<p> 1 December 2006</p><p>Visit Our Website: http://www.minnesotanationalguard.org/camp_ripley/operations.php Table of Contents</p><p>Paragraph Page # Chapter 1 – Introduction Purpose 1-1 2 Responsibilities 1-2 2 Chapter 2 – Leasing Policies and Procedures Administrative Procedures 2-1 3 Interagency Agreements 2-2 4 Insurance 2-3 4 Lease Cancellation 2-4 4 Chapter 3 – Range Safety and Security Range Requirements 3-1 5 Security 3-2 7 Accident Reporting 3-3 7 Chapter 4 – Environmental Environmental Request 4-1 8 Environmental Laws & Regulations 4-2 8 General 4-3 8 Spill Control 4-4 8 Wildlife 4-5 9 Wastes 4-6 9 Vegetation 4-7 9 Lyme Disease 4-8 9 Chapter 5 – Housing Facilities 5-1 11 Chapter 6 – Cost Schedule 6-1 12 Chapter 7 - Internet Access 7-1 14 APPENDIXES:</p><p>Appendix 1 – Range Capabilities 14 Appendix 2 – Sample Range Safety Certification Letter 22 Appendix 3 – Planning Guide 23 Appendix 4 – Civilian Use Request Form 24 Appendix 5 – Range Opening/Closing Checklist 25 Appendix 6 – Range Inspection Checklist 27 Appendix 7 – Non-Fire Range Opening/Closing Checklist 28 Appendix 8 – Range Incident Checklist 29 Appendix 9 – Driving Map To Camp Ripley 30 Appendix 10 – Camp Ripley Cantonment Area Map 31</p><p>This manual supersedes previous Civilian Guidance Manual.</p><p>2 Chapter 1 Introduction</p><p>1-1. Purpose. This manual is designed to establish procedures for request and use of Camp Ripley facilities for non-military users.</p><p>1-2. Responsibilities. a. The Camp Ripley Commander is responsible for final approval and/or disapproval for the use of Camp Ripley by non-military and civilian agencies. b. The Camp Ripley Operations Officer is responsible for preparation of lease agreements. This preparation includes coordination with the leasing agency, and the various supporting departments at Camp Ripley.</p><p>3 Chapter 2 Leasing Policies & Procedures</p><p>2-1. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES. a. When considering the use of Camp Ripley facilities, first call the Operations Office at (320) 616-2708 to inquire about availability. b. If you are unfamiliar with what the installation has to offer, we recommend an informational briefing and facilities' tour. Schedule this through the Camp Ripley Operations Office. c. Requests. The CIVILIAN USE REQUEST FORM (See Appendix 4) along with a general informational letter from the requesting agency is required to guarantee your reservation. The general letter should include the following:</p><p>1) NUMBER OF PEOPLE INVOLVED 2) HOUSING REQUIREMENTS 3) MEALS (WHERE AND HOW) 4) TRAINING ACTIVITIES (ranges w/ammo type…), and resources required that are not included on the CIVILIAN USE REQUEST FORM.</p><p>Send requests for the use of Camp Ripley to one the following:</p><p>Mail FAX Email MN Army National Guard Camp Ripley Post Commander (320)632-7702 [email protected] MNAG-CRC-O [email protected] 15000 HWY 115, Camp Ripley [email protected] Little Falls, MN 56345-4173</p><p> d. Priority for use of facilities. Priority for use of Camp Ripley facilities is as follows:</p><p>1) Military Units 2) Non-military Government and Law Enforcement Agencies 3) Civilian Organizations 3 e. Reservations. In accordance with the priorities identified for anticipated users, facilities are reserved on a first come first serve basis. We will not reserve any resources until we receive a written request. f. Confirmation. We will confirm your request by sending a lease agreement for your signature. The lease for the use of Camp Ripley must be signed prior to use. Contact the Operations Office at (320) 616-2708 to arrange this. g. Cost. For leasing purposes, we have developed prices based on operating costs. A price schedule is listed in Chapter 6. </p><p>4 2-2. Interagency Agreements. State Government agencies interested in long term facility usage at Camp Ripley may contact the Operations Officer to discuss long term administrative arrangements.</p><p>2-3. Insurance. All civilian organizations and individuals using Camp Ripley must have adequate insurance for all persons and property associated with their activities.</p><p>2-4. Lease Cancellation. a. The leasing agency or the Camp Ripley Commander may cancel a lease at anytime. However, if you cancel, you may liable for expenses incurred by Camp Ripley related to your request for leasing. Cancellation must be written notification. b. Camp Ripley will make every effort to avoid canceling your lease. If your lease needs to be canceled because of military priority you will be notified immediately and every attempt to meet your needs will be explored.</p><p>5 Chapter 3 Range Safety & Security</p><p>3-1. Range Requirements. Regulations require that organizations using live fire ranges meet the following minimal requirements: a. Range Officer in Charge (OIC) / Range Safety Officer (RSO). Identify a minimum of 4 personnel that have been trained and tested on all weapon systems being utilized on each range that is being reserved, to act as OICs/RSOs.</p><p>(1) Certification. Anyone designated as OIC/RSO must be certified in writing by the organization’s training officer, senior individual or a Member of the Board of Directors. (See Appendix 2 for an example)Good for one year. The OIC/RSO cannot certify himself. The certification will designate the specific weapons or type of training the officer is qualified to instruct. The list of categories is as follows: pistol, rifle, shotgun, automatic weapon, or rappelling. For weapons not covered above (explosives, chemical agents, pyrotechnics) or certification questions, contact Range Control at 320-632-7298/7398. Anyone designated as OIC/RSO must attend a Range Control Safety Briefing before conducting Range Operation. To schedule your briefing, contact Range Control. This ½ hour briefing can be given the day of the range. Good for 90 days. Everyone needing brief should attend as one group.</p><p>(2) Duties. (a) Officer In Charge (OIC): The person who is overall in charge of the live fire range. The primary point of contact with Range Control Has overall responsibility for range opening, operation, and closing. Must be present at all times and will not have any additional duties. More than one OIC may be available for a range, but only one certified officer will perform this duty at a given time. The OIC must receive the Camp Ripley safety briefing prior to range operation. (b) Range Safety Officer (RSO): This individual’s primary responsibility is the safe operation of the range. The RSO ensures that all rounds fall within the prescribed limits of the range, only authorized weapons and ammunition are used, and that the range operation does not endanger any personnel. This individual must be present at all times and will not have any additional duties. The RSO must receive the Camp Ripley safety briefing prior to running a range. b. Communication. Two forms of communication are needed for continuous communications with Range Control. Cell phones may be utilized if you leave your number with Range Control. Radio and cell phones are available at Range Control. Motorola/Bendix King 2-Way radio will be hand-receipted from Range Control.</p><p>6 c. Range Open/Closing. The range is opened and closed using the range opening/closing checklist at Appendix 5. Prior to opening the range, the OIC will ensure:</p><p>(1) The correct range is occupied. (2) If the range and facilities are not clean when you occupy the site, notify Range Control to avoid responsibility for cleaning someone else’s mess. (3) All personnel designated as OIC/RSO have attended the range briefing, the range packet is present and the range flag is displayed. (4) The down range area is cleared of personnel and required safety measures (such as barricades or road guards) are in place, if applicable. (5) Required communications are established and operational. (6) Only authorized weapons and ammunition are used. (7) That a medical evacuation plan is in place in the event of an injury. (8) All personnel have visually identified the range limits. (9) All personnel have received an orientation/safety briefing on range procedures and operations. (10) Clearance to fire and opening time has been granted by the Range Control Shift Sergeant.</p><p>During range operation, the OIC will ensure:</p><p> The range safety limits are monitored and remain clear. Weapons are cleared and checked during temporary suspensions of firing and prior to firers leaving the firing line. Firing is stopped promptly when any unsafe act is observed or reported. Communications maintained with Range Control at all times. There will be hourly communication checks. Incidents are immediately reported to Range Control via telephone or radio.</p><p>To clear a range, the OIC will complete the following:</p><p> Clean facility per posted cleaning instructions. Ensure that all trash is removed from the training site, towers, classroom, etc. Report all visible range or training area damage. Report closing information as defined on the opening/closing checklist in Appendix 5. The OIC must stay at the range until an inspection of the range is complete. d. Medical Support.</p><p>(1) Camp Ripley cannot provide medical treatment for any civilian organizations using Camp Ripley. (2) Organizations using Camp Ripley facilities must have their own plan for emergency treatment and evacuation prior to opening any range or training area.</p><p>(a) One 1st responder, with a First Aid Kit and litter must be present at all times on any live fire or chemical range. In addition, the Confidence Course, Rappel Tower and Bennet Hill (Skiing / Tubing) will have a C collar and Back Board on hand. </p><p>7 (b) Organizations must have a dedicated vehicle capable of evacuating injured personnel. Range Control has 1st responders and will escort ambulances to your range to expedite a proper evacuation. The nearest hospital is St. Gabriel’s Hospital in Little Falls, Minnesota. 3-2. SECURITY. a. Weapons. 1) Licensed law enforcement officers are authorized to carry their Department Authorized weapon in the Camp Ripley cantonment area, to include the Training and Community Center, Education Center, Post Exchange, or Snack Bar. 2) Civilian customers and officers not in an official department capacity will not posses personal or department firearms while on Camp Ripley. 3) While leasing Camp Ripley facilities, organizations will follow their internal policies for weapon security. 4) If you require security assistance, contact the Chief of Security at 320-616-3087. 5) Individuals with personal weapons, not authorized for on duty use by their department, must register them by serial number at the Installation Security Office, Building 2-99. b. Access to Camp Ripley: 1) Access to Camp Ripley is through the Main Gate on MN State Hwy 115. Security personnel may ask you to provide picture ID prior to entry. 2) Access to the training area is through the range gate at the Range Control building. (Bldg. 24-199) 3) Vehicles that are not readily identifiable as law enforcement vehicles will require a down range pass to get through the range gate. The passes are available at Range Control. c. Movement Down Range 1) Vehicles will only enter the training area through the gate at Range Control unless they have made prior coordination. 2) All vehicles must observe the posted speed limits on Camp Ripley. This includes the training areas. (25 MPH) Tickets are used, and they will be enforced. 3) All vehicles must adhere to the posted “No White Lights” areas after dark unless they have made prior coordination. 4) All POV’s must have a POV pass from Range Control.</p><p>3-3. ACCIDENT/INCIDENT REPORTING a. Report any accident requiring medical treatment to Range Control immediately by radio or telephone. b. Any organization involved in any training or vehicular accident must file an accident/incident report through Range Control, Security, or Operations. c. The accident reports are required for informational purposes as well as to identify accident trends on Camp Ripley.</p><p>8 Chapter 4 Environmental Protection</p><p>4.1. Environmental Requests</p><p>Camp Ripley Environmental Office evaluates all requests to preclude any negative impact on our natural surroundings. Their staff may propose exceptions or amendments to the lease.</p><p>4.2. Environmental Laws & Regulations a. You are responsible for complying with environment laws, regulations and all related costs for environmental requirements or accidents. Some examples of uses that are likely to have adverse impacts include:</p><p>1) Off-road Vehicle Maneuvering 2) Weapons testing/firing 3) Earth Excavation 4) Activities that impact lakes, streams or wetlands 5) Use of hazardous or toxic materials b. Some Environmental procedures to follow are:</p><p>1) Use established roads 2) Do not litter 3) Report all spills to Range Control (BLDG 24-199, Ext. 7298/7398) 4) Observe all off-limits areas 5) Report fires to Range Control 6) Respect wildlife</p><p>4-3. General a. Environmental protection and conservation are the responsibilities of all personnel using Camp Ripley. The OIC needs to receive an environmental briefing from the Range Control prior to the start of the event. b. For more information on environmental management contact Range Control or the Camp Ripley Environmental Office at (320) 632-7201/7203.</p><p>4-4. Spill Control</p><p>Any person causing or discovering a spill will: a. Stop the flow, if possible without exposing self or others to unsafe conditions. b. Contain the spill using whatever means is readily available. Prevent the spills from flowing into drainage and surface waters. c. Immediately report all spills of fuel and hazardous substances to Range Control. Furnish essential spill information: including location, material spilled, cause, time of the incident and estimated quantity spilled. The person reporting the spill should also furnish their name, address, and telephone number. 9 d. Clean up spill material. If the amount is less then what would fit in a 55-gallon drum, dig it out and transport it to the location designated by Range Control. Plastic bags may be used to transport the contaminated material. If the amount is greater than what would fit in a 55-gallon drum, earth-moving equipment will probably be required for removal. Units are responsible for showing Range Control the location of the spill. e. Units will complete the Incident Report Form, MNGR 200-21-0510, and turn it in to Range Control, they will handle the situation.</p><p>4-5. Wildlife</p><p>All wildlife within the installation is protected. In addition, State and Federal laws allow for fines and/or jail time for harming wildlife unless provisions for a special hunting season are authorized (e.g. White-tailed deer) a. Camp Ripley supports several wildlife species, some of which are protected under Federal or State Laws. When these or other species are observed on the ground, care should be taken to avoid them with vehicles or damaging activity. b. Protected wildlife species that may be observed include wolves, eagles, cougars, and pine martens. When rare or unusual wildlife are observed, whether live or dead, it should be reported to Range Control. The reporting information will consist of: type of wildlife or best description, date and time observed, observer’s name, grid location, and any comments about behavior possible cause of death. c. All wild animals, especially skunks and raccoons, are potential carriers of the rabies virus. Individuals should not handle or feed any wild animals. If an animal bites or scratches you, seek medical assistance immediately. Report all sick or dead animals to Range Control.</p><p>4-6. Wastes a. General: All solid waste generated on Camp Ripley must be removed by the users. What you pack in, you pack out. b. Black bear are numerous on Camp Ripley and the best way to avoid an unpleasant encounter is to remove all food wastes daily from the area your group is using. c. Human waste must be buried 6 inches. Field latrines must be filled in and marked with a sign available at Range Control. Port-a-lets are available at your groups expense for your use. Coordinate these through S&S. </p><p>4-7. Vegetation</p><p>No cutting of vegetation is allowed without written permission from Range Control. The use of dead trees or fallen trees for cover is allowed.</p><p>4-8. Lyme Disease a. General: There are two types of ticks commonly found at Camp Ripley – The Deer tick and the Wood tick. Since the Deer tick can potentially transmit Lyme disease, preventive measures should be taken when training at Camp Ripley, particularly during the tick season (April to October). Preventive measures include: 1) Wear your uniform with pants bloused into boots and sleeves down.</p><p>10 2) Use repellents on exposed skin and spray uniform with repellents such as “Permanone.” 3) Check for ticks frequently using the buddy system. b. All ticks should be removed by grasping the tick as close to the skin as possible and gently, but firmly, pulling it straight out. Wash the bitten area with soap and water and apply an antiseptic to the bite site. DO NOT pull the ticks out with fingers. c. If you find a deer tick attached to your body report it to Range Control. Upon removal of the deer tick, it will be sent to a laboratory for analysis. The results of the analysis will be provided to the patient. </p><p>11 Chapter 5 Housing Facilities</p><p>5-1. The following facilities are available for use on Camp Ripley by non-military agencies. a. Troop Issue Facilities:</p><p>1) Heated "T" Buildings are located in areas 7, 9, and 10. These two-story buildings are capable of housing from 140 to 184 personnel in (7-8) 20-23 person "open" bays. These buildings also have a kitchen/dining facility, shower/latrine facilities, a supply room, and an administrative room. (These buildings do not have housekeeping services available. Individuals leasing these buildings are responsible for providing their own bedding and for cleaning the building prior to turn-in.)</p><p>2) BOQ/BEQ: There are 8 non-maid service buildings in areas 7, 9, 10 and 15 with a total capacity of 247 personnel. These rooms have a bed, refrigerator, desk, chair, and a wall locker. The individual must provide his or her own bedding. The buildings must be cleaned prior to turn in. b. Maid Service Rooms: These rooms have a bed, TV, refrigerator, desk, and wall locker. These rooms are single occupancy rooms. There are eight VIP houses available that will sleep from 4-8 people. Each house has a living room, kitchen, patio or porch with a grill. Use of a house requires at least 50% occupancy. The total number of maid service rooms available; including houses is 280.All of Maid Service Rooms have satellite service. c. Meeting and Conference Facilities:</p><p>1) Education Center. Camp Ripley has a modern education center. It has classrooms, conference rooms, computer labs and a student lounge. All classrooms and conference rooms are equipped with TV, VCR, and Overhead Projector. Computer projectors are available upon request. The rooms break out as follows:</p><p>Conference Room (10 person) 2 Computer Labs (10 station) 2 Classroom (20 person) 11 Classroom (40 person) 5 Classroom (60 person) 1 Classroom (96 person) 2</p><p>2) Training and Community Center (TACC): In addition to serving as the Post Headquarters, the TACC has a 205 seat theater available, (3)-25 seat classrooms, (3)-10 seat conference rooms, gymnasium, and cafeteria seating for 80-100. The TACC also has a free fitness center with free weights, weight machines, treadmills and other exercise equipment. d. Recreation Center: Camp Ripley has a recreation center with a full size basketball/volleyball court, a stage with lighting and locker rooms. It is ideal for functions requiring a large open floor area.</p><p>12 Chapter 6 </p><p>13 COST SCHEDULE FOR USE OF GROUNDS & FACILITIES</p><p>6-1 Building/Area Costs a. HEATED BUILDINGS: ENTIRE T-BLD BUILDING (BARRACKS) 275.00 /day 1 SLEEPING BAY (Sleeps 20 personnel) 75.00 /day KITCHEN/DINING FACILITY 60.00 /day HEATED ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING 60.00 /day HEATED SUPPLY BUILDING 60.00 /day IND. MAID SERVICE ROOMS *A credit card must be used to hold rooms past 6:00pm 20.00 /day IND. NON-MAID SERVICE ROOMS 5.00 /day HOUSES (MINIMUM 4 PERSONNEL) 25.00/person /day AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE BUILDING 28.00 /day</p><p> b. NON-HEATED BUILDINGS (AREAS 1, 3, 5, 8, 21, 22, & 23): OPEN BAY BARRACKS 50.00 /day ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING 45.00 /day KITCHEN/DINING FACILITY 50.00 /day LATRINE/SHOWER FACILITY 50.00 /day SUPPLY BUILDING 45.00 /day TIN HUTS 2.00/person /day</p><p> c. CONFERENCE ROOMS, CLASSROOMS & MISC: CONFERENCE ROOM (1-10 persons) 40.00 /day SMALL CLASSROOM (1-20 persons) 40.00 /day MEDIUM CLASSROOM (21-40 persons) 60.00 /day LARGE CLASSROOM (41-96 persons) 80.00 /day RECREATION CENTER 300.00 /day 50.00 /hour TACC (ARMORY) THEATER 225.00 /day 30.00 /hour TACC (ARMORY) CAFETERIA 85.00 /day TACC (ARMORY) GYMNASIUM 225.00 /day 35.00 /hour RIPLEY TOWN HALL 150.00 /day POST CHAPEL 100.00 /day</p><p>6-2 Range Costs: RANGE CLASSROOM 40.00 /day NON AUTOMATED RANGES 40.00 /day SMALL ARMS AUTOMATED 250.00 /day 100.00 1st hour 50.00 EA additional hour NON-ESTABLISHED AUTOMATED RANGES (WALK THRU 1-3) 110.00 /day DEMO FIRING 430.00 /day BIATHLON RANGE & BUILDING 65.00 /day LIVE FIRE SHOOT HOUSE 450.00 /day 300.00 /half day 14 REPLACEMENT DOORS FOR SHOOT HOUSE 45.00 /target REPLACE CAMERA IF SHOT FOR SHOOT HOUSE 2,500.00 /camera C-RANGE (CHEMICAL) 40.00 /day NORTH RANGE 110.00 /day FATS IV 180.00 /day HAND HELD RADIO 25.00 /day</p><p>6-3 Training Area Costs: CONFIDENCE COURSE 55.00 /day RAPPELING TOWER 55.00 /day LAND NAVIGATION (A-11 OR B-3) 30.00 /day BENNETT HILL 55.00 /day MOUT VILLAGE 55.00 /day CRACK HOUSE 110.00 /day SEAL CABIN 40.00 /day COLLECTIVE TRAINING FACILITY 40.00 /day COMBINED ARMS COLLECTIVE TRAINING FACILITY 1 40.00 /day COMBINED ARMS COLLECTIVE TRAINING FACILITY 2 40.00 /day ALL OTHER TRAINING AREAS 30.00 /day GROOMING OF SKI TRAILS (5 MILES) 50.00 per 5 miles</p><p>6-4 Misc. Costs: ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVITIES/SUPPORT 50.00 /hour PCA TOUR FEE 50.00 /hour ROUND LAKE (CAMPING, FISHING, BOATING) 30.00 /day DEPARCQ WOODS (AMPHITHEATER) NO CHARGE BUILDING CLEANING FEE 18.00 /hour IP HOOKUP 50.00 /trng period</p><p>6-5 Administrative Fees: LEASE AMOUNTS LESS THAN $499. 0 LEASE AMOUNTS $500-2,999 10% of Total LEASE AMOUNTS GREATER THAN $3,000. 300.00 </p><p>6-6 Lease Cancellation Fees: (PERTAINING TO CANCELLATIONS WITHIN 30 DAYS PRIOR TO SCHEDULED EVENT) LEASE AMOUNTS LESS THAN $500. 50.00 LEASE AMOUNTS $500.-$1500. 75.00 LEASE AMOUNTS $1500.-$4500. 100.00 LEASE AMOUNTS GREATER THAN $4500. 150.00 </p><p>Chapter 7 Internet Access 7-1. Camp Ripley provides Internet access in the Education Center and Building 7-1 for a nominal fee (see below). Please be aware that this is intended for business use only, not for personal use. A valid business reason is required before Internet access will be granted. </p><p>15 Civilian agencies and contractors that require Internet access must coordinate with the Camp Ripley Information Management Officer (IMO) 30 days prior to arrival. The Camp Ripley IMO can be contacted at 320-616-2702 or by email: [email protected]. </p><p>Minimum information requirements for Internet access are: a. Building and room number you will be located in b. Dates Internet access is required c. Quantity and types of computer systems (laptops or desktops) d. Technical and supervisory POC’s e. Valid business reason for internet access</p><p>Any computers that are to be connected to the internet will be scanned by Camp Ripley Information Assurance personnel. </p><p>A flat fee of $10 will be charged whether the service is used for one (1) day or up to four (4) days. If connectivity is required for more than four days and up to 14 days, a flat fee of $20 will be charged. If connectivity is required for 15 or more days, a flat fee of $35 will be charged and will not exceed more than $35 per month. </p><p>An Internet Café is available at the Education Center to check e-mail, gather information, and for general recreation purposes. A photo ID is required to use one of the computers and you must sign in at the Billeting counter. </p><p>Appendix 1 (Capabilities)</p><p>16 GENERAL: Each facility has an intended use. All facilities will only be used as intended. Any variations from the intended use must be requested in writing and approved by Range Control.</p><p>A - Range Complex The A - Range Complex provides the following Training Ranges within 4 miles of cantonment area: 1000 yd Know Distance Range 20 station confidence course Rappel Tower All weather classrooms Grenade Launcher Range Automated Rifle and Pistol Ranges 7 - Station MOUT assault course with sewer trainer Live Fire Shoot House</p><p>Training Areas The Field Training Area (FTA) is divided into 80 separate sections. The Training Areas provide a variety of terrain and vegetation. Camp Ripley's terrain will meet the needs of tactical or search and rescue organizations.</p><p>Range Descriptions:</p><p>A-1 --- Known Distance Range LOCATION GRID: UM 921087 VICINITY: A-COMPLEX ON CHAMPAGNE ROAD. 3.2 MILES FROM RANGE CONTROL.</p><p>DESCRIPTION THIS RANGE CONSISTS OF A 25 METER RANGE AND A KNOWN DISTANCE RANGE WITH FIRING LINES AT 200 - 300 - 400 - 500 - 600 AND 1000 YARDS, WITH TARGET PITS AND PULL-TYPE TARGET FRAMES. CLASSROOM AVAILABLE.</p><p>TYPE AMMUNITION ALL SHOTGUN & RIFLE AMMUNITION -UP TO AND AUTHORIZED INCLUDING 7.62mm MATCH..</p><p>TARGET COORDINATED BY UNIT AS REQUIRED BY WEAPON, REQUIREMENTS COURSE AND DISTANCE BEING FIRED.</p><p>FIRING LINE 30 POINTS ON ALL FIRING LINES EXCEPT 1000 YARD FIRING LINE WHICH HAS 10 POINTS.</p><p>A-2 --- Combat Pistol Range LOCATION GRID: UM 925087 VICINITY: A-COMPLEX ON CHAMPAGNE ROAD. 3.1 MILES FROM RANGE 17 CONTROL. </p><p>DESCRIPTION THIS RANGE CONSISTS OF 16 LANES. EACH LANE CONSISTS OF 7 AUTOMATED TARGETS. THESE TARGETS ARE AT 10, 13, 16, 17, 21, 27 AND 31 METERS. THE NUMBER OF HITS ARE AUTOMATICALLY RECORDED AND A PRINT OUT IS MADE. IN ADDITION TO STANDARD REVOLVERS AND SEMI-AUTOMATIC PISTOLS, THIS RANGE MAY BE USED FOR SUB-MACHINE PISTOLS.</p><p>TYPE AMMUNITION 9MM, .38, 5.56 (.223 Cal.)mm AND .45 CAL, PISTOL AUTHORIZED AMMUNITION. ALL OTHER AMMUNITION MUST BE APPROVED BY RANGE CONTROL.</p><p>TARGET NONE, PLASTIC SILHOUETTE TARGETS ARE REQUIREMENTS PROVIDED.</p><p>FIRING LINE 16 FIRING POINTS.</p><p>A-3 --- Rifle Qualification Range LOCATION GRID: UM 923087 VICINITY: A-COMPLEX ON CHAMPAGNE ROAD. 3.1 MILES FROM RANGE CONTROL.</p><p>DESCRIPTION THIS RANGE HAS 16 LANES. EACH LANE CONSISTS OF 7 AUTOMATED TARGETS. THERE ARE TWO TARGETS AT 50 METERS, THE REMAINING TARGETS ARE AT 100, 150, 200, 250, AND 300 METERS. THE NUMBER OF HITS IS AUTOMATICALLY RECORDED AND A PRINT OUT IS PROVIDED. TWO CLASSROOMS AND LATRINE AVAILABLE.</p><p>TYPE AMMUNITION 7.62 MM BALL (.308) AND BELOW. ALL OTHER AUTHORIZED AMMUNITION MUST BE APPROVED BY RANGE CONTROL. 7.62 MM MATCH.</p><p>TARGET NONE, PLASTIC SILHOUETTE TARGETS ARE REQUIREMENTS PROVIDED. TARGET STANDS AVAILABLE WHEN UTILIZED AS A NON-AUTOMATED RANGE.</p><p>FIRING LINE 16 FIRING POINTS WITH CONCRETE FIGHTING POSITIONS PROVIDED.</p><p>A-4 --- Rifle Qualification Range LOCATION GRID: UM 915087 VICINITY: A-COMPLEX ON CHAMPAGNE ROAD. 3.7 MILES FROM RANGE </p><p>18 CONTROL.</p><p>DESCRIPTION THIS RANGE HAS 16 LANES. EACH LANE CONSISTS OF 7 AUTOMATED TARGETS. THERE ARE TWO TARGETS AT 50 METERS, THE REMAINING TARGETS ARE AT 100, 150, 200, 250, AND 300 METERS. THE NUMBER OF HITS IS AUTOMATICALLY RECORDED AND A PRINT OUT IS PROVIDED. CLASSROOM AND LATRINE AVAILABLE.</p><p>TYPE AMMUNITION 7.62 MM BALL (.308) AND BELOW. ALL OTHER AUTHORIZED AMMUNITION MUST BE APPROVED BY RANGE CONTROL.</p><p>TARGET NONE, PLASTIC SILHOUETTE TARGETS ARE REQUIREMENTS PROVIDED. TARGET STANDS AVAILABLE WHEN UTILIZED AS A NON AUTOMATED RANGE.</p><p>FIRING LINE 16 FIRING POINTS WITH CONCRETE FIGHTING POSITIONS PROVIDED.</p><p>A-5 --- Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT) Assault Course LOCATION GRID: UM 912087 VICINITY: A-COMPLEX ON CHAMPAGNE ROAD. 3.8 MILES FROM RANGE CONTROL.</p><p>TYPE AMMUNITION MILES WITH BLANK AMMUNITION. (37MM GAS AUTHORIZED GRENADES WITH AUTHORIZATION FROM RANGE CONTROL). THIS IS NOT A LIVE FIRE TRAINING SITE!</p><p>1. Description: This mock city is designed to provide individual and leader training in an urban environment. 2. Instructor/POC: a) One person will be designated as the primary POC b) The POC is responsible for the opening and closing the range as well as ensuring that all training is conducted safely. c) The use of riot control agents or Hexacloroethane-zinc (HC) white smoke requires prior approval from Range Control. d) The POC will ensure that the training site is cleaned up after use and cleared by a range control representative.</p><p>A-6 --- Confidence Obstacle Course LOCATION GRID: UM 925085 VICINITY: A-COMPLEX-SW CORNER OF JUNCTION OF GETTYSBURG AND CHAMPAGNE ROADS.</p><p>19</p><p>1. Description: The confidence/obstacle course is a 23-station site designed to develop individual physical fitness and confidence in their ability to negotiate obstacles. 2. Instructors: Using organizations will designate one individual to act as the OIC (no certification required) for the site. The OIC’s responsibilities include: a) Positioning themselves to monitor training on the site. b) Ensuring that all personnel are trained prior to running the course. c) Ensuring that a medical treatment and evacuation plan is in place in the event of an injury. 3. Training a) Every individual negotiating the course must receive training on the proper way to negotiate every obstacle on the course. b) The range packet for this site contains FM 21-20 which describes the proper way to negotiate every obstacle. c) Each obstacle has instructions posted with proper techniques for negotiating the obstacle. st d) The OIC will ensure a medical treatment and evacuation plan is in place. A 1 responder, with First Aid Kit is on site prior to range opening.</p><p>A-7 --- Rappel Tower LOCATION GRID: UM 926085 VICINITY: A-COMPLEX-SE CORNER OF GETTYSBURG AND CHAMPAGNE ROADS. 2.9 MILES FROM RANGE CONTROL.</p><p>1. Description: The rappel tower is 36 feet high and designed to facilitate training individuals in rappelling techniques. There are three separate stations. The west side provides cliff and overhang simulation. The north side is equipped with a skid that simulates helicopter rappelling. The east side is a straight wall with windows for building entry training. 2. OIC/Instructors: a) The rappel tower requires one OIC/INSTRUCTOR (on certification) & one or (possible two) additional instructor, one at the base of the tower and one at the top of the tower. b) The upper tower instructor is responsible for safe rigging and hookup (could be OIC). c) The instructor at the base is responsible for safe descent. d) The senior individual or training officer of each organization must certify in writing to Range Control prior to training, that their OIC/Instructor is qualified to conduct rappel training. 3. Training: a) All personnel must receive basic rappelling techniques training prior to any tower rappel. b) The OIC must ensure that a medical treatment and evacuation plan is in place prior to opening the range.</p><p>A-9 --- Practice Grenade Launcher LOCATION GRID: UM 917085 VICINITY: A-COMPLEX ON CHAMPAGNE ROAD. 3.5 MILES FROM RANGE </p><p>20 CONTROL. </p><p>DESCRIPTION 5 LANES. EACH LANE IS 30 METERS WIDE, 500 METERS LONG, AND HAS 4 FIRING POINTS.</p><p>TYPE AMMUNITION PRACTICE TYPE AMMUNITION ONLY. 37MM GAS AUTHORIZED GRENADES & ALL SHOTGUN AMMUNITION UP TO AND INCLUDING 10 GAGE.</p><p>TARGET TARGETS PERMANENTLY INSTALLED IAW FM 23-31. REQUIREMENTS</p><p>FIRING LINE 4 FIRING STATIONS EACH LANE.</p><p>A-11--- FERRELL LAKE LAND NAVIGATION COURSE LOCATION GRID: UM 909086 VICINITY: AT THE INTERSECTION OF CODY & CHAMPAGNE ROADS. 3.9 MILES FROM RANGE CONTROL.</p><p>DESCRIPTION RANGE IS USED FOR BASIC LAND NAVIGATION TECHNIQUES. THE RANGE HAS 22 POINTS, WHICH CAN BE CONFIGURED FROM 200-METER LEGS TO 1000-METER LEGS. PACE COUNT AREA IS PROVIDED ON SITE</p><p>A-12 --- 25 m Zero Range LOCATION GRID: UM 927087 VICINITY: A-COMPLEX ON CHAMPAGEN ROAD. 3.1 MILES FROM RANGE CONTROL. </p><p>DESCRIPTION REFLEXIVE FIRE AS PRE-A-14 RANGE.AS WELL AS 25 & 50 METER RANGE. CLASSROOM AVAILABLE</p><p>TYPE AMMUNITION 5.56 MM, 7.62 MM, 9 MM, AND SHOTGUN. AUTHORIZED</p><p>TARGET REQUEST THROUGH RANGE CONTROL. REQUIREMENTS</p><p>FIRING LINE 32 FIRING POINTS</p><p>RANGE CONTROL --- A-14 LIVE FIRE FACILITY LOCATION GRID: UM 928087 VICINITY: A-COMPLEX ON CHAMPAGNE ROAD. EAST OF THE A-12 RANGE. 3.1 21 MILES FROM RANGE CONTROL. DESCRIPTION IN DOOR LIVE FIRE FACILITY TYPE AMMUNITION 7.62 BALL (.308) AND BELOW. SEE TABLE 3-4 LIVE AUTHORIZIED FIRE FACILITY SOP. http://www.dma.state.mn.us/cpripley/ops/LiveFireFacilitySOP.doc TARGET REQUEST AUTO/NON AUTO THRU RANGE CONTROL. REQUIREMENTS OTHER TARGETS BY RANGE CONTROL APROVAL.</p><p>B-1 --- 25 m Zero Range LOCATION GRID: UM 924164 VICINITY: NORTH RANGE COMPLEX ON NORTH GETTYSBURG ROAD. 7.4 MILES FROM RANGE CONTROL.</p><p>DESCRIPTION 25 METER ZERO RANGE, 30 FIRING POINTS.</p><p>TYPE AMMUNITION 5.56 MM, 7.62 MM, 9 MM, .50 CAL. SNIPER RIFLE AND AUTHORIZED SHOTGUN.</p><p>TARGET REQUEST THROUGH RANGE CONTROL. REQUIREMENTS</p><p>FIRING LINE 60 METERS WIDE.</p><p>B-2 --- 25 m Zero Range LOCATION GRID: UM 924171 VICINITY: NORTH RANGE COMPLEX ON NORTH GETTYSBURG ROAD. 7.9 MILES FROM RANGE CONTROL.</p><p>DESCRIPTION 25 METER ZERO RANGE, 25 FIRING POINTS.</p><p>TYPE AMMUNITION 9 MM; 7.62 MM; 5.56 MM, .50 CAL. SNIPER RIFLE AND AUTHORIZED SHOTGUN.</p><p>TARGET REQUEST THROUGH RANGE CONTROL. REQUIREMENTS</p><p>C --- NBC Course LOCATION GRID: UM 927080 VICINITY: SOUTH GETTYSBURG ROAD. 2.4 MILES FROM RANGE CONTROL.</p><p>CACTF 1- Combined Arms Collective Training Facility LOCATION GRID: UM 9310007441 400 METERS NORTH EAST OF GETTYSBURG AND ARGONNE INTERSECTION</p><p>TYPE AMMUNITION MILES WITH BLANK AMMUNITION. AUTHORIZED THIS IS NOT A LIVE FIRE TRAINING SITE.</p><p>22 CACTF 2- Combined Arms Collective Training Facility LOCATION GRID UM 93169007471 400 METERS NORTH EAST OF GETTYSBURG AND ARGONNE INTERSECTION</p><p>TYPE OF AMMUNITION MILES WITH BLANK AMMUNITION. AUTHORIZED THIS IS NOT A LIVE FIRE TRAINING SITE. </p><p>CACTF 1 & 2 – Combined Arms Collective Training Facility 1. Description: This mock city is designed to provide individual and leader training in an urban environment. 2. Instructor/POC: a) One person will be designated as the primary POC b) The POC is responsible for the opening and closing the range as well as ensuring that all training is conducted safely. c) The use of riot control agents or Hexacloroethane-zinc (HC) white smoke requires prior approval from Range Control. d) The POC will ensure that the training site is cleaned up after use and cleared by a range control representative.</p><p>CTF- Collective Training Facility LOCATION GRID UM 9395107251 250 METERS NORTH WEST OF FORT RIPLEY AND ARGONNE INTERSECTION</p><p>TYPE OF AMMUNITION MILES WITH BLANK AMMUNITION. AUTHORIZED THIS IS NOT A LIVE FIRE TRAINING SITE. </p><p>F --- Biathlon Course, 60 FP LOCATION GRID: UM 906098 VICINITY: ON CODY ROAD. 4.5 MILES FROM RANGE CONTROL.</p><p>DESCRIPTION THIS IS A SKI AND SHOOT RANGE CONSISTING OF A SERIES OF SKI TRAILS, A 50 METER 22 CAL. 30 POINT RIFLE RANGE, AND A 30 POINT 25M ZERO RANGE FOR .22 AND 5.56MM. EACH POINT IS EQUIPPED WITH A TARGET HOLDER CAPABLE OF HOLDING FOUR 45 CENTIMETER OR SIXTEEN 15 CENTIMETER TARGETS ON A 2 FT. SQUARE TARGET FRAME.</p><p>TYPE AMMUNITION CAL.22, 5.56MM AND ALL STANDARD PISTOL AUTHORIZED AMMUNITION.</p><p>TARGET OFFICIAL BIATHLON LARGE AND SMALL BORE REQUIREMENTS TARGETS OR ANY APPROPRIATE TARGET DESIRED FOR TRAINING TROOPS. NEEDS TO BE COORDINATED WITH RANGE CONTROL. BIATHLON </p><p>23 TARGETS ARE FOR .22 CAL ONLY.</p><p>Engagement Skills Trainer LOCATION RECREATION CENTER, BLD #6-97</p><p>DESCRIPTION THE FATS IV SYSTEM IS AN INTERACTIVE COMPUTER SYSTEM THAT PROVIDES NUMEROUS TACTICAL SCENARIOS IN FIELD AND URBAN ENVIRONMENTS. IT ALSO HAS SHOOT/DON’T SHOOT SCENARIOS. IT IS A VALUABLE SYSTEM FOR FIRE CONTROL AND DISTRIBUTION TRAINING. THE SYSTEM PROVIDES TRAINERS WITH FEEDBACK ON SHOT/HIT RATIOS.</p><p>TYPE AMMUNITION SPECIAL M16, MACHINE GUN, AND PISTOLS AUTHORIZED PROVIDED</p><p>FIRING LINE 9 FIRING POINTS</p><p>East Range (Crack House) LOCATION GRID: UM 895135 VICINITY: LOCATED IN THE E.B. MILLER COMPLEX ON NORMANDY ROAD. 6.7 MILES FROM RANGE CONTROL.</p><p>DESCRIPTION EAST RANGE CRACK HOUSE PROVIDES NUMEROUS TACTICAL (LIVE FIRE) SCENARIOS IN FIELD AND URBAN ENVIRONMENTS. LIVE FIRE SCENARIOS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE RANGE CONTROL OFFICE A MINIMUM OF 72 hrs in advance of firing</p><p>TYPE AMMUNITION MATCH 308, M16, SHOTGUN, AND PISTOLS AUTHORIZED</p><p>North Range LOCATION GRID: UM 924166 VICINITY: LOCATED ON NORTH GETTYSBURG ROAD. PART OF THE E.B. MILLER COMPLEX. 7.6 MILES FROM RANGE CONTROL.</p><p>DESCRIPTION THIS RANGE HAS 8 LANES, CONSISTING OF 10 REMOTELY CONTROL ELECTRIC TARGETS PER LANE. TARGET RANGES FROM 10 METERS TO 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800. Lanes 2 & 5 has one 1000-meter target. CLASSROOM AVAILABLE</p><p>TYPE AMMUNITION MATCH 308, M16, SHOTGUN, PISTOLS, AND 50 CAL. AUTHORIZED</p><p>24</p><p>WALK THRU COURSE #1, #2, & #3 LOCATION COURSE #1 GRID UM 932107 VICINITY: LOCATED ON EAST BOUNDARY ROAD. 2.9 MILES FROM RANGE CONTROL. COURSE #2 GRID UM 933113 VICINITY: LOCATED ON EAST BOUNDARY ROAD. 3.3 MILES FROM RANGE CONTROL. COURSE #3 GRID UM 906122 VICINITY: LOCATED ON CODY. </p><p>DESCRIPTION THESE RANGES HAVE 2 LANES EACH COURSE. CONSISTING OF 10 REMOTELY CONTROL ELECTRIC TARGETS PER LANE. USED FOR LIVE FIRE 2 MAN TEAM TRAINING.</p><p>TYPE AMMUNITION SHOTGUN, PISTOL, AND 9MM SUBMACHINE GUNS AUTHORIZED</p><p>25 Appendix 2 (EXAMPLE OF WEAPONS SAFETY CERTIFICATION LETTER FOR RANGE CONTROL)</p><p>LINCOLN COUNTY SHERIFF 112 South Main Street Tucson, AZ 22250-3030</p><p>MEMORANDUM FOR Range Control, Camp Ripley, 15000 Highway 115, Little Falls, MN 56345-0150</p><p>SUBJECT: Safety Certification</p><p>1. I certify that the following individuals are properly trained, tested, and are weapons systems qualified for the weapons indicated:</p><p>Name Add Last 4 of SSN Weapon System Masterson, Bat XXXX Pistol, Shotgun Bonney, William XXXX Pistol, Sniper Rifle Hickock, William XXXX Pistol, Shotgun, MP5 Cassidy, Hopalong XXXX Rappel/CS</p><p>2. The individuals listed have completed the NRA instructor or equivalent course.</p><p>3. Please direct questions to the undersigned at 987-123-4567.</p><p>WYATT EARP Sheriff</p><p>26 Appendix 3 (Planning Guide)</p><p>Camp Ripley Planning Checklist</p><p>WHAT TO DO WHEN TO DO IT DATE COMPLETED</p><p>CALL CAMP RIPLEY OPERATIONS BEFORE (612) 632-7282/7337 SUBMITTING ANYTHING SEND REQUEST TO: NOT LATER THAN OFFICE OF THE POST COMMANDER 90 DAYS IF ATTN: JFHQ-CRC-O POSSIBLE PRIOR 15000 HWY 115, CAMP RIPLEY TO EVENT DATE LITTLE FALLS, MN 56345-4173 PROVIDE ROSTER OF INDIVIDUALS PRIOR TO USING STAYING IN MAID SERVICE FACILITIES QUARTERS TO HOUSING SIGN LEASE PRIOR TO USING CALL (320) 632-7282 & SEND TO FACILITIES CAMP RIPLEY OPERATIONS PROVIDE WEAPONS SERIAL PRIOR TO NUMBERS TO SECURITY (REF. ARRIVAL CHAPTER 4) PROVIDE NATIONAL RIFLE PRIOR TO ASSOCIATION INSTRUCTOR ARRIVAL COURSE, OIC/RSO CERTIFICATE TO RANGE CONTROL (REF. CHAPTER 4) REQUEST CANCELLATION OF NOT LATER THAN YOUR LEASE 30 DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT DATE INFORM OPERATIONS OF VIP’S PRIOR TO THAT WILL BE VISITING CAMP ARRIVAL RIPLEY TO ENSURE PROPER COURTESY IS PROVIDED.</p><p>Appendix 4 (Civilian Use Request Form)</p><p>27 *Please enclose a general letter of intent Name of Organization: Date Prepared:</p><p>Point of Contact: Phone Number:</p><p>Address: Fax Number:</p><p>City/State/Zip: E-mail:</p><p>Est. Time of Arrival: Other:</p><p>LEASE INFORMATION: Billeting: From Date/Time: To Date/Time: Number Persons: Maid Service Rooms (single rooms): Non-Maid Service (single rooms): Barracks Open Bay (# bays, kitchen, etc.):</p><p>Classrooms: From Date/Time: To Date/Time: Size: Training and Community Center Small - 1-20 People (TACC): Medium 21-40 people TACC Theater 207 people Education Center: Small 1-20 people Medium 21-40 people Large 41-96 people Education Center Computer Lab 10 people </p><p>Down Range: Med. Clasrms</p><p>Briefing Date/Time:______</p><p>Ranges: From (Date/Time) To (Date/Time) Ammo type -Matchgrade</p><p>Comments:</p><p>* Catering can be done by AAFES Snackbar at (320) 632-7412 or Site Support Dinning Facility (320) 632-7431 Return form to Operations Office, Camp Ripley, 15000 Highway 115, Little Falls, MN 56345-4173 Or by Fax at (320) 632-7702 A-14 LIVE FIRE FACILITY OPENING/CLOSING CHECKLIST</p><p>28 >>>OPENING<<<</p><p>1. Unit Designation:______Date:______</p><p>2. Range Designation:______</p><p>3. Name/Rank of OIC:______Last Four of SSN:______</p><p>4. Number of RSO’s on the range? ______</p><p>5. Name & Rank of RSO: ______Last Four of SSN:______</p><p>6. Name & Rank of RSO: ______Last Four of SSN:______</p><p>7. Name & Rank of RSO: ______Last Four of SSN:______</p><p>8. (a) Weapon/ (b) Ammunition (a)______(b)______(a)______(b)______</p><p>9. Medical Requirements: Medic______Vehicle______Aid Bag______Litter______</p><p>10. Range flag up? ______Range lights on? ______</p><p>11. Special Instructions (If Applicable):</p><p>12. You must maintain continuous communication with range control. A radio check must be made every hour, on the hour, while the range is open. Your next radio check will be at: ______>>>CLOSING<<<</p><p>1. Is the range flag down? ______Range light off? ______</p><p>2. Number of personnel on site?______Number of weapons fired?______</p><p>3. Number of rounds fired by Section: Lower Level: ______Caliber: ______DODIC: ______Upper Level North: ______Caliber: ______DODIC: ______Upper Level South: ______Caliber: ______DODIC: ______Range Closing time: ______Date: ______Posted on RFMSS by: ______RC Form 33 (FEB 2003)</p><p>Appendix 7</p><p>29</p><p>(NON-FIRE RANGE OPENING/CLOSING CHECKLIST) (A-5, A-6, A-8, A-11, C, Y-1, Y-2, OP-NO LASER)</p><p>- OPENING -</p><p>1. Unit Designation: ______</p><p>2. Range Designation: ______*** Note: Ranges A-5 when using 40MM TP and C range require OIC and RSO. ***</p><p>3. Name and Rank of OIC or POC: ______</p><p>4. Name and Rank of RSO (if required): ______** Note: Ranges A-5, A-6 and C require medical support on site or at one of the A complex ranges.**</p><p>5. Medical Support:: (a.) Location:______</p><p>(b.) Type: (Medic #) ____ (Vehicle Type) ______(Litter) _____(Aid Bag) _____</p><p>Special Instructions:</p><p>6. Range Flag/Blinking Light up? (Used only for OP – No Laser) ______</p><p>7. Hourly radio checks are not required, but the range must have communications with Range Control. If medics are not on site, they must maintain radio communications with the range.</p><p>8. Range Opening Time. (Given by Range Control) ______</p><p>- CLOSING - </p><p>1. Have you completed a Police Call and hauled all of the trash? ______</p><p>2. Is the range flag/blinking light down? (Used only for OP – No Laser) ______</p><p>3. Number of personnel on the range: ______</p><p>4. Requested clearance time: ______</p><p>5. Range Closing Time. (Given by Range Control): ______</p><p>ATS FORM 93 (JULY 00)</p><p>Appendix 8</p><p>30 (RANGE INCIDENT CHECKLIST)</p><p>Direct Fire</p><p>1. Command “Cease Fire Freeze”</p><p>Weapon fired out of designated safety limits.</p><p>OIC investigates to determine:</p><p>Personnel Injured.______</p><p>Equipment Damage. ______</p><p>General direction (out of limit) that weapon was fired. ______</p><p>Number of rounds fired. ______</p><p>Personnel were forward of established firing position.</p><p>OIC investigates to determine:</p><p>Personnel injured. ______</p><p>Equipment Damage. ______</p><p>Number of personnel forward of firing position. ______</p><p>Reason forward of position. ______</p><p>2. Notified Range Control on primary form of communication, and give following information.</p><p>Range Designation: ______</p><p>Name of unit: ______</p><p>Name and rank of person reporting incident: ______</p><p>Type of incident. ______</p><p>OIC investigation results. ______</p><p>3. Stand by for instructions from Range Control.</p><p>4. If accident/incident warrants investigation, Range Control may request unit to submit ATS Form 285-AB-R (Accident/ Incident Report).</p><p>5. Firing will resume upon approval from Range Control.</p><p>Appendix 9</p><p>31 Map To Camp Ripley</p><p>Appendix 10 (Camp Ripley Cantonment Area Map)</p><p>32 33</p>
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