<p> SACRAMENTO STATE Administration & Business Affairs REDEFINE THE POSSIBLE 2016/18 FAMILY GOALS ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SPACE MANAGEMENT ABA Goal Department Goal Targets Action Plan Measures Progress (quarterly) (Department goal will (Desired result) (Specific desired qualitative/ (Planned step-by-step approach) (How you will gauge success) help advance this quantitative outcomes) division goal) Sustain continuous Upgrade Astra Schedule Database completely installed, 1. Connect with vendor 1. Completion of the 100% - Held weekly project high-performing software to version tested and rolled into 2. Create project scope, estimate, project meetings with Ad Astra vendor and operations 7.5.14 and transition to production timeline IRT for Astra Schedule Cloud Cloud hosted 3. Approval and funding provided by 2. Positive feedback from conversion and upgrade. Tested, environment project owner its users configured, and validated Astra 4. Enter Schedule software/data in Cloud Programming/Troubleshooting hosted environment and reported phase software concerns as discovered. 5. Test Developed campus-wide message regarding Astra Schedule go live. 6. Go Live Deployed Astra Schedule version 7.5.14 to campus community on November 8, 2016. Published and distributed Astra Schedule User Guides. Trained campus end users upon request. Boost process efficiency Facilitate and improve Develop and distribute space Perform in person campus space Campus space is being used Boost process efficiency access to space data and data reports to campus inventory of all state owned for its intended use in a reports community campus buildings in conjunction manner consistent with with college and program space space standards. Space representatives utilization of existing Update Assignable Space classrooms and offices is Database for accuracy and maximized. currency Report space data discrepancies and floor plan inconsistencies to Facilities Management for correction Generate accurate and appropriate space data reports for campus use Sustain continuous Enhance University Develop classroom furniture Perform classroom and University Classroom Sustain continuous high-performing high-performing Classroom Environment layout diagrams instructional furniture inventory furniture remains intact. operations operations and safety inspections Requests submitted to Update classroom attributes, Custodial and Moving equipment features and pictures Services to add/remove in Astra Schedule furniture in classrooms are Determine most efficient furniture significantly reduced. layout in each classroom per space standards and compliance Develop and post furniture layout diagrams in each classroom Publish furniture layout diagrams online for campus consumption RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ABA Goal Department Goal Targets Action Plan Performance Indicators Progress (quarterly) (Department goal will (Desired result) (Specific desired qualitative/ (Planned step-by-step approach) (How you will gauge success) help advance this quantitative outcomes) division goal) Strengthen Customer Create new budget Approval of new template by 1. Discuss change with VP/CFO 1. Positive feedback and 5% Service template and update VP/CFO 2. Create draft constructive criticism budget call process for 3. Seek feedback from others the 2017-18 fiscal year 4. Present to VP/CFO</p><p>5. Adopt Promote teamwork and Initiate outreach to and Feedback to VP/CFO from the 1. Reach out to family heads to 1. Positive feedback and 0% pride in ABA solicit feedback from family heads discuss budget; answer any constructive criticism families related to questions they have; recommend budget issues solutions to problems; offer support SPQI ABA Goal Department Goal Targets Action Plan Performance Indicators Progress (quarterly) (Department goal will (Desired result) (Specific desired qualitative/ (Planned step-by-step approach) (How you will gauge success) help advance this quantitative outcomes) division goal) Promote teamwork and Increase staff 1. Re-launch ABA Speaker 1. Launch baseline staff engagement 4. Annual Engagement 10% - Calendar in progress to pride in ABA participation in ABA Series survey survey results improve identify dates for Spring semester; events and engagement 2. Increase attendance in 2. Develop schedule of events by 20% engagement survey in initiatives Coffee and Conversations (Speaker series, L&L, C&C) development for launch in January; by 50% enrollment in Train-the-Trainer for 3. Launch quarterly Lunch and 3. Develop True Colors training and True Colors Learns offer to ABA staff Boost Process Efficiency Update division websites Completion of the update 1. Connect with department 1. Progress through 15% - Matrix of quarterly schedule to the new responsive conversion of all division heads/personnel milestones created and departments notified 3.0 template websites to the new template 2. Scrub current websites – clean of scheduled launch. Q4 of 2016: 2 them up 2. Final product websites completed; two ready to 3. Convert and review go live; two still needing 4. Present to VP/CFO for approval development. </p><p>5. Go Live Promote teamwork and Research, and Program is developed, 1. Solicit feedback and support from Promote teamwork and Research, and implement if pride in ABA implement if feasible, a approved and implemented admin council pride in ABA feasible, a mentoring program for mentoring program for 2. Form a taskforce to determine ABA staff and managers ABA staff and managers mentoring program scope, responsibilities, guidelines and structure 3. Give mentoring program taskforce a suggested program package for them to use as a base 4. Taskforce to agree upon final version and send to VP for review and approval </p><p>5. Implement mentoring program Sustain continuous Research, and Program is developed, 1. Solicit feedback and support from 1. Progress through 0% - waiting for next admin council high-performing implement if feasible, an approved and implemented admin council (ask members to milestones operations onboarding program for solicit feedback from staff at staff ABA staff and managers meetings for content) 2. Final product 2. Form a taskforce to determine onboarding program scope, responsibilities, guidelines and structure 3. Give mentoring program taskforce a suggested program package for them to use as a base 4. Taskforce to agree upon final version and send to VP for review and approval </p><p>5. Implement mentoring program ADMINITRATIVE OPERATIONS ABA Goal Department Goal Targets Action Plan Measures Progress (quarterly) (Department goal will (Desired result) (Specific desired qualitative/ (Planned step-by-step approach) (How you will gauge success) help advance this quantitative outcomes) division goal) Strengthen Customer Improve publicizing Update website information 1. Meet w/AO staff Periodic Review 15% Service information about AO On a regular basis e.g. 2. Review AO & RM websites for How many links corrected functions, activities and sponsored functions content and analyze How many new entries processes via AO and organization of information made Records Management 3. Enter updated information websites 4. Maintain link integrity and information currency Boost Process Efficiency Improve Complete department initiated 1. Review RM website for Number of calls and 20% - Complete department communications for Process Improvement Project content and analyze questions initiated Process Improvement University Records organization of information Project. Management for 2. Complete swim lane template Compliance with E.O. 1031 Actively working with divisions to retention, storage and for current process inform them of retention schedule destruction/disposal of 3. Establish process Periodic review of process updates; currently updating paper and electronic improvement committee schedules based on CO changes. records </p><p>Boost Process Efficiency Complete department initiated 1. Meet with ASI Gov’t officials Ease with which 20% - Complete department Improve Committee Process Improvement Project responsible for committee appointments are made initiated Process Improvement Appointment Process appts Project 2. Speak with committee chairs All parties are aware of the 3. Complete swim lane template process of current process Establish process Number of calls and improvement committee questions AUDITING & CONSULTING SERVICES ABA Goal Department Goal Targets Action Plan Measures Progress (quarterly) (Department goal will (Desired result) (Specific desired qualitative/ (Planned step-by-step approach) (How you will gauge success) help advance this quantitative outcomes) division goal) Sustain continuous Update department Online manual documenting 1. Develop an outline Completion of the action 33% - All sections have been added high-performing audit manual to include department operations and 2. Begin working on sections plan to the new draft. Administrative operations additional sections of processes to include these 3. Complete final wording and Appropriate Business Attire travel procedures, dress specific sections and more 4. Revise as necessary since these expectations sections have been guidelines, certification are live documents completed. expenses 5. Provide examples and supporting documents Boost process efficiency Evaluate and purchase Purchase and use of audit 1. Obtain information from various Completion of the action 20% - Received information and audit software software vendors plan pricing from one vendor. 2. Sample the software 3. Obtain feedback from other audit departments 4. Purchase the software 5. Utilize the software to improve efficiencies Strengthen customer Work with campus Respond to campus colleagues 1. Respond to emails/voicemails Response from campus 100% - This is an ongoing goal to service / Promote colleagues to provide questions and concerns with within two business days with contacts always be performing teamwork and pride in consulting services, to helpful recommendations minimally an acknowledgement ABA include informal results 2. Reply with some information and/or a plan to address their concern/questions</p><p>3. If consultation with the VP/CFO is necessary, discuss/forward email within a week. BUDGET PLANNING & ADMINISTRATION ABA Goal Department Goal Targets Action Plan Measures Progress (quarterly) (Department goal will (Desired result) (Specific desired qualitative/ (Planned step-by-step approach) (How you will gauge success) help advance this quantitative outcomes) division goal) Boost process efficiency Reduce resources spent End users submit budget 1) Obtain module from other CSU -90% of all budget transfers 0% processing and tracking transfers online, reducing campus. should be submitted online budget transfers spreadsheets e-mailed back 2) Partner with IRT to develop usage -budget transfers submitted Lack of sufficient staffing. and forth. for our campus. online should be processed 3) Conduct end user training. in 1-2 business days Sustain continuous Process chartfield value Utilize OnBase to process dept 1) Have ABA IT analyst review existing -end users submit 90% of 0% high-performing requests using workflow ID requests. process and Excel spreadsheets. their chartfield requests operations and store them online Utilize OnBase to process class 2) Create forms for OnBase, to allow online Lack of sufficient staffing. chartfield requests. direct user input. -end users can track their 3) Develop workflow so requests are requests using workflow directed to appropriate functional -completed requests are users. stored and retrieved online Strengthen customer Enhance budget reports Utilize Tableau to create 1) Have ABA IT analyst review existing -selected sections of the 20% - Prior year data collected and service available on the web interactive reports budget reports prepared manually. annual report are converted put into required format for 2) Identify which reports are most to Tableau and available Tableau. suitable for Tableau enhancement. online 3) Work with IRT to develop and -selected sections of the distribute to the web. annual report (which are prepared manually) are retired since Tableau renders them obsolete Promote teamwork and Gain Board of Trustees Gain approval for Student 1) Work with campus facilities and BOT approves financing for 90% - both projects approved with pride in ABA (BOT) financing approval Union Expansion. self-support units, to develop draft Student Union Expansion. bond proceeds arriving in Spring. for major capital projects Gain approval for Parking financial documents (e.g. pro formas). BOT approves financing for Structure V. 2) Work with Finance and Treasury, to Parking Structure V. Gain approval for any other revise financial documents and BOT approves financing for capital projects. ensure deadlines are met for BOT any other capital projects. approval. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ABA Goal Department Goal Targets Action Plan Measures Progress (quarterly) (Department goal will (Desired result) (Specific desired qualitative/ (Planned step-by-step approach) (How you will gauge success) help advance this quantitative outcomes) division goal) Campus Environment Student Housing II is a Occupancy by August 2017 1. Plan Exterior Wall Framing 60% new four story 416 bed 2. Design Complete: Oct. 2016 125,847 GSF student 3. Construction Roofing membrane Construction in progress. residence hall, with the complete: Nov. 2016 goal of meeting LEED Gold 4. Opening Interior Framing Complete: T criteria. Oct. 2016 Project Cost: $47.2M Exterior Finishes Complete: May 2017 Interior Finishes Complete: June 2017 Building Completion: Jul. 2017 Occupancy- Aug. 2017</p><p>Campus Environment University Union building Occupancy by December 2018 1. Plan 75% Schematic Design 3% expansion to include 2. Design Presentation – June 2016 demolition of 18,200 3. Construction BOT Meeting – Sept. 2016 Approved by BOT in September GSF, construction of a 100% Design Development – 2016. 100% demolition package 60,849 GSF three-story 4. Opening Sept. 2016 under agency review. 90% addition and a 10,881 95% Construction construction documents underway. GSF renovation. Documents – Dec. 2016 The addition includes Demolition start – Mar. 2017 new student offices, Construction start – June meeting rooms, special 2017 event spaces, coffee bar, Occupancy – Dec. 2018 new spaces for Peak Outdoor Adventures, Women’s Resource Center, Event Services offices and the Dean of Student Affairs. The renovated areas will include informal recreation space, accessible restroom facilities, student lounge space and improved circulation and building access. Project Cost: $53.2 M Campus Environment Science II is a new multi- Occupancy by Summer 2019 1. Plan Design Completion Date: 2% story facility of 2. Design Site – Apr. 2017 approximately 95,000 3. Construction Building – Sept. 2017 100% schematic package was GSF for the College of Construction Start: submitted to CPDC for review. Natural Sciences and 4. Opening Site – June 2017 Scheduled for January 2017 BOT Mathematics, consisting Building – Oct. 2017 meeting. of teaching and research Building Completion: June labs for the Biology and 2019 Chemistry Departments. The building will also contain 2 large lecture halls, 1 seminar room, a Planetarium and Observatory to support the Astronomy Department and administrative and faculty offices. Project Cost: $91 M Campus Environment PS V is a new 577,000 Occupancy estimated: 1. Plan 75% Schematic Design 6% GSF, six-story parking Garage – Jan. 2018 2. Design Presentation – Aug. 2016 structure with 1750 Welcome Center/UTAPs - Apr. 3. Construction BOT Meeting – Nov. 2016 Project approved at November BOT spaces to be built in 2018 100% Design Development – meeting. 100% DD Drawings Parking Lot 1. The garage 4. Opening Nov. 2016 Garage only complete. GMP being will be completed first 95% Construction finalized for Garage Design Build and then construction of Documents – Feb. 5, 2017 Contract. 95% Garage CD to be to an adjacent building for Demolition start – May, be submitted for plan check first Campus Welcoming 2017 week of February. UTAPS Welcome Services and University Construction start – June, center meeting at CO to discuss Transportation and 2017 additional state funds on Parking Services (UTAPS) Occupancy: 1/25/2017. will follow. Garage - Jan. 2018 Project Cost: $49M Welcome Center / UTAPS - Apr. 2018 </p><p>Campus Environment Second Nature Climate Complete a Climate Action Plan The Sustainability department and By 5/19/17, complete a GHG 40% Leadership Statement. within two years. Submit an student assistants will complete a emissions inventory and Sac State is one of 15 annual evaluation of progress. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions identify near term Completed: All travel mileage CSU campuses that inventory and identify near term opportunities for GHG associated with campus during the signed a commitment to opportunities for greenhouse gas reduction. By 5/19/18 reporting period has been exert leadership in reduction within one year. complete the plan which captured. addressing climate includes a target date for Student transportation data has change. achieving carbon neutrality been gathered. Date Carbon as soon as possible, interim In progress: Totals for other Commitment signed by target dates, mechanisms emissions sources are being President Nelsen: and indicators for tracking calculated. First Greenhouse Gas 4/19/16 progress, actions to make Emissions (GHG) inventory due carbon neutrality a part of (5/19/17). the curriculum and other educational experiences, and take actions to expand research in carbon neutrality. Strengthen Customer Establish standard On a 1 to 5 scale, achieve Refresh workflow analysis and Institute a customer 55% Service workflow processes and averages of better than 3.0 on mapping by March 1, 2017 feedback survey for any provide timely, complete all customer satisfaction survey customer who chooses to A customer satisfaction survey is in feedback to customers questions. Train FM staff on updated workflow use it by August 1, 2017. development. Revised work flow routinely throughout the process and their role(s) in this mapping is 85% complete. Training course of their project or process by August 1, 2017. Retrain staff if survey results binder established for new work order. indicate it is warranted. Customer Service agents. AiM Power User training has been Take steps to improve provided to 8 campus users in the processes based on last quarter allowing them to feedback. monitor their requests from conception to completion FINANCIAL SERVICES ABA Goal Department Goal Targets Action Plan Measures Progress (quarterly) (Department goal will (Desired result) (Specific desired qualitative/ (Planned step-by-step approach) (How you will gauge success) help advance this quantitative outcomes) division goal) ABA: Strengthen Increase user knowledge Increase campus constituent 1. Outreach to departments for 1. Training session 25% - Coordination transitioned to customer service of business policies and knowledge of business policies “Financial Advisory Services” evaluations Kendal Chaney-Buttleman. Via procedures and provide and procedures. 2. Develop, communicate and 2. BPRT feedback assignment from AVP, each an avenue for training conduct training. 3. Reduction in department developing and and orientation for 3. Develop a comprehensive department submission conducting training classes on academic departments orientation for CFS users. errors (e.g. Travel targeted initiatives. and others. 4. Develop a policy and process Claims, Petty Cash for application of orientation Reimbursements, and a refresher “orientation” Expenditure Transfer of current CFS users. Requests) ABA: Sustain Successful Multi-year phased process Work with CO and IRT on Employees paid without 0% - Awaiting phase assignment continuous high- implementation of implementation and communication interruption. performing operations system-wide IT project: Minimal down times, excellent Common Human internal and external Develop and implement internal Accurate CFS and HR Resource System (CHRS ) communication, training as phased training plan transactions and reporting. needed to improve services BPRT/Focus Group Feedback ABA: Boost process Successful restructure of Create efficiencies with 1. Move management reporting Hiring completed 50% - Reporting/management efficiency Accounting, AP and management restructure of of Accounts Payable under structure has been moved. AP Procurement Accounts Payable under Procurement manager. Training has begun with Manager has been hired, start date Procurement 2. Hire and train new AP additional training needs in January. Business Continuity manager. identified Plan in the process of being Implement and track cohesive 3. Review staffing for proper consolidated between all three co- tax and financial compliance structure and hire accordingly. Efficiency opportunities have located departments. processes 4. Review opportunities for been identified and plans technical efficiencies between have been developed to offices. realize those efficiencies. 5. Hire and train the newly formed position of Tax and Compliance Analyst. 6. Set up tracking and training processes around tax and financial compliance. ACCOUNTING ABA Goal Department Goal Targets Action Plan Measures Progress (quarterly) (Department goal will (Desired result) (Specific desired qualitative/ (Planned step-by-step approach) (How you will gauge success) help advance this quantitative outcomes) division goal) ABA: Sustain Successfully transition all Complete all chartstring and 1. Review and list all Chapter 15 Legal and FIRMS edits are all 50% - New Funds, Accounts and continuous high- construction project process changes to meet the requirements cleared Projects were created and performing operations accounting to comply reporting requirements for 2. Do a Fit Gap analysis to reclassifications posted in order to with Legal Manual- Legal Manual Chapter 15. determine changes to be comply with Chapter 15. Multiple Chapter 15. made communications with CO resulted 3. Process PO and voucher in improved understanding of adjustments and post all construction accounting related journal entries FIRMs requirements from both the CO and campus perspective. 4. Review all construction related funds, accounts, project and program codes to ensure transition is completed ASI BUSINESS & ADMINISTRATION ABA Goal Department Goal Targets Action Plan Measures Progress (quarterly) (Department goal will (Desired result) (Specific desired qualitative/ (Planned step-by-step approach) (How you will gauge success) help advance this quantitative outcomes) division goal) ABA: Sustain Review and update all All ASI financial policies have 1. Sections of financial policies The ASI financial policies will 20% - Managers and Staff have continuous high- ASI Financial Policies been reviewed by related will be distributed at monthly have been reviewed and completed the “first” review and performing operations business office staff and business office staff meetings updated by the end of the FY updates to approximately 80%-90% approved by management. with due dates for review waiting for final board of current financial policies. assigned. approval. 2. Managers will review all draft changes for clarity and understanding. ABA: Sustain continuous Manage a successful 3. 20% - Specifics for the move for ASI high-performing “temporary” move for the are in place with the move ready operations ASI business office and for the weeks of January 9th and government departments January 16th. ASI should be fully during the University Union functional by January 23rd. expansion PROCUREMENT & CONTRACT SERVICES ABA Goal Department Goal Targets Action Plan Measures Progress (quarterly) (Department goal will (Desired result) (Specific desired qualitative/ (Planned step-by-step approach) (How you will gauge success) help advance this quantitative outcomes) division goal) ABA: Boost process Implement the Attain full functionality and use Develop procedures. Procedures developed and 25% - Have made good steady efficiency Travel/Hospitality Card of the US Bank Travel Card. approved. progress. We have engaged US. Include transition from current Develop Transition Plan from current Bank, Drafted Procedures, and A/E card Attain all required A/E card to US Bank Cards. Transition plan developed have identified initial user training. and implemented. Departments and individual Successfully issue new cards to travelers. Initial rollout October. individuals and Departments. All staff and departments that require travel cards are Develop training on the proper use of issued new cards the card. successfully. </p><p>Training guides developed and implemented for card holder. ABA: Boost process Implement the campus All cap and non-cap property Develop procedures Procedures developed, 20% - The property department has efficiency department property identified and tracked at communicated and drafted procedures and have also record keeper department level. Develop training guides implemented. identified all department property inventory coordinators. Work with each department to Necessary training is successfully implement the record provided on an ongoing keeper responsibilities. bases to the departments.</p><p>In person communication in each department to provide hands on help for the department record keeper. BURSAR’S OFFICE ABA Goal Department Goal Targets Action Plan Measures Progress (quarterly) (Department goal will (Desired result) (Specific desired qualitative/ (Planned step-by-step approach) (How you will gauge success) help advance this quantitative outcomes) division goal) ABA: Strengthen The Bursar’s Office will Approved department service Work with SSC team to complete and Agreements completed and 75% - Construction continues Customer Service support the level agreements approve Bursar’s Office service level approved behind the scenes for the new development, and agreements Student Service Center, which is participate in the Training developed and Staff trained now set to open mid-Spring 2017. formation of, the implemented Work with SSC team to provide Student Service Center training for SSC employees as Service level agreements have been (one stop), set to open necessary completed and signed. Spring 2017. Training of staff continues. ABA: Strengthen Increase payment Develop secure method for Pursue options available through Former students will be able 15% - We are waiting on CASHNet Customer Service options for former online payments, when user is CASHNet, including IRT staff as to make online payments for to implement an upgrade and students and community unable to authenticate through necessary delinquent debt provide a direct link. users CMS Next we will form a proposal to IRT (to address security concerns) for a preferred method. ABA: Promote Increase the visibility and Encourage staff to become Provide staff with opportunities as Employee follows through 50% - Campus community Teamwork and Pride in familiarity of Bursar’s more involved in the campus they arise with participation of their involvement has already appeared ABA Office staff amongst the community through campus choice as a goal for most staff. campus community initiatives and/or committee Include in performance evaluation participation goals Six staff members have participated in campus committees/events with staff from other offices. We have participated in an informational video with the Academic Advising Center.</p><p>ABA – Boost process Streamline the invoice Meet with CCE so both areas Develop a process map to see where Improved results for both 80% - Over the next month we will efficiency process between CCE can develop a better improvements can be made offices, with fewer invoices, be meeting with CCE to develop a and the Bursar’s Office understanding of existing fewer errors, and more better understanding of existing business processes timely output of invoices business processes.</p><p>Successful meeting resulting in: Requests are now emailed, instead of printed and mailed Started a shared drive between the two offices to track invoices created Developed work-around to reduce credit memos</p><p>POLICE DEPARTMENT ABA Goal Department Goal Targets Action Plan Measures Progress (quarterly) (Department goal will (Desired result) (Specific desired qualitative/ (Planned step-by-step approach) (How you will gauge success) help advance this quantitative outcomes) division goal) Sustain continuous Promote compliance and Provision of generally 1) Ensure continual dialogue and Success to be measured by 90% - Prohibited areas need to be high-performing support for the newly distributed information, proper feedback regarding all aspects the general compliance with re-marked and new signage is operations enacted Bicycle and signage and advisements; of the program the policy, specifically the needed. Stop sign compliance on Wheeled Devices redesign and modifications of 2) Conduct advisement and absence of wheeled devices Sinclair is almost non-existent; Program the program as appropriate enforcement operations in the pedestrian zones. preparatory signage and during peak periods Success will also be enforcement projects are needed, 3) Analyze feedback and observe measured through campus however, community trends to recommend community satisfaction with advertisement of the pending improvements operational aspects of the enforcement is required. Sandwich policy as well as the board signs have been placed at prevention or reduction in the entrances of prohibited zones injuries or collisions related to help notify students of the to wheeled devices policy. Speed table is being proposed to curb bicycle speed along Sinclair Road. Sustain continuous Establish and enforce a Reduce or eliminate scavenging 1) Draft new policy after a review Success will be measured by 98% - Policy is in effect and being high-performing new campus policy to and other actions whereby of like programs the general compliance with enforced. Stickers for the operations prohibit access to individuals enter trash/recycle 2) Obtain approval through the the policy as well as the containers have been produced garbage cans, recycling containers and bins. Reduce university administration prevention or reduction of and are being installed by Facilities, cans and garbage bins on the likelihood of injury and 3) Work with Facilities to secure injuries and litter related to but not yet complete. Pre-printed campus exposure to hazards by all refuse container covers and accessing or entering advisement/626 PC forms have individuals entering garbage provide proper campus refuse receptacles been created and are in use. containers; reduce loss of Compliance has been high. A few campus recyclables; reduce more stickers and additional litter on campus left by signage would be helpful to scavengers complete this project. Sustain continuous Update and improve 45% - In discussions with IRT high-performing Campus Electronic regarding new camera server; operations Security various camera installation projects in progress, including PSI, the west perimeter, the north perimeter, and the Library (Library project is on hold pending CO’s approval). Blue phone repairs and upgrades are also in progress. Fiber is being completed on west athletic shed. RISK MANAGEMENT SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH & SAFETY ABA Goal Department Goal Targets Action Plan Measures Progress (quarterly) (Department goal will (Desired result) (Specific desired qualitative/ (Planned step-by-step approach) (How you will gauge success) help advance this quantitative outcomes) division goal) Implement Year 4-5 Requirements for MS4 Permit Develop SWPPPS for hotspots Conduct quarterly inspections of hot spots Conduct annual comprehensive inspections Non-hotspots – Inspect each inventoried facility</p><p>Improve Campus Health and Safety Inspection Program Increase frequency and scope of inspections in higher hazard areas Replace current application “Audit Tracker II” with inspection tracking software that is more flexible allowing improved documentation</p><p>RISK MANAGEMENT ABA Goal Department Goal Targets Action Plan Measures Progress (quarterly) (Department goal will (Desired result) (Specific desired qualitative/ (Planned step-by-step approach) (How you will gauge success) help advance this quantitative outcomes) division goal) Improve pedestrian safety and the pedestrian experience on the inner campus pathways by working with third party commercial companies whose vehicles use the campus pathways, and by crafting a policy that captures the interests of all concerned for inner campus pathway traffic.</p><p>WORKER’S COMPENSATION ABA Goal Department Goal Targets Action Plan Measures Progress (quarterly) (Department goal will (Desired result) (Specific desired qualitative/ (Planned step-by-step approach) (How you will gauge success) help advance this quantitative outcomes) division goal) Create a workshop, including a PowerPoint presentation, as part of the Human Resources Process Series. The workshop will address the duties and responsibilities of the Manager/Supervisor when dealing with an injured worker. The HR Process Series is designed to train managers and supervisors and will be repeated as necessary throughout the year. </p><p>Expand the number of occupational medical facilities we work with. We receive frequent complaints about the level of service at the five locations of U.S. Health Works. By adding 2-3 additional optional facilities, we hope to give Sac State employees more choice in where they go for referred occupational injuries. PARKING, TRANSPORTATION AND SUPPORT SERVICES REPROGRAPHICS AND MAIL SERVICES ABA Goal Department Goal Targets Action Plan Measures Progress (quarterly) (Department goal will (Desired result) (Specific desired qualitative/ (Planned step-by-step approach) (How you will gauge success) help advance this quantitative outcomes) division goal) Boost Process Efficiency Continue to explore new 1. Increased revenues Continue to market services to % revenue increase NA% revenue streams and 2. Shortened work processing academic programs for student % decreased man-hours increase efficiencies times projects Compliance with U.S.P.S. Produced backlit material for Explore options for student lampshade project for convenience (i.e., install credit Volleyball awards. card machine) Increased marketing to FACS Market capabilities of new department for Student project equipment support Host an open house and conduct Demoed new wire/coil bind outreach equipment to increase Replace obsolete equipment with efficiency and expand more efficient technology and capabilities meets compliance requirements Attended Graph Expo and Demoed booklet makers, coil binding systems, laminators, UV coaters and reviewed web-to- print alternatives Strengthen customer Fully implement 1. Campus users submit work Work with vendor and IRT to Online Storefront 50% - DocXpress implementation service Storefront capabilities orders online resolve security issues submission process has been tabled due to lack of 2. Orders integrated with Develop process for online implemented for use by staffing and need for workload business system Automated submissions campus support. We anticipate resuming in typesetting in place Communicate new process and November. benefits Launch campus storefront</p><p>Strengthen Customer Improve Response times 60% - Increase staffing coverage Service to RFQ’s and train on estimating process and departmental procedures UNIVERSITY TRANSPORTATION & PARKING SERVICES (UTAPS) ABA Goal Department Goal Targets Action Plan Measures Progress (quarterly) (Department goal will (Desired result) (Specific desired qualitative/ (Planned step-by-step approach) (How you will gauge success) help advance this quantitative outcomes) division goal) Boost Process Efficiency Self-assessment and Conduct Process Mapping Training for 80% improvement all new staff</p><p>Strengthen Customer Doc customer service Conduct training session (Wiki) 100% complete Service issues and develop procedures and Document service issues 20% complete recoveries to resolve at the lowest level Develop resolutions and delegations 10% complete</p><p>Strengthen Customer Improve Alternative Develop a Plan of Action for each 85% Service Transportation options alternative transportation option Bike – RideAmigos Carpool – RideAmigos Shuttle – DoubleMap Bus/LightRail – RideAmigos All integrated to Sac State App Strengthen Customer Improve Parking Develop PSV Funding Model and 80% Efficiency Approval</p><p>Plans 80%</p><p>Construction 0% Complete Strengthen Customer Increase Customer Develop UTAPS Office on Campus 90% Service Service Presence Funding Model and Approvals</p><p>Plans 50% Construction 0%</p>
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