<p> Some of my sites more frequent "PUBLIC SERVICE" guest/visitors; </p><p> UNITED STATES </p><p>ISP Domain - DSL U.S. DEPT. OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICE/OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL</p><p>Hostname: dhhs.gov Country: UNITED STATES Region: DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA City: WASHINGTON Visits: 1 Last Visit: 2011-05-06 13:10:57</p><p> UNITED STATES </p><p>ISP Domain - DSL U.S. DEPT. OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICE/OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL</p><p>Hostname: dhhs.gov Country: UNITED STATES Region: CALIFORNIA City: SAN FRANCISCO Visits: 1 Last Visit: 2011-09-09 13:41:39</p><p></p><p>Hostname: cityhall.boston.gov Country: UNITED STATES Region: MASSACHUSETTS City: BOSTON Visits: 3 Last Visit: 2011-05-08 12:59:40</p><p>The visitor below complained about my revealing blog posts. Costa Rica is known as an importing/exporting hotspot for our governments drug importing operation for Columbia's Cocaine. They stuff Marlin & run it up to San Diego & LA on the West Coast & From the East Coast to the East Coast of the US. "The War on Drugs?" Just like the BATF&E being caught recently allowing 1,700 assault weapons to be sold to the Mexican Drug Cartels reported on CBS Evening News in late Feb. 2011.</p><p> COSTA RICA SAN JOSE SAN JOSE </p><p>ISP Domain - DSL ALAJUELA DHCP </p><p>GeoBytes-San Jose, Costa Rica</p><p>Hostname: Country: COSTA RICA Region: - City: - Visits: 1 Last Visit: 2011-05-08 08:19:04</p><p>Referring Host: sitelife.boston.com Referring Page: /ver1.0/CMW/Abuse Browser: Firefox 4.0 Operating System: Windows 7 Screen Size: 1366 x 768 x 24 Language: en-US</p><p>Defense Attorney Robert A. George was arrested 3-23-2011 in a "STING" by the DEA, Boston US FED. PROSECUTOR Carmen Ortiz & The IRS.</p><p>The Governments CO-OPERATING Witness (CW) in the DEA, US JUST-US Dept & IRS "STING." http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2011/03/25/associate_in_lawyers_alleged_money_launder ing_scheme_idd/</p><p>"The mortgage company owner who prosecutors allege helped Boston criminal defense lawyer Robert A. George launder money for a purported drug dealer is Dover businessman Michael F. Hansen, according to two people briefed on the case" Hansen, who dissolved his Dedham-based company East Coast Mortgage in August, began cooperating with the US Drug Enforcement Administration last June, after agents warned him that he had been caught in a sting targeting the high- profile lawyer, said those familiar with the case.</p><p>No charges have been brought against Hansen, who co-owns Gibson Sotheby’s International Realty in Boston’s South End.</p><p>Hansen did not return repeated calls from the Globe yesterday, and his wife turned a reporter away without comment from their sprawling, home on a cul-de-sac in Dover.</p><p>He is a well-known figure in the community and is president of Westwood Dover Pop Warner.</p><p>A spokeswoman for the US attorney’s office, which is prosecuting George, declined to comment yesterday on Hansen."</p><p> UNITED STATES MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON Net Speed ISP Domain</p><p>COMP GIBSON SOTHEBY'S INTERNATIONAL REALTY Hostname: Country: UNITED STATES Region: MASSACHUSETTS City: BOSTON Visits: 1 Last Visit: 2011-03-25 11:18:41</p><p> US UNITED STATES MASSACHUSETTS QUINCY COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS GeoBytes-Boston. MA-99%</p><p>Hostname: boston-ce.itd.state.ma.us Country: UNITED STATES Region: MASSACHUSETTS City: BOSTON Visits: 3 Last Visit: 2011-03-25 12:40:29</p><p> UNITED STATES MASSACHUSETTS QUINCY - COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MA.US </p><p>GeoBytes-Boston, MA-99%</p><p>Hostname: boston-ce.itd.state.ma.us Country: UNITED STATES Region: MASSACHUSETTS City: BOSTON Visits: 4 (12/29/2010, 3/3 & 3/25/2011)</p><p>Last Visit: 2011-04-06 14:05:54</p><p> US UNITED STATES MASSACHUSETTS QUINCY COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS GeoBytes-Boston. MA-99%</p><p>Hostname: boston-ce.itd.state.ma.us Country: UNITED STATES Region: MASSACHUSETTS City: BOSTON Visits: 15 Last Visit: 2011-06-07 17:10:40</p><p> UNITED STATES MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MASS.GOV Hostname: boston-ce.itd.state.ma.us Visits: 19 Last Visit: 2011-07-18 16:04:05</p><p> US UNITED STATES MASSACHUSETTS ROSLINDALE BOSTON CITY HOSPITAL Geobytes-Boston, MA-99%</p><p>Hostname: cityhall.boston.gov Country: UNITED STATES Region: MASSACHUSETTS City: BOSTON Visits: 2 Last Visit: 2011-03-25 13:01:11</p><p>MASSACHUSETTS, BOSTON - PEROT SYSTEMS - PS.NET</p><p>GeoBytes-Boston, MA-90%</p><p></p><p>Hostname: ps.net Country: UNITED STATES Region: MASSACHUSETTS City: BOSTON Visits: 1 Last Visit: 2011-03-25 13:28:45</p><p>Welcome to the PSnet Clearinghouse website.</p><p>PSnet (for “Public Safety Network”) is an ongoing project to create and operate a secure, resilient, high capacity network for data, voice, video, radio, and other applications, </p><p> serving the needs of public safety agencies at the municipal, state, federal, and nongovernmental level in the metropolitan Boston area.</p><p>The PSnet network is now operational, and the project is in Phase 3. Objectives for 2009 include: </p><p> Increasing PSnet's geographic footprint by connecting more municipalities and agencies. </p><p> Increasing PSnet's usefulness by supporting additional applications. </p><p> Increasing PSnet's resiliency, capacity, and survivability by adding additional network links. </p><p> Establishing long-term, stable, and self-supporting network operations and governance. </p><p>For additional information, browse the "Public Information" links at the upper left of this page, or contact us. </p><p>The PSnet project is supported by in-kind contributions by participants, and by a U.S. Department of Homeland Security grant, administered through the Metropolitan </p><p>Boston Homeland Security Region</p><p> US UNITED STATES MASSACHUSETTS WORCESTER COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Geobytes-Boston, MA-98% Hostname: ma.us Country: UNITED STATES Region: MASSACHUSETTS City: CHELSEA Visits: 5 Last Visit: 2011-03-29 14:11:26</p><p> = MASSACHUSETTS,WORCESTER - ISP- COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 2011-03-01 06:12:38 (Forth Visit)</p><p> = MASSACHUSETTS,BOSTON - ISP- COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 2010-12-30 19:37:19 (1stVisit) = MASSACHUSETTS,WORCESTER - ISP- COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 2011-2-4 08:25:51 (Second Visit)</p><p> = MASSACHUSETTS,BOSTON - ISP- COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 2011-04-01 7:47:02 (Third Visit)</p><p> = MASSACHUSETTS,WORCESTER - ISP- COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 2011-4-17 12:38:01 (Fourth VISIT)</p><p> = MASSACHUSETTS,WORCESTER - ISP- COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 2011-06-07 07:39:17 (Sixth Visit)</p><p> = UNITED STATES MASSACHUSETTS MEDFORD 2011-4-17 12:40:28 (FORTH VISIT)</p><p> = MASSACHUSETTS,BOSTON - MASSACHUSETTS DISTRICT ATTORNEYS ASSOCIATION 2011-03-14 18:26:29 (Sixth Visit)</p><p> = MASSACHUSETTS,BOSTON - MASSACHUSETTS DISTRICT ATTORNEYS ASSOCIATION 2011-05-6 14:36:58 (Seventh Visit) http://www.mass.gov/?pageID=dmdahomepage&L=1&L0=Home&sid=Dmdaa Massachusetts District Attorneys Association</p><p>Office Address: One Bulfinch Place, Suite 202 Boston, MA 02114</p><p>Phone: (617) 723-0642</p><p>Fax: (617) 367-1228</p><p>Email: [email protected] DAs Elect Sutter as New MDAA President</p><p>The Massachusetts District Attorneys have elected Bristol District Attorney Clifford Samuel Sutter as MDAA’s new President. A graduate of Brown University and Vanderbilt University Law School, Sam Sutter began his legal career in 1983 as an attorney in private practice. He joined the Bristol District Attorney’s Office as an Assistant District Attorney in 1991, and spent eight years prosecuting a range of felonies and misdemeanors. In 1999, he returned to private practice. He was elected the Bristol County District Attorney in 2006 and took the oath of office in January 2007. Learn More</p><p>Bristol County</p><p>District Attorney C. Samuel Sutter Elected November 2006</p><p>OFFICE ADDRESS:P.O. Box 973</p><p>888 Purchase Street</p><p>New Bedford, MA 02741 = DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA,WASHINGTON - ISP- US DEPT OF JUSTICE 2011-01-11 14:04:06</p><p> = MASSACHUSETTS,BOSTON - ISP- COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 2010-12-30 19:37:19 (1stVisit)</p><p> = MASSACHUSETTS,BOSTON - ISP- COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 2011-04-01 7:47:02 (2ndVisit)</p><p> = MASSACHUSETTS,BOSTON - ISP- COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 2011-06-07 07:39:17 (6thVisit)</p><p> = MASSACHUSETTS,QUINCY - ISP- COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 2010-12-29 20:38:02</p><p> = MASSACHUSETTS,QUINCY - ISP- COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 2011-05-06 14:36:39 (SIXTH VISIT) At the same time as the 7th Visit from the MDAA IP below.</p><p> = MASSACHUSETTS,QUINCY - ISP- COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 2011-05-11 08:10:37 (NINTH VISIT) </p><p> = MASSACHUSETTS,QUINCY - ISP- COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 2011-05-12 14:37:42 (TENTH VISIT) </p><p> = MASSACHUSETTS,QUINCY - ISP- COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 2011-06-07 17:10:40 (FIFTEENTH VISIT) </p><p>FBI DIRECTOR ROBERT S. MUELLER, III - Home for Christmas using this IP? = ARIZONA,SURPRISE - ISP- ADMIN OFC US COURTS 2010-12-27 20:11:21 ROBERT S MUELLER Born Jul 1943 16318 KEY ESTRELLA Neighborhood & Property Report Record Created: Unknown SURPRISE, AZ 85374 (623) 584-9334</p><p>Owner: ROBERT S MUELLER Total land value: $32,700 Total assessed value for land: $3,270 Total improvements value: $130,900 Total assessed value for improvements: $13,090 Total value for property: $163,600 Total assessed value for property: $16,360 Parcel's total lotsize: 7,578 square feet Subdivision: Sun City Grand-Blue Sky Date of current assessment: 02/20/2009</p><p>Read more: http://www.city-data.com/maricopa-county/K/Key-Estrella-Drive-1.html#ixzz1YVhfeFBo</p><p> Robert S. Mueller, III Robert Swan Mueller III (born August 7, 1944) Director Federal Bureau of Investigation Press Conference on Arizona Shooting Investigation Tucson, Arizona January 09, 2011 FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 2011</p><p> FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III in O.C. denies sting operations aimed at terrorists are entrapment</p><p>FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III said in Orange County this week (1-9-2011) that the agency's use of sting operations has helped thwart terror attacks despite criticism that they amount to entrapment.</p><p>“We have been tremendously successful in thwarting attacks,” Mueller said Thursday in Orange, where he was unveiling a regional cyber-crime data analysis lab.</p><p>The FBI has been accused of cornering suspects believed to be potential terrorists, and critics claim the alleged undercover sting operations are especially focused on the Muslim community.</p><p>THIS IP & OTHER Gov'T IP's Visited my Site Before I PUBLICLY launched in on 12-10-2010 = DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA,WASHINGTON - ISP- US COURTS 2010-12-07 19:53:56</p><p> = PENNSYLVANIA,PHILADELPHIA - ISP-INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2010-12-21 16:02:53</p><p> = DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA,WASHINGTON ISP-DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS 2010-11-20 05:55:40</p><p>A LONG list and the trail is quite telling. From the DRUG Trade Routes in E. Europe, Turkey thru the routes in Lebanon, Tel Aviv, Portugal and West to America - From the Far East- China, Japan and on to the West Coast CA & WA - From the South from Managua, Nicaragua & Jamaica to FL, NJ, NY, RI, MA, TX, & AZ. From the North to - IL, MI, WI, MN, & MT. Austin, Dallas and Cabot, AK - is still hot. UNITED STATES MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON </p><p>ISP Domain - DSL HALE AND DORR </p><p>GeoBytes-Boston, MA 86%</p><p>In 1993, FBI Dir. Robert Mueller became a partner at Boston's Hale and Dorr, specializing in white-collar crime litigation before leaving in 1995 to become the head of Homicide in the DC Fed. Pros. Office under (D) Eric Holder, Under Clinton after having held the #2 Post as Asst. US AG under Bush 1, taking down the Mafia-(John Gotti), Noriega-(A Drug Partner) & The Pan Am 101 Fiasco (A DEA drug flight, which allowed for the Cargo holds to go unchecked in Germany).</p><p>Hostname: Country: UNITED STATES Region: MASSACHUSETTS City: MALDEN Visits: 1 Last Visit: 2011-04-25 15:17:46 Average Time: 0:00:00 Average Page Views: 1</p><p> http://prorev.com/bush4.htm</p><p>[Robert Mueller] was responsible for the prosecution of Gen. Manuel Noriega of Panama, who was the CIA's main money launderer for CIA operations in Panama. Even Congress knew of Noriega's CIA connections. Senator Kerry said that Noriega "had been on the payroll and an employee of the CIA for many, many, many years" Noriega was taken down by the CIA and prosecuted because he was found to be taking a much larger cut out of CIA drug profits than was agreed upon. During the trial, the presiding judge ruled that Noriega could not enter into evidence any documents proving his relationship to the CIA over the years. Mueller helped cover up this major issue by silencing Noriega . . . Mueller presided over the prosecution of John Gotti, the alleged Mafia head of the Gambino family group. CIA agent Richard Beneke, in response to a question of whether or not the Gotti family had ties to the CIA, testified, "Yes. As far back as 1968 and early 1969, we had begun to launder money from organized crime families in New York. At that time, Mr. Gotti was an up and coming member of one of the families. We used to wash their money out overseas and put it in Switzerland in nice, safe places for them."We do not know why the government turned on Gotti as a partner in crime. Perhaps he was also found guilty of skimming too much off the top. 42.358431 MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON 02108 -05:00 UNITED STATES -71.059773</p><p> Net Speed ISP Domain Map It</p><p>DSL U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DOT.GOV</p><p>Hostname: uscg.mil (COAST GUARD) Country: UNITED STATES Region: DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA City: WASHINGTON Visits: 1 Last Visit: 2011-05-31 06:06:26</p><p>AMERIKA IS BEING VERY CLOSELY WATCHED, THE SAME AS BEIJING IS DOING.</p><p>55.755786 - - - +03:00 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 37.617633</p><p> Map It Net Speed ISP Domain</p><p>DSL YANDEX ENTERPRISE NETWORK YANDEX.NET</p><p>Hostname: imparser08.yandex.ru Country: RUSSIAN FEDERATION Region: MOSKVA City: MOSCOW Visits: 41 Last Visit: 2011-06-06 22:32:29</p><p> UNITED STATES MARYLAND BALTIMORE ISP Domain - COMP SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION SSA.GOV </p><p>GeoBytes-Baltimore, MD-97%</p><p>Hostname: ssanccfw.ssa.gov Country: UNITED STATES Region: MARYLAND City: BALTIMORE Visits: 1 Last Visit: 2011-05-05 12:28:11 Average Time: 0:00:00 Average Page Views: 1</p><p> SWITZERLAND GENEVA UNITED NATIONS OFFICE AT GENEVA UNECE.ORG (UN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION) Hostname: Last Visit: 2011-06-10 07:37:54</p><p> UNITED STATES RICHMOND, VA THE FEDERAL RESERVE ORG Hostname: a1fed1.federalreserve.org Visits: 1 Last Visit: 2011-06-24 14:56:58</p><p>41.063951 PENNSYLVANIA SLIPPERY ROCK 16057 -05:00 UNITED STATES -80.056447</p><p> Net Speed ISP Domain Map It</p><p>COMP US OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT OPM.GOV</p><p>Hostname: ixrdemo.opm.gov Country: UNITED STATES Region: VIRGINIA City: ARLINGTON Visits: 1 Last Visit: 2011-07-08 10:22:27</p><p>: John Berry is the Federal Government’s Chief People Person. As the Director of the United States Office of Personnel Management, he is responsible for recruiting, hiring, and setting benefits policies for 1.9 million Federal civilian employees. Calling this a new day for the civil service, he is reinvigorating the Federal workforce to meet the challenges of the 21st century.</p><p>John is working closely with partners both inside and outside of government to fulfill President Obama’s charge to “make government cool again” by developing flexible, results-oriented HR policies and working to change how Americans view their public servants. His goal: build a workforce of dynamic innovators who put serving the American people at the heart of everything they do.</p><p> UNITED STATES NEWYORK, NEW YORK FOX NEWS CHANNEL FOXNEWS.COM Hostname: 74-120-99-138.tpa.foxnews.com: Visits: 2 Last Visit: 2011-07-14 13:09:38</p><p> UNITED STATES MASSACHUSETTS, BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS DISTRICT ATTORNEYS ASSOCIATION /Worthington-McCowen-Trial/LeadInvestigator- Sgt-Burke/TheFibers-Murphy.html 0:24:34 Visits: 14 Last Visit: 2011-08-12 12:37:12</p><p> UNITED STATES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, WASHINGTON U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HOUSE.GOV (THE GOP) Hostname: b249-138.house.gov Last Visit: 2011-07-22 15:56:40</p><p> UNITED STATES ILLINOIS, CHICAGO U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HOUSE.GOV Hostname: housegate12.house.gov Last Visit: 2011-08-12 15:29:21</p><p> UNITED STATES NEW MEXICO, ARTESIA DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY DHS.GOV Hostname: myfairpoint.net Last Visit: 2011-07-26 13:46:19</p><p> UNITED STATES BALTIMORE, MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY DHS.GOV Hostname: myfairpoint.net Last Visit: 2011-09-12 16:20:18</p><p> UNITED STATES SAN FRANCISCO,CALIFORNIA U.S. DEPT. OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICE/ OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Hostname: dhhs.gov Last Visit: 2011-09-09 13:41:39</p><p> UNITED STATES ANCHORAGE,ALASKA ALASKA STATE GOVERNMENT Hostname: soaancwebproxyb.doa.alaska.gov Last Visit: 2011-09-09 12:45:49</p><p>38.895112 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WASHINGTON 20590 -05:00 UNITED STATES -77.036366 Net Speed ISP Domain Map It COMP U.S. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DOT.GOV IDD Code Area Code Weather Station 1 202 USDC0001 - WASHINGTON Hostname: bluecoat2.dot.gov Country: UNITED STATES Region: DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA City: WASHINGTON Visits: 2 Last Visit: 2011-06-24 10:24:23 Average Time: 0:07:51 Average Page Views: 2</p><p>Senator Grassley - Co-Chair Judiciary Committee on Gov. Reform</p><p> 38.895112 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WASHINGTON 20510 -05:00 UNITED STATES -77.036366 Map It Net Speed ISP Domain DSL UNITED STATES SENATE SENATE.GOV IDD Code Area Code Weather Station 1 202 USDC0001 - WASHINGTON</p><p>Hostname: Country: UNITED STATES Region: DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA City: WASHINGTON Visits: 1 Last Visit: 2011-10-26 13:13:47 Average Time: 0:03:23 Average Page Views: 1 Referring Host: www.google.com Referring Page: /url Browser: Google Chrome 14.0 Operating System: Windows 7 Screen Size: 1680 x 1050 x 32 Language: en-US</p><p>This is the (GOP) House Judiciary Reform Committee in DC! 41.850033 ILLINOIS CHICAGO 60290 -06:00 UNITED STATES -87.650052 Net Speed ISP Domain Map It DSL U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HOUSE.GOV IDD Code Area Code Weather Station 1 312/773 USIL0425 - FOX VALLEY</p><p>Hostname: b249-138.house.gov Country: UNITED STATES Region: ILLINOIS City: CHICAGO Visits: 3 Last Visit: 2011-10-26 18:00:29 Average Time: 0:00:00 Average Page Views: 1 Referring Page: / Browser: Internet Explorer 8.0 Operating System: Windows XP Screen Size: 1680 x 1050 x 32 Language: en-us</p><p>38.857613 MARYLAND DISTRICT HEIGHTS 20747 -05:00 UNITED STATES -76.889417 Net Speed ISP Domain DSL CERFNET CERF.NET Map It IDD Code Area Code Weather Station 1 301 USMD0129 - DISTRICT HEIGHTS</p><p>Hostname: asbn3.gtwy.uscourts.gov Country: UNITED STATES Region: MARYLAND City: DISTRICT HEIGHTS Visits: 1 Last Visit: 2011-10-26 18:38:46 Average Time: 0:00:00 Average Page Views: 1 Referring Host: www.bing.com Referring Page: /search Browser: Internet Explorer 8.0 Operating System: Windows XP Screen Size: 1280 x 1024 x 32 Language: en-us</p><p>47.037874 WASHINGTON OLYMPIA 98504 -08:00 UNITED STATES -122.900695 Net Speed ISP Domain Map It DSL WASHINGTON STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL - IDD Code Area Code Weather Station 1 360 USWA0318 - OLYMPIA</p><p>Hostname: wa.gov Country: UNITED STATES Region: WASHINGTON City: OLYMPIA Visits: 1 Last Visit: 2011-10-27 16:29:50 Average Time: 0:00:00 Average Page Views: 1</p>
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