NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID PITTSBURGH, PA Permit No. 2403 Volume 36, No. 9 Covering Bloomfield, Friendship, Garfield, East Liberty and Lawrenceville since 1975 September 2011 Tech Center Brings Training, Workshops to Penn Avenue by Michael LaFleur for teens and adults. Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation “Our objective is to remove the impediments to success for young people and adults,” Rick Flanagan, BGC youth development director, A new face arrives in a familiar told The Bulletin recently. “In the place this month, as the Bloomfield- tough economy we’re in, we need to Garfield Corporation (BGC) launches do everything we can to give people a a community computer center at 5321 leg up on getting their high school Penn Avenue. The center, one of four diploma, moving on to post-second- opening around the city, is using ary education or training, and search- funds from the 2009 federal econom- ing the Internet for information on a ic stimulus program that were award- variety of job opportunities or other ed in 2010 to the Neighborhood needs.” Paula Martinac/The Bulletin Learning Alliance (NLA), an East As reported in the June edition of SUNFLOWERS ARE IN BLOOM AT WHAT USED TO BE AN UNSIGHTLY LOT AT Liberty-based non-profit formerly The Bulletin, the Neighborhood BROAD AND N. GRAHAM STREETS IN GARFIELD. A VOLUNTEER TEAM known as Wireless Neighborhoods. Learning Alliance won a competitive WORKED WITH THE BLOOMFIELD-GARFIELD CORPORATION AND GTECH TO The street-level, accessible venue grant for its project, Pittsburgh CON- PLANT AND TEND THE FLOWERS, WHICH WILL HELP CLEAN THE SOIL SO THE in Garfield has been a hub of activity NECTS, from the U. S. Department of LOT CAN BE RE-USED. in recent years, serving as home to Education. These funds are allowing both the BGC’s Youth Development the Internet access and computer use Center and the Eastside to be offered free to city residents. NEIGHBORS MEET WITH NEW Neighborhood Employment Center. Each user will have his or her own Now, after some remodeling, all three log-in access code for the laptops or MEXICAN RESTAURANT OWNERS initiatives will be able to work under desktops at each of the four locations. one roof, offering a wide range of by Paula Martinac new establishment applies for a liquor education and employment services See TECH, page 6 The Bulletin license in the neighborhood. “It’s eas- ier to stop a nuisance bar from open- How does an authentic Mexican ing,” explained Aggie Brose, BGC restaurant on Penn Avenue sound? deputy director, about the policy, After a presentation by the restau- “than to try to close one down.” The rant’s principals at an August commu- same policy got nearby neighbors on- nity meeting, nearby neighbors seem board with Salt of the Earth restau- to agree that it sounds pretty good. rant, and helped scuttle the plans for a AS PART OF SUMMER Jeff and Erin Catalina have rented bar/restaurant on the site of the former DREAMERS CAMP, MID- DLE SCHOOL STU- the bottom floor of the Glass Lofts at Horoscope Lounge. (See related story, DENTS LEARNED BOTH 5491 to locate their restaurant, to be page 2.) TO PLAY CHESS AND called Verde Mexican Kitchen & Jeff Catalina is originally from San TO APPLY ITS STRATE- Cantina. Jeff described the new Antonio, Texas, so he says he knows GIES TO THEIR LIVES. Mexican food. He worked for 15 READ THE FULL STORY restaurant as “upscale casual.” ON PAGE 7. The Catalinas met with nearby years in management consulting, but neighbors and staff from the “got tired of flying every week” and Bloomfield Garfield Corporation on had been “dying to do this [Verde] for August 11. The BGC has a standing policy to hold a meeting whenever a See RESTAURANT, page 4 Kathryn Vargas/NLA The final deadline for all articles, ads, and Bulletin Board items for the October 2011 issue is THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2011. Placement is first-come, first-served. For more information: 412-441-6915. Page 2 • The Bulletin • September 2011 BREAKING NEWS Update on Past Coverage of 5431 Penn Avenue by Paula Martinac Then, in March 2011, a federal The Bulletin indictment came down against Jimenez and Bennett, among others, on charges of conspiring to “distribute On August 4, a superseding indict- and possess with intent to distribute ment added new counts of violating one kilogram or more of heroin” federal narcotics and money launder- between June 2009 and February ing laws to existing charges against 2011. The new, superseding indict- Michelle Jimenez, 31, and Terald ment adds counts of “conspiring to Bennett, 29. commit money laundering” against As previously reported in The Jimenez and Bennett for allegedly Bulletin, in 2010, Jimenez attempted using drug money to buy properties in to open a bar/restaurant at 5431 Penn Pittsburgh and Wilkinsburg in Avenue, the site of the former Jimenez’s name. The couple also Horoscope Lounge. When suspicions stands accused of using a business arose about her business plan, an account for Jimenez’s defunct down- investigation by the Bloomfield- town clothing store, Exclusive Garfield Corporation staff and Public Fashions, to launder money. Safety Task Force members uncov- Assistant U.S. Attorney Gregory J. ered Jimenez’s intimate relationship Nescott will prosecute the case. The with Bennett, a former Garfield resi- Drug Enforcement Agency and the dent with a lengthy arrest record – a Internal Revenue Service carried out connection she had kept under wraps. the investigation. If found guilty, Her falsification of other information Jimenez and Bennett could face 10 soon came to light, and Jimenez years to life in prison, a fine of $10.5 backed away from her plan in May million, or both.w 2010. Consolidated East Liberty Website Debuts by Margaret Graham photos of the neighborhood through- East Liberty Development, Inc. out the years. This new site features updates Looking for all of the most up-to- about East Liberty and the East End, date information on East Liberty? just like the old “East Liberty Post.” Look no further than the new eastlib- The new “Post,” however, is authored erty.org. by both ELDI and other partners in the East Liberty’s two websites, neighborhood. All neighborhood www.eastliberty.org and www.eastlib- events can now easily be found by ertypost.com were recently combined checking out the events calendar. into one, easy-to-use site. The site will Detailed descriptions of the events have the “East Liberty Post” as well as can still be found on the Post. information about the neighborhood If you’d rather learn about East and East Liberty Development, Inc. Liberty without leaving your social East Liberty has grown and changed networks, you can “like” East Liberty a lot in the last decade. Want to know on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ what the neighborhood was like 50 EastLibertyPgh. If you’re on Twitter, years ago? How about 100 years ago? tweet us @eastlibertypgh. Check out Or 300 years ago? The new eastliber- our photos at www.flickr.com/ ty.org has an updated, easy-to-navi- EastLibertyPgh. w gate history section, complete with September 2011 • The Bulletin • Page 3 Commentary PENN AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT UPMC/Highmark Showdown Sparks REACHES MILESTONE Concern, Meetings by Paula Martinac Control Plan and Traffic Signal Plan The Bulletin to PennDOT for approval. Signals at by Sen. Jim Ferlo affordable healthcare. Under PA Act Mathilda, Millvale and Evaline, Krul Pa. 38th Senatorial District 55 of 1997, both Highmark and The upcoming reconstruction of explained, will look much like they do UPMC are recognized as Institutions Penn Avenue between Evaline and at the intersection at Penn, Friendship of Purely Public Charity – e.g., non- Mathilda reached another milestone and 45th Street, where Children’s My office has fielded a number of profits. Their behavior is hardly char- on July 25, when project engineers Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC is calls and emails from people with itable towards the needs of our citi- received official approval from located. As for signage, “We’re trying serious concerns and questions zens, and public officials are taking PennDOT of their “Line, Grade and to minimize the clutter of signs on the regarding the current conflict between steps to hold them accountable. Typical Section” submission, which avenue,” according to Ryan Sheran of Highmark, Inc. and University of I will be convening a Town Hall represents about 30 percent of the Kimball. A map of the Penn-Evaline Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC). Meeting on Thursday, September 8, at design plans. intersection, for example, indicates a Many are worried about where they 7 p.m. at Soldiers and Sailors “This put us ahead of schedule by whopping 32 existing signs. will turn for health coverage and care Memorial Hall Ballroom. This forum a couple of months,” Brian Krul, who The engineers also outlined detour if Highmark and UPMC do not reach is open to community members and heads up the engineering team from plans during construction. The north an agreement. stakeholders who want to express L.R. Kimball Associates, explained at side of Penn Avenue will be tackled Highmark is the dominant health their concerns and take action, please a recent meeting of the Penn Avenue first, with only two lanes open – one insurance provider in Allegheny join us. Reconstruction Project committee. for traffic and one for parking. For the County, and UPMC is the dominant Additionally, the State Senate Actual construction of the four- length of the project, traffic will move health-care provider. So if the two do Banking and Insurance Committee block stretch is slated to begin in early along Penn inbound to downtown not come to an agreement, it could be will convene a public hearing regard- 2013 and last eight to 10 months.
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