October 9, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6973 161. Emanuel Cleaver. dures for Competitive Bidding in Auction By Ms. ADAMS (for herself, Mr. 162. John P. Sarbanes. 1000, Including Initial Clearing Target Deter- BUTTERFIELD, Mrs. ELLMERS of North 163. Donna F. Edwards. mination, Qualifying to Bid, and Bidding in Carolina, Mr. JONES, Mr. PRICE of 164. Yvette D. Clarke. Auctions 1001 (Reverse) and 1002 (Forward) North Carolina, Ms. FOXX, Mr. WALK- [AU Docket No.: 14-252] [GN Docket No.: 12- ER, Mr. ROUZER, Mr. HUDSON, Mr. 165. Nydia M. Velazquez. 268] [WT Docket No.: 12-269] [MB Docket No.: PITTENGER, Mr. MCHENRY, Mr. MEAD- 166. Joseph P. Kennedy. 15-146] received October 7, 2015, pursuant to 5 OWS, and Mr. HOLDING): 167. John A. Yarmuth. U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104- H.R. 3735. A bill to designate the facility of 168. Betty McCollum. 121, Sec. 251; to the Committee on Energy the United States Postal Service located at 169. William R. Keating. and Commerce. 200 Town Run Lane in Winston Salem, North 170. Cedric L. Richmond. 3146. A letter from the Chief of Staff, Media Carolina, as the ‘‘Maya Angelou Memorial 171. Jackie Speier. Bureau, Federal Communications Commis- Post Office’’; to the Committee on Oversight 172. Mark Takano. sion, transmitting the Commission’s final and Government Reform. rule — Amendment to the Commission’s By Ms. BONAMICI: 173. Sander M. Levin. Rules Concerning Market Modification; Im- H.R. 3736. A bill to provide for the restora- 174. Daniel Lipinski. plementation of Section 102 of the STELA tion of Federal recognition to the Clatsop- 175. James P. McGovern. Reauthorization Act of 2014 [MB Docket No.: Nehalem Confederated Tribes of Oregon, and 176. Stephen F. Lynch. 15-71] received October 7, 2015, pursuant to 5 for other purposes; to the Committee on Nat- 177. Adam B. Schiff. U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104- ural Resources. 178. Judy Chu. 121, Sec. 251; to the Committee on Energy By Mr. WELCH: 179. Steve Cohen. and Commerce. H.R. 3737. A bill to responsibly pay our Na- 180. Ruben Gallego. 3147. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- tion’s bills on time by temporarily extending ment of Veterans Affairs, transmitting a let- the public debt limit, and for other purposes; 181. John Conyers. ter reporting the FY 2015 expenditures from to the Committee on Ways and Means. 182. Adam Smith. the Pershing Hall Revolving Fund for By Mr. ROYCE (for himself and Mr. 183. Danny K. Davis. projects, activities, and facilities that sup- MURPHY of Florida): 184. Chellie Pingree. port the mission of the Department of Vet- H.R. 3738. A bill to amend the Dodd-Frank 185. Juan Vargas. erans Affairs, pursuant to Public Law 102-86, Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protec- 186. Diana DeGette. Sec. 403(d)(6)(C); to the Committee on Vet- tion Act to improve the transparency, ac- 187. Wm. Lacy Clay. erans’ Affairs. countability, governance, and operations of 188. Mark DeSaulnier. 3148. A letter from the Under Secretary, the Office of Financial Research, and for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, De- 189. Grace Meng. other purposes; to the Committee on Finan- partment of Defense, transmitting the De- cial Services. 190. Bennie G. Thompson. partment’s annual report to Congress on the By Mr. WOODALL (for himself, Mr. 191. Alan S. Lowenthal. Defense Environmental Programs for FY WALZ, Mr. RIBBLE, Mr. DAVID SCOTT 192. Norma J. Torres. 2014, pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 2711; jointly to the of Georgia, Mr. MASSIE, Ms. 193. Niki Tsongas. Committees on Armed Services and Energy BROWNLEY of California, Mr. WEST- 194. Seth Moulton. and Commerce. MORELAND, Mr. CRAWFORD, Mr. 195. Charles B. Rangel. f DENHAM, Mr. HANNA, Mr. MEADOWS, 196. Donald Norcross. and Mr. FARENTHOLD): PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H.R. 3739. A bill to provide for qualified 197. Chaka Fattah. Under clause 2 of rule XII, public physicians to perform a medical certification 198. Eliot L. Engel. for an operator of a commercial motor vehi- 199. Ami Bera. bills and resolutions of the following cle who is a veteran, and for other purposes; 200. Donald S. Beyer. titles were introduced and severally re- to the Committee on Transportation and In- 201. Gregory W. Meeks. ferred, as follows: frastructure. 202. Cheri Bustos. By Mr. VARGAS (for himself and Mr. By Ms. MAXINE WATERS of California 203. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. ROONEY of Florida): (for herself, Ms. LEE, Mr. CARSON of 204. Richard E. Neal. H.R. 3731. A bill to establish a Rare Disease Indiana, Mr. KILDEE, Ms. SCHA- 205. Filemon Vela. Therapeutics Corporation to encourage the KOWSKY, Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania, Mr. MEEKS, Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of 206. Gerald E. Connolly. development of high-risk, high-return thera- pies for rare diseases, and for other purposes; Pennsylvania, Mr. SERRANO, Ms. 207. Tammy Duckworth. to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. JACKSON LEE, and Mr. RANGEL): 208. Alcee L. Hastings. By Mr. REICHERT (for himself, Mr. H.R. 3740. A bill to amend title 23, United 209. Corrine Brown. LARSON of Connecticut, Mr. TIBERI, States Code, to add a national goal and per- 210. Lloyd Doggett. Mr. NEAL, and Mr. PAULSEN): formance measure to improve road condi- 211. Chris Van Hollen. H.R. 3732. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- tions in economically distressed urban com- 212. Xavier Becerra. enue Code of 1986 to exempt private founda- munities, and for other purposes; to the 213. Grace F. Napolitano. tions from the tax on excess business hold- Committee on Transportation and Infra- structure. 214. Luis V. Gutierrez. ings in the case of certain philanthropic en- terprises which are independently super- By Mr. CONNOLLY (for himself, Mr. 215. Tulsi Gabbard. vised, and for other purposes; to the Com- LANGEVIN, Mr. ISRAEL, Mr. FOSTER, 216. Loretta Sanchez. mittee on Ways and Means. Mr. MEEKS, Mr. BERA, Mr. KILDEE, 217. Dina Titus. By Ms. SCHAKOWSKY (for herself, Mr. Mr. CICILLINE, Miss RICE of New 218. Maxine Waters. BEYER, Mr. CARTWRIGHT, Mr. COHEN, York, Mr. DELANEY, and Mr. HANNA): f Mr. CONYERS, Mr. DESAULNIER, Mr. H.R. 3741. A bill to establish the Commis- ELLISON, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. sion to Verify Iranian Nuclear Compliance; EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, GUTIE´ RREZ, Mr. HASTINGS, Mr. to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. ETC. HONDA, Mr. HUFFMAN, Mr. LANGEVIN, By Mr. CRAMER: H.R. 3742. A bill to amend the Patient Pro- Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive Ms. LEE, Mr. LOEBSACK, Ms. LOF- GREN, Ms. MCCOLLUM, Mr. MURPHY of tection and Affordable Care Act to allow for communications were taken from the Florida, Mr. NADLER, Ms. NORTON, certain third party payments; to the Com- Speaker’s table and referred as follows: Mr. PERLMUTTER, Ms. PINGREE, Mr. mittee on Energy and Commerce. 3144. A letter from the Legal Counsel, POCAN, Ms. SPEIER, Mr. TAKANO, Mr. By Mr. CRAMER: Equal Employment Opportunity Commis- VAN HOLLEN, and Mr. KENNEDY): H.R. 3743. A bill to prohibit the Secretary sion, transmitting the Commission’s cor- H.R. 3733. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- of an executive department from maintain- recting amendments — Apprenticeship Pro- enue Code of 1986 to extend certain provi- ing a private email server for conducting of- grams; Corrections (RIN: 3046-AA72) received sions of the renewable energy credit, and for ficial Government business; to the Com- October 7, 2015, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. other purposes; to the Committee on Ways mittee on Oversight and Government Re- 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, and Means. form. Sec. 251; to the Committee on Education and By Mr. HARDY (for himself and Mr. By Mr. CURBELO of Florida (for him- the Workforce. PERLMUTTER): self, Mr. GRAYSON, Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN, 3145. A letter from the Deputy Chief, Auc- H.R. 3734. A bill to amend the Surface Min- and Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ): tions and Spectrum Access Division, ing Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 to H.R. 3744. A bill to adjust the immigration Wireline Telecommunications Bureau, Fed- provide support to mining schools, and for status of certain Venezuelan nationals who eral Communications Commission, transmit- other purposes; to the Committee on Natural are in the United States; to the Committee ting the Commission’s final rule — Proce- Resources. on the Judiciary. VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:26 Oct 10, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09OC7.039 H09OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6974 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 9, 2015 By Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois: debt held by the public in the event that the PRICE of North Carolina, Mr. LARSEN H.R. 3745. A bill to amend title XVIII of the debt limit is reached, to require the sale of of Washington, Mr. ISRAEL, Ms. PIN- Social Security Act to allow chiropractors to Federal assets, and for other purposes; to the GREE, Ms. CASTOR of Florida, Ms. provide items and services through private Committee on Ways and Means, and in addi- SCHAKOWSKY, Ms. LOFGREN, Mr. contracts under the Medicare program; to tion to the Committees on Oversight and CLAWSON of Florida, Mr. WALZ, Mr. the Committee on Energy and Commerce, Government Reform, Financial Services, and POCAN, Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM and in addition to the Committee on Ways Appropriations, for a period to be subse- of New Mexico, Mr. HECK of Wash- and Means, for a period to be subsequently quently determined by the Speaker, in each ington, Mr. PERLMUTTER, and Mr. determined by the Speaker, in each case for case for consideration of such provisions as COSTELLO of Pennsylvania): consideration of such provisions as fall with- fall within the jurisdiction of the committee H.
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