<p> PROTEA HOTELS MINIMUM GUEST SERVICE STANDARDS – HOUSEKEEPING – GUEST ROOMS Page 1 of 12</p><p>HK1: Cleaning and Servicing GUEST Rooms and Bathrooms Job Position: Room Attendant</p><p>GUEST SERVICE Every GUEST will be provided with a clean GUEST Room and Bathroom, with everything in good repair and all Room amenities STANDARD properly stocked and equipment and facilities in good working order. GUEST Rooms will be cleaned and serviced with minimum inconvenience to the GUEST. PERFORMANCE The employee must be able to systematically clean, in accordance with departure or stay-over status, all GUEST Rooms. The employee must be able to replenish STANDARD amenities/ supplies and complete a Room check, to the required Housekeeping standard.</p><p>WHAT THE GUEST EXPECTS (ANTICIPATING GUEST MEETING AND EXCEEDING GUEST EXPECTATIONS WHAT YOU NEED TO BE ABLE TO DO EXPECTATIONS) (GUEST SERVICE STANDARD) Knocking and Entering Procedure</p><p> Not to be disturbed by Housekeeping STAFF while in the room and Approaching the Cleaning begins the moment the room Able to adhere to the procedures for the various scenarios for rooms to be cleaned at times convenient to the GUEST. GUEST bedroom attendant approaches the GUEST room when entering GUEST Rooms door. It is important to follow your specific company procedures to ensure that you do not inconvenience or embarrass the GUEST or show any disrespect.</p><p>“Do not Disturb” Do not knock on the door, and leave quietly. Record on your status report, and come back to service the room later.</p><p> If the DND sign is still displayed at 14h00 inform your supervisor</p><p>Knock and enter Knock on the door and announce clearly “Housekeeping”, repeat this three times </p><p>GUEST answers If the GUEST answers, greet and introduce yourself </p><p>“Good morning / Good afternoon, I am the room attendant, I am sorry to have disturbed you.”</p><p> Ask what time would be convenient to clean the room</p><p>“When would you like your room serviced?”</p><p> Note the time on your status report or schedule, and return later.</p><p>© LUXURY HOTELS INTERNATIONAL SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD PROTEA HOTELS MINIMUM GUEST SERVICE STANDARDS – HOUSEKEEPING – GUEST ROOMS Page 2 of 12</p><p>HK1: Cleaning and Servicing GUEST Rooms and Bathrooms Job Position: Room Attendant</p><p>WHAT THE GUEST EXPECTS (ANTICIPATING GUEST MEETING AND EXCEEDING GUEST EXPECTATIONS WHAT YOU NEED TO BE ABLE TO DO EXPECTATIONS) (GUEST SERVICE STANDARD) Knocking and Entering Procedure (Continued)</p><p>No answer If no answer is heard, knock again and repeat, “Housekeeping” If there is still no answer, open the door slightly and repeat “Housekeeping”, to make sure the GUEST is not sleeping or in the bathroom. If the room is unoccupied, position your trolley/cart in front of the door or close to the wall at the side of the door, leaving the door open/closed (according to Hotel procedures). Begin cleaning. If the GUEST is sleeping, leave the room quietly if you have not disturbed the GUEST and return later</p><p>GUEST returns Greet the GUEST durin Offer to return later. g cleani “May I continue servicing your room, ng or shall I come back later.”</p><p> Check the GUEST’s card or key to verify the correct room.</p><p> Greet the GUEST Offer assistance with luggage</p><p>GUEST is due “Could I get a porter to help you to leave with your luggage?”</p><p>© LUXURY HOTELS INTERNATIONAL SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD PROTEA HOTELS MINIMUM GUEST SERVICE STANDARDS – HOUSEKEEPING – GUEST ROOMS Page 3 of 12</p><p>HK1: Cleaning and Servicing GUEST Rooms and Bathrooms Job Position: Room Attendant</p><p>WHAT THE GUEST EXPECTS (ANTICIPATING GUEST MEETING AND EXCEEDING GUEST EXPECTATIONS WHAT YOU NEED TO BE ABLE TO DO EXPECTATIONS) (GUEST SERVICE STANDARD) GUEST Room Cleaning Procedure</p><p> A clean, tidy room with everything working properly. The room to The knocking and entering procedure is followed prior to Utilise the correct cleaning materials and equipment for the have a fresh appearance and to be pleasant smelling and free of entering a GUEST Room. cleaning of different surfaces (i.e. wood, glass, mirrors, odours. enamel, porcelain, painted surfaces, floors, carpets, etc). The housekeeping door keycard is inserted in the door An adequate supply of beverages and relevant GUEST amenities. lock as required, and the door closed. Prepare for and clean floors and floor coverings such as carpets, tiles, etc using the correct cleaning materials and To return to a room that has been cleaned and freshened by at Bedroom lights are turned on to check that all lights are in equipment. least 4pm daily. working order. Arrange furniture and equipment in accordance with the Curtains/ drapes are opened and windows are opened to Room layout. ventilate the room. Replenish and correctly place GUEST promotional material Dirty room service trays and dirty room crockery/ cutlery is and amenities, checking the condition of such. removed. Room service items are returned to service area and not left visible to GUESTS. Notify Room Service to State what GUEST supplies are provided and state the collect trays. Dirty room crockery is placed in bathroom standard for the placement and quantity of such supplies. basin to be soaked. Work in a systematic manner in cleaning GUEST Rubbish is collected from room and bathroom and is bedrooms. placed in trolley rubbish bag. Rubbish bins are cleaned, if dirty and liners replaced. In an occupied room only items placed in the rubbish receptacle should be thrown out.</p><p> Flush toilet, spray the inside with disinfectant under the rim of the toilet and spray general purpose cleaner on the bath surface (where necessary). Leave to soak while cleaning the bedroom.</p><p> Pick up all GUEST clothing from the floor or furniture and arrange neatly on sofa or chairs.</p><p> Clean and dust headboards and side tables.</p><p> Check under bed and clean out any debris from under the bed.</p><p> Make-up bed(s). (Replace all sheets and bed coverings if they need cleaning.</p><p> Start cleaning the room (all surfaces) in a systematic manner, from one side of the room to the other, cleaning from top to bottom.</p><p> Clean full length or closet mirrors, leaving no streaks.</p><p> Clean closet walls, shelves, hanger rod (after check out) if applicable. Check extra pillow is free of dust.</p><p>© LUXURY HOTELS INTERNATIONAL SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD PROTEA HOTELS MINIMUM GUEST SERVICE STANDARDS – HOUSEKEEPING – GUEST ROOMS Page 4 of 12</p><p>HK1: Cleaning and Servicing GUEST Rooms and Bathrooms Job Position: Room Attendant</p><p>WHAT THE GUEST EXPECTS (ANTICIPATING GUEST MEETING AND EXCEEDING GUEST EXPECTATIONS WHAT YOU NEED TO BE ABLE TO DO EXPECTATIONS) (GUEST SERVICE STANDARD) GUEST Room Cleaning Procedure HK1: Cleaning and Servicing GUEST Rooms and Bathrooms Job Position: Room Attendant</p><p>WHAT THE GUEST EXPECTS (ANTICIPATING GUEST MEETING AND EXCEEDING GUEST EXPECTATIONS WHAT YOU NEED TO BE ABLE TO DO EXPECTATIONS) (GUEST SERVICE STANDARD) GUEST Room Cleaning Procedure (Continued)</p><p> In departure rooms ensure safe has been left open for GUEST use. If not, follow the laid down Hotel’s procedure to request this to be opened.</p><p> Sweep clean or vacuum wardrobe floor.</p><p> Clean vinyl or painted walls – must be free of spots and marks.</p><p> Check ceilings are free of dust and spider webs.</p><p> Clean furniture – must be free of spots and marks. Dust and polish if necessary.</p><p> Clean and dust mirrors and pictures (high dusting on frame tops).</p><p> Dust lamps, bulbs and shades.</p><p> Clean windows and windowsills if necessary. Inside of windows should be free of spots and streaks. Sills free of dust. A cleaning schedule for external window cleaning must be included in a maintenance programme.</p><p> Dust curtains and voiles if necessary. Must be free of dust. If spotted and dirty, remove for complete cleaning as necessary. Ensure curtains are hanging correct and close voile curtains.</p><p> Remove sofa and chair cushions to clean out any debris.</p><p> Clean phone and check whether it is in working order. Must be free from finger prints.</p><p> Sweep / vacuum around edges of rooms and behind furniture to remove all debris.</p><p> Empty and wipe clean wastebin and/or ashtrays. Place clean liner in wastebin if necessary.</p><p> Clean hairdryer and check whether in working order.</p><p>© LUXURY HOTELS INTERNATIONAL SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD PROTEA HOTELS MINIMUM GUEST SERVICE STANDARDS – HOUSEKEEPING – GUEST ROOMS Page 5 of 12</p><p>HK1: Cleaning and Servicing GUEST Rooms and Bathrooms Job Position: Room Attendant</p><p>WHAT THE GUEST EXPECTS (ANTICIPATING GUEST MEETING AND EXCEEDING GUEST EXPECTATIONS WHAT YOU NEED TO BE ABLE TO DO EXPECTATIONS) (GUEST SERVICE STANDARD) GUEST Room Cleaning Procedure Replace stationery and any other supplies needed in the room including laundry list and laundry bags.</p><p> Check all lights are working and replace any burnt out light bulbs. HK1: Cleaning and Servicing GUEST Rooms and Bathrooms Job Position: Room Attendant</p><p>WHAT THE GUEST EXPECTS (ANTICIPATING GUEST MEETING AND EXCEEDING GUEST EXPECTATIONS WHAT YOU NEED TO BE ABLE TO DO EXPECTATIONS) (GUEST SERVICE STANDARD) GUEST Room Cleaning Procedure (Continued)</p><p> Clean TV set and check for good working order and correctly tuned into channels (including remote control).</p><p> Vacuum and spot clean carpet. Note: This must be done daily in all occupied rooms.</p><p> Ensure GUEST room is free from odours.</p><p> Clean Hospitality tray, wash cups/ mugs and spoons, refill kettle with fresh water, replenish beverage supplies.</p><p> If there is an electronic clock, check that it is set to the correct time and that the alarm function is off.</p><p> Where applicable, mini bar fridges are defrosted and cleaned, ice trays and water containers replenished. </p><p>© LUXURY HOTELS INTERNATIONAL SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD PROTEA HOTELS MINIMUM GUEST SERVICE STANDARDS – HOUSEKEEPING – GUEST ROOMS Page 6 of 12</p><p>HK1: Cleaning and Servicing GUEST Rooms and Bathrooms Job Position: Room Attendant</p><p>WHAT THE GUEST EXPECTS (ANTICIPATING GUEST MEETING AND EXCEEDING GUEST EXPECTATIONS WHAT YOU NEED TO BE ABLE TO DO EXPECTATIONS) (GUEST SERVICE STANDARD) Changing Bed Linen and Making Beds</p><p>Making the Bed Remove, sort and prepare for despatch, soiled and used Bed linen is stripped. linen and bed coverings. Prepare beds and handle linen and bed coverings ready for Soiled and used linen is placed in the trolley bag for GUEST use. You are able to turn mattresses in accordance dispatch. with this standard. Stained and torn linen (where applicable) must be placed Check the bed base, head board and bed coverings and in the additional bag provided on the trolley. ensure that these are clean and free from damage.</p><p> Soiled and clean linen must be kept separate at all times. Check bed linen for cleanliness and/ or damage and make beds correctly with correct bed linen and bed coverings, To avoid germs spreading, bed coverings and used linen ready for GUEST use. removed should not be placed on the floor. State the procedure to deal with torn or damaged linen. Clean or dirty linen should not be left visible in the corridors or outside GUEST rooms. Complete a linen count and complete a linen requisition.</p><p> Check that the mattress is turned to the correct month, so that the current month is at the foot of the bed i.e 1:5:9 , January, May, September.</p><p> Check that the bed base, headboard and the mattress covering are not damaged or torn and that they are clean.</p><p> Before making the bed, make sure that the linen is clean, no marks, no tears, no loose threads or holes.</p><p> Brush down the mattress to remove any dirt on the bed.</p><p> Move the bed and clean under the bed.</p><p> Make sure that the night frill is straight and is clean, no marks, no tears, no loose threads or holes.</p><p> Cover the bed with the mattress protector. This is to protect the mattress from dirt and stains. © LUXURY HOTELS INTERNATIONAL SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD PROTEA HOTELS MINIMUM GUEST SERVICE STANDARDS – HOUSEKEEPING – GUEST ROOMS Page 7 of 12</p><p>HK1: Cleaning and Servicing GUEST Rooms and Bathrooms Job Position: Room Attendant</p><p>WHAT THE GUEST EXPECTS (ANTICIPATING GUEST MEETING AND EXCEEDING GUEST EXPECTATIONS WHAT YOU NEED TO BE ABLE TO DO EXPECTATIONS) (GUEST SERVICE STANDARD)</p><p> Cover the bed with a fitted sheet, making sure that it is the right size and the edges cover the corners of the bed.</p><p> Cover the bed with the flat sheet and turn down the sheet to the size of the pillow at the top of the bed. Tuck the edges of the flat sheet under the mattress using the “hospital fold” on the bottom corners.</p><p> Insert the duvet inner into the duvet cover, make sure that it is the right size, there should be no edges hanging.</p><p>HK1: Cleaning and Servicing GUEST Rooms and Bathrooms Job Position: Room Attendant</p><p>WHAT THE GUEST EXPECTS (ANTICIPATING GUEST MEETING AND EXCEEDING GUEST EXPECTATIONS WHAT YOU NEED TO BE ABLE TO DO EXPECTATIONS) (GUEST SERVICE STANDARD) Changing Bed Linen and Making Beds (Continued)</p><p> Place the Duvet on the bed, with the flap at the end of the bed ensuring that the overhang covers the mattress and that the duvet is centered.</p><p> Place the pillow protectors and pillowcases on the pillows – place the unicurl pillows first on the bed, leaning them on the headboard and place the feather pillows in front of the unicurl pillows. </p><p> The open edges of the pillows must face towards the centre of the bed. </p><p>© LUXURY HOTELS INTERNATIONAL SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD PROTEA HOTELS MINIMUM GUEST SERVICE STANDARDS – HOUSEKEEPING – GUEST ROOMS Page 8 of 12</p><p>HK1: Cleaning and Servicing GUEST Rooms and Bathrooms Job Position: Room Attendant</p><p>WHAT THE GUEST EXPECTS (ANTICIPATING GUEST MEETING AND EXCEEDING GUEST EXPECTATIONS WHAT YOU NEED TO BE ABLE TO DO EXPECTATIONS) (GUEST SERVICE STANDARD) GUEST Bathroom Cleaning Procedure</p><p>Part 1 - Cleaning the toilet Select the correct chemicals/ cleaning materials/ equipment for the appropriate task. Flush the toilet to remove any debris, and to check that the system is flushing properly and draining. Clean bathroom fittings (such as toilets and cisterns) and surfaces using the correct cleaning materials (such as Spray the toilet disinfectant into the toilet, to loosen the dirt chemical disinfectants) and equipment (such as brushes and in the toilet. cloths).</p><p> Remove all soiled linen from the bathroom and place in the Check bathroom fittings and fixtures for state of repair and dirty laundry bag on the trolley. working order and report faulty/ damaged items. Check and clean plug holes and overflows so that they are Ensure that you are wearing gloves when cleaning the free from blockages. You are able to check the flushing toilet for hygiene purposes. mechanism of the toilet. Use the toilet brush to clean the toilet under the rim and Utilise protective clothing/ disposable gloves when cleaning inside it. or handling waste and work in a hygienic manner.</p><p> Flush the toilet while the brush is still in the toilet. Dispose of waste items such as paper, sanitary waste, dangerous items (such as needles, razor blades, etc) Remove the brush from the toilet. correctly and able to clean and store equipment after use.</p><p> Using the toilet disinfectant spray the seat, lid and outside Deal with GUEST property and items left in the work area. the toilet as well as the cistern and wipe with a toilet sponge. Remove used bath linen and replace with fresh linen.</p><p> Flush the toilet. State procedure to deal with torn or damaged bath linen.</p><p> Use the toilet cleaning cloth to dry all the external surfaces, Replenish and correctly place complimentary GUEST check that there are no water marks. amenities such as corporate soaps, shampoo, body wash, etc. Part 2 – Cleaning bathroom surfaces Rinse out the bath and the shower, so as to check that the </p><p>© LUXURY HOTELS INTERNATIONAL SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD PROTEA HOTELS MINIMUM GUEST SERVICE STANDARDS – HOUSEKEEPING – GUEST ROOMS Page 9 of 12</p><p>HK1: Cleaning and Servicing GUEST Rooms and Bathrooms Job Position: Room Attendant</p><p>WHAT THE GUEST EXPECTS (ANTICIPATING GUEST MEETING AND EXCEEDING GUEST EXPECTATIONS WHAT YOU NEED TO BE ABLE TO DO EXPECTATIONS) (GUEST SERVICE STANDARD) drainage system is working properly and also that the water is running properly from the taps and shower head.</p><p> Check the shower rose for calcium build-up and clean as necessary.</p><p> Fill your bucket with warm water.</p><p> Spray the bathroom surfaces, soap dish, taps, walls and shower head with the General Purpose cleaner.</p><p> Spray the bathtub, basin, plugs and shower curtain or shower door with General Purpose cleaner.</p><p> Wipe all the sprayed areas with a sponge.</p><p>HK1: Cleaning and Servicing GUEST Rooms and Bathrooms Job Position: Room Attendant</p><p>WHAT THE GUEST EXPECTS (ANTICIPATING GUEST MEETING AND EXCEEDING GUEST EXPECTATIONS WHAT YOU NEED TO BE ABLE TO DO EXPECTATIONS) (GUEST SERVICE STANDARD) GUEST Bathroom Cleaning Procedure Part 2 – Cleaning bathroom surfaces (Continued) Rinse the sponge and rinse all the areas again.</p><p> Dry all the surfaces with a cloth making sure that there are no water marks.</p><p> Wipe all the lights and fittings in the bathroom.</p><p> Empty the rubbish bin, rinse, dry off and return to its correct place with a clear bin liner placed in it.</p><p> Wash the glasses in the basin and dry with a lint free cloth. Dry the basin using a different cloth.</p><p>Part 3 – Cleaning the Bathroom Floor Fill your bucket with warm water.</p><p> Place a small amount of the cleaning chemical in the bucket or directly onto the cleaning sponge. </p><p> Start at the back of the bathroom.</p><p> Wipe the floor using a sponge, rinse the sponge and wipe the floor again.</p><p> Dry the floor using a cloth.</p><p>© LUXURY HOTELS INTERNATIONAL SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD PROTEA HOTELS MINIMUM GUEST SERVICE STANDARDS – HOUSEKEEPING – GUEST ROOMS Page 10 of 12</p><p>HK1: Cleaning and Servicing GUEST Rooms and Bathrooms Job Position: Room Attendant</p><p>WHAT THE GUEST EXPECTS (ANTICIPATING GUEST MEETING AND EXCEEDING GUEST EXPECTATIONS WHAT YOU NEED TO BE ABLE TO DO EXPECTATIONS) (GUEST SERVICE STANDARD) GUEST Bathroom Cleaning Procedure</p><p>MAKE SURE AND CHECK:- Clean and remove hair from shower drain holes. Clean shower tiles and soap holders. Must be free from soap scum and have polished appearance. Clean and polish shower chrome fixtures, no water marks should remain.</p><p> Clean tub and plughole and rinse out thoroughly. No hair or soap scum should remain in tub.</p><p> Clean and polish tub chrome fixtures. No water marks should remain.</p><p> Clean shower curtain or door.</p><p> Scrub and clean toilet inclusive of bowl (outside and inside), rim, base, seat cover, chrome fixtures, hinges and water tank. Should have polished appearance.</p><p> Clean basins and plugholes, vanity counter, and polish all basin fixtures.</p><p> Neatly arrange all GUEST items on the vanity counter.</p><p> Clean mirrors and light fixtures leaving no streaks or water marks. © LUXURY HOTELS INTERNATIONAL SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD PROTEA HOTELS MINIMUM GUEST SERVICE STANDARDS – HOUSEKEEPING – GUEST ROOMS Page 11 of 12</p><p>HK1: Cleaning and Servicing GUEST Rooms and Bathrooms Job Position: Room Attendant</p><p> Clean towel racks. Must be free from dust.</p><p> Wipe and clean walls and both sides of bathroom doors. Remove all spots and finger marks.</p><p> Clean bathroom floor giving special attention to corners and the base of the toilet. No hair should remain on the floor.</p><p> Empty and clean wastebin and replace bin liner.</p><p> Clean used glasses and place upside down on corporate branded coasters.</p><p> Replace GUEST supplies needed in the bathroom.</p><p> Replace all used linen. Must be free from holes and frayed corners. Must feel soft to the touch and free from odour.</p><p> Replace toilet paper and tissues.</p><p>HK1: Cleaning and Servicing GUEST Rooms and Bathrooms Job Position: Room Attendant</p><p>WHAT THE GUEST EXPECTS (ANTICIPATING GUEST MEETING AND EXCEEDING GUEST EXPECTATIONS WHAT YOU NEED TO BE ABLE TO DO EXPECTATIONS) (GUEST SERVICE STANDARD) GUEST Rooms Checklist</p><p>Upon finishing a GUEST room the following must be checked:- Identify minor maintenance problems and complete a maintenance request form. Lights working. Test the TV to ensure that the TV is correctly tuned into the TV and radio stations correctly tuned in. appropriate channels as displayed.</p><p> Clock radios set to correct time/ station. Check/ operate air-conditioning controls and reset these where appropriate. Telephone working. Replenish and correctly place complimentary GUEST Air-conditioning working. supplies such as stationery, tea/ coffee, etc.</p><p> Kettle left filled and refreshed daily. Complete a Maintenance Report. Follow the correct procedure for reporting missing room Hospitality Tray replenished with tea, coffee, sugar, milk, items etc.</p><p> All GUEST supplies must be replaced with the specified number of items and presented in accordance with the Hotel’s standards. Laundry lists and bags replaced daily, when used. © LUXURY HOTELS INTERNATIONAL SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD PROTEA HOTELS MINIMUM GUEST SERVICE STANDARDS – HOUSEKEEPING – GUEST ROOMS Page 12 of 12</p><p>HK1: Cleaning and Servicing GUEST Rooms and Bathrooms Job Position: Room Attendant</p><p> All room stationery, marketing material, printed material and forms, etc are replenished.</p><p> Curtains are hooked on rails and curtains hang and close correctly.</p><p> GUEST Rooms must have a pleasant, fresh and clean fragrance and be free of any unpleasant odours. All rooms with a smoking odour must be purified prior to offering the room to a new GUEST.</p><p> All furniture and GUEST supplies must be neatly positioned so as to provide an orderly and "finished" appearance.</p><p> Upon leaving the room all windows must be closed and secured. </p><p> Clean entrance door, door frame and door hardware must be free of finger prints. Ensure door hanging cards are clean and in good repair and peepholes are not scratched.</p><p> Ensure door is locked. </p><p>© LUXURY HOTELS INTERNATIONAL SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD</p>
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