<p> OMB Approval No. 2700-0042 AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION/ 1. CONTRACT ID CODE PAGE OF PAGES MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT NAS 9-98100 1 16 2. AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION NO. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 4. REQUISITION/PURCHASE REQ. NO. 5. PROJECT NO. (If applicable) Modification 38 See Block 16C N/A N/A 6. ISSUED BY CODE 7. ADMINISTERED BY (If other than Item 6) CODE NASA LYNDON B. JOHNSON SPACE CENTER Attn: Lawrence A. Kenyon, PCO, Mail Code: BN 2101 NASA Road One Houston, TX 77058</p><p>8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No., street, county, State, and ZIP Code)</p><p>LOCKHEED-MARTIN SPACE OPERATIONS COMPANY Attn: David F. Bruce, Manager of Contracts 501 Gemini Avenue Houston, TX 77058 CODE FACILITY CODE (x) 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. 9B. DATED (SEE ITEM 11)</p><p>10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT/ORDER NO. 10B. DATED (SEE ITEM 13) X NAS 9-98100 Originally dated: 10/01/98 11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date specified for receipt of Offers is extended, is not extended. Offers must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date specified in the solicitation or as amended, by one of the following methods:</p><p>(a) By completing Items 8 and 15, and copies of the amendment; (b) By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offor submitted; or (c) By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted, such change may be made by telegram or letter, provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received prior to the opening hour and date specified. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (If required)</p><p>13. THIS ITEM APPLIES ONLY TO MODIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTS/ORDERS, IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACT/ORDER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14.(x) (x) A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Specify authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A. B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACT/ORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as changes in paying office, appropriation date, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.103(b).</p><p>C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: X FAR 52.243-2 Alt. II (Apr 84) Changes & FAR 52.232-22, LOF, H.5, Special Provision for Contract Changes d. OTHER (Specify type of modification and authority)</p><p>X E. IMPORTANT: Contractor is not, X Is required to sign this document and return 3 copies to the issuing office.</p><p>14. description of amendment/modification (Organized by UCF section headings, including solicitation/contract subject matter where feasible.)</p><p>Pursuant to clause H.5, Special Provision for Contract Changes, this action is less than $1.0 million and therefore does not give rise to an equitable adjustment to contract NAS 9-98100 in cost or fee. The purpose of this modification 38 is to authorize mission and data services in support of the OSP/JAWSAT mission per the attached Project Service Level Agreement. The estimated value of this work is $45,000. This modification represents full and equitable adjustment for the subject work. </p><p>Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A, as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and in full force and effect. 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type or print) 16A. NAME AND TITLE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (Type or print) David F. Bruce, Contracts Manager Michelle Isermann, Contracting Officer 15B. CONTRACTOR/OFFEROR 15C. DATE SIGNED 16B. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 16C. DATE SIGNED Original signed by David F. Bruce 10/18/99 BY Original signed by Michelle Isermann 10/19/99 (Signature of person authorized to sign) (Signature of Contracting Officer) NSN 7540-01-152-8070 30-105 STANDARD FORM 30 (Rev. 10-83) PREVIOUS EDITION UNUSABLE JSC MS Word (Aug 95) Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.243 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION</p><p>SPACE OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT OFFICE</p><p>PROJECT SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT</p><p>TO: Space Operations Management Office</p><p>VIA: SOMO Mission Service Manager Code S720 Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt MD 20771</p><p>FROM: Space & Missile Systems Center, Small Launch Vehicle Division SMC/TEBL 3550 Aberdeen Avenue SE, Kirtland AFB, NM 87117-5776</p><p>Lt. Luis Marina, OSP-SLV(Minotaur)/JAWSAT Mission Manager (505) 846-5659, [email protected]</p><p>Author/Point of Same Contact (if different from above)</p><p>CMSM: Richard Harris, GSFC Code 450, (301) 286-5974, [email protected]</p><p>SUBMISSION DATE: MISSION TITLE: OSP/SLV Support (Joint Air Force Academy AUGUST, 1999 Weber State Satellite (JAWSAT) Mission)</p><p>VERSION: Initial Change Number______2 Form Rev 1/19/1999</p><p>TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>Section I CUSTOMER INFORMATION Section II CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD SERVICES A. Mission Services</p><p>1. Mission Planning 2. Mission Control 3. Flight Dynamics 4. Spacecraft Analysis 5. Payload Analysis 6. Science Data Processing 7. Data Storage</p><p>B. Data Services</p><p>1. Ground Network 2. Space Network 3. Deep Space 4. Data Distribution 5. Special Network Management Services 6. Supporting Services B. Center Unique Services</p><p>1. GSFC Unique Services 2. JSC Unique Services 3. KSC Unique Services</p><p>Section III CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTS AND NON-STANDARD SERVICES</p><p>A. Non-CSOC SOMO Services</p><p>B. Non-NASA Services</p><p>C. PCD Requirements</p><p>Section IV Service Price, Metrics and Schedule Summary</p><p>Section V Agreement Signatories</p><p>3 Project Service Level Agreement</p><p>Section I Customer Information</p><p>Mission Title: OSP/SLV Support (Joint Air Force Academy Weber State Satellite (JAWSAT) Mission)</p><p>Category/Sponsor: NASA U.S. Commercial NASA Cooperative Foreign Commercial Non-NASA Government Foreign Government DOD Other (If Other, Describe]</p><p>Mission Objectives: To demonstrate the capability of the OSP Space Launch Vehicle by placing working satellites into functional orbits</p><p>To baseline the vehicle characteristics in support of using OSP Space Launch Vehicle vehicles to support launch services for small U.S. Government satellites</p><p>To prove the viability of the both the JAWSAT Multi-payload Adapter and the AFRL Soft Ride System</p><p>Launch/Flight Space Shuttle LV Aircraft RLV Information: Expendable LV Other Specify: Vehicle – Orbital/Suborbital Program Space Launch Vehicle (OSP SLV) – “Minotaur” Upper Stage: N/A Launch/Operations Site: Western Range, Spaceport Systems International Commercial Launch Facility Trajectory Regime Description: The satellite will be placed into a 100.0 degree inclined sun synchronous orbit of 750 km altitude Launch/Flight Date(s): 04 Oct 99</p><p>Orbit/Flight Path Aeroflight High-Earth Orbit Data:: Suborbital Deep Space Low-Earth Orbit Other</p><p>ORBITAL PARAMETERS AS APPLICABLE: SPECIFY</p><p>Apogee: 750 km Perigee: 750 km Inclination: 100.0 degrees</p><p>4/6/2018 4 Project Service Level Agreement</p><p>Other Trajectory Information: Circular Orbit ______</p><p>Key Mission Events and Dates:</p><p>Approved Mission Start Date: Sept, 1997 Phase C/D Start Date: Sept, 1997 Present Phase of Development: Implementation, proceeding into operations Requirements Maturity Assessment: >80% >50% <50% Funding Approval Status: Approved</p><p>Mission Duration: (mo/yr) Prime: 10/00 Extended: n/a</p><p>Program Duration (mo/yr) - (mo/yr): 10/99-10/00</p><p>Other: Not applicable</p><p>4/6/2018 5 Project Service Level Agreement</p><p>Section II Customer Requirements and Standard Services</p><p>A. Mission Service </p><p>1. Mission Planning – 1.a. Customer Requirements</p><p>This mission requires support for only one pass of the OSP SLV fourth stage after completing the separation sequence. Launch date and time, as well as pre-mission testing and launch rehearsals, will be coordinated with NASA.</p><p>1.b. Catalog Services</p><p>2. Mission Control – No Requirements 2.a. Customer Requirements 2.b. Catalog Services</p><p>3. Flight Dynamics – No Requirements 3.a. Customer Requirements 3.b. Catalog Services</p><p>4. Spacecraft Analysis - No Requirements 4.a. Customer Requirements 4.b. Catalog Services</p><p>5. Payload Analysis - No Requirements 5.a. Customer Requirements 5.b. Catalog Services</p><p>6. Science Data Processing - No Requirements 6.a. Customer Requirements 6.b. Catalog Services</p><p>7. Data Storage 7.a. Customer Requirements</p><p>The received telemetry recorded at the McMurdo Ground Station will be stored at NASA/WFF for a period of six months. NASA/WFF will provide a magnetic copy of the recorded data to START Treaty Offices at VAFB as soon as possible following mission completion. Data is to be IRIG Group 2 provided on 14 track using reels no greater than 14 inches in diameter. Recorder bandwidth should be 2.0 MHz at 120 ips.</p><p>7.b. Catalog Services</p><p>4/6/2018 6 Project Service Level Agreement</p><p>4/6/2018 7 Project Service Level Agreement</p><p>B. Data Services </p><p>1. Ground Network 1.a. Customer Requirements 1.b. Catalog Services 1.b.1. GN Data Acquisition, Formatting and Transfer</p><p>1.b.2. GN Command Handling and Transmission</p><p>1.b.3. GN Tracking Data Generation</p><p>1.b.4. GN Scheduling</p><p>1.b.5. GN Real-Time Control and performance Data Monitoring</p><p>1.b.6. GN Testing</p><p>1.b.7. Summary Data</p><p>The following tabular information is a summary of the ground network services requirements:</p><p> i. Low Earth Orbit/Launch Data Services - SPEC/Sub-Orbital - Ground Network</p><p>Basic Description of Support Required: [Including duration/passes per day]</p><p>MGS will acquire, receive, retransmit, and record OSP SLV store-and-forward S-band telemetry during overflight of the MGS facility. The telemetry stream consists of onboard vehicle data that has been stored at various intervals and sampling rates between a few seconds prior to LOS from Vandenberg Air Force Base to 10 seconds after payload separation.</p><p>McMurdo AOS is approximately 30 minutes after liftoff and overflight duration is approximately 15 minutes.</p><p>There are no commanding requirements.</p><p>The received data will need to available on an FTP site for recovery by Orbital via the Internet. The telemetry recorded on the FTP site will contain two raw telemetry files:</p><p>(1) From MGS AOS to AOS+5 minutes (2) From MGS AOS to LOS</p><p>Stations Required:</p><p> Mila, FL Ponce de Alaska Other</p><p>4/6/2018 8 Project Service Level Agreement</p><p>Leon, FL SAR ______Facility __ McMurdo, Svalbard, Mobile Antarctica Norway (LEO-T)</p><p>[Station includes all antenna resources located at a site.] Standard Telemetry Requirements No. Of Links: 1 [If Non-standard, Explain Below] Frequency Bandwidth Modulation Coding Subcarrier Data Type Format 2288.5 MHz 0.504 MHz PCM/FM RNRZ-L Engineering 1.44 Mbps (@ 3 dB)</p><p>Standard Command Requirements No. Of Links: 0 [If Non-standard, Explain Below] Frequency Bandwidth Modulation Subcarrier EIRP Format</p><p>Standard Metrics Requirements Radar: [If Non-standard, Explain Below] Ranging Doppler Angle Optical Special Data Handling</p><p>Special Data Links, Radio Metrics, or Optical Metrics, Destruct, Voice Communication:[Explain Below]</p><p>Special Communications Links to Other Facilities ; Special Data Handling: </p><p>1. Voice communication day of launch with MGS, GSFC, WFF and VAFB. 2. Forward OSP SLV downlinked data to FTP site</p><p>Other Special Requirements: </p><p>Radar [No] Beacon/Skin [No]_ No. Of Radars ______</p><p>Data Communication Requirements: </p><p>Pre-mission Support [P/L Checkout/Simulations/Compatibility] - Two (2) Search and Acquisition tests, using a test vehicle such as COBE (or until successful acquisitions can be demonstrated), at approximately L-45 days. Each test involves ½ hour pre-pass and 15 minutes for the actual support (45 minutes total). No TLM data will be relayed or recorded for the Search and Acquisition Testing. The antenna AZ and EL data will be recorded at MGS and E-mailed to SMC/TEBL after each test. - Launch Rehearsal, approximately L-30 days (include L-1 dataflow)</p><p>4/6/2018 9 Project Service Level Agreement</p><p>- Mission Dress Rehearsal, L-2 days (include L-1 dataflow)</p><p>Type, location, and duration of support:</p><p>MGS will receive, retransmit, and record OSP SLV store-and-forward S-band telemetry during overflight of the MGS facility. This pass is approximately 15 minutes in duration. Telemetry will be transmitted when the Launch Vehicle is approximately 6 deg in elevation from the MGS and continue for 5 minutes.</p><p>The duration that services will be required from NASA on day of launch is a one-time span of approximately 5 hours. Three (3) hrs. before nominal liftoff and two (2) hrs. after nominal liftoff. The downlinked data stream is composed of only data. Additional periods of support on subsequent days may be required in the case of launch scrubs and recycle. </p><p>Special Data Handling Requirements: None</p><p>Security Requirements: None</p><p>Command Guidance/Destruct Requirements: None</p><p>Radio Communication Requirements: None</p><p>Control Center Requirements: None</p><p>Real Time Data Display Requirements: None</p><p>Meteorological Requirements: None</p><p>Optical Support Requirements: None</p><p> ii. Low Earth Orbit/Launch Data Services - SPEC/Sub-Orbital - GSFC</p><p>Basic Description of Support Required: [Including duration/passes per day]</p><p>None</p><p>4/6/2018 10 Project Service Level Agreement</p><p> iii. Low Earth Orbit/Launch Data Services - SPEC/Sub-Orbital - Dryden</p><p>Description of Support Requirements: None</p><p>2. Space Network – No Requirements</p><p>3. Deep Space Network – No Requirements</p><p>4/6/2018 11 Project Service Level Agreement</p><p>4. Data Distribution 4.a. Customer Requirements a. Data Distribution Services </p><p>Received data will be available on an FTP site for recovery by Orbital via the Internet.</p><p>Data Transport Facility Requirements: Brief Data Transport Network Description:</p><p>Terminal Locations: VAFB, GSFC, MGS</p><p>NISN Requirements: VOICE DATA ? VIDEO ? Miscellaneous</p><p>Highest Data Rate: 1.44 Mbps</p><p>Other Distribution Services:</p><p>4.b. Catalog Services</p><p>5. Special Network Management Services 5.a. Customer Requirements 5.b. Catalog Services</p><p>6. Supporting Services 6.a. Customer Requirements 6.b. Catalog Services 6.b.1. spectrum licensing 6.b.2. systems engineering 6.b.3. end-to-end testing and mission readiness testing 6.b.4. simulators 6.b.5. service management {planning, scheduling, controlling, …} 6.b.6. other</p><p>4/6/2018 12 Project Service Level Agreement</p><p>A. Center Unique Services</p><p>1. GSFC Unique Services 1.a. Customer Requirements 1.b. Catalog Services</p><p>2. JSC Unique Services 2.a. Customer Requirements 2.b. Catalog Services</p><p>3. KSC Unique Services 3.a Customer Requirements 3.b. Catalog Services</p><p>Section III CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTS AND NON-STANDARD SERVICES</p><p>A. Non-CSOC SOMO Services</p><p>B. Non-NASA Services</p><p>C. PCD Requirements</p><p>4/6/2018 13 Project Service Level Agreement</p><p>Section IV Service Price, Metrics and Schedule Summary</p><p>4/6/2018 14 Project Service Level Agreement</p><p>Section V Agreement Signatories</p><p>Mission Title: OSP/SLV Support (Joint Air Force Academy Weber State Satellite (JAWSAT) Mission)</p><p>Approved by:</p><p>CMSM Richard N. Harris SOMO/GSFC</p><p>Customer Lt Luis Marina OSP SLV/JAWSAT Mission Manager USAF SMC/TEBL</p><p>4/6/2018 15</p>
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