<p>EGYPTIAN ARCHITECTURE</p><p>Influences 1. Geological : Along Nile River - Two Seas – Mediterranean and Red Sea</p><p>2. Geological: Stone is abundant, use for buildings, pyramids, tombs and temples. - Soft Stone – lime stone, sans stone, alabaster - Hard Stone – granite, quartile, basalt</p><p>3. Climate – 2 seasons – spring, summer</p><p>4. Religion – Pyramids were built for preservation of the bodies - Egyptian believed so strongly in an after life - Group of Gods A. Theban Triad B. Memphis Triad Ammon (Sun God) Ptah (Creator) Mut (Wife of Ammon) Sekhmet (Goddess of War) Knons ( Sun, Moon God) Nepertem ( Son) - Other Gods: Osiris – God of Death Hathor – Goddess of Love Isis – wife of Orisis Set -God of Evil Horus – sky God Serapis – Bull God 5. Historical & Social - their records of history were written in “papyra” and tablets - it is their custom to record history of temples and domestic and social interest on tombs and stelae (where the dead’s name is inscribed) - Egyptian literature has been preserved on papyri made from the pith of the ince abundant papyrus plant - The kings are called “pharaohs” or great house</p><p>The Pharaohs have been divided into 30 dynasties by: MANETHO</p><p>Wonders of Ancient Egypt 2,575 BC - 2,134 BC: Old Kingdom 1,550 BC -1,070 BC: New Kingdom Abu Ghurab Tombos Dahshur Piramesses Ras Budran Abu Simbel Step Pyramid of Djoser Amarna The Giza Pyramids Deir el Bahri The Sphinx Kush Kingdom 2,040 BC - 1,640 BC: Middle Kingdom Deir el Medina Abydos Tutankhamun's Tomb (Tomb of "King Karnak Tut") Thebes Luxor Temple Temples of Karnak Serabit el-Khadem Tell el Dab'a 1. Dynasties 1-11 (Ancient Kingdom) Menes – 1st Dynastic King a. First type of Egyptian tomb “Mastabas” b. Development of Hieroglyphic system c. Construction of the “Pyramid of Gizeh” 2. Dynasties 12-17 ( Middle Kingdom) a. Rock-cut tomb b. Erection of the first "Obelisk at Heliopolis” built by Senusret I c. Building of “Great Temple at Karnak”built by Amenenhat I 3. Dynasties 18-30 (New Empire kingdom) a. Construction of mountain side. Terrace Funerary temple at Der-El-Bahari for Queen Hatshepsut Note: 1. Obelisk – an Egyptian monolithic four-sided standing stone, tapering to a pyramidical cap, often inscribed with hieroglyphs and erected as a monument. 2. Stalae – where the name of the deceased is inscribed - Amenophis II - erected the famous colossi of Memnon - Rameses I – erected the Great Hypostyle at Karnak - Rameses II – erected and finish the Great Hypostyle at Karnak and Rock Temple at Abu-Simbel 4. Ptolemic Period – the reign of Ptolemy II who built the famous pharus of light house</p><p>ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTER 1. Consist of materials like reeds, papyrus and palm branch ribs, plastered over with clay. 2. Used domical roofing for circular plans and panel shaped of flat-roofing for rectangular plans. They developed “corce or torns” or “hollow and roll moldings”- (Egyptian Gorge) 3. Use of sun-dried mud bricks for dwellings and royal palaces. 4. Exterior wall – “round batter wall” with an inclination from top to bottom. 5. Columnar and trabeated style at their monumental structure. 6. Religion is the dominant element in their structure.</p><p>EXAMPLES OF EGYPTIAN ARCHITECTURE 1. Tomb Architecture ( 3 main types) a. Mastabas b. royal pyramids c. rock-hewn tombs.</p><p>MASTABA - a large ancient Egyptian stone tomb with sloping stone sides and a flat top, built over aburial ground or chamber - Stairway mastaba with 2 doors – for offering, false door used by the spirit - Provided offering chapel - Provided several rooms , a column hall Serdab – room for the statue of dead Offering room – with stalae an upright stone slab where the name of the deceased is inscribed - An offering table MASTABA 1stone facing 2 sacrificial chapel 3 tombstone 4 fill 5 shaft 6 masonry seal 7 stone slab 8 burial chamber 9 sarcophagus</p><p>- Mastaba K.1 at Beit Khallaf – has a massive stairway tomb of crude brick, typical of third dynasty - Mastabas at Gizeh – development of offering chapel, under-ground tomb chamber and sloping-sided superstructure having two widely spaced recesses on the long east side, the southern one of which serves as a false door, fourth dynasty - Mastaba of Thi, Sakkara – a large pillared court is attach to the north end of the east side, fifth dynasty Note: Sarcophagus – Egyptian coffin Porticuluses – a door separating the main burial ground</p><p>ROYAL PYRAMIDS – were built with immense outlay in labor and material, in the lifetime of Pharaohs concerned, to secure the preservation of the body after death till that time should have passed when, according to their belief of immortality, the soul would once more return to the body.</p><p>Kinds of Pyramid a. Stepped Pyramid b. Bent Pyramid c. Slop Pyramid</p><p>A. STEPPED PYRAMID</p><p>Step Pyramid of Zoser, Sakkara ( 2778 BC beginning of third dynasty) – first large-scale monumental stone. Imhoted – architect</p><p>Pyramid at Meydum – Huni, last king of third dynasty – 7 stepped structure Step or stepped pyramid complex, plan</p><p>PYRAMID COMPLEX</p><p>11 sacrificial altar 12 mortuary temple, funerary temple 13 step pyramid, stepped pyramid 14 court 15 south tomb 16 north house 17 south house 18 cult chapel 19 ceremonial or Jubilee court 20 entrance hall, colonnaded hall 21 surrounding wall 22 western platform</p><p>Step Pyramid Cross-Section</p><p>B.Bent Pyramid</p><p>Bent or South Pyramid of Senefru, Dahshur – (2723BC) – change the angle of inclination halfway up to 54˚ 15 minutes in the lower part to 43˚ in the upper Bent pyramid, rhomboid pyramid, cross section </p><p>Bent pyramid, Plan</p><p>C. Slope or True Pyramid</p><p>North Pyramid of Senefru, Dahshur – actual place of burial of Seneferu- true pyramid –similar angle to that of the upper part of the Bent pyramid</p><p>Great Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu), near Cairo – Cheops was the son of Seneferu the 2nd king of the Fourth dynasty. This is the famous and largest of the three on this site. (146.4m high and 230.6m square on plan)</p><p>Pyramid of Chephren (Khafra) – fourth dynasty, 2nd of the three at Gizeh (216m side and 143m high) (52˚20 minites)</p><p>Pyramid of Mykerinos ( Menkaura) – fourth dynasty – smaller than its two prodecessors at Gizeh (109m square and 66.5m high) ( 51˚)</p><p>GREAT PYRAMID ALPHA DRACONIS OSIRIS 1. principal entrance 2. ‘Queen’s Chamber’ 3. great ascending corridor 4. King’s Chamber 5. relieving vault 6. tunnel aligned with holy stars, or air shaft 7. false or unfinished burial chamber 8. dead-end or unfinished tunnel PYRAMIDS AND PYRAMID TEMPLES AT GIZA PYRAMID COMPLEX</p><p>A. Great Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops) 11. Western necropolis B. pyramid of Khafre (Chefren) 12. boat grave, boat pit C. pyramid of Menkaure (Mycerinus) 13. Eastern necropolis D. pyramid temple of Khufu (Cheops) 14. pyramid E. pyramid temple of Khafre (Chefren) 15. mortuary temple, pyramid temple F. pyramid temple of Menkaure (Mycerinus) 16. pyramid causeway G. valley temple of Khafre (Chefren) 17. valley temple H. valley temple of Menkaure (Mycerinus) 18. queen’s pyramid J. Great Sphinx 19. sphinx K. sphinx temple of Amenhotep II 20. sphinx temple L. 4th dynasty sphinx temple ROCK-HEWN TOMBS</p><p>Tombs, Beni Hasan – consist of chamber behind a porticoed façade plainly imitating wooden construction in the character of the eight or sixteen-sided, slightly fluted and tapered columns</p><p>Tomb of the Kings, Thebes – in the arid mountain on the west side of Nile Ramesses III, IV, IX- served only for the sarcophagus and funerary deposits Ex. (Ramesseum and Hatshetsut temple) </p><p>2. Temples – 2 classes Mortuary Temples– for ministration to deified Pharaohs Cult Temples – for the popular worship of the ancient and mysterious gods</p><p>Example: Temple of Khons, Karnak – cult temple- characterized by entrance pylons, court hypostyle hall, sanctuary and various chapels, all enclosed by a high girdle wall, the entrance pylon fronted by obelisk</p><p>Temple of Mentuhetep, Der el- Bahari, Thebes (Middle Kingdom 2065BC)- mortuary temple</p><p>Temple of Hatshepsut, Del er-Bahari, Thebes – (New Kingdom 1520BC) built by her architect, Senmut – mortuary temple . It is terraced similarly, but her place of burial lay far away in a corridor tomb in the mountains beyond, dedicated to Amun and other gods. </p><p>Great Temple of Amun, Karnak Thebes – (1530-323BC) the grandest of all Egyptia temple, work of many kings</p><p>Temple at Luxor, Thebes (1408-1300 BC) – Amenophis III, apart from a great forecourt, with pylons added to Rameses II. It was dedicated to the Theban triad, Amun,Mut and Khons</p><p>Ramesseum , Thebes (1301 BC) – mortuaty temple</p><p>Small temple, Abu-Simbel (1301 BC)- by Rameses II, close to the Great temple was dedicated to his deified Queen, Nefertari and the goddess Hathor. The façade is 27.4m wide and 12.2m high, and comprises six niches recessed in the face of the rock and containing 6 statues 10m high, 2 represent Rameses and one Neferteri on each side of the portal which leads to a vestibule and a hall. EGYPTIAN TEMPLES</p><p>Egyptian architecture architecture in ancient Egypt from c.2850 BC to the Roman conquest in 30 BC; it is characterized by stoneburial tombs, massive pylons and geometrical structures, the use of beam and post construction, and elegantly carved and coloured religious and mythical motifs</p><p>Pylon portal Old Kingdom the age of pyramid builders; the period of the 3rd to 6th dynasties of ancient Egyptian culture from 2778–2423 BC, characterized by monumental stone edifices, mastabas, pyramids, sphinxes and the first sun temples with obelisks and lotus, papyrus and palm columns</p><p>Middle Kingdom the period of ancient Egyptian culture during the 11th and 12th dynasties from 2150–1785 BC, in architecture characterized by modest brick-filled pyramids, sun and mortuary temples, Hathor columns and the rock-tombs of private citizens</p><p> tent shrine imitation and false or blind door New Kingdom the period of Egyptian culture during the time of the 18th to 20th dynasties, from 1580–1085 BC, characterized in architecture by the Amarna period and its temples, palaces, private dwellings and rock tombs</p><p> open-fronted tent shrine, mammisi CULT TEMPLE, PYLON TEMPLE</p><p>1. 1st pylons, c.320 BC 2. forecourt 3. birth house, mammisi 4. kiosk 5. pylon temple 6. 2nd pylons, c.1320 BC 7. hypostyle hall, c.1290–1250 BC 8. 3rd pylons 9. obelisks 10. 4th pylons 12. 5th pylons 13. 6th pylons 14. barque temple 15. temple court (Middle Kingdom) 16. festival hall 17. holy of the holies 18. ambulatory `Botanical garden´ TERRACED TEMPLE 20. outer court 21. sphinxes 22. ramps 23. colonnades (lower) 24. terrace (lower) 25. ramp to shrine</p><p>ROCK TEMPLE – MORTUARY TEMPLE 26. shrine (of goddess Hathor) 27. colonnades (upper) 28. chapel (chapel of Anubis) 29. Osiris pillars 30. chapel (of Hatshepsut) 31. ceremonial court 32. sun temple 33. inner sanctuary COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS</p><p>1. Plan – Symmetry is the most important rule in Egyptian Planning 2. Walls – Usually thick – (Interior – Hieroglyphics) (Exterior – Batten wall) Simplicity, Solidity, Grandeur, 3. Openings – Door opening, window are not used 4. Roofs- Flat rood 5. Column – Simple Forms of Support</p><p>EGYPTIAN COLUMNS AND CAPITALS</p><p>A. obelisk B. pyramidion C. palm capital, palmiform (plume capital ) D. papyrus capital, papyriform E. bud capital, closed bud capital, closed capital F. bell capital, blossom capital, campaniform, open capital G. lotus capital, lotiform, lily capital H. tent-pole capital</p><p> obelisk an Egyptian monolithic four-sided standing stone, tapering to a pyramidical cap (a pyramidion), often inscribed with hieroglyphs anderected as a monument</p><p> benben an ancient Egyptian short, slender obelisk with a polygonal cross section, symbolic of the rising sun and regeneration of life, often acult object of sun-worship in a sun temple lotus, lily forms of flowering lily [Nymphaea lotus (white lotus), Nymphaea caerulea (blue lotus), Nelumbo nucifera etc.] sacred in ancient Egyptian, Buddhist and Hindu culture; the blue water lily (Nymphaea caerulea) was the heraldic plant of Upper Egypt (Nile Valley) papyrus an ornamental motif found in classical and Egyptian architecture consisting of a series of stylized leaves from the papyrus plant, Cyperus papyrus, of the genus Cypereae, an aquatic sedge found in tropical and sub-tropical regions, from which a form of paper was produced; heraldic plant of Lower Egypt (Nile Delta)</p><p>1. proto-Doric column 11. heraldic column, Upper Egypt (lotus) 2. fluted column 12. heraldic column, Lower Egypt (papyrus) 3. papyrus column, papyriform column 13. baldachin column, tent-pole column 4. bundle column 14. composite colum (Hathor capital) 5. bundle column 15. Hathor column 6. palm column, palmiform column 16. sistrum 7. palm column, palmiform column 17. Hathor column 8. lotus column, lotiform column 18. Osiris column, Osiris pillar 9. composite column, complex column 19. benben 10. composite column,complex column 20. benben ROCK TOMB A. entrance B. passageEGYPTIAN GODS C. well1 RA, room RE – sun D. pillared2 OSIRIS hall – death, judgement E. side3 ISIS chamber – motherhood, protection F. antechamber4 HORUS – falcon, royalty G. burial5 SETH, chamber SET – storms, chaos, evil H. sarcophagus6 ATUM, TUM – sun, creator of all things 7 MIN – fertility SYMBOLS8 MAAT – order K. white9 AMUN, crown(Upper AMEN, AMON Egypt) – 'the unseen one' L. red10 crown(LowerMUT – mistress Egypt) of heaven M. 11combined KHONSU crown,double – moon 'the traveller'crown N. crook,12 HAPI staff; – the regal Nile's administrative fertility authority O. flail,13 NUT scourge; – the regalfirmament penal authority P. Djet15 SHU column – air – steadfastness Tomb14 GEB of –Ramses earth III, Valley of the Kings, Thebes,16 PTAH Egypt, – creation, 1184–1153 craftsmanship BC Q. ankh – key of life, key to the Nile Upper Egypt R. uraeus – guardian of the kings one of the two ancient Egyptian kingdoms, that which grew S. cartouche – Pharaonicinsignia along the banks of the river Nile (the other is Lower Egypt, T. ATEN, ATON – sundisc the Nile Delta), its Pharaoh wore the white crown, and its heraldic plant was the lotus, a species of water lily ANIMAL GODS 17 KHNUM – ram potter of mankind Lower Egypt 21 BASTET – cat protrectress of cats one of the two ancient Egyptian kingdoms, that which grew 18 HATHOR – cow love, dance out of the Nile Delta (the other is Upper Egypt, the Nile 22 SOBEK – crocodile the Nile valley), its Pharaoh wore the red crown, and its heraldic 19 ANUBIS – jackal the underworld, embalming 23 WADJET – cobra king's protector (Lower Egypt) plant was the papyrus 20 THOTH – sacred ibis `the divine scribe´, knowledge 24 SEKHMET – lion the destructive sun, war</p><p>EGYPTIAN GODS 1 RA, RE – sun 2 OSIRIS – death, judgement 3 ISIS – motherhood, protection 4 HORUS – falcon, royalty 5 SETH, SET – storms, chaos, evil 6 ATUM, TUM – sun, creator of all things 7 MIN – fertility 8 MAAT – order 9 AMUN, AMEN, AMON – 'the unseen one' 10 MUT – mistress of heaven 11 KHONSU – moon 'the traveller' 12 HAPI – the Nile's fertility 13 NUT – the firmament 15 SHU – air 14 GEB – earth 16 PTAH – creation, craftsmanship SPHINXES AND APOTROPES</p><p>A. winged sun disc, winged solar disc, feroher</p><p>B. eye of Horus, Wadjet eye C. scarab, dung-beetle, sacred scarabeus, Khepri</p><p> apotrope a symbolic statue, image or construction intended to provideprotection against evil spirits</p><p> sphinx a sculpted figure which has the prostrate body of a lion and thehead of a human (androsphinx) or other animal such as a ram</p><p>(criosphinx); especially prolific in an ancient Egyptian architecture</p><p> androsphinx a sphinx with a human head or upper body, usually that of a male</p><p> criosphinx a sphinx which has a ram’s headhieracosphinx a sphinx which has the head of a hawk 1 lamassu (Mesopotamian), EGYPTIAN SPHINXES Khorsabad, Iraq, 721–705 BC 2 sphinx (Phoenician), 7 androsphinx: human-headed sphinx Aleppo, Syyria c.900 BC Vatican Museum, Rome 3 sphinx (Asia Minor), 8 androsphinx: human-headed sphinx Samaria, Israel, 8th cent. BC Amenemhet III, 12.dynasty, c.1800 BC 4 sphinx (Asia Minor), 9 androsphinx: human-headed sphinx Asberg, Württemberg, Germany Thutmosis III, 18th dynasty, Rek-minh-re, Thebes, 500 BC Egypt 5 sphinx (Greek), 10 criosphinx: ram-headed sphinx Priene, Greece, 7th cent. BC 11 hieracosphinx: falcon-headed sphinx 6 hieracosphinx (Mycenaean), Mediggo, Palestine, 13th cent. BC</p><p>FIGURED COLUMNS</p><p>Hathor column: Egyptian Osiris column, Osiris pillar: Egyptian </p>
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