
<p>MINUTES of the Meeting of Wivenhoe Town Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday 24th April 2017. ______</p><p>Present: The Town Mayor, Cllr. A. Aldis (Chairman) Cllrs: R. Needham, N. Lodge, A. Vaughan, M. Newton, P. Finn, N. Tile, C. Singleton, P. Booth and S. Boughton. Borough Cllrs. C. Liddy, R. Scott. County Cllr. J. Young Antoinette Stinson, Town Clerk Hazel Humphreys, Town Clerk designate Peter Kay, Public Transport Representative 1 member of the public</p><p>Prior to commencement of business safety announcements were given.</p><p>1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. K. Read and Borough Cllr. M. Cory. </p><p>No apologies had been received from Cllr. Endean and the Town Mayor confirmed that the Town Clerk had written to him and received an email indicating that he had been extremely busy at work but that he wished to remain as a councilor. </p><p>2. MINUTES. RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Town Council held on 20th March 2017 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.</p><p>3. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES. None</p><p>4. POINTS RAISED BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC. Jane Black requested that the council consider the issue of tree wardens. She indicated that whilst Tendring have an active tree warden programme with 27 volunteer tree wardens that Colchester Borough have none. Liam McGarry the Arboricultural officer for CBC is keen to reinvigorate the scheme but needs volunteers. Tree Wardens function to plant and protect trees and flag issues with planning applications and there is a tree warden for Tendring DC living in Wivenhoe who is willing to assist any local volunteers. Jane Black suggested that such a scheme might be better covering the whole ward of Wivenhoe given potential development around the A133. Cllr Newton wanted it minuting that any call for volunteers should be incorporated into one advert including calls for minibus drivers etcetera. It was agreed that Cllr Finn should be a point a point of contact on WTC and that wardens should be copied in on Estates and Planning Mailing lists. The Mayor indicated that he would write to the Biodiversity Officer for CBC, copying in Cllr Finn and including any volunteer’s names.</p><p>5. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY AND BOROUGH COUNCILS. a) Essex County Council: Cllr. Young reported reported there had been progress on the Dry Dock and that the CBC Enforcement team were liaising. Dates have been set in May to meet the residents and to replace the water in the dry dock. The VAS sign on Colchester</p><p>1 Road had now been replaced. Highways have produced a list of roads waiting to be resurfaced. There may be a solution to the confusion between Essex County Council and bus companies with regards the High Street stop by the co-op. </p><p>Cllr Young attended the stakeholder workshop for the Garden Community development and reported she will not support the development unless she has assurances that there will not be building south of the A133; that Salary Brook will be protected by creating a country park around it; that rapid transport links and a ring road will be established; green buffer zones of 1.5km to be created between Greenstead and the development. There were serious concerns regarding the validity of the stakeholder workshop and that decision makers were not communicating effectively with key stakeholders, and Cllr Young advised that conversations are ongoing as to who briefed the consultants, and suggested that WTC put a formal response into writing to the decision makers at the respective councils. </p><p>Cllr Young has been feeding into the submissions to both First regarding the bus service and the joint submission on the Network Rail proposals. b) Borough Council: Cllr. Scott commended the excellent work on the joint response to Paget Road. With regards the Garden Community she reported that she was happy to contact Ian Vipond with regards coming to Wivenhoe to answer questions and noted that WTC need to keep a careful eye as to where the proposed centre of the development will be. There was concern that social housing may be on the Tendring side to accommodate London overspill. Cllr Young offered assurances that as this is a collaborative project between CBC and TDC that CBC policy would request the same amount of social housing be allocated to each side. </p><p>Cllr. Liddy commended Peter Kay for his scholarly work on the Paget Road response letter and reported that he will deliver the statutory declarations from a long-time resident and the retiring Town Clerk to the Town Council Offices to be forwarded to the Secretary of State. He reported that the resident had confirmed the use of the road as a public right of way, although this could be contentious as it is not mapped as such. Cllr. Liddy thanked those who attended the launch of Colne Radio. Cllr Vaughan reported that Peter Hill would also be writing to Bernard Jenkin to request a public enquiry. The Town Clerk was asked to prepare a press release and send to the Gazette. It was reiterated that it would be beneficial for members to also submit personal objections.</p><p>Two written reports were received from Cllr. Cory which were read out to the meeting by Cllr. Aldis. The first was a response from CBC Portfolio Holder Tina Bourne to his query regarding the sale of Gothic House, which stated that there had been complaints about anti-social behaviour from some tenants in the past. It was agreed by councillors that there was a genuine need for the same sort of accommodation in the area. There was also a response from Network Rail about train horn noise which stated that it was an obligation for train drivers to sound their horns when they passed a whistleboard which both these crossings have to keep pedestrians safe. Peter Kay noted that this was an unsatisfactory response. c) Public Transport: Peter Kay reported that he had had no response from the University regarding the new speed humps on Boundary Road which were problematic to buses</p><p>2 travelling past the University and requested that WTC contact the University to find out what purpose these humps served. He reported that his meetings with Greater Anglia and the Frinton Rail User group had been unsuccessful. </p><p>There had been a response from First buses to the objections sent which Mr Kay read and found to have ignored all the issues raised. He suggested that another letter should be sent; including additional complaints about buses driving on the pavement near the cemetery and the lack of passing places for buses, and Cllr. Aldis asked him to draft a response.</p><p>6. COMMITTEE REPORTS. 6.1 Planning. a) Minutes of the meeting held on 18 April 2017 were received and noted. Cllr. Lodge reported that since a refusal was noted on 18th April that an appeal had been lodged. Cllr. Scott confirmed that she had called an application in as requested and agreed to keep WTC informed of the CBC planning committee date. Cllr. Finn agreed to pass reassurances to the Olive Branch that WTC supported their application and they should monitor the CBC website for information. It was noted that the Town Clerk was trying to get the S106 percentage split as agreed on behalf of Cllr. Read. With regards the Garden Community Cllr. Vaughan agreed to formulate a series of questions to ask CBC, TDC and the consultants. b) Health Centre update. Cllr. Lodge reported that work was ongoing. Cllr Aldis reported that it was due to be complete around September 2017.</p><p>6.2 Personnel Committee. a) Minutes of the meeting held on 6 April 2017 were received with corrections to be made by the Town Clerk noted. Cllr. Newton reported that the post meeting notes reflected that actions had begun to address the discussed issues. b) Local Government Pension Scheme. Cllr. Aldis proposed admittance of one employee, namely the post of Town Clerk, into the LGPS. Cllr. Lodge seconded and it was carried unanimously. Therefore in accordance with Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations it is RESOLVED that the post of Town Clerk be submitted to the Local Government Pension Scheme. 7 days notice of intention to pass the resolution have been given by public display on the notice board. </p><p>6.3 Finance and Administration Committee. a) Cllr. Lodge reported that there had been little activity as the End of Year return had not yet been completed so he would call a meeting in due course to finalise. He reported that Cllr. Singleton proposed that a full resolution should be made that a clinical audit should take place to ensure a baseline for the transition to a new Responsible Financial Officer. Cllr Lodge seconded with the proviso that a different internal auditor be used and the resolution was carried.</p><p>6.4 Estates Committee. a) Minutes of the meeting held on 13 April were received and noted. Cllr. Newton reported on the proposed Congressional Medal of Honour grave marker for William Oakley and Cllrs. Singleton and Lodge expressed an interest in helping with this. It was</p><p>3 reported that rain water could be collected in a container on the roof of the pavilion and used by volunteers to water the pond in the wildlife garden. The two water butts required for the allotment and one for the wildlife garden have been costed at £25 each and are to be purchased. It had been reported that children had been scaling the allotments fence and climbing up the Colne Radio mast which was extremely dangerous. The committee is still awaiting photographic evidence of the soil being piled against the wall at Ward Close. There had still been no response from CBC with regards the pontoon issue. b) Wivenhoe Society trees on KGV field: Cllr. Needham reported that these had not been watered regularly and asked the Town Clerk to remind the estates staff to water every two days during Spring and Summer and to ensure this was on their rota. </p><p>7. WORKING PARTY REPORTS. 7.1 William Loveless Hall. a) The Working Party had agreed to allow Moving Image to install a fridge freezer in the Wyvern Room. Thanks were given to the Town Clerk for her help organising the Stand Up for the Community comedy night which raised money for the Mayor’s . It was agreed that the Town Clerk should research whether the one heater could be replaced, what the cost would be, and would it be covered by a grant as this would give an idea of what it would take to replace the other heaters, and that this needs to be done by Winter. Cllr. Lodge expressed a wish to join this Working Party at the AGM. </p><p>7.2 Wivenhoe Wood Working Party. Nothing to report. </p><p>7.3. Minibus Working Group: a) Cllr. Newton reported that he had investigated the options for a new bus and that there was a need for a Coach Built version of the bus which could accommodate multiple wheelchairs and came with a hoist was preferable rather than a manufacturers own brand, but would potentially cost over ten thousand pounds more with no potential discounts, and that there would be the opportunity to view such a model en route to its owners at the Town Council yard on 28th April at 3pm which the Working Group and other councillors are welcome to attend. It was suggested that this should be recorded as a video.</p><p>7.4 Youth Facilities Working Party. Nothing to report.</p><p>7.5 Cemetery Chapel Museum Working Group. Cllr. Aldis passed the rota for the chapel around for more volunteers and reported that it had also been passed to Peter Hill and the Wivenhoe History Society and as per the POP report the toilet would be available. </p><p>7.6 Pavilion, Offices, Yard and Police Houses Working Group. Minutes from the meeting held on 12th April were accepted and noted. Cllr. Newton reported that there had been a survey of all new properties including the office, car park and toilets and that the surveyors had taken away the OS plan and were going to do an insurance survey and update the financial valuation. Results were awaited for a rental update on the Fisherman’s Store. The car park toilets are to be closed from 2nd to 4th May so they can be deep cleaned and the floors painted and sealed. A quote had been obtained for the repair and refurbishment of the toilet in the old cemetery. The Town Clerk was asked to cooperate</p><p>4 with the Mayor to organise a meeting date for a workshop session to discuss the divide between Estates, POP and Transition. </p><p>7.7 Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. Cllr. Needham reported that this was still held up at CBC due to them trying to get the CBC Local Plan completed and a major objection from Natural England. He reported that this had been referred to the Neighbourhood Planning Independent Examiner Referral Services.</p><p>7.8 Members' Individual Proposals or Reports: a) Mayoral Activities: Cllr. Aldis reported that he had attended a total of 10 events this month including the Corsairs Crew Event at the Sailing Club on 1st April, Civic Service at St James’ in Brightlingsea on 2nd April, WAGA inspection on 9th April, the successful comedy night at the WLH on 22nd April and the St George’s Day Service at St Peter’s Church on 23rd April. b) Wivenhoe Community Safety and Neighbourhood Watch report: Cllr. Aldis reported that they had not met for six months. c) Cllr. Finn: Wivenhoe Wildlife Strategy. Cllr. Finn presented his revised Wildlife Strategy with a simplified draft removing references to the Wild about Wivenhoe festival and focusing on key deliverables and a broad set of key dates. It was resolved that the strategy be adapted as a living document. Cllr. Finn proposed that as the two wildlife garden volunteers are struggling to manage watering the garden that the watering was done by WTC employees for a limited period, but this was not carried.</p><p>It was agreed that scarecrows could be displayed on the greensward in front of the WLH as part of the scarecrow competition Cllr. Needham is running as part of Wild about Wivenhoe.</p><p>Cllr. Vaughan reported on Broomgrove school’s participation in an exercise called “Green Dreams” where children submitted their environmentally friendly ideas with the best to be displayed at Wivenhoe Library and a winner voted for by the public. She asked if councillors would come to listen to the children’s ideas and that if realistic could WTC consider funding the winning idea and this was enthusiastically agreed.</p><p>8. TOWN CLERK'S REPORT. 8.1 Burial Grants and approval of memorials. One Burial Grant had been issued and no memorials had been approved since the last meeting. One burial had taken place and one interment of ashes.</p><p>8.2 NALC/EALC Communications: March DIS had been circulated electronically. Making the Links communications will be circulated electronically when received. </p><p>8.3 Work Management. a) General. A start had been made on grass-cutting and footpath clearing. The start of warm weather had resulted in more litter being deposited on the KGV field and skatepark. Some fallen branches in the Old Cemetery had been removed. The number of visitors to the Council Offices for the month of March totalled 299.</p><p>9. FINANCE.</p><p>5 9.1 Current Financial Report a) March spending and income Reports were circulated. Cllr. Lodge issued a reminder that budgets had already been agreed and that Councillors needed to acquaint themselves with how much remained in the budget for 2017/18. b) RESOLVED that the Co-operative Bank plc shall continue as the Town Council’s bankers in accordance with the original application and shall continue to operate the accounts in accordance with the business account mandate. AGREED that the signatories on the current account to remain Cllrs. Newton, Vaughan, Needham and Lodge (unchanged) and that Hazel Humphreys should take over as signatory as the new Town Clerk. Signatory to be removed to be A. Stinson as the retiring Town Clerk. Signing authority to remain the same, any three from those named and countersigned by the Town Clerk. 9.2 List of cheques numbered 504727 -504742 drawn since the last Town Council Meeting was circulated. 9.3 List of Payments made from the Imprest Account since the last Town Council Meeting was circulated. 9.4 Motions Under Standing Orders Recommending Expenditure. None noted. 9.5 Appeals for Financial Support. Cllr. Newton requested support for Colne Radio, who act as a non commercial CIC, regarding protection for the radio mast and had no in- terest to declare as an unpaid voluntary contributor. It was resolved, with one absten- tion, that as this would help to ensure the safety of children that a £400 loan was to be made to the Mayor’s Fund for Cllr. Newton to repay through his mayoral year and that a £200 donation could be made directly to Colne Radio. </p><p>Cllr. Needham requested a donation from the Mayor’s fund to support the Appleby children in their developing ice-skating career and this was agreed. The Town Clerk was asked to invite the family to the Annual Town meeting to receive this.</p><p>10. NEW BUSINESS. 10.1 Correspondence. Nothing to report. 10.2 Conferences/Seminars. Cllr. Booth reported that he would be attending an event relating to anti-social behaviour on the Colne with the Marine Police at West Mersea pontoon on 29th April. 10.3 Notices. The process relating to Mayor Making was discussed as Cllr. Needham felt that the handover at the AGM was not formal enough, however the standing order would need to be amended at the AGM. Therefore it was agreed that there would be an Introduction to the New Mayor at the Annual Town meeting on 10th May. 10.4 Licences. None. 10.5 Highway Matters. 10.6 Press Releases. </p><p>The meeting closed at 9.33pm The next meeting is to be on Monday 15 May 2017. </p><p>CHAIRMAN</p><p>6</p>
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