State of California Board of Corrections

State of California Board of Corrections

<p>Corrections Standards Authority Juvenile Accountability Block Grants (JABG) 2011/2012 Quarterly Progress Report</p><p>Grantee (or Applicant Agency): Grant Award Number: </p><p>(This is your current contract number)</p><p>Implementing Agency (Agency providing services): Grant Period: to </p><p>Reporting Period: Year: 2011/12 Project Title: July-Sept 1st Qtr Oct - Dec 2nd Qtr Jan - March 3rd Qtr April - June 4th Qtr Prepared by: Date Submitted: Phone: ( ) - Title: Email: Evidence-based Project. Project based on promising practice. Cite program model used and specify source of Model: (i.e. OJJDP Model Programs Website) Specify Program Purpose Area(s) identified in your Application: Federal Grant Funds Awarded this year: $ Group(s) Served Group(s) Targeted Population Check all that apply Check all that apply Youth population not directly served (skip to Section 2) American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian Black/African American Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian & other Pacific Islander Other White/Caucasian Youth population not directly served First Time Offenders Repeat Offenders Sex Offenders Status Offenders Violent Offenders Male Female 11 & under 12-13 14-15 16-17 18 and over Rural Suburban Tribal Urban Mental Health Pregnant Substance Abuse Truant/Dropout</p><p>Revised 2011 FOR CSA USE ONLY Date entered in DCTAT______Funding Year(s) ______Field Rep/Consultant ______</p><p>Corrections Standards Authority Juvenile Accountability Block Grants (JABG) 2011/2012 Quarterly Progress Report</p><p>SECTION 2. FEDERAL PERFORMANCE MEASURES</p><p>Below are Core Performance measures that are required of all grantees funded with Juvenile Accountability Block Grant funds. Please provide data in all the fields below. Should your project be unable to provide the data requested, an explanation must be provided for all zero reported data fields. </p><p>Core Measures</p><p>1. Number and percent of programs/initiatives employing evidence-based practices A. Number of program/initiatives employing best practices 0 </p><p>B. Number of programs/initiatives 0 C. Percent A/B 0 </p><p>2. Number and percent of youth with whom an evidence-based practice was used A. Number of youth with whom a best practice is used 0 </p><p>B. Number of youth 0 </p><p>C. Percent A/B 0 </p><p>3. Number of youth or youth and families served A. Number of program youth (or youth and families) carried over from the previous reporting period, plus new 0 </p><p> admissions during the reporting period. 4. Number and percent of program youth completing program requirements A. Number of program youth who exited the program having completed program requirements 0 </p><p>B. Number of youth who left the program 0 </p><p>C. Percent A/B 5. Number and percent of program youth who offend during the reporting period A. Total number of program youth served 0 </p><p>B. Number of program youth tracked during this reporting period 0 </p><p>C. Of B, the number of program youth who had a new arrest or delinquent offense during this reporting period 0 </p><p>D. Number of program youth who were recommitted to a juvenile facility during this reporting period 0 </p><p>E. Number of program youth who were sentenced to adult prison during this reporting period 0 </p><p>F. Number of youth who received another sentence during this reporting period 0 </p><p>G. Percent OFFENDING (C/B) </p><p>Revised for 2011/12 </p><p>Corrections Standards Authority Juvenile Accountability Block Grants (JABG) 2011/2012 Quarterly Progress Report</p><p>6. Number and percent of program youth who offend during the reporting period A. Number of program youth who exited the program 6-12 months ago that you are tracking 0 </p><p>B. Of A, the number of program youth who had a new arrest or delinquent offense during this reporting period 0 </p><p>C. Number of program youth who were recommitted to a juvenile facility during this reporting period 0 </p><p>D. Number of program youth who were sentenced to adult prison during this reporting period 0 </p><p>E. Number of youth who received another sentence during this reporting period 0 </p><p>F. Percent of Long Term RECIDIVISM (B/A) </p><p>7. Number and percent of program youth who re-offend A. Total number of program youth served 0 </p><p>B. Number of program youth tracked during this reporting period 0 </p><p>C. Of B, the number of program youth who had a new arrest or delinquent offense during this reporting period 0 </p><p>D. Number of program youth who were recommitted to a juvenile facility during this reporting period 0 </p><p>E. Number of program youth who were sentenced to adult prison during this reporting period 0 </p><p>F. Number of youth who received another sentence during this reporting period 0 </p><p>G. Percent RECIDIVISM (C/B) </p><p>8. Number and percent of program youth who re-offend A. Number of program youth who exited the program 6-12 months ago that you are tracking 0 </p><p>B. Of A, the number of program youth who had a new arrest or delinquent offense during this reporting period 0 </p><p>C. Number of program youth who were recommitted to a juvenile facility during this reporting period 0 </p><p>D. Number of program youth who were sentenced to adult prison during this reporting period 0 </p><p>E. Number of youth who received another sentence during this reporting period 0 </p><p>F. Percent of Long Term RECIDIVISM (B/A) 9. Number and percent of program youth who are victimized A. Total number of program youth served 0 </p><p>B. Number of program youth tracked during this reporting period for (re)victimization 0 </p><p>C. Of B, the number of program youth who were (re)victimized 0 </p><p>D. C/B 10. Number and percent of program youth who are victimized Revised for 2011/12 </p><p>Corrections Standards Authority Juvenile Accountability Block Grants (JABG) 2011/2012 Quarterly Progress Report A. Number of program youth who exited the program 6-12 months ago that you are tracking for victimization 0 </p><p>B. Of A, the number of program youth who were victimized during this reporting period 0 </p><p>C. Percent (b/a) 11. Number and percent of program youth who are re-victimized A. Total number of program youth served 0 </p><p>B. Number of program youth tracked during this reporting period for re-victimization 0 </p><p>C. Of B, the number of program youth who were re-victimized 0 </p><p>D. C/B 12. Number and percent of program youth who are re victimized A. Number of program youth who exited the program 6-12 months ago that you are tracking for re- 0 </p><p> victimization B. Of A, the number of program youth who were re-victimized during this reporting period 0 </p><p>C. Percent (b/a) 13a. Antisocial behavior A. Number of program youth with the noted behavioral change during the reporting period 0 </p><p>B. Number of youth in the program who received services for this behavior 0 </p><p>C. Percent A/B 13b. Antisocial behavior A. Total number of youth who exited the program 6-12 months ago who had the noted behavioral change 0 </p><p>B. Number of youth who exited the program 6-12 months earlier and received services for this behavior 0 </p><p>C. Percent (A/B) Zero Data - Explain all zero reported data: </p><p>For each Program Purpose Area associated with your project, you must select a minimum of one output measure and report on that same measure(s) in each subsequent quarterly report. Please list here the output measures (below) on which your project will report to CSA for the duration of the grant: </p><p>Program Purpose Area: 14 Restorative Justice Output Measures Must select a minimum of one measure and report on the same measurement(s) in each subsequent quarterly report Output Measure Definition Data Grantee Reports</p><p>Revised for 2011/12 </p><p>Corrections Standards Authority Juvenile Accountability Block Grants (JABG) 2011/2012 Quarterly Progress Report Number and Measure of program operation. Appropriate for A. Number of youth to 0 1 percent of youth to most restorative justice programs. Report the participate in any of raw number of youth to participate in any of the listed events participate in any the following events: victim offender of the following mediation/dialogue; family group conferencing; events: victim peacemaking circles; restitution; personal offender services to victims; community service; B. Number of youth 0 mediation/dialogue apologies; victim/community impact panels; community/neighborhood impact statements; served by grantee ; family group victim empathy groups/classes. Percent is the conferencing; raw number divided by the number of youth peacemaking served by the slots circles; restitution; personal services C. Percent (A/B) 0 to victims; community service; apologies; victim/community impact panels; community/neighbo rhood impact statements; victim empathy groups/classes Amount of funds Determine the distribution of the money. A. Number of dollars 2 allocated to Appropriate for any project paying for spent on restorative restorative justice programming. Report the justice programming restorative justice raw dollar amount of JABG/Tribal JADG funds programming spent on restorative justice programming. Number of Determine program scope. Appropriate for A. Number of 0 3 restorative justice programs that offer restorative justice restorative justice programming. Report the raw number of slots program slots restorative justice programming slots that the program has at any one time. Include both programs directly delivered by the grantee as well as programs that youth have access to through the grantee. For example, if a program can process victim impact statements for 5 juvenile offenders and serve 25 youth through a victim empathy class, the number of slots would be 30.</p><p>Revised for 2011/12 </p><p>Corrections Standards Authority Juvenile Accountability Block Grants (JABG) 2011/2012 Quarterly Progress Report For each Program Purpose Area associated with your project, you must select a minimum of one outcome measure and report on that same measure(s) in each subsequent quarterly report. Please list the output measures (below) on which your project will report to CSA for the duration of the grant: </p><p>Program Purpose Area: 14 Restorative Justice Outcome Measures Must select a minimum of one measure and report on the same measurement(s) in each subsequent quarterly report Output Measure Definition Data Grantee Reports Number and Measure of system accountability. Appropriate A. Number of case 0 1 percent of for entities that use restorative justice dispositions that include programming such as courts (whether they restorative justice times actually deliver it themselves or not). Report restorative the raw number of case dispositions that include B. Number of case 0 justice is part restorative justice programming. Percent is the dispositions of case raw number divided by the number of case dispositions of dispositions. Include diversion, formal C. Percent (A/B) 0 adjudications, warrant hearings, and all other juvenile methods of resolving cases against juvenile offenders offenders. Average time Measure of system accountability. Appropriate A. Average number of 0 2 in hours spent for grantees that deliver or oversee restorative hours victim advocates justice programming. Report the average spend with each victim by victims number of hours that victim advocates spend advocates with with crime victims from first encounter through victims their last encounter. Include any form of direct contact such as in-person meetings, telephone calls, or e-mails. Number and Measure of system accountability. Most A. Number of cases in 0 3 percent of appropriate for court units or other entities that which victims had input process juvenile justice cases. Report the raw into offender disposition cases in which number of cases in which victims were able to victims had have input into an offender’s sentence. Include B. Number of cases 0 input into the making victim impact statements, defining the processed offender's restitution owed, or other forms of affecting the disposition resolution of a juvenile justice case. Percent is C. Percent (A/B) 0 the raw number divided by the number of cases processed. Number and Measure of youth accountability. Appropriate A. Number of offenders 0 4 percent of for restorative justice programs or those using ordered to pay restorative justice principles. Report the raw restitution ordered and number of offenders ordered to pay monetary actual restitution and the raw number to pay, at least B. Number of offenders 0 offenders to some, restitution. Percent ordered is the raw that pay restitution pay monetary number ordered divided by the number of youth restitution processed by the grantee. Percent to comply is C. Number of offenders 0 the raw number to pay divided by the number of processed youth ordered to pay restitution. D. Percent ordered (A/C) 0</p><p>E. Percent to comply (B/A) 0</p><p>Explain all zero reported data: (i.e. Project does not provide direct services to youth) Revised for 2011/12 </p><p>Corrections Standards Authority Juvenile Accountability Block Grants (JABG) 2011/2012 Quarterly Progress Report</p><p>Other comments, if any, pertaining to data: </p><p>Revised for 2011/12 </p><p>Corrections Standards Authority Juvenile Accountability Block Grants (JABG) 2011/2012 Quarterly Progress Report</p><p>SECTION 3. PROJECT STATUS</p><p>A. Expenditure Status: </p><p>Federal Award Amount $ Amount Invoiced Year-to-Date (Sum of Quarterly $ Invoices) Percent of Award Invoiced to Date (Amount above ÷ % Annual Award)</p><p>In relation to the overall grant budget, are federal funds being expended as planned and on schedule? Yes No If not, please explain why, and describe what expenditure plans exist for the duration of the grant period. </p><p>B. Staffing – Indicate whether all positions included in the application have been filled (other than those previously addressed through a formal program modification). If positions remain unfilled, what is the plan and anticipated outcome for staffing of the program? Are surplus funds anticipated due to salary savings, and what is the plan for these funds?</p><p>C. Expenditure Status – In relation to the overall grant budget, are federal funds being expended as planned and on schedule? Are matching funds being claimed as planned? If not, please explain why, and describe what expenditure plans exist for the duration of the grant period.</p><p>D. Problem Identification – Describe problems the project has encountered during the reporting period, if any, particularly those that may be affecting project effectiveness or have the potential for affecting program outcomes. Examples of areas where problems of this nature may exist are program administration, service delivery, rate of referrals and participant enrollment. Indicate the steps taken to resolve any problems mentioned. </p><p>E. Project Changes – Describe major changes or modifications that have taken place in the reporting period, if any. This should include budget, project management, service delivery, or changes to contact persons listed in the original application. </p><p>Revised for 2011/12 </p><p>Corrections Standards Authority Juvenile Accountability Block Grants (JABG) 2011/2012 Quarterly Progress Report F. Proposed Changes – Describe any changes that are being proposed to improve the program within the next reporting period. (Note that some changes may require a formal Budget/Program Modification to be approved by your Field Representative.) </p><p>G. Activities – Describe any significant program activities anticipated in the next reporting period (i.e., award ceremonies, graduation ceremonies, media events).</p><p>H. Goals and Progress – Identify the project goals and the progress associated with each goal. </p><p>SECTION 4. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE</p><p>Technical assistance requested: </p><p>SECTION 5. FINAL REPORT </p><p>Complete this section for the final reporting period only, in addition to all other sections of the Progress Report.</p><p>A. Discuss overall program effectiveness. Specifically, how have the problems identified in the application been addressed? What progress has been made in the program’s ability to promote juvenile accountability, and prevent or reduce juvenile crime in your community? </p><p>B. Describe collaboration efforts with other agencies throughout the grant period.</p><p>C. Describe efforts the project has made toward program sustainability beyond the grant period.</p><p>D. Describe recommended program modifications/improvements should the program be replicated or continued.</p><p>Revised for 2011/12 </p><p>Corrections Standards Authority Juvenile Accountability Block Grants (JABG) 2011/2012 Quarterly Progress Report E. Describe lessons learned from the program. `</p><p>F. What data, above and beyond the Federal Performance Measures, have been collected related to this project that support outcomes demonstrating program effectiveness? What are the successful outcomes? </p><p>Submit one copy of the report to your assigned Field Representative electronically or a hard copy to: Corrections Standards Authority 600 Bercut Drive, Sacramento, CA 95811</p><p>For CSA Use Only Field Representative Reviewing Report: Date Reviewed: Comments: </p><p>Revised for 2011/12 </p>

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