Support Material For

Support Material For

<p> Support material for The Year of Matthew</p><p>Year A: From Advent to Christmas Second half of Autumn Term 2013/2014</p><p>The format of this unit is intended to allow teachers to link Religious Education learning directly and explicitly to the EYFS goals. It is hoped that this formatting makes clear that Religious Education integrates with much of what occurs in an Early 1 Years classroom. Teachers are encouraged to select from the activities suggested. Monitoring activities suitable for pupils’ profile or learning journal may also be identified on the grid. </p><p>The Diocesan Policy on Religious Education (2012) commits the Diocese to supporting schools implement the requirements of the Curriculum Directory and other norms of the Bishops’ Conference. In recent years this support has focussed on developing Religious Education which is suited explicitly to the development and learning style of children in the early years. </p><p>This unit serves two purposes. First, it models the application of these two important areas and so serves as continuing the professional development of Staff. Second, its content offers explicit support for the teaching of the Year of Matthew (Year A). This unit models:</p><p> A Scripture process employing the principles described in the new Religious Education Curriculum Directory (RECD),</p><p> Explicit links between the teaching of Religious Education and the new RECD as required by the Diocesan Inspection Framework.  Opportunities by which pupils are invited to consider our nature as a people of Faith  Clear and explicit links to the EYFS goals. </p><p>How to use this unit:</p><p>Schools may use this unit within the scheme of work they are currently using by selecting those activities they think are appropriate. </p><p>Alternatively, schools may choose to teach this unit as it stands. As this unit will not be taught next year it does not matter if children across the early years complete similar activities. </p><p>2 Overview</p><p>Topic Theme: From Advent to Christmas This unit is intended as the second for the academic year 2013/2014 and the first of the new Liturgical year, Year A. In keeping with the Liturgical year, this framework teaches the seasons of Advent and Christmas, according to the Gospel of Matthew. Content Areas from the Religious Education Curriculum Directory Pupils will have the opportunity to:</p><p>Revelation: Church: Celebration: Life in Christ: Come to know Jesus is God the Come to know that Mary is the Experience praying with others as a Ways in which a Christian family Father’s Son Mother of Jesus celebration and parish share and celebrate life, Hear the story of Christmas Be able to join in simple prayers and show care for one another and hymns Key Teachings from the Catholic Tradition from the RECD. Numbers in brackets relate to the Catechism of the Catholic Church 1.1.1.The Nature of Revelation: How Do We Know About God? (1-3,27-35) C. Divine Revelation (50-53,68-69)</p><p>1.2.5. The Shape of the Bible (120-130) D. The Gospels</p><p>1.5.1. Jesus Christ, Son of God (422-679) A. Mystery of the Incarnation: Emmanuel (God-is- with-us) (Jn 3:16-17; 484)</p><p>1.5.2. The Promise of a Messiah and the promise of redemption fulfilled in Jesus (422-451) G. The Gospels recognise Jesus as the fulfillment of the promise</p><p>1.5.3.The Mystery of the Incarnation (461-463) A. The Word became Flesh (the Incarnation) (525-528, 456-478) B Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man (464-469) 3 3.5.1. What is prayer? (2559-2565) A The Church at prayer</p><p>3.5.2. A universal call (2566-2567) A. God calls every individual to a vital relationship with him experienced in prayer (2558) B. Developing intimacy and communion with Jesus Christ through prayer is an essential aspect in the life of a believer or disciple (CT, no. 5; GDC, no. 80; NDC, §19B; 2560) D. Expressions of prayer can be vocal, meditative, or contemplative (2700-2724) E. The forms of prayer are blessing, adoration, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise (2626-2649) F. Prayer requires effort and commitment (2729-2745) </p><p>3.2.4. Liturgical year (1163-1171) A. Seasons (1163-1165) B. The Sabbath and the Lord’s Day (1166-1167) C. The Liturgical Year (1168-1171) D. The Sanctoral (1172-1173) E. The Liturgy of the Hours (1174-1178)</p><p>Background Notes for Teachers Two stories of the Birth of Jesus. Why? During Vatican II Pope Paul VI asked his Biblical Commission to explain why there are differences in the Gospel accounts of the life of Jesus. They wrote their answer as a document called The Instruction Concerning the Historical Truth of the Gospels. In this document the commission tell us that ‘each evangelist chose a method suited to their purpose; they reduced or adapted material, re-ordered and explained others, all determined by what would be useful to their audience.’ People studying the Bible were told to ‘seek out what each evangelist meant in recounting events or sayings in a particular way or in placing things within a specific context.’ Importantly though, the document reminds us that ‘the truth of the story is not affected at all by the fact that the Evangelists relate the words and deeds of the Lord in a different order and express his sayings not literally but differently, while preserving its sense’ (HTG IX).</p><p>4 There are some important differences to note in Matthew’s account of the birth of Jesus.</p><p>1. Matthew has the family already in Bethlehem living in a house – there is no journey from Nazareth.</p><p>2. The angel ALWAYS speaks to Joseph – Mary does not speak at all, neither does she visit Elizabeth.</p><p>3. Matthew quotes a lot from the First (Old) Testament. We think he does this because his community are Jewish and he wants to show them how Jesus is the Messiah they have been waiting for. </p><p>4. Matthew has no shepherds – instead wise men (Maji) visit the baby. </p><p>5. The family flee to Egypt to keep Jesus safe from King Herod – something Luke does not have at all. </p><p>We need to remember that although Luke and Matthew record the birth of Jesus very differently, the truth they are trying to convey is the same: Jesus was the Messiah, God as fully human. Christians call belief that God became human and lived among us, the Incarnation. </p><p>5 A Year of Faith Insert school logo here Linking School, Parish and Home Religious Education </p><p>Topic Theme: From Advent to Christmas This unit is intended as the second for the academic year 2013/2014 and the first of the Liturgical year, Year A. In keeping with the Liturgical year, this framework teaches the seasons of Advent and Christmas, according to the Gospel of Matthew. Learning opportunities include: Monitoring opportunities:</p><p> Coming to know Jesus is God the Father’s Son Student’s development will be monitored through observation and the collection of work samples for their portfolio.  Hearing the story of Christmas</p><p> Coming to know that Mary is the Mother of Jesus</p><p> Experiencing praying with others as a celebration</p><p> Joining in simple prayers and hymns</p><p> Learning about the ways in which a Christian family and parish share and celebrate life, and show care for one another</p><p>Affective and Spiritual Dispositions</p><p>6 It is hoped that pupils will develop:  An appreciation of the gift of God’s presence born again into the world at Christmas  An openness to the Incarnation in their own lives  An appreciation of the truths contained in Scripture  A willingness to pray during Advent Activities to try at home Parents, you are the first educators of your child in faith. Your child’s learning in Religious Education will be much greater if you and the school are engaged in talking about the same ideas and beliefs. Help your child by trying one or more of these activities while this unit is being taught:  Talk to your children about your plans and preparations for Christmas. Point out what is happening in your local community.  Ask your children to share the prayers they are saying at school with you. Include them in your bedtime rituals. An idea for prayer at home </p><p>Prayer Activity</p><p>Pray with your children at bedtime. As we work for you Come, Lord Jesus As we play for you Come, Lord Jesus As we rest for you Come, Lord Jesus As we pray for you Come, Lord Jesus As we wait for you Come, Lord Jesus</p><p>7 EYFS Goals PSE Expressive Communication Physical Literacy Knowledge and Maths Pre RE Arts and and Language Development Understanding Attainment Design</p><p>8 AT1 (i) At the start of Matthew’s Continue to Matthew says the START: THEN: Use simple sets Become each day begin story tells of develop pupils wise men came Explain that Help pupils of scales to immersed in the with the prayer the wise men knowledge of from the East - there are two become familiar imagine the wise Beliefs, suggested for bringing gifts language: perhaps Jordan, stories that with Matthew’s men buying the Teachings and parents to use at for the new an area of desert. describe Jesus’ story through frankincense and Sources of faith home: baby. Jesus birth. You are their play: myrrh. An English Provide pupils going to learn  With concrete  The Birth of As we work for Make stencils translation of the with damp sand Matthew’s story! materials Have pupils Jesus you, Come, Lord of camels for Jewish name and cups of weigh bags of Matthew Jesus pupils to trace, ‘Yeshua’ which different sizes  In role play stones, buttons 1:18-2:15 print or means ‘to rescue’ with which to or blocks and Read the As we play for decorate. or ‘deliver’ – we mould and build.  In picture explain to the background This section you, Come, Lord sometimes say Encourage pupils sequences ‘shop-keeper’ information and should be done Jesus Use butcher’s ‘to save’ to re-enact the what they are the actual story after AT 1 (ii), paper and ask journey of the  Using the buying it for. before you tell it playing with the As we rest for pupils to make Emmanuel wise men from story so you are very signs and you, Come, Lord Christmas Which means their home to ‘pointers’ See resources for comfortable symbols of Jesus wrapping ‘God with Us’ King Herod’s purchase of with it. faith. paper: write palace and to the Look in the actual As we pray for themes, Find out what home of Mary Block 1 frankincense and you, Come, Lord symbols and pupils’ names and Joseph framework for myrrh. Jesus names for mean. where Jesus was Tell Mt 1:18- extension Jesus, from Stress the born. 2:15 to pupils, activities for As we wait for Matthew’s importance of using concrete more able or you, Come, Lord story on it. using a person’s Dance! materials if you older pupils. Jesus name in showing can. Make cards respect for them. and wrap any small gift pupils make for their family in their paper. </p><p>9 EYFS Goals PSE Expressive Communication Physical Literacy Knowledge and Maths Pre RE Arts and and Language Development Understanding Attainment Design</p><p>10 AT 1 (ii) Develop Do anything at Teach and use Be ‘maranatha THEN: START: Play with the prayerful ways all in purple! vocab: kids’! Signs and of behaving Advent means Read/Tell a story Explain that the Make purple Symbols of during prayer: Make different ‘coming’ or Ask the pupils to about Mary who Church has a numerals to faith listening; shades of ‘arrival’ dress in also waited for special season arrange in order thinking quietly. purple paint… Maranatha something purple Jesus. (time) to help us Advent means ‘The Lord and play get ready for Count down the Make prayer a ‘purple’ should is coming!’ ‘waiting’ games: Before you tell Christmas. It is a days until ritual of each be lighter than eg hide a seek; the story explain time of waiting Christmas. day. dark Lent Set up the play pass the parcel; that Elizabeth and looking Look at the purple to corner as a space Duck Duck and Zechariah forward to what Put a large  Advent prayers in the recognise that where Mary and Goose (see (her husband) are is going to calendar on the Block 1 and 2 it’s a joyful Elizabeth might Wikipedia for also expecting a happen! wall and mark Do this section framework for time of have talked about instructions!) baby – John the During Advent the special dates FIRST examples of waiting, not a what was Baptist. This we remember on it: Advent class prayer. sad one. happening to story tells how people who begins; the First, them. For Mary visited waited for the Second, Third, Make sure your Sing! See links example Under Elizabeth. birth of Jesus. fourth Sunday of prayer table has below an olive tree; in Tell Luke Make a Jesse Advent; a purple cloth an open field. Be 1: 39-49 Tree. Put Christmas eve; and candles on Talk about as historically symbols on the Christmas day. it! how the accurate with Imagine: What tree for Mary, Church gathers your setting as did Mary and Joseph, to celebrate at you can. Elizabeth talk Elizabeth, Christmas. See Nazareth about? How Zechariah, John Village website: might they have the Baptist and We use white got ready for the the pupils (e.g. and gold cloths birth of Jesus? handprint, photo) and vestments See Block 1 for a to show that longer list of this is a special people. time of celebration. 11 EYFS Goals PSE Expressive Communication Physical Literacy Knowledge and Maths Pre RE Arts and and Language Development Understanding Attainment Design</p><p>12 AT 1 (iii) Christmas is a Most Make a game of Sing and dance Explain that one START: Thread beads in Explore the way time when we Christmas using ‘gift to Christmas of the special Matthew’s story Christmas people live remember those traditions come words’ – those carols! things Catholics expresses a basic colours (red because of their in our from a which we ‘give’ do during the last belief of all green and white) beliefs community who Christian to thank, week before Christians: that might have less source. Use the compliment, Christmas is say God came to live Build a than we do. powerpoint on praise or wish ‘O’ Antiphons. with us in the Christmas tree the each other An Antiphon is a person of Jesus. out of triangles – Link in with a teachscripture greetings of the short prayer said Jesus was God! in paper of charity in the site that season. in the evening. We believe that blocks Parish or school explains many God remains with and support their of the Learn the ‘O’ us today; in each Trace and cut giving. Christmas Link to Maths. Antiphon in the other, in our shapes out of old traditions. Make cubes out resources below. world and in our Christmas cards. This activity has of cardboard to Church. NOT been Explain how look like Say the antiphon Explore different suggested for Christians use presents. with actions at Make banners: ways of making Block 1 and 2 – colour and Decorate each the end of the We believe that stars with ask the ‘little symbol to ‘face’ with ‘gift days before you Jesus is God who different ones’ to lead show their words or break for came to live with numbers of it….taking delight that phrases’ before Christmas. us! points on them. messages and God came into they are put invitations the world at together! Tie For further around other Christmas. them with ribbon information on classes to join in to display See antiphons see ‘their’ ‘Gifts at Make resources for Block 1 and 2 Christmas’ ‘Matthew’ website pattern. appeal. Christmas cards! </p><p>Resources:</p><p>13 Sing!  Learn the chorus of the following song (note it is sung by a children’s choir called ‘Maranatha Kids’) and use it as a response to prayers of Intercession for Christmas. Maranatha is an Aramaic word which means ‘The Lord is coming!’ v=DOG8uXqKgNI  Come O Come Emmanuel. (Celebration Hymnal for Everyone 522; Hymns Old and New 384 & Laudate 112)</p><p>Art Possibilities. See for ideas for Christmas. Use the ‘Art and Craft Project’ tab. Scroll down for Christmas activities. If you decide to do the Nativity Book, ignore the description of what happened – it’s Luke’s and it’s wrong! The book though, is great! Zart Art Education also have a youtube channel which demonstrates art activities.</p><p>Camel stencils: (or Google Images: camel outline)</p><p>Frankincense and Myrrh can be obtained from Rahiiq Ltd (on line).</p><p>O Antiphon. (adapted) O Emmanuel ‘God with us’, you are our King and our Saviour: Come to us, O Lord our God. For a full list of the O Antiphons see The Follower (the Diocesan magazine) or the Block 1 and 2 Framework. </p><p>14 Cube pattern:</p><p>Pictures of Matthew’s story to sequence:</p><p>Nazareth Village website:</p><p>15 Possible concrete materials for telling Matthew’s story of the birth of Jesus.</p><p>Characters: Mary, Joseph, King Herod, 3 wise men </p><p>Settings: There are four settings: You will need something to represent the home they are living in….a box cave or house. A place where King Herod is; a place where the wise men have come from; Egypt.</p><p>Events: The story can be broken into scenes: Scene 1: Mary and Joseph finding out Mary is to have a baby. Jesus is born. Scene 2: The wise men go to Herod to ask where the new child ‘king of the Jews’ is. He tells them to find him and come and tell him. Scene 3: The wise men visit the baby with their gifts. They go home by another road. Scene 4: Joseph takes Mary and Jesus to Egypt as the angel tells him that King Herod want to hurt the baby. These ‘pointers’ may prompt your telling of the story. Choose/make your own – these are merely suggestions. </p><p> Mary [was] engaged to Joseph, but before they lived together, Mary was found to be [having a] child from the Holy Spirit.</p><p> But … an angel of the Lord appeared to him.</p><p> When Joseph awoke from [his] sleep ... he took [Mary] as his wife…[and after she had given birth to her son] he named him Jesus.</p><p> After Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem</p><p> [So] Herod secretly called the wise men [to come to him] and he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, ‘Go and search [carefully] for the child and when you have found him, [come and tell me] so that I may also go and pay him [respect].’ </p><p>16  [They entered the house and] saw the child with Mary his mother [so] they knelt down and paid him [respect].</p><p> [After] they had [gone] an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. </p><p>Gospel of Matthew The Birth of Jesus</p><p>Matthew 1:18-2:15</p><p>Adaptations to the NRSV text shown in [square brackets]</p><p>Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah took place [like this!] Mary [was] engaged to Joseph, but before they lived together, Mary was found to be [having a] child from the Holy Spirit. Her husband Joseph, [was] a [faithful] man and unwilling to [embarrass her in the community], planned to [quietly break from her]. But just when he had [decided] to do this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, ‘Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child [she is carrying] is from the Holy Spirit. She will [have] a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.’ </p><p>[Now] all this took place [just as the prophet had said]: ‘Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel’, which means, ‘God is with us.’ </p><p>17 When Joseph awoke from [his] sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took [Mary] as his wife…[and after she had given birth to her son] he named him Jesus.</p><p>[All this happened in] in the time of King Herod. After Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem. [They asked around], ‘Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we [have seen] his star at its rising, and [we] have come to pay him [respect].’ </p><p>When King Herod heard this, he [and all of Jerusalem] was frightened. [So he called] together all the chief priests and scribes [and asked them] where the Messiah was to be born. They told him, ‘In Bethlehem of Judea; for [the prophet wrote]: “And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least … for from you shall come a ruler who is to [be like a good] shepherd [to] my people Israel.” ’ </p><p>[So] Herod secretly called the wise men [to come to him] and [he asked them] when the star had appeared. Then he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, ‘Go and search [carefully] for the child and when you have found him, [come and tell me] so that I may also go and pay him [respect].’ </p><p>[After they had spoken to King Herod the wise men] set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen - until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. [They entered the house and] saw the child with Mary his mother [so] they knelt down and paid him [respect]. Then, opening their treasure-chests, they [gave the baby] gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh – two perfumes] </p><p>18 [But an angel] warned [them] in a dream not to return to Herod, [so] they left for their [home] by another road [and did not go back to King Herod to tell him where the baby was]. </p><p>[After] they had [gone] an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. [It told Joseph to] take the child and his mother and [go quickly] to Egypt and to stay there until [it told him it was safe] for Herod will look for the child to destroy it. </p><p>[So] when Joseph [got up] he took the young child and his mother and left for Egypt. </p><p>19</p>

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