<p> 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 1 4 5 1Male: Good afternoon, welcome to the January 2016 CCI bi-monthly call. </p><p>2 Before we begin our presentation, I just want to do a few </p><p>3 housekeeping items. If you can hear me fine, please press 1. If the </p><p>4 volume is fine, please press 1. If you can’t, please press 2. Great, it </p><p>5 looks like we are good with volume. Just a reminder that at the end </p><p>6 of the presentation, we’ll have a chance for general questions. If you</p><p>7 have a question at that time, just press 1 and we will get your </p><p>8 question through. Today, we are joined by Sarah Brooks, Deputy </p><p>9 Director for Healthcare Delivery Systems at the Department of </p><p>10 Healthcare Services. We’ll also have a presentation in a few </p><p>11 minutes from folks from the Health Plan of San Mateo. But now, let</p><p>12 me turn it over to Sarah. </p><p>13Ms. Brooks: Thank you, good afternoon everybody and thank you for joining us </p><p>14 today. Uhm -- we have a number of items for today’s call. We’ll be</p><p>15 covering the budget, field research data, (unintelligible) foundation </p><p>16 case studies. As (unintelligible) mentioned, we have San Mateo on </p><p>17 to provide an overview of some great work that they’re doing. RTI </p><p>18 International reports that recently were released. An update on </p><p>19 enrollment. Also, an update on a piece of our outreach efforts and </p><p>20 then an update on materials in general. And then of course finally, </p><p>21 we’ll open it up for questions and answers. So, to start with the </p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 2 4 5 1 budget. So, the Governor’s proposed budget, which you all know </p><p>2 was released earlier this month -- uhm -- and it’s a coordinated care </p><p>3 initiative which does include Cal Mediconnect and -- and as you </p><p>4 know, is a historic undertaking to help improve the lives of low </p><p>5 income seniors and people with disabilities in California was </p><p>6 included. Uh -- the program was developed with intensive consumer</p><p>7 and stakeholder input and it’s just one building block toward our </p><p>8 overall goal to improve health outcomes and spend out healthcare </p><p>9 dollars more wisely. The State budget continues the CCI, </p><p>10 Coordinated Care Initiative, and Cal Mediconnect in 2016 reflecting </p><p>11 the administration’s commitment to that important goal. Now, as </p><p>12 you may know, under current law, the CCI is required to generate </p><p>13 savings in order to continue. While it is still too early in the life of </p><p>14 Cal Mediconnect to have a complete picture of how coordinated care</p><p>15 can help improve quality of life and reduce costs, the calculation of </p><p>16 savings generated by the CCI takes into account many factors. Uh --</p><p>17 some of which are external to the CCI itself. It does include the </p><p>18 expiration of the Managed Care Organization Tax of the MCO tax at</p><p>19 the end of June which is a net loss of $1.1 billion in revenue to the </p><p>20 State. Higher than anticipated costs of the IHSS program as the </p><p>21 result of changes in federal regulations related to overtime, an </p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 3 4 5 1 increase in the State’s minimum wage and the State’s MOE or </p><p>2 Maintenance of Effort -- Effort provisions and -- and statutes. Uhm </p><p>3 -- and then also enrollment delays. Lower participation rates and a </p><p>4 lower than anticipated share of federal savings. The scheduled </p><p>5 expiration of the MCO t has a major impact on the fiscal analysis. </p><p>6 As of today, the MCO tax is set to expire at the end of June. Uh -- </p><p>7 legislative action on the MCO tax was required, revised analysis. </p><p>8 Uhm -- while there is some uncertainty around these important </p><p>9 factors that I just talked about, and the impact that savings analysis --</p><p>10 uh -- CCI and Cal Mediconnect will continue to operate in 2016. So,</p><p>11 moving on to rapid cycle pulling of Medicare and MediCal </p><p>12 individuals by the field research corporation. The DHCS has been </p><p>13 working with community partners and Cal Mediconnect plans to </p><p>14 help share information about the program with eligible beneficiaries </p><p>15 and to educate physicians, caregivers and other trusted sources of </p><p>16 how Cal Mediconnect and coordinated care can improve the lives of </p><p>17 their patients and loved ones. DHCS has been open the challenges </p><p>18 that have come with trying to integrate two very different healthcare </p><p>19 systems in a way that provides improved and better coordinated care.</p><p>20 And also challenges other states (unintelligible) as well. And we </p><p>21 have met those challenges head-on. Always keeping the </p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 4 4 5 1 beneficiaries we serve at the heart of our work. The good news is </p><p>2 that early evaluation data shows that beneficiaries enrolled in Cal </p><p>3 Mediconnect health plans are (unintelligible) and satisfied with their </p><p>4 care. So, they like the program. Uhm -- in December, the field </p><p>5 research corporation released a second round of data in the rapid </p><p>6 cycle polling which evaluates the experience of beneficiaries in and </p><p>7 out of Cal Mediconnect. This second round of data continues to </p><p>8 show that an overwhelming majority of beneficiaries are satisfied </p><p>9 with Cal Mediconnect and confident in their care. So, we’ve seen </p><p>10 two different rounds that show similar responses in terms of </p><p>11 beneficiaries, experience and understanding and feelings about the </p><p>12 program. Uhm -- beneficiaries in Cal Mediconnect plans are </p><p>13 satisfied with their choice of doctors at 78% and hospitals at 77%. </p><p>14 The way different healthcare providers work together to give them </p><p>15 services at 78%. The amount of time doctors and staff spend with </p><p>16 them. 85% and the information provided by their plan to explain </p><p>17 benefits to them and that’s at 73%. 79% of beneficiaries were </p><p>18 confident that they could get their questions answered about their </p><p>19 healthcare needs. The data also shows us what we can work on. Uh </p><p>20 -- transition issues often led to early disenrollment from Cal </p><p>21 Mediconnect. But those who stayed enrolled were satisfied with </p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 5 4 5 1 how issues were resolved. Beneficiaries who opted out were wary </p><p>2 of change in current healthcare services. That was at about 86% and</p><p>3 losing their doctors, 70%. Other evaluation efforts have shown that </p><p>4 beneficiaries often lack awareness about Cal Mediconnect benefits, </p><p>5 including new availability of a care coordinator or continuity of care.</p><p>6 We at the State here will continue to work closely with our partners, </p><p>7 our plan providers and stakeholder communities to continuously </p><p>8 strengthen the program and address issues. At the same time, DHCS</p><p>9 remains concerned about the participation rate in Cal Mediconnect. </p><p>10 For Cal Mediconnect to be successful over the long-term, more </p><p>11 eligible beneficiaries need to choose to participate in the program. </p><p>12 So, we really need to get the word out about the satisfaction of </p><p>13 beneficiaries in it. Uhm -- DHCS has been working community </p><p>14 partners and Cal Mediconnect plans to help share information about </p><p>15 the program with eligible beneficiaries and to educate physicians, </p><p>16 caregivers and other trusted sources on how Cal Mediconnect and </p><p>17 Coordinated Care can improve the lives of their patients and loved </p><p>18 ones. Together with the field polling results in December, </p><p>19 (unintelligible) also released multipole case studies of individual </p><p>20 successful experiences in coordinated care. A place to call home </p><p>21 and thriving in her community are two case studies that the </p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 6 4 5 1 (unintelligible) Foundation did release and full details of those </p><p>2 stories are found on their website at the (unintelligible) </p><p>3 foundation.org. (Unintelligible) Foundation will also be publishing </p><p>4 additional case studies showcasing the promise of coordinated care </p><p>5 in 2016 and we look forward to reviewing this and hearing about the </p><p>6 beneficiary experience while in Cal Mediconnect. So, speaking of </p><p>7 success stories, we want to turn it over now to Health Plan of San </p><p>8 Mateo for a few minutes to talk about their community care settings </p><p>9 pilot. Today’s presenters include Chris Esquirre (phonetic) who is </p><p>10 the Deputy Chief Medical Officer at Health Plan of San Mateo and </p><p>11 Ed Ortiz who is their Chief Network Officer. So, with that, I will </p><p>12 turn it over to them to share their exciting story and -- and -- and </p><p>13 information with you all.</p><p>14Dr. Esquirre: Wonderful, thank you. And -- uh -- thank you for an introduction, </p><p>15 Sarah. Uhm -- so, it will -- it will just be me -- uh -- today. And </p><p>16 again, I’m Chris Esquirre with Health Plan of San Mateo, the Deputy</p><p>17 Chief Medical Officer. And -- uhm -- we’re gonna talk to you a </p><p>18 little bit about our community care settings pilot that we’re quite </p><p>19 proud of this pilot and how it’s been helping our members. Now, </p><p>20 this pilot falls in the continuum of our care coordination complex </p><p>21 case management program as essentially the highest intensity care </p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 7 4 5 1 management program. And its focus is to deinstitutionalize and </p><p>2 promote community living for our vulnerable members. In addition,</p><p>3 it’s actually attested for our incremental services and tools, as well </p><p>4 as the catalyst to actually help reduce -- uhm -- and even get rid of </p><p>5 silos that we are noticing -- these are the other various services in the</p><p>6 community with whom we partner. Some of the unique features of </p><p>7 this -- uh -- for our members is we do have and provide intensive </p><p>8 case management with significant touches and face-to-face contact. </p><p>9 The ratio is about one case manager -- uh -- who’s a social worker to</p><p>10 about 20 -- uh -- members. There is a housing services and retention</p><p>11 component and I’ll get more into that in a bit. As well as a multi-</p><p>12 disciplinary core group team that does the care planning and </p><p>13 oversight. In this team, it’s quite large. We have over 25 </p><p>14 participants. We have representation from county agencies such as </p><p>15 behavioral health and aging and adult services, in addition to our </p><p>16 contractors, as well as HPSM staff and physicians. In really utilizing</p><p>17 our care plan options, this community care settings pilot deploys </p><p>18 whatever services are necessary to help our member migrate out of </p><p>19 or avoid -- uhm -- long-term care residency. The ultimate goal is to </p><p>20 help reconnect them in the community and -- and bring them back to</p><p>21 the community. The pilot structure, we have operated in such a way </p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 8 4 5 1 that -- uh -- HPSM is the organizing entity and we have multiple -- </p><p>2 uh -- partners in this. We have two main partners. One is the </p><p>3 Institute on Aging and they provide the intensive case management </p><p>4 and oversight -- uhm -- for our -- uhm -- process. Really in Corners, </p><p>5 another organization is our housing services and retention provider. </p><p>6 Of course, the other partners -- uhm -- that are part of this -- uh -- </p><p>7 effort are our medical services and providers. So, essentially our </p><p>8 home health agencies, our primary care providers, our specialists in </p><p>9 clinics, as well as our community and county based resources. And I</p><p>10 had mentioned that we work very closely with aging and adult </p><p>11 services specifically. Their IHSS program, but also their multi-</p><p>12 purpose senior services program or MSSP. In addition, we also </p><p>13 work closely with our community based adult services, our </p><p>14 (unintelligible) centers, as well as behavioral health. What we have </p><p>15 done is try to leverage a number of resources to support these </p><p>16 operations. So, of course, I mentioned some of our county </p><p>17 programs. Uh -- in addition, we have used or taken advantage of </p><p>18 State 1115 Waiver Program such as the Assisted Living Waiver -- </p><p>19 uhm -- in-home operations and things like that. Of course, we try to </p><p>20 maximize the health benefits -- uh -- as much as possible for these </p><p>21 members and -- uh -- care plan optional services. And we do have a </p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 9 4 5 1 bit of local funding to assist in the effort. I had mentioned earlier </p><p>2 about our goal of the institutionalization or preventing that. And in </p><p>3 doing that, what we have done is segmented our population to be </p><p>4 very focused and to be clear about how it is that we’re working to </p><p>5 have maintain in the community or return to the community. And </p><p>6 we have the three targets in our population. So, one segment is our </p><p>7 long-term care residents. And through a needs assessment that </p><p>8 occurred -- uh -- several years before -- uh -- we identified about 10 </p><p>9 to 30% of folks residing in long-term care settings are actually able </p><p>10 to migrate to lower levels of care. And this was through our </p><p>11 assessment talking to a lot of our facilities. The other two buckets </p><p>12 are actually related to diversions. The one is the skilled nursing </p><p>13 facility diversion. Usually, there is an acute health incident that is </p><p>14 prompting a change in health or functional status and putting the </p><p>15 person at risk. And what we want to do is prevent them from staying</p><p>16 longer and being institutionalized and unfortunately, learning the </p><p>17 dependency that occurs in that and we want them to get back into the</p><p>18 community. And then the other segment are community diversions. </p><p>19 These are folks that are identified as struggling in the community, </p><p>20 are at risk -- uhm -- due to -- as -- as identified through certain </p><p>21 behaviors. And what we want to do is provide -- uh -- extra support </p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 10 4 5 1 to continue to maintain and extend their independence. One of the </p><p>2 other reasons why we’ve done this in really looking at long-term </p><p>3 care in particular is we also know that it was definitely for our area </p><p>4 and our county, we have had a shortage of -- uh -- adequate beds and</p><p>5 we also thought that the pilot to be able to then free up that capacity </p><p>6 to be able to move things along in this continuum of care. Another </p><p>7 way for us then to take a look at what members who are referred, </p><p>8 how we’re actually going to prioritize and -- and help them move </p><p>9 along, we have a case mix indexing tool that we use to determine </p><p>10 eligibility, population fit and then sure that we’re continuing to meet </p><p>11 the goals of the pilot itself. How we engage with our participants, </p><p>12 our partner Institute on Aging, they are the ones that begin this </p><p>13 process and we’ve done a lot of work in our community to talk about</p><p>14 the pilot and as a result, we have a steady -- uh -- stream of referrals </p><p>15 and that starts with an intake form of which then it’s evaluated and </p><p>16 leading to an assessment by the Case Manager -- uh -- which is a </p><p>17 complete assessment and presented to that multi-disciplinary care </p><p>18 team core group that I described. And from that, that group makes </p><p>19 the decision of what is the most appropriate level of care and </p><p>20 services to actually help this person with input from multiple </p><p>21 agencies and -- and stakeholders. A care plan is created and we -- we</p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 11 4 5 1 get to work. And it actually takes us about nine to 12 months to get </p><p>2 someone in an institutional setting through this charge. And you can</p><p>3 imagine that there’s a lot of preparation for that. After the discharge </p><p>4 and returning back to the community, we -- we stick with them for </p><p>5 another nine to 12 months really to help them build the skills of </p><p>6 maintaining in the community and we -- we see these phases as the </p><p>7 implementation phase of the post-discharge. We want to make sure </p><p>8 that they’re engaged with their primary care provider, the home is </p><p>9 set up in such a way that’s safe and manageable for that member, </p><p>10 and that we’re helping reconnect them to the community, the </p><p>11 stabilization phase is helping them build problem solving skills and </p><p>12 other skills development and manage any crises that would occur. </p><p>13 The final phase is transition phase and we try to make sure we </p><p>14 resolve any other unmet goals, continue to promote independence </p><p>15 and ultimately, this member gets transferred to our routine complex </p><p>16 case management pool which exists within the plan itself and our </p><p>17 nurses manage the member thereafter. What does continue </p><p>18 throughout all this, as much as the institute on aging will phase out, </p><p>19 is the work from our brilliant corners partner. And so that’s the </p><p>20 housing retention services and those continue for those members that</p><p>21 actually have contact with brilliant corners visa-vie the housing. </p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 12 4 5 1 Now, I’ll get into that in just a little bit. And one of the things that </p><p>2 we have understood is while we may identify a housing solution for </p><p>3 somebody in transition, the other key piece is helping them stay </p><p>4 there. And helping them be able to remain independent in that </p><p>5 housing solution. Speaking of which then our housing strategy, </p><p>6 what we’ve done is take a look at the various services. I had </p><p>7 mentioned the ability to help folks stay in housing; however we -- </p><p>8 the components of that include an owner resident liaison -- uh -- </p><p>9 process where we help our members actually manage that </p><p>10 relationship with the landlord if that was the case for scattered site </p><p>11 housing, for example. Or if they already had an existing apartment </p><p>12 or existing home, to be able to liaison between any other agencies </p><p>13 and how to begin -- how to begin to do that. They also manage a </p><p>14 housing portfolio for us to make sure that we do have a stead </p><p>15 availability of various housing options for our members as we are </p><p>16 transitioning them. Uhm -- they also take a look at the unit in terms </p><p>17 of habitability and they do wellness checks for us. And they are </p><p>18 available -- uhm -- on call, 24-hours in case there are any other </p><p>19 issues that pop up that are not necessarily related to -- to -- uhm -- </p><p>20 that person’s health condition. It’s all about just being able to live -- </p><p>21 uh -- safely in that home. Our targeted residential settings -- uhm -- </p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 13 4 5 1 we’ve had quite the range from helping someone maintain their own </p><p>2 existing home or apartment. The other piece is affordable supportive</p><p>3 housing. We do have also scattered site housing as well as assisted </p><p>4 living. As a result of this, we’ve been working closely with our </p><p>5 County Department of Housing and Housing Authority for set aside. </p><p>6 One of our -- our latest -- uh -- successful projects was with Half </p><p>7 Moon Village and being able to move seven folks over there and </p><p>8 they can’t just be any happier -- uhm -- being able to go from a long-</p><p>9 term setting to their own place in a beautiful setting. Uhm -- we’ve </p><p>10 also been working on any weight lift management around Section 8 </p><p>11 housing vouchers and are looking further to partner in terms of </p><p>12 opening up housing stock. Uhm -- as you can imagine, with San </p><p>13 Mateo County and the Bay Area, housing is quite the issue and visa-</p><p>14 vis pricing and -- and expenses and we want to be able to preserve </p><p>15 and identify housing stock for our members. Now, I described a lot </p><p>16 of the processes and what we were doing and -- uhm -- one of the </p><p>17 things that we have been doing as well is actually evaluating the </p><p>18 impact of our program. And we do have some preliminary data. </p><p>19 And we’ve been taking a look at, for the folks that we have </p><p>20 transitioned out, and I’ll have those -- those numbers in a bit, that </p><p>21 we’ve actually realized some savings. So, as an example, that first </p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 14 4 5 1 segment of population, the long-term care residents that we’ve been </p><p>2 working to transition out, the pre-transition per member per month </p><p>3 cost was that we’ve calculated thus far has been about $16,000 per </p><p>4 member per month. Post transition, that cost drops down to $5,130. </p><p>5 Uhm -- that’s for the long-term care residents in terms of going back </p><p>6 to the community. The skilled nursing facility diversion -- uh -- at </p><p>7 the comparison to the pre-transition cost was $7,300 about, not </p><p>8 surprising. And then post-transition was 4740 -- uh -- per member </p><p>9 per month. The community diversions, that segment -- uh -- they’re </p><p>10 pre-transition costs was about $5,600 per member per month and </p><p>11 then post-transition, the -- the per member per month cost was about </p><p>12 $2,500. Now, that’s wonderful and we’re hoping to continue to </p><p>13 expand that and -- and hopefully -- uh -- continue to build upon that. </p><p>14 But of course then we have the actual stories for our members and </p><p>15 these I think highlight just the impact that we do make -- uh -- for </p><p>16 the folks that were able to actually transition out. On one particular </p><p>17 case, so this person had a stroke and that landed him in a skilled </p><p>18 nursing facility. Unfortunately, for over a year. He actually had his </p><p>19 own apartment and was about to lose it because he’s -- he had been </p><p>20 out of his apartment for quite some time. Our housing partner went </p><p>21 in and to -- and helped him prevent an eviction so that we can return </p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 15 4 5 1 him to his apartment. In addition though, we needed all these other </p><p>2 services to help him stay in that apartment. So, we -- we helped him </p><p>3 with modifications, but also provided a bunch of other supportive </p><p>4 services and got him into a (unintelligible) program. In addition, we </p><p>5 reconnected him to the community he was very much active in -- uh </p><p>6 -- with his church and in Filipino community and we were able to </p><p>7 get him back there. So, whereas we’re able to show -- to show these </p><p>8 savings, we also do know the impact on individual members and we </p><p>9 have those stories. In addition to the individual impact, we have </p><p>10 seen, as part of our goal, actually improvements in the system -- uhm</p><p>11 -- efficiencies in getting services much faster -- uhm -- getting </p><p>12 incremental services and really a -- a tighter coordination among the </p><p>13 various agencies that would work to support our members in the </p><p>14 community. As an update, our project launched about 15 months </p><p>15 ago. Uh -- we’ve been operating quite successfully within the </p><p>16 original scope. We do have our core group -- uhm -- every other </p><p>17 week -- uh -- and as well as administrative meetings to manage this. </p><p>18 Uh -- we continue to identify new ranges of services and support, as </p><p>19 well as -- uh -- try to break down those barriers that prevent folks </p><p>20 from community living. Uh -- since the start, we have 146 members </p><p>21 enrolled and 71 have transitioned. And the three various targets in </p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 16 4 5 1 terms of I mentioned the long-term care to transitions, the </p><p>2 (unintelligible) diversions and community diversions, it breaks out </p><p>3 into about 60% long-term care, transitions, 20% (unintelligible) </p><p>4 diversions, and 20% community diversions. Uh -- we do have a </p><p>5 referral pipeline that’s growing and as a result of growing popularity </p><p>6 and -- and more and more press about what we’ve been doing to a </p><p>7 lot of -- uh -- stakeholders, we -- we have a list growing in terms of </p><p>8 the referrals which has been great. We are working with our case -- </p><p>9 case management partner to increase staffing to be able to facilitate </p><p>10 more transitions into the community. Uh -- in terms of our budget, </p><p>11 our actual expenses have been 30% below our actual -- uh -- fiscal </p><p>12 year targets. This is getting us then to our phase II, our outlook and </p><p>13 one of the things that we’ve gotten to a place in terms of our </p><p>14 operations and -- and some of the early outcomes, we now have </p><p>15 wanted to grow the program a bit further. And so the key is there we</p><p>16 want to enhance case management -- uh -- capabilities, a dedicated </p><p>17 Project Manager -- uh -- augment the program scope and the intake </p><p>18 criteria and continue to leverage housing partnerships, as well as </p><p>19 operationalize CCS or our pilot elements within the larger </p><p>20 programming. Uh -- we are also looking into a peer mentoring </p><p>21 program and really connecting folks as a way to really address that </p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 17 4 5 1 piece of -- that disconnectedness that occurs in institutionalization </p><p>2 and as a way to really help people connect to each other into the </p><p>3 community. In addition, we want to have ongoing ways to engage </p><p>4 with our providers about this program and to really be able to </p><p>5 maintain that pipeline. So, thank you very much in letting me share </p><p>6 about our community care settings pilot.</p><p>7Male: Thank you Dr. Esquirre for that presentation. We have a few </p><p>8 minutes before we resume with the rest of the presentation for some </p><p>9 questions for Dr. Esquirre. Uhm -- if you have a question for Dr. </p><p>10 Esquirre, please press 1 now. Our first question comes from Nancy </p><p>11 Murish (phonetic). Nancy, your line is open.</p><p>12Mr. Passmore: This is actually Gary Passmore (phonetic) at the Congress of </p><p>13 California Seniors on Nancy’s line. Doctor -- uh -- I’ve got two </p><p>14 questions. One of them -- uh -- is you cited some numbers -- uh -- I </p><p>15 guess -- uh -- what I would call -- uh -- before your service -- uh -- </p><p>16 was used on a per member per patient basis and then afterwards. Uh</p><p>17 -- does your -- your second set of numbers, what -- what you spent </p><p>18 after this -- uh -- set of interventions reflect the cost of your program</p><p>19 or is your -- what you’re doing, the cost of it completely outside of </p><p>20 those sets of numbers?</p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 18 4 5 1Dr. Esquirre: Great question and the numbers after, post -- the post-transition </p><p>2 numbers actually reflect all costs. And so that includes our program </p><p>3 and our staff. Uhm -- just to let you know too, because we are -- are </p><p>4 -- uh -- the point in which we do the comparison, pre-transition, we </p><p>5 also do have some program costs involved because our Case </p><p>6 Managers are already working with the member to facilitate the </p><p>7 transition. So, that’s also included in the cost pre-transition.</p><p>8Male: Thank you Gary for that question. Our next question comes from </p><p>9 Hadie Handley. Hadie, your line is open.</p><p>10Ms. Handley: Hi, I just absolutely loved that presentation and I’m wondering if </p><p>11 you can talk a little bit about the breakdown of the different </p><p>12 diagnosis of the patients that -- uh -- you’re helping with this </p><p>13 innovative -- uh -- model. I was -- and I’d like to learn more offline </p><p>14 about that stroke patient and possibly feature that in a future right </p><p>15 care initiative university best practices.</p><p>16Dr. Esquirre: I’m so happy to talk offline -- uhm -- thank you. And -- uh -- so, we </p><p>17 -- we can compile the general diagnosis that -- uh -- we have </p><p>18 managed. But it’s actually been a wide variety. We have seen </p><p>19 things such as stroke patients, but also we’ve had folks who have </p><p>20 suffered from cardiovascular issues -- uh -- behavioral health </p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 19 4 5 1 conditions, surgeries that have occurred. It’s actually been quite the </p><p>2 wide variety. We -- what we’ve conscientiously done is not to be </p><p>3 condition specific, but be more specific to a population such as those</p><p>4 living in long-term care settings or at risk for -- or getting into a </p><p>5 skilled nursing facility. So, but we can -- we can get that </p><p>6 information definitely.</p><p>7Male: Thank you. Our next question comes from Debra Doctor (phonetic).</p><p>8 Debra, your line is open.</p><p>9Ms. Doctor: Thank you very much for the presentation. It’s heartwarming to </p><p>10 hear the stories and the validation of what some of us have been </p><p>11 saying and working on for oh, 40 years that people don’t have to go </p><p>12 to institutions and can do better at home. I have one suggestion and </p><p>13 then a couple of questions. The suggestion is that maybe to change </p><p>14 the language about -- it -- it seemed like you were implying that a -- </p><p>15 in a continuum of care that an institution, say a nursing home, is part</p><p>16 of the continuum of care which kind of conflates the location with </p><p>17 the level of care. That people can have a higher level of care than </p><p>18 nursing home care at home and, you know, -- uh -- lower level of </p><p>19 care if they’re in an institution. So, maybe I misunderstood, but it </p><p>20 seemed like that was what was being implied. Uhm -- I -- I wanted </p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 20 4 5 1 to let you know that on this issue of somebody losing their housing </p><p>2 because they’re in a nursing home, this is something we’ve been </p><p>3 trying very hard to fix for a while and have a Bill called Home </p><p>4 Upkeep Allowance that would do that and I’m trying to understand </p><p>5 what you actually pay for and what the interaction would be say with</p><p>6 getting somebody on -- uh -- using our nursing facility acute hospital</p><p>7 waiver which has a plus T or plus waiting list for people in the </p><p>8 community. So, it’s two different questions, but -- uh -- does the </p><p>9 plan pay for services outside the scope of your required services? </p><p>10 Uh -- if somebody goes on the waiver then they have to go out of </p><p>11 managed care, assuming they’re a dual. And are these services only </p><p>12 for duals or are they also for non-duals in the CCI?</p><p>13Mr. Esquire: Great question and -- and point taken about -- uh -- continuum of </p><p>14 care. Uhm -- so, with regards to our housing strategy, our housing </p><p>15 partners Building Corners, the funding that we use to pay for that -- </p><p>16 those services are actually coming out of Care Plan Option Services. </p><p>17 And that is the mechanism under CCI by which we are able to fund </p><p>18 services that are not the usual healthcare services that we would </p><p>19 normally have. That -- because those are benefits. So, as a result </p><p>20 then our Building Corners partner will then go out and provide </p><p>21 services such as housing retention, liaison work that I listed and -- </p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 21 4 5 1 and has done a great job to really save potential loss of housing for a </p><p>2 lot of our members that we’ve been able to transition, and actually </p><p>3 been able to identify in creative ways -- uh -- housing stock or </p><p>4 (unintelligible) work closely -- uhm -- with the Human Services </p><p>5 Agency and Department of Housing with regards to Section 8 </p><p>6 housing and -- and extending the life of the -- those vouchers. Uhm </p><p>7 -- so, it is a wide variety of things that they’re able to do. All that </p><p>8 falls under the auspices of care plan option. With regards to your </p><p>9 other question in terms of -- uhm -- actually, I’m not blanking on </p><p>10 your other question.</p><p>11Male: Debra, your line is open. Go ahead.</p><p>12Ms. Doctor: Okay, thank you. I was asking about whether you’re able to use the </p><p>13 nursing facility acute hospital waiver as to pay for services in lieu of </p><p>14 the -- uh -- equivalent -- uhm -- institutional care. Are -- how are </p><p>15 you paying for instance if somebody needs -- uhm -- nursing care at </p><p>16 home or services beyond IHSS such as waiver personal care </p><p>17 services? How are those getting paid for?</p><p>18Dr. Esquirre: Right, so that -- that all falls under -- uhm -- so, our -- our partner -- </p><p>19 uh -- the Institute on Aging -- uh -- helps us manage a lot of these </p><p>20 other pieces. There is a combination of -- uhm -- like I had </p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 22 4 5 1 mentioned the Care Plan Options, but also using the various waivers </p><p>2 that are available to a particular member. And so we utilize that as --</p><p>3 as much as possible and -- and there’s -- they do quite a good job of </p><p>4 lending a lot of these sources. Uhm -- and I just remembered that </p><p>5 other part of your question about who -- who is the eligible for this </p><p>6 population? And yes, we do offer this for our members who are part</p><p>7 of Cal Mediconnect as well as part of our (unintelligible), but we </p><p>8 also provide it for our folks who are MediCal only that are -- uhm -- </p><p>9 part of our seniors and persons with disabilities, by definition.</p><p>10Male: Thank you Debra for that question. Uhm -- in order to make sure </p><p>11 that we get through the rest of our presentation, we’re gonna move </p><p>12 on and thank you Dr. Esquirre for joining our call and presenting. If </p><p>13 -- uh -- folks have any questions for him, you can also e-mail </p><p>14 [email protected] and -- uh -- we can convey the questions to him. </p><p>15 I’m gonna turn it back over to Sarah.</p><p>16Ms. Brooks: Thank you. So, a couple more updates for today. Last week, CMS </p><p>17 for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services did release an </p><p>18 evaluation report that some of you may have seen. Uhm -- it </p><p>19 contains early results of the duals eligible demonstrations across the </p><p>20 country, including the CTI which is California’s demonstration. </p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 23 4 5 1 CMS did contract with RCI International to conduct interviews, </p><p>2 focus groups and collect qualitative and quantitative data for the </p><p>3 reports. Uhm -- and this is the first in a series to be released over the</p><p>4 course of the demonstration. The report looked broadly at the first </p><p>5 six months of the demonstration, operations in all seven states where</p><p>6 the demonstration was live before May 2014, which does include </p><p>7 California. The report describes the range of activities and early </p><p>8 experiences in implementing these demonstrations and includes </p><p>9 information about specific successes and challenges encountered. </p><p>10 The report is a great resource for stakeholders who want to better </p><p>11 understand CCI performance, particularly as compared to other </p><p>12 states. It particularly calls out work in California on the strength of </p><p>13 our stakeholder engagement process which includes significant </p><p>14 stakeholder input on the revised Cal Mediconnect notices as well as </p><p>15 the strength and independence of the CCI Ombudsmen program. </p><p>16 Finally, the report recognized California for its commitment to </p><p>17 continually examining and trying to improve the program as is </p><p>18 evidenced by the significant research underway thanks to the </p><p>19 (unintelligible) Foundation, including the field survey, rapid cycle </p><p>20 pulling, and the University of California focus groups that I talked </p><p>21 about a little bit earlier. This will be very helpful as we continue to </p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 24 4 5 1 work on opportunities for improvement as is also outlined in the RTI</p><p>2 report -- uhm -- including strengthening and care coordination and </p><p>3 educational materials for beneficiaries. RTI will continue to work </p><p>4 on comprehensive annual reports specific to each demonstration </p><p>5 state that will be rolled out. California’s Department of Healthcare </p><p>6 Services is committed to transparency throughout the duals </p><p>7 demonstration and we have been sharing -- uhm -- much information</p><p>8 as -- as a part of that commitment. While many of these findings are</p><p>9 preliminary, they do provide information that we can use, together </p><p>10 with health plans and stakeholders to respond to challenges and </p><p>11 further improve the experience of coordinated care for dual eligible </p><p>12 beneficiaries. So, building on that experience that we talked on </p><p>13 earlier in today’s call. So, quick update on enrollment today. Uhm </p><p>14 -- the last Cal Mediconnect enrollment dashboard that’s posted is </p><p>15 online at calduals.org. It is from December. We are working to </p><p>16 finalize the January dashboard. Uh -- overall, as of December 1st, we</p><p>17 have 116,743 beneficiaries enrolled in the Cal Mediconnect plan </p><p>18 across the CTI counties. That is -- has a high end of 44,655 in LA </p><p>19 and then 4,354 in Orange County where passive enrollment </p><p>20 continues. Uhm -- you can find additional information on </p><p>21 enrollment and disenrollment by county, race, ethnicity and </p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 25 4 5 1 language on the full dashboard online. And as a reminder, passive </p><p>2 enrollment did end in Santa Clara on December 1st. So, Orange </p><p>3 County does continue with passive enrollment and is our only </p><p>4 county that has passive enrollment at this time. Speaking of words </p><p>5 to raise awareness, I also wanted to provide an update on some of </p><p>6 our work to reach ethnic physicians which has been a big focus of </p><p>7 our (unintelligible). As we discussed, the CTI team at Harbage is </p><p>8 working with the CMA foundation of Network of Ethnic Physicians </p><p>9 Organizations or NEPO to conduct some targeted physician outreach</p><p>10 and education across -- or and around Cal Mediconnect. Since our </p><p>11 last update call, Harbage did collaborate with NEPO on events of the</p><p>12 Korean American Medical Association in Los Angeles and the </p><p>13 Indian Medical Association of Southern California in Orange </p><p>14 County. More than 50 physicians attended each event and attendees </p><p>15 have been eager for information and lacking key details about the </p><p>16 CTI. So, a very good opportunity for us to provide education about </p><p>17 the program. Uhm -- this was evidenced by numerous requests for </p><p>18 further support following each event. These events are tailored </p><p>19 specifically for physicians that provide a great opportunity to </p><p>20 connect with and hear from physicians with diverse backgrounds. </p><p>21 Our work with NEPO is furthering our understanding of what </p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 26 4 5 1 information physicians are lacking and highlighting the ongoing </p><p>2 need for this education. So, it has been very helpful. We’re </p><p>3 continuing to look for ways to work with CMA and NEP to engage </p><p>4 members of their organizations. Also, as always, the Harbage CTI </p><p>5 outreach team is available to deliver presentations and/or webinars, </p><p>6 come to events, help educate providers in CTI counties. So, please </p><p>7 let us know if you or your area is interested in an event. We also </p><p>8 welcome ideas for new opportunities to reach physicians, caregivers </p><p>9 and other non-medical providers and feedback on this work. If you </p><p>10 have some ideas, please reach out to us and to the Harbage team </p><p>11 directly or send an e-mail to [email protected]. I finally wanted to </p><p>12 just talk a little bit about some new materials. I wanted to provide a </p><p>13 brief update on some of the revised materials that we’ve talked about</p><p>14 before or that you’ve seen (unintelligible). The revised Cal </p><p>15 Mediconnect and MLTS guide and choice book and Cal </p><p>16 Mediconnect and beneficiary toolkit. I first want to start out by just </p><p>17 thanking everyone for your thoughtful review and feedback on the </p><p>18 toolkit. We got a lot of feedback, really helpful, appreciated your </p><p>19 comments and your input. We know how important this is to all of </p><p>20 you and it’s really important to us that we do it right and that we </p><p>21 make sure that we obtain your input to make sure that the </p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 27 4 5 1 information is helpful to our beneficiaries. We are committed to </p><p>2 getting these materials right and as a result, we’re currently </p><p>3 preparing to undergo -- undergo the next step in terms of the </p><p>4 materials and will be putting them user testing in partnership with </p><p>5 UC Health Research or Action Center. Both a toolkit and guidebook</p><p>6 will go through user testing. So with that, that was today’s agenda. </p><p>7 I know we had a lot of information that we provided to you, I want </p><p>8 to thank Cal Plan San Mateo for their presentation and we will open </p><p>9 it up for questions. </p><p>10Male: Thank you Sarah. If you have a question, please press 1 and we will </p><p>11 get you on the list. So, if you have question, please press 1. Our </p><p>12 first question comes from Reyna Cruz. Reyna, your line is open.</p><p>13Ms. Cruz: Thank you. The material that’s going out for user testing, is that the </p><p>14 material with the comments already taken into account that was </p><p>15 submitted by stakeholders or is it the original material that went out </p><p>16 before comments were submitted?</p><p>17Ms. Brooks: The way -- yeah, so the material, it will go into user testing -- uhm --</p><p>18 will reflect the stakeholder comments. Those redlined versions will </p><p>19 be up on calduals as soon as we can get them -- uhm -- get them up </p><p>20 there so folks can see what edits were taken. UC -- uhm -- is then </p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 28 4 5 1 gonna take the revised toolkit -- uhm -- and put it through their own </p><p>2 sort of -- make some recommended edits before it then goes into </p><p>3 user testing as well. And that’s partly why we’re so excited to be </p><p>4 working with the UC is they have a lot of experience developing </p><p>5 materials for beneficiaries that we’re gonna be able to use and </p><p>6 leverage that expertise. </p><p>7Ms. Cruz: Thank you.</p><p>8Male: Thank you Reyna for your question. Our next question comes from </p><p>9 Angela Okuru (phonetic). Angela, your line is open.</p><p>10Ms. Okuru: Okay. Uhm -- uhm -- I was really -- uhm -- excited to hear about </p><p>11 what San Mateo is doing and I wondered if there was anything in </p><p>12 writing that we can actually read. I mean, he talked so fast and I was</p><p>13 trying to take notes and -- but it sounded so good. Is there anything </p><p>14 or any reference anywhere that we can access to read a little more </p><p>15 about the program?</p><p>16Ms. Brooks: We’ll follow up -- uhm -- with San Mateo and -- uhm -- if -- if we </p><p>17 can get materials from them, we will include it in our next monthly </p><p>18 update and -- uhm -- put them on calduals. </p><p>19Ms. Okuru: Thank you.</p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 29 4 5 1Male: Thank you for your question. Those are the only questions we’ve </p><p>2 had so far. If you have a question, please press 1 and we’ll get you </p><p>3 into the cue. It looks like we don’t have any questions. Uhm -- as </p><p>4 always, you can e-mail [email protected] your question and we </p><p>5 will respond. Uhm -- thank you for joining today’s call. </p><p>6[END OF MEETING]</p><p>7</p><p>8</p><p>9</p><p>10</p><p>11</p><p>12</p><p>13</p><p>14</p><p>15</p><p>16</p><p>17</p><p>6 7 1CALIFORNIA’S COORDINATED CARE INITIATVE 2CAL MEDICONNECT 3JANUARY CCI STAKEHOLDERS CALL Page 30 4 5 1</p><p>2</p><p>3</p><p>6 7</p>
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