<p>FLORA SPECIES LIST MERMAIDS POOL AND SURROUNDS</p><p>JUNE 2004</p><p>KEY 1 Work area (King St side) down from the foot bridge to lower pool margins 2 Work area down from Wandella walking track to creek-line and pool 3 Lower Pool margin and transition for heath/rainforest Mp Waterfall rock platform and water margins Se Seedling identified within work zone H2 Bushland above Wandella walking track U Uncommon R Rare S Biogeographically significant T Threatened in Northern Sydney FORK FERNS 1 2 3 Wf Se H2 Psilotum nudum U Skeleton Fork Fern *</p><p>FERNS Adiantaceae Andiantum aethiopicum Maidenhair Fern * * * * Adiantum hispidulum U Rough Maidenhair Fern *</p><p>Blechnaceae Blechnum indicum Swamp Watern Fern * * * *</p><p>Cyathaceae Cyathea australis Rough Tree Fern *</p><p>Dicksonaceae Calochlaena dubia False Bracken * * * *</p><p>Dennstaedtiaceae Hypolepis muelleri Harsh Ground Fern * * * Pteridium esculentum Bracken Fern * * *</p><p>Gleicheniaceae Gleichenia dicarpa Pouched Coral Fern * * * * Sticherus flabellatus Umbrella Fern *</p><p>Lindsaceae Lindsae microphylla Lacy Wedge Fern * *</p><p>-2- FERNS cont. 1 2 3 Wf S H2 e Osmundaceae Todea Barbara King Fern * * *</p><p>Schizaeceae Schizaea bifida Forked Comb Fern *</p><p>Thelypteridaecea Cristella dentate *</p><p>Podocarpaceae Podocarpus spinulosus * *</p><p>Dicotyledons Covers herbs, shrubs, Having 2 seed leaves on Trees and some vines germination and true leaves with flowers and petals on maturity Apiaceae Actinotus minor Lesser Flennel Flower * * * Actinotus helianthi Flannel Flower * * * Centella asiatica * * Xanthosia tridentate Rock Xanthosia * * * * Platysace lanceolata Native Parsnip * Platysace linearifolia Carrot Tops * * * *</p><p>Araliaceae Astrotricha floccosa S Flannel leaf * *</p><p>Bignonaceae Pandorea pandorana Wonga Wonga Vine * * * *</p><p>Casuarinaceae Casuarina distyla * * * * Casuarina littoralis She-Oak * * * *</p><p>Chloanthaceae Chloanthes stoechadia U * Cunoniaceae Callicoma serratifolia Black Wattle * * * * * Ceratapealum hummiferum NSW Christmas Bush * * * -3-</p><p>DICOTS CONT... 1 2 3 Wf Se H2 Dillinaeaceae Hibbertia dentate Trailing Guinea Flower * * * Hibbertia empetrifolia * * * Hibbertia linearis * Hibbertia sp To be identified</p><p>Droseraceae Drosera binata Forked Sundew *</p><p>Eleocarpaceae Eleocarpus reticulates Blueberry Ash * * * * *</p><p>Epacridaceae Leucopogon lanceolatus Lance Beard Heath * * Leucopogon microphyllus * Leucopogon sp ID when in flower * Epacris longiflora Native Fuschia * * * * * Epacris microphyllus Coral Heath * Epacris pulchella NSW Coral Heath * Styphelia sp ID when in flower * Woolsia pungens Snow Heath *</p><p>Euphorbiaceae Breynia oblongata Breynia * * * * * Glochidion ferdinandi Cheese Tree * * * * * Omalanthus populifolius Bleeding Heart * * * * * Micrantheum ericoides *</p><p>Fabaceae Acacia longifolia Sydney golden Wattle * * * * Acacia linifolia Flax leafed Wattle * * * Acacia suaveolens Sweet scented Wattle * * * * Acacia terminalis Sunshine Wattle * * * * Acacia ulicifolia Prickly Moses * * * * Kennedia rubicund Dusky Coral Pea * * Dillwynia retorta Healthy Parrot Pea * * Pultenaea elliptica * * * Pultenaea flexilis Graceful Bush Pea * Pultenaea stipularis * Bossiaea scolopendria * Hovea linearis * Mirbelia rubifolia * -4-</p><p>DICOTS CONT.... 1 2 3 Wf S H2 e Goodeniaceae Dampiera stricta *</p><p>Halorgoraceae Gonocarpus teucrioides Germander Raspwort * * * *</p><p>Lauraceae Cassytha pubescens Devils Twine * * * * Endiandra sieberi U Corkwood *</p><p>Lentibulariaceae Utricularia gibba U?T * Utricularia uliginosa U?T *</p><p>Lobeliaceae Lobelia alata * * * *</p><p>Mellaceae Synoum glandulosum U Bastard Rosewood *</p><p>Menispermaceae Sarcopetalum Pearl Vine harveyanum *</p><p>Myrsinaceae Rapaneae variabilis Mutton Wood * *</p><p>Myrtaceae Acmena smithii Lilly Pilly * * Angophora hispida S Dwarf Apple Gum * Angophora costata Smooth Barked A Gum * * * * Angophora crassifolia R Narrow Leaved A Gum * * * * Austromyrtus tenuifolia S Narrow Leafed Myrtle * * * Baeckea brevifolia Heath Myrtle * Baeckea linifolia Heath Myrtle * Callistemon linearis * * * * Callistemon citrinis Crimson bottlebrush * * * * Corymbia gummifera Bloodwood Gum * * * Darwinia fascicularis S * Eucalyptus haemastoma Scribbly Gum * * * * Eucalyptus punctata Grey Gum * * Eucalyptus sieberi Silver Top Ash * * * Eucalyptus umbra S White Mahogany * -5-</p><p>Myrtaceae cont.... 1 2 3 W Se H2 f Kunzea ambigua Tick Bush * * * * Leptospermum grandifolium Wooly Tea-tree * * * Leptospermum Lemon-scented Tea tree * polygalifolium * * * Leptospermum squarrosum * Leptospermum trinervium * Syzigium oleosum U *</p><p>Oleaceae Notolaea longifolia Mock Olive * * * *</p><p>Pittosporaceae Billardiera scandens Apple Dumplings * * * * Pittosporum revolutum Rough Fruit Pittosporum * Pittosporum undulatum Sweet Pittosporum * * * * *</p><p>Polygonaceae Persicaria decipiens Knotwood * *</p><p>Proteaceae Banksia ericifolia Heath Banksia * * * * Banksia oblongifolia * * Banksia spinulosa Hair-pin Banksia * Banksia serrata Old Man Banksia * * * * * Grevillea buxifolia Grey Spider Grevillea * * * Grevillea linearifolia White Spider Grevillea * * * * Grevillea speciosa S Red Spider Grevillea * Hakea dactyloides Finger Hakea * * * Hakea gibbosa * Hakea teretifolia Dagger Hakea * * * Isopogon anaethifolius Narrow-leafed Drumstick * * * Lambertia Formosa Mountain Devil * Lomatia myricoides River Lomatia * * * * * Lomatia silaifolia Crinkle Bush * Persoonia lanceolatus Smooth Geebung * Stenocarpus salignus U Scrub Beefwood * *</p><p>Rhamnaceae Pomaderris ferrugineum * Pomaderris intermedia Smooth Pomaderris *</p><p>Rosaceae Robus parvifolius U Native Rasberry * * -6-</p><p>DICOTS cont.... 1 2 3 Wf Se H2 Rubiaceae Moorinda jasminoides Native Jasmine * * * * * * Opercularia aspera Stink Weed * * * * *</p><p>Rutaceae Boronia ledifolia Sydney Boronia * Boronia pinnata * Crowea saligna S * * Leionema dentate S (former name Phebalium) * * * * * Phebalium squamulosum * Ziera pilosa *</p><p>Sapindaceae Dodonaea triquetra Hop Bush * * * * *</p><p>Steruciaceae Lasiopetalum rufum S Rusty Petals *</p><p>Violaceae Viola hederaceae Native Violet *</p><p>Vitaceae Cissus hypoglauca Water Vine * *</p><p>MONOCOTYLEDONS Covers grasses, sedges, Plants with only one rushes, lilies etc. seed Leaf on germination.</p><p>Commelinaceae Commelina cyanea Creeping Christian * * * * *</p><p>Eriocaulaceae Eriocaulom scariosum T Common Pipewort *</p><p>Iridaceae Patersonia glabrata Leafy Purple Flag * *</p><p>Lomandraceae Lomandra filiformis * Lomandra glauca * Lomandra longifolia Mat Rush * * * * * Lomandra oblique Fish Bones * * * Lomandra micrantha sp tuberculata U * -7-</p><p>Monocotyledons 1 2 3 Wf S H2 cont.... e Philesiaceae Eustrephus latifolius Wombat Berry * *</p><p>Philydraceae Philydrum lanuginosum Wooly Frog Mouth * *</p><p>Phormiaceae (Lillies) Dianella caerulea Flax Lily * * * * * *</p><p>MONOCOTYLEDONS Additional species to be identified on flowering.</p><p>RUSHES SEDGES GRASSES AQUATICS</p><p>Cyperaceae Caustis pendantra upper area of H2 Caustis flexuosa upper area H2 Gahnia clarkei upper area of 3 and scattered along creek line Gahnia sp ID when in flower lower pool margin Lepidosperma filiforme lower rocky margins 2, up from waterfall Lepidosperma laterale scattered within 2 </p><p>Juncaceae Juncus usitatus pond margins Juncus continus pond margins May have been planted</p><p>Poaceae (Grasses) Danthonia teniour Wallaby Grass 2 Se Entolasia marginata Panic Grass 1 2 3 Se H2 Entolasia stricta Wiry Panic Mp H2 Imperata cylindrica Blady Grass 1 2 3 H2 Microlaena stipoides Weeping Grass 1 2 Se H2 Oplismenus aemulus Basket Grass 2 3 Se H2</p><p>Restionaceae Empodisma minus Spreading Rope Rush H2 Lepyrodia scariosa H2 Baloskion tetraphyllus Mp (former name Restio)</p><p>AQUATICS Plants whose root systems have adapted to being submerged in water or who require permanently wet ground.</p>
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