The Lodges of Giggleswick Parish

The Lodges of Giggleswick Parish

<p> Table 3 Giggleswick Lodges from 1499 to 1621</p><p>Lodge Name tenant’s name Name Annual 1499 1559 1572 1579 1602 1621 rent Close House 21s wife of John John Bernard Thomas Bernard Bernard Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Close House 21s Roger Carr Roger Carr Roger Carr Adam Carr Alan Carr Alan Carr Cockett 2s 3d William William Alan Carr Thomas Christopher Out of (Snobeck) free Scarborough Scarburgh Brown Brown lands of rent and Roger and Roger John Nevell Newill and Catterell, the heirsof Anne and William Jennett Gaysgill Carr, paid by Thos. Browne Rome 1 16s 8d Robert Sibel Randolph Randolph Robert Robert Falthrop widow of Falthrop Falthrop Falthrop Falthrop John Falthrop Rome 2 21s Thomas Robert Robert Thomas Thomas Thomas Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Tailor Taylor Grain House 12s Richard Adam Carr Adam Carr Adam Carr Adam Carr Thomas Carr Carr Field Gate 15s Thomas Margaret Richard John John Foster John Foster Tempest knt Foster Foster Foster Routster 13s 4d Henry Roger Henry Henry Roger Roger Taylor Taylor's Taylor Taylor Tailor Taylor widow Craven Ridge 12s Emmott James James James James Richard or Lyndsey Jacques Jacques Jacques Jacques Jacques Crannorigg Tipperthwaite 10s John Roger son Roger William Christopher Mr Robert Wilson's of John Wilson Wilson Wilson Bankes late wife Ellen Wilson Christopher Wilsons Paley Green 30s 4d Thomas Robert James Thomas Thomas Thomas Paley Paley Paley Paley Paley Paley Armetstead 20s Thomas Roger son Roger Roger Agnes William Armetstead of Armetstea Armetstead Armistead Hooks Randolph d (10s) (10s) (10s) Armetstead Armetstead Roger Thomas William Roger Richard Armetstead Armetstea Armetstea Armistead Armetstead (10s) d d junior and Francis Lupton Close House (Brown family) 1499 1559 1572 1579 1602 1621 Close House 21s wife of John John Bernard Thomas Bernard Bernard Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown</p><p>1520 Wife of John Brown for 1 Lodge 21s 1522 Thomas Brown? 1553 Bernard son of John for life and to have tenement after father’s death (Chat. MS245) 1559 John Brown fine 63s tenement with land 21s 1572 Bernard Brown fine 63s 10th February 1553 term of his life. 21s He also held ¼ rood of land at Segges 1 ½ d</p><p>1579 lease to Hughe Claphamson of The Bell states: And also shall permit the late wife of Bernard Browne to occupy the close lying at Springclose of the rent of 12d for and during the residue of the years yet to come of the said lease maid to Richerd Foster and after during her natural life</p><p>Borthwick volume 21 Folio 4v Will of Bernard Browne 1576 25th day of February 1576</p><p>Barnarde Browne of Closehouse buried 1577 to Emmotte my wife the occupation of my whole tenement at Closehouse during the end of four whole years from the marriage of Thomas my son (married Jane[t] Taylor 12th Feb 1576) to bring up my children withall according to the true meaning of the bargain made already between Robert Talior of Roomehouse and me, (Janet was bapt 15th Oct 1560) after the four years Thomas shall enter unto two parts thereof and my wife to have the third part and after her death the whole title at Closehouse shall remain unto Thomas Browne my son the following had left the Brown’s by 1579 unless it was a freehold to Adam Browne my son my house or barn situate in Giggleswick fields nigh a place called Sufferwasse and that half oxgang of land and meadow I had bought of my cousin Thomas Brown of Cockhead, and my whole estate which I have jointly with one James Brown late of Giggleswick of grounds granted to us by Thomas Brown of Cockhead together with the bargain I have with one George Lawson of Giggleswick and George Foster of the same 1579 lease to Hughe Claphamson of The Bell states: And also shall permit the late wife of Bernard Browne to occupy the close lying at Springclose of the rent of 12d for and during the residue of the years yet to come of the said lease maid to Richerd Foster and after during her natural life 1572 Joan Foster and William Foster hold by the lord’s indenture dated 14 April 6 Eliz to Richard Foster Lease for for the term of 21 years one new mansion house <8d> now built by the same Richard with house and garden belonging to the same, and one parcel of land at Brodhead <4d>, one parcel of land <4d>, half an acre at Springclose and half a bovate of land <11s> and one parcel of demesne land in the same place lately in the tenure of the said Richard Foster. And the aforesaid William is now dead and and he has assigned his title and interest to a certain George Foster and Margaret his wife, sister of the said William etc. lack of issue by Adam, then to Richard Browne my son and for lack of Richard and his issue then I do give the premises to Margaret my youngest daughter and for lack I do give the said premises unto Isabell my daughter now wife to John Bank and for lack of her I do give the said premises unto Anne my daughter the said Adam my son shall give to Richard his brother for either bargain three pounds six shillings eight pence to be paid to him when he shall accomplish the age of 21 years my will is that the new [freehold] house all beneath the wall, viz. which stands of the ground which I bought of William Roome, the same shall remain to Adam, Richard, Anne, and Margaret my children to one after another, to come and go unto at their pleasure so long as they be unmarried for the better succour(?). And the remainds, of fee simple and inheritance thereof, and all evidences touching the same I do give unto Thomas Browne my eldest son and to his sons for ever. </p><p>1579 Thomas son of Bernard messuage, lathe, chamber, outhouse, 13 acres of land, meadow and pasture lying in “the Closehouse field” and ½ rood at Brackenber 1d. Fine £19. rent 21s 1d. Emmott his mother to occupy 1/3rd during her life.</p><p>Borthwick volume 24 Folio 109 Emmott Browne 18th day of July 1588</p><p>I Emmott Browne late wife of Barnard Browne of the Closehouse I bequeath to my three natural daughters Isabell Anne and Margaret three young beasts equally to be divided amongst them. Item I give to Bernard Browne the son of my son Thomas Browne one young beast to the end he may be my executor. Item I give all the rest of my goods to Adam Browne my son</p><p>Borthwick volume 28 Folio 346 Will of Thomas Browne 1600 sixth day of November Thomas Browne of Closehouse Jane my wife shall have the occupation of all my messuage and tenements with the appurtenances at Closehouse for and during the whole term of four years now next coming after the date hereof if she the said Jane continue widow after my decease untill the end of the same four years and if also she will during the said time keep and maintain Barnard my son and Margaret [Carr married 7th Feb 1599] his now wife and their issue lawfull according to one Indenture of Covenant concerning marriage between me the said testator on the one part and Thomas Care of Rough close in the said county yeoman on the other part father of the said Margaret my daughter in law made at the time of her marriage</p><p> she the said Jane my wife yielding paying doing and performing during the time of such her occupation all rents dues and impositions of rights to be payable therefore. And further my will is that after the end of the four years abovesaid or if before the end of the same four years Barnard my son and Margaret his said wife shall dislike to accept their finding and maintenance during the said four years in manner and form abovesaid that then my said messuage tenement and premises with the appurtenances and my husbandry gear shall be divided into three equal parts and that the said Jane my wife shall enter unto two parts thereof and the same to occupy and enjoy to her and her assigns until such time as Anne Browne my daughter shall depart this life or else be married if she the said Jane my wife shall after my decease so long live and keep herself widow and that my son Barnard and his assigns shall enter into have and occupy the other third part thereof to his and their uses. And after such time as Ann my said daughter be married or depart this life then my will is that Jane my wife shall from thenceforth occupy and enjoy only one third part of the said messuage and premises for and during her widowhood and my said son Barnard the other two parts. And for the ...... of all such right and estate as I have or ought to have of and in the said tenement my will is that the same be and remain to my said son Barnard and to the issue of his body lawfully begotten or to be begotten by licence of the Lord for ever. And for want of such issue then the same to remain to Elizabeth my daughter now wife of Frances Banks and to her issue lawful so as she the said Elizabeth and her issue or assigns or any of them shall and will pay and content Margaret Browne now wife of my said son Barnard if she fortune to survive the said Barnard and have no issue lawfully by him such sum or sums of money and in such and (sic) form as in the indenture above mentioned is set down and thereof did from time to time for ever discharge and save harmless the executors of me the said testator against the said Thomas Carr his executors administrators and assigns and so as also the said Elizabeth my daughter and her issue lawful or assigns shall content and pay unto my said daughter Ann Browne her executors or assigns the said sums of 40 marks of lawful English money in consideration of her title in the same tenement and for want of such issue lawful of the said Elizabeth then the same to remain to my said daughter Ann and her issue lawful so always as she the said Anne or her issue lawful or assigns will pay to the said Margaret now wife of my said son Barnard if she fortune to survive the said Barnard and have no issue lawful by him such sum or sums of money and in such manner and form as in the above said indenture is set down (if the said sum be not paid before that time). And thereof do from time to time for ever discharge and save harmless the executors of me the said testator against the said Thomas Carr his executors administrators and assigns. And for my goods my will is that my debts legacies and funeral expenses being first paid of all the whole and that then the same be divided into three equal parts whereof two parts I give unto Jane my wife and the third part to my daughter. Item I give to Jane Banckes and Thomas Bankes sons of Frances Banckes either of them two lambs to be delivered to them at Midsummer next. Item I give to Barnard my son my best spurs saddle and a sword. And I appoint Jane my said wife to be sole executrix of this my last will and testament. Witnesses of the same Thomas Claphamsone Thomas Taylor and Alan Carr. </p><p>1602/03 Bernard Brown 21s 1 ½ d</p><p>1621 Fine £105 12s 6d Bernard Browne holds by indenture dated the day and year last aforesaid 1604 All that one messuage, farm or tenement, with appurtenances, lying and being at Close House within the Lordship of G aforesaid, then in his tenure, To hold for 6000 years without impeachment etc, Yielding per annum 21s 1½d at Martinmas and Pentecost equally, [Note in LH margin: Thereof ... Browne 10s 7¾d ... Banckes 10s 6¼d ... Franckeland] And for Moore Rent 5s ½d at Michaelmas only, [Note in RH margin: And for Moore Rent 5s ½d Thereof Wm Payley 6d Tho Browne 2s 6¼d ... Browne Jo. Banckes 6s 6¼d Jo. Franckland 17d] Name Annual 1499 1559 1572 1579 1602 1621 rent Cockett 2s 3d free William William Alan Carr Thomas Christopher Out of (Snobeck) rent Scarborough Scarburgh Brown Brown lands of and Roger and Roger John Nevell Newill and Catterell, the heirsof Anne and William Jennett Gaysgill Carr, paid by Thos. Browne</p><p>Cockett Lodge</p><p>1572 Alan Carre holds one tenement at a rent of 13s 4d per annum and pays for free rent; 2s 3d</p><p>1579 Thomas Browne holdeth at L. Will the 8th pte of one Rode Neiwe unto his howse at Cockhead of the rent of 1d</p><p>1603 Christopher Browne of Cockshott for his Free Rent in Giggleswick, 2s 3d</p><p>BROWN CHRISTOPHER 1611 Ref. Borthwick vol.31 fol. 688</p><p>In the name of god amen the xxviii (28th.) day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord God 1611 I Christopher Browne of Cockett I give and bequeath to Thomas Browne my brother my whole interest and title of my tenement with the licence of the lord my will and mind is that Alice Browne shall have tenne pounds Anne Browne my sister have fourty shillings within one year I give unto Thomas Browne all corne sown and unsown And I give to my said brother Thomas twenty shillings wich Mr. Catterall oweth me And also xiiis (13s) 4d. which Christopher (Eskam?) oweth me And I give unto my sister Maude Browne one gymmer hogg and I give unto Bridgett Wharfe one gimmer hogge Item I make Thomas Browne my brother aforesaid and Alice Browne his daughter my executors </p><p>1621</p><p>Out of the lands of John Katterell esq, Anne and Jennett Carr, paid by Thos. Browne, 2s 3d Close House: Carr Family</p><p>Name Annual 1520 1559 1572 1579 1602 1621 rent Close House 21s Roger Carr Roger Carr Roger Carr Adam Carr Alan Alan Carr Carr </p><p>1520 Roger Carr for one Lodge 21s</p><p>1559 Gersum 63s Roger Carr holds one messuage and certain land appertaining to the same by the warrant of the lord’s Commissaries and renders per annum 21s</p><p>1572 Gersum 63s Roger Carre holds by the lord’s warrant dated 27 April 2 Edward VI, one messuage with certain land belonging to the same at Close house, 21s</p><p>At will The same Roger holds at the will of the lord the moiety of a moiety of one rode of land at Segges. And it yields per annum at the feast of St Michael; 1½d</p><p>1579 Fine £20 Adam Car son of Roger Car Haith taken of the said Commissioners one Mess one Laythe two houses one other little house 12 acres of land medow and pasture by estimacon with the apptnnce thereunto Lying of the rente of 21s now in the tenure of the said Roger and one parcel of ground laitlie improved at Brakenber close in the fields of Giglesweke by est half a Rood of the rent of 1d Now in the tenure of the said Roger. To have and hold paying for his fyne £20 </p><p>Provydett that the said Alan shall pmtt the said Roger to occupie the pmsses Duringe his lief And the weyf of the said Roger the thirde pte therof during her widowhoode</p><p>Roger Carr of Closehouse 9th July 1597 Borthwick v27, f117</p><p>I do give to Roger Carre sonne of Allan Carr my sonne one greate Arke at the fier end in the house one Gavelock and one hacke and the same to bee hirelooms at the house to Allan Carr my sonne all the hay growinge uppon the halfe of my tenemente which I own And also the one halfe of my corne growinge uppon the said tenemente and the other halfe of my corn I give to John Lawson (?) Iveson (?) to whom I am grandfather and I will that my said corne be equallie devided uppon the field I give to my sonne Allan all my husbandrie geare one saltinge cupp (?) and one high table in the fire house one (joined) bed stockes and one pair of bedstockes in the fire house and also shaires and tools belonginge to my house Item I give to John Taylor sonne of Thomas Tailor one yoake of oxen which are ………to bee to his onlie use for ever yf god do call mee at this time And I will that he paie for the ……..grassinge of the same oxen Item I give to Jane Proctor one black cowe and one sheete of (?)eight pence a yarde to lye her clothes in Item I give to Allan Parker my new……. Item I give to Timothye one gimmer lamb Item I give to everie one of those children to whom I am grandfather a lamb and where my lambes will not……Item I give to Thomas Tailor my swine Item I give to my daughter Jenet (?) the best younge………of Beasts (?) (that ) I have Item I give to the wyfe of Robert Falthrop one old stocke of bees Item I give to my sonne Allans wyfe one other younge swarme of bees All the rest of my goods moveable and imoveable my debts and funeral expences paied I give to Thomas Taylor Robert Falthrop and Robert Thornton to be equallie devided amongst them whome I make jointlie mye executors of this my last will and testament These witnesses Brian Cookson and Willm Newhowse Esq.</p><p>1603 Alan Carr for a tenement at Close House 21s 1 ½ d</p><p>Out of the Book of Survey made by Mr. Heeles about the year 1611</p><p>Allan Carr a tenement for the like term rented at 21s 1½d</p><p>1621 [Fine] £84 Allan Carr holds by indenture date 8 October 2 James All that croft, farm and tenement, with the appurtenances, lying at the houses, of the ancient yearly rent of 21s 1½d, And one parcel of ground of the yearly rent of 1½d, To have for 6000 years, Yielding etc as before, [Note in RH margin: 21s 1½d And for Moore Rent 5s ½d]</p><p>Alan Carr of Closehouse 4th September 1626 Borthwick vol. 39 fol. 129</p><p>Alan carr of Closehouse in the county of yorke yeoman And for my goods I do dispose hereof as followeth, that is to say, I give to my sonne Lawrence Burton and Margarett his wife seaven powndes and my long cheste and the one of the doublers now in the same. Item I give to my sonnes Mr Richard Carr and Mr Robert Carr either of them twenty shillings. Item I give to Agnes Sownden servant to my sonne (in law) Willm Franckland Tenne shillings. Item I give to Anne Paler (?) my grandchilde twenty shillings. And the rest of all my goods viz. money, husbandry geare and householde stuffe I give to the said Willm Franckland my sonne in lawe wife Elizabeth died in 1622</p><p>Roger Carr of Closehouse 19th July 1621 Borthwick vol. 36 fol. 634</p><p>I Roger Carr of Closhowse I give and bequeath unto Adam Carr my father the Some of twentie powndes of lawfull (English) monie whereof there is x li in the hands of Robt Coote of Giglesweeke and is due to be payed att the feast of St. Andrew the Apostle now next cominge and five pownds in the hands of my father in law Robt. Swaynsonne and is due to be payd att or uponne the Second daye of Februarie next Cominge and iiij li in the hands of John Foster of the feildyeat and is due to be payed att the feast of St. Andrew thApostle next Cominge after the makinge herof and my mind and will is that my father Alann Carr shall but take of Robt. Coote xxj s for use and interest of the sayd x li and but vj s viij d of John Foster for the use and interest of the (dewe?) Some of iiij li and the reste of the sayd interest unto Ann Carr my wife Itm I give unto my mann Robt. Payley my Cloak Itm I give and bequeath to eache childe that I am godfather unto the Some of iij s iiij d Itm I give to my brother in law Thomas Foster of Staynforth the Some of fortie shillings to be payd to him or his assignes wthin one yeare after my decease and lastlie all the rest of my goods movable and immovable whatsoever I give them to Ann Carr my wife wherof I do make her my whole executrix</p><p>The “Lodges” of Giggleswick parish</p><p>The map above1 highlights the lodges identified in 1499. The houses (green) and parish church (blue) are coloured to identify the town-centre and for no other reason. The table to the left shows their ownership from 1499 to 1621. </p><p>There is nothing surprising about the actual holdings. The 1844 tithe map identifies areas of meadow close to each, the first edition ordnance survey identifies a number of wells close to each. The 1621 rental recognises their antiquity on several occasions: Robert Falthrop “paid the ancient rent of 16s 8d” for his farm at Rome, John Foster paid “the old annual rent of 15s” for Field Gate; Richard Jacques paid “the ancient yearly rent of 12s” for Cragg Norrig and so forth. </p><p>1 Extracted from Jeffries 1777 By 1621 the stewards were charging moor rent </p><p>Bernard Browne at Close House for Moore Rent 5s ½d And for Moore Rent 5s ½dThereofWm Payley 6dTho Browne 2s 6¼d... BrowneJo. Banckes 6s 6¼d Jo. Franckland 17d][Note in LH margin:Thereof... Browne 10s 7¾d... Banckes 10s 6¼d... Franckeland]</p><p>Thomas Car Greynehouse And for Moore Rent 5s ½d And for Moore Rent 5s ½dThereofJo. Foster 1dJa. Falthrop 2dJo: Tho Taylor 1¾dAdam Carre 4s 6dRowland Falthrop 1¾dTotal] [Note in LH margin:... that there [wa]nteth 1½d that which was the Entry at ... time of the ... made.Thereof... Banckes 12d... Carre 13s 4d... Wildman 6s 8d]</p><p>Robert Fallthrop Roomehouses 4s yearly for his moor rent</p><p>John Foster Field Yate in G aforesaid And for Moore Rent 3s 7¼d] all in hand</p><p>Ric. Jaques Crag Norrig And for Moore Rent 2s 10½d at Michaelmas only, [Note in RH margin:12sAnd for Moore Rent 2s 10½dThereofFr. Lupton 4dRog. Taylor 6dTho. Payley 8½d... Carre 17d][Note in LH margin:ThereofThomas Payley 6s...nnett Carre 6s]</p><p>Thomas Paley of Paley Green And for Moore Rent 7s 3d examined30s [4d]And for M[oore] Rent 7s ...______£7 . 00 . 1½Thereof himself 6s 5dAnne Lindsey 10d] Armetstead below</p><p>Wm. Hookes holds by indenture dated 1 September 4 James of England etc All that one messuage, farm or tenement, with the appurtenances, lying and being in Armystead in G. aforesaid, then in his tenure, of the annual rent of 10s 5d, Yielding per annum 10s 5d at Martinmas and Pentecost equally, And for Moore Rent 2s 5¾d at Michaelmas only, [Note in RH margin: examined 10s 5d ... And for Moore R[ent] 2s 5¾d]</p><p>[Note in LH margin: Thereof ... Foster 10s 5d James Foster hath all this This tenement is not copied in the booke ... entries in the year 1604]</p><p>Fine £40 6s 8d Richard Armysteed and Francys Lupton hold by indenture dated the day and year last aforesaid 1604 All that one messuage, farm or tenement, with the appurtenances, situate at Armisteed within the Lordship of G aforesaid, of the ancient rent of 10s 1d, then in the tenures of them, the said Richard Armysteed and Francys Lupton, and before that in the tenure or occupation of Roger Armysteed of Armysteed aforesaid, And all houses etc, Except etc, As in the rest, To hold for 6000 years without impeachment of waste, 10s 1d rent payable at Martinmas and Pentecost equally, And for Moore Rent 2s 4¾d at Michaelmas only, With like reservations, covenants and conditions as in the former long leases of Giggleswick.</p><p>[Note in RH margin: 10s 1d And for Moore Rent 2s 4¾d Thereof Wm. Payley 3s ... Fr. Lupton 3½d Tho. Paley 12d ... Anne Linsaie 3d Richard King 4d ... Wm. Hyne 3d ... Total]</p><p>[Note in LH margin: Thereof ... Wilson 2d ... Foster 8s 10d [R]oger Armetstead 13d]</p>

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