<p> LIVES Monthly Field Activities Update Month: January 2014 Region: SNNPRS Activities on Capacity Development Observations/action required Assessment of capacity gaps of livestock commodities (Large Prioritize the gaps by commodity, and small ruminants and poultry) value chain actors and service identify resource person, develop TOR providers were conducted in the 3-clustered districts of and facilitate the training Gamogofa zone. The tool employed for the assessment included focus group discussion and key informants interview. Check list was prepared to facilitate data collection from the outset. Based on previous capacity gap assessments on irrigated fruits In collaboration with the resource and vegetables value chains at Gamogofa zone, a TOR has been persons, training manuals will be made to implement the capacity development plans. developed for each area of trainings. Training of trainers will be properly identified for service providers and will cascade down to the value chain actors. Focus group discussion and key informants’ interviews were Develop TOR and identify Trainer of held to examine the capacity gap on Avocado value chains Trainers (input supply, production, harvesting and post-harvest handling techniques) at Bensa district of Sidama zone. A TOR has been developed to train Development Agents and undertake experience-sharing visits for Selected Farmers on Avocado and Mango nursery management. Although there are more than 16 kebele administrations that are suitable for Avocado production in Bensa and Bona zuria districts, the limited knowledge and capacity has limited the introduction of improved varieties, production technologies and harvesting techniques. It is to be recalled that 9 SMS staff drawn from the 3-clustered Continuous engagement to districts of Sidama zone (all are male) were trained on coach/mentor the extension workers, physiology of oestrus and reproductive management of dairy SMS, AI technicians and veterinarians cows/heifers in the previous month (December 2014). In this to ensure effectiveness of the current reporting period the same staff have been coached on OSMAI program. identifying possible periods of oestrus detection after synchronization campaign in order to maximize pregnancy rate using conventional AI. Nine extension staff drawn from the 3-clustered districts of Continuous engagement on coaching Sidama zone (8 male, 1 female) were coached on updating and mentoring of extension workers individual animal data on a house-to-house-basis. Prior to this on data updating of synchronized the extension staff were trained on proper livestock data and/or inseminated animals collection in the previous month. It is to be recalled that LIVEs introduced individual animals record card in these districts in the previous month (see the attached individual animals data recording card) Five AI technicians participated in a refreshment training on Continue with coaching of AI proper insemination techniques at Wolaita Sodo were coached technicians to make OSMAI program on how to maximize non-return rate. It was learned that the AI effective technicians visited households with synchronized/inseminated animals (not yet conceived) and provided the necessary technical advice. 1 Coaching of the BOA staff (Head BoA and Livestock focal persons) of the 3-clusterd districts on the institutional support planned to be provided to make OSMAI program effective. </p><p>Activities on Knowledge Management Observations/action required Questionnaires have been developed to assess computer skill Finalize IT skill gap assessment for gap of the BoA staff of the 3-clusterd districts of Sidama zone. staffs of the districts BoAs. The same instrument has been checked and dispatched to the Identify resource persons/institutions staff to collect data on the status of their computer literacy. for the training Based on the result, the number of staff to be trained and the Develop TOR and budget requirement type of training/intervention to be delivered will be decided. Facilitate the training The knowledge centers of the clustered districts of Sidama zone Facilitate installment of the internet (Arbegona, Bonazuria and Bensa districts) are equipped with service to the 3 AKCs and make furniture (library shelves, library tables and chairs, computer operational. tables and chairs), computers, LCD projector, TV/DVD comb, and camera and IPMS publications in this reporting period. In Gamogofa zone, 4 AKCs (3-clustered districts [A/minch zuria, Facilitate installment of the internet Mirab abaya and Bonke] and 1-zonal BoA) were equipped with IT service to the 3 AKCs and make equipment’s and furnished with office furniture in the reporting operational. month (similar to Sidama zone). Unlike district AKCs, the zonal Develop questionnaires and assess knowledge center was established in a new building constructed computer skill gap of BoA staff for the BoA. Identify resource person/institution and facilitate conduct of the training In spite of its potential for fruits and vegetable, the production of vegetable is uncommon in Bonke district of Gamogofa zone. Thus, LIVES project has been introducing and demonstrating vegetables into Dembile otora PA of Bonke district (for farmers with irrigable land). To this end a field day had been organized to one of the households to demonstrate on nursery management (seed bed preparation etc…) in the previous month (refer December report). In this month, other field day was organized to the HHs to demonstrate on how to transplant the seedlings already raised and improved crop management practices. Refer Annex Table 1 and summary report for details. </p><p> LIVES zonal and regional team facilitated field working visit of Focus on interventions and Dr. Azage Tegegne, LIVES Project Manager, to LIVES targeted approaches suggested to upgrade districts of Gamogofa and Sidama zones during the first week of livestock, fruits and vegetables value January 2014. Dr Azage visited knowledge centers and chain in the region implementation of LIVES interventions in both zones. He held discussion with livestock and irrigated agriculture (fruits and vegetables) VC actors (producers, traders, feed suppliers, veterinary drug vendors), extension staff, Heads of BoA and LIVES focal persons. Based on the field visit and observations, Dr. Azage made valuable comments and suggestions (holistic) that contribute to upgrading of both the livestock and irrigated agriculture VC development in the region. It was in deed a good opportunity for LIVES zonal and regional staff to share experience and draw lessons from the visit. </p><p>2 LIVES regional and zonal staff also facilitated field visit of IWMI Consider comments/suggestions made staff (Drs Philippe Lemperere and Dr. Fitsum Hagos) to and align with LIVES interventions Gamogofa and Sidama zones. The team was briefed on the progress of LIVES interventions in the region, visited knowledge centers of LIVES learning districts, visited irrigated agriculture (banana, mango, pepper, apple, fodder, avocado, vegetables) VC development underway, and Hare water shed. The team held discussions with fruits and vegetables producers, marketing and cooperative office, fruits and vegetables marketing cooperative, and private service provider (pump maintain garage) and provided valuable comments and suggestions on water management, postharvest handling marketing and water lifting/storage/ delivery system. It is to be recalled that the focal person assigned for A/minch Continuous engagement (orientation zuria district was not effective in liaising LIVES project with and coaching) to create awareness of district BoA and later on quitted from his regular duty. Thus, the project for the new focal person after continuous engagement with district officials Mr. Aregu Afework has been assigned to replace Mr. Serawit effective this month. LIVES zonal coordinator briefed Ato Aregu about LIVES project and provided with documents A case story has been developed on the background of smallholder-based banana production in Gamogofa area and the contemporary challenges and the same has been communicated to HQ to be posted in the LIVES website. </p><p>Activities on Promotion Observations/action required Sidama zone LIVES project coordinator participated in a regional multi-stakeholders platform meeting organized by AGP/LMD at Hawassa. Participants of the platform meeting were VC actors and service providers of meat, hides and skin and dairy value chains. The meeting discussed on the existing experiences, challenges and opportunities of the listed commodities (See attached summary reports of events) LIVES regional coordinator participated in an MSc thesis examination of Haramaya University Activities on Value Chain Development by commodity Observations/action required Facilitation of value chain development activities in the region A farmer (1 male) selected for Introduction and demonstration Continuous engagement on coaching of pineapple (See December 20013 report) from Osole kebele the farmer and extension workers on of Bensa district has been coached together with the researcher proper pineapple management from Hawassa center of ARI. It was observed that the materials Provide the selected farmer with have been established very well. Technical advice has been pineapple planting materials for given to the farmer to properly add mulch to the plant, control demonstration. weeds, conserve moisture and irrigate the plant regularly. It was noted that one additional farmer from the same area has shown interest and commitment to produce pineapple. Households engaged on fruit nursery management (1 HH in TOT training of government staffs Hatche kebele of Bensa, 1 MHH in Beshirodale kebele of (SMS and extension staff) on fruit Bonazuria, and 2 HH in Gute and Chucho kebele of Arbegona) grafting to engage them on training of have been coached whereby they were provided with technical farmers who involve on fruit nursery advice on improved nursery management and market linkage in management this month. </p><p>3 In Sidama zone, Bensa District, Hache kebele, 2 vegetable . (tomato, cabbage and pepper) producing groups (6 men in each group) and another two groups in Dembi kebele (6 men in each group) producing the same type of vegetable have been selected for demonstration of vegetable production. </p><p> In Bona District, 5 male HHs producing tomato and cabbage have been selected for demonstration, and technical advice has been given on management of tomato and importance of forming group for marketing their products. Technical advice was also given on the relevance of early planting of cabbage for better market, efficient way of accessing water source to irrigate the vegetables, and establishing market linkage to their produce. Two HHs (1F and 1 male at Daye 01 kebele of Arbegona) engaged on fodder production have been visited and technical advice was given on management including weeding, stage of harvesting etc. LIVES facilitated discussion for a group of urban poultry producing women’s (n=10) identified at Daye 01 kebele of Arbegona district on their experiences and challenges (health, predator, feed and housing) and contribution of LIVES interventions to upgrade poultry VC chain in the district. One farmer (Male household) engaged on sheep fattening in Sidama zone of Arbegona district [Gute PA] has been identified for demonstration of improved small ruminants fattening. Upon visit, LIVEs staff provided technical advice on improved feeding and health management of the animals, source of inputs, period and duration of fattening, and market linkage. To demonstrate poultry housing from locally available materials, sources of material for construction and resource persons have been identified in Yaye 01 kebele of Arbegona. The selected material for the same purpose is bamboo. Bamboo is widely produced in almost all kebeles of Arbegona District. A group composed of 6 males, which has been organized by small and micro-enterprises desk to produce furniture from bamboo, has been identified to construct the house for demonstration. Design of the house will be provided by LIVES.</p><p> Coaching and mentoring of LIVES focal persons and DAs were Continue with coaching and done on agronomic practices of fruits, vegetable and forage mentoring extension workers production in Mirab abaya district of Gamogofa zone. As part of creating linkage between beef producers and Continue with creating linkage with traders/consumers, a field visit was organized for a butherman traders and consumers within and and a trader, both are well recognized in Arbaminch city, to beyond Faragosa (Mirab abaya district of Gamogofa zone) fattening Develop the capacity of producers on groups. Based on the observations made and discussion held improved fattening method among the different parties, butherman and trader showed Continue with facilitating fattened their interest to buy fattened castrate (oxen) instead of cattle producers/marketing group fattened bulls if producers could supply regularly. Resource persons and institutions have been identified to Development of the curricula and implement training of trainers (TOT) on pumps operations and implementation of the TOT. 4 maintenances in Gamogofa zone. Accordingly, Mr. W/Gabriel (pumps spare parts shopper and expert) and Mechanics from Mekonen garage at Arbaminch are identified as resource persons to undertake the training. The ToT will be provided to development agents and selected households who are using motorized pumps for irrigation. Avocado and Mango harvesting tools (Gamogofa=30; Demonstration of improved Sidama=30) are being multiplied for demonstration with harvesting techniques selected households at both Gamogofa and Sidama zones. While Mango harvesting takes place during Dec-Jan and March- April, Avocado is harvested during September – May although the peak harvest seasons are January-March. Moreover awareness creation will continue among households to eventually improve the traditional harvesting technique which is causing a substantial loss of fruits. Activities on Documentation/Research Observations/action required A case story, which has been developed on the background of Continue with identifying areas and smallholder-based banana production in Gamogofa area and developing story/case study for the contemporary challenges, has been documented. knowledge management and documentation The result of the capacity gap assessment and the plans for capacity development for livestock and irrigated agriculture commodities for Gamogofa zone have been documented The outcome of the key informants interviews and focus group discussions on Avocado and Mango value chains in Sidama zone has been documented. A checklist developed to conduct focus group discussions with Focus group discussions will be held fruit and vegetables whole sellers at Hawassa and Arbaminch with fruit and vegetable whole sellers cities in the SNNPR has been documented. as planned Activities on Project Management Observation/action required</p><p> As part of the national baseline survey to be launched soon, recruitment of enumerators and supervisors was undertaken for Gamogofa and Sidama zones (SNNPRS). A total of 99 applications have been received (Gamogofa=45 and Sidama=54) for the positions of which 29 applicants (Gamogofa=17 and Sidama=12) were prescreened for the interview based on the criteria stipulated in the announcement (interview was conducted in the capital of the respective zones). Based on their interview performance, 10 applicants were selected for enumerator position while the number for supervisor position was 2. Two additional enumerators (reserve) were also identified to take part in the training. Both the regional and zonal LIVES team were involved in screening of the applicants. As part of the recruitment of a driver for the SNNPR position, two short-listed applicants were interviewed in the presence of a representative from the human resource office of ILRI HQ. Compiled and submitted monthly activity report to HQ for the month of December 2013 Communications with HQ and LIVES zonal teams Complied and submitted financial report of the region to HQ Facilitated communications with regional/zonal/district 5 partners and LIVES project Organized a daylong regional meeting for LIVES regional and zonal staff to discuss on the reporting formats developed, LIVES performance management framework, planning for 2014 and other technical and admin issues. Participation in a national meeting that discussed on reporting formats, performance management framework and planning process for 2014 in Addis Ababa (January 9-10 2014) Participation in a national LIVES baseline survey orientation program held in Addis Ababa (January 31-Feb 01 2014)</p><p>Additional information on crosscutting issues – gender & environment:</p><p> LIVES Gender and Agribusiness Experts in collaboration with zonal LIVES coordinators facilitated Gender FGD Training for key front line irrigation and livestock development experts of the cluster districts in both Gamogofa and Sidama Zones. Objective of this training was to enhance skill/capacity of key front line development agents and experts on gender data collection, analysis and reporting across intervention districts. </p><p> Animal health workers working at district veterinary clinic and AI technicians of the clustered districts have been coached to ensure proper collection and disposal of used sheaths and gloves using the plastic bag introduced by LIVES for OSMAI program. </p><p>______</p><p>Any other relevant update not captured above:</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>Report compiled by:</p><p>LIVES Regional and Zonal Team [SNNPRS]</p><p>6</p>
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