<p> DIAGNOSTIC SPELLING TEST</p><p>This diagnostic spelling test is designed to be used as a diagnostic tool to assist class teachers in ascertaining individual student’s spelling needs and to inform class spelling programs.</p><p>This test should be administered in the first two weeks of school and a diagnostic overview developed. </p><p>At the end of the year the test will again be administered and individual’s progress can be monitored. This will also form part of the school’s performance measurement. This will not apply to students who know all of the concepts.</p><p>Use your professional judgement in deciding how much of the test is given at one time. Generally all students should do the entire test. Some Year 3 students may complete the test successfully, and there may be some children in the upper grades that have difficulty with the early phonological concepts.</p><p>The philosophy underpinning this test is that children will be taught at the developmentally appropriate level and not at the age appropriate level. However for classroom management children should be grouped according to their spelling needs and explicitly taught the appropriate concepts, with the teacher being guided by the year level expectations in the school spelling policy. </p><p>1 TEACHER SHEET LIST ONE</p><p>SHORT VOWELS</p><p>1. map Look at that map. 2. get Did you get paid? 3. sit The baby can sit on the chair. 4. not He was not very tall. 5. but She was old but healthy.</p><p>CONSONANT BLENDS</p><p>6. clap We clap to the music. 7. grab Did he grab the boy before he fell? 8. skin I eat the apple’s skin. 9. small She ate a small meal. 10. spot The dog has a spot over eye. 11. stem The stem of the flower is in the water. 12. swim I can swim well.</p><p>INITIAL DIGRAPHS We like to chat. 13. chat The shop was open. 14. shop Spaghetti is thin. 15. thin The ringmaster had a whip. 16. whip The Queen lives in London. 17. queen</p><p>FINAL SAME LETTER BLENDS The dog will sniff the track. 18. sniff They ran up the hill. 19. hill You can miss a turn. 20. miss</p><p>2 TEACHER SHEET LIST TWO</p><p>FINAL CONSONANT BLENDS</p><p>1. left Right is the opposite of left. 2. help We can help each other. 3. jump They jump up and down. 4. hand My hand is on the wall. 5. just It is just 3 o’clock. 6. cold The weather was cold. 7. bank Go to the bank for more money. 8. risk The risk of an accident was high.</p><p>FINAL DIGRAPHS</p><p>9. lunch We have lunch at 12:45. 10. sack The man carried a sack. 11. bang The gun went bang. 12. catch Try to catch the ball. 13. fish I like fish and chips.</p><p>INITIAL 3 LETTER BLENDS</p><p>14. scrap The dog ate the scrap of meat. 15. split Split the apple in two please. 16. string We used the string to tie the parcel. 17. sprint Can you sprint along the track? 18. three There are three boys in my family. 19. shrub The shrub grew near the house. 20. square. A square is a four sided shape.</p><p>3 TEACHER SHEET LIST THREE</p><p>LONG VOWELS (LETTER NAME) 1. make We can make a cake. 2. rain The rain is heavy. 3. day One day I will be a teenager. 4. these These bananas are ripe. 5. seat The seat is under the tree. 6. feed My job is to feed the dog. 7. sunny The weather is sunny. 8. he He is working hard. 9. nine It is nine o’clock. 10. night At night the dogs bark. 11. pie I like apple pie. 12. my My father plays with me. 13. ice You can skate on ice. 14. home At home we help our parents. 15. boat The boat was on the lake. 16. blow I can blow out the candles. 17. no My answer is, “No”. 18. tune The recorder tune was beautiful. 19. few A few people left the room. 20. unit We stayed in a unit at the beach.</p><p>4 STUDENT RESPONSE SHEET</p><p>NAME DATE </p><p>5 LIST ONE LIST TWO LIST THREE</p><p>SHORT VOWELS FINAL CONSONANT LONG VOWELS BLENDS</p><p>1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. 5. 5. 5. 6. 6. CONSONANT BLENDS 7. 7. 6. 8. 8. 7. 9. FINAL DIGRAPHS 8. 10. 9. 9. 11. 10. 10. 12. 11. 11. 13. 12. 12. 14. 13. 15. INITIAL DIGRAPHS 3. LETTER BLENDS 16. 13. 17. 14. 14. 18. 15. 15. 19. 16. 16. 20. 17. 17. 18. FINAL SAME LETTER 19. BLENDS 20. 18. 19. 20. </p><p>Score Score Score 20 20 20</p><p>6 ANSWER SHEET</p><p>LIST ONE LIST TWO LIST THREE</p><p>SHORT VOWELS FINAL CONSONANT LONG VOWELS BLENDS</p><p>1. a 1. ft 1. a-e 2. e 2. lp 2. ai 3. i 3. mp 3. ay 4. o 4. nd 4. e-e 5. u 5. st 5. ea 6. ld 6. ee CONSONANT BLENDS 7. nk 7. y 6. cl 8. sk 8. e 7. gr 9. i-e FINAL DIGRAPHS 8. sk 10. igh 9. ch 9. sm 11. ie 10. ck 10. sp 12. y 11. ng 11. st 13. i 12. tch 12. sw 14. o-e 13. sh 15. oa INITIAL DIGRAPHS LETTER BLENDS 16. ow 13. ch 17. o 14. sh 14. scr 18. u-e 15. th 15. spl 19. ew 16. wh 16. str 20. u 17. qu 17. spr 18. thr FINAL SAME LETTER 19. shr BLENDS 20. squ 18. ff 19. ll 20. ss</p><p>7 TEACHER SHEET</p><p>LIST FOUR</p><p>LONG VOWELS</p><p>1. pool We swam in the pool. 2. flew The bird flew out of its nest. 3. soup I like tomato soup. 4. start The race is ready to start. 5. person The only person in the room was you. 6. third You are third in line. 7. hurt He fell over and hurt his knee. 8. worm The worm lived in the garden. 9. earth We live on planet Earth. 10. north We travelled North to Townsville. 11. draw Will you draw a picture for me? 12. caught She caught the ball. 13. door Open the door, please. 14. four There are four weeks in a month. 15. boil Boil the water on the stove. 16. enjoy They enjoy playing basketball. 17. cow The cow was milked. 18. out Cut out this picture. SHORT VOWEL</p><p>19. book The library book was interesting. DEAD VOWEL</p><p>20. water Could I have a drink of water?</p><p>8 TEACHER SHEET LIST FIVE</p><p>OUGH WORDS</p><p>1. fought The army fought against the invader. 2. rough The ground is rough to walk on.</p><p>TCH WORDS</p><p>3. match The football match was at our school.</p><p>SOFT C AND G</p><p>4. city The city of Mackay is in Queensland. 5. gem A diamond is a gem.</p><p>SILENT LETTERS</p><p>6. comb Go and comb your hair. 7. scene Look at the beautiful scene. 8. hour The clock struck every hour. 9. knee I like to sit on Grandpa’s knee. 10. Autumn Leaves fall in Autumn. 11. receipt Did you get a receipt for the shopping? 12. island The island is off the coast. 13. listen Listen to the beat of the music. 14. sword The pen is mightier than the sword. 15. queen The Queen lives in London. 16. daughter Mum has a daughter and a son. 17. bicycle The bicycle was going too fast. 18. jungle Gorillas live in the jungle. 19. ankle I twisted my ankle. 20. beautiful It is a beautiful day.</p><p>9 TEACHER SHEET</p><p>MORP HOLOGY</p><p>1. jumps She jumps up high. 2. jumped The cow jumped over the moon. 3. jumping They are jumping for joy. 4. shopped We shopped for clothes. 5. shopping I like shopping at Canalled. 6. cries He cries if he is hungry. 7. cried She cried when she fell over. 8. bites The boy bites the apple. 9. biting The dog is biting the bone. 10. brushes The brushes were full of paint. 11. lunches We ordered six lunches for the party. 12. boxes The photos were stored in boxes. 13. misses She misses her brother who moved away. 14. buses The buses take us into town. 15. buzzes The bee buzzes in my ear. 16. wharf Ships are tied up at the wharf. 17. halves Cut your apple in halves. 18. I’m I’m twelve years old. 19. couldn’t He couldn’t tie his shoelaces. 20. doesn’t It doesn’t get dark until 6 o’clock. 21. we’ll We’ll all sing the National Anthem. 22. we’ve We’ve been growing beans. 23. can’t I can’t understand Japanese. 24. darker The colour was darker than I expected. 25. darkest It is the darkest room in the house.</p><p>10 STUDENT RESPONSE SHEET</p><p>NAME DATE LIST FOUR LIST FIVE</p><p>LONG VOWELS 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. SILENT LETTERS 6. 6. 7. 7. 8. 8. 9. 9. 10. 10. 11. 11. 12. 12. 13. 13. 14. 15. 14. 16. 15. 17. 16. 18. 17. SHORT VOWELS 18. 19. 19. </p><p>DEAD VOWELS 20. 20. </p><p>Score Score</p><p>20 20</p><p>11 ANSWER SHEET</p><p>LIST FOUR LIST FIVE</p><p>LONG VOWELS OUGH WORDS</p><p>1. oo 1. ough (says aw) 2. ough (says uff) 2. ew 3. ou TCH WORDS 4. ar 3. tch 5. er SOFT C AND G 6. ir 4. c 7. ur 5. g 8. or 9. ear SILENT LETTERS 10. or 6. b 11. aw 7. c 12. augh 8. h 13. oor 9. k 14. our 10. n 15. oi 11. p 16. oy 12. s 17. ow 13. t 19. ou 14. w SHORT VOWEL 15. u 20. oo 16. gh DEAD VOWEL 21. er 17. cle 18. gle</p><p>19. kle</p><p>20. eau</p><p>12 STUDENT RESPONSE SHEET</p><p>NAME DATE </p><p>MORPHOLOGY</p><p>1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. </p><p>Score </p><p>25</p><p>13 ANSWER SHEET</p><p>MORPHOLOGY These are the parts of the word that should be correct.</p><p>1. Ending –s 2. Ending –ed 3. Ending –ing 4. Double final consonant before adding –ed 5. Double final consonant before adding –ing 6. Change ‘y’ to an ‘i’ before adding –es 7. Change ‘y’ to an ‘i’ before adding –ed 8. Word ending in final ‘e’ 9. Drop final ‘e’ before adding-ing 10. ‘es’ endings – sh + es 11. ‘es’ ending – ch +es 12. ‘es’ ending – x + es 13. ‘es’ ending – ss + es 14. ‘es’ ending – s + es 15. ‘es’ ending – zz + es 16. ‘f’ ending 17. Change ‘f’ to ‘v’ and add es 18. Contractions 19. Contractions 20. Contractions 21. Contractions 22. Contractions 23. Contractions 24. –er endings 25. –est endings</p><p>14 15 DIAGNOSTIC SPELLING TEST CLASS ______OVERVIEW</p><p>Short Consonant Initial Final Final Final Initial 3 Long Name Vowels Blends Digraphs same Consonant Digraphs Letter Vowels letter Blends Blends Blends</p><p>16 DIAGNOSTIC SPELLING TEST CLASS ______OVERVIEW</p><p>Long Short Dead Ough Tch Soft c and Silent Morpholo Name Vowels Vowels Vowel Words Words g letters gy</p><p>17 DIAGNOSTIC SPELLING TEST A ADAPTED FROM WADDINGTON</p><p>Consonants 24. scrap Soft/hard c 1. in Long Vowels 50. receive 2. hat 25. hate 51. the 3. yes 26. pain 52. and 4. web 27. tray 53. to 5. mix 28. cream 54. I 6. jog 29. sloppy 55. have 7. mud 30. hope 56. was 8. van 31. float 57. when 2 letter blends 32. life 58. they 9. from 33. dry 59. there 10. step 34. tune 60. said 11. slice Long Vowels 61. some Digraphs 35. barn 62. were 12. chalk 36. term 63. after 13. shift 37. person 64. our 14. think 38. morning 65. going 15. which 39. dirt 66. because 16. quiz 40. burn 67. would Final same 41. claw 68. people 17. small 42. stew 69. through Fianl blends 43. foil 70. didn’t 18. clock 44. soon 19. lamp 45. flower 20. hint 46. about Final digraphs “gh” 21. pitch 47. fight 22. three 48. caught Initial 3 letter blends “ph” 23. spring 49. photograph 18 DIAGNOSTIC SPELLING TEST B Consonants Long vowels 51. the 1. on 25. date 52. and 2. hut 26. rain 53. to 3. yet 27. stay 54. I 4. sad 28. leaf 55. have 5. fox 29. funy 56. was 6. jig 30. home 57. when 7. man 31. boat 58. they 8. vet 32. wife 59. there 2 letter blends 33. fly 60. said 9. frog 34. cube 61. some 10. stop Long vowels 62. were 11. slide 35. yard 63. after Digraphs 36. er 64. our 12. cheese 37. er 65. going 13. shelf 38. north 66. because 14. thank 39. shirt 67. would 15. while 40. hurt 68. people 16. queen 41. draw 69. through Final same 42. flew 70. didn’t 17. tall 43. boil Final blends 44. pool 18. dock 45. cow 19. jump 46. out 20. print “gh” Final digraphs 47. night 21. match 48. taught Initial 3 letter blends “ph” 22. throw 49. autograph 23. sprang Soft/hard c 24. scrap 50. police</p><p>19 20 Consonants Vowel 2 letter blends digraphs final blends final 3 letter long vowels - long vowels “gh” Soft/hard c sight words Name diagraphs blends name</p><p>21</p>
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