<p> UNIVERSITY OF UŞAK ENGINEERING FACULTY DEPARTMENT OF TEXTILE ENGINEERING- ECTS </p><p>1ST YEAR 1ST SEMESTER</p><p>Code Courses Compulsory/ Theoretic Practice Total ECTS Elective 101 Mathematics I C 4 0 4 5 111 Physics I C 3 1 4 5 133 Inorganic Chemistry C 2 0 2 3 131 Organic Chemistry C 2 1 3 3 105 Technical Drawing I C 2 1 3 3 145 Introduction to Textile Engineering C 2 0 2 2 135 Natural Fibers C 2 1 3 3 129 Turkish Language I C 2 0 2 0 121 Foreign Language I (English/ French/ C 3 0 3 3 German) 127 Principles of Atatürk and Recent C 2 0 2 0 Turkish History I 117/119 Physical Training/Fine Arts C 2 0 2 0 147 Usage of Basic C 1 2 3 2 Information Technology</p><p>1ST YEAR 2ND SEMESTER</p><p>Code Courses Compulsory/ Theoretic Practice Total ECTS Elective 102 Mathematics II C 4 0 4 5 104 Physics II C 3 1 4 5 108 Statics C 2 0 2 3 110 Technical Drawing II C 2 1 3 3 142 Materials C 1 1 2 3 144 Basic Computer Science C 2 2 4 4 126 Chemical Fibers C 2 0 2 2 124 Textile Chemistry C 2 0 2 3 114 Turkish Language II C 2 0 2 0 116 Foreign Language II (English/ C 3 0 3 3 French/ German) 122 Principles of Atatürk and Recent C 2 0 2 0 Turkish History II </p><p>2ND YEAR 1ST SEMESTER</p><p>Code Courses Compulsory/ Theoretic Practice Total ECTS Elective 217 Mathematics III C 4 0 4 5 201 Dynamics C 2 1 3 3 233 Machine Elements C 2 0 2 2 235 Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer C 4 0 4 4 205 Strength of Materials C 2 1 3 3 221 Principles of Spinning C 3 0 3 3 229 Practice of Spinning C 0 2 2 2 225 Principles of Weaving C 3 0 3 4 231 Practice of Weaving C 0 2 2 2</p><p>2ND YEAR 2ND SEMESTER</p><p>Code Courses Compulsory/ Theoretic Practice Total ECTS Elective 218 Mathematics IV C 2 2 4 5 234 Mechanisms C 2 0 2 3 236 Statistics C 3 0 3 3 204 Principles of Garment Technology C 3 0 3 4 228 Practice of Garment Technology C 0 2 2 2 222 Principles of Knitting C 2 0 2 2 226 Practice of Knitting C 0 2 2 2 240 Principles of Textile Finishing C 3 0 3 3 232 Practice of Textile Finishing C 0 2 2 2 238 Business Administration C 2 0 2 2 248 Industrial Practical Training C 0 0 0 4</p><p>3RD YEAR 1ST SEMESTER Code Courses Compulsory/ Theoretic Practice Total ECTS Elective 323 Physical Textile Testing I C 2 2 4 5 307 Texturing C 2 0 2 3 325 Spinning Technology I C 3 1 4 4 313 Woven Fabric Construction C 3 1 4 5 329 Technology of Textile Finishing C 3 1 4 4 331 Weft Knitting C 2 1 3 4 335 Polymer Chemistry E 2 0 2 2 337 Filament Spinning E 2 0 2 2 339 Occupational Safety and Health in E 2 0 2 2 Textile Industry 341 Technical English I E 2 0 2 2</p><p>3RD YEAR 2ND SEMESTER</p><p>Code Courses Compulsory/ Theoretic Practice Total ECTS Elective 326 Physical Textile Testing II C 2 2 4 5 304 Nonwovens C 2 0 2 3 328 Spinning Technology II C 3 1 4 4 330 Technology of Dyeing and Printing C 3 1 4 4 332 Warp Knitting C 2 1 3 4 334 Preparation of Weaving C 3 1 4 4 302 Dynamics of Machine C 2 0 2 3 336 Dyestuff Chemistry E 2 0 2 2 338 Technology of Sewing Threads E 2 0 2 2 342 Technical English II E 2 0 2 2 340 Industrial Practical Training C 0 0 0 4</p><p>4TH YEAR 1ST SEMESTER</p><p>Code Courses Compulsory/ Theoretic Practice Total ECTS Elective 401 Cost Accounts C 2 0 2 4 403 Graduation Project I C 0 2 2 6 427 Apparel Technology I C 2 1 3 4 429 Chemical Textile Testing C 2 1 3 4 431 Weaving Machines C 3 1 4 5 415 Technical Textiles C 2 0 2 3 433 Modern Spinning Systems C 1 1 2 3 435 Physical Textile Testing III E 2 0 2 2 437 Analysis of Woven Fabric E 2 0 2 2 439 Environmental Chemistry E 2 0 2 2 441 Colour Knowledge E 2 0 2 2 434 Leather Garment Technology E 2 0 2 2</p><p>4TH YEAR 2ND SEMESTER</p><p>Code Courses Compulsory/ Theoretic Practice Total ECTS Elective 402 Quality Control C 2 1 3 5 404 Graduation Project II C 0 2 2 6 408 Factory Organization in Textile C 2 0 2 3 Industry 410 Time and Work Study C 2 0 2 3 426 Apparel Technology II C 2 1 3 4 442 Operational Research C 2 0 2 3 424 Computer Applications in Textile C 2 0 2 3 Engineering 432 High Performanced Special Fabrics E 2 0 2 2 420 Automatic Control E 2 0 2 2 436 Analysis of Knitted Fabric E 2 0 2 2 440 Textile Auxiliary Materials E 2 0 2 2 428 Economy E 2 0 2 2</p><p>101 MATHEMATICS I</p><p>101 Mathematics I (4-0) 4 (ECTS: 5)</p><p>Year/Semester 1st Year/ 1st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Limits of functions Differentiation Continuity Derivative and differentiability of functions Drawing graphics Applications of Derivative Indefinite Integral and Integrals of Functions Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course This course aims at teaching basic mathematical skills required in other courses. During the course, students learn fundamental mathematical concepts and methods Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assoc. Prof.Alaattin AKTAŞ</p><p>111 PHYSICS I</p><p>111 Physics I (3-1) 4 (ECTS: 5)</p><p>Year/Semester 1st Year/ 1st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Vectors, balance, moment, linear movement Newton’s second law Gravitational force, work-energy, Planar movements, Impulse and momentum Rotational movements, elasticity Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course This course emphasizes on fundamental physics concepts and laws.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Prof. Dr. Veli Kemal CEYLAN</p><p>133 ANORGANIC CHEMISTRY</p><p>133 Anorganic Chemistry (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 3)</p><p>Year/Semester 1st Year/ 1st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Basic units of materials: atoms and molecules Chemical bonds. Introduction to Wave Mechanics Electromagnetic Radiation, energy and wave length calculations, Heisenberg relation Gases, liquids an solids Solutions, asits and alkalies Coordination compounds and formation bond theories of complexes Introduction to thermodynamics Definition of electrochemistry, batteries, electrolysis and corosion Inorganic biochemistry. Inorganic polimers, nanomaterials. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The aim of this course is to introduce students chemistry. A lot of textile processes uses chemical treatments and reactions. For the continuity of quality and successful processes, students must be equipped with basic chemistry knowledge. Materials and fibers used in textile are chemical compounds. The physicochemical properties of these materials, are the result of chemical properties. The textile engineering that is equipped with chemistry knowledge, makes the selection of textile processes and chemicals consciously.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr.Muhsin İDER</p><p>131 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY</p><p>131 Organic Chemistry (2-1) 3 (ECTS: 3)</p><p>Year/Semester 1st Year/ 1st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Definition of organic chemistry and its area Alkanes, alkenes and alkines Stereochemistry Carbonil compounds and aliphatic compounds with azot Carbonhydrates Aromatic compounds Natural compounds and biochemical molecules Introduction to heterocyclic materials chemistrylides Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course Organic chemistry includes the production and reactions of the chemicals that are used in textile industry. Organic chemistry is carbon chemistry. Approximately 1.5 million material is examined in this science. Leather, textiles, dyes, natural fibers are examined in organic chemistry. The aim of this course is to teach students the chemicals that are used in textiles. Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr.Muhsin İDER</p><p>105 TECHNICAL DRAWING I</p><p>105 Technical Drawing I (2-1) 3 (ECTS: 3)</p><p>Year/Semester 1st Year/ 1st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Definition and improtance of technical drawing Definition of materials that are used for drawing Information about norm, paper, line, writing norms, basic geometric drawings, rights, parallels, divisions, tangents, curves Principles of projection and parallel projection, perpendicular projections of point, line, plane and matters, three view drawings of them Finding developments and real dimensions, measure and measuring concepts, technics of measurement, technics and types of taking cross- section Perspective type that is obtained with right paralel projections, isometric, dimetric perspectives, perspectives that are obtained with inclined paralel projections. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course Technical Drawing is a language that belongs to all engineers and technical workers. Both engineers and technical workers benefit from this associated language to transmit their ideas to the others. This course makes students to understand the methods tha are used in solving problems and provides constitution of the engineering formation which is required for creating projects. </p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Lect.Namık LEBLEBİCİER</p><p>145 INTRODUCTION TO TEXTILE ENGINEERING</p><p>145 Introduction to Textile Engineering (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 2)</p><p>Year/Semester 1st Year/ 1st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents What is Textile? Scope of textile engineering. Textile processes Knowledge on spinning, finishing, knitting, weaving, textile chemistry and fibres, garment technology. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course During this course, students learn the scope of textile engineering, general knowledge about textiles and textile processes.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mevlüt TERCAN</p><p>135 NATURAL FIBERS</p><p>135 Natural Fibers (2-1) 3 (ECTS: 3)</p><p>Year/Semester 1st Year/ 1st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Definition of fibres, fibre classification, comparison of natural and synthetic fibres Fibre properties and their effects to final-product use Vegetable fibres, cotton, cotton harvesting, physical and chemical properties Linen, jute, ramie fibres and their specifications Animal fibres, wool, mohair, angora, silk. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The aim of this course is to introduce textile fibres. During the course, students learn types of natural fibres, their classification and properties. </p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading 1. Harmancıoğlu, M., Yazıcıoğlu G., ‘’Bitkisel Lifler’’, Ege Üniversitesi Matbaası, (1979) 2. Cook, G., ‘’Handbook of Textile Fibers 1’’, Merrow Publishing Co. Ltd., (1984) 3. Morton, W.E., Hearle, J.W.S., ‘’Physical Properties of Textile Fibers’’, Textile Institute, (1986) Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr.A. Ebru TAYYAR</p><p>129 TURKISH LANGUAGE I</p><p>129 Turkish Language I (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 0) Year/Semester 1st Year/ 1st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents What is a Language?, Language and Culture, Relation Between Language and Culture and The Position of Language in Nation Life, Liveliness of Language, Languages in Earth, How Can Languages be Born? Languages According to Structures, Languages According to Origins, The Position of Turkish Language in Other Languages, Historical Development of Turkish Language, Terms and Works of Art, Supposed Terms, Basic Altay Language Unity, Prior Turkish, Followed Terms, First Turkish, Ancient Turkish, Middle Turkish, Recent Turkish, Modern Turkish, Efforts of Purifing The Foreign Words That Joined to Turkish Language and Our Language Revolution, Alphabets That Turks Used and Turkish Alphabet, Is Turkish a Rich Language? Voice knowledge, Voice, Voices of Turkish Language, Harmony of Voices, Principle Voice Events in Turkish Words, Principle Voice Properties in Turkish Words, Form (Shape) Knowledge, Word, Origin and Affix, Methods of Greeting Concepts in Turkish and Methods of Building Words, Classificaiton of Affixes, Conjugation Affixes, Construction Affixes, Word Knowledge, Nouns, Noun Conjugation Affixes, Noun Phrases, Adjectives, Adjective Phrases, Prononus, Adverbs, Verbs, Person Affixes in Verbs, Tenses in Verbs and Moods, Tense Conjugation, Simple Conjugation, Additional Verb, Compound Verbs With Nouns, Compound Conjugation With Verbs, Verbals, Verb Structure, Prepositions, Word Types According to Meaning Properties, Word groups and Sentence Knowledge, Elements of Sentences, Types of Sentences. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The aim of this course is to teach students structural properties of Turkish language, to provide students to acquire ability of correct usage of Tukish language (verbal and written)</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Lect. Dr. İbrahim ÖZKAN</p><p>121 FOREIGN LANGUAGE I</p><p>121 Foreign Language I (3-0) 3 (ECTS: 3)</p><p>Year/Semester 1st Year/ 1st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents The simple present tense of the verb to be, Possesive adjectives, Positive sentences, negative sentences, and questions with the verb to be, Indefinite articles: a/ an, Singular and plural nouns, Jobs, The simple present tense, Positive sentences, negative sentences, and questions with the auxiliaries do / does, Adverbs of frequency: always, sometimes, usually, often, never, once …, twice, What time is it? Telling the time, What day is it? Telling the days, What month is it? Telling the months, Ability with can / can’t, and, but, because, so, or, There is/ There are. Positive, negative, question, Prepositions: on, in, between, under, opposite, next to, near, behind, in front of, Some / any, Count/ Uncount nouns, Infinitives with like, would like, need, want, Suggestions with Let’s, The Present Progressive Tense, Time expressions: now, at the moment, Questions and sentences with Think, The Simple Past tense with regular verbs, The Simple Past Tense with irregular verbs, Time expressions: ….. ago, yesterday, last.</p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The aim of this course is to teach students English from the beginning level and to increase students’ word repertory, grammer knowledge. </p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Lect. Şeyda SANLI</p><p>127 PRINCIPLES OF ATATURK AND RECENT TURKISH HISTORY I</p><p>127 Principles of Atatürk and Recent Turkish History I (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 0)</p><p>Year/Semester 1st Year/ 1st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Recession of The Ottoman Society and State Order and Reforms Collapse of the Ottoman Empire and The Beginning of National Struggle Organizing of National Struggle in Anatolia by Mustafa Kemal The Beginning of First T.B.M.M. Military and political developments between 1920 and 1922 Revolutions and Reactions Establishment of Constitutional System Domestic and Foreign Politics in Republic Term The General Properties of Turk Revolutions and The Idea Trends that Effect Them Reforms in Law, Education, Economy and Social Life Principles of Atatürk and General Characteristics of These Principles Evaluation of Kemalsim From The Ideological Point of View Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The course objective is to explain the circumstances under which the Republic of Turkey was founded and to relat pupils to Atatürk's principles, which form the basis of national sovereignty. The course aims to enable students to gain a concept of Atatürk's leading and revolutionary aspect, his idea of non-racist nationalism, and his efforts in constituting global peace, along with his military astuteness.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr.Sadiye TUTSAK</p><p>117 PHYSICAL TRAINING</p><p>117 Physical Training (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 0)</p><p>Year/Semester 1st Year/ 1st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Physical training and sports knowledge First aid and nourishing knowledge Volleyball, basketball, football, table tennis, badminton branches.</p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The aim of this course is to give informations about health and sports, to provide students to be fit, skillful, moral and also provide them to gain playing sports habit. </p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Lect. Nuri KARABULUT</p><p>119 FINE ARTS</p><p>119 Fine Arts (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 0)</p><p>Year/Semester 1st Year/ 1st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Turks and their arts before Islamism: Hun art, Gokturk monuments, Uygur art Turks and their arts after Islamism: Turk architectural, Turk carpet art, Turk fabric art, Turk tile art, Turk miniature art Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The aim of this course is to make students understand the Turk Art.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Lect.Kartal ŞAHİN</p><p>147 USAGE OF BASIC INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY</p><p>147 Usage of Basic Information Technology (1-2) 3 (ECTS: 2)</p><p>Year/Semester 1st Year/ 1st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents What is the computer?, Personel Computers (PC), Introduction to computer hardware and software, Computer and our health, Operation systems, number systems, ASCII Codes, Usage of keyboard, word processing (Microsoft Word), Practice of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Practice of Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint, Practice of Microsoft Powerpoint. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The main objective of this course is to provide students with understanding of the computing technology that forms the information age. Textbook / Recommended Reading 1.Temel Bilgi Teknolojileri Kullanımı, Doç.Dr Ö.Faruk BAY, Y.Doç.Dr.O.Ayhan ERDEM, Hüseyin DEMİREL, Bünyamin CİYLAN, Bilgehan ERKAL, 2002, ANKARA. 2. Excel 2003 Bible, John Walkenbach, September 19, 2003. 3. “How to Do Everything with Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003”, Ellen Finkelstein, September 12, 2003. Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr.Mehmet AKTAŞ</p><p>102 MATHEMATICS II</p><p>102 Mathematics II (4-0) 4 (ECTS: 5)</p><p>Year/Semester 1st Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Drawing of Graphs, Riemann Integrals and Properties, Change of Variables, Indefinite Integrals and the Methods of finding primitive, Improper Integrals and Convergence, Applications of the Definite Integrals (Area, Volume, Length of curves, Area of a surface). Taylor, Maclaurin and Fourier series. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The aim of the course is to develop students’ mathematical thinking skills. Integral theory and its applications are also given. Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assoc. Prof.Alaattin AKTAŞ</p><p>104 PHYSICS II</p><p>104 Physics II (3-1) 4 (ECTS: 5)</p><p>Year/Semester 1st Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Electric fields Gauss Law Electrical potential, current and resistance, DC current, magnetic fields Faraday Laws, Induction, AC current Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course During the course, the students learn fundamental physics concepts and laws.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Prof. Dr. Veli Kemal CEYLAN</p><p>108 STATICS </p><p>108 Statics (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 3)</p><p>Year/Semester 1st Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Essentials of general mechanics Planar force systems 3D space force systems, rigid objects, equal force systems Rigid object balance Planar force-center of mass Grid systems Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course This course provides valuable tools for the other courses. During the course, the students learn fundamental statics concepts and laws.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assoc. Prof.Osman ASI 110 TECHNICAL DRAWING II</p><p>110 Technical Drawing II (2-1) 3 (ECTS: 3)</p><p>Year/Semester 1st Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Surface states, controls of roughness, new and old surface quality symbols and demonstrations with pictures, Tolerances and exercises, ISO Tolerance System, Normal Pivot, Normal Hole Exercise Systems, Application studies about shape and position, Drawing of fitting and piece production pictures, points that must be paid attention, piece lists, fitting diagrams, binding types, motion elements, Compliting of missing pieces in simple system fitting pictures, Drawing of fitting and piece production pictures given schematically, Preparation of fitting and piece production pictures that are appropirate to the problem. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course Technical Drawing is a language that belongs to all engineers and technical workers. Both engineers and technical workers benefit from this associated language to transmit their ideas to the others. This course makes students to understand the methods tha are used in solving problems and provides constitution of the engineering formation which is required for creating projects. </p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Lect.Namık LEBLEBİCİER</p><p>142 MATERIALS </p><p>142 Materials (1-1) 2 (ECTS: 3)</p><p>Year/Semester 1st Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Definition , classification and general properties of materials used in machine construction Material evaluation methods Structural toughness- measurement technique, material strength tests, inner structure of materials. Compound materials, iron-steel, iron-carbon. Steel norms, non-iron materials Plastics Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course During this course, students learn materials used in machine construction, and their structure, properties and classification. Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assoc. Prof.Osman ASI</p><p>144 BASIC COMPUTER SCIENCE</p><p>144 Basic Computer Science (2-2) 4 (ECTS: 4)</p><p>Year/Semester 1st Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Controls and Objects File operations Variable definition and usage Operators Block control expressions Characteristic and numeric functions Operations on files and indexes Preparing Procedure and Function Projects Specification of Visual Basic Forms and Properties Events Applied on Forms Methods Applied on Forms MDI Property Form Ready Forms and Models Label, Textbox, Command Button, Approval Boxes, Radio Buttons, Frames, Horizontal and vertical Sliding Bars, List Boxes Controls Picture Box, Image, Line, Shape, Timer, Updown and Slider Controls Preparing Menu and Tool Bars Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course In this course the basic concepts of Microsoft Visual Basic programming language will be given. Students will understand the programming logic and learn to write programs in Windows. </p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr.Erkan TÜRKER</p><p>126 CHEMICAL FIBERS</p><p>126 Chemical Fibers (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 2) Year/Semester 1st Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents History of regenerated and synthetic fibres, Classification of chemical fibres, the production and consumption rate of fibres in the world and Turkey. Basic properties of chemical fibres and their polymerization reactions. Degree of polymerization, molecular weight, copolymers, fibre spinning methods, spinnerets. Regenerated fibres, the production of regenerated cellulose fibres, nitrate method, viscose method, copper method. Acetate fibres, cellulose triacetate and 2.5 acetate fibres. Regenerated protein fibres, their properties and production methods. Alginate fibres Synthetic fibres (polyester, polyamide 6 and 6.6, elastomer, polyacrylonitrile, polyurethane), their production methods, chemical structures, fibre properties and usage area. Inorganic fibres Carbon fibres, their production methods and properties. Glass fibres, raw materials used in fibre production, fibre spinning methods and their properties. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course This course covers production and properties of regenerated and cellulosic fibres. </p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Prof. Dr. Necdet SEVENTEKİN</p><p>124 TEXTILE CHEMISTRY</p><p>124 Textile Chemistry (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 3)</p><p>Year/Semester 1st Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Cellulose fibres, chemical structure of cellulose macromolecules The morphologies, chemical properties and modifications o cellulose fibres. Chemical properties of protein fibres. Synthetic fibres and their morphologies Chemical structures and properties of PES, PA, PAC fibres. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course This course covers chemical structures and chemical properties of fibres. </p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Prof. Dr. Necdet SEVENTEKİN</p><p>114 TURKISH LANGUAGE II</p><p>114 Turkish Language II (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 0)</p><p>Year/Semester 1st Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Composition art, Importance of composition, Written composition, Planning in written composition, Verbal composition, Types of speaking, Types of expression, Methods of idea development, Types of literature, biography, dissertation, article, letter, tale, novel, drama, scientific research methods, rules performed preparing scientific writings, writing of preface, giving psotscript, arrangement of bibliography, index, abbreviations. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Lect. Dr. İbrahim ÖZKAN</p><p>116 FOREIGN LANGUAGE II</p><p>116 Foreign Language II (3-0) 3 (ECTS: 3)</p><p>Year/Semester 1st Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Past Ability with could, Positive sentences, negative senences, and questions with could, The Future with be going to, Positive sentences, negative sentences and questions with be going to, Gerunds and infinitives, The Future with will, Positive sentences, negative sentences and questions with will Time expressions: …. later, tomorrow, After, before, when, Obligation with have to, has to, had to, Object pronouns, The Past Progressive Tense, Positive sentences, negative sentences, and questions with the Past Progressive, Clauses with when/ while, Nonspecific amounts, Sequence of adjectives, Comparative and Superlative, Conditional Clauses: Type 1, Possesive Pronouns, Adverbs of Manner, Reflexive Pronouns.</p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The aim of this course is to teach students English from the beginning level and to increase students’ word repertory, grammer knowledge</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Lect. Şeyda SANLI</p><p>122 PRINCIPLES OF ATATURK AND RECENT TURKISH HISTORY II</p><p>122 Principles of Atatürk and Recent Turkish History II (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 0)</p><p>Year/Semester 1st Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Recession of The Ottoman Society and State Order and Reforms Collapse of the Ottoman Empire and The Beginning of National Struggle Organizing of National Struggle in Anatolia by Mustafa Kemal Pasha The Beginning of First T.B.M.M. Military and political developments between 1920 and 1922 Revolutions and Reactions Establishment of Constitutional System Domestic and Foreign Politics in Republic Term The General Properties of Turk Revolutions and The Idea Trends that Effect Them Reforms in Law, Education, Economy and Social Life Principles of Atatürk and General Characteristics of These Principles Evaluation of Kemalsim From The Ideological Point of View Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The course objective is to explain the circumstances under which the Republic of Turkey was founded and to relat pupils to Atatürk's principles, which form the basis of national sovereignty. The course aims to enable students to gain a concept of Atatürk's leading and revolutionary aspect, his idea of non-racist nationalism, and his efforts in constituting global peace, along with his military astuteness.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr.Sadiye TUTSAK</p><p>217 MATHEMATICS III</p><p>217 Mathematics III (4-0) 4 (ECTS: 5) Year/Semester 2 nd Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Solutions and the Existence Uniqueness Theorem; First Order Equations: Separable Equations, Linear Equations, Homogeneous Equations, Exact Equations and Integrating Factors, Geometric Construction of a Solution, Geometrical Problems, Orthogonal and Oblique Trajectories; Higher Order Linear Differential Equations, Homogeneous Constant Coefficient Equations, the Method of Undetermined Coefficients, the Method of Variation of Parameters, Cauchy-Euler Equation, An Operator Method; The Laplace Transform, Solution of Initial Value Problems, The Convolution Integral. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The aim of the course is to develop basic skills in solving second order linear differential equations analytically and to serve as the foundation of all advanced subjects in applied and theoretical mathematics. </p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assoc. Prof.İsa YEŞİLYURT</p><p>201 DYNAMICS</p><p>201 Dynamics (2-1) 3 (ECTS: 3)</p><p>Year/Semester 2 nd Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Material points’ kinematics, kinetics force- mass and acceleration work and energy Impulse and momentous. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course This course aims at developing students’ understanding of dynamic problems. During the course, students learn kinematics, work and energy, impulse.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr.Halit GÜN</p><p>233 MACHINE ELEMENTS 233 Machine Elements (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 2)</p><p>Year/Semester 2 nd Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Fundamentals of machine element design. Tolerance, standard and norms. Tables and measurement norms. Theories of fatigue, stress concentration Basic concepts of design: factors of safety, reliability. Material selection. Joints: riveted, welded, soldered. Screws and screw fastenings, shafts, keys, pins, springs Power transmissions and drive systems Bearings, lubrication. Machine elements in textile machinery Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course During this course, students learn design specifications of machine elements, tolerances, standards and norms. Specific examples from textile machinery are also given.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assoc. Prof.Osman ASI</p><p>235 THERMODYNAMICS AND HEAT TRANSFER</p><p>235 Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer (4-0) 4 (ECTS: 4)</p><p>Year/Semester 2 nd Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Thermodynamics: Basic principles of Thermodynamics, Definition of entalphy, entropy and work, The thermodynamic laws, Power cycles: Carnot heat machine and Rankine cycle, cooling cycles, Thermodynamics of continuous flow systems. Heat Transfer: Basic definitions of conduction, convection and radiation heat transfer. Introduction of heat exchangers, heat transfer coefficients and heat exchanger design. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course General consepts and laws of thermodynamics and heat transfer are given from engineering point of view.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Prof. Dr. Veli Kemal CEYLAN</p><p>205 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS</p><p>205 Strength of Materials (2-1) 3 (ECTS: 3)</p><p>Year/Semester 2 nd Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Inner tensional analyze of axially and non-axially loaded systems. Elastically shape change under axially and non-axially loaded systems and its analysis. Reliable and economical structural design of loaded systems. Production of loaded systems with calculating dimensions in confidence limits from the strain and shape change point of view. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course During strength of materials course, students learn the basic knowledge about working and resistance of machines, devices and products.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assoc. Prof.Osman ASI</p><p>221 PRINCIPLES OF SPINNING</p><p>221 Principles of Spinning (3-0) 3 (ECTS: 3)</p><p>Year/Semester 2nd Year/ 1st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Fiber parameters that effect yarn parameters Methods of yarn numbering Calculation of folding twist number Kinematics calculations Arrangement of yarn plan Cotton yarn production methods Wool yarn production methods Linen/ hemp/ jute yarn production methods Filament and “Tow-to-Top” Technology Texture technology Fancy yarn technology Modern yarn production methods Yarn geometry Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course All basic information that is required from the raw materials to the yarn production is explained. Textbook / Recommended Reading Various books and brochures related to the yarn spinning systems </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr. M Emin YÜKSEKKAYA</p><p>229 PRACTICE OF SPINNING</p><p>229 Practice of Spinning (0-2) 2 (ECTS: 2)</p><p>Year/Semester 2nd Year/ 1st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Yarn systems, drawing, twisting and folding, motion transmission systems, calculations Cotton spinning systems; carded and combed cotton yarns Wool spinning systems; woolen, worsted and semi worsted yarns Open end rotor yarn spinning system Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course Spinning process affects yarn properties. This course is important because students can benefit from this knowledge in other lectures. The knowledge that students will need while working in a textile or garment technology factory is given in this course Textbook / Recommended Reading Various books and brochures related to the yarn spinning systems</p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr. M Emin YÜKSEKKAYA</p><p>225 PRINCIPLES OF WEAVING</p><p>225 Principles of Weaving (3-0) 3 (ECTS: 4)</p><p>Year/Semester 2 nd Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Introduction to weaving technology, formation of woven fabric and woven fabric classification Definition of weaving machines and their classification. Definiton of Preparation Units of Warp and Weft Yarns Basic weaves Basic calculations Colour and textural effects Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course During this course, students learn all aspects of weaving technology from the winding and yarn preparation to production of single and double folded fabrics as well as principles of weaving machines.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading 1. Marks, R. and Robinson, T.C., ‘Principles of Weaving’, The Textile Institute, Manchester 1976. 2. Ormerod, A. and Sondhelm, W.S., ‘Weaving Technology and Operations’, The Textile Institute, Manchester, 1995. 3. Lord, P.R., and Mohamed, M.H., ‘Weaving: Conversion of Yarn to Fabric’, London, Merrow, 1982. 4. Grosicki, Z., ‘Watson’s Textile Design and Colour’, 7. ed., Butterworth and Co. Ltd. 1997. 5. Başer, G., ‘Dokuma Tekniği ve Sanatı’, Punto Yayıncılık, İzmir 2004.</p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%50) and one written final exam (%50) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr.A. Ebru TAYYAR</p><p>231 PRACTICE OF WEAVING</p><p>231 Practice of Weaving (0-2) 2 (ECTS: 2)</p><p>Year/Semester 2 nd Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Definition of sizing machines and technology, applications of sizing liquor, production calculations Definition of cone warping machine, colour report and production calculation in cone warping machine Weaving machine drafting process Weaving of one or multi folded woven fabrics Production and efficiency calculations in weaving machines. Production planning in weaving mills. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course Production of woven fabrics, application of stages. Production calculations in sizing, cone warping, weaving processes. Efficiency calculations. Production planning in weaving mills.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr.Erkan TÜRKER</p><p>218 MATHEMATICS IV</p><p>218 Mathematics IV (2-2) 4 (ECTS: 5) Year/Semester 2 nd Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents The Series and Truncation Errors: The Taylor Series Expansion and their applications. Finite Difference Calculus: Forward, Backward and Central Difference Representations and higher order derivatives. Interpolation and Extrapolation: Gregory Newton Interpolations, Lagrange Polynomials and Extrapolation. Roots of Equation: Bisection Method, Newton-Raphson and Modified Newton’s Method, Secant Method. Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations: Gauss and Gauss Jordan Elimination, Gauss Siedel and Jacobi Methods. Numerical Integrations: Trapezoidal and Simpson’s Method Modeling of Data: Fitting Data to a Straight Line, General Linear Least Squares. Numerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations: Initial value problems: Simple and Modified Euler Method, 4th Order Runge-Kutta Method. Introduction to optimization problems. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The aim of this course is supported to teach the student’s methods of numerical computing that are practical, efficient, and elegant. Numerical analysis is concerned with the processes by which mathematical problems can be solved by the operations of arithmetic. It is related with choosing that procedure (and suitably applying it), which is “best”, suited to the solution of a particular problem. </p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assoc. Prof.Alaattin AKTAŞ</p><p>234 MECHANISMS</p><p>234 Mechanisms (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 3)</p><p>Year/Semester 2 nd Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents General concepts and definitions of mechanisms, definition of types of mechanism motions, drawing kinematics, numerical examples and problems, typrs of motion transmitter mechanisms, application of mechanisms in textile process, gear mechanisms, belt-belt pulley mechanisms, variator, eccentric joint system mechanisms and uses Uses of crank biel mechanisms and four bar linkages Obtaining cam profile for given motion Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course In this course students learn types of general and special mechanisms, their applications, their motions and applications on textile machinery. Also they learn kinematics of mechanisms. Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assoc. Prof.Alaattin AKTAŞ</p><p>236 STATISTICS</p><p>236 Statistics (3-0) 3 (ECTS: 3)</p><p>Year/Semester 2 nd Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents General definition of statistics Data summary and presentation Place measurements, distribution measurements. Introduction to probability, continual distribution Hypothesis tests, determination of confidential limits, Relationship between variations Regression and correlation. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course During the course, students learn definition of statistics, probability, variations, and regressions. This course emphasizes on statistical approach to problem solving.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading 1. Serper Ö., Uygulamalı İstatistik 1, Ezgi Kitabevi (2000) 2. Practical Statistics for The Textile Industry, The Textile Institute Manual of Textile Technology Part 1 (1984) 3. Practical Statistics for The Textile Industry, The Textile Institute Manual of Textile Technology Part 2 (1984) İkiz, F., Püskülcü, H., ve Eren, Ş. İstatistiğe Giriş. 459 sayfa. Bornova. 6. Baskı (2000) Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr.Nezih TAYYAR</p><p>204 PRINCIPLES OF GARMENT TECHNOLOGY</p><p>204 Principles of Garment Technology (3-0) 3 (ECTS: 4)</p><p>Year/Semester 2 nd Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Position of garment technology industry in the world and Türkiye. Work flow in garment technology Order of goods flow in garment technology Fabric controls that are required in raw material depot and okay of fabric Works done in cutting department Principles of pattern preparation and methods Spreading methods and spreading technology Cutting machines Processes done in sewing department and sew types Definition of plain sewing machines and formation of plain sew(stitch) Sewing needle and needle types Chain sew and definition of chain sewing machine Definition of sewing yarns Definition of press and package Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course To give information about garment technology concept; development, state and importance of garment technology in the world and Türkiye. To give informations about processes in garment technology mills: cutting, sewing and press methods</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Prof. Dr. Gülseren KURUMER</p><p>228 PRACTICE OF GARMENT TECHNOLOGY</p><p>228 Practice of Garment Technology (0-2) 2 (ECTS: 2)</p><p>Year/Semester 2 nd Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Main parts of sewing machines, passing of needle yarn through the machine- introduction of yarn delivery, yarn tensioner and guides, definition of machine elements that form sewing- needle, crab, bobin, transport gears, Three main adjustments required for uniform sewing; practices on the machine,- stopping and turning practices – strengthening back front practices, Definition of overlock sewing machine;- passing of needle yarn – formation of overlock sewing – practices on overlock sewing machines Definition of botton loop machine, passing of needle yarn and bobin yarn, adjustment of botton loop length and sinking number, practices on bottol loop machines. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The aim of this course is to teach students garment technology machines, and uses of them, the adjustments required for obtaining uniform stitches. Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr. A. Ebru TAYYAR </p><p>222 PRINCIPLES OF KNITTING</p><p>222 Principles of Knitting (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 2)</p><p>Year/Semester 2 nd Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents 1. Definition of knitting 2. Comparison of knitting and weaving 3. Evolution of knitting technology 4. Classification of knitting 5. Comparison of weft and warp knitting 6. Outline of knitting machines 7. Main parts of weft knitting machine 8. Basic knitting elements 8.1. Needles Characteristics of bearded, latch and compound needles and stitch formation with these needles in the weft knitting. 8.2. Needle beds 8.3. Cams 8.4. Sinkers 9. Structural elements in weft knitted fabrics. 9.1. Stitch 9.2. Tuck stitch 9.3. Float 10. Basic weft knitted structures 10.1. Plain knitted fabrics 10.2. Rib knitted fabric 10.3. Interlock knitted fabric 10.4. Purl knitted fabrics 11. Characteristics of Tricot and Raschel warp knitting machines 12. Basic warp knitting elements 12.1. Needles 12.2. Needle bars 12.3. Guide bar and guides 12.4. Sinkers 13. Lapping movements 13.1. Shogging motion 13.2. Swinging motion 14. Stitch formation with warp knitting elements 15. Main parts of pattern mechanism and chain links</p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The objective of this course is to give basic information about the knitting technology and machines.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading 1. Çeken F., Örmecilik Esasları, D. E. Ü. Mühendislik Fakültesi, (2004). 2. Marmaralı, A. B., Atkı Örmeciliğine Giriş, E.Ü.T.K.A.U.M., (2004). 3. Spencer, D.J., Knitting Technology, Pergamon Press, (1989). Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assoc. Prof. Ahu DEMİRÖZ GÜN</p><p>226 PRACTICE OF KNITTING</p><p>226 Practice of Knitting (0-2) 2 (ECTS: 2)</p><p>Year/Semester 2 nd Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Definition of basic knitting elements that provide texture formation for weft and warp knitting elements. Definition of weft and warp knitting machines. Obtaining the basic weft knitted structures in hand knitting machines with V bed and the making practices directed to patterning of these Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The aim of this course is to make practices on knitting machines and develop the teoretical knowledges.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assoc. Prof.Mevlüt TERCAN</p><p>240 PRINCIPLES OF TEXTILE FINISHING</p><p>240 Principles of Textile Finishing (3-0) 3 (ECTS: 3)</p><p>Year/Semester 2 nd Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Machines that are used in Textile Finishing Calculations in textile Finishing Pretreatment of cotton products Crude control and cleaning Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course This course emphasizes on application, washing, drying, pre-treatment and finishing methods and machines in the finishing processes. Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Prof. Dr. Abbas YURDAKUL</p><p>232 PRACTICE OF TEXTILE FINISHING</p><p>232 Practice of Textile Finishing (0-2) 2 (ECTS: 2)</p><p>Year/Semester 2 nd Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Sizing material extraction Alkali processes Hidrogen peroxide bleaching Hipocloride bleaching Optical Bleaching Washing of wool Felting of wool Dyeing of wool (with acid dyes) Poliacrylnitril Dyeing Softening of terries Batik to cotton fabric Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course In this course students learn pretreatments and dyeing by practising.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment Two written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr. A. Ebru TAYYAR</p><p>238 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION </p><p>238 Business Administration (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 2)</p><p>Year/Semester 2 nd Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Introduction to business law Governmental and justice rules and organizations. Personnel and places. International rules Daily problems and practical solutions. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The aim is to teach students business law, rules, special organizations, daily problems and practical solutions. The methods are applied to carefully selected problems in textile engineering area</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Yrd. Doç. Dr. Adil KARAMAN</p><p>323 PHYSICAL TEXTILE TESTING I</p><p>323 Physical Textile Testing I (2-2) 4 (ECTS: 5)</p><p>Year/Semester 3 rd Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Structure of laboratories, laboratory climate conditions, the effects of the conditioning on textile materials. Conditioning. The measurement of laboratory conditions. Planning of the experiments end statistical evaluation of the results. Sampling. Measurement of fiber fineness, length, breaking strength, elongation, elasticity, maturity, stickiness, crimp-convultion, color, foreing material, moisture, oil contents, neps in slivers tests. Equipments used for these tests. Evaluation of the results and applying this information to production to do necessary changes.</p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course This course aims to teach students how to measure the quality of the raw materials and semi-finished products in textiles. During this course, students become familiar with the equipment in physical testing lab, learn the principles of fibre and yarn quality testing, and get the opportunity to put their knowledge into practice.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading 1) Taylor, M.A., ‘Technology of Textile Properties’, Forbes Publications, 1999. 2) Saville, B.P., ‘Physical testing of textiles’, Woodhead Publishing, 1999. 3) Hamby, D.S. and Grover, E.B., ‘Handbook of Textile Testing and Quality Control, 1998. Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr.N. Gönül ŞENGÖZ</p><p>307 TEXTURING </p><p>307 Texturing (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 3)</p><p>Year/Semester 3 rd Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Definition of synthetic fiber production and texture Classification of Texture Methods Mechanical Thermal Methods (torsion, edge, accumulate, bending, blowing) Mechanical Methods Chemical Thermal Method (bicomponent) Texture method with drawing Jet texturing method Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course Students learn what texture is, texturing methods for filament yarns and properties of textured yarns.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assoc. Prof.Mevlüt TERCAN</p><p>325 SPINNING TECHNOLOGY I</p><p>325 Spinning Technology I (3-1) 4 (ECTS: 4)</p><p>Year/Semester 3 rd Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Evaluation of cotton from the textile engineer point of view. Cultivation of cotton, harvest and cotton gin Classification of cotton Relation between fiber and yarn Mixture technology Blowroom technology Carding technology and machines Drawframe technology and machines Regulation systems in drawframes Process control in blowrooms, carding and drawframe machines Definition of wool fiber Examination of wool types and properties Obtaining and washing of spring wool and examination of washing machines Preparing harvest Examination of harvest machines Introduction to wosted,woolen and semiworsted yarn systems</p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course From the beginning of the cotton yarn production, raw materials, machine functions, processes and methods are explained to the students during the course. Students that have taken basic spinning course, learn wool fiber detailedly. Wool and long fiber spinning systems will be introduced. Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Prof. Dr. Yalçın BOZKURT</p><p>313 WOVEN FABRIC CONSTRUCTION</p><p>313 Woven Fabric Construction (3-1) 4 (ECTS: 5)</p><p>Year/Semester 3 rd Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Definition of basic weaves and derivatives Methods of pattern formation in basic and derivative weaves. Additional yarn inserted fabrics. Two or multi folded fabric structures, patterning technics Terry fabric construction and patterning technics Leno fabric structure Weaving machine structures that are appropriate to the fabric type.</p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course Definition of fabrics that are weaved by special technics (single folded, reinforced, two or multi folded structures) (carpets, terry fabrics, velvet, leno)</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr.Erkan TÜRKER</p><p>329 TECHNOLOGY OF TEXTILE FINISHING </p><p>329 Technology of Textile Finishing (3-1) 4 (ECTS: 4)</p><p>Year/Semester 3 rd Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents </p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Prof. Dr. Abbas YURDAKUL</p><p>331 WEFT KNITTING</p><p>331 Weft Knitting (2-1) 3 (ECTS: 4)</p><p>Year/Semester 3 rd Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents 1. Classification of weft knitting 2. Basic characteristics of flat and circular knitting machines 3. Patterning of weft knitted structures with stitch, tuck and float 3.1. Basic principles of patterning using different needle types and cams arrangement 3.2. Simple tuck and float stitch single jersey fabrics 3.3. Simple tuck and float stitch double jersey fabrics 4. Loop transfer 5. Colour jacquard patterning 4.1. Single jersey colour jacquard 4.2. Double jersey colour jacquard Horizontally and vertically striped, and birds eye backing 6. Pattern and selection devices on circular knitting machines 5.1. Direct needle control 5.1.1. Control through cam parts 5.1.2. Control through patent wheel 5.2. Indirect needle control 5.2.1. Indirect needle control with fixed control sinker arrangement 5.2.2. Indirect needle control through patent drum 5.3. Electronic needle control 7. Pattern and selection devices on flat knitting machines 8. Speciality fabrics and machines 8.1. Fleecy fabrics and machines 8.2. Plush fabrics and machines 8.3. Sliver or high pile fabrics and machines 9. Yarn feed mechanisms 10. Weft knitted fabric geometry 11.1.Stitch shape 11.2. Variables influencing the fabric dimensions 11.3. Fabric relaxation methods 11.4. Methods used for determining the relaxed fabric dimensions 11.5. Tightness factor 12. Production Calculations 13. Faults and its causes Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The aim of this course is to give information about weft knitting technology and machines. Textbook / Recommended 1. Çeken F., Örmecilik Esasları, D. E. Ü. Mühendislik Fakültesi, (2004). Reading 2. Iyer, C., Mammel, B., Scach, W., Circular Knitting, Meisenbach GmbH, (1995). 3. Marmaralı, A. B., Atkı Örmeciliğine Giriş, E.Ü.T.K.A.U.M., (2004). 4. Raz, S., Flat Knitting, Meisenbach, (1991). 5. Spencer, D.J., Knitting Technology, Pergamon Press, (1989).</p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assoc. Prof. Ahu DEMİRÖZ GÜN</p><p>335 POLYMER CHEMISTRY </p><p>335 Polymer Chemistry (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 2)</p><p>Year/Semester 3 rd Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Elective Course Contents General consepts about polymers and introduction to polymer chemisrty Polymerisation reactions Thermal behaviours of polymers Techniques of polymerisation Polyolefins Polyolefins and polystyren PVC Acrylic Polyamids Polyesters Poliurethans</p><p>Cellulose and related polymers Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr. Muhsin İDER</p><p>337 FILAMENT SPINNING</p><p>337 Filament Spinning (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 2)</p><p>Year/Semester 3rd Year/ 1st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents In this course, synthetic fiber spinning systems are studied emphasizing the melt, dry, and solution spinning systems. Thermoset and thermoplastic materials are covered with introduction to the injection molding manufacturing systems. Additionally, the spinning systems of high performance fibers are discussed. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course It is aimed that to give essential knowledge to our textile engineering graduates </p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading Various books and brochures related to the synthetic fiber spinning systems. </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr. M. Emin YÜKSEKKAYA</p><p>339 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH IN TEXTILE INDUSTRY</p><p>339 Occupational Safety and Health in Textile Industry (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 2)</p><p>Year/Semester 3 rd Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Definition of worker health and work safety The importance of work safety Work accidents , job diseases and causes Precautions tha can be taken General situation in Türkiye Legal Transactions Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course During this course students learn taking precautions about work safety, the importance of this subject and legal transactions.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assoc. Prof.Mevlüt TERCAN</p><p>341 TECHNICAL ENGLISH I</p><p>341 Technical English I (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 2)</p><p>Year/Semester 3 rd Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Definition of textiles in English, English textile terms for natural and synthetic fibers; fiber properties; yarn parameters, properties and different production methods; fabric parameters, properties and different production methods; dyeing and finishing parameters, properties and different production methods; ready-wear parameters, properties and different production methods. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The aim of this course is to provide students to read and understand an information in English that is about textiles and have good communication in English in the global word of business.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading 1) Translation of ‘Introduction to Textile Engineering’ lecture notes to English. 2) Translation of English pamphlets about textiles to Turkish. Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr.N. Gönül ŞENGÖZ</p><p>326 PHYSICAL TEXTILE TESTING II</p><p>326 Physical Textile Testing II (2-2) 4 (ECTS: 5)</p><p>Year/Semester 3 rd Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Sampling principle for yarn tests and planning experimental study, count in slivers, rovings and yarns, twist, breaking strength, elongation, elasticity, irregularity concept and measuring principles, classimat faults, hairiness, process control in spinning mills.Tests for measuring basic physical and mechanical properties of fabrics, fabric weight, warp and weft density, thickness, dimensional stability, different kinds of strengths in fabrics, sewing strength measurements, pilling, air permeability, aesthetical properties. Equipments used for these tests. Evaluation of the results and applying this information to production to do necessary changes.</p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course During the course, students become familiar with the equipment in the physical testing laboratory, learn sampling techniques, and carry out various experimental work.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading 1) Saville, B.P., ‘Physical testing of textiles’, Woodhead Publishing, 1999. 2) Hamby, D.S. and Grover, E.B., ‘Handbook of Textile Testing and Quality Control, 1998. 3) Booth, J.E., ‘Principles of Textile Testing’, Newnes-Butterworths, 1997. Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr.N. Gönül ŞENGÖZ</p><p>304 NONWOVENS</p><p>304 Nonwovens (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 3)</p><p>Year/Semester 3 rd Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Economical developments of nonwovens and productions Tufting process and tufted fabrics Web based nonwoven surfaces Nonwovens that are produced with mali methods Bonded fiber fleece</p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course During the course, the students learn fundamental concepts and production methods of nonwoven structures.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading Duran, K. Lecture notes -Horrocks, A.R., Anand, S.C., ‘’Teknik Tekstiller El Kitabı’’,Türk Tekstil Vakfı, 2003 -Wulfhorst, B., ‘’Tekstil Üretim Yöntemleri’’ Tercüme Ali Demir, 2003 -Russel, S.J. “Handbook of nonwovens”, The Textile Institute, 2007</p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assoc. Prof.Mevlüt TERCAN</p><p>328 SPINNING TECHNOLOGY II</p><p>328 Spinning Technology II (3-1) 4 (ECTS: 4)</p><p>Year/Semester 3 rd Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Comber Technology and machines Roving technology and machines Functions of roving machine elements Ring spinning technology and machines OE/ Rotor Technology Functions of rotor elements Link systems in Ring/ Bobbin Machines Process control in comber/ roving/ Ring/ Rotor ve Bobin Machines Worsted Yarn production systems, properties and end uses Woolen yarn production systems, properties and end uses Strayhgarn yarn production systems, properties and end uses Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course Students learn machines and technologies that are used as continuance of the machines which are explained in Cotton yarn spinning I lecture. Students that have taken the Wool Spinning and Machines I lecture, learn worsted, woolen and strayhgarn yarn production systems and properties of these yarns.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Prof. Dr. Yalçın BOZKURT</p><p>330 TECHNOLOGY OF DYEING AND PRINTING </p><p>330 Technology of Dyeing and Printing (3-1) 4 (ECTS: 4)</p><p>Year/Semester 3 rd Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Printing methods (Roll printing, Film Druck Printing, Rotation Printing, Hand printing, Abrasion printing Reserve Printing) Printing of cotton fibre with pigment dyestuffs, Binder, Fixation methods Printing of cotton fibre with Reactive dyestuffs Methods of reserve printing on cotton fabric Printing of wool fiber with acide dyes Printing of silk fiber with acide, reactive and cube dyes Printing of fiber mixtures Other technics that are used for colouration Dyeing mechanisms of fibres Dyeing cotton fiber Direct, revelation, cube, cubeleucoester, sulphur, oxidation and pigment dyestuffs; dyeing with pigment dyestuff Dyeing of linen fiber Dyeing of regenerated cellulose fibers Dyeing of wool fiber Dyeing with acide, 1:1 metal complex, 1:2 metal complex, crom ve reactive dyestuffs Dyeing of silk fiber Errors in dyeing and stripping of dyestuffs.</p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The aim of this course is to define printing technics and machines, dyes that are used in printing fabrics that are made from cellulosic and synthetic fibres, thickener and auxiliary materials, fixation (setting), finishes, the parameters that must be controlled in printing In this course students learn principles of dyeing fibers, yarns and fabrics; properties of different dyes.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Dr. Kemal ŞENGÜL</p><p>332 WARP KNITTING</p><p>332 Warp Knitting (2-1) 3 (ECTS: 4)</p><p>Year/Semester 3 rd Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents The definitions in warp knitting, Basic knitting elements that provide texture formation, Comparison of weft knitting and warp knitting, Warp knitting machinery, Patterning, Warp knitted fabrics , Production methods</p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course During the course, the students learn principle of warp knitting technology, warp knitting machines, properties of the tricots and raschel machines, main parts and patterning mechanisms in these machines, warp knitted structures and their properties. </p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assoc. Prof.Mevlüt TERCAN</p><p>334 PREPARATION OF WEAVING</p><p>334 Preparation of Weaving (3-1) 4 (ECTS: 4)</p><p>Year/Semester 3 rd Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Winding on to bobbins, winding machinery Doubling, and twisting machinery Sectional warping and direct warping machinery Sizing and sizing machinery Drafting machinery Knotting machinery Recent renovations </p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course During weaving preparation course, students learn techniques and machinery used in weaving preparation. Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Prof. Dr. M. Fikri ŞENOL</p><p>302 DYNAMICS OF MACHINE</p><p>302 Dynamics of Machine (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 3)</p><p>Year/Semester 3 rd Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents General definitions Volant analysis and its application Balance of rotational mass. Balancing problems. Load analysis of unbalanced systems Vibration theory. Forced vibration cases. </p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course This course covers dynamics and vibration of structures, dynamic response and balancing.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Prof. Dr. M. Fikri ŞENOL</p><p>336 DYESTUFF CHEMISTRY </p><p>336 Dyesuff Chemistry (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 2)</p><p>Year/Semester 3 rd Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Synthesis and production of dyes Correlation of colour and chemical constitution Types and general properties of dyes (basic, acidic, metal, metal complex, indanthrene, sulphur, dispersion and pigment dyes). Organic dyes. Synthesis of benzene from nitrobenzene, and synthesis of sulphanilic acid from sulphuric acid. Azo dyes Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course During this course, the students learn synthesis, production and properties of dyes and colouring theory</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Dr. Kemal ŞENGÜL</p><p>338 TECHNOLOGY OF SEWING THREADS </p><p>338 Technology of Sewing Threads (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 2)</p><p>Year/Semester 3 rd Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents </p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr. M.Emin YÜKSEKKAYA</p><p>342 TECHNICAL ENGLISH II</p><p>341 Technical English I (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 2)</p><p>Year/Semester 3 rd Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Elective Course Contents Technical English II contains general grammar and translation parts.</p><p>1. General Grammar 1.1. The parts of a sentence: subject, verb and object 1.2. General grammar structures used in the subject and object position: noun, pronoun, noun phrase, infinitive phrase, gerund phrase, noun clause, relative clause, reduced relative clause 1.3. General grammar structures used in the verbs position. 1.4. Tenses 1.5. Passive</p><p>2. Translation Reading texts about fibre, yarn, weaving, knitting, finishing, and clothing are translated from English to Turkish. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The aim of this course is to provide students to read and understand any text about textile.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading 1. Murphy, R., English Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press, 8. Edition, (1988). 2. Swan, M., Walter, C., How English Woks, Oxford University Press, 4. Edition, (1998). 3. Öztürk, C., Building Skills for Proficiency, Hacettepe Taş, 8. Edition, (1998). Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Associate Prof. Ahu Demiröz GÜN</p><p>401 COST ACCOUNTING</p><p>401 Cost Accounts (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 4)</p><p>Year/Semester 4 th Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents 1. Introduction to cost accounting and purposes 2. Cost terms and concepts and classifications 3. Manufacturing cost 3.1. Direct materials 3.2. Direct labour 3.3. Manufacturing overhead 4. Types of inventory for manufacturers 4.1. Raw materials 4.2. Work-in-process 4.3. Finished goods 5. Financial tables in cost accounting 5. Cost flows sheets 8. Costing systems and clasifications 9. Inventory flow methods Average cost, FIFO, LIFO 10. Labour cost 11. Determination of overhead rate</p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course Methods that are used for the calculation of the cost of products are explained and the information about the uses of these methods are given.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading 1.Küçüksavaş, N., Maliyet Muhasebesi, Beta Basım, (2002). 2. Maliyet Muhasebesi, Açık Öğretim Fakültesi, (2001). 3. Üstün, R., Maliyet Muhasebesi, (1996).</p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assoc. Prof. Ahu DEMİRÖZ GÜN</p><p>403 GRADUATION PROJECT I</p><p>403 Graduation Project I (0-2) 2 (ECTS: 6)</p><p>Year/Semester 4 th Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents In this course students search literatures about their subjects thoroughly.They prepare substructure of their studies (if the study is experimental, they assure raw material, etc) This course is executed with the adviser lecturer. Students can make their applications themselves. </p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The aim of this course is to teach students executing a research project. According to the interests of student, subject of project is selected with the help of adviser lecturer. This yearly projects provide students knowledge about the subjects they have researched.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor</p><p>427 APPAREL TECHNOLOGY I</p><p>427 Apparel Technology I (2-1) 3 (ECTS: 4)</p><p>Year/Semester 4 th Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Fabric piling machines, fabric control, preparation of cuttle picture, technologies used in garment patterning, classification of sewing machines and principles, press machines, properties of machines that are used in shirt and jean production line, formation of production lines according to the flow order and balancing of line, different production systems in garment technology mills.</p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course To give information about garment technology and cutting, sewing, press machines; machines used in shirt production line and trousers production line and formation of line.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Prof. Dr. Gülseren KURUMER</p><p>429 CHEMICAL TEXTILE TESTING</p><p>429 Chemical Textile Testing (2-1) 3 (ECTS: 4)</p><p>Year/Semester 4 th Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Water analysis in textile mills. Chemical Fibre Analyses Qualitative fibre analyses: Cellulosic, protein, synthetic, and acetate fibres and their blends. Quantitative fibre analyses: Analysis of materials composed of two or three fibres. Quality measurements of textile materials Colourfastness tests. Ecotextiles. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course During this course, students learn fabric and fibre analyses, and fibre identification methods.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Prof. Dr. Necdet SEVENTEKİN</p><p>431 WEAVING MACHINES </p><p>431 Weaving Machines (3-1) 4 (ECTS: 5)</p><p>Year/Semester 4 th Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Overview of weaving machines Components of weaving machines Warp let-off mechanism Fabric take-up mechanism Shedding mechanism Weft inserting systems Beat-up mechanism Control systems and automation in weaving machines.</p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course This course covers the technology and machinery of producing woven fabrics, the mechanism employed in weaving (warp let-off mechanisms, fabric take up mechanisms, shedding mechanisms such as eccentric, dobby and jacquard, weft insertion systems, beat-up mechanisms) and process control and automation in weaving</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Prof. Dr. M. Fikri ŞENOL</p><p>415 TECHNICAL TEXTILES</p><p>415 Technical Textiles (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 3)</p><p>Year/Semester 4 th Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Introduction of high performance fibers and their production methods Geotextiles, Fabric forms that are used in paper industry and their production Introduction of textile composites Safety textiles Introduction of medical textiles, production and end uses.</p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The aim of this course is to teach students the high technology areas that are used by textile industry. The production methods of these products are introduced. </p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading 1. A.R. Harrocks, ve S.C. Anand, Teknik Tekstiller El Kitabı, Turk Tekstil Vakfı Yayınları, 2004 2. Adanur, S., Wellington Sears Handbook of Industrial Textiles, Technomic Publishing, 1995 3. Ali Demir, Tekstil Üretim Yöntemleri, İTU yayınları, 2004</p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam an one oral presentation (%50) and one written final exam (%50) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr.A. Ebru TAYYAR</p><p>433 MODERN SPINNING SYSTEMS 433 Modern Spinning Systems (1-1) 2 (ECTS: 3)</p><p>Year/Semester 4th Year/ 1st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Modernization studies in conventional spinning machines, Open End spinning technique and Properties of Open End yarn, Friction and Air jet Vortex Spinning systems and properties of yarns.</p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The spinning systems that are different from conventional yarn spinning systems are introduced in this course. (Open End, Vortex, Friction Spinning Systems)</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading Various books and brochures related to the fiber spinning systems.</p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr. M. Emin YÜKSEKKAYA</p><p>435 PHYSICAL TEXTILE TESTING III</p><p>435 Physical Textile Testing III (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 2)</p><p>Year/Semester 4 th Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Elective Course Contents In-depth analysis of fiber, yarn, fabric and ready-wear constructions, damage analysis and searching for the fault sources according to the results.</p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course To gain the ability to search for fault sources which the students who will become textile engineers will meet in production in factories.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading 1) Kothari, V.K., ‘Testing and Quality Management’, IAFL Publications, 1999. 2) Personal production practices in factories. Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment Two written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr.N. Gönül ŞENGÖZ</p><p>437 ANALYSIS OF WOVEN FABRIC</p><p>437 Analysis of Woven Fabric (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 2) Year/Semester 4 th Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Woven fabric analyzing techniques. Simple woven fabric patterns Reinforced fabric analysis. Coloured patterns. Woolen fabrics. Double face fabrics, double layered fabrics Terry cloths. Velvet fabrics </p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course This course covers detailed analysis of woven fabric.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Prof. Dr. M. Fikri ŞENOL</p><p>439 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY </p><p>439 Environmental Chemistry (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 2)</p><p>Year/Semester 4 th Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Sources of environmental problems related to future of world and quality of life, damages on living and lifeless environment and its removal methods, ecology and environmental sciences, atmosphere pollution, water pollution, toxic metal pollution, problems of petroleum, problems of agriculture chemicals, solid waste pollutions, and environmental perspectives. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor</p><p>441 COLOUR KNOWLEDGE 441 Colour Knowledge (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 2)</p><p>Year/Semester 4 th Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Colour, light and colour perception Colour theory. Principles of colour measurement Optical properties of textile material. Standard lights Colour systems. Colour measurement devices. Colour measurement softwares. Online colour measurement Dye recipe calculation and correction Colour quality control. </p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The aim of this course is to develop the skills required of dyers to make critical and accurate colour judgments. The course begins by exploring some of the many fascinating aspects of colour, including the nature of light and colour perception. From there, it develop into the world of colour measurement and specification, including a look at the various colour spaces such as the Munsell and CIELAB. Topics covered also includes dye recipe calculation, colour quality control, colour standardization, colour management. </p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor</p><p>434 LEATHER GARMENT TECHNOLOGY </p><p>434 Leather Garment Technology (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 2)</p><p>Year/Semester 4 th Year/ 1 st Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Sector of leather garment technology, importance of leather garment technology sector in Turkey’s economy, production methods of lether garments. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The aim of this course is to give information about leather garment technology and to teach production methods. </p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr.Deniz ÇELİK</p><p>402 QUALITY CONTROL</p><p>402 Quality Control (2-1) 3 (ECTS: 5)</p><p>Year/Semester 4 th Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Quality and quality control concepts, factors that affect quality, the value that quality control adds to the mill, quality control techniques, statistical quality control, standards and specifications, testing, TSE, ISO 9000:2001 Quality assurance systems, Total quality management, quality costs. </p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course Today quality control is an important tool to ensure the profitability for every company in textile business. This course aims at teaching students quality assurance systems, techniques and standards. </p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading 1) Douglas, C., ‘Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2001. 2) Hamby, D.S. and Grover, E.B., ‘Handbook of Textile Testing and Quality Control, 1998. 3) Kothari, V.K., ‘Testing and Quality Management’, IAFL Publications, 1999. 4) Kişisel işletme tecrübelerim. Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr.N. Gönül ŞENGÖZ</p><p>404 GRADUATION PROJECT II</p><p>404 Graduation Project II (0-2) 2 (ECTS: 6)</p><p>Year/Semester 4 th Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Gradution Project II is the result and evaluation part of project. Students complete their (theoretical or experimental) studies with the help of thier adviser lecturers. They prepare reports of their studies. </p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The aim of this course is to teach students executing a research project. According to the interests of student, subject of project is selected with the help of adviser lecturer. This yearly projects provide students knowledge about the subjects they have researched. Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor</p><p>408 FACTORY ORGANISATION IN TEXTILE INDUSTRY</p><p>408 Factory Organisation in Textile Industry (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 3)</p><p>Year/Semester 4 th Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents General informations about factory foundation and organisation Factory Project(market investigation, sale planning and capacity selection) Selection of foundation place Selection of factory building Arrengement plan in factory Production planning in textile factories (yarn, weaving, knitting, etc) Production controls in textile enterprises Performance Auxiliary mills Air conditioners Work Safety Pay and pay systems</p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course Textile engineers must be succesful in “ Management in Productivity” and “ Productivity in Management”. In this course these principles are explained. </p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Prof. Dr. Yalçın BOZKURT</p><p>410 TIME AND WORK STUDY </p><p>410 Time and Work Study (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 3)</p><p>Year/Semester 4 th Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Definition of Work and Time Research, short history and general concepts. Its role in enterprise economy Ergonomy Data types, collection of data, analysis and synthesis of data Methods of time determination, time determination with chronometer, chronometer types, method of time measurement with chronometer, practises, evaluation of time measurements. </p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course To give information about the importance of Work and Time Research in textile industry, to teach technics of Work and Time Research.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Prof. Dr. Gülseren KURUMER</p><p>426 APPERAL TECHNOLOGY II </p><p>426 Apperal Technology II (2-1) 3 (ECTS: 4)</p><p>Year/Semester 4 th Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Production scheme, defining of working plan, analysis of Basic T-shirt operations and machines used. Analysis of shirt operations, Production scheme, machines used. Definition of line balancing, methods of line balancing, T-shirt and shirt assemble line balancing. Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading Konfeksiyon Üretim ve Teknojisi, Prof. Dr. Gülseren KURUMER, 2007</p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Prof. Dr. Gülseren KURUMER</p><p>442 OPREATIONAL RESEARCH</p><p>442 Opreational Research (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 3) Year/Semester 4 th Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Problem solving and decision making, Quantitative analysis and the decision making process, Model development, Linear Programming, Graphical method, Simplex Method, Duality Simplex based sensitivity analysis, Network optimization and their duals, Transportation Problem, Transshipment Problem, Assignment Problem, Shortest Path Problem, Minimum Spanning Tree, Maximum Flow Problems, Minimum Cost Flow Problems, Multi criteria decision problems, Computer implementations of models: </p><p>WinQSB Package Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course To introduce basic quantitative approaches to decision making problems.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading 1. Yöneylem Araştırması, Ahmet Öztürk, Bursa, 1989</p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr.Nezih TAYYAR</p><p>424 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN TEXTILE ENGINEERING</p><p>424 Computer Applications in Textile Engineering (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 3)</p><p>Year/Semester 4th Year/ 2nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Definition of digital systems Definition of Windows, Word, Excel, Power Point Programs Computer applications in textile mills Computer applications in Spinning and Weaving Mills Computer aided design and applications</p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The aim of this course is to teach application areas of computer in textile industry.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading Various books and brochures related to the computer applications.</p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr. M. Emin YÜKSEKKAYA</p><p>432 HIGH PERFORMANCED SPECIAL FABRICS</p><p>432 High Performanced Special Fabrics (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 2)</p><p>Year/Semester 4 th Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Fibers used in production of high performanced fabrics Structure and properties of high performanced fabrics Finishing processes applied to high performanced fabrics Colouring of high performanced special fabrics Main material properties and testing methods Applications Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The aim of this course is to give information about fibers used in high performanced fabric production, structures and properties of fabrics, finihing processes, test methods and applications. Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr. A. Ebru TAYYAR</p><p>420 AUTOMATIC CONTROL</p><p>420 Automatic Control (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 2)</p><p>Year/Semester 4 th Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents General technical terms, control units-elements, circuits. Control bloc diagrams. On-off proportional integrated control systems. PID control circuits Automatic control systems in textile machinery. </p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course This course is intended to provide basic knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of automatic control systems.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor</p><p>436 ANALYSIS OF KNITTED FABRIC</p><p>436 Analysis of Knitted Fabric (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 2)</p><p>Year/Semester 4 th Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Classifications of knitted structures, introduction to basic knitting structures and properties, notations in knitted structures, analysis of knitted fabrics </p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course The aim of this course is to give information about knitted structures, basic knitting structures, notations in structures and to teach analyzing fabrics. Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahu DEMİRÖZ GÜN</p><p>440 TEXTILE AUXILIARY MATERIALS</p><p>440 Textile Auxiliary Materials (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 2)</p><p>Year/Semester 4 th Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Physicochemistry of textile auxiliary materials, surface tension, wettability Classification of textile auxiliary materials. Soaps, sulphone oils, alkylsulphonates, alkylbenzene sulphonates, alkylsulphates, primeralkyl sulphates, Poliethylene oxide compounds, poliglycolethers, alkyl-phenil- polyglycoethers, Oilacide- polyglycoethers, propylenoxide and ethylen oxide compounds Auxiliary materials used in pretreatment,dyeing- printing, finishing Softening agent, fixators, complex formers and enzymes</p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course During the course students learn general classification of textile auxiliary materials, areas and aims of usage. Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Dr. Kemal ŞENGÜL</p><p>428 ECONOMY</p><p>428 Economy (2-0) 2 (ECTS: 2)</p><p>Year/Semester 4 th Year/ 2 nd Semester Type of Course Required Course Contents Principles of economics, economical terminology. Country’s economic problems Economic systems and effects to market conditions, market types. Production factors and production management, decision units, cost types, money politics. </p><p>Prerequisite / Recommended None Objective of the Course Basic concepts of economy, country’s economic problems, production factors and methods, economic systems, markets, samples from markets and their characteristics, supply and demand concepts, complete and non-complete competition markets, economic integrates for business, money, supply and demand for money, tools of money politics, fiscal problems, underdeveloped countries and their problems.</p><p>Textbook / Recommended Reading </p><p>Form of Teaching Lectures Form of Assessment One written midterm exam (%40) and one written final exam (%60) are scheduled at the semester. Language of Instruction Turkish Instructor Assist. Prof. Dr. Kaya BAYRAKTAR </p>
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