<p> Mustang Canada Inc. PREQUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE</p><p>EOI No.: Package Title:</p><p>THIS QUESTIONNAIRE IS TO BE COMPLETED BY VENDORS WHO ARE INTERESTED IN SUPPLYING EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND/OR SERVICES TO HUSKY ENERGY WHITE ROSE EXTENSION PROJECT (WREP) WELLHEAD PLATFORM (WHP). THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.</p><p>COMPLETED QUESTIONNAIRE MUST BE SENT TO:</p><p>Mustang Canada, Inc. 17 Duffy Place St. John's, NL Canada A1B 4M7 Attention: Ms. Jaime Howard, P.Eng, Procurement Lead Email: [email protected]</p><p>Company Name:</p><p>The signatory of this Questionnaire guarantees the trust and accuracy of all responses given herein, and is an authorized officer or agent of the company. Information submitted and completed by:</p><p>Name (Please Print)</p><p>Title</p><p>Signature</p><p>Date</p><p>To be completed by Mustang Canada, Inc.:</p><p>Date Received: Procurement Rep:</p><p>Introduction</p><p>Page 1 of 16</p><p>Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE), Quality and Competence Assurance Management are an essential part of the way we conduct our business and needs to be considered as an integral part of our business management. Therefore, this evaluation tool provides a performance assessment against Mustang Canada, Inc., HSE, Quality and Competence Assurance Management expectations. The assessment partially fulfils the business's commitment to Audit and Review.</p><p>For any “Yes” answer provided, Mustang Canada Inc. requires a documented reference to a policy/procedure/standard and a copy of that supporting documentation which can be referenced as evidence to validate any “Yes” answers. Any “Yes” answers not supported by documentation and appropriate references cannot be evaluated and may result in disqualification. All answers may be subject to further verification efforts by Mustang Canada Inc. Objectives</p><p> To provide an effective evaluation of scope of products and/or services provided. To provide Mustang Canada, Inc. with a consistent method of measurement and remove repetitive project supplier evaluations.</p><p>Parent Compan Compan y Name y Address Postcod e Telepho Facsimil ne e Email Website Address</p><p>1.0 General Section 1.1 Full details of scope of service: If Approval certificate(s) are held, please leave blank if copies are to be provided.</p><p>If you are not parent company with ownership and technical engineering support of the tools/equipment described in the scope of work (not acting as an agent, or as a third party supply of equipment) please provide details of the manufacturer/parent company and their capabilities in addition to your company capabilities.</p><p>1.2 Does the company carry out Manufact uring activities ?</p><p>Page 2 of 16</p><p>1.3 Does the company carry out Service activities, including in remote regions? Are there personne l who are fully trained to maintain equipme nt and to travel offshore NL, Canada? 1.4 Does the company carry out Repair activities, including in remote regions? Are there personne l who are fully trained to repair equipme nt and to travel offshore located in a local (NL) base of operation s? </p><p>1.5 What is the total number of employe es? 1.6 Does the company provide offshore capabilities as part of services? Please provide details.</p><p>Page 3 of 16</p><p>1.7 Type of Company: Type of Company</p><p>Sole Proprietor Partnership</p><p>Corporation – Private Corporation – Public</p><p>Other (please identify):</p><p>Please supply Certificate of Incorporation. If private ownership, please also identify the Principle Shareholders below.</p><p>Name</p><p>City Province/State</p><p>Name</p><p>City Province/State</p><p>Name</p><p>City Province/State</p><p>1.8 Total Number of Employees by Geographical Location</p><p>Newfoundland and Labrador </p><p>Other Canadian Provinces</p><p>International</p><p>1.9 Declaration of Business Relations</p><p>Are you a relative or do you have a relationship with any Mustang Canada, Inc., Wood Group PSN or Husky Employee that would cause any real or perceived conflicts of interest?</p><p>1.10 Annual Revenue & Operating Income (CDN$ in each of the last three (3) years):</p><p>Revenue Operating Income Year $ $ Year $ $ Year $ $</p><p>1.11 Subcontracting Please list any associated work that you would typically subcontract to other vendor(s) providing the following information for each: Specific type of work being subcontracted, Company name, address and contact information.</p><p>Page 4 of 16</p><p>1.12 Describe the process you have for evaluating, selecting and re-evaluating subcontractors and suppliers.</p><p>1.13 Does the company have experience with similar project scope in harsh environments/cold climate experience, such as the East Coast of Canada? Any problems experienced with these conditions?</p><p>2.0 Health, Safety & Environmental Section</p><p>2.1 Who has overall responsibility for Health, Safety & Environmental management and protection matters in your organization? Please provide name, title and organizational chart.</p><p>2.2 Is there an HSE Policy Statement authorized by the senior executive and is it signed? Please supply a copy of your up-to-date signed HSE policy.</p><p>2.3 How is the policy communicated throughout the organization? Please provide evidence of policy communication initiatives.</p><p>2.4 What is the total numb er of individ uals dedica ted to HSE in your organi zation ?</p><p>2.5 Do you have a documented and implemented Health & Safety Management System? If Yes, please state which model aligned to e.g. BS OHSAS 18001, ANSI Z10, CSA Z1000, HS (G) 65, E&P Forum, etc. Please provide a copy of the index of your H&S Management System manual.</p><p>2.6 Has the Health & Safety Management System been certified by an accredited third party? Please provide copies of all certifications held.</p><p>2.7 Do you periodically review the effectiveness of your Health & Safety Management System? Please provide details and the documented evidence of the review.</p><p>2.8 Do you have a documented and implemented Environmental Management System? Please state model EMS aligned to e.g. ISO 14001 or EMAS. Please provide a copy of the index of your Environmental Management System manual.</p><p>2.9 Has the Environmental Management System been certified by an accredited third party? Please provide copies of all certifications held. Page 5 of 16</p><p>2.10 Do you periodically review the effectiveness of your Environmental Management System? Please provide details and the documented evidence of the review.</p><p>2.11 Do you have a process in place for managing Emergency Response? Please provide details including when last tested.</p><p>2.12 Do you implement an approved project HSE Plans? Please provide sample copies of previous project HSE plans.</p><p>2.13 Have you implement an approved internal HSE audit program? If Yes, please provide details and include a status report of your current internal audit program.</p><p>2.14 Have you implemented a process for HSE Management of Sub-Contractors? Please provide details of this sub-contractor HSE management process.</p><p>2.15 Has an appropriate reporting procedure been established for all near misses/ incidents/ accidents? Please provide a copy of this procedure.</p><p>2.16 Do all Incident/ Accident reports contain recommendations for the prevention of recurrence? If so please provide 2 examples.</p><p>2.17 Is there a system in place to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and codes? Please provide a description of your process used to identify, evaluate and integrate regulatory requirements for your equipment and operations</p><p>2.18 Are clear goals and specific objectives for the HSEQ Management System established? Please provide a copy of your current HSEQ goals and objectives</p><p>2.19 Is performance against HSEQ goals and objectives evaluated? Please provide a copy of the most recent status report of your HSEQ goals and objectives evaluation</p><p>Does the workforce actively participate in HSEQ processes? 2.20 Please provide a documented reference to how you engage the workforce in select aspects of your HSE management system and prevention initiatives</p><p>Page 6 of 16</p><p>Are hazard/risk assessments conducted in order to identify and address potential hazards to personnel, 2.21 facilities, the public and the environment? Please provide a description of your hazard and risk assessment process and a recent example of a hazard/risk assessment used in the execution of a recent work scope.</p><p>Are management reviews of your HSEQ Management Systems conducted periodically to address the 2.22 possible need for changes or improvements? Please provide a copy of the minutes of your last documented management review 2.23 Has the organization maintained records of incidents/ accident statistics for the last three (3) years? If Yes, please provide the following details for each year.</p><p>Year:</p><p>Total number of man- hours worked?</p><p>Total number of fatalities?</p><p>Total number of first aid injuries?</p><p>Total number of lost workday cases?</p><p>Total number of medical treatmen t cases?</p><p>Total number of restricted work days?</p><p>2.24 In the last 36 months has your Company been subject to any HSE prosecutions, stop work orders or regulatory violations? If Yes, please provide details.</p><p>Page 7 of 16</p><p>2.25 Do you have an early and safe return to work policy? (For Canada vendors only operating in the province of NL, as required by the NL WHSCC (Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Act, Clause 89.) Please provide details</p><p>2.26 Are you registered with your local workers health and compensation commission? “for Canada vendors only” If yes, what is your current rating? Note: The Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Act require all employers performing or contracting work in Newfoundland and Labrador to register with the Commission. Source: http://www.whscc.nf.ca/employers/Emp_RegisteringYourBusiness.whscc.</p><p>2.27 Please supply a letter of good standing from your local workers health and compensation commission “for Canada vendors only”. Or provide alternate proof of coverage for your jurisdiction for workers who may become injured on the job.</p><p>3.0 Quality Section</p><p>3.1 Who has overall responsibility for Quality Management matters in your organization? Please provide name, title and organizational chart.</p><p>3.2 What is the total number of individual s dedicate d to quality in your organizat ion? Specify split below. QC/ QMS QA Inspectio n</p><p>3.3 Please provide a copy of your Quality policy statement.</p><p>Page 8 of 16</p><p>3.4 Please provide a copy of the index of your Quality Management System manual.</p><p>3.5 Please provide copies of your current quality audit procedure and schedule.</p><p>3.6 Has your Quality Management System been certified by an accredited third party approval organization to ISO 9001:2008 or equivalent? If Yes, please provide a copy of the certification including full scope and any applicable appendices. If No, please advise if you intend to apply for certification and when this is planned to be completed. In not, please explain why certification is not being sought.</p><p>3.7 Please provide details of your current arrangements for measuring customer satisfaction and demonstrating continuous improvement.</p><p>3.8 Is work executed in conjunction with quality and inspection test plans, route cards etc and do they define hold, witness and review points? Please provide copies of past quality and inspection test plans (ITP).</p><p>3.9 Please provide details of how you control your documents and records. Please provide a copy of your Control of Documents and Control of Records procedures. 3.10 Briefly describe your records retention system and the normal records retained (or supplied to the client) as part of this product / service delivery. (Please make reference to records such as Material Test Reports, Non-destructive examination records, in process inspections, manufacturing record books and Factory Acceptance Tests.) 3.11 CONTROL OF INSPECTION, MEASURING AND TEST EQUIPMENT What processes does the Proponent employ to ensure that Inspection is performed and Measuring and Test Equipment is fully calibrated and functioning appropriately? 3.12 Are quality assurance processes in place to ensure that facilities and materials meet design specifications? Please provide an overview of your design verification and validation process. 3.13 Do your design practices and standards meet or exceed applicable regulatory requirements? Please provide an overview of how you identify and integrate applicable regulatory requirements into the design and development of your products or services? 3.14 Briefly describe your records retention process and the normal records retained (or supplied to the client) as part of this product / service delivery. Please make reference to records such as Material Test Reports, Non-destructive examination records, in process inspections and Factory Acceptance Tests, etc.. 3.15 When products and/or services do not meet customer defined requirements or expectations, please describe the corrective action processes your company employs to ensure timely resolution of the problem? (including records generated of the problem and solution). 3.16 Please describe the processes you utilize to ensure that inspection is performed and that measuring and test equipment is fully calibrated and functioning appropriately?</p><p>4.0 Competence Assurance Section</p><p>Page 9 of 16</p><p>4.1 Are there job descriptions and defined competencies for all roles/personnel carrying out activities that may affect operational integrity? Please provide evidence such as a sample job description and/or template.</p><p>4.2 Is there a systematic approach for personnel recruitment, including fit for work assessments and pre- employment medicals, where appropriate? Please provide evidence such as a sample of assessment standard/criteria</p><p>4.3 Is there a process for screening, selection, placement and ongoing assessment of the qualifications and abilities of personnel to meet specified job requirements? Please provide evidence such as copy of procedure and Example of competency assessments.</p><p>4.4 Is there initial, ongoing and periodic refresher training to meet job and legal requirements? Please provide evidence such as a training matrix or other supporting documentation.</p><p>4.5 Does training courses set out clear deliverables that are established before training commences? (Training delivery includes mechanisms for assessing effectiveness and, where appropriate, demonstrated competence on the job). Please provide evidence such a sample assessment criteria used and a sample of an in-house training program.</p><p>4.6 Has a Competence Program been established and resourced to ensure that necessary levels of individual and collective demonstrated competence are maintained and carefully considered when personnel changes are made? (This Competence Program shall apply to all people undertaking critical work or having a responsibility in the HSEQ Management System). Please provide evidence such as a document describing the program.</p><p>4.7 Are periodic reviews conducted to ensure appropriate levels of personnel staffing is maintained to assure safe and efficient operations? Please provide evidence such as reports on staffing levels and supporting statistics.</p><p>4.8 Do new or transferred employees undergo appropriate site orientation and induction training? (At a minimum it shall include HSEQ rules, management systems and emergency procedures). Please provide evidence such as the following: Records of orientations and inductions taking place; Evidence of how personnel change is managed; and Copy of orientation/induction procedure.</p><p>4.9 Is there a process implemented to monitor measure and ensure the compliance of personnel performance with established practices and procedures?</p><p>Please provide evidence such as the following: Copy of the process; Audit reports; and Performance review criteria.</p><p>Page 10 of 16</p><p>5.0 Commercial Section</p><p>Who has overall responsibility for Commercial matters in your organization? Please provide name & 5.1 title and organizational diagram.</p><p>5.2 Please provide the following information on letter headed paper </p><p> Your registered office details Value Added Tax (or local sales tax) number Bank name and address Bank code and account number (for Euro accounts please provide IBAN and for International accounts please provide a SWIFT/BIC code).</p><p>5.3 Please provide details of your five (5) main clients over the last five (5) years – please indicate name, address, contact for reference, telephone number, and annual value of supply. Client references should be able to provide; Principal scope of work with a minimum two (2) year’s experience in harsh environments, such as the East Coast of Canada. Demonstrate traceable historical project scope of supply deliveries Demonstrate successful field proven equipment Demonstrate successful service and warranty performance</p><p>6.0 Management of Change</p><p>6.1 Is there a process to consider that all changes that directly affect facilities, assets and people shall be managed through a Management of Change process? Please provide a copy of your management of change procedure.</p><p>7.0 Reliability and Integrity</p><p>7.1 Do you utilize a defined maintenance schedule, including a defined frequency for inspection, maintenance and repair operations? Please provide a copy of your procedure that supports this methodology.</p><p>7.2 Demonstrate track record of reliability in recent history</p><p>8.0 Product Design</p><p>8.1 Are quality assurance processes in place to ensure that facilities and materials specified meet specifications and that construction/manufacture is in accordance with the applicable standards? Please provide evidence of your design verification and validation processes.</p><p>9.0 Facilities</p><p>Page 11 of 16</p><p>Office Space square meters Indoor Shop Space 9.1 square meters Shop Function Size ( width x height x Cranes Crane Capacity length)</p><p>Warehouse / Indoor Storage: Warehouse Function Size ( width x height x Cranes Crane Capacity length)</p><p>Outdoor Yard / Storage: Total Area (Acres) Stabilized Area</p><p>9.2 Describe how raw materials are stored:</p><p>9.3 If alloy materials are used, how are they segregated and stored from other non-alloy materials.</p><p>9.4 In-House Plate Rolling Capabilities? </p><p>If In House: Length Diameter Max. Thickness Hot or Cold</p><p>If Sub-contracted, List Subcontractors: </p><p>Page 12 of 16</p><p>9.5 In-House Painting Capabilities? </p><p>If In House: ____Indoor ____Outdoor _____Climate controlled Indoor Paint Area Size: ______square meters Outdoor Paint Area Size: ______square meters</p><p>If Sub-contracted, List Subcontractors: </p><p>9.6 In-House Heat treatment Capabilities? If In House: Furnace Size: ______</p><p>If Sub-contracted, List Subcontractors: </p><p>9.7 Railway Access:</p><p>Waterway Access:</p><p>9.8 Does the company have an established local (NL, Canada) presence for storage of spares/tooling? If so, please provide local contact information.</p><p>9.9 Does the company have an established local (NL, Canada) facility with ability to service tools and equipment? If so, please provide local contact information?</p><p>9.10 Does the company have an established inventory management system in place</p><p>9.11 Does the company have an preventative maintenance system in place</p><p>10.0 Equipment</p><p>Page 13 of 16</p><p>10.1 Press Brake Capacity: (metric tons)</p><p>Mobil Cranes: (Qty) (capacity in metric tons)</p><p>Fork Lifts: (Qty) (capacity in metric tons)</p><p>Welding Machines: (Qty)</p><p>Welding Machines in Process Quantity Vendor Preferred Process Shielded Metal Arch Welding (SMAW) Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) Automatic Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) Oxy Acetylene Arc Welding (OCAW) Plasma Arc Welding (PAW) Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW)</p><p>11.0 Non-Destructive Examination</p><p>Page 14 of 16</p><p>Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) Methods Used: 11.1 Method Not Used In-House Sub-Contracted ASNT Certified Radiography (x-ray) Radiography (Isotope) Liquid Penetrant (Solvent Removable) Liquid Penetrant (Water Washable) Magnetic Particle (DC Prod) Magnetic Particle (AC Yoke) Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Ultrasonic (Shear Wave) Ultrasonic (Thickness Measurement) Eddy Current Testing Sensitive Leak Testing Acoustic Emission Testing</p><p>12.0 Drilling Equipment Package Particulars</p><p>12.1 Are you able to provide the following software based support services that can be implemented worldwide; Engineering software and support. Software based design change notification process. Software based failure analysis and reporting system. Software based lessons learned system/database. Software based preventive maintenance program.</p><p>12.2 Are you able to provide a computerized data collection system that will be required on the rig to provide a data record of each cement job, pressure test and leak-off test, including ability to feed the data through a serial data link in real time to the Mud Logging Contractor?</p><p>13.0 Compatibility Assessment</p><p>13.1 Compatibility assessment with proposed WHP systems & infrastructure (power, ESD, space/layout etc.);</p><p>13.2 Compatibility assessment with any relevant Canadian regulatory requirements (or codes/standards that Canada links to. Examples: crane capabilities, BOP specs etc.);</p><p>13.3 Suitability for WHP well work (ERD, completions, interventions etc.);</p><p>Page 15 of 16</p><p>13.4 Proactive gathering of operational input (e.g. from maintenance specialists, candidate drilling contractors etc</p><p>14.0 Other Capabilities or Services</p><p>14.1 List other Capabilities or Services: </p><p>15.0 Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Benefits Compliance </p><p>Husky Energy strongly supports providing opportunities to Canadian and in particular Newfoundland and Labrador companies and individuals, on a commercially competitive basis. Pre-qualified companies will be required to complete a Canada/Newfoundland and Labrador Benefit Questionnaire. Will you comply with requirements of Husky Energy (or any governmental authority) with respect to benefits and with all applicable guidelines of Husky Energy?</p><p>Yes No</p><p>Page 16 of 16</p>
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