The Conservative Caucus, Inc National Headquarters 450 Maple Avenue East, Vienna, Virginia 22180 (703) 893-1550 "I emphasize that...we are not proposing to abolish the Federal role in education." Sec. of Education Terrel Bell to the House of Representatives March 2, 1982 Dear Friend: Will you join thousands of other conservatives and sign your enclosed copy of our petition to President Reagan? It's time for a change at the U.S. Department of Education. During the 1980 campaign. President Reagan promised to work for the elimination of the Department of Education. Why not now? Please sign your petition and return it to me today. The Conservative Caucus needs thousands more of these petitions to make sure the President and his staff get our message loud and clear: "Abolish the Department of Education now." When you return your petition please enclose a contribution as well. The Conservative Caucus needs many checks for $100, $50, $25 and $15 to pay for this nationwide petition drive. We need your contribution today to help pay for the postage, printing, and other costs of reaching at least 250,000 conservatives. We want to make sure that the promises made in 1980 are kept. But the Secretary of Education has a different philosophy than you and I, I believe that the over $13 billion now assigned to the Department of Education should be eliminated from the Federal (Over, please...) Board of Directors Executive Director Director of Publications Howard Phillios. Chairman P Andy Messing, Jr, Administrative Services Senate Issues Yearbook Peter J, Thomas, Secretary Administrative Vice Chairman Margie Wilklns Senate Report Grass Roots Lawrence J. Straw. Jr., Treasurer Charles Orndorff PicharO Derham National Security Task Force Member's Report J. Alan MacKay Field Coordinator Brig. General Albion Knignt. USA (Ret.) Annual Report Monroe Thomas Director Conservative Manifesto National Director Director of Research Howard Phillips Rnanclal Secretary Peggy Cross and Publications Joyce Runyon Page Two budget. Last year, budget director David Stockman proposed a reduction to $8.17 billion. But even that was not enough for Terrel Bell, who had initially recommended a $13.1 billion budget for fiscal year 1983. The problem isn't just the billions of dollars spent by the Department of Education, it's the harm those dollars are doing to our country. One of the most harmful programs spawned by the Federal Education bureaucracy has been the bilingual program, in \^jiich students are taught in their native language, rather than being required to leam English. According to liberal Democrat Congressman Paul Simon, Terrel Bell "is a true believer and supporter of our cause. If it hadn't been for Ted Bell, there might not have been a dime in the budget for bilingual education." It's a tragedy that conservatives who want to eliminate the Department of Education have to fight not only the $74 million budget of radical Leftist National Education Association Union, but Ronald Reagan's own Secretary of Education as well. Please sign and return to me the petition to President Reagan urging him to fire Terrel Bell. I will personally see to it that these petitions are delivered to the White House. President Reagan needs to hear that you want him to veto any further appropriations for the Department of Education. Until the President is ready to veto Education Department flands, he should at least have an education secretary who is faithful to the philosophical objective of getting the Federal government out of local education. That means he needs to replace Terrel Bell. Here are some more facts you need to know. 1. Terrel Bell, from the beginning, favored the establishment of the Department of Education. This is not what Ronald Reagan promised. 2. Instead of proposing the abolition of the Department, Secretary Bell is now pushing a "Foundation for Education Assistance" which would have many of the same problems as the Legal Services Corporation in not being accouTitafale to the American people. In other words, there would be Federal dollars spent, but there would be less control over how they are spent. This is not what Ronald Reagan promised. (Next page, please...} Page Three 3. A number of questionable groups have been fianded to conduct bilingual education programs which often discourage students from learning English. One of these, the Bay Area Bilingual Education League (BABEL), is closely associated with Cesar Chavez and the United Farmworkers. It has received six separate grants totaling more than $1,500,000. This is not what President Reagan promised. 4. Terrel Bell awarded $656,664 to Jesse Jackson's PUSH-EXCEL. These Federal dollars have not calmed down Jesse Jackson, who continues to support the Palestine Liberation Organization and to launch regular vicious attacks on President Reagan and ,/is proposals to reduce Federal spending. This is not what Ronald Reagan promised. 5. Under Terrel Bell, a grant of $141,087 was approved to a group called a Council for Interracial Books for Children, a radical organization started by members of the Weather Underground. Under the terms of this grant, the Coiancil, which finds the word "wife" to be sexist, is developing basic readers for children in grades three and five. This is not what Ronald Reagan promised. 6. Under Terrel Bell, the Left-wing National Organization for Women Legal Defense and Education Fiond got two separate grants totaling more than $435,000. Under one of these grants, NOW-LDEF is using your tax dollars to produce television news spots to promote radical feminist objectives. This is not what Ronald Reagan promised. 7. From June 25-27, 1982, in Baltimore, Maryland, two programs funded by Terrel Bell's department of Education, sponsored a program called "Access to Equality" which featured remarks by radical feminist Gloria Steinem. This is not what Ronald Reagan promised. Terrel Bell has candidly stated his differences with Ronald Reagan's campaign promises. As long as his department supports the objectives of the radical Left-wing education lobby, his policies are a threat to our children, and to our country. Terrel Bell must go! And the Department of Education with him. We conservatives must hold the President to his word on (Over, please...) Page Four this issue. Because if we let him get away with breaking his promise to abolish the Department of Education, the rest of the conservative agenda will stay "on the back burner"... right where it is now...right where his liberal advisors want it. So please do two things that would be a tremendous help at this critical time. First of all, read and sign your petition to President Reagan. I'll add it to the thousands we've already collected before we present them all to the White House. And second, we here at The Consf/vative Caucus urgently need your financial support to continue this battle... ...a battle against federal control of education and federal funding of the radical left through the Department of Education. Please send a check for $100, $50 or $25 or $15 when you return your signed petition for President Reagan. The Conservative Caucus needs this money to pay the costs of postage, printing, lobbying, and grassroots organizing. Our goal is to raise $10,000 in the next 30 days for our Abolish the Department of Education project. The Conservative Caucus- isn't underwritten by any large foundations or supported by federal grants, like many liberal groups. We rely on individual contributions from thousands of Americans who are concerned about the direction o\ar country is going. I hope I can covint on you to help. Because if you can't it will make it that much harder for The Conservative Caucus to find the supporters we need to defeat the well-organized, well—financed left wing. Please answer this letter today. loward Phillips National Director P.S. The $10,000 we need in the next 30 days seems like a lot of money. But we are up against the National Education Association and their $74 million annual bedget. Please help us with your most generous contribution. ^eitttntt to the President of the United States the Honorable Ronald Reagan Dear Mr. President: As both a citizen of the United States and a longtime supporter of both you and your goals for America, 1 petition you to dismiss your Secretary of Education, Mr. Terrei Bell, and to firmly resolve to veto any further spending authority or appropriations which would continue Federal involvement in local education. As you know, the creation of the Department of Education was nothing more than a political gift from former President Carter to the National Education Association Union. Mr. Bell, your designee as a Secretary of Education, was an original •.P}r supporter of the Department's creation and,even now, he continues to fund, on a discretionary basis, organizations which promote policies directly contradictory to the principles on which you campaigned in 1980. Terrei Bell's tenure at the Department of Education has come to symbolize "business as usual," with taxpayer funds continuing to go to organizations such as the National Organization for Women—Legal Defense and Education Fund, Jesse Jackson's PUSH-EXCEL, and others of a highly radical character. I petition you, Mr. President, to promptly dismiss Terrei Bell as Secretary of Education and to veto all further spending authoritv which would carry forward either the Department of Education or continued Federal involvement in local education. Thank vou for vour consideration. (signature) At The Conservative Caucus, Inc. National Headquarters 450 Maple Avenue, East • Vienna, Virginia 22180 •. • V.'iJ- ABOUSH THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Reply to: Howard Phillips, National Director The Conservative Caucus, inc.
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