<p> CONTRACTS FOR $10,000 AND UNDER - NOVEMBER 1998</p><p>AGENCY / CONTRACT TYPE EFFECTIVE MAXIMUM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION / VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT DATES AMOUNT COMMENTS</p><p>AGRICULTURE</p><p>1. Johnson, Judy, True 990323 Legal 7/1/98-6/30/99 $10,000.00 Represent, advise, and consult with the Department of Frankfort, KY Agriculture, relative to post trial and appellate duties in the case styled Donald R. Vinson and Charles Anderson v. Department of Agriculture, et. al. *D eclaration of Emergency Attached</p><p>ATTORNEY GENERAL, OFFICE OF THE</p><p>2. Tichenor & Associates 990332 Legal 10/16/98-6/30/99 $5,700.00 Provide for the performance and completion of pending Louisville, KY criminal investigations.</p><p>COUNCIL ON POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION</p><p>3. Pamela MacBrayne 990030 Miscellaneous 9/16/98-6/30/99 $6,500.00 Assistance in the planning of the design and Camden, ME implementation process for the preliminary Commonwealth Virtual University (CVU) Student Flow Model.</p><p>4. Peter Blake 990314 Consulting 10/15/98-6/30/99 $9,900.00 Assistance with the development of a benchmarking Richmond, VA approach for faculty salaries at Kentucky's public universities.</p><p>EASTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY</p><p>5. Leanne Gardner 99-067 Consulting 9/4/98-6/30/99 $3,610.50 Provide a teleconference on Child Sexual Abuse for Louisville, KY foster parents. This service will include preparation meetings, conference calls, dress rehearsal, and the training.</p><p>6. Howard Switzer 99-042 Instructional 9/25/98-9/27/98 $1,500.00 Mr. Switzer will be leading a weekend Straw Bale Nashville, TN Workshop that will include a Friday morning slide presentation, lecture and a question and answer session, and a hands-on straw bale demonstration/instruction beginning. 1</p><p>*Denotes: extension or renewal into new FY **Denotes: also has an amendment this month on the amendment list. CONTRACTS FOR $10,000 AND UNDER - NOVEMBER 1998</p><p>AGENCY / CONTRACT TYPE EFFECTIVE MAXIMUM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION / VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT DATES AMOUNT COMMENTS</p><p>7. Jeanni Duncan 99-059 Training 10/22/98-6/30/99 $3,640.00 Provide 12 days of Connecting training for the Dry Ridge, KY Residential Worker Competency Project.</p><p>8. Dr. William Bintz 99-041 Training 11/1/98-12/31/98 $1,200.00 Present a 6-hour seminar titled "Strategies for Teaching Lexington, KY Reading Across the Curriculum".</p><p>9. Brenda Short 99-062 Training 11/2/98-6/30/99 $2,700.00 Provide 7 days of connecting training for the Residential Louisville, KY Worker Competency Project.</p><p>10. Judy Goble 99-043 Consulting 9/3/98-6/30/99 $1,050.00 The consultant is a foster parent and will provide Sitka, KY GPS/MAPP training to potential foster and adoptive parents as well as Cabinet for Families and Children.</p><p>11. Chadwick Duncan 99-068 Training 10/8/98-6/30/99 $3,640.00 Provide 12 days of connecting training for the Residential Dry Ridge, KY Worker Competency Project.</p><p>12. Tom Miller 99-069 Training 10/15/98-6/30/99 $3,600.00 Provide 12 days of connecting training for the Residential Covington, KY Worker Competency Project.</p><p>13. Barbara Arch 99-070 Consulting 10/26/98-6/30/99 $2,015.25 Serve as a member of a consulting leadership team to Middlesboro, KY identify models of successful family involvement, conduct a needs assessment of family involvement in human services in Kentucky, and develop a long range plan to expand family involvement in Kentucky human services.</p><p>14. Lahoma G. Ailiff 99-071 Consulting 10/26/98-6/30/99 $1,973.40 Serve as a member of a consulting leadership team to Prestonsburg, KY identify models of successful family involvement, conduct a needs assessment of family involvement in human services in Kentucky and develop a long-range plan to expand family involvement in Kentucky human services.</p><p>15. Deborah A. Featherstone 99-061 Training 11/1/98-6/30/99 $3,781.40 Provide various homebuilders training, including Lexington, KY Homebuilders Fundamentals I, Homebuilders Advanced Training, Domestic Violence Training, and curriculum planning.</p><p>16. Michael Armbrust 99-057 Training 10/7/98-6/30/99 $3,000.00 Provide 10 days of connecting training for the Residential Louisville, KY Worker Competency Project.</p><p>2</p><p>*Denotes: extension or renewal into new FY **Denotes: also has an amendment this month on the amendment list. CONTRACTS FOR $10,000 AND UNDER - NOVEMBER 1998</p><p>AGENCY / CONTRACT TYPE EFFECTIVE MAXIMUM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION / VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT DATES AMOUNT COMMENTS</p><p>17. Donald Nims 99-045 Instructional 10/1/98-6/30/99 $1,038.00 Assist the Department of Juvenile Justice in providing Glasgow, KY academy instruction for new direct care workers.</p><p>18. Paula Raines 99-044 Consulting 9/24/98-6/30/99 $9,600.00 Provide eight days of consultation services to train Lexington, KY trainers, provide consultation in the development, training, and implementation of Community Connections for Children Training Modules and Training of Trainers.</p><p>19. Jerry Cantrell 99-047 Training 10/5/98-6/15/99 $4,999.00 Provide master trainer supervision of Department of Buckhorn, KY Juvenile Justice Staff as they begin to teach the LSCI course.</p><p>20. Gordon Zimmerman 99-054 Training 9/23/98-9/26/98 $3,700.00 Conduct and 2-1/2 day faculty development program. Reno, NV</p><p>21. Detective Robert Scott 99-055 Training 10/19/98-6/30/99 $3,319.00 Provide training to Department for Community Based Brooksville, KY Services staff on the law enforcement role and responsibilities when conducting Child Sexual Abuse investigations.</p><p>22. Presbyterian Child Welfare Agency 99-046 Training 10/5/98-6/30/99 $4,999.00 Provide the services of Mr. Gary Davis to conduct master Buckhorn, KY trainer supervision as the Juvenile Justice staff begin to teach the LSCI course.</p><p>23. Ronald Boyd 99-048 Training 10/11/98-6/15/99 $4,999.00 Provide one Train the Trainer session for new facility Richmond, KY instructors, also provide seven days of on-site instruction to various training locations around Kentucky.</p><p>24. John Bugbee 99-040 Consulting 9/14/98-6/30/99 $10,000.00 Provide consultation with the management structure of Louisville, KY the Community Partnership for Protecting Children Project. Also, serve as coordinator of the evaluation of all strategies and training for eight work groups, the Steering Committee, and the Core Group.</p><p>FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION CABINET (Real Properties)</p><p>25. Kentucky Field Service Realty, Inc. G1 Appraisal 11/10/98-6/30/99 $5,500.00 Prepare a narrative appraisal report including a timber Hyden, KY cruise on +/- 950 acre Reggie Harper property in Fulton County for the Department of Fish and Wildlife. 3</p><p>*Denotes: extension or renewal into new FY **Denotes: also has an amendment this month on the amendment list. CONTRACTS FOR $10,000 AND UNDER - NOVEMBER 1998</p><p>AGENCY / CONTRACT TYPE EFFECTIVE MAXIMUM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION / VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT DATES AMOUNT COMMENTS</p><p>26. C. Ron Smith G2 Appraisal 11/10/98-6/30/99 $6,000.00 Prepare a narrative appraisal report including a timber Richmond, KY cruise on +/- 950 acres Reggie Harper property in Fulton County for the Department of Fish and Wildlife.</p><p>4</p><p>*Denotes: extension or renewal into new FY **Denotes: also has an amendment this month on the amendment list. CONTRACTS FOR $10,000 AND UNDER - NOVEMBER 1998</p><p>AGENCY / CONTRACT TYPE EFFECTIVE MAXIMUM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION / VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT DATES AMOUNT COMMENTS</p><p>KENTUCKY HIGHER EDUCATION ASSISTANCE AUTHORITY</p><p>27. Edward E. Pollack HEA915 Consulting 10/13/98-10/31/98 $1,500.00 Consultant services for KHEAA pertaining to strategic Zionsville, IN planning initiatives related to the Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP) administered by KHEAA. Provider will lead the KHEAA Senior Management Team in a strategic planning session to examine issues related to the agency's future in the administration of FFELP and the accruing benefits to the Commonwealth as a result of KHEAA's role in the federal program.</p><p>KENTUCKY KARE HEALTH INSURANCE AUTHORITY</p><p>28. Health Data Solutions KK002 Computer 10/1/98-6/30/99 $9,000.00 Develop a workable and fully tested computer program Brownsburg, IN that can perform fee schedule development, billing module, premium reconciliation and enrollment reconciliation.</p><p>KENTUCKY LONG TERM POLICY RESEARCH CENTER</p><p>29. CD-Rom-Works KLTPRC-5 Computer 10/30/98-12/31/98 $3,300.00 Provide single-session CD-rom and films with proofs. Portland, OR</p><p>KENTUCKY LOTTERY CORPORATION</p><p>30. Ken Troklus 99-0 Miscellaneous 10/1/98-6/30/99 $120.00 Provide entertainment as a magician for two hours at the Louisville, KY Louisville Region Retailer Appreciation Day.</p><p>5</p><p>*Denotes: extension or renewal into new FY **Denotes: also has an amendment this month on the amendment list. CONTRACTS FOR $10,000 AND UNDER - NOVEMBER 1998</p><p>AGENCY / CONTRACT TYPE EFFECTIVE MAXIMUM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION / VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT DATES AMOUNT COMMENTS</p><p>KENTUCKY REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS BOARD</p><p>31. Patricia Dunn 990325 Computer 10/1/98-6/30/99 $6,000.00 Transfer files from AS/400 to the PC Computer and Lexington, KY connect the AS/400 to the PC computer; install and configure PC support on the AS/400 and the PC computer; make software renovations and program assistance and ongoing adjustments to the license files and license programs to conform with federal requirements which are written in RPG language; and to train staff as needed.</p><p>KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY</p><p>32. Steam Economies Company 99-12 Training 11/2/98-11/15/98 $6,440.00 Provide training for 12 people in boiler operation, Hamilton, OH maintenance and trouble shooting at Kentucky State University Power Plant.</p><p>LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH COMMISSION</p><p>33. Mark A. Bubenzer & Associates 99-25 Legal 10/22/98-11/20/98 $2,500.00 Inventory documents, render legal advice on open Frankfort, KY records procedure and law, redact (edit) documents if necessary and any other services necessary to properly respond to open records requests related to the "Rabe Report".</p><p>LOCAL GOVERNMENT, DEPARTMENT FOR</p><p>34. Helton, Bass & Kiviniemi, P.S.C. 990287LG Auditing 10/15/98-6/30/99 $9,875.00 Provide a review of the Area Development Districts Frankfort, KY (ADDs) audits for fiscal year 1997 and 1998.</p><p>6</p><p>*Denotes: extension or renewal into new FY **Denotes: also has an amendment this month on the amendment list. CONTRACTS FOR $10,000 AND UNDER - NOVEMBER 1998</p><p>AGENCY / CONTRACT TYPE EFFECTIVE MAXIMUM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION / VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT DATES AMOUNT COMMENTS</p><p>MILITARY AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF</p><p>35. Michael E. Turner C003 Miscellaneous 10/2/98-6/30/98 $3,000.00 Fly a state aircraft as needed. Frankfort, KY</p><p>MOREHEAD STATE UNIVERSITY</p><p>36. Russell "Tres" Dean 99-061 Miscellaneous 10/10/98-10/10/98 $200.00 Serve as announcer for 1998 Morehead State University Morehead, KY Blue and Gold Festival of Marching Bands.</p><p>37. Earle Louder 99-057 Miscellaneous 10/10/98-10/10/98 $200.00 Serve on adjudication panel for 1998 Morehead State Clearfield, KY University Blue & Gold Festival of Marching Bands held at Jayne Stadium.</p><p>38. Greg Strouse 99-053 Miscellaneous 10/10/98-10/10/98 $237.80 Serve on adjudication panel for 1998 Morehead State Lexington, KY University Blue & Gold Festival of Marching Bands held at Jayne Stadium.</p><p>39. Phil Shepherd 99-054 Miscellaneous 10/10/98-10/10/98 $237.80 Serve on adjudication panel for 1998 Morehead State Lexington, KY University Blue & Gold Festival of Marching Bands held at Jayne Stadium.</p><p>40. IDEA Center 99-060 Instructional 10/18/98-10/20/98 $589.30 Make multiple presentations explaining the newly revised Manhattan, KS "IDEA" system of student rating of instruction to faculty and administrators at Morehead State University.</p><p>41. Tom Castle 99-058 Miscellaneous 10/10/98-10/10/98 $245.36 Serve on adjudication panel for 1998 Morehead State Huntington, WV University Blue & Gold Festival of Marching Bands held at Jayne Stadium.</p><p>42. Dr. Lynn Cooper 99-056 Miscellaneous 10/10/98-10/10/98 $248.60 Serve on adjudication panel for 1998 Morehead State Wilmore, KY University Blue & Gold Festival of Marching Bands held at Jayne Stadium.</p><p>43. Robert Hilton 99-055 Miscellaneous 10/10/98-10/10/98 $237.80 Serve on adjudication panel for 1998 Morehead State Lexington, KY University Blue & Gold Festival of Marching Bands held at Jayne Stadium.</p><p>7</p><p>*Denotes: extension or renewal into new FY **Denotes: also has an amendment this month on the amendment list. CONTRACTS FOR $10,000 AND UNDER - NOVEMBER 1998</p><p>AGENCY / CONTRACT TYPE EFFECTIVE MAXIMUM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION / VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT DATES AMOUNT COMMENTS</p><p>44. Richard Lemke 99-051 Miscellaneous 10/10/98-10/10/98 $245.36 Serve on adjudication panel for 1998 Morehead State Southpoint, OH University Blue & Gold Festival of Marching Bands held at Jayne Stadium.</p><p>45. Fan-Cam Video Productions 99-052 Miscellaneous 10/10/98-10/10/98 $250.00 Record high school bands and MSU marching band Morehead, KY performances using 3 microphones mixed into the sound track of the video tape.</p><p>46. Robert Hartwell 99-059 Miscellaneous 10/10/98-10/10/98 $238.34 Serve on adjudication panel for 1998 Morehead State Richmond, KY University Blue & Gold Festival of Marching Bands held at Jayne Stadium.</p><p>MURRAY STATE UNIVERSITY</p><p>47. Beth Henderson 126-99-1 Miscellaneous 11/2/98-11/3/98 $200.00 Facilitate workshop session on Improving Technology in Hopkinsville, KY the classroom.</p><p>48. Sharon Lancaster 124-99-1 Miscellaneous 11/2/98-11/3/98 $200.00 Facilitate workshop session on Improving Technology in Hopkinsville, KY the classroom.</p><p>49. Sallie Guy 123-99-1 Instructional 11/15/98-11/20/98 $375.00 Serve as instructor for the 1998 Scottish Heritage Murray, KY Elderhostel.</p><p>50. Debbie Riley 125-99-1 Miscellaneous 11/2/98-11/3/98 $450.00 Prepare materials for and facilitate workshop session Paducah, KY Improving Technology in the Classroom.</p><p>51. Sallie Guy 115-99-1 Instructional 11/3/98-11/24/98 $500.00 Serve as instructor for the continuing education course, Murray, KY Getting Down to the Knitty-Gritty.</p><p>52. James Whitworth 118-99-1 Instructional 11/15/98-11/20/98 $100.00 Serve as instructor for MSU's Scottish Heritage Ledbetter, KY Elderhostel.</p><p>53. Ray Dunn 117-99-1 Miscellaneous 11/15/98-1/15/99 $8,750.00 Assist Murray State University in organizing health and Murray, KY science programs.</p><p>54. John Ross 122-99-1 Instructional 11/15/98-11/20/98 $100.00 Serve as instructor for the 1998 Scottish Heritage Clinton, KY Elderhostel.</p><p>55. MULTI - Consulting 116-99-3 Consulting 10/21/98-10/23/98 $1,500.00 Provide consulting services to evaluate structure and 8</p><p>*Denotes: extension or renewal into new FY **Denotes: also has an amendment this month on the amendment list. CONTRACTS FOR $10,000 AND UNDER - NOVEMBER 1998</p><p>AGENCY / CONTRACT TYPE EFFECTIVE MAXIMUM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION / VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT DATES AMOUNT COMMENTS</p><p> program offerings within the department of chemistry, physics, and engineering physics.</p><p>56. Sherry Thomas 127-99-1 Miscellaneous 11/2/98-11/3/98 $200.00 Facilitate workshop session on Improving Technology in Hopkinsville, KY the classroom.</p><p>57. Valerie Hancock 112-99-1 Instructional 10/14/98-11/27/98 $500.00 Serve as instructor for the Tai Chi course for seniors. Murray, KY</p><p>58. Vicki Guerin 114-99-1 Instructional 11/2/98-11/16/98 $700.00 Serve as instructor for the Continuing Education Course Murray, KY Cake Decorating.</p><p>59. Dr. David Martin 11-99-1 Consulting 11/3/98-11/9/98 $2,000.00 Assist in establishing a comparative graduate Chacombe, Nr. Banbury, Oxon, educational program and a graduate research United Kingdom educational program among the following institutions: University of Reading, England; Lancaster University, England; Virginia Tech, USA; and Murray State University, USA.</p><p>60. Colin Grant-Adams 119-99-1 Miscellaneous 11/15/98-11/20/98 $150.00 Present program of Music and Folklore of Scotland for Glasgow, KY MSU Elderhostel.</p><p>61. Trudy McFarlane 120-99-1 Miscellaneous 11/15/98-11/20/98 $500.00 Present course to Elderhostel program on Scottish Murray, KY culture and cuisine.</p><p>62. Marilyn Alberts 121-99-1 Instructional 11/15/98-11/30/98 $1,000.00 Serve as instructor for the Continuing Education Hopkinsville, KY Calligraphy Course.</p><p>63. Kenneth Darnell 113-99-1 Instructor 10/14/98-11/27/98 $500.00 Serve as instructor for the Continuing Education Course, Murray, KY How to Buy a House with no Money.</p><p>NORTHERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY</p><p>64. Greater Cincinnati Nutrition Council 312 Instructional 9/29/98-5/14/98 $400.00 Presentations on various nutrition for health topics. Cincinnati, OH</p><p>TRANSPORTATION CABINET</p><p>65. Aubrey Williams, Ph.D. 981176 Legal 10/20/98-6/30/99 $5,000.00 Represent the Transportation Cabinet on a statewide 9</p><p>*Denotes: extension or renewal into new FY **Denotes: also has an amendment this month on the amendment list. CONTRACTS FOR $10,000 AND UNDER - NOVEMBER 1998</p><p>AGENCY / CONTRACT TYPE EFFECTIVE MAXIMUM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION / VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT DATES AMOUNT COMMENTS</p><p>Louisville, KY basis.</p><p>66. Keating Law Offices 981157 Legal 10/7/98-6/30/99 $5,000.00 Represent the Transportations Cabinet on a statewide Lexington, KY basis.</p><p>TREASURY, DEPARTMENT OF</p><p>67. Cundiff Company 990327 Miscellaneous 11/2/98-6/30/99 $9,000.00 Put the unclaimed property section in a position to be Louisville, KY able to determine the value of certain specified items of unclaimed property and to be able to dispose of such, along with other unclaimed items as appropriate and allowed under KRS 393.</p><p>WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY</p><p>68. Dr. Frances Karnes 29-98 Instructional 12/2/98-12/5/98 $2,000.00 Provide workshop on Recognizing and Developing Hattiesburg, MS Leadership Talent.</p><p>69. Dr. Hilda Rosselli 30-98 Instructional 12/2/98-12/4/98 $1,500.00 Workshop model on the Leadership for Youth. Tampa, FL</p><p>70. Harold Brantley Appraisal Company 23-98 Appraisal 10/13/98-6/30/99 $5,000.00 Appraise properties for Western Kentucky University as Bowling Green, KY needed.</p><p>71. Business Management Concepts 27-98 Consulting 10/15/98-6/30/99 $5,500.00 Review the performance of the bookstore in key areas Columbia, MD and provide WKU with an appraisal of the store's performance as compared to standards established in 1996 as well as industry standards.</p><p>WORKERS' COMPENSATION FUNDING COMMISSION</p><p>72. Milliman & Robertson 990319 Actuarial 9/24/98-6/30/99 $5,000.00 Pursuant to KRS 342.122, which requires the New York, NY commission to establish an annual assessment rate necessary to fund the special funds liability.</p><p>WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT CABINET</p><p>10</p><p>*Denotes: extension or renewal into new FY **Denotes: also has an amendment this month on the amendment list. CONTRACTS FOR $10,000 AND UNDER - NOVEMBER 1998</p><p>AGENCY / CONTRACT TYPE EFFECTIVE MAXIMUM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION / VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT DATES AMOUNT COMMENTS</p><p>73. Brown, Todd & Heyburn PLLC 990263 Legal 7/31/98-6/30/99 $2,500.00 Continuing legal representation of the Workforce Louisville, KY Development Cabinet in a lawsuit over the employment practices of the Department for Employment Services as they relate to Maggie Williams. *D eclaration of Emergency Attached</p><p>11</p><p>*Denotes: extension or renewal into new FY **Denotes: also has an amendment this month on the amendment list. </p>
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