DfieMi/ieDame PUBLISHED WEEKLY — FOUNDED 1867 Volume 73 December 15, 1939 Number 12 METRO- Goldwyn - MGM Scouts See Mayer is now engaged 'Orchid' Tonight in a nationwide scout­ ing attempt to dig up fresh and talented material to grace fu­ ture celluloid. M-G-M scouts will be in the "Brother Orchid" audience tonight. (See page 5) HAVE YOU space for Arnold Lunn one point about this Pens a Note war which has, per­ haps, not occurred to all your readers? Ii the truth of a phil­ osophy can be tested by its prediction ' value, it is clear that the Left Wing philosophy does not emerge with credit from this test. (See page 6) . COACH George Keog- . Keoganmen at an's "Fighting Irish" Wolves' Door basketball team will get down to the serious business of giving their second Big Ten Conference opponent a taste of Notre Dame court finesse, tomorrow night, when they battle Michigan at Ann Arbor. (See page 12) THE ELECTION of Elect Piepul Milt Piepul as. captain Grid Captain of the 1940 Fighting Irish marked the first time in 12 years this honor has been awarded ~to a backfield man. It was fit­ ting that when a 12 year old precedent is broken, Piepul should break it. (See page 12) Bishop-eleet John F. (yHara. C.S.C. — He Bclita have c«»e oat ia tke Soiia nearest Oe doors of Sacred Heart Charch. [See page 5] mm THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC HE mm\m UND as ifU vuereawonum HE MIMiMD FOR M m ifU wereland IKE ANIMALS, the two men fought in the IJ dirt. One was Gamaliel Ware, young vm^'r. ... \.' Vermonter come to Arizona's desert with a vi­ •.•:•}»«*«***« ^o^^ ' sion of waving fields of grain, a land richer than anyone ever dreamed of. The other was Cottrell, rmmm \- ...•••:.. '^ ^:^^'.<''^- themanwhohadsaid,"This world has shrunk too •A-- small to hold both you and me!"... And watch­ ing them, Christine, desired by both, yet aloof: .mm "Men fight many times when I am there" ... 'M-'/m A vivid sequel to Mr. Kelland's novel Arizona begins in this issue of the Post. A romance of men and women who whipped the old Southwest *.\ ^U, into a civilization. Announdng tiie New Nwd of the Southwest IX Valley of the Sun £s.^ '''''^Vfr^.wWr f . CLARENCE BUDINGTON ^-i5^ KELLAND IS HITLER MARRIED? Who is this IT COSTS $1000 TO HAVE LUNCH was drunk? Why so anxious to look tipsy in blonde Bavarian who has moved into, his WITH HARRY CHANDLER. Who luied court? John thought he saw a possible due in Chancdlery on ^^Ihdmstrasse? From a de­ the movies to Southern California? Who was ike crazy behavior of a comet! Doowihkk's pendable source inade Germany come detdls the practical dreamer behind the Hollywood Comet, a short stoiy by Harry Klingsberg. of the unoffidal romance of Adolf and Eva. Bowl; Los Angeles' man-made harbor? Meet AND... Hop off on the second leg of Airline RIDE IN AN ENGINE CAB. You're Hany Chandler, publisher of the Los Angeles Pilot Leiand Jamieson's new novel. High going for a ride in the cab of 90-44 on a 5- Timet, whose lundieons start mth soup and Frontier. A story ct flying in the days when below-^ero night with little Ben Cooper, end with a "toudi." there were no rules but Get There... Helen youngest engineer on the line. And the tiiird Hayes'first meeting with the man she married man along is out to trap Ben into making the THE MAN WHO WANTED TO BE ... Short stories by Ijllian Day and Robert one mistake that will cost him his job. ARRESTED. John Doowinkle, Asastant Murphy; Editorials, poems. Post Scripts and Read No Gift of Gab, by Harold Titus. D. A., was puzzled. Why does a man elaim he cartoons. All in this week's Post. THE SMTU^DAY EVENING POST Q THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC iality and charm of the atmosphere is conducive to an intellectual inertia. College Parade by jack WUlrmnn • Eyes Front! Then they tell the one on a fresbman Itinerant Incidentals Alf Bauman have publicly declared an who saw the New York musical "Too In keeping with our policy to give intention of sending flowers with the Many Girls." The nect day he went to personal information on different col­ hope that other men will do the same. an oculist to have his eyes treated. leges, the past week-end found us seeing Could it be that the aforementioned "After I left the show last night," he the Midway campus of Chicago U.—the escorts have a corsage concession? Oh, explained, "my eyes were red, and soie never! On the other side. Purple women institution that has Hutchins and a foot­ and inflamed." have a petition to the effect that they ball team, allegedly. No Hutchins was "The Doc looked him over, thoui^t a are not particularly anxious to wear seen, nor were there any C lettermen minute and then remarked, "After this corsages to the large formals because it strolling to the adulation of the coeds. try blinking your eyes once or twice dar­ is prohibitive to the wallets of the av­ Phi Kappa Sigma was hospitable in pro­ ing the show—^you won't miss much.'* erage student. Topping the signers was viding a night's lodging. Over studious —Awgwcm. "Portia" McClain. undergrads are labeled "tools." There • are rumors of a good team next year if Epilogne to a Prolosve the frosh squad is not hit with an acad­ And now Joe and Josie Campus are He's a Man for emic drought. And, our hat was the vic­ putting the finishing touches to those tim of some loose-fingered prankster in Frank Kristufek. He's a Pitt man in term papers that must he in before a pump-room, but it turned up under a the most vicious panther sense of the Christmas vacation. Joe is wondering nickleodeon. So much for the Madness word—on the line of gridiron battle and how his NYA check will, warrant a gift of the Midway. at a cartooning desk in Pitt journalism. for both girls, and leave money for a • Elected chairman of the College Asso­ cigar for dad. Happy days are those Pre-Christmas Platitude ciation football dance, Frank threatened holiday happenings just ahead. No ei^t to break tradition and feminine hearts o'clock classes—just nine o'clock dates. "My son's home from college." by going to the aifair without the cus­ No note-taking from the profs—^but a "How do you know?" tomary date, but the presence of lovely chance to note the little girls who are "I haven't had a letter from him in Virginia Krantz in modeling pose was growing up during our absence. No hull­ three weeks."—Pup. too much for Kristufek. In commenting • ing with the fellows on your floor—^but a on the first dance he will attend in four chance to explain away a couple of Sat­ She Gives the Downbeat years, Frank promised to show his fel­ urday afternoon let-downs. She is Ethel Nagy of Temple U. lows a few new steps America's dancers have Ina Kae Hut- because "This is my ton, but this frosh co-ed has the Temple night to howl!" rockin' in the Quaker City. With ten good men and hep she has the campus carpet cutters doing fancy patterns as Biting the Hand . she conducts her outfit for terpsichorean That nourished him, frolics. She, too, is addicted to gown Evarts Ziegler, '38, de­ changing in order to fit the music with nounces the Princeton her garb. More than a mere front for eating clubs in Decem­ her musicians, she sings, arranges, and ber issue of Town and dances as the mood strikes. Country magazine. "Prospect Street, with It's a Campus of a Different Color its 17 eating clubs, is To make a girl laugh at your jokes at once the most per­ Is really very simple: sistent thorn in the Just pick out one with pretty teeth, University authorities' Or one who has a dimple. flesh and the scene of —The Old Maid the pleasantest college memories to the Princetonians it has Flowers for Madame—^Yes or No? treated kindly." He To send them or to refrain—^that is points out that Wood- the argument. Whether it is more noble row Wilson, who was to use the money for cokes and be con­ also president of the tent with a gardenia in the hair. Gar­ university, declared : denias are lovely. Such is the problem "The side show is seek­ at Ohio State and Northwestern. Cor­ ing to run the main sages are banned for campus proms at tent. I won't be presi­ Buckeyetown, but sorority coeds were dent of a country club." not easily acquiesced to the ruling. The clubs take care of The opinions are reversed at North­ 80% of the upperclass- western where such names as Don Gur- men's vitamin prob­ itz, Iggy Mesec, Red Hahnenstein, and lems, but the congen­ 'Is that a pillow sticking ont of GilKIand's shirt, drar?" THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC The Week ^y ^''«»*^ wemkoff OPINION Question of the Week: "What particu­ Top of the Week Fable lar quality—for instance, income, ser­ The middle of next week. Once upon a time there was a fresh­ vice, interest, influence, position—will man who went home for Christmas you most desire to find in your life's Parting advice wearing a monogrammed belt buckle and didn't nearly freeze to death by walking work?" "When to boo is taboo has been a about town \vith his coat open and his source of embarrassment to many stu­ hands in his pockets.
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