CH 38 Part 2 1960 S Notes Part 2: LBJ 1963-1969

CH 38 Part 2 1960 S Notes Part 2: LBJ 1963-1969

<p>CH 38 Part 2--1960’s --Notes Part 2: LBJ 1963-1969</p><p>“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” Dr. Seuss  In the 1950s and into the 1960s Theodore Geisel writes children’s books after a national report on literacy was shockingly low---one reason: children were bored with the early reading books, Primers—so he decided to do something about that issue: Human Agency  in action.</p><p>(His book(s), “The Sneetches,” (1961) is about racial equality; and, “The Lorax,”(1971) is about environmentalism and anti-consumerism)</p><p>The LBJ Brand on the Presidency LBJ’s 1st act was to go to Congress:</p><p>“No memorial oration or eulogy…could more eloquently honor President Kennedy’s memory than the earliest possible passage of the Civil Rights Bill for which he fought so long.” Nov. 27th, 1963</p><p>JFK had called for this bill, THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT –in his televised speech on Civil Rights on June 11, 1963 in response to the horrors in Birmingham.</p><p>After Johnson’s speech to Congress a group of Southern Democratic Senators and one Republican attempted to filibuster (delay) the discussion and vote on the bill— “We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) States.” Senator Richard Russell (D-Ga)</p><p>After 57 historic days of filibustering  -- Hubert Humphrey had the 67 votes needed to end the filibuster —and the vote was 71-29 (never—had the senate been able to end a filibuster on a civil rights bill)*** July 2, 1964 The Civil Rights Act, 1964 was signed into law****</p><p>An important note on the CRact, 64*** A Virginia Senator added a “prohibition on sex (gender) discrimination—Title VII*** - he added it due to his belief that the provision would kill the bill  it does not** and women are protected by this bill, too**</p><p>Main features of the Civil Rights Act, 1964: Title II: Outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, or national origin in hotels, motels, restaurants, theatres, and all other public accommodations engaged in interstate commerce; exempted “private clubs.” Title III: Prohibited state and municipal governments from denying access to public facilities on grounds of race, color, religion, or national origin. Title IV: Encouraged the desegregation of Public schools and authorized the US Attorney General to file lawsuits to enforce. Title V: Expanded the Civil Rights Commission (est. in CRAct, 57) with additional powers Title VI: Prevents discrimination in government agencies that receive federal funds. Title VII:***** Prohibits discrimination by employers on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (gender), or national origin—Creating the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) Title IX: move civil rights cases to federal courts (to avoid all white local juries in the south)</p><p>In addition, by executive order in 1965 Johnson required all federal contractors to take “affirmative action” against discrimination—(a quota % of race getting federal contracts and those who received federal $$$ had to demonstrate %’s in hiring)</p><p>Johnson battles Goldwater in 1964 Senator Barry Goldwater is a conservative Republican from Arizona- he votes against the Civil Rights Act, 1964 and is seen as one of the founders of the Modern Conservative movement--- at the Republican convention in his acceptance speech he said: </p><p>“Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue! I do not undertake to promote welfare… My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them especially those that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden… Low education and low intelligence are the real causes of poverty.”</p><p>The Famous “Daisy Ad” that was made for the 1964 Presidential Election by LBJ against Goldwater:</p><p>The Famous “Ice Cream ad” made for the 1964 Presidential Election by LBJ against Goldwater:</p><p>Goldwater had voted against the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and supported our build up and use of Nuclear Weapons here is his “Pledge of Allegiance” ad: [with a guest appearance by Khrushchev:</p><p>Goldwater attacked the New Deal, Federal Income Tax, Social Security, TVA, Civil Rights, the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, and LBJs liberal Great Society--- Due to Goldwater’s extremism the Democrats exploited the image of a trigger-happy cowboy who would “Barry us” in the debris of a Nuclear World War III.</p><p>IT WORKED.</p><p>1964 ELECTION RESULTS:</p><p>LBJ 43,129,566 486 AND A HUGE MAJORITY IN BOTH THE SENATE & HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES**** A RECORD 61% OF ALL POPULAR VOTES****</p><p>GOLDWATER 27, 178,188 52 -Arizona, La, Miss, Ala, GA, SC* ************************************************************************************************** Interestingly---BG won Arizona, his home state, &* 5 states in the South (the beginning of the change from the Democratically controlled “Solid South” to what we are more familiar with today---the Republican controlled “Solid South.”) due to the “modern conservative” view of poverty, civil rights, and government programs---all a negative----this foreshadows the massive move to the Republican Party that is finally completed by the 1980’s with Ronald Reagan.*********************************** Meanwhile, as the election campaign was almost over A HUGE EVENT OCCURS IN VIETNAM: THE TONKIN GULF INCIDENT--&--THE TONKIN GULF RESOLUTION August 1964 ***************************************************************</p><p>The Incident was that North Vietnamese (communist) Naval ships had SUPPOSEDLY attacked US Naval ships in International Waters off the Coast of North Vietnam in the Gulf of Tonkin--- LBJ goes to Congress and asks Congress for wider powers to attack Vietnam---and is given these powers in the resolution passed with only 2 negative votes---THIS POWER ALLOWS LBJ TO “ESCALATE”************** THE # OF AMERICAN TROOPS IN VIETNAM********TO MAKE IT OUR WAR*********** WE GO FROM 15,000 TROOPS IN AN “ADVISOR” CAPACITY----TO 1 MILLION TROOPS ---ALL DRAFTED**** WITHIN 4 YEARS**************</p><p>***AMAZINGLY, YEARS LATER, WE DISCOVER THAT THERE WAS NO ATTACK---JOHNSON HIMSELF SAYS LATER,” FOR ALL I KNOW THEY WERE SHOOTING WHALES OUT THERE.” The “Great Society” Congress</p><p>LBJs huge majorities in Congress allows him to pass almost anything----similar to FDR’s 1st 100 days congress---His Domestic Plan---to declare WAR ON POVERTY to create a GREAT SOCIETY*****</p><p>Johnson declares “WAR ON POVERTY”********* </p><p>-Immediately he doubles the $$$ for the Office of Economic Opportunity from 1 to 2 BILLION$$$ -MODEL CITIES PROGRAM-2.4 BILLION TO RESTORE “CITIES” (WHITE FLIGHT) -LBJ creates 2 new Federal Departments: Transportation and HUD (housing and Urban Development) - LBJ appoints the 1st African-American to a Cabinet position, Robert C. Weaver, as head of HUD -LBJ establishes the National Endowment for the Arts and the Humanities (later Public Broadcasting PBS) LBJ ANNOUNCES “THE GREAT SOCIETY”**** AND ITS BIG 4 ACHIEVEMENT GOALS*** Announced in a speech in 1964 at the University of Michigan** 1- Aid to Education -Elementary and Secondary Education Act doubles Federal $ from 4 to 8 BILLION -HEAD START PROGRAM—FREE PRE-SCHOOL ---SCHOOL LUNCHES 2-Medical Care for the Elderly and Poor -MEDICARE FOR THE ELDERLY & MEDICAID FOR THE POOR 3- Immigration Reform - Immigration and Nationality Act, 1965 –all “national origins” quotas from the 1920s removed---DOUBLED IMMIGRATION---BIGGEST INCREASES FROM LATIN AMERICA & ASIA**** 4- New Voting Rights Bill –VOTING RIGHTS ACT OF 1965*** Battling for Black Rights Only about 5% of Black voters in the south were registered to Vote***Poll Taxes, Literacy Tests, and violence still barred blacks from the political process. </p><p>The 24th Amendment, January 1964, abolishes the Poll Tax</p><p>The major Civil Rights Organizations: NAACP,SCLC, SNCC, CORE – started “FREEDOM SUMMER” 1964 – a massive voter registration drive across the South—with a special focus in Mississippi and Alabama***conflict is assured--- ***Mississippi Burning—3 Civil Rights workers are murdered in Philadelphia, Miss. which led to a nationwide hunt--- they are found buried close by---The FBI and nationwide media covers story of how the POLICE/KKK has arrested them let them go kidnapped them and murdered them****</p><p>THE GREAT FANNIE LOU HAMER AND HER SPEECH AT THE DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION IN 1964: The black delegates of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party are refused seats at the convention: in a national televised hearing Fannie Lou is heard*****</p><p>The Voting Rights Act, 1965*********************************************</p><p>Remember:****24th Amendment, 1/1964 already abolishes the Poll Tax  THE ACT IS CONSIDERED TO BE THE MOST EFFECTIVE PIECE OF CIVIL RIGHTS LEGISLATION EVER ENACTED IN OUR HISTORY *******************</p><p>*****The “Selma” campaign led by MLK and SNCC--- made famous this past year in the movie, “Selma” drove LBJ for Voting Right (1% registered-50% population in Dallas County**** “BLOODY SUNDAY” THE 3 MARCHES ACROSS THE “EDMUND PETTUS” BRIDGE from Selma to Montgomery*** several injured- 2 kiled</p><p>TO PROHIBIT RACIAL DISCRIMINATION IN VOTING******** 1- No voting qualifications or prerequisite to vote… shall be applied by any state or political subdivision to deny the right of any citizen to vote on account of race or color. 2-outlawed literacy tests 3- Federal Government “Registrars” are sent into the South to register voters 4- Federal Government Marshalls to oversee voting (similar to Reconstruction) </p><p>“Give us {Blacks] the ballot and the South will never be the same again.” MLK JR. WITH THE VOTE---PROTECTED—BLACKS WILL SLOWLY BUT SURELY MAKE DRAMATIC CHANGES****</p><p>JUST 10 YEARS LATER BLACKS BEGAN THEIR GREAT MIGRATION BACK TO THE SOUTH***</p><p>BLACK POWER**** The momentous change “split” in the Civil Rights Movement*******************************************</p><p>***************************************One of the great questions in our history is why--- after the Civil Rights Act, 1964 and the Voting Rights Act, 1965 are passed--- Why does so much violence erupt ---Why is there such a dramatic change from non-violence---to rioting, burning, assassinations, a split in the African-American movement ---largely between the older and the younger---???? Similar to what had already occurred in the white population—THE RISING EXPECTATIONS---DEMAND MORE THAN LAWS---THEY WANT ECONOMIC JUSTICE ---NOW!!! 400 YEARS OF PENT UP FRUSTRATIONS BURSTS OUT--- ********why?*************It goes back to the debate between W.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington  Remember that DuBois demanded “immediate equality” and Booker T. wanted that too, but--- thought that blacks needed to be economically stable 1st---then the civil liberties would come--- This dichotomy becomes apparent when after the two aforementioned acts are passed—BLACKS ACHIEVE THE LEGAL PROTECTIONS FOR THEIR CIVIL LIBERTIES—YET, STILL HAVE DIFFICULTY ECONOMICALLY AND SEE THE GAP---BETWEEN WHITE AND BLACK INCOMES AND OPPORTUNITIES--- THEY STILL FIND THEMSELVES PACKED INTO LOW COST URBAN HOUSING PROJECTS WITH TERRIBLE SCHOOLS—THEY FIND THEMSELVES TO BE “TARGETED” BY POLICE—AND THEY BEGIN TO DEMAND—REAL CHANGE---NOW!!! </p><p>***The passage of the two acts by 1965 marks the end of an era---in the history of the Civil Rights Movement—the era of non-violent demonstrations, focused on the South, led by Dr. Martin Luther King JR. and aimed at integrating Blacks into American Society---(some poor whites would say---you are equal now what more do you want?—a backlash---reverse discrimination---favoring minorities— becomes one perspective—its not fair---but in reality---had the POOR WHITES faced 400 years of systemized and legal discrimination that had prevented them from achieving—NO?—but it does breed bitterness among some—even other minorities—such as chcanos-asians-women-American Indians---and THEY WILL CONTINUE ---NOW MORE LOUDLY---TO DEMAND THEIR RIGHTS AND PLACE IN AMERICA AS “EQUAL CITIZENS—PROTECTED BY LAW”) </p><p>JUST 5 DAYS AFTER THE VOTING RIGHTS ACT, 1965 BLOODY RIOTS BREAK OUT IN WATTS (Los Angeles) –“Police Brutality” against African-Americans in LA—causes a WEEK LONG RIOT*** “BURN BABY BURN”--- THOUSANDS INJURED AND COUNTLESS MILLIONS IN DAMAGES***</p><p>*******************The next phase of the Civil Rights Movement focuses on Northern and Western Cities/Urban areas and is marked by YOUTH LED Militant Confrontations, led by Radical and Violent spokespeople and a new focus on BLACK SEPARATISM(Black is beautiful, African names, dressing as Africans, celebrating their Africaness, protesting the Vietnam War due to the overrepresentation of poor blacks being drafted to fight, economic injustice, demanding reparations, black history in schools, African-American Studies majors in colleges A “REAL EQUAL PLACE” IN SOCIETY—MOST SYMBOLIZED BY THE IDEAS OF LEADERS LIKE MALCOLM X*****</p><p>“Revolution is bloody, Revolution is hostile, revolution knows no compromise, and revolution overturns and destroys everything that gets in its way. And you, sitting around here like a knot on a wall, saying, ‘I’m going to love these folks no matter how much they hate me’… Whoever heard of a revolution where they lock arms… singing ‘We shall overcome?’ You don’t do that in a revolution. You don’t do any singing, you’re too busy swinging.” MALCOLM X, 1963</p><p>Brother Malcolm X was a minister for the Nation of Islam—led by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in NYC, Harlem. He became the national spokesperson and later SPLIT from the NATION OF ISLAM, after finding CORRUPTION—and traveling to Mecca---seeing people of all colors worshipping--- Islam. After returning he began his own organization and looked to work with MLK and others—still demanding MORE from our society---A COMPLETE EQUALITY---SHOWN not just by law, BUT ACTIONS.</p><p>MALCOM X inspires a generation of younger blacks to DEMAND more— from America AND THEMSELVES---and placed the burden of change on THEM not society---which he felt would never GIVE the blacks anything--- His inspirational message---was to TAKE THEIR EQUALITY ---“BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.” THE BLACK YOUTH OF AMERICA HEARD THIS AND ACTED*********</p><p>SNCC-Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee --- **** The change is seen in the YOUTH---- this group had their differences with the SCLC & MLK—in the past but had worked closely with them and resolved their differences---In Selma that began to change when STOKELY CARMICHAL took over for John Lewis (1965) in Leadership---and began to preach “Black Power”—frustrated and impatient with the pace of change---SNCC-began to push more aggressively and demand their equality---The Black Panthers (1966) –created in Oakland, California, are a manifestation of the Black Power Movement---together they state, “ The Black Power Movement will smash everything that Western Civilization has created,” Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, and later Angela Davis and Fred Hampton found the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense and fought to defend Black communities against the Governments abusive powers, local and Federal, and created chapters in every major urban city in America with community programs which aimed at educating the children (free breakfast before school-after school day care programs with sports and tutoring) and free legal representation for those accused of crimes---as well as in California OPENLY CARRYING GUNS AND PATROLLING THEIR NEIGHBORHOODS TO KEEP THEM SAFE FROM CRIME AND THE TYPICAL POLICE BRUTALITY*** In California this was legal (to openly carry firearms) and THEY SHOCKED AMERICA*** and Governor Reagan in 1967 –when marching at the capital---openly carrying guns, legal, accidentally walk into the State Assembly carrying guns, not legal, to be honest the reactions of the ALL WHITE ASSEMBLY*** was ---it was an accident--- however, the FBI eventually crushes the leadership of the Panthers by assassination (Fred Hampton in Chicago) and using Cointelpro---CIA AND FBI counterintelligence program (illegal) to manipulate evidence- The leadership of the Panthers had met in college—many were PhD’s--- and did genuine great work in their communities---despite the incredible amount of resources spent by Local, State, and Federal Governments to SHUT THEM DOWN*** THEY WERE SCARED**** THE PANTHER AND BLACK POWER LEGACY IS ALIVE—African-American Studies Departments are created in all major universities—Harvard, Yale, etc--- THE “AFRO”—“BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL”—NEW NAMES WITH AFRICAN DISTINCTIONS—ETC*** A POWERFUL LEGACY ---TO BE BLACK IS TO BE PROUD*** </p><p>The “movement” had spread across the nation---not just in the South anymore—Black unemployment was double white unemployment---blacks are drafted into the military to fight in Vietnam way above their % in society—and ECONOMIC DEMANDS ---BECOME THE FOCUS--****THE ***************RISE OF “AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAMS” (NIXON’S “PHILADELPHIA PLAN”) MANDATING RACIAL QUOTAS FOR GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS OR HIRING OR SPECIAL PROGRAMS FOR ACCEPTANCE INTO UNIVERSITIES BECOMES ONE WAY TO ATTEMPT TO ADDRESS THE 400 YEAR LEGACY OF SHAME*** but as time goes on there will be a backlash as charges of “reverse discrimination” –become common*** (Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, 1978 – will uphold “affirmative action” in university admissions— BUT---ONLY AS “ONE”-1- OF SEVERAL FACTORS TO DETERMINE COLLEGE ADMISSIONS***CANNOT BE THE ONLY FACTOR*** U of Michigan case a few years ago upheld this idea*** ********An Important symbol of the growing “ Black Power” movement occurs at the 1968 Mexico City Summer Olympic games--- when Dr. John Carlos and Tommie Smith—Track Athletes for the USA ---win medals—and while on the podium during the raising of the American Flag and playing of the National Anthem ---“RAISE BLACK GLOVED FISTS—WITH THEIR HEADS DOWN” *** A VERY CONTROVERSIAL MOMENT IN AMERICAN HISTORY*** POWERFUL FOR SURE*** Gold medalist Tommie Smith (center) and bronze medalist Dr. John Carlos (right) raise black- gloved fists during the American national anthem at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City. Australian sprinter Peter Norman, who won silver in the 200 meters and supported Carlos and Smith's protest, stands at left. (Black Power Salute)---there is a great documentary on this event***</p><p>The violence spreads throughout America—combined with Anti-War Protests at this time AND THE ASSASSINATIONS OF: MALCOLM X 1965 –MLK 1968- ROBERT KENNEDY 1968 –FRED HAMPTON 1968 And many others – CITIES BURN*** OVER 100 IN 1968 ALONE*** PEOPLE ARE ANGRY*** AT INJUSTICE*** AND TIRED OF BEING ABUSED****</p><p>Amazingly change does come---by 1972 ½ of all schoolchildren in the South are attending integrated schools, 1/3 of Black Families had risen into the “middle class,” Blacks elect Mayors in Charlotte, NC-Gary, Indiana, Sheriffs- City Councilmen—etc---throughout the nation by the mid-1970’s—Blacks appear as; Professors at Universities- in TV shows-Movies---HS-College- Professional Sports—Music & Entertainment---across the spectrum---in the landmark Supreme Court Case: Loving v. Virginia, 1967—The Supreme Court invalidates all State laws that prohibited “Inter-racial” Marriage---on Saturday Morning Cartoons (mandated Educational Programming by Fed. Gov’t) you had “Fat Albert” –on “Sesame Street” you had interracial groups of children playing and learning—as on the “Electric Company.” </p><p>Combating Communism in Two Hemispheres</p><p>LBJ is seen by many as a “shoot first- ask questions later,” President** when it came to Foreign Policy--- April 1965 – LBJ sends 25,000 American Troops to the Dominican Republic to restore order.</p><p>Vietnam- (Escalation*** is the key term here---you should be able to explain how we go from 15,000 “advisors” under JFK to close to a million US Troops landing in Vietnam and “taking charge” of a “civil war.”</p><p>After the Pleiku American Air Base is attacked by the Viet-Cong (s.vietnamese communists) in early 1965--- LBJ RETALIATES: “Operation Rolling Thunder” –Bombing of N. Vietnamese Cities 1st landing of American troops to attack N. Vietnam*** By the end of 1965 we go from 15000 to 184000 troops “in country” massive escalation will continue**** This Civil War—was becoming “AMERICANIZED”*** BY 1968***OVER ½ A MILLION US TROOPS IN VIETNAM AND SPENT OVER 30$$BILLION***DOLLARS HELPING SOUTH VIETNAM COMBAT COMMUNISM ----AND PREVENTING THE “DOMINOS” FROM FALLING---***</p><p>Vietnam Vexations</p><p>The USA began to be criticized harshly throughout the world for its actions in Vietnam---and caused problems due to our “over-commitment” ---it became difficult to be everywhere else*** like the Middle East— where the USSR was expanding its help to Egypt—Israel in the Six-Day War ---fights as our proxy---and whups them good taking possession of the Sanai, Golan Heights, Gaza Strip, and the West Bank of the Jordan River, including Jerusalem---and begin to introduce Jewish settlers into these new territories acquired in the war---The Middle East was becoming a powder keg***</p><p>Anti-War Protests in the USA- on College Campuses in 1965 “Teach-ins” began (1st public burning of Draft Cards)---and as our demands for soldiers in the DRAFT*** became larger and larger*** these protests grew larger and larger** After 1965 the # DRAFTED DOUBLED*** Thousands of “Draft Dodgers” fled to Canada---other Burned Their Draft Cards—Protesters chant—“Hell no we won’t go,” and “Hey, Hey, LBJ how many kids did you kill today,” HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF ANTI-WAR PROTESTERS MARCH IN SF NYC & DC---HUGE RALLIES</p><p>Congress begins to question our actions in Vietnam—Arkansas Senator, William Fulbright, the head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee--- began Televised Hearings in 1966 & 1967 –during which prominent experts openly questioned Johnson & his Advisor’s (Sec. of Defense-Robert McNamara)*** conduct of the War*** THE CONGRESS SPLITS INTO TWO GROUPS “HAWKS & DOVES”*****WHEN SEC. OF DEFENSE, ROBERT McNamara begins to question the Policy***he is “let go,” ***</p><p>IN SCHOOL CHILDREN WERE DOING NUCLEAR WAR DRILLS---“DUCK AND COVER”*****</p><p>*****The “Credibility Gap”**** a significant portion of Americans began to question—“if our President and Government was lying to the people about Vietnam,” (this gets progressively worse as the “Pentagon Papers” are released in the early 70s documenting the LIES of our gov’t about our actions in Vietnam---and even worse when NIXON AND THE WATERGATE SCANDAL HEATS UP---1971-2-3</p><p>By 1968 Vietnam had become the longest and most unpopular war in American History** There were already over 100,000 American Casualties (Killed and Wounded) AND WE HAD ALREADY DROPPED MORE BOMBS ON VIETNAM THAN IN THE ENTIRE WORLD WAR TWO*** (some would argue that in reality the “Silent Majority”****supported our aid to non-communist South Vietnam— and it was just a “loud and obnoxious minority” who opposed the war)*** and it is this “Silent Majority” who elects Nixon in 68’.) </p><p>LBJ***--used the “COINTELPRO” PROGRAM** TO SPY ON US CITIZENS**(DOCUMENTED IN THE 60’S PROJECT LIST***) USING THE CIA AND FBI TO ATTACK OPPONENTS OF THE WAR—CIVIL RIGHTS LEADRS— ENTERTAINERS---AMONG MANY***[completely illegal]***</p><p>Vietnam Topples Johnson***[ tet offensive] 1968 tet is the Vietnamese celebration of their New Year … Gen. William Westmoreland, LBJ, and Government Officials in late 1967 and early 1968—continuously came on TV and claimed that the War was “almost over” –using “body counts” and numerical analysis—very scientific--- as evidence--- ***the people were happy*** HOWEVER*** DURING THE VIETNAMESE NEW YEAR “TET”-The “Tet Offensive” in late Jan. 1968----[this is the “turning point” in the Vietnam War---especially after the American Public dramatically turns against the war*** “the credibility gap” increases dramatically****losing trust in our govt*** What happens on TET in ‘68-The Viet-Cong (communists) attack 27 cities in South Vietnam Simultaneously, including the Capital, Saigon, it took a few weeks but we eventually WIN EVERY BATTLE*** but***according to our gov’t the war was just about over---and they told us that the viet-cong and N. Vietnamese were defeated and had no capability to do anything like attack 27 cities simultaneously with tanks etc.. ***This came as a severe shock****THIS WAS A POLITICAL VICTORY FOR THE COMMUNISTS AND HO CHI MINH*** “SOMEDAY THEY [USA] WILL HAVE TO GO HOME—AND WE WILL STILL BE HERE” --- Even Walter Cronkite, on live CBS Evening News questioned what was going on in Vietnam---we were told it was almost over— now it is just starting again---and we need more troops (US Army wants to increase the draft---200,000 more troops)???? THIS CRUSHES LBJ*** PUBLIC OPINION BECAME VICIOUSLY ANTI-WAR***(IN THE PRESS ESPECIALLY) ***many people felt deceived***thus the “credibility gap”**** Men were eligible for the draft beginning at age 18*** yet could not vote nor drink in most states*** exemptions from the draft were issued for college and graduate students**8.615 Million Men served in the US ARMED FORCES DURING THE VIETNAM ERA***some joined the Coast Guard to avoid going to Vietnam---Some joined the National Guard---Divinity Students were exempt—psychiatric doctors could exempt a man—certain physical injuries could gain exemption (high blood pressure) – homosexuality— Some Religious Beliefs qualified as Conscientious Objectors***MANY High School Aged men who could not afford college GOT MARRIED IMMEDIATELY ---which exempted them*** the DRAFT ENDED IN 1973***</p><p>********LBJ goes on National TV March 31, 1968*** and declares that he will not run for President in 1968*** bombshell*** and that he would freeze troop levels***in attempt to lessen the tensions in America********************</p><p>Counter-Cultures emergence is in part 3 </p><p>Read more: </p>

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