping material, as well as the daily removal of other day-to-day refuse. </p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>8.12 INVENTORY CONTROL</p><p>The successful Respondent must provide the County a detailed inventory of equipment provided in the installation of the solution and owned by the County. At a minimum, the inventory data must include where it is installed, manufacturer, manufacturer’s warranty period, part number, serial number, quantity, and model number. The successful Respondent must provide the inventory in hard and soft copy using MS Excel.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 29 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>9. TESTING</p><p>9.1 PRELIMINARY TEST PLAN</p><p>Respondents must include a preliminary test plan in their proposal that contains testing processes for all elements. The preliminary test plan must show that the plan is measurable and trackable. The successful Respondent’s test plan will be the basis for the initial installation testing for the PSAP, once approved by the County.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>9.2 COMPONENT TESTING</p><p>The successful Respondent is responsible for testing all recorded trunks, lines, workstations, phones, radio consoles, and any other recorded source prior to the solution being placed into service. </p><p>Note: Additional cost incurred from carriers will be the responsibility of the County.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>9.3 CUTOVER TESTING RESPONSIBILITY</p><p>The successful Respondent is responsible for materials provided by the Respondent until such time that the County has accepted the solution. The successful Respondent must notify the County in writing that the solution is installed and ready for County testing and acceptance. The degree of acceptance, operability, or failure in the testing and acceptance process will be determined solely by the County.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 30 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>9.4 FINAL TEST PLAN</p><p>The successful Respondent must provide a final test plan to the County as part of the contract negotiations process. This test plan must provide measurable results for every functional and technical facet identified in the RFP and proposal.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>9.5 PRE-CUTOVER ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA</p><p>Criteria include: 1. Confirmation and documentation of solution configuration. 2. Confirmation and documentation of solution support control, monitoring, and alarm solutions. 3. Respondent-provided, County-owned equipment must be inventoried by model, part number, quantity, and serial number. 4. Acceptance test plans and documentation. 5. If the County feels that a solution test fails, the County will provide the successful Respondent a written description of what test failed and why. The County will also identify an expected amount of time that will be allowed to resolve the problem. 6. Acceptance tests will serve as one (1) item in the final sign-off for payment. 7. If after cutover, but during the acceptance period, the County discovers that the solution requires correction, the County will have the right to continue using the solution until a satisfactory resolution can be implemented. 8. If the solution does not function or perform according to what the successful Respondent described in the RFP response or test plan, the Respondent must document the problem and furnish, in writing, to the County the problem and resolution to correct the issue. 9. Upon final acceptance of the solution, the County will notify the successful Respondent in writing that the solution has achieved final test acceptance. 10. The successful Respondent must provide the County final as-built drawings in Visio to support the final configuration. 11. Solution test and acceptance plans.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 31 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>10. IN-SERVICE ACCEPTANCE</p><p>10.1 FAULT CATEGORIES</p><p>The following fault categories are defined for use during the final solution acceptance testing process and after final acceptance. County-detected faults will be documented, and the documentation will also include a limited, but reasonable, period of time in which the problem is to be resolved by the successful Respondent.</p><p>1. Priority One Fault - A priority one fault is a major system fault that renders the system or the PSAP completely inoperable. These faults are unacceptable to the County. </p><p>2. Priority Two Fault - A priority two fault consists of major and minor solution faults that significantly reduce the solution performance and ability to function. These faults are unacceptable to the County and must be resolved before the County will accept the solution.</p><p>3. Priority Three Fault - A priority three fault is a minor system fault that marginally affects system performance and functionality. These minor faults are operational in nature and are only acceptable while in the final acceptance phase. Priority three faults must be resolved before the County will accept the solution.</p><p>4. Priority Four Fault - A priority four fault is a combination of minor system faults and items that are on the punch list. These are items have minimal or no effect on system performance and functionality and are only acceptable while in the final acceptance phase. Priority four faults must be resolved before the County will accept the solution. </p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>10.2 FINAL TEST ACCEPTANCE </p><p>10.2.1 Initiation</p><p>Final test acceptance will begin immediately after the solution is placed into service and is processing live traffic. Faults will fall into one of the four categories. The test period will commence for 30 consecutive priority one fault-free days. In the event of a priority one fault(s) while in the test period, the test will stop, and the faults must be resolved expeditiously. </p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 32 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>10.2.2 Resolution</p><p>The successful Respondent must notify the County that the fault(s) has been resolved. The County will evaluate the resolution(s) and notify the successful Respondent if satisfied. While the successful Respondent is resolving the fault, the solution must remain functional and process calls, etc. At such time that the County is satisfied with the resolution(s), the 30-day fault-free test acceptance period will start over. </p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>10.2.3 Priority 2 – 4 Faults</p><p>Priority faults two through four must be documented and resolved with documented resolutions.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>10.3 MEASURABLE TESTING CRITERIA</p><p>The solution testing process must include documented measurable test criteria covering areas outlined in the RFP. This final in-service testing will serve as the final sign-off process for payment to the successful Respondent. The County will notify the successful Respondent in writing when the logging recorder solution has passed/completed the final acceptance test.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 33 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>10.4 SOFTWARE BACKUPS</p><p>The successful Respondent must create backups of applicable devices. The backups must include the operating solution, configurations, applications, databases, and applicable software licenses. These backups will aid in the timely restoration of the device should a replacement be necessary. These “current backups” must be turned over to the County upon final acceptance. The backups must be a tapeless format. Other media used must be approved by the County.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>10.5 POINT OF CONTACT</p><p>The successful Respondent must provide a single point of contact for issues relating to the logging recorder solution proposed in this RFP. The successful Respondent must provide the name, email address, and phone numbers for this contact.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>10.6 DOCUMENTATION</p><p>The successful Respondent(s) must provide a minimum of two (2) hard copies and three (3) soft copies of all solution documentation. Soft copy documentation must be on CD, DVD, or USB drive and must include:  Manufacturer technical and maintenance manuals required to support the solution.  Operations documentation; this documentation must include backup and recovery procedures along with recommended maintenance processes.  User's manuals for systems, subsystems and applications.  Documentation supporting operating systems.  Other documentation that the County feels applicable to the proposed solution.  Final as-built drawings, which can be provided in Visio or another County agreed- upon format. </p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 34 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>10.7 MAINTENANCE SUPPORT</p><p>10.7.1 Warranty</p><p>Respondent shall state the length and nature of warranties (in years) for hardware, software, and ancillary equipment. The warranty period commences upon the County’s final acceptance of the solution. The successful Respondent must resolve faults or malfunctions during the warranty period at no additional cost to the County. The County reserves the right to begin the warranty period earlier if only minor punch list items remain unresolved, and will provide written notice of such to the successful Respondent. Respondents must also provide 24/7 maintenance through year 5 and shall include the annual cost (after warranties expire) in Attachment A – Pricing Proposal. This must include hardware and software provided by the Respondent.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>10.7.2 Pricing</p><p>Pricing must clearly show the cost for year one and include the warranty on the logging recorder with the 24/7 support. Respondents must show the cost for 24/7 support for years two through five in Attachment A – Pricing Proposal.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>10.8 SPARES AVAILABILITY—24/7 – TWO HOURS</p><p>Respondents must provide a detailed list of spare parts that would be available to the Respondent’s service personnel in the event of a critical priority one failure. These spares must be available on-site within two hours of the reported service outage on a 24/7 basis. Respondents should not include spare parts being sold with this solution. Respondents should indicate if they have access to other spare parts.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 35 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>10.9 SPARES AVAILABILITY—24/7 – EIGHT HOURS </p><p>Respondents must provide a detailed list of spare parts that would be available to the Respondent’s service personnel in the event of priority two or priority three failures. These spares must be available on-site within eight hours of the reported service outage on a 24/7 basis. Respondents should not include the spare parts being sold with this solution. Respondents should indicate if they have access to other spare parts.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>10.10 REPAIR AND ADVANCE REPLACEMENT</p><p>Respondents must provide pricing and documentation describing the repair and advance replacement of logging recorder solution components purchased by the County and provided in the Respondent’s proposal. </p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>10.11 MEAN TIME BETWEEN FAILURES (MTBF)</p><p>Respondents must include documentation identifying MTBF for components provided in the logging recorder solution. This information will aid in supporting the recommended solution spares inventory the County may purchase.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>10.12 WARRANTY NON-COVERED ITEMS</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 36 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>Respondents must describe how non-warranty or maintenance agreement-covered items are repaired. Respondents must describe the processes and procedures and provide cost factors.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>10.13 POST-CUTOVER REPAIR LOGGING AND REPORTING</p><p>The successful Respondent must provide a process for reporting and logging customer and Respondent-detected troubles and outages. Respondents must describe the information, the delivery process, and how often this information will be shared with the County. This process must also track solution problems and errors and must provide a complete trouble history to the County. Secure Web access to this report is preferred.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 37 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>11. POST-CUTOVER SUPPORT</p><p>11.1 TROUBLE ESCALATION PROCEDURES</p><p>Following the logging recorder solution cutover, the County may require escalation of an issue for resolution. Respondents must describe and provide documentation on the escalation process, including names, titles, and contact information. If the after-hours escalation process differs, Respondents must include this process as well.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>11.2 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE</p><p>Respondents must provide details for the steps involved in the preventive maintenance procedures included with the logging recorder. </p><p>For example, how often will the Respondent be on-site to perform preventive maintenance on the system?</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>11.3 TECHNICIAN LIST – TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE</p><p>11.3.1 Employee List</p><p>Respondents must include a technician list for employees who would install and/or maintain the solution. Respondent employees or subcontractors are subject to a criminal background check. Respondents’ employee lists must include:  Names of certified technicians, including certifications  Years and levels of experience with the proposed solution  Identification of which technicians are within two and four hours travel time to the PSAP</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 38 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>11.3.2 Evaluation</p><p>The County reserves the right to evaluate the training and qualifications of anyone installing and maintaining the solution. The County also reserves the right to reject any employee at any time. The successful Respondent must ensure that technicians meet current and ongoing training requirements to perform the work.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>11.3.3 Installation and Repair Teams</p><p>If the installation team is different from the repair team, Respondents must provide both lists.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>11.4 CONFIGURATION/UPGRADE MANAGEMENT</p><p>Respondents must include the procedure to manage and track changes made to the system. This is especially important in the event that changes affect the performance of a particular device and it needs to be returned to its former configuration.</p><p>Complies Complies with Exception Does Not Comply</p><p>Details to support the answer:</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 39 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>12. APPENDIX A – PSAP CONFIGURATION</p><p>10-Digit Analog CAMA Workstations Emergency Admin Lines Radio Consoles Trunks Trunks 7 10 5 5 8</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 40 Cowley County, KS July 2014 Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder RFP 2014-004</p><p>ATTACHMENT A – PRICING PROPOSAL</p><p>Respondents shall complete the provided MS 2010 Excel spreadsheet and include it as part of their proposal.</p><p>End of Document</p><p>Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page 41</p>

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