<p>An Eclectic and Incomplete Bibliography on Climate Change and Sustainability. Developed for LLAMA Webinar “Creating Sustainable Libraries and Programs” presented on 11/30/2026</p><p>By Stephen C. Maack and Arlene Hopkins December 2016</p><p>Note: check WorldCat for other editions including additional eBook availability</p><p>Climate Change Introduction</p><p>Division on Earth and Life Studies,, & National Research Council (U.S.),. (2012). Climate Change: Evidence, Impacts, and Choices: Set of 3 Booklets. Washington: National Academies Press.</p><p>Henson, R., & American Meteorological Society,. (2014). The thinking person's guide to climate change. Boston, Massachusetts: American Meteorological Society. </p><p>McKibben, B. (2012). The global warming reader: A century of writing about climate change. New York, N.Y: Penguin Books.</p><p>Michaels, P. J., & Knappenberger, P. C. (2015). Lukewarming: The new climate science that changes everything. Washington, D.C: Cato Institute. </p><p>National Research Council (U.S); Beatty, A. S.; National Research Council (U.S.), Steering Committee on Climate Change Education in Formal Settings, K-14.; & National Research Council (U.S.), Board on Science Education. (2012). Climate change education: Formal settings, K-14 : a workshop summary. Washington, D.C: National Academies Press.</p><p>National Research Council (U.S.), Committee on America's Climate Choices; National Research Council (U.S.). Panel on Advancing the Science of Climate Change; National Research Council (U.S.). Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate. (2010). Advancing the science of climate change. Washington, D.C: National Academies Press.</p><p>National Research Council (U.S.) & National Academies Press (U.S.). (2011). America's Climate Choices. Washington, D.C: National Academies Press.</p><p>National Research Council (U.S.); National Research Council (U.S.), Committee on America's Climate Choices.; National Research Council (U.S.). America's Climate Choices: Panel on Informing Effective Decisions and Actions Related to Climate Change; National Research Council (U.S.), Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate; America's Climate Choices (Project). (2010). Informing an effective response to climate change. Washington, D.C: National Academies Press. National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on America's Climate Choices.; National Research Council (U.S.). Panel on Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change.; National Research Council (U.S.). Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate.; America's Climate Choices (Project) (2010). Adapting to the impacts of climate change. Washington, D.C: National Academies Press.</p><p>National Research Council (U.S.). Panel on Limiting the Magnitude of Climate Change.; National Research Council (U.S.). Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate.; National Research Council (U.S.). Division on Earth and Life Studies. (2010). Limiting the magnitude of future climate change. Washington, D.C: National Academies Press.</p><p>Odum, M., Bardi, U., Jensen, R., & Bednarz, D. (June 03, 2015). Bounce Forward: Urban Resilience in the Era of Climate Change. Resilience, 2015-6. A Strategy Downloadable paper from Island Press and the Kresge Foundation. http://kresge.org/sites/default/files/Bounce-Forward-Urban-Resilience-in-Era-of- Climate-Change-2015.pdf </p><p>Romm, J. J. (2016). Climate change: What everyone needs to know. New York: Oxford University Press.</p><p>Climate Change Impacts: Biodiversity Loss</p><p>Kolbert, E. (2006, 2015). Field notes from a catastrophe: Man, nature, and climate change. Revised and Updated. New York: Bloomsbury Pub.</p><p>Dunne, N., & Brooklyn Botanic Garden. (2012). A native plants reader. Brooklyn, NY: Brooklyn Botanic Garden. </p><p>Pearson, R. G., & American Museum of Natural History. (2011). Driven to extinction: The impact of climate change on biodiversity. New York: Sterling.</p><p>Climate Change Impacts: Economics and Business</p><p>Arnoldus, M. and Bymolt, R. (n.d.) Demystifying Carbon Markets: A Guide to Developing Carbon Credit Projects. KIT Publishers.</p><p>Brown, L.R. et al. (2015). The Great Transition: Shifting from Fossil Fuels to Solar and Wind Energy. New York:W.W. Norton and Company. Klein, N. (2014). This changes everything: Capitalism vs. the climate. New York : Simon & Schuster. Also available as an audiobook. DVD of same name by different authors (see WorldCat.org).</p><p>Magnuson, J. (2013). The Approaching Great Transformation: Toward a Livable Post Carbon Economy. New York: Seven Stories Press.</p><p>Nordhaus, W. D. (2015). The climate casino: Risk, uncertainty, and economics for a warming world. New Haven, Con: Yale University Press. Also available as an eBook (2013 – see WorldCat.org).</p><p>Nyks, K., Scott, J. P., PF Pictures (Firm),, & Media Education Foundation,. (2013). Do the +math. Bill McKibben & the Fight Against Climate Change. Northampton, Mass.: Media Education Foundation. DVD video : NTSC color broadcast system : English : Wide screen. See other formats on WorldCat.org.</p><p>Schapiro, M. (2014). Carbon Shock: A Tale of Risk and Calculus on the Front Lines of the Disrupted Global Economy. White River Juncion, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing.</p><p>Stern, N. H., & Great Britain. (2007). The economics of climate change: The Stern review. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.</p><p>Stern, N. H. (2009). The global deal: Climate change and the creation of a new era of progress and prosperity. New York, NY: Public Affairs.</p><p>Stern, N. H. (2015). Why are we waiting?: The logic, urgency, and promise of tackling climate change. Cambridge, Massachusetts : MIT Press.</p><p>Wagner, G., & Weitzman, M. L. (2015). Climate shock: The economic consequences of a hotter planet. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Also available as an eBook.</p><p>West, J. (2014). The Long Hedge: Preserving Organisational Value Through Climate Change Adaptation. Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf Publishing. Also available as an eBook.</p><p>Willard, B. (2002). The sustainability advantage: Seven business case benefits of a triple bottom line. Gabriola Island, B.C: New Society Publishers. Also available as an eBook.</p><p>Willard, B. (2005). The next sustainability wave: Building boardroom buy-in. Gabriola Island, B.C: New Society Publishers. Also available as an eBook.</p><p>Willard, B., & SustainabiliTV. (2007). The business case for sustainability. New York: SustainabiliTV. DVD video.</p><p>Willard, B. (2009). The sustainability champion's guidebook: How to transform your company. Gabriola Island, B.C: New Society Publishers. Also available as an eBook. Willard, B. (2012). The New Sustainability Advantage: Seven Business Case Benefits of a Triple Bottom Line. New York: New Society Publishers. Also available as an eBook. </p><p>Climate Change Impacts: Human Health</p><p>Luber, G., & Lemery, J. (2015). Global climate change and human health: From science to practice. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass. Also available as an eBook.</p><p>McMichael, A. J., World Health Organization., World Meteorological Organization., & United Nations Environment Programme. (2003). Climate change and human health: Risks and responses. Geneva: WHO. Also available as an eBook.</p><p>NATO advanced research workshop on climate change, human health and national security, Fernando, H. J. S., Klaic, Z. B., & McCulley, J. L. (2012). National security and human health implications of climate change: [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Climate Change, Human Health and National Security, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 28-30 April 2011]. Dordrecht (Netherlands: Springer. Also available as an eBook.</p><p>Climate Change Impacts: Rising Sea Levels</p><p>Englander, J. (2014). High tide on main street: Rising sea level and the coming coastal crisis. Revised and updated, revision 2.1. Boca Raton, FL : The Science Bookshelf.</p><p>Communicating about Climate Change</p><p>Catholic Church, Pope, (2013 -; Francis), & Catholic Church, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. (2015). On care for our common home: Laudato si' : encyclical letter. Washington, DC : United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Series No. 7-502. Includes discussion questions. Also available as Catholic Church., & Francis, . (2015). Praise be to you =: Laudato si' : on care for our common home. San Francisco: Ignatius Press. </p><p>Darling, S. B., & Sisterson, D. L. (2014). How to change minds about our changing climate: Let science do the talking the next time someone tries to tell you ... : the climate isn't changing : global warming is actually a good thing : climate change is natural, not man-made : ... and other arguments it's time to end for good. New York : The Experiment.</p><p>Ecoamerica research-based reports on effective ways to communicate about climate change with various populations available for free download in .pdf format from http://ecoamerica.org/research/. Check with Ecoamerica about softbound copies. Hoffman, A. J. (2015). How culture shapes the climate change debate. Stanford, California: Stanford Briefs, an imprint of Stanford University Press. Also available as an eBook.</p><p>Hulme, M. (2009). Why we disagree about climate change: Understanding controversy, inaction and opportunity. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.</p><p>Mann, M. E., & Toles, T. (2016). The madhouse effect: How climate change denial is threatening our planet, destroying our politics, and driving us crazy. New York: Columbia University Press. Also available as an ebook.</p><p>Stoknes, P. E. (2015). What we think about when we try not to think about global warming: Toward a new psychology of climate action. White River Junction, Vermont: Chelsea Green Publishing.</p><p>Turnbull, M., Sterrett, C. L., & Hilleboe, A. (2013). Toward resilience: A guide to disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. Warwickshire, UK: Practical Action Pub.</p><p>Green Buildings and Green Communities Standards</p><p>Architecture 2030: Greenhouse gas (GHG) and carbon neutral standards combined with high performance design. http://architecture2030.org/2030_challenges/ </p><p>ASHRAE 189.1-2014: Standard for Design of High-Performance Green Buildings. (ANSI Approved, USGBC & IES Co-sponsored). https://www.ashrae.org/resources-- publications/bookstore/standard-189-1 </p><p>CHPS (Collaborative for High Performance Schools): Rating system for design, construction, operation of buildings and campuses. http://www.chps.net/dev/Drupal/node </p><p>Ecological Footprint: Measures supply (biocapacity) and demand (human use) on nature’s systems. http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/page/footprint_basics_overview/ Ecological footprint calculator: http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/page/calculators/ </p><p>LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design): Rating system for design, construction, operation of buildings and neighborhoods. http://www.usgbc.org/leed? gclid=CLzY1e3v8dACFcVffgodttcJdg </p><p>LEED Building Standards. http://www.usgbc.org/leed-v4 </p><p>LEED for Neighborhood Development http://www.usgbc.org/articles/getting-know-leed- neighborhood-development. LEED for Neighborhood Development standards http:// www.usgbc.org/sites/default/files/LEED%20v4%20ND_04.05.16_current.pdf, and citizen’s guide https:// www.nrdc.org/sites/default/files/citizens_guide_LEED-ND.pdf.</p><p>Living Building Challenge: Rigorous and broad standards toward sustainable buildings, infrastructure, landscapes, neighborhoods and communities. https://living-future.org/wp- content/uploads/2016/11/Living-Building-Challenge-3.1-Standard.pdf for context see https://living-future.org/lbc/ </p><p>STAR (Sustainability Tools for Assessing and Rating Communities) Community Rating System http://www.starcommunities.org/rating-system /</p><p>Greening Libraries</p><p>ALA Resolution on the Importance of Sustainable Libraries. June 28, 2015. http://www.ala.org/aboutala/sites/ala.org.aboutala/files/content/governance/council/co uncil_documents/2015_annual_council_documents/cd_36_substainable_libraries_resol_fina l.pdf</p><p>Jadefrid, M., Lennartsson, J., Kleinhenz, C. and Blomberg, M. (2016) Searching for sustainability - A blended course in how to search interdisciplinary. http :// library.ifla.org/1340/1/215-jadefrid-en.pdf</p><p>Jankowska, M. A. (2014). Focus on educating for sustainability: Toolkit for academic libraries. Sacramento, CA: Litwin Books </p><p>Miller, K. (2010). Public libraries going green. Chicago: American Library Association.</p><p>Peterson, J. (March 28, 2016) “Growing Library Gardens Programs,” WebJunction https:// www.webjunction.org/news/webjunction/growing-library-garden-programs.html</p><p>Sustainability Round Table – American Library Association http://www.ala.org/sustainrt/ includes a link to join the listserv</p><p>Individual Resposnes to Climate Change</p><p>Editors of the Green Guide Magazine. (2008). Illustrated Green Guide: The Complete Reference for Consuming Wisely. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic.</p><p>Freed, E.C. and Daum, K. (2010). Green $ense for the Home: Rating the Real Payoff from 50 Green Home Projects. Newtown, CT: The Taunton Press. Community Gardens, Urban Agriculture and Food Policy</p><p>Brown, L. R. (2012). Full planet, empty plates: The new geopolitics of food scarcity. New York : W.W. Norton & Company. Also available as an eBook.</p><p>Dubbeling, M., Veenhuizen, R. ., & Zeeuw, H. . (2010). Cities, poverty and food: Multi- stakeholder policy and planning in urban agriculture. Rugby, Warwickshire: Practical Action Pub.</p><p>Gaylie, V. (2011). Roots and research in urban school gardens. New York: Peter Lang. Also available in microfiche (see WorldCat).</p><p>Hanson, B., & Schmidt, S. (2012). Green roofs and rooftop gardens. Brooklyn, NY: Brooklyn Botanic Garden.</p><p>Hanson, D., Marty, E., Winne, M., & Hanson, M. (2011). Breaking Through Concrete: Building an Urban Farm Revival. Berkeley: University of California Press. Also available as an eBook.</p><p>Harnik, P. (2010). Urban green: Innovative parks for resurgent cities. Washington, DC: Island Press. Also available as an eBook.</p><p>Hou, J., Johnson, J., & Lawson, L. J. (2009). Greening cities, growing communities: Urban community gardens in Seattle. Washington, D.C.: Landscape Architecture Foundation in association with Seattle, Washington: University of Washington Press. </p><p>Kirby, E., & Peters, E. (2010). Community gardening. Brooklyn, NY: Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Earlier editions avaialable.</p><p>Lawson, L. J. (2005). City bountiful: A century of community gardening in America. Berkeley: University of California Press. Also available as an eBook.</p><p>Rich, S. (2012). Urban farms. New York: Abrams. Also available as an eBook.</p><p>Thompson, T. (2014). Urban farming. Detroit: Greenhaven Press. Also available as an eBook from Thomson, Gale.</p><p>Other Resources</p><p>Crate, S. A., & Nuttall, M., editors. (2009). Anthropology and climate change: From encounters to actions. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press. Also available as an eBook from New York : Routledge, 2016. Crate, S. A., & Nuttall, M., editors (2016). Anthropology and climate change: From actions to transformations. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Also available as an eBook.</p><p>International Evaluation Group, World Bank has multiple evaluations from various parts of the world available for download in .pdf format at https://ieg.worldbankgroup.org/ieg- search? field_report_type_tags_1=287&search_api_fulltext=&field_topic=All&field_report_type_tags =All&type_1[0]=evaluation&type_1[1]=reports&content_type_1=evaluation- reports&field_year=&field_country=All&field_sub_category=All&field_organization_tags=Al l&sort_by=field_official_date&sort_order=DESC . Use the Topic pull-down menu to choose “climate change.” There is a three-part series available on the World Bank Group Experience with climate change efforts. Including Adapting to Climate Change: Assessing the World Bank Group Experience, Phase III (2013). </p><p>National Academies Press, climate change collection. Materials can be purchased in softcover or downloaded for free in .pdf format. https://www.nap.edu/collection/34/climate-change. </p><p>National Research Council (U.S.). (2010). Monitoring climate change impacts: Metrics at the intersection of the human and Earth systems. Washington, D.C: National Academies Press.</p><p>Ostrom, E. (1990). Governing the commons: The evolution of institutions for collective action. New York: Cambridge University Press.</p><p>Wilmsen, C,; Elmendorf, W.; Fisher, L.; Ross, J.; Sarathy, B.; & Wells, G. (2008). Partnerships for empowerment: Participatory research for community-based natural resource management. London: Earthscan. Also available as an eBook.</p><p>URLs for More Information and Frequent Updates</p><p>American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) http://aceee.org/ includes news, a blog and an interactive map to a state policy database.</p><p>American Planning Association (APA) https://www.planning.org/search/?keyword= % 22climate+change%22</p><p>Arctic ice current status. http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenew/</p><p>Association of Climate Change Officers (ACCO) http://www.accoonline.org/ includes news links related to climate change and related matters. Cultivating Urban Resilience Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/271158363266444/ </p><p>Cultivating Urban Resilience – Libraries Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/Cultivating-Urban-Resilience-Libraries-1109311195814934/? fref=ts </p><p>EcoAmerica (climate change communication) http://ecoamerica.org/research/)</p><p>Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 6th assessment cycle, https://www.ipcc.ch/. During this cycle, the Panel will produce three Special Reports, a Methodology Report on national greenhouse gas inventories and the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6). The Fifth assessment report, Working Group II (2008-2014) and earlier assessment reports are available at Harvard University, Papers of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) http://hcl.harvard.edu/collections/ipcc/</p><p>International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). https://www.iucn.org/. Publications, briefs and other resources are found at https://www.iucn.org/resources </p><p>The Kresge Foundation funds several programs related to climate change resilience. See links at http://kresge.org/programs/environment</p><p>Sierra Club http://www.sierraclub.org/ for news and organizational actions, see programs link for specific topics http://www.sierraclub.org/programs </p><p>Sustainable City Network http ://www.sustainablecitynetwork.com /</p><p>Sustainability Round Table – American Library Association http://www.ala.org/sustainrt/ includes a link to join the listserv</p><p>The Trust for Public Land The Trust for Public Land (US) https:// www.tpl.org/search/site/climate%20change</p><p>Under 2◦ Subnational Global Climate Leadership Memorandum of Understanding and actions at the subnational level. Includes a news link relevant to sub-national actions http://under2mou.org/</p><p>University of Idaho. And University of California, Los Angeles. (1994). Electronic green journal. Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho Library. https :// escholarship.org/uc/uclalib_egj</p>
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