The Accomplishments, by Objective, Of

The Accomplishments, by Objective, Of

<p>MARYLAND WESTIE RESCUE, INC. P.O. Box 68 Spencerville, MD 20868</p><p>2010 ANNUAL REPORT Maryland Westie Rescue, Inc. Annual Report 2010</p><p>Mission Statement, Goals & Objectives</p><p>Maryland Westie Rescue, Inc., is run solely by volunteers for the welfare of homeless West Highland White Terriers (Westies). </p><p>The mission of Westie Rescue is to facilitate the rescue and adoption of stray, abandoned, neglected, abused, and surrendered Westies of pure or mixed-breed lineage, and place adoptable Westies into permanent, loving homes.</p><p>In the interim, we provide appropriate foster and veterinary care, proper nourishment, and give them plenty of love and attention.</p><p>The geographical area to be serviced by Westie Rescue consists of, but is not limited to, Maryland, Virginia, and D.C. The availability of financial and volunteer resources will determine how many Westies and how extended a geographical area can be serviced at any given time. Westie Rescue’s goal is to provide quality care and placement assistance to as many homeless Westies as possible.</p><p>Qualified adoptive families are selected through an application process that is focused on the welfare of the Westie and the need to place each dog in an environment appropriate for that dog’s background, temperament, and needs. The needs of the homeless Westie are Westie Rescue’s primary concern. Attaining safe, loving, lifelong homes for these Westies is our primary goal. The accomplishments, by objective, of Maryland Westie Rescue, Inc. for 2010:</p><p> Facilitate the rescue and adoption of stray, abandoned, neglected, abused, and surrendered West Highland White Terriers (Westies) of pure or mixed-breed lineage, and place adoptable Westies into permanent, loving, and stable homes, while providing long-term care for those animals not appropriate for adoption.</p><p>We certainly have been busy in 2010! Maryland Westie Rescue, Inc. has aggressive adoption policies, working our hardest to find good, permanent homes for our Westies. We took in/ placed 48 Westies in happy, forever homes. And the calls keep coming in for Westies in need. We attribute this volume to the organization becoming more widely known via the hard work of our volunteers, our informative web site, our network of contacts all over the country, and an incredible level of word-of- mouth recommendation! Maryland Westie Rescue turns no Westie or Westie-Mix away. Through an intricate network of volunteers and foster homes we manage to fulfill every request we receive for Westies seeking & needing new homes. Each Westie that comes into our rescue is examined by a vet, updated on all shots, and treated for any existing medical conditions. </p><p> Help relieve suffering of and prevent cruelty to Westies through dissemination of information to and education of the public.</p><p>Maryland Westie Rescue, Inc. believes education is the key to creating a humane and responsible society. We are constantly seeking out and participating in events within the Greater Washington area to promote the rescue, convey our message of anti-cruelty, and promote canine well- being through pamphlets, brochures, and flyers and our on-site presence. This information is also readily available on our web site for public access at These events in 2010 included: The Pet Expo, Frederick Celtic Festival, Walk in the Park, Maryland Public Television Volunteer events, Responsible Dog Day, Walk for Paws, Fall Foliage Walk with Fido, and the Mardi Pawrade. We also have the mass mailing of our newsletter, The Westie Watch. Contents include seasonal pet care tips and extensive canine health care articles. We produced and mailed 3 editions of this newsletter in 2010. Our Generous Donors For 2010 Maryland Westie Rescue, Inc. relies solely on donations to keep its rescue and associated programs operating. We sincerely thank all of those listed below who helped us to help homeless Westies in need! ALBAUGH WILLIAM & MARYANN ABATE SHASTINE, M.D. ADAMS SYLVIA AGNELLO ELLIANA ALLISON DEBBIE & MARK ALLEN BETSY & PHYLLIS WALKER ALLEN MARY JANE ALSTON RITA ANDERSON KEN & STEVE HARRIS ANT JEFFREY ANTONACCIO LINDA ASKIN FRED & DUFFY BAHM ROBERT BAILEY ROBIN BAILEY WAYNE & SANDRA BANKS DEBORAH BANNERMAN KRISTIN BARK DIANE BARNES GARY BARNEY CYNTHIA BEAGHAN HOWARD BEECY PATRICIA BENSON MICHAEL & MARGARET BERG JASON BERG LINDA ANN BERNSTEIN BENSON & SHEILA BILES GIOVANNA BINGNEAR PAMELA & JAMES BITTLES SHERRY BIUK CAROLINE & JOHN BLAKESLEE WENDY & ROBERT BLOW DONNA BOUHAROUN KHALIL & CARIN BOWEN AMANDA BOWLES DEBORAH BOYD JOHN BOYD WILLIAM & LORRAINE BOZIK MICHAEL & JOAN BRADT NUALA & BOB BRADY ANGELIQUE BRADY NANCY BRANUM AMY & SCOTT KOCHER BRATTEN SUSAN BRAUN JASON & ANGELINE BRODBECK RHONDA BROOKS CYNTHIA BUCHANAN ROBERT & PAMELA BUFFALOE MARILYN BURKE SUSAN BURKE VICTORIA BUSH NANCY & RICHARD BUTZ ANDREW & ALEXIS CALDERONE GIOVANNA CALLAGHAN JOHN & WENDY CAMERON MIRIAM CAMPBELL KEDEESHA CAMPBELL VIRGINIA & ARNETT CARLOZZI BRIENNE & MICHAEL CARSON CHARLES & PATRICIA CARTER RON & RUTH CASE LISA MARIE CASEY SUSAN CAT & DOG HOSPITAL OF COLUMBIA CATERINA ANTHONY & JOYCE ZMUDA CHAVEZ PAMELA CHRISTIE SHARON CLAFLIN VICKIE & JOHN GIAMALVA CLARK ELIZABETH CLINTON LAURIE COHILL DIANNA & JOHN HUFFORD COHN WILLIAM COLE MELISSA COLLICA JAMES & ERIN COLLINS ARIEL & LAUREN COLOSO ROBERTO & FLORENCE CONKLIN BIANCA CONSTANTE DEBRA SALZMAN COOGAN HENRY & BETTE COOPER JUDITH CRACOVANER SUSAN CRAFT TERRI CREGO NANCY & ALBERTO CSX FOUNDATION, INC. CUNNICK LAWRENCE & CAROL CUEVAS MARIELA CURTIS DIANE CUSHING BRUCE AND LESLYE ANN CYPHERS JANET DAHER ELIZABETH DARNELL CHARLES & TAMMARA DAVIES KATHLEEN DAVIS LETTIE DAVIS ROSE & EUGENE DAVIS SARAH DAY EPHRAIM & REGINA DAYS SANDRA DE CICCO LAWRENCE & MICHAEL DELLAGATTA LORI DELLGATTA GAIL DEROSIER SCOTT DEXTER ROBERT & THERESA DIENER MARY KAY DOOLEY MARY DONNELLY DANIEL & PAULETTE DONOFRIO CARLA DONOVAN RITA DOVE MONICA DRESHER BRIAN DRESZER LISA DRNACH JANET DURHAM RICHARD & CECILIA DUVALL DEBORAH EBAUGH DONALD & RITA ECKERT ELLEN & KEVIN EDISON MARGARET & GORDON ELGIN CHRISTINA & DANIEL ELGIN BONNIE & DANIEL ELLIOTT EDITH ELLIOTT LINDA ENGERER BARBARA EPPERSON KATHARINE ESTEP KEITH FAUST JOANN & JOHN FITZPATRICK KAREN FLEMING VERNON FLETCHER DOUGLAS & PATRICE FODILL SUZANNE & KENNETH FOSLER SHARON & ROBERT FOY COURTNEY FRANCO MARIE FUCHS ROY FURNARI A.J. & CAROLINE GANTZLER-WAS LAURA LYNN GARNER JOHN & IRENE GARVICK DONALD & MARIE GAUCHER JANELL GEFELL RANDALL & ANNE GENT ELISABETH GEYER DOROTHY GIPSON LINDA GITTLES ANGIE GLADCHUK KATHLEEN & CHET GLANFIELD DENNIS & LINDA McHALE GOLLADAY ELAINE GOODE LINDA GOODWIN LYNDON & CYNTHIA GOSS TRUDY GOVATOS JANE GRAHAM ALEXANDRA GRANEY GLENN & WENDY GRANGER DELIA-ANNE GREENBERG RICHARD & BEATRICE GREENE WENCHUN GRICHECK CYNTHIA GUELLICH MARGARET HABER BARBARA HAGEMAN LYLE & RUTH HALL LORI HAMPSON DAISY HANSON JEFFREY HARRINGTON ALLAN & ELIZABETH HARVEY TERRY & PAULA HAVILAND KAREN HAYES SHARON HEDLUND KATHERINE HERZBERG ERIC HILL DEBORAH HILL VICTORIA HILL RUTH HO ELIZABETH HOBSON ROBERTA & JAMES HODGE MARION & LOUIS HOFFECKER THOMAS & BARBARA HOLMES SHEILA HULBERT THOMAS & SARA HULL GARY & LYNN HURLBURT ANDREA HUTAFF THOMAS & KRISTIE HUTCHISON SHERYL HUTNICK ETHEL & CHARLES HUTSON JOHN & LAURA ISRAEL DAVID JACOB BETH & FRED JACOBY SHARON JAMES & MATTHEW JOHNSON SHEPARD RANDALL & GERARD JOHNSON RACIOPPI JONES KRISTANNA & CHRISTOPHER JONES THERESA JORDAN LYNN KALBERER BONNIE KALNER JAY KATZ DEB & HOWARD KATZENBERGER WILLIAM KAYS GEORGE & JANE KEEP ANN KELLEY TOM KELLY KEVIN & KATHRYN KENNEDY LINDA KENNEDY LISA KERESTER ALISON KEYSER MARY ANN KING JASON & ANN KIRKLAND ANN KJELLBERG BOB & LINDA KLINEFELTER SUE & PAUL KNIGHT BEVERLY KNIGHTON GAIL KNOELLER CHRISTIAN & RUTH KNOX JAMES & SHIRLEY KOBAYASHI BAYLOR & TERESA KORZENIOWSKI ELAINE & J.P. IGLESIAS KRAMER MARK & MARIANNE LAKE DAVID & PAMELA LANAHAN ELLEN & FRANK LANDGRAF ROBERT & ELIZABETH LANDRIGAN LAUREN LANGAN RACHEL LANGNER INGRID LARUSSO JOAN & JOSEPH LAW GWEN LEFFLER MATTHEW & SUZANNE LEHNER LISA LEISSES RICHARD & JANNINE LENTZ LINDA & ROBERT LETCHER LAURA LEVINE SUSANNA & MATTHEW LIBERTO JAMES & JOANNE LINDENAU CATHERINE LINDQUIST ROGER & SUSAN LINNE TARA & WILL LITVIN STEVEN & STACY LOCKABY JESSE & JANE LONG BRADLEY & CRYSTAL LOUGHERY GLADYS & DAVID LOUIE MITCHELL LUKE CHRISTINA LURZ SANDRA LUSHBAUGH CURTIS & SONDRA LUTZ WILLIAM & MARGE LYNAM ERIN LYNCH MAUREEN MACK JULIE MADEIROS VALERIE MALLORY ROSEMARY MALONEY MATTHEW MANN WILLIAM MARCINSKI DOUG & KAREN MARKS ELIZABETH MARSHALL-PAC THERESA MASSIE REGINALD & SHARON MATLOCK JEANETTE MATTIE ELENA MAXWELL CAROL MCBEE LEE & ROSEMARY MCCABE JOSEPH & JUDITH McCAFFREY BETTIE McCONNELL PEGGY MCCORMICK MIKE & SHARON McCROBIE & SHAW MCDANIEL SHARRON McDONALD GLENDA McGUIN JANA & CHRIS McHALE LINDA & DENNIS GLANFIELD MCINTYRE KIM McKEE MICHAEL & CYNTHIA McVICAR COREY & JORGE TAVEL MISTRANGELO JOHN & MARY MEHL JESSICA MELLOTT MR & MRS. CHRISTOPHER MICHEL BETSY MIDDLETON KATHARINE MILLER LYNNE MORELAND JOANN & JOHN MORGAN MICHELLE MORGENTHALER RENE & MARGARET MORRIS AGNES MORRIS JAMES & BERTHA MORRISON KIMBERLY MOSSER KIMBERLY MOULTON LLOYD & MARYANN MOXLEY JAN MYERS REBECCA & BRUCE NACE STEPHEN & CATHRYN NAKAYAMA ADRIAN NEAL MARYANN NEWLANDS ALEXANDRA NICKELL HEIDI NIKIFOROU NICHOLAS & CANDACE NINE JOHN & ROSA NORMAN CHRISTINE NOWAK SUZANNE OBITTS CHRISTINA O'BRIEN STACEY O'CONNELL KATHRYN, M.D. OKUI KOKOU OLYNYK CHARLES & JACQUELINE O'NEILL LINDA OPEL WENDY & HORACE PACK ALLEN & SHEILA PAGE MEREDITH PALIN MALCOLM & JANICE PARKER HENRY & SUSAN PASSER JAKUB & LINDA PATTI JAMES & ELIZABETH PAYNE HELEN PEACOCK DONALD PEDIGREE FOUNDATION PELTER LORRAINE PELTON DIANE & D.J. PENN MICHAEL & BRENDA PERICLES JAMES & JOANN PERKINS, JR. NANCY & PETER PERRY LESLIE PFARR BARBARA PHAUP LEE PICCININNI CAROLYN & RALPH PIESEN ANN & PHIL MARGOLIES PIESEN EDMOND & ROSEANNE PINGUE ADELAIDE PLATT ALLISON POLLARA PONE CRYSTAL POTTER VERONICA PRITCHETT ROBERT & MARY PRUITT ELAINE QUALITY TIME QUIST EDWARD & MARY RAAB BOB RACIOPPI LINDA RACIOPPI JERRY & RANDY RAISWELL KRISTIN & TIMOTHY RANDOLPH BILLIE RAPICANO CHRISTOPHER RATCLIFF BILL & LINDA REINHARDT MONA RHOADS STEPHEN RICE DOUGLAS & CHARLENE RIDDICK CATHERINE RIDGWAY GEORGE & CHIE RIVERS CYNTHIA ROBINSON BETH & CARL ROBINSON DONNA & FLOYD ROCHON RONE & RICHARD RODMAN MARLENE ROGERS DOROTHY & PATRICIA ROGERS SUSAN ROSENZWEIG BETH & PHILIP RUDISILL MARTHA & EDWARD RUDNICK BARRY & LINDA RYAN DONNA SALZMAN GLORIA SANDS MICHAEL SANGER CAROL SANTOS ALFREDO SAVINI KATHY & CARL SCHAMBERGER JILL & STEVEN SCHLANGER SERRA SCHLITT JOHN & JIM CONZELMAN SCHNECK RANDY SCHULZE, JR. ROBERT SEE ROBIN SEITZ DOLORES SHATTUCK MARK SHAW CYNTHIA SHAW TOM SHAWVER SUSAN SHELDON LESLIE SHENKLE LISA SHEPARD BARBARA & MARK SHERWIN RITA SHOEMAKER MICHAEL & JEANNE SHOWALTER TERESA SHUTE WILLIAM & EILEEN SIMONDET KAREN SIMPSON NORA & DAN SMITH ANNE MARIE SMITH CHARLENE SMITH MATTHEW SMITH MAURI SMITH PAUL & JUDY SNIDER L BRITT SNYDER LAWRENCE SOULE BILLIE SPAULDING HOLLY & ANDREW STEFANOW STEPHANIE STEGEMANN EDWARD & CINDY STIRTON IAN & WILLIAM STOECKEL LESLIE & DAVID STOTT KATHLEEN STRUPE GENE & BEATRICE SWARR KRISTA TAYLOR BRENDA TEETS ROBIN TENNEY STEPHEN TEPPER SHIRLEY & BRYON TERRES GAIL & JESSE TERRY MARK & KAREN TESTA DEBORAH & MATTHEW THORNE JOHN & VICKIE TINIUS KATHERINE TOUPS ELLEN TOWNSLEY DAN & PAULA TRANCHITELLA NICOLA & WILLA TRAVERS JULIE & RICHARD TRIMBLE THERESA & BRUCE TROESCHEL DENISE TRUELOVE KATHLEEN TUCKER BRENDA & GEORGE TUCKER CYNTHIA VADEN ELIZABETH & CHRISTOPHER VALONIS CHARLES & DOROTHY VALSAMAKIS ALEXANDER & ANDY GOLDEN VELKE ROBERT & CATHLEEN VERBEEK KEVIN & WENDY VESELLA CANDACE VRANY CHARLES & BARBARA VRANY MARY LEE WAGNER THOMAS & HELENE WALSH ROBERTA & ROBERT WARD TOM WARRING CAMILLE WASHBURN ALICE WASILJOV MICHAEL & LAURIE WEAVER BONNIE & MICHAEL AUGUST WEBBER LOUISE WEBB-CONLEE GENEVRA WEDEKIND BILL & BETH WEST COURTNEY WESTON JOAN WHERLEY CLARE WHITE DURIE & DONALD WHITTINGTON IMOGENE WHYTE JENNIFER WIBERG BRENDA (WIBERG GALLERY) WIKTOR SHARON WILKES LYNN & WILEY WILLIAMS EMILY WILSON PATRICIA WIMBERLY JEAN & BENJAMIN WINGARD NEIL & MARY WILNSLOW CHARLES & KIM WISSEL LYNN & MARK WITHINGTON FRANCES WOLF NANCY WOLINSKY JOSEPH WOODALL JOHN WOODS BARBARA WYATT WILSON & KATHLEEN WYLIE SHARON YELVINGTON TYSON & CATHERINE YOUMANS JEFF & JULIE ZINAR GAIL & LAWRENCE ZOMBEK JON & CHRIS</p><p>Financial Report 2010 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE</p><p>Veterinary Expenses Donations 35,723.5 GAVH 2 Cash 21664.42 Meds for Brooke 24 Adoption Fees 10250 Exam and Vaccinations for Snowball (R.Mallory) 49 Funding Factory (Cartridge Recyc) 120.95 Caring Hands Animal Hospital Bristow 77.36 52.38 Chesapeake Cardio Vet 981 MissionFish PG County Shelter Htwm Test Fee (Gus) 15 Super Pet Expo Meds for Camden 115.36 Network for Good Garrisonville Animal Hospital 134.91 Basket Bingo Donations Metro Emergency Animal Clinic 988.2 Pedigree Grant 653.87 Ches. Veterinary Surgical Specialists 2674.16 CSX Foundation Grant (G. Wells) 240 Leesburg Vet 186.4 WHWTC of America Rescue 2000 Cape Apothecary 49 World of Pets Donations 27 Food Lion Rewards 14.1 Operational Flower Power Fundraising 430.5 Bank checks and fees 0.5 Petty Cash Returned 84 MD State Registration 50 Wine & Fleas Donations 368 Postage/Shipping 1301.67 WestieMed Grant 1500 Mailing Supplies (envelopes, labels, etc.) 413.51 Foster Supplies (food, etc) Tax Return Prep Services 300 VA State Registration 30 Supplies (envelopes, biz cards, magnets) Insurance 1929 PO Box Rental 140 Wine & Fleas Postcards 199.59 Video about the rescue 975 Web Server (EIG Fat Cow) 99 Domain names renewal 15 Publisher Software 180.19 Basket Bingo Supplies (raffle tix, etc) 63.75 Petty Cash (Angie) 84</p><p>Merchandise Hard Cost Merchandising Clay Pawprints kits 110.63 Desperate House Dogs Sweatshirts 347.05 Koozies for Wine & Fleas 342.9 Garden Flags 63 Yankee Candle Merchandise 1593.41 Why Can't Men Sweatshirts 50 Pens and Magnet Calendars 296.92 MWR t-shirts 165 Dog Toys 77 Notecards 70 Prizing and items for Wine & Fleas 115.24 Calendar 10 Westieopoly Games 834.07 (13.90 ea.) Shoe Charms 100.8 Baskets for Bag & Basket Bingo 1164.07 License Plates 375 Bags for Bag & Basket Bingo 814.25 Wreath Hanger 159.26 Supplies for Bingo 80.43 Ceramic Figurine 10 Yankee Candle Merch Sold 4498.07 W&F Silent Auction Items 55 W&F Embroidered Polo 20 Wind Bell 75 Board Members & Staff</p><p>Phil Margolies, President 1823 Tilton Drive Silver Spring, Maryland 20902 (301)592-1706 [email protected]</p><p>Angela Gittles, Vice- President 8415 Canning Terrace Greenbelt, Maryland 20770 (301) 474-0838 [email protected]</p><p>Diane Pelton, Secretary & Treasurer 2327 Fairland Road Silver Spring, Maryland 20904 (301) 879-8334 Cell (301)922-0444 [email protected] Ann Piesen, Board Member 1823 Tilton Drive Silver Spring, Maryland 20902 (301)592-1706 [email protected]</p>

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