A Government of Odisha Undertaking

A Government of Odisha Undertaking

<p>[Type text]</p><p>THE ODISHA AGRO INDUSTRIES CORPORATION LIMITED (A GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA UNDERTAKING) 95, SATYA NAGAR BHUBANESWAR – 751007. (PROCUREMENT OF CERTIFIED SEEDS/AGRI INPUTS/PLANTING MATERIALS)</p><p>PHONE NO. 0674 – 2570687 </p><p>FAX NO. 0674 – 2570313</p><p>EXPRESSION OF INTEREST</p><p>Odisha Agro Industries Corporation Ltd. (OAIC) invites Expression of Interest from the resourceful, reliable organization /firms/agencies manufactures/ producers and their authorized firms/company for registration / empanelment of their firms /company for supply of various seeds/planting materials/ agricultural inputs to the various State Govt./PSU/any other agency of India. (i) GROUP – A: {Hybrid / Certified/ TL / Vegetable seeds, cereal seeds (paddy, wheat etc), pulse seed, oil seed} (ii) GROUP – B: Pesticides, bio-pesticides, bio- fertilizer, organic manure, vermi compost & Vermibed, micro nutrient, (iii) GROUP –C: Planting materials, for supply under different schemes of Central Govt./ State Govt.etc. The terms and conditions of this EOI are as follows:</p><p>1. Applying against Expression of interest (EOI) does not automatically give right to empanelment / registration.</p><p>2. OAIC reserves the right to reject or accept any application received against EOI without assigning any reason.</p><p>3. Application received with incomplete /partial information and / or without supporting documents shall be rejected.</p><p>4. Application of a company/firm that has been blacklisted by the Govt. of India/other PSUs / any Ministry /Agency of Govt. of India/Any Department of Govt. of Odisha and/or any other Deptts./PSU of other States shall be rejected.</p><p>Page 1 [Type text] 5. Validity of the Empanelment is initially for three years as per the OAIC’s terms & condition incorporated in this documents and same can be extended for further period of two years at the discretion of OAIC on successful performance of the empanelled party/parties.</p><p>6. OAIC reserves the right to call for original documents and /or any additional information/documents from any applicant. </p><p>7. The applicants must have experiences in supplying respective items for Group-‘A’ Group-‘B’ & Group-‘C’ for last three years respectively to any Government /Semi Government/PSU and all evidencing Documents / papers are to be attached. 8. The applicants must have proper infrastructure for distribution of above items even at the block level of all the districts of applied States as per instruction of OAIC and/or ordering authority. 9. No request will be entertained for sending the EOI paper by post. 10. Modification in the information already furnished by the applicant will not be permitted after the EOI is opened. 11. Canvassing in any form is strictly prohibited and in the event any applicant is resorting to such practice, his EOI will be liable for rejection. 12. No EOI papers will be accepted by post or courier service. 13. The empanelled firm’s /agencies/ company would execute an Agreement with OAIC before execution of any order to be placed by OAIC. 14. The cost of EOI paper is Rs. 1000/- (Rupees one thousand) only. The EOI documents would be available for sale on any working day between 11.00 hrs, to 14.00 hrs. from Accounts Department, OAIC Ltd., 95, Satyanagar, Bhubaneswar – 751007, Odisha between 03.04.2013 to 11.04.2013. 15. Applicants are required to submit solvency certificate from the bank for a minimum average balance of Rs. 25 lacs alongwith EOI application. The banker’s certificate in this respect issued before 01/01/2013 will not be accepted.</p><p>Page 2 [Type text] 16. Applicants shall be submitted by individual firms / company only and no joint ventures /consortium is allowed to apply. Single applicant/firm is not allowed to apply more than 3(three) States.</p><p>17. The applicants should have minimum order value of Rs.5 crore in a single order from any Govt. agencies, PSU, State Govt., or Govt. owned federation etc. whether the applicant is apply for any Group and/or all Groups in any one financial year out of last three financial years (2009-10, 2010-11, & 2011-12). The applicants should submit self attested Xerox copies of documents in support of their claim /information in this respect and order completion certificate /payment certificate from the ordering authority. Applicant should have minimum annual turnover of the Rs. 10 crore in any one year during last three years and the same to be certified by the Charted Accountant along with his seal & signature. 18. The applicants are requested to submit the document as mention in check-list with the EOI papers failing which the EOI shall be liable to be rejected. DOCUMENTS TO BE ATTACHED </p><p>The interested applicants for back to back supply / business should submit his/her application with the Self Attested following documents in a sealed envelope within schedule date & time. Falling which the application of EOI shall be liable to be rejected.</p><p>Sl. No. Particulars Page No. 1) Duly filled in Application Form in prescribed format. (A, B, C) 2) Interest free Earnest Money (E.M.) of Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh) only of each state (either for any group or all group) in the form of Bank Draft / FDR to be drawn from any Nationalized Bank and to be pledged in favour of the Managing Director, Odisha Agro Industries Corporation Limited Bhubaneswar. 3) Proof of purchase of application form / purchased of documents of Rs. 1000.00 issued by Odisha Agro Industries Corporation Limited Bhubaneswar. 4) Certificate of Incorporation /Partnership Deed/ Proprietorship Certified. 5) Documentary evidence for source of supply like own production or tie-up arrangements with other producers. 6) Licence for manufacturing / marketing of Bio-fertilizer and Bio- pesticides etc. (in case of Group – C). 7) Certificate for supply of items / copy of supply orders from Govt.</p><p>Page 3 [Type text] Deptt./Govt. Agencies as mentioned in clause no. 17 of EOI documents together with CA certificate. 8) Annual Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheets of past three years. (2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012) duly signed by registered C.A and or for Govt. Organisation Income Tax acknowledgement of 3 years. 9) Copy of VAT, TIN, PAN and photocopy of Income Tax Return. 10) Bank Solvency certificate as mentioned in clause no. 15 of EOI documents. 11) Copy of valid Seed Licence / Fertilizers Licence for carrying business. 12) Copy of Professional Tax . 13) Copy of valid Trade Licence. 14) Self certificate for not black –listed /debarred by any Central /State Govt. or Central/State Agencies/PSU etc. 15) Certificate from C.A for minimum annual turnover of Rs. 10crores for similar items mentioned in group-A, B & C in one financial year during last three years. Note: (All above aforesaid Documents /Papers are to be marked page wise positively).</p><p>19. The applicant should submit the documentary evidence of empanelment fee of Rs. 1000/- (Rs. One thousand only) for each group and/or all group alongwith EOI application. The Demand Draft shall be in the name of The Odisha Agro Industries Corporation Limited and payable at Bhubaneswar. The fee shall be non refundable. 20. The applicant shall furnish an undertaking in support of their claim and information /documents submitted. If anything found false in course of verification , at any point of time and/or after approval of the enlisted firm shall be blacklisted and debarred from future transactions with The Odisha Agro Industries Corporation Limited and also liable for payment /compensate any loss arise due to false undertaking. 21. The EOI documents in Format – 1 (In case of Group –A) , Format – 2 (In case of Group – B) and Format - 3 (In case of Group –C) duly completed in all respect and duly signed by the authorized persons alongwith Xerox attested copy of required documents and empanelment fee is to be dropped in the EOI BOX available at the above address within 11.04.2013 up to 2.00 p.m. and the same will be opened on 11.04.2013 at 3.30 p.m. in presence of applicants or their authorized representatives.</p><p>Page 4 [Type text] 22. In case of any dispute or differences between OAIC and the applicants the same shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with laws in force in India. The Odisha High Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction in all matters arising under this EOI and/or during the tenure of EOT. 23. Each page of EOI documents as well as corrigendum, if any, must be signed with date and seal failing which the tender shall be liable to be rejected. 24. EOI received with incomplete /partial information and/or without supporting documents shall be liable to be rejected at the discretion of the EOI inviting authority. 25. No price variation will be allowed during the validity of the EOI. 26. Applicants may participate in more than one group provided they fulfill the required terms and conditions of this EOI. All the application would be evaluated by OAIC for empanelment looking to previous Experience in ‘BTB’ system. 27. OAIC is not bound contractually or in any other way to any applicant(s) to this Expression of Interest. OAIC is not liable for any costs of compensation in relation to the consideration of this Expression of Interest, incurred by the applicant(s) to this Expression of Interest whether or not OAIC terminates, varies, or suspends the Expression of Interest process or takes any other action permitted under this Expression of Interest. 28. Any applicants is interested to empanel their name for any group and/or all group it is not necessary to furnish evidencing Documents /Papers separately for each Group (A+B+C). 29. The applicant should submit interest fee earnest money of Rs. 1 lac only of each State either for any group or all groups in the form of Bank Draft/FDR to be drawn from any nationalized bank and to pledged in favour of Managing Director Odisha Agro Industries Corporation Ltd, Bhubaneswar. 30. On Back to Back (BTB) system, order will be placed on receipt of firm order and payment will be made on receipt of payment within 10 days from the order giving authority, subject to completion of all formalities. 31. DISCLAIMER: The issue of this document does not in any way commit or otherwise obliges OAIC to proceed with all or any part of an EOI process. The EOI Request is not the subject of any process contract or any contractual obligations between OAIC and</p><p>Page 5 [Type text] applicant(s). OAIC may, at its absolute discretion, elect to abandon any part of whole of the process without giving prior notice to the applicant(s).</p><p>MANAGING DIRECTOR</p><p>FORMAT -1 GROUP – A</p><p>APPLICATION UNDER EXPRESSION OF INTEREST ISSUED BY OAIC FOR EMPANELMENT OF FIRMS FOR SUPPLY OF SEEDS ON ‘BTB’ SYSTEM OUTSIDE ODISHA STATE.</p><p>Ref. No .______Dated ______</p><p>1. Name of Applicant: ______</p><p>Page 6 [Type text] 2. Office Address: ______</p><p>3. Contact Details: (a) Mobile No. ______</p><p>(b) L/L No. ______</p><p>(c) Name ______</p><p>4. Whether the applicant has been blacklisted by the Govt. of India/other PSUs /any Ministry /Agency of Govt. of India/ any Department of Govt. of Odisha and/or any other deptts /PSU of other States. Please state the details. ______</p><p>5. PAN No. ______</p><p>6. TINNO/VAT No. ______</p><p>7. P.Tax Reg. No ______</p><p>8. Seed License No. ______</p><p>9. Trade License No. ______10. Name of the States for which 1. ______applicant wants to apply 2. ______3. ______</p><p>11. Applicant must have attached all documents / required papers (self attached) as mentioned in the Form and Check-list mentioned in clause no. 18. EMD Rs1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lac) in the form of Bank Draft/ Pay order bearing no. ______dated______is enclosed. I /We accept the terms and conditions of EOI bearing no. ______dated ______</p><p>Dated ______Full Signature with office seal of the Applicant.</p><p>FORMAT -2 GROUP – B</p><p>Page 7 [Type text]</p><p>APPLICATION UNDER EXPRESSION OF INTEREST ISSUED BY OAIC FOR EMPANELMENT OF FIRMS FOR SUPPLY OF PESTICIDES, BIO-PESTICIDES, BIO- FERTILIZER, ORGANIC MANURE, VERMI COMPOST/BED, MICRO NUTRIENT ON ‘BTB’ SYSTEM OUTSIDE ODISHA STATE. Ref. No .______Dated ______</p><p>1. Name of Applicant: ______</p><p>2. Office Address: ______</p><p>3. Contact Details: (a) Mobile No. ______</p><p>(b) L/L No. ______</p><p>(c) Name ______</p><p>4. Whether the applicant has been blacklisted by the Govt. of India/other PSUs /any Ministry /Agency of Govt. of India/ any Department of Govt. of Odisha and/or any other deptts /PSU of other States. Please state the details. ______</p><p>5. PAN No. ______</p><p>6. TIN No/VAT No. ______</p><p>7. P.Tax Reg. No ______</p><p>8. Fertilizer&PesticideLicenceNo. ______</p><p>9. Trade License No. ______10. Name of the States for which 1. ______Applicant wants to apply 2. ______3. ______</p><p>11. Applicant must have attached all documents / required papers (self attached) as mentioned in the Form and Check-list mentioned in clause no. 18.</p><p>Page 8 [Type text] EMD Rs1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lac) in the form of Bank Draft/ Pay order bearing no. ______dated______is enclosed. I /We accept the terms and conditions of EOI bearing no. ______dated ______</p><p>Dated ______Full Signature with office seal of the Applicant.</p><p>. FORMAT -3 GROUP – C</p><p>APPLICATION UNDER EXPRESSION OF INTEREST ISSUED BY OAIC FOR EMPANELMENT OF FIRMS FOR SUPPLY OF PLANTING MATERIALS & VEGETABLE SEEDS ON ‘BTB’ SYSTEM OUTSIDE ODISHA STATE. Ref. No .______Dated ______</p><p>1. Name of Applicant: ______</p><p>2. Office Address: ______</p><p>3. Contact Details: (a) Mobile No. ______</p><p>(b) L/L No. ______</p><p>(c) Name ______</p><p>4. Whether the applicant has been blacklisted by the Govt. of India/other PSUs /any Ministry /Agency of Govt. of India/ any Department of Govt. of Odisha and/or any other deptts /PSU of other States. Please state the details. ______</p><p>5. PAN No. ______</p><p>6. TIN No/VAT No ______</p><p>7. P.Tax Reg. No ______</p><p>8. Seed License No. ______9. Trade License No. ______</p><p>Page 9 [Type text] 10. Name of the States for which 1. ______applicant wants to apply 2. ______3. ______11. Applicant must have attached all documents / required papers (self attached) as mentioned in the Form and Check-list mentioned in clause no. 18. EMD Rs1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lac) in the form of Bank Draft/ Pay order bearing no. ______dated______is enclosed. I /We accept the terms and conditions of EOI bearing no. ______dated ______</p><p>Dated ______Full Signature with office seal of the Applicant.</p><p>Page 10</p>

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