<p> CAROL B. DE WET</p><p>Department of Earth and Environment 1420 Valley Road Franklin and Marshall College Lancaster PA 17603 Lancaster PA 17604 (717) 393-4067 (717) 291-4283 [email protected]</p><p>Education UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, Cambridge, England Ph.D. degree; Geology, October 1989 Dissertation: Deposition and diagenesis of the Corallian Formation (Oxfordian) within the Wessex Basin, southern England</p><p>UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, Amherst, Massachusetts M.Sc. degree; Geology, September 1984 Thesis: The Sedimentology of the Scots Bay Formation</p><p>SMITH COLLEGE, Northampton, Massachusetts B.A. degree; Geology and English Literature double major, May 1981</p><p>Honors Appointed to Endowed Chair: THE DR. E. PAUL & FRANCES H. REIFF PROFESSOR OF & GEOSCIENCE, 2013 Experience ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR, FACULTY CENTER, 2013-2014</p><p>ASSOCIATE DEAN OF THE FACULTY, 2009- 2012, Franklin & Marshall College</p><p>CHRISTIAN R. AND MARY F. LINDBACK FOUNDATION AWARD FOR DISTINGUISHED TEACHING. REGIONAL USA AWARD, 2008.</p><p>SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP AND SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES, Fall 2008- Spring 2009, Franklin & Marshall College</p><p>PROFESSOR, 2006-present, Franklin & Marshall College</p><p>SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND PROVOST ON WOMEN AND FAMILY ISSUES, 2006 –2007, Franklin & Marshall College</p><p>DIRECTOR, GEOSCIENCE FOUNDERS SOCIETY, Dept of Earth & Environment Alumni Society, 2003-2013</p><p>DEPARTMENT CHAIR: Dept. of Earth & Environment, 2001-2005, Franklin & Marshall College</p><p>GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BIGGS EARTH SCIENCE TEACHING AWARD FOR RECOGNITION OF EXCEPTIONAL COLLEGE TEACHING. 2000</p><p>1 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, 1999 – 2006, Franklin & Marshall College Courses taught: The Earth, Environment and Humanity (Geo. 114); Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (Geo. 324); Advanced Sedimentology (Geo. 470). Coral Reefs in Time and Space: Microcosm of a System (NTW 112). Supervising Independent Study Projects [Geo. 490]</p><p>ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, 1991-1998, Franklin & Marshall College</p><p>POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCH, 1990-1991, University of Kentucky; study of Providence Limestone (Pennsylvanian), Western Kentucky</p><p>TUTORIAL SUPERVISOR, 1986-1987, Giving small group supervisions to Earth Science undergraduate students, University of Cambridge RESEARCHER AND CORE CURATOR, May-Aug. 1980, Scientific and organizational responsibilities for recent marine sediment cores, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution </p><p>Awards & Grants ANDREW W. MELLON FOUNDATION GRANT $700,000.00 for FACULTY CENTER, Member of Proposal Team, March 2014</p><p>SHERMAN FAIRCHILD FOUNDATION coauthor and P.I. for environmental science equipment Institutional grant, $499,473.00. 2011</p><p>NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Major Research Instrumentation Grant, $123,695 for Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma Spectrometer. 2001</p><p>PETROLEUM RESEARCH FUND FELLOWSHIP, Funding to travel to northwestern Australia for field work and ongoing collaboration with Univ. of CA, Davis, colleague. 2000</p><p>AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY: PETROLEUM RESEARCH FUND. $30,000.00 for 2 years: Paradoxes in Cambrian Sea-floor Relief: Algal Reef-Builders and Herringbone Calcite Cement, the Ledger Formation, York Co., PA. 1998</p><p>AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY: PETROLEUM RESEARCH FUND. $20,000.00 for 2 year study of Cambrian algal reef complex, York Co., PA. 1995</p><p>COUNCIL ON UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH. Undergraduate Student Summer Research Fellowship; competitive program to provide funding for undergraduate research. 1993 </p><p>Publications Ashley, G.M., de Wet, C.B., Barboni, D., and Magill, C.R., 2015, Subtle signatures of seeps: Record of groundwater in a dryland, DK, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, Submitted to The Depositional Record, accepted pending revisions </p><p> de Wet, C.B, Moser, A.*,Oxman, K.,* and Peck, E.*, 2015, Semi-arid climate and cyclic carbonates; Deposition and diagenesis of the Middle Cambrian Buffalo Springs Formation, Morgantown, Pennsylvania, USA, under review at Pennsylvania Geology.</p><p> de Wet, C.B., Godfrey, L., and de Wet, A.P., 2015, Sedimentology and Stable Isotopes from a Lacustrine- to-Palustrine Limestone Deposited in an Arid Setting, Climatic and Tectonic Factors: Miocene-Pliocene Opache Formation, Atacama Desert, Chile, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology v. 426, p. 46-67. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S003101821500111X</p><p>2 Ashley, G.M., de Wet, C.B., Dominguez-Rodrigo, M., Karis, A.M., O’Reilly, T.M* and Baluyot, R.D., 2014, Freshwater Limestone in an Arid Rift Basin: A Goldilocks Effect, Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 84, p. 988-1004. http://geology.rutgers.edu/images/Publications_PDFS/Ashley_et_al._2014_JSR_Limestones.pdf</p><p> de Wet, C. B., Hopkins, D., Rahnis, M*., Murphy, M*, and Dvortetsky, R*., 2012, High Energy Shelf Margin Carbonate Facies: Microbial Sheet Reefs, Ooid Shoals, and Intraclast Grainstones; Ledger Formation (Middle Cambrian), Pennsylvania, in Wilson, J.L., Derby, J., Morgan, W., and Fritz, R., eds., Great American Carbonate Bank, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Special Publication, p. 421-450. de Wet, Carol.2010.Reaching Critical Mass: Women in Faculty and Administrative Roles. Forum on Public Policy Online. Vol. 2010, No. 2. http://www.forumonpublicpolicy.com/archive07/Reachingcriticalmass:womeninfacultyandadministrativero les.pdf de Wet, C. B. and Davis, K., 2010, Preservation Potential of Microorganism Morphologies in Tufas, Sinters, and Travertines Through Geologic Time, Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvirnonments, v. 90, p. 139-152.</p><p>Roure, C.A., Ashley, G.M., de Wet, C.B., Dvoretsky, R*., Park, L.E., Hover, V.C., Owen, R.B., and McBreaty, S., 2009, Tufa as a record of perennial freshwater in a semi-arid rift basin, Kapthurin Formation, Central Kenya, Sedimentology v. 56, p. 1115-1137. de Wet, C.B., 2008, Career Scientists and the Shared Academic Position, in, Monosson, E., ed., Motherhood, The Elephant in the Laboratory, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, p. 83-87. de Wet, C.B. and Hopkins, D., 2006, Ooid shoals, microbialite reefs and shoreface sands, the Ledger Formation, LWB Refractories site, York County, Pennsylvania, in de Wet, A.P. ed., Four Field Trips in Central Pennsylvania, Northeastern Section, Geological Society of America 41st Annual Meeting Field Trip Guidebook, p. 1-26</p><p> de Wet, C. B., Frey, H.M*, Gaswirth, S. B.* Mora, C. I., , Rahnis, M.A*. and Bruno, C.R.*, 2004, Origin of Meter-scale Cavities and Herringbone Calcite Cement In a Cambrian Microbial Reef, Ledger Formation, (U.S.A.), Journal of Sedimentary Research v. 74, p. 914-923. de Wet, C. B., Mora, C. I., Gore, P., Gierlowski-Kordesch, E., and Cucolo, S.J.*, 2002, Deposition and geochemistry of lacustrine and spring carbonates in Mesozoic rift basins, Eastern North America, in, Renaut, R.W. and Ashley, G. M., eds. Sedimentation in Continental Rifts, SEPM Special Publication No.73, p. 309-325. de Wet, C.B., Ashley, G.M., and Kegel, D.P.,(MD), 2002, Biological Clocks and Tenure Timetables: Restructuring the Academic Timeline, Geological Society of America Today, Nov. issue. de Wet, C.B., Dickson, J.A.D., Wood, R.A., Gaswirth, S.B*., and Frey, H.M*., 1999, A New Type of Shelf Margin Deposit: Rigid Microbial Sheets and Unconsolidated Grainstones Riddled with Meter-Scale Cavities, Sedimentary Geology, v. 128, p.13-21. de Wet, C.B. and Gaswirth, S.B.*, 1999, Depositional History of the Ledger Formation, York Co., PA, in Beck, B.F., Pettit, A.J., and Herring, J.G., eds., Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology of Sinkholes and </p><p>3 Karst, Balkema, Rotterdam, p. 449-456. </p><p> de Wet, C.B., 1999, Deciphering the the Sedimentological Expression of Tectonics, Eustasy and Climate: A Basinwide Study of the Corallian Formation, Southern England, - Reply, Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 69, p. 966-976.</p><p> de Wet, C. B., 1998, Deciphering the Sedimentological Expression of Tectonics, Eustasy and Climate: A Basinwide Study of the Corallian Formation, Southern England, Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 68, p. 653-667.</p><p> de Wet, C. B., Yocum, D.A.* and Mora, C.I., 1998, Carbonate lakes in closed basins: sensitive indicators of climate and tectonics; an example from the Gettysburg Basin (Triassic), Pennsylvania, USA, in Shanley, K. & McCabe, P., eds. 1998, Relative Role of Eustasy, Climate and Tectonism in Continental Rocks, SEPM Spec. Publ. No. 59, SEPM, Tulsa. OK, p. 191-209.</p><p> de Wet, C.B., Moshier, S.O., Hower, J.C., de Wet, A.P., Brennan, S.T*., Helfrich, C.T., and Raymond, A.L., 1997, Disrupted Coal and Carbonate Facies within Two Pennsylvanian Cyclothems, Southern Illinois Basin, USA, Geological Society of America Bulletin, Geological Society of America Bulletin v. 109, p.1231-1248.</p><p> de Wet, C. B. and de Wet, A.P., 1997, Sharing Academic Careers: An alternative for pre-tenure and young family dual-career faculty couples, Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, v. 3, p. 203-212.</p><p> de Wet, C.B. and de Wet, A.P., 1995, Making it work together: Spouses on the tenure track, Geotimes v. 40, p. 17-19.</p><p> de Wet, C.B., Moshier, S.O., Hower, J.C., and Rimmer, S.M., 1991, Deposition and diagenesis of a marine-swamp margin: the Providence limestone and adjacent coals, western Kentucky, in Lomando, A.J., and Harris, P.M., eds., SEPM Core Workshop No 12, Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Sequences, SEPM, Tulsa, p. 169-204.</p><p>Birney-de Wet, C., and Hubert, J.H., 1989, The Scots Bay Formation, Nova Scotia, Canada: a Jurassic lake with silica-rich hydrothermal springs, Sedimentology v. 36, p. 857-874.</p><p>Suchecki, R.K., Hubert, J.F., and Birney de Wet, C., 1988, Isotopic imprint of climate and hydrogeochemistry on terrestrial strata of the Triassic-Jurassic Hartford and Fundy rift basins, J. Sed. Petrology v. 58, p. 801-811.</p><p> de Wet, C.B., 1987, Deposition and diagenesis in an extensional basin: the Corallian Formation (Jurassic) near Oxford, England, in Marshall, J.D. ed., Diagenesis of Sedimentary Sequences, Geological Society Special Publication No. 35, p. 339-353.</p><p>Recent Abstracts Xu, Chi*, Gigliotti, S*., de Wet, C.B., de Wet, A.P., and Godfrey, L., 2015, Palustrine Origin for Western Opache Fm (Miocene-Pliocene), Calama Basin, Atacama Desert, Chile, Geological Society of America Northeastern Section Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v. 47, no.3, p.21.</p><p> de Wet, C. B., and Dvoretsky*, R., 2012, Cryptic, oval microbialites (endolites) from the Middle Cambrian Ledger Fm., South-central Pennsylvania, USA, Geological Society of America Northeastern Section Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v. 44, No. 2, p. 57.</p><p>4 de Wet, C.B., Godfrey, L., and de Wet, A., 2012, Miocene-Pliocene Tufas and Palustrine Limestones, Opache Fm., Atacama Desert, Chile, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 44, No. 7, p. 581.</p><p>Teneva, L. T.*, Greer, L., de Wet, C.B., 2006, Isotope variability in early-Holocene Acropora Cervicornis from the Enriquillo Valle, Dominican Republic, Geological Society of America Northeastern Section Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v, 38, p. 66.</p><p>Ashley, G.M., Roure, C.A., de Wet, C.B., and Hover, V.C., 2004, A tufa ‘event’ in an arid rift valley (Kenya): Climate or Tectonics?, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts, p. 250.</p><p> de Wet, C.B., 2003, Preservation Potential of Calcified Extremophile Microbial Forms Through Geologic Time, Geological Soc. Of America Annual Meeting Abstracts, v. 35, p. 85.</p><p>Rasbury, T., and de Wet, C.B., 2003, U-Pb age of stromatolite calcite from the Triassic Passaic Fm. of the Newark Basin, Geological Soc. Of America Annual Meeting Abstracts, v. 35. </p><p> de Wet, C.B., 2000, Submarine cement stratigraphy within microbial reef cavities, Middle Cambrian Ledger Frm., south-central PA, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts, v. 32, p. 7.</p><p> de Wet, C.B., 2000, Marine cement stratigraphy in Cambrian microbial reef cavities, International Association of Sedimentologists Annual Meeting Abstracts, Dublin, Ireland</p><p>Davis, K., Wehmiller, J.F., O’Donnell, T. and de Wet, C.B., 2000, Diagenetic alteration of fossil Mercenaria from Gomez Pit, VA: An explanation for unexpected variability in amino acid enantiomeric ratios?, Geol. Soc. Of America Annual Meeting Abstracts, v. 32, p. 20.</p><p> de Wet, C.B., 2000, Submarine Cement Stratigraphy within Microbial Reef Cavities, Middle Cambrian Ledger Fm., south-central Pennsylvania, [Abst], Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Reno, Nevada</p><p>Bruno, C.R*, and de Wet, C.B., 2000, Cement Stratigraphy of the Cambrian Ledger Formation, York Co, PA, [Abst], Geological Society of America Northeastern Section Annual Meeting, v. 32, p. A8.</p><p>Murphy, M.A*., and de Wet, C.B., 2000, Grainstone beds within Cambrian Shelf Margin Microbialites, The Ledger Formation, York, PA, [Abst], Geological Society of America Northeastern Section Annual Meeting, v. 32, p. A61. </p><p>(* denotes undergraduate student co-author)</p><p>Professional Service Appointed to Geological Society of America Diversity in Geoscience Committee 2015-2018. Elected Chair-Elect Nov. 2015 </p><p>Mentor for On To the Future program, GSA Annual Meeting, 2015.</p><p>SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Research) Honorary Membership Committee, 2012-2014.</p><p>Initial participant and organizer: Diversity in Undergraduate Geoscience Alliance, 2012-</p><p>NSF-funded, Advance grant speaker on Women in Academia, Skidmore and Union Colleges, 2012</p><p>5 External reviewer, Geosciences Dept., Smith College, 2012</p><p>External reviewer, Geology Dept., Washington & Lee University, 2007</p><p>Elected Chair for Sedimentary Geology Division, Geological Society of America 2004-2005</p><p>Appointed Representative for the Geological Society of America Committee on Minorities and Women in Geology. 2000-2002. </p><p>Elected Representative for Joint Technical Program Committee, Sedimentary Geology Division, Geological Society of America. 1998-2001</p><p>NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) proposal reviewer: Jan. 1992, Dec. 1992 (Chairperson), Dec. 1993.</p><p>Reviewer for journals (Jour. Sed. Research, Geology, AAPG, IAS Spec. Publ., Sedimentology) and grant agencies (NSF, PRF-ACS, Sigma Xi), 1990--present</p><p>Invited speaker/panelist in numerous venues on Women In Science, including National Science Foundation – Assoc. of Women Geoscientists Workshop, Wash. D.C., 2003.</p><p>Substantial College Elected to Professional Standards Committee, 2008-2009 & 2015-2017 (Tenure and Promotion Committee) Service Organized Teaching Science Internships; F&M College science majors teach science in local elementary schools, 1999-2004, 2008-2010. Supervised >120 F&M student internships</p><p>Department Chair, Dept. of Earth & Environment, 2000-2004: Instituted two new majors; Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, overhaul of full department curriculum, new department name; finalist in College’s Student Awards for Departmental Activities, 3 successful tenure-track hires; 1 Environmental Protection Agency director hired as Visiting Assistant Professor; significant improvement in dept. technical help and PC computer support. </p><p>Director, Geoscience Founders Society 2003-2013. Raised >$400,000.00 from Department Alumni. The Society sponsors events, produces bi-annual newsletters, provides student & faculty grants</p><p>Elected to Grievance Committee (2003-2005); Provost Search Committee (2005), Trustee Committee </p><p>Civic Engagement (2003-2006); Maternity Policy Working Group (2005-2006)</p><p>Ph.D. Committees Kathy Davies, Ph..D. Candidate, Univ. of Delaware 2000 & Cindy Luitkus, Ph.D. Candidate, Rutgers University, Spring 2005 Tenure Tenure Reviews for faculty at Lawrence University, 1996; Lafayette College, 2004; Bryn Mawr Reviews College, 2005 </p><p>Professional International Association of Sedimentologists Affiliations Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists/Society for Sedimentary Geology American Association of Petroleum Geologists Geological Society of America Fellow of Cambridge Philosophical Society</p><p>6 St. Catharine's College, Cambridge Association of Women Geoscientists</p><p>7</p>
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