<p>Medical Surgical Nursing Final Exam Review</p><p>General Information There will be 100 questions on the final exam</p><p> Cumulative Final </p><p> Approximately…</p><p> o 7 questions on patient care concepts, cultural concepts and disease transmission</p><p> o 11 questions on fluid and electrolyte & integumentary system</p><p> o 11 questions on Cardiovascular system</p><p> o 7 questions on the hematology and Immune systems</p><p> o 14 questions on the respiratory system</p><p> o 7 questions on the skeletal-muscle system</p><p> o 7 questions on the sensory system</p><p> o 7 questions on the urinary system</p><p> o 7 questions on the reproductive system</p><p> o 7 questions on the endocrine system</p><p> o 8 questions on diabetes mellitus</p><p> o 7 questions on the nervous system</p><p> o 7 questions on the gastro-intestinal system</p><p> Study suggestions: </p><p> o Study Small group questions</p><p> o Study from the list of following questions</p><p>Study Questions</p><p>Patient care concepts, cultural concepts and disease transmission 0f3ca5814c3fe17363fe6e0805675dd1.docx 4/8/2018 1 1. What is VRE and what type of isolation is used</p><p>2. What is MRSA, its common reservoir and type of isolation used</p><p>3. Define standard precaution, airborne precaution, droplet precaution and contact precaution (what protective clothing is worm with each)</p><p>4. What is a nosocomial infection? Which is most common?</p><p>5. What are the stages of infection</p><p>6. Differentiate between local and systemic infections</p><p>7. What is a normal WBC count, and what does and deviation from normal indicate?</p><p>8. What do erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein indicate?</p><p>9. What are the classic S&S of inflammation</p><p>10. Define the nursing process</p><p>Fluid and electrolyte & integumentary system 1. Know the definition for osmosis, diffusion, active transport & Filtration*</p><p>2. What are hyper and hypotonic solutions</p><p>3. What are the nursing interventions for a client with fluid volume excess</p><p>4. What are the S&S of fluid volume excess (esp vital signs)</p><p>5. What are the nursing interventions for a client with fluid volume deficit</p><p>6. What are the S&S of fluid volume deficit (esp. vital signs)*</p><p>7. What is a normal serum sodium level?</p><p>8. What are the S&S and treatment for a client with hyponatremia?</p><p>9. What are the S&S and treatment for a client with hypernatremia?*</p><p>10. What is a normal serum potassium level?</p><p>11. What are the S&S and treatment for a client with Hypokalemia?</p><p>12. What are the S&S and treatment for a client with Hyperkalemia?*</p><p>13. What are the S&S and treatment for a client with hypocalcemia</p><p>14. What are the S&S and treatment for a client with Hypercalcemia</p><p>15. What are Chvostek’s and Throusseau’s sign and what do they indicate?*</p><p>0f3ca5814c3fe17363fe6e0805675dd1.docx 4/8/2018 2 16. Identify common skin lesions (by definition)</p><p>17. Where are pressure sores most likely to develop?</p><p>18. How do you stage pressure sores?</p><p>19. How do you prevent a pressure sore</p><p>20. What is slough, eschar and granulation tissue</p><p>Cardiovascular system 1. Describe the blood flow through the heart and body</p><p>2. Identify where oxygen and deoxygenated blood is</p><p>3. What are S1 and S2</p><p>4. What is cardiac output</p><p>5. What is the normal conduction system of the heart? What is the pacemaker of the heart?</p><p>6. How are arteries, veins and capillaries similar and different?</p><p>7. Define cyanosis? What does it indicate?</p><p>8. How do you measure edema?</p><p>9. What is the definition of coronary heart disease?</p><p>10. Differentiate between arteriosclerosis & atherosclerosis</p><p>11. Define ischemia?</p><p>12. What are the S&S of angina pectoris. </p><p>13. What are the actions of nitrates</p><p>14. What are the actions of beta-blockers</p><p>15. What are the actions of calcium channel blockers</p><p>16. What are the actions of ACE inhibitors</p><p>17. How does an myocardial infarction differ from angina</p><p>18. What are the S&S of right sided heart failure</p><p>19. What are the S&S of left sided heart failure</p><p>20. What are the S&S of a DVT</p><p>Hematology and Immune systems 0f3ca5814c3fe17363fe6e0805675dd1.docx 4/8/2018 3 1. What is plasma</p><p>2. What are erythrocytes and what are their function</p><p>3. What is the function of hemoglobin</p><p>4. What is Hemostasis</p><p>5. What is hemolysis</p><p>6. What are the actions of neutrophils and monocytes</p><p>7. What cells are involved with specific immune response </p><p>8. Where are white blood cells produced</p><p>9. What causes a person to be jaundice (describe jaundice)</p><p>10. What is a normal RBC count (what causes it to change)</p><p>11. What is a normal Hbg level (what does an increase or decrease level indicate</p><p>12. What is a normal Hct level (what does an increase or decrease level indicate)</p><p>13. What does a PT or PTT measure</p><p>14. Differentiate between the different types of anemia</p><p>Respiratory system 1. What is cilia</p><p>2. What keeps the alveoli open</p><p>3. What is the function of the pleural membranes</p><p>4. What is the functional unit of the respiratory system</p><p>5. How do you perform the Heimlich maneuver and when do you perform it?</p><p>6. What are barrel chest, kyphosis, lordosis, </p><p>7. How do you correctly auscultate the lungs</p><p>8. What are normal breath sounds</p><p>9. What are adventitious breath sounds and what do they indicate?</p><p>10. What is hypoxia and what are the S&S</p><p>11. How do you obtain a sputum specimen</p><p>12. Differentiate between hemoptysis and hematemesis 0f3ca5814c3fe17363fe6e0805675dd1.docx 4/8/2018 4 13. What does a pulse oximeter measure</p><p>14. What is a CT scan and what nursing consideration are there for a patient having a CT scan</p><p>15. What is a MRI and what nursing consideration are there for a patient having an MRI</p><p>16. What is the side effect of oxygen administration?</p><p>17. What is the purpose of incentive spirometry? How is it used?</p><p>18. Define the nursing diagnosis of ineffective airway clearance, Ineffective breathing patterns and impaired gas exchange</p><p>19. What diseases are considered COPD (differentiate between them)</p><p>20. What is the #1 risk factor for COPD</p><p>21. What is pneumonia (definition)?</p><p>22. What are the S&S of pneumonia in an elderly patient</p><p>23. What is the early S&S of lung cancer?</p><p>24. What is chest physiotherapy?</p><p>Skeletal-muscle system 1. What minerals are vital for bone remodeling?</p><p>2. What is necessary for positive bone remodeling?</p><p>3. Differentiate between ligaments and tendons</p><p>4. How does the S/M system change in the elderly</p><p>5. What is ROM?</p><p>6. Define Crepitus</p><p>7. Define flexion, extension abduction and adduction</p><p>8. What is the common nursing interventions for a sprain or strain</p><p>9. How do you use crutches going up stairs?</p><p>10. What is the correct emergency treatment for an open/compound fracture?</p><p>11. What instruction should a nurse give to a client with a new cast?</p><p>12. What position is best to prevent contractures in a patient with a new above the knee amputation?</p><p>13. What would be a priority nursing diagnosis for a client with osteoporosis 0f3ca5814c3fe17363fe6e0805675dd1.docx 4/8/2018 5 14. What is a priority nursing diagnosis for a client with osteoarthritis?</p><p>Sensory system 1. What are the S&S of conjunctivitis and how is it normally treated</p><p>2. What is a Snellen eye chart and what does 20/40 vision mean?</p><p>3. Define PERRLA</p><p>4. What is the emergency treatment for a client with chemical burns to the eye?</p><p>5. What is the emergency treatment for a client with an object protruding from the eye (impaled into the eye)</p><p>6. What is the correct procedure for instiliting eye drops </p><p>7. What is the correct procedure for irrigating the eye</p><p>8. Define cataracts and glaucoma</p><p>9. How are cataracts and glaucoma treated</p><p>10. Define Otitis media?</p><p>11. What is myringotomy? When is it performed</p><p>12. What is the standard nursing care that is provided post-op ear surgery</p><p>13. What teaching do you give a patient (and parent) after tubes are placed in their ear?</p><p>14. What does the nurse need to assist in preventing after eye surgery</p><p>Urinary system 1. What is the functional unit of the kidney</p><p>2. Describe urine flow from formation to excretion</p><p>3. What is BUN and what does and increase level indicate?</p><p>4. How does Creatinine clearance change with real dysfunction?</p><p>5. What is the number one carcinogen associated with cancer of the urinary system</p><p>6. What are the variables of a normal urinalysis</p><p>7. How do you obtain an sterile urine specimen</p><p>8. What does specific gravity of urine measure? (What does and increase or decrease level mean?)</p><p>9. 1 oz = how many mL</p><p>10. What are the S&S of dehydration? 0f3ca5814c3fe17363fe6e0805675dd1.docx 4/8/2018 6 11. What nursing interventions would you implement for a patient with pyelonephritis?</p><p>12. What are the S&S of nephritic syndrome (labs!)</p><p>13. What are the nursing interventions for a client with renal calculi</p><p>14. What is the purpose of dialysis?</p><p>Reproductive system 1. What causes endometriosis (pathophysiology)</p><p>2. What are the complications of endometriosis?</p><p>3. How is endometriosis treated?</p><p>4. What is the primary cause of PID</p><p>5. What is the most common location for breast cancer</p><p>6. What is the number one cause of cervical cancer</p><p>7. How are the advantages and disadvantages of a vaginal hysterectomy</p><p>8. What is the common treatment of orchitis</p><p>9. What are the S&S of prostatitis</p><p>10. How is phimosis usually treated</p><p>11. What are the complications associated with cryptorchidism?</p><p>12. How is gonorrhea treated</p><p>13. What are the S&S of syphilis?</p><p>14. How are genital herpes treated</p><p>Endocrine system 1. What are the glands of the endocrine system</p><p>2. What is negative feedback</p><p>3. What function does the hypothalamus play in the endocrine system</p><p>4. What hormones are secreted by the pituitary gland and what is their action</p><p>5. What is the action of Calcitonin</p><p>6. What is the action of parathyroid hormone</p><p>7. What hormones does the adrenal medulla secrete?</p><p>0f3ca5814c3fe17363fe6e0805675dd1.docx 4/8/2018 7 8. What hormones does the adrenal cortex secrete?</p><p>9. What is the hormonal imbalance for Cushing & Addison’s disease, DI & SIADH</p><p>10. What are the priority nrs dx for Cushing & Addison’s disease, DI & SIADH</p><p>11. What are the S&S for Cushing & Addison’s disease, DI & SIADH</p><p>12. What are the medical interventions for Cushing & Addison’s disease, DI & SIADH</p><p>13. What are the S&S for hyper and hypothyroidism</p><p>14. What hormonal imbalance causes goiter?</p><p>Diabetes mellitus 1. How do you mix regular and intermediate acting insulin</p><p>2. What is the onset peak and duration of regular insulin</p><p>3. What is the onset peak and duration of intermediate acting insulin</p><p>4. What are oral hypoglycemic medications? Who can take them and who can’t</p><p>5. When is a sliding scale usually used</p><p>6. What cells secrete insulin</p><p>7. What is the action of insulin</p><p>8. What are the S&S of hyperglycemia</p><p>9. What are the S&S of hypoglycemia (be able to distinguish hyper from hypo)</p><p>10. What is a glycosylated hemoglobin test? What are normal ranges and what does it indicate?</p><p>11. What is a normal fasting blood glucose level</p><p>12. What is the difference between type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes?</p><p>13. What affect does alcohol consumption have a blood glucose levels?</p><p>14. What affect does exercise have on blood glucose levels?</p><p>Nervous system 1. What organs make up the CNS and PNS</p><p>2. What are the divisions of the PNS</p><p>3. What is the functional unit of the nervous system?</p><p>4. What is the primary function of the brain stem, cerebellum and cerebrum?</p><p>0f3ca5814c3fe17363fe6e0805675dd1.docx 4/8/2018 8 5. What are the pyramidal tracts?</p><p>6. What are the levels of consciousness</p><p>7. What vital signs are associated with increased intracranial pressure</p><p>8. What are the nursing interventions associated with a lumbar puncture?</p><p>9. What are the medications are often prescribe to a patient with increased ICP?</p><p>10. What is the appropriate nursing action for a client having a tonic clonic seizure?</p><p>11. What is the primary risk factor for a stroke?</p><p>12. Identify appropriate nursing interventions for a client with aphasia</p><p>13. What are isometric exercises?</p><p>Gastro-intestinal system 1. How do you measure the length of an NGT?</p><p>2. How much fluid is flushed before and after medication administration?</p><p>3. What is Stomatitis?</p><p>4. What are the nursing interventions for a client with GERD’s</p><p>5. Where is bile produced?</p><p>6. Where is extra bile stored?</p><p>7. What is the function of bile?</p><p>8. What controls the rate of stomach emptying?</p><p>9. By what means does food move through the esophagus?</p><p>10. What are the risk factors for PED?</p><p>11. What is the medication of choice in treating PUD?</p><p>0f3ca5814c3fe17363fe6e0805675dd1.docx 4/8/2018 9</p>
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