<p>David Briggs has been rampaging around the internet for several years. To read up about this bitter, vicious and deranged excuse for a war Veteran go here http://www.austvetmatters.net/briggs.html </p><p>To read up on the mad galahs of which Briggs is a leading light go here http://www.austvetmatters.net/madgalahs.html </p><p>Briggs is a small man who desperately wants to be a big man. The chip he carries on his shoulder is huge and it weighs him down at every turn. He is a violent and sick grub who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. David Briggs failed as a National Serviceman during the Vietnam War, failed as a WA Policeman and has failed as a War Veteran. Briggs has continually attacked anybody in the Veteran community who doesn’t agree with him or who won’t do as he tells them. Brigg’s hate filled behaviour includes defaming and vilifying fellow Veterans, attacking various Ex Service Organizations, making threats, including death threats, against Federal politicians, telling lies, passing on misinformation and causing mayhem across the online Veteran community. Nothing will deter Briggs and he has even intruded into the private lives of various people as he tries to prove himself and make out he is something he will never be.</p><p>Briggs was a leading part of the Orange movement which wanted to turn Anzac Day into a day of protest.</p><p>Of course it is a well known psychological principle that when people like Briggs attack others they are really looking in a mirror and seeing themselves. This is what Briggs hates...... others reflect what he hates about himself.</p><p>As part of his campaign this fraud and wannabe has supported lies about his Vietnam War Service and lies saying he was part of ASIO with the temporary Military Commission of Major. David Briggs falsely supports claims he did undercover operations in Cambodia, that he murdered an Australian Military Officer, that he did two tours of Vietnam and that he was an Infantryman in Vietnam. All of this is a lie. Little wonder when this National Serviceman tried to enlist in the Regular Army he was rejected as “unsuitable”.</p><p>Briggs has sent many, many vile and false emails around the internet and we have compiled a digest of some of his most vicious and stupid. We will now present his more silly and deceitful emails for you to read, without any editing of his emails on our part apart from names we have redacted for privacy reasons. You will now be able to judge the character, honesty, principle and sanity of this fraud for yourself.</p><p>This is the first time a collage of his rantings have been collected together in one place.</p><p>We ask you to read on and hear Briggs speak with his usual insane and vicious tongue.</p><p>From: Dave Briggs </p><p>To: Media WANP ; Media The Courier ; Media Paul.murry ; Media Mandurah Mail ; Media Howard Sattler 6PR ; Media Herald Sun ; Media Editor Australian ; Media Coastal Times ; Media '7.30Syd' ; Media 9am Ten ; Media Alan Jones 2GB ; Media Bolta heraldsun ; Media Cables.The Age ; [email protected] ; Media Herald Sun Wilson Neil' ; Media Hinch ; Media Houghtond News Ltd ; Media J Baird SMH ; Media Laurie Oaks Nine ; Media Letters ; Media Louise Lander ABC ; Media M Baker The Age ; Media Michael McKennaam AUST Michael' ; Media Mike Carey SBS ; Media Nine P.M.Willmington ; Media P Fitzimons.SMH ; Media Paul Cutler SBS ; Media Ross Coulthart 9 Sunday ; Media Rural Press ; Media Russell Balding ABC ; Media SMH ; Media Sunrise Seven ; Media T Richie 9 ; Media Truth ; Media V Hodgson Ch9 ; VV Graham.Edwards.MP ; MPSenator Nick Minchin 'Minchin ; MP Wilson Tuckey ; MP Wayne Swan 'Swan ; MP Warren.truss. ; MP Tony.Abbott. ; MP Stephen Smith ; MP Shadow DVA Minister ; MP Senator.StottDespoja ; MP senator.sandy.macdonald ; MP Senator Brown ; MP Senator Bill Heffernan 'Heffernan ; MP Senator Bartlet ; MP Peter Dutton ; MP Peter Costello Electorate (P. Costello, MP) ; MP Min DVA B.Billson. ; MP Michael Keenan ; MP Malcolm Turnbull ; MP Lindsay Tanner 'Tanner ; MP Kim Wilkie ; MP Kim Beazley ; MP Kevin Rudd ; MP Julie Bishop ; MP Julia.Gillard ; MP Judy Moylan ; MP Joanna Gash ; MP Defence Secretary ; MP Catherine King ; MP Carmen Lawrence ; MP Barry Haase ; MP B Nelson ; MP Andrew.Robb ; MP Amanda Vanstone ; MP Alexander Downer ; MP Don Randall ; [email protected] ; MP Sophie.Mirabella ; MP Senator.Fierravanti-Wells ; MP Rod.Hilton ; MP PM J Howard </p><p>Sent: Monday, October 30, 2006 4:35 PM</p><p>Subject: Fw: Politicians</p><p>I received this delightful email and thought it rely catches the mood of the day. I have eliminated reference to the author for obvious reasons.</p><p>The punch a pollie could well be a worthwhile start towards bashing some since into the bludging pieces of shit. The problem is that they would start hiring minders at millions to the tax payer, but a good concept never the less.</p><p>The second idea has merit but I don't believe we as veterans would ever go that far, but on second thought maybe we are not very far from it. Just keep pushing and maybe we will see. </p><p>I have noticed far more pollies are beginning to block emails of late, so the time for stronger action may well be at hand if these bastards refuse to listen to us. </p><p>Simple way to make them take notice. </p><p>Remember the "Punch a Postie" campaign (suggested by Lt "Jackie" Gleeson of AFPO 4 Nui Dat in '68 we should instigate a "Punch a Pollie" campaign. All vets should take the opportunity to snot one of these snivelling little turds...and if they are feeling really desparate...do as attached...</p><p>From: Dave Briggs </p><p>Sent: Tuesday, 25 September 2007 7:52 PM</p><p>Subject: ACTIVE SERVICE ...SNOBBERY??</p><p>Maryann </p><p>I am a VV and ex RAE and Grunt, I am also an ex copper now TPI and I would like to share a little information I have picked up over the years involving women in combat roles.</p><p>I have no experience with women in the military role however I was an old dinosaur of a copper when women were first allowed to work the streets. This was an experience that took some getting used to for me because I was from the old school where the male role was to protect the female.</p><p>Anyway after some time supervising and educating the females we soon realised there was little difference between them and the males, some good and some not. I worked with female cops for about 20 years in some very hairy situations and was rewarded by the experience.</p><p>Unfortunately I still maintained my old values of needing to protect the female when necessary. Although this was not as often as you might think the majority were very good at doing their job. However at a bikie riot my female partner locked herself in the vehicle and froze, leaving me alone and unable to radio for assistance or even enter the vehicle for protection, I copped a hell of a flogging for my trust in a female partner.</p><p>Although I continued working with females (not that one) I was always mindful that they had limitations and needed protecting in those situations. Combat roles in the military have changed since my day but I would consider that the males would have similar feelings towards their female counterparts and except for the odd arsehole it is more from inbred feelings rather than resentment. There are a number of obvious problems with both sexes sharing a combat role that you would be fully aware but as a sapper officer I am sure could be overcome times are changing slowly.</p><p>As for your attention at the Waterloo dinner did you ask your CO what he meant when he said at your own peril, he may have only been referring to the behaviour of a bunch of old Sappers rather than your sex.</p><p>Sappers are a rough tough bunch that have no respect for any rank, they respect the person first, maybe you need to look in that direction because they are not the same as Survey gentlemen. </p><p>Regards Briggsy </p><p>From: Briggsy </p><p>Sent: Tuesday, 25 September 2007 10:57 PM</p><p>Subject:: Complaints About the "Sea of Orange"</p><p>Paul</p><p>Mate you are pissing into the wind when you make a complaint about Neil James, only to have him deal with it himself. His response is abusive and intimidatory in itself and is aimed to generate an adverse response. Thereby I would suggest that knowing that he obviously gets off on the sound of his own importance you and everyone else just completely ignore him and have no further communication with him and put him on your mail bounce list so that the only mail he gets is his own crap.</p><p>Regards Briggsy </p><p>From: Australia Defence Association </p><p>To: [email protected] </p><p>Sent: Tuesday, 25 September 2007 9:13 AM</p><p>Subject: Complaints About the "Sea of Orange"</p><p>Dear Mr Dignon, </p><p>The ADA agrees with you that no-one should exploit any sick person, veteran or not, for personal gain. We utterly reject, of course, your cowardly and incorrect inference that the Association might be involved in any such activity and remain confident that, in the complete absence of any evidence to support your absurd claim, no informed and objective person could reasonably hold such a belief. </p><p>As to feedback (both favourable and critical), the ADA has always had robust, transparent and fair mechanisms to handle such matters. Our website provides comprehensive details (the links are on the right-hand sidebar of every page). </p><p>We encourage feedback but do ask that it be courteous, relevant, logical and factual. </p><p>Many veterans and members of the public must wonder if the so-called "sea of orange" has a complaints procedure for people to complain about the discourtesies, misrepresentations, seemingly deliberate misunderstandings and even outright malicious lies that Mr Paul Dignon regularly spreads in his emails? Not to mention Mr Dignon's immature and near-hysterical reaction to any reasoned criticism. </p><p>Or would there be any point in even complaining to the perpetrator?</p><p>Neil James Executive Director Australia Defence Association [email protected] www.ada.asn.au National Office: PO Box 320, Erindale Centre, ACT, 2903, Australia (ABN 16 083 007 390) </p><p>From: Paul Dignon </p><p>Sent: Monday, 24 September 2007 8:12 AM</p><p>Subject: For Complaints about the ADA</p><p>Ladies and Gents,</p><p>If you have received “unsettling” E Mails from any member of the ADA, addresses for complaints can be found at http://www.ada.asn.au/board_directors.htm</p><p>It is a shame that some people will act in such a total mercenary manner, at the expense of the sick Veteran, for personal gain!</p><p>Many Regards </p><p>P.M. DIGNON National Coordinator</p><p>The Sea of Orange </p><p>United we Stand </p><p>Tel: (08) 8277 2069</p><p>From: Briggsy [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, 29 September 2007 3:20 PM Cc: '9 Sqn Assn RAAF'; 'Alan Wheatley'; 'Crews'; 'EDA President'; 'ESO PVA'; Neil James (ADA); 'nhqadmin rsl.'; 'Paul Copeland'; 'Paul Dignon'; 'Peace Keepers (Nat President)'; 'PVA Research &'; 'QLD RSL'; 'Qld vvfa'; 'RSL ACT'; 'RSL NSW'; 'RSL Rod Bain''; 'RSLWA'; 'TPI Federation'; 'tpi nsw'; 'TPI Vic'; 'tpi-act'; 'tpiwa'; 'T'ville vvfa'; 'VV John(TPI Nat Pres) Ryan''; 'VV P Ramsay'; 'VVAA Ron Coxon(Nat Pres) ''; 'VVAA. WA Jason O'Dowd Jason''; [email protected]; 'VVFA' Subject: </p><p>Hi ALL</p><p>I was off my computer all day and night yesterday but when I fired it up today I had about 30 bounced emails, most of the addresses I did not recognise but a couple were ones I had deleted from my list. A little time ago I had a problem with my computer it was sending mail from hidden deleted files. I have had this problem rectified so I know it is not this but what concerns me is that someone may be tapping into my computer without my knowledge. I intent to look at that possibility next week</p><p>What causes me concern is that some of you are bouncing my mail because you think I am being a pest and have not removed you from my list when requested. I can assure you that every time I get such a request I do it immediately and send a personal note to confirm you have been removed. However if you are continuing to receive these mails could you please send me a note stating so then I can check my lists and make sure you have been removed or if someone or something is causing the problem</p><p>I have a very extensive mailing address book so I need to know the name of anyone experiencing these problems. As you know when mail is bounced only the address or providers address appear on the mail making it impossible for me to know who is getting the mail. If this is happening to you I apologise most sincerely because it is not intentional and I will correct it once I know it is occurring to you</p><p>Finally can I ask anyone that may get an email that seems out of character for me or odd, to please contact me prior to forwarding it. I have made a number of enemies as a result of Mad Galahs and would not put this sort of behaviour beyond some</p><p>Regards Briggsy </p><p>From: Briggsy </p><p>To: 'Barry Corse' ; [email protected] ; [email protected] </p><p>Cc: 'Milton Kirk' ; 'VVAA NAT PRES' ; [email protected] ; 'Bob Elworthy' ; 'Neil Weekes' ; 'John Graham' ; [email protected] ; 'Ted Chitham' ; 'George Mansford' ; 'VT Paul Dignon' ; 'Jim Wiltshire' ; 'Jim Duffield' ; 'Kevin Bovill' ; 'BARRY GILBERT' ; 'Rob de Haas' ; 'Frank Maloney' ; 'Steve Cartner' ; 'tony white' ; 'Michael Ryan' ; 'Ted McEvoy' ; 'Ron Francis' ; 'Allen J Petersen' ; 'John Cassidy' ; [email protected] ; 'charlie' ; [email protected] ; 'Jim Riddle' ; 'remloc' ; 'Donald Tate' </p><p>Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2007 5:22 PM</p><p>Subject: RE: Vietnam Veterans Federation NSW Branch Change of Name</p><p>I must agree with Paul in that our young veterans need their own representation and entity and not be someone else’s second thought regardless of motive. You can never expect older veterans to understand the issues of the younger and vice versa</p><p>I, like Barry am in this war of reclamation to ensure the ANZAC/Kokoda heritage live on within our veteran family until peace on earth or its destruction</p><p>To achieve this aim we must all be united in the understanding that each conflict has its own set of problems and must have the best informed group possible to represent it. We must also have one and only one organisation to support and represent these groups, something like a consolidated union of veterans. Consolidation is the key concern in the success of such an organisation</p><p>It need only be a small group that has the utmost respect and confidence of all veterans; it needs to be democratically elected for a set period of time and a limitation placed on how long one can serve on the group. This will prevent it getting bogged down and becoming stale. It would receive its direction from the veterans via their own representative</p><p>This as Barry says would become a priority with the mad galahs after the election and we all know where we stand. Until we do something to consolidate all veterans and veteran representatives we are doomed to disappear from the landscape with time and the more we continue to splinter into smaller groups the more we will continue to fight over the same bone instead of enjoying a meal as a united force </p><p>Regards Briggsy</p><p>From: Barry Corse [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, 27 October 2007 11:11 AM To: [email protected]; [email protected] Cc: 'Milton Kirk'; 'VVAA NAT PRES'; [email protected]; 'Bob Elworthy'; 'Neil Weekes'; 'John Graham'; [email protected]; 'Ted Chitham'; 'George Mansford'; 'Briggsy'; 'VT Paul Dignon'; 'Jim Wiltshire'; 'Jim Duffield'; 'Kevin Bovill'; 'BARRY GILBERT'; 'Rob de Haas'; 'Frank Maloney'; 'Steve Cartner'; 'tony white'; 'Michael Ryan'; 'Ted McEvoy'; 'Ron Francis'; 'Allen J Petersen'; 'John Cassidy'; [email protected]; 'charlie'; [email protected]; 'Jim Riddle'; 'remloc'; 'Donald Tate' Subject: Vietnam Veterans Federation NSW Branch Change of Name G’Day Paul and Gordon President and Secretary of Peacekeepers and Peacemakers</p><p>Mate thanks for the excellent clarification as you lads see these developments. </p><p>I restate what I have said publicly and widely in earlier commentary “we do not want to be a part of or perceived to be a part of a well intentioned or not, any suppression of “young ANZACs” as we faced a bloody long time ago.</p><p>To that end some of the like minded older farts aka ANZAC Mad Galah’s would like to see an ESO that is representative of younger ANZACs and future ANZACs that will accept us as equal deployed veterans. “we” support you lads as we should have been supported a long time ago. Younger ANZACs are the future and while we can, we would like to support your direction rather than hang around being the bandmaster who can’t play with the instructions for the last one on the perch to turn the lights out. </p><p>“we” all share the Kokoda Heritage and that was not about older farts demanding “we wus here first”. You have seen our perspective of “deployment service”. aka “The simple basis of eligibility was and is “was the member of the ADF deployed into an environment where they were trained to be and expected to respond to personal and or collective violence whatever the degree against themselves. Armed and or in an armed ADF facility. This logically must include members of the AFP and state police also so included in this deployment. That someone was in an armed air and or sea vehicle is irrelevant as secondary criteria. AFP and or ADF and or customs and or any Aussie protector armed (marine resources protection) must be inclusive”.</p><p>Ok Paul and Gordon, until the rest of us can make up our minds as to what and where we are going with our ANZAC heritage, to me you are doing what the Vietnam mad Galahs did so long ago, it is heart warming for the lads still alive who kicked of the VVAA to hear that many individuals and some ESO’s especially the VVAA are behaving like an ANZAC Veteran and not adjudicating as to ones veteran status. ANZAC is inclusive of mutual support regardless of the deployment. </p><p>Look after your lads as best that you can, our network of older farts is inclusive of a lot who are actively supporting OUR young ANZACs as best we can regardless of the ESO name and aim. Pete Ramsay and Bob Elworthy have fought “anzac ego’s” as Doug Formby and his team along with Rod Bain and his team are within the RSL high command today. I can only repeat that if “we” do not provide an alternative to a perceived systemically corrupt non representative rsl executive high command, then our fractioness will continue. What is emerging is that the ANZAC Mad Galah’s will NOT accept the perceived elitism of the past rsl high command and or the imposition of ex general officers as conservative governments imposed “mushroom farmers” AND we will no longer accept the ANZAC lovers of convenience, the political parasites who treat current and former ANZACs with such disdain and discard. Loyalty and Service is a two way responsibility and it is and must be an enforceable contract not a political arrangement of selected convenience.</p><p>When an ANZAC Mad Galah representative leader cannot assertively say to the prime minister “save your bullshit for another, now get your arse into gear and pay attention”, THEN that ANZAC leader has reached their use by date, aka perform or piss off.</p><p>PLEASE don’t allow anyone to tell you what they think is BEST for young ANZACs J when in doubt follow your nose and ATTACK especially when being “guided” by perceived pretentious older farts with lots of pretty medals AND if any of them have decorations, just check if they were earned or quota jobs J I restate, “as a has been combat grunt my view is that a peacekeeper and or peacemaker is far more hazardous than a full on shooting war, hence the importance of the 3rd and 4h demands for current and future ANZACs” – a Veteran is a Veteran - emotionally it is far more demanding waiting to get hurt and being leashed than the luxury of being unleashed and able to shoot back and kill the arsehole tying to kill you.</p><p>When this election ANZAC war of reclamation is over, THEN we will see where the “rabbits run”. J this young older ANZAC Mad Galah is looking for some younger ANZACs to follow and serve with. It is you Lads who must take back our ANZAC heritage and reclaim what too many of us walked away from in disgust. The ANZAC Mad Galah reclamation war we have initiated and have had some success, in real terms is to try and ensure our young ANZACs are not as alone and isolated as we once were.</p><p>Cheers </p><p>Barry </p><p>From: "Briggsy" [email protected] Subject: Mad Galahs Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 04:52:05 +0900</p><p>With the election behind us I have been receiving a lot of congratulatory mail and calls concerning our success over the past year or so. I have also been asked by a number about how the baggy arse and mad galah movement got started and what lies ahead, rather than respond to each and every one I have decided to answer them all to the best of my knowledge in one email</p><p>To start the baggy arse and mad galahs are both the same, it was stated that we needed a name and eventually we came up with mad galah because of its connection to the spirit of Kokoda from George Mansford’s book</p><p>The mad galah movement was no ones idea or concept it just evolved from computer chat between myself and Barry Course on from my memory what is a veteran and who qualifies as same. This open exchange between the two of us generated interest from other vets that joined in this conversation which was being conducted on my old ESVP net After this Barry became a constant contributor on this net and thus the rest remains history. Barry brought to this net a great deal of political knowledge, veteran history and that certain turn of phrase that is only Barry. With this knowledge it did not take long before the net grew and Barry’s ideas were embraced my more and more veterans.</p><p>You all know the extent of the size of our network estimated at over 2million Australia wide plus contacts in a number of other countries around the world. The exchange of ideas and Barry’s input soon developed into a viable army. The only criteria for membership were that you are either a veteran or veteran supporter. No membership fees, no rules (Other than truth and honesty), everyone equal, no management structure and respect for each other</p><p>Using this as our model we dubbed ourselves the baggy arse veterans, baggy arse from the lack of management control. Barry and a few others were challenged over the right to call themselves baggy arse, having been officers in the military. This was quickly ratified and we all go down to the business of the war of veteran reclamation and the rest you know</p><p>Had it not been for Barry Course and his excellent knowledge of political behaviour I honestly believe we would not have advanced this far so quickly. I say this from being involved in the fight for veterans rights since the mid 80’s</p><p>Where do we go from here? This we must wait until Rudd has settled down to business and then we take things as they come. We also need to monitor that they implement their pre election veteran policies. The most important of these being the PM’s veteran council (PMVC), which could take a couple of years before implemented</p><p>The implementation of the design and role of the PMVC will naturally be the right of the PM however we would envisage he would do this after consultation with the majority of veterans and not simply as the previous government by consulting R&SL and maybe the odd ESO. This campaign has sent a clear message that these groups only represent their own membership requirements and not the general veteran requirements </p><p>I suggest that we take this time to rest and reflect ready for the next phase and await the new governments next step</p><p>Regards Briggsy</p><p>D.J.Briggs Ravenswood WA 6208 [email protected]</p><p>From: Briggsy Date: 24/01/2008 14:30:54 To: 'Barry Corse'; 'Allen J Petersen'; [email protected]; ALP Mike. Kelly. MP Subject: RE: Denigration of Mad Galah's</p><p>Don and other Shit stirrers </p><p>It appears to me that there are elements of those that feel the baggy arse veteran has no right to have an opinion or expectation to better himself, unless the “Born to rule class” first gives approval, well think again we are fighting a war of veteran reclamation and there is no place for the likes of these dissenters. They are merely boils on the arse of progress and should be lanced </p><p>Don and his cronies are probably so pissed off that Barry and I were the only veteran representatives invited by the PM’s office to attend that they find it necessary to make unfounded allegations against us in an endeavour to appease their own shattered egos </p><p>I am not going to justify these attempts at causing disharmony within our ranks by proving that the invitations were made to us and that we did not even solicit a berth. The other thing that was reported in the media was the fact that the main event was by invitation only and the one on one meeting were separate from the public forum </p><p>Neither Barry nor myself have ever made any claim other than we are dedicated to the improvement of veteran issues, with special emphases on our young veterans and those ANZAC’s to follow. We have never claimed to be Generals or leaders, simply “Mad Galah” representatives. In my opinion as long as we are relevant government and others will listen and take note of our plight but as soon as we are not then we are out. he reason we have been successful is because we have been relevant in addressing the real issues that affect all veterans and their families. Had the R&SL and other ESO’s done the same there would be no requirement for the Mad Galahs and we would all be happy grandpas enjoying what grandpas do, instead of the work we all pay our memberships to various ESO’s to do </p><p>I challenge Don in this open forum to table the proof that he has that Barry and I invited ourselves to this event and disclose his real reasons for this outlandish attack on Barry and I and who is motivating his actions </p><p>I am unsure of which Don this is as the address simply says “DON” and as I only have a copy message so I can not access it directly and he has simply signed it DON which is an indication that he is snipping at us from behind a bush and hasn’t the guts to be upfront with the veteran community. I for one include my name, address and contact details on all emails containing contentious material; I guess don does not have the same integrity but then each to their own </p><p>There a few Dons on this network that are decent and loyal and would be more open with an allegation of this nature so I caution everyone in jumping to conclusions and retaliating against anyone until this don can be fully identified. We all know we have made enemies and that they resort to many underhanded tactics including false names an web addresses </p><p>Briggsy </p><p>D.J.Briggs</p><p>8 Scott Place</p><p>Ravenswood WA 6208</p><p>08 95376956</p><p>0409886230 [email protected] </p><p>From: Barry Corse [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, 24 January 2008 9:23 AM To: 'Allen J Petersen' Cc: 'Briggsy' Subject: Denigration of Mad Galah'sJ </p><p>The record stands on the record as particularized. </p><p>We were thanked for accepting the invitation and attending J </p><p>Barry </p><p>PS. does this “non specific hearsay” have that same aroma of an anzmi cockroach predetermined inquiry and adjudication or is this just another ultra suspicious hate filled fellow very sick veteran? Either way I don’t think his “personal vinegar” warrants publication.</p><p>From: Allen J Petersen [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, 23 January 2008 11:13 PM To: Barry Corse Cc: Dave Briggs Subject: Re the TV stars from the West! </p><p>Bazza and Briggsy you may want to set the record straight on this. Allen </p><p>From: Don </p><p>To: Allen Petersen </p><p>Sent: Wednesday, 23 January 2008 7:58 AM</p><p>Subject: Re the TV stars from the West </p><p>I am told that they invited themselves to the meeting can you confirm, its just another case of them big noting themselves. </p><p>Lets hope we are not judged by those two. </p><p>Hope you are well. </p><p>Regards, Don In answer to your supplementary anonymous question but really for the entertainment of REAL ANZAC’s.</p><p>Myself, and another ANZAC were the only non Americans on a Pan Am flight back to Vietnam from Manilla or somewhere and we cracked onto the hosties. We stayed onboard when the yanks got off and were going out with them and planning on staying with them that night; we were not due back from leave for another day or so. </p><p>Cut a long story short as the rest of the crew left the yank MP’s asked where the two Aussies were, which they replied we had hijacked his hosties. They thought he meant hijacked the plane so they surrounded the plane with armed people and we “surrendered”. </p><p>Everyone had a big laugh about it when they spoke to the hosties and captain. We were returned to the Aussie MP’s and they charged us with absent from place of parade. When the charge was heard it was either dismissed or we got a minor slap because we were supposed to have reported our return when the plane landed, we did not know and I doubt given the circumstances we even cared</p><p>So now as well as being a bad boy soldier, it looks like Tennent and his cronies now labels me as an international terrorist who hijacks aircraft, but we must be Irish terrorists, why else would we have stayed on the ground in Vietnam</p><p>I have never been accused of the minor look the other way crimes like, child sex offences, medal fiddling or even conspiracy to cover up history, so now you are all informed and I confess, I was a scallywag nasho and a normal baggy arse ANZAC. </p><p>Correct me if I am wrong but Breaker Morrant (first ANZAC), Gallipoli vets, Kokoda vets and every Digger (all services) since, were and are anointed with this wonderful scallywag spirit that epitomises Australia and I hope we never loose it and any attempt to suppress it continues to be met with strongest of resistance</p><p>I admit I was not happy with being drafted into military service simply because of our support to America in Vietnam and I made my thoughts known but had they wanted me to defend Australia I would have been there without asking. I have been told my many including some officers that have charged me that I was a good soldier when I had to be part of the team but never a model soldier when it came time for the military bullshit, maybe this is why I fitted in well with Sappers. </p><p>However, I remain proud of my real service to Australia but even more, of that to my mates and fellow ANZAC’s who I would gladly die for. To be a nasho sent to war without choice other than gaol is something that the likes of bolter and his types will never understand but at least some tried </p><p>Briggsy</p><p>From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, 10 April 2008 5:21 AM To: [email protected]</p><p>Subject: Hello Hello David.Can you confirm for us that you were held in detention by the australian provosts at tan son nhut in 1971 and if this is true why you were locked up. From: Briggsy </p><p>To: 'Media 9am Ten' ; 'Media Alan Jones 2GB' ; 'Media bevined@dailytelegraph' ; 'Media Bolta heraldsun' ; 'Media Cables.The Age' ; 'Media cmonline' ; 'Media DyerP@newsltd' ; 'Media Editor Australian' ; 'Media editorial' ; 'Media FWALKER' ; 'Media Herald Sun' ; 'Media heywoodl' ; 'Media Houghtond News Ltd' ; 'Media hugo-kelly' ; 'Media J Baird SMH' ; 'Media kstevenson' ; 'Media letters@illawarramercury' ; 'Media Louise Lander ABC' ; 'Media Mandurah Mail' ; 'Media masters.chris' ; 'Media mckennam' ; 'Media mcphedrani@newsltd' ; 'Media Michael.Bailey' ; 'Media Mike Carey SBS' ; 'Media Murray Times' ; 'Media newsdesk' ; 'Media Nine P.M.Willmington' ; 'Media P Fitzimons.SMH' ; 'Media Paul Bongiorno Ch10' ; 'Media paul.cutler' ; 'Media paul.murray' ; 'Media rehna' ; 'Media sashauzunov' ; 'Media Sunrise Seven' ; 'Media The Courier' ; 'Media WANP' ; 'Media wilsonn' ; 'Messages to the troops' </p><p>Cc: MP Alan Griffin(Minister VA) ; MP ALP Mike. Kelly ; MP ALP Senator. Faulkner ; MP LIB A. Downer. Mp ; MP Lib B. Nelson. Mp ; MP Lib Bronwyn. Bishop. Mp ; MP Lib Justine. Elliot. MP ; MP Lib Lindsay. Tanner ; MP Lib Malcolm. Turnbull. MP ; MP Lib Peter. Dutton ; MP Lib Tony. Abbott. MP ; MP Mike. Kelly. (ALP) ; MP Stephen. Smith. (ALP) ; [email protected] ; 'Col. Fergus. McLachlan' ; [email protected] ; 'Defence Gen Peter. Leahy' ; [email protected] ; 'ALP A. Albanese. MP' ; 'ALP Amanda. Rishworth. MP' ; 'ALP Anna. Burke. MP' ; 'ALP Annette. Ellis. MP' ; 'ALP Anthony. Byrne. MP' ; 'ALP Arch. Bevis. MP' ; 'ALP Belinda. Neal. MP' ; 'ALP Bernie. Ripoll. MP' ; 'ALP Bill. Shorten. MP' ; 'ALP Bob. McMullan. MP' ; 'ALP Brett. Raguse. MP' ; 'ALP Catherine. King. MP' ; 'ALP Chris. Bowen. MP' ; 'ALP Chris. Hayes. MP' ; 'ALP Craig. Emerson. MP' ; 'ALP Craig. Thomson. MP' ; 'ALP D. Adams. MP' ; 'ALP Damian. Hale. MP' ; 'ALP David. Bradbury. MP' ; 'ALP Duncan. Kerr. MP' ; 'ALP Harry. Jenkins. MP' ; 'ALP James. Bidgood. MP' ; 'ALP Jennie. George. MP' ; 'ALP Jill. Hall. MP' ; 'ALP Jim. Turnour. MP' ; 'ALP John. Murphy. MP' ; 'ALP Jon. Sullivan. MP' ; 'ALP Julia. Irwin. MP' ; 'ALP Kate. Ellis. MP' ; 'ALP Kelvin. Thomson. MP' ; 'ALP Kerry. Rea. MP' ; 'ALP Kirsten. Livermore. MP' ; 'ALP Laurie. Ferguson. MP' ; 'ALP Lindsay. Tanner. MP' ; 'ALP Maria. Vamvakinou. MP' ; 'ALP Mark. Butler. MP' ; 'ALP Martin. Ferguson. MP' ; 'ALP Nicola. Roxon. MP' ; 'ALP Peter. Garrett. MP' ; 'ALP R. McClelland. MP' ; 'ALP Richard. Marles. MP' ; 'ALP Roger Price mp' ; 'ALP Rowan. Ramsey. MP' ; 'ALP S. Crean. MP' ; 'ALP Senator. Lundy' ; 'ALP Sharon. Bird. MP' ; 'ALP Sharon. Grierson. MP' ; 'ALP Sharryn. Jackson. MP' ; 'ALP Shayne. Neumann. MP' ; 'ALP Sid. Sidebottom' ; 'ALP Steve. Georganas. MP' ; 'ALP Tanya. Plibersek. MP' ; 'ALP Tony. Burke. MP' ; 'ALP Tony. Windsor. MP' ; 'ALP Tony. Zappia. MP' ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; Brendan.O'[email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; Yvette.D'[email protected] </p><p>Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2008 4:37 PM</p><p>Subject: BRIGGSY A VICTIM OF THE STOLEN ANZAC GENERATION WERE YOU We have heard a great deal of the Aboriginal stolen generation and the Rudd “National Sorry” well it has recently dawned upon me that there is an entire new stolen generation that has never been mentioned within our society</p><p>I am referring to the National Serviceman. The first group was taken from the bosom of their family by the implementation of an act of federal parliament much akin to that of the Aboriginal act. Neither was backed by referendum of the people and thus another case of the born to rules deciding for themselves</p><p>In the beginning those young men removed from their family nurtured comfort zone and forced into military service with or without their own consent and defiantly without parental consent. This initial period was for a few months and in most cases were later returned unharmed back into their family environment</p><p>Then along came the Vietnam War and things changed dramatically, this forced removal of these children from their families and was dramatically increased to two years. I say children because in that time you were a child at law until you reached 21 years.</p><p>These young boys were children in the eyes of the law and were forbidden from having the right to vote, legally enter into a contract, legally consume liquor and to do a number of other things generally taken for granted, without parental consent, but could be drafted into the military against their will and parents will. Was this not just a legalised version of the old sailing ship days when a crew was required, simply knock someone out and when they woke up on the ship they had no choice </p><p>Anyway these children were stolen from their family and pressed into military service at the age of 19 to 20 and after a two year minimum tenure could not be returned to their families as they were then over 21 and had become adults and the parents no longer had legal control. This meant that after enduring this traumatic period and being returned there was no one other than themselves able to legally act upon their behalf</p><p>However this stolen ANZAC generation of the fittest and cream of Australian working class youth did not only endure simply the removal from nurturing environments, no, they were thrust headlong into a full scale war</p><p>There are claims that they all volunteered for this trip of a lifetime, however we all know the military interpretation of volunteering. Many of these stolen ANZAC unfortunates were placed in combat roles and expected to perform as well as those that had chosen the military as their life long careers.</p><p>History will show that this pressed military force did in fact perform as well as their professional counterparts. This must be attributed to the inbuilt ANZAC, Kokoda and Eureka spirit bred into every Australian boy and not the brain washing type training provided by the military, even though they will have us believe differently</p><p>This stolen ANZAC generation was returned to freedom after their services were no longer required to bolster the numbers of the volunteer military and simply left to fend the best they could for themselves </p><p>The professional military cared for and nurtured their own to the best of their ability but no one did this for the stolen ANZAC and because he was unaware of the changes caused to him by war and military treatment soon became a feared and misunderstood member of society often being outcast by his very own misinformed and misunderstanding family. This caused him great pain and suffering in not understanding what had happened to him or the rest of Australia, who had also turned against him</p><p>He continued to exist aimlessly for decades until society caught up with what caused this stolen Anzac to have developed into the “creature” he now was. It was at this stage that the Australian people realised the effect of being stolen from his family, sent to war, neglected upon his return by not only his family, military, the government but worst of all the very country that allowed this to be inflicted upon him</p><p>Very many young stolen ANZAC’s were rebellious to the military entrenched brain washing they called training because of the Eureka Stockade, Kokoda and even Breaker Morant Australian spirits. This caused more problems for this stolen ANZAC class because their only form of protest was labelled as simply being a “Bad Soldier” by those that were so stupid they could not see the forest for the trees</p><p>I could go on for pages about the gross injustices dealt out to the stolen ANZAC but what good will it do, but maybe the fact that I have penned this will help a few intelligent Australians to obtain a further insight into the plight of another class of abused Australians </p><p>In closing let me advise those that do not know, the stolen ANZAC that served in the Australian military served with dedication and responsibility to the highest of the ANZAC, Kokoda and Eureka traditions and although they fought the system they never failed their mates in combat or the spirit of comrade and thus have earned the name ANZAC. It would be hard to determine if their stubborn contempt for being pressed into service was born out of the mould of the Eureka Stockade or that of “The Breaker” Harry Morant (arguably Australia’s first ANZAC) but which ever, the ANZAC stolen generation were Australians ahead of all else</p><p>D.J.Briggs</p><p>8 Scott Place</p><p>Ravenswood 6208</p><p>(08)95376956</p><p>0409886230 briggsy1"iprimus.com.au </p><p>PS maybe the day will come when the ANZAC stolen generation will be acknowledged with a national “SORRY” of their own but I guarantee there will be no claim for compensation or land rights</p><p>Regards Briggsy</p><p>From: Briggsy </p><p>To: [email protected] </p><p>Cc: [email protected] ; MP Alan Griffin(Minister VA) ; MP ALP Senator. Faulkner ; MP ALP Mike. Kelly ; MP Joel. Fitzgibbon(minister for Defence) ; MP Lib B. Nelson. Mp ; MP Lib Bronwyn. Bishop. Mp ; '9 Sqn Assn RAAF' ; 'Alan Wheatley' ; 'Crews' ; 'EDA President' ; 'ESO PVA' ; 'Neil James (ADA)' ; 'nhqadmin rsl.' ; 'Paul Copeland' ; 'Paul Dignon' ; 'Peace Keepers (Nat President)' ; 'PVA Research &' ; 'QLD RSL' ; 'Qld vvfa' ; 'RSL ACT' ; 'RSL NSW' ; 'RSL Rod Bain'' ; 'RSLWA' ; 'TPI Federation' ; 'tpi nsw' ; 'TPI Vic' ; 'tpi-act' ; 'tpiwa' ; 'T'ville vvfa' ; 'VV John(TPI Nat Pres) Ryan'' ; 'VVAA Ron Coxon(Nat Pres) '' ; 'VVAA. WA Jason O'Dowd Jason'' ; [email protected] ; 'VVFA' </p><p>Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 3:21 PM</p><p>I have been off air for a couple of days due to illness and maybe for a couple more</p><p>Today I received an intimidatory letter of demand from Buick, threatening legal action against me for what he thinks the invited questions to him represent</p><p>Good on him if he thinks he has a case I have told him to go for it but my advise comes from real and not imagined legal people that tell me I have not committed any wrong at law and that is what I intend to go with. I am eager to appear in a court where all the material can be fully placed before it without having to pussy foot around the law to make it known. This way everything can be fully and publicly tabled and be dealt with in its entirety, bring it on</p><p>I have also been considering my own legal reprisal on him and others concerning events leading up to recent events. His actions by starting proceedings only serve to make mine easier so I welcome his misguided advice</p><p>Just be advised that the demand letter is identical in structure to that received by others on this net from tennent in the past, this serves to advise you of the content without me having to reproduce it</p><p>It also appears bolter and his mates are resorting to intimidation tactics in an endeavour to stop the truth from being known. Should you have any problems concerning any legal points about what is said to you or you want to release then contact someone for accurate legal advice</p><p>There is legal precedence that rates from the Privy Council in UK which was the highest court for Australia at the time and other courts that asking questions to ascertain the truth of something is not and can not be construed as defamation. There are further rulings that this is the process that allows police and court officers etc the power to question an incident to obtain the truthful conclusion to an incident, without fear of stepping on legal ramifications. In simple terms anyone asking question in an attempt to determine the facts, there is no defamation</p><p>My point is do not be intimidated into forgoing your legal entitlements because of threats against you. This form of intimidation can be considered and is often considered to be unlawful and punishable at law, but this is calculated on the facts and which legislation is considered to have been involved</p><p>Anyone is entitled to the use of our judicial system however if it is proved that for whatever reason it is being abused simply as a tool of intimidation or other ways of defeating the course of justice, then they themselves are liable to punishment at law</p><p>Simply be mindful of what you say and how you say it and be certain to keep any written correspondence you can later rely upon to establish the legal truth This is the entire nature of this episode, I was invited by bolter to ask the questions but when he considered them too hard to answer simply attempted to malign me and did the same to everyone that has attempted to gain the truth to a very important incident in Australian and ANZAC history</p><p>I have received more satisfactory responses in the past few days by others that have entered into the prey in an attempt to quell the situation that has been allowed to develop out of arrogance. To me bolter and his mate are of no significance as I have said from the very beginning but the truth of our history clearly is </p><p>D.J.Briggs</p><p>8 Scott Place</p><p>Ravenswood 6208</p><p>(08)95376956</p><p>0409886230 briggsy1"iprimus.com.au </p><p>PS feel free to send an unchanged copy of this to anyone I may have omitted</p><p>From: Briggsy </p><p>To: Keith Tennent ; [email protected] </p><p>Cc: Doug Formby Qld RSL ; [email protected] ; Kel Ryan Qld RSL ; MP Alan Griffin(Minister VA) ; MP ALP Mike. Kelly ; MP ALP Senator. Faulkner ; MP ALP Warren. Snowdon. MP ; MP Joel. Fitzgibbon(minister for Defence) ; MP LIB A. Downer. Mp ; MP Lib B. Nelson. Mp ; MP Lib Bronwyn. Bishop. Mp ; MP Lib Peter. Dutton ; MP Lib Tony. Abbott. MP ; MP Mike. Kelly. (ALP) ; MP Stephen. Smith. (ALP) ; Tim McCombe VVPPA ; VV RAR Ted Chitham ; VV Ray Payne ; '9 Sqn Assn RAAF' ; 'Alan Wheatley' ; 'Crews' ; 'EDA President' ; 'ESO PVA' ; 'Neil James (ADA)' ; 'nhqadmin rsl.' ; 'Paul Copeland' ; 'Paul Dignon' ; 'Peace Keepers (Nat President)' ; 'PVA Research &' ; 'QLD RSL' ; 'Qld vvfa' ; 'RSL ACT' ; 'RSL NSW' ; 'RSL Rod Bain'' ; 'RSLWA' ; 'TPI Federation' ; 'tpi nsw' ; 'TPI Vic' ; 'tpi-act' ; 'tpiwa' ; 'T'ville vvfa' ; 'VV John(TPI Nat Pres) Ryan'' ; 'VVAA Ron Coxon(Nat Pres) '' ; 'VVAA. WA Jason O'Dowd Jason'' ; [email protected] ; 'VVFA' </p><p>Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2008 9:45 PM</p><p>Subject: FW: perceived alleged criminal electronic stalking with associated published death and well being threats</p><p>G’day Guys</p><p>My health is preventing me from keeping on top of these idiots and thugs. I as you know are generally unconcerned about my health but this crap is putting unneeded stress on me and my health. I am unconcerned about me as far as their threats and intimidation is concerned but I am becoming more concerned about where all this is leading as far as the innocent veteran is concerned</p><p>These thugs that I have likened to the KKK are threatening violence and possibility worse and this must be stoped. I have received mails and phone calls from those that want to track these things down and deal with them in a manner they will not forget in a hurry. </p><p>Friday is ANZAC Day and I do not want to see them destroy the sanctity of such an important day simply because these thugs want to get at me. This would hurt me more than any violence they are capable of, so I beseech you to ignore them and their puppet masters and celebrate the day in the manner it deserves</p><p>All their talk about those associated with what they call the MG leadership only show what they don’t have for brains, they are simply mindless and brainless germs. They have no respect like KKK they are only interested in destruction, violence and their own misguided agenda</p><p>They are calling for the heads of the so called MG leaders and stating that everyone is black listing those they name. Let me inform apart from 3 that have coped out, nothing has changed. Personally I would expect a lot more to have deserted because of the utter shit content and time wasting these little morons are perpetrating on this network</p><p>Their aim is to continue to flood our net with this swill in an attempt to drive everyone away simply because they lack the ability to engage in an intelligent debate, half the time I wonder if they have enough education to read and write. Like their mates the KKK I doubt if they even know what they are babbling on about or the real reason behind their actions. Like the KKK they simply do as the grand wizard says blindly. Like the KKK the grand wizard in this case continues to hide behind a sheet</p><p>I asked a month or so ago that those attending ANZAC Day wear red on their headwear but I suggest we give this a miss to avoid contact with these gutter snipes and maintain the dignity that is ANZAC Day</p><p>I have decided that these poor excuses for the human form are not worth the effort and have elected to let them waffle to their hearts content until they are flushed out and dealt with by the AFP and others</p><p>The beauty of their so called court threats is that they must release their details openly to proceed. The other thing on this matter is that I doubt if they even understand the law to even know where defamation appears in statute law otherwise they would be aware they are simply just full of shit</p><p>The only really good point that can be adjudged from their attention in such a ferocious and blind rant is that they fear what we are about and what we are achieving. The mushroom farm mentality is dead and buried forever. Anyone interested in taking their place in the veteran community must now prove their relevance and not simply their born to rule mentality. </p><p>Myself, Barry and others are just veterans that have relevant things to say in the veterans community and when we cease being relevant then we will have no more value than those that can’t see the new veteran world. I would be happy to walk away from the shit these creeps are pushing on veterans if I thought it would serve a useful purpose but it would simply serve their agenda and not that of the veteran community. The ironic part of this is that I was considering standing aside and watch from the sidelines until they seemed to think the KKK model was what is needed to control veterans</p><p>Veterans are not to be controlled and used by the generalissimo and born to rulers for their own agendas, but to be treated as the national treasure they in fact are and this is the heart of the veterans war of reclamation. I only dream and pray that sometime soon we achieve a united and common thinking veteran community that we can safely and proudly pass along as our legacy to all future ANZAC’s</p><p>This is not about power it is simply about respect. Do the addresses that these morons post to create any ideas? </p><p>Regards Briggsy</p><p>D.J.Briggs</p><p>8 Scott Place</p><p>Ravenswood 6208</p><p>(08)95376956</p><p>0409886230 briggsy1"iprimus.com.au </p><p>From: Briggsy To: 'Jim Wiltshire' ; 'Allen J Petersen' ; 'Bodey L & R' ; 'Jenny Bell' ; 'Keith Tennent' ; 'Barry Corse' ; 'Ann Hevey' Cc: 'James Royals' Sent: Monday, April 21, 2008 9:03 PM Subject: RE: Defamatory and/or insulting and/or Criminal Comments and/or Acts // THE MILITARY EXPLOITS OF BARRY CORSE...... </p><p>Without getting into who said what and when my concern is over the claim of this Michael McINNES who firstly claims to have been himself a member of 2RAR: A perusal of the accepted reference, Vietnam Remembered there are only 3 McINNES/McINNESS listed under 2RAR and they are, McINNES CA, McInnes DP and MCINNESS DW. Note none of them have any initial whatsoever in them. This strikes me as odd seeing he is claiming himself to have been present all that period with 2RAR, or maybe now it’s his turn to dispute the accuracy of the records and maybe the call should as he says go out to all those that were there to vouch for his own credibility. Or maybe this is a case of the pot calling the kettle.. Maybe it is a matter of attack is the best defence??</p><p>My other point is in the reference he pedantically makes to the name of 2RAR as 2 RAR/NZ [ANZAC ] Battalion, correct me if I am wrong, but should it not be referred to as 2nd Battalion Royal Australian Regiment. My understanding is that 2RAR/NZ was only used as an operational tag and no Australian unit carries NZ or similar in its correct title. This is simply being correctly pedantic as McINNES attempted to do so</p><p>I as are many other veterans getting pissed off with this childish crap of nameless and false names and Christ knows what else slinging shit simply because their masters have lost control of the veteran mind and think this is how they are going to win it back. Gentlemen I wish you luck because you are standing on your own willies and every veteran with a thinking mind sees it. Should you really care about the needs of veterans get relevant and do it quick because the entire veteran community is loosing because of your childish antics </p><p>Regards Briggsy</p><p>From: Jim Wiltshire [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, 21 April 2008 5:54 PM To: Allen J Petersen; Bodey L & R; Jenny Bell; Keith Tennent; Barry Corse; Ann Hevey Cc: James Royals Subject: Defamatory and/or insulting and/or Criminal Comments and/or Acts // THE MILITARY EXPLOITS OF BARRY CORSE...... </p><p>John (and other's)</p><p>From memory, without even checking what I've got on this and other Hard-Drives, (including that saved from various Web-Sites and so-called 'closed' Forums very recently and over the years), there are a large number of events and people whose 'histories' have been slandered and defamed; whose persons have been unreasonably insulted sometimes for many years by those who can see only black and white and are congenitally biased to closed minds and disbelief even of proven facts. The people who do such things automatically and repeatedly are known by a variety of collective terms; 'bigot', 'FlatEarthers'; in some circles even blatant, incurable, and 'born liars', hypocrites, and other's equally descriptive, all of which aptly describes exactly what they are.</p><p>Some of them may even have clearly emblazoned on their Web-Sites, for example, such statements as: "This Site Is Anti Lie and Pro Your Rights"; and/or " NO personal abuse , no coarse language , no defamatory attacks , no racist or sexist slurs, ...... "; "This Site is Non Party Political. Feedback From, Communication with and Views on All Political Parties is Welcome"; " Treat all contributors with respect and courtesy. </p><p>The golden rule is " PRINCIPLES BEFORE PERSONALITIES. Any postings which violate the rules will be DELETED."</p><p>It follows as a 'given' that any person who has the above statements on any Web-Site, but who nevertheless constantly violates his/her own publicly posted Rules and conditions whether on that Web-Site or in private emails whether 'ano-my-ouse' or not, is automatically exposed as one of the person's variously described in the first paragraph above.</p><p>As are those who Post (with permission, as there is no other way of doing so), comments and/or articles in support of the same 'ideals', and those who do so privately.</p><p>Of course, you are not one of those, John. Addressees will note that this has been sent long after Barry Corse has submitted his answer, and therefore is not in his Defence, but merely as a somewhat jocular, but truthful general statement on 'recent' events and postings by whom-ever. Especially if the original Posting below has been further distributed by any-one other than the shown addressees, and or should it appear on one of the above Public Web-Sites. </p><p>Regards,</p><p>Jim Wiltshire, 107 Phillips St Wodonga 3690sta 02 6024 1079. Or: 0412 161047 PS. You're already far, far, too late. JW pps. This email has been widely distributed. J. ------Original Message------</p><p>From: Ann Hevey Date: 21/04/2008 3:02:36 PM To: Allen J Petersen; Bodey L & R; Jenny Bell; Jim Wiltshire; Keith Tennent; Barry Corse Subject: Fw: THE MILITARY EXPLOITS OF BARRY CORSE....FAILED 2ND LIEUTENANT</p><p>Barry</p><p>Is any of the material that follows true and does it have any veracity in respect of your military career?. I sure as hell never ever heard of any such goings on during the course of my 20 year military career - which coincided for the greater part with your own. If any of it is in effect true - ie your apparently embellished military career and seemingly discredited claims of having served with the US Military in the manner you have portrayed. Then I would request that I be no longer included as a recipient of any further material from yourself.</p><p>Regards The Great Garibaldi</p><p>------Original Message ----- From: Keith Tennent To:Subject: THE MILITARY EXPLOITS OF BARRY CORSE....FAILED 2ND LIEUTENANT</p><p>CORSE’S EMAIL WITH NOTATIONS FROM MICHEAL MCINNES</p><p>Dear all,</p><p>Please find BELOW extracts from emails which Barry Corse sent around the web some time ago. Included are notations in BOLD from Michael McInnes.</p><p>Barry Corse seems to state in this extract of heroics that the US Commanding General for South Vietnam Gen William Westmoreland visited 2 RAR while it was deployed on Operation Coburg during the Tet Offensive of 1968.</p><p>I was in the 2 RAR AO [ Area of Operations ] for the whole of this Operation and if Gen Westmoreland had visited 2 RAR I would have known about it. I can never recall Gen Westmoreland visiting the 2 RAR AO during Coburg, or during any other Operation. I do recall that during Op Coburg Gen Westmoreland made a radio broadcast at the height of the Tet Offensive to ALL Allied Troops in South Vietnam as a morale booster.During this period Gen Westmoreland would have been bunkered up conducting the Defence of the South, and I doubt he would have had the time or the incllination to visit a lowly 2nd Lieutenant in 2 RAR.</p><p>Barry Corse goes on to describe his alleged heroics during what is commonly referred to as the Battle of Coral, but which in effect was a series of battles. 2 RAR was NOT involved in Coral, just missing out on this action by a day or so.</p><p>It seems odd to me that a mere 2nd Lt Platoon Commander with an Australian Battalion would have such a reputation for battle knowledge throughout the country that his Australian Commanding Officer and Task Force Commander would release him from his usual Battalion duties and send him off to a US Division to save the day at Coral.</p><p>The timeline AT THE END OF THIS EMAIL, with references, shows the basic activities of 2 RAR during and after Tet. I was with the Battalion during ALL of this period.</p><p>Barry Corse can't even get the name of his Battalion correct. The correct name of the Battalion was 2 RAR/NZ [ANZAC ] Battalion.</p><p>Battle of FSB CORAL May 1968. Now everyone read this lot very carefully. I then ask anyone from Coral to make comment on 2LT Corse and his actions in May 1968. This fool basically rubbishes the service of ever man who was at Coral in his following writings.</p><p>About April 1968 I was transferred to 2RAR HO as the Tracking Platoon Commander for Liaison Officer Duties. I was interviewed by the 1st Australian Task Force Commander Brigadier RL Hughes on the basis, “I want some one on my HQ who actually knows what is happening out there”. Before I took over this unusual position as his personal Liaison Officer for another tour, I was assigned by him as his personal representative to the Commanding General of the 1st US Army Division (The Big Red One), essentially the overall Commanding General for Operations at Coral and Balmoral. </p><p>After a brief time at Fire Support Base Coral I then relocated to the HQ 1 Div before the NVA decided they did not want Australians in their territory, for that attack I was with the Commanding General 1 Div. (this HQ was daily repeatedly regularly mortared and rocketed at the convenience and pleasure of the NVA forces) </p><p>When the Australians were attacked and being overrun by the NVA at FSB CORAL, I was listening out with the US Generals who were VERY concerned that a terrible military disaster was unfolding before their eyes. General Westmoreland the Commanding General Vietnam, had been woken in Saigon (the Australian base was not fully prepared for such a massive enemy force and this consequence had not been anticipated by any one and the real truth of that near military and public relations disaster has never been fully told) As the Australian support and communications system began collapsing the US Commanding General asked me what did I want in the way of assistance. No one was in a position to ask command at CORAL what did they want – because the command system had collapsed, 1 RAR Commander Lt Col Phil Bennett (latter General Bennett) had taken command and was personally directing the Australian Air Support – the Australian Artillery were partially overrun and were firing point blank at the NVA massed attacks. </p><p>This was the first real test of Australian close air support and on the basis I knew that our resources were limited; I asked for and was given US army and Air Force air support which I moved into position close by and above the battle zone. Soon after, the Australian air support advised Lt Col Bennett that they were out of ammunition and would return to base to re-arm, a turnaround time of an estimated 1 hour plus. Then I heard Phil’s voice like never before say (he was my Chief Instructor at Officer Training), “jeesus we are being overrun, is there anyone who can help us” – then a voice said “do you want some gunship’s and close air and some spookies (DC3s with multiple Gatling guns)”. Well the rest is history, the NVA were massacred. Phil had the entire US Corp air support at his fingertips. I still don’t know if Lt Col Bennett ever found out who father xmas was. </p><p>So yes I was at CORAL but not in person, probably good luck that a US General entrusted and empowered an Aussie 2Lt to analyze, break some conventions and rules and provide some prompt pre-positioned essential close support . </p><p>The 1 ATF Deputy Commander Colonel Don Dunstan, (later General), was listening out to this pending disaster, having alerted the Australian Commander in Vietnam that a massacre may be unfolding. Later he commented, thank god we had an officer who the US accepted and trusted because by chance General Westmoreland had congratulated him for his previous success with US Army Forces. </p><p>To add to the myth, the Divisional staff were fascinated that their General gave an Australian very junior officer, placement and operational command of his air support and accepted and implemented the suggestion that we may need a full airborne battalion in the morning for either a hot reinforcement insertion OR to recover a lot of dead Australians before the NVA could steal and or mutilate their bodies. At the next briefing the general explained why and how a 2LT did what he did. </p><p>Well we did not need the reinforcements or the body recovery – but be assured I did not sleep that night or the next day either. None of this matters now ☺ </p><p>Even in war there are some unusual side effects – the repayment for the massive US air support to save CORAL from being over-run, was my flat brimmed slouch hat for the Commanding General ☺. </p><p>The high command fear was very real, if their allies the Australians had been over-run the PR impact would have been even more disastrous for the USA than TET itself. Only the Men of CORAL know how close they all came to death that night. The Colonels and the Generals, US and Australian knew how close this victory was to a disaster that had not occurred in the Australian Defense Forces since WW1. for one simple reason – when the massed enemy breached the outer perimeter wire they got lost looking for the second and third and fourth perimeter wires they expected. Not finding what they had been told to expect they wandered around looking for the next perimeter to attack and that is where the hand to hand combat took place. </p><p>Our unprepared Fire Base and the NVA confusion and our soldier’s tenacity became the “x” factor that saved the lives and mutilation of the Men of Coral. The above I leave to the men who served at Coral. Your comments on both the battle and this despicable little person claiming to not only be there, but to have controlled and won the day would be appreciated. Rest assured I will put them across the net to all genuine veterans once you provide me with the information. </p><p>Some where over the years the notations of my US Army combat service seem to have got lost or removed, Australian witnesses to this story vide Colonel Baldwin related to Lt John George. (Colonel) Lt Jim Connelly (Major General). Doesn’t really matter now it’s just another of many secondary historical footnotes.</p><p>(The bold red above are Corses words.) But you are so wrong Bazza. All ofthis does matter. You and your wanker mates quite often claim that documents have been altered, destroyed or lost so that you can’tbe found out with your lies, but you see the internet can assist here. You have named people and units and in the near future answers will be forthcomingfrom those people, if they exist, such is the power of the internet. Again your lies will be found out and you will be driven further out of veteran groups when this information is published. Your supporter below, who appears to consider you “God like”, is soon to find out the whole truth about you, And then it will be time for his expose on the internet as well. Yes Bazza it all comes out in the wash and we are about to air all your dirty laundry. Read on below as we now trawl through your military service records. This is a long haul but I am sure that all the readers will enjoy seeing all the true facts on 2LT Barry Corse and his attempts to be the reborn Hitler. What an appropriate month to do this in as we said above. Hitler died on 30 April. Perhaps, hopefully, that will be the last date any veteran will ever see anything from you on the internet. K Mart have good cheap fishing rods Bazza. Pick one up and a box of D Cell batteries for Jenny and hit the road out of our computers. We long for that day. </p><p>From: Briggsy </p><p>To: Briggsy </p><p>Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 1:49 PM</p><p>Subject: FW: relax</p><p>Below is copy of an email from Barry Course after he considered releasing a copy of a Stat Dec he made and lodged with a number of organisations and individuals, including the past PM. A few years back. He did this because he predicted that there may come a time when his credentials may be challenged. I doubt he ever imagined they would be challenged from some that call themselves fellow veteran. PB: I stopped short of using the term “fellow ANZAC” because associating them with ANZAC makes me choke</p><p>Barry wanted to release this document not for his own defence but to protect the Mad Galah’s from this low life gutless crap and to ensure that no real veteran was caused further hurt or stress in determining right from wrong</p><p>These calculated attacks of the past weeks are designed to inflict stress, distrust and doubt or in other words a war of attrition against those veterans prepared to stand up and defy the so called “right to rule” or redneck fascists With the foresight of people like Barry Course, Australian veterans have broken away from the domination and restrictions placed upon us by these people and who intend to stoop to whatever means necessary to restore the status quo</p><p>I believe that this will never happen again and we are winning our war of reclamation against these anti ANZAC morons. During the last election we described Howard as the “Veteran Angel of Death” and defeated him at his own game. Now we will do the same to this anti ANZAC scum, who put their own self needs, wants and egos above that of all we call sacred the ANZAC Code of behaviour</p><p>We are a bunch of old men and has-beens but we intend to leave the young and future ANZAC’s a legacy of pride and fairness they can pass along to the next generation of ANZAC. As those at ANZAC Cove passed to us and expected us to maintain</p><p>The time has come simply to ignore this crap as you would any other minor intrusion upon your sanity, press the bounce button on your computer and treat them simply as non existent. Simply ignore them completely when you see something bounce it straight back without comment and delete it, do not even pass along to your mates. This will simply have the affect of firing upon themselves and wasting their own time and not ours, because we have more important business to attend to</p><p>To date our membership appears to have dropped off by an estimated 6 as a result of their major offensive against us. That is six have asked to be excluded from our mail lists but it would appear that an extra 143 have signed on. These figures are of no importance as are most statistics, what is important is that we do not allow these rednecks to stop us doing what we must, by attending to their misdirected strategies</p><p>ANZAC Day is just around the corner so lets mark it by realising what we MUST be doing for our future ANZAC’s and getting on with that task and to hell with these anti ANZAC rednecks </p><p>Regards Briggsy</p><p>D.J.Briggs</p><p>8 Scott Place</p><p>Ravenswood 6208</p><p>(08)95376956</p><p>0409886230 [email protected] </p><p>From: Barry Corse</p><p>Date: 22/04/2008 9:26:04 AMTo: Subject: relax </p><p>Rob and Jim and Briggsy </p><p>RELAX PLEASE – I have NO intention of publicly publishing my prepared stat dec and notes. YET, if ever J </p><p>Briggsy has repaid me in a full berating for all that I have given him J </p><p>YOU are united in your perspective and FIRE J thank you J</p><p>Jim and Briggsy, thank you for your public defense of dear older bazza, that a very small number of perceived child sex protectors and bully boys have wasted time personally attacking you and I confirms they have arrived to late.</p><p>May I suggest that as an ANZAC day reminder is this simple perspective, “we” have achieved the impossible. Apart from the “shit sandwich” that comes to those who are stupid enough to stand in the sun, “we” have been very successful, after 90 years the ANZAC community has escaped from the conservatives and generalissimo’s mushroom farm, we have sidelined the mushroom farmers aka the rsl executive club and we have a PMAC about to represent ALL ANZACs without the elitist minority. </p><p>YES this older ANZAC fart feels a bit proud of OUR achievements.</p><p>The ANZAC community will be the adjudicators in this ANZAC war of reclamation J</p><p>Barry </p><p>From: Briggsy To: RSL Cmd ; Rsl cent ; Capricornia RSL President ; Doug Formby Qld RSL ; Keith Tennent ; Kel Ryan Qld RSL ; RS&L Nat Pres Crews ; [email protected] ; 'Carale Lihou-Edwards' ; 'QLD RSL' ; 'Rod Bain' ; 'RSL (QLD) Doug Formby' ; 'RSL ACT' ; 'RSL NAT ADMIN' ; 'RSL NSW' ; 'RSL SA' ; 'RSL VIC' ; 'RSLWA' Cc: [email protected] ; MP Alan Griffin(Minister VA) ; MP ALP Mike. Kelly ; MP ALP Senator. Faulkner ; MP ALP Warren. Snowdon. MP ; MP Joel. Fitzgibbon(minister for Defence) ; MP Lib B. Nelson. Mp ; MP Lib Bronwyn. Bishop. Mp ; MP Lib Tony. Abbott. MP ; MP Lib Peter. Dutton Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2008 8:51 PM Subject: FW: There are Cowards,,,and Truly Despicable Cowards.</p><p>This makes me laugh simply because the likes of these people of the R&SL and others, see nothing of any importance needing attention within the veterans community other than their tangled misrepresentation of the truth and how dare outsiders voice a truthful opinion, unless given to them from these high and mighty egotists. Kel Ryan comes to mind immediately with his attitude change from when recently he appeared to be seeking the support of the same group he is degrading today</p><p>Lets, if possible look at where or whom started all this attack thy neighbour crap and who made it their stock in trade for many years. I could flood this net with mails that would clearly show this but why bother, after all the truth was long lost by those of which I speak but inside we all know the facts</p><p>I am impressed that these same people thought that by developing a strategy of obtaining and circulating personal military records of the MGs would end suffering on earth forever more. This like many of the low level scumbag tactics these morons have stooped to have failed to influence the majority of real veterans. Their latest, of a cowardly and unsavoury attack on a civilian lady whose only error in her life was to speak out against the evil ways of these same sanctimonious god fearing/bothering maggots, must really be something they hold most pride in, maybe this will earn them a cover page story in the KKK Gazette </p><p>The most striking of all the truisms is that these evil of evil Mad Galahs, have never made a single accusation truthful or not against anyone but have simply responded to invitations to ask the questions that have been asked. The asking of questions by invitation have never been unlawful in this country and this was reiterated at law in 2006 with the national legislation pertaining this subject</p><p>The only time a question can remotely be considered to be defamatory is if it is proved to be malicious. This however is not the reality of the claims being made by this R&SL branch and others, they are in fact saying members of the Mad Galahs are actually calling and accusing tenant and buick of what they are asking by invitation of them. </p><p>The very second that these people make these assertions and accredit them to the MGs or others, they themselves are those guilty of what they are accusing the question askers. This tactic of turning a question into an accusation and wrongfully accrediting back as a fact, is destined to burn those attempting to use it </p><p>I am being threatened with legal action by buick for asking such questions, so it may be sooner than later that we see the power of this legislation put into action, allowing all to rethink the reality of the situation and claims wrongfully being made against me </p><p>Hopefully once the legal war begins we will identify the puppet masters in this game and as well as ascertaining the real truth we may also discover the motives behind those bending the truth for their own ends</p><p>Another point that you may want to ponder is, the addressees on these emails all appear to come from the same group, the group that is making these claims against the Mad Galahs. Â </p><p>THIS motion was proposed,seconded and fully accepted by all members of the SUB BRANCH.</p><p>RW KING OAM.</p><p>Capricornia RSL sub branch President</p><p>The above marked in red is an extract from the below mentioned email, My questions to Mr R.W.King OAM, in his capacity as president of the Capricornia r&sl club: are simply</p><p>1. did you make this statement and/or email 2. who proposed the motion and who seconded it 3. what are/is the exact wording of the said motion 4. By what manner did every member of this R&SL club accept this motion 5. was this a normal meeting or a special meeting to deal with this matter 6. was there a pre-meeting agenda circulated to every member 7. How many financial members were present and voted 8. How many financial members constitute a carom for a normal or a special meeting of this club 9. How many eligible financial members are in the club 10. did anyone speak against the motion 11. did every member freely agree to the motion or were those that either voted against it or not in attendance simply be compelled to accept it because the motion was passed at a meeting 12. Are such subjects considered normal/acceptable agenda items for Queensland and national r&sl clubs </p><p>All I can add is, if in fact these items are acceptable at Qld and national level, how can the Returned and Services League of Australia claim with a straight face to be a reputable and sincere representative of this nations veterans. I would suggest to all who have read this and who will read this when it is printed in the rsl national newspaper or placed on an open electronic network (as I assume all formal motions must be) that they must fully concur that the league has totally and completely lost the plot as far as the acceptable demeanour of any ESO is concerned</p><p>I would be absolutely amazed if this is not the subject of national intervention and formal censure if the rsl ever want to hold their head up in veteran circles again</p><p>Mr Crews please tell the entire Australian veteran community how out of line the Capricornia club are with this type of motion or if not simply confirm, either by silence or in actions, that this is the way the r&sl conduct business as an ESO</p><p>This email has been made public and at law regardless if Mr King did or did not intend it to be made so it has defamed and only remains as to who is responsible at law. Myself, having in past correspondence from this group been accused/identified as a leading light in the Mad Galahs, must consider that I have been defamed by these claims, and thus my reasoning for determining the accuracy and origins of their content </p><p>Regards Briggsy</p><p>D.J.Briggs</p><p>8 Scott Place</p><p>Ravenswood 6208</p><p>(08)95376956</p><p>0409886230 briggsy1"iprimus.com.au From: Briggsy To: Briggsy Sent: Monday, April 28, 2008 8:27 PM Subject: FW: "How has questions Corse...... I have been vilifies...."</p><p>For the benefit of bolter I suggest he takes the time to consult the legal statutes before he wastes his money, however that is his concern but he may as well be advised that I intend to springboard off his action against him and possibly others. He continues to try his bully tactics on me and only falls deeper into the abyss. I can only hope he has plenty of assets because it has the makings of long drawn out affair </p><p>The sooner bolter realises his salvation is not in the courts but in his own ego the better it will be for all concerned. Just some more advise, bolter, make dead set sure you have every document that has ever been recorded placed in front of your lawyers because they will want to know the extent of the evidence before you waste your money and their time</p><p>Let the games begin, this will be the opportunity many have either been looking forward to or fearing because it will allow ALL the evidence to be put on the table and judged and not simply that, that bolter claims defamed him. One last chance if you wish to save money, look very closely at the legislation and even the previous statutes that clearly state regardless of fact, the invitation to ask a question nullifies defamation. My lawyers turn their metres on and leave them running from Friday </p><p>Regards Briggsy</p><p>From: "Briggsy" <[email protected]> To: "Briggsy" <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 5:15 PM Subject: FW: DON'T SEND BUICK EMAILS</p><p>It appears from this message that bolter wants to be left alone and although he simply had to request removal of his name from any of my mailing he has chosen the round about way.</p><p>There is much confusion with some out there that believe that I have a vendetta against Buick, because of the tall poppy syndrome. How childish and naïve, my only concern with him is a source of getting to the truth, apart from that he is of no significance to me what so ever. Apart from maybe his bucket mouthed attacks on anyone prepared to challenge him but most of all his gutter level attack on a non veteran lady, whose only fault was to ask a legitimate question</p><p>The concerns circulating regarding Buicks medals I believe have no real bearing on the man himself, because the questions arising about them are clearly directed at the military high command and they must acknowledge ownership I have never challenged Buick's ability as a soldier or his conduct at Long Tan but have simply responded to ask invited questions from other veterans, including some from D 6RAR, that I was unable to personally answer. I respect that it was Buick's right not to answer but did notify him how that would appear in the eyes of other veterans.</p><p>Although Buick has not made his request directly to me, I will respect his wishes and not mail to him and suggest other veterans do the same and only mail to him when invited</p><p>This will in no way stop me from endeavouring to obtain the truth in regard to the circumstances surrounding the issue of his medals and any other matter that requires clarification</p><p>The Mad Galahs have been blamed for daring to challenge Buick over his actions, when in reality he brought it on himself for first inviting me to ask him any questions and when he did not like the question refused to answer. Not answering was fine but to turn innocent questions into allegations and attack me for making such statements, which I had never made, was the catalyst that turned a simple question answer session into a war</p><p>I am unsure, but have my own opinion, if Buick orchestrated the situation or was manipulated into action to turn the questions into statements for more sinister reasons. Despite the origins the result has divided the veteran community unnecessarily and will no doubt continue to do so for some time</p><p>I believe that the Mad Galahs pose a serious threat to the old guard of the R&SL and generalissimo to control the veteran community and that is the real reasoning behind the veterans that are prepared to fight to ensure this veteran self rule remains and prospers for the sake of past, present and future veterans of Australia</p><p>Regards Briggsy</p><p>From: Dave Briggs Date: 19/04/2007 3:28:44 PM To: Undisclosed-Recipient:, Subject: Fw: Seeking assistance of Vietnam vet community at large</p><p>There are a large number of inaccuracies within the recording of a lot of contacts and operations. Sabre force has opened up the piss poor way our history was recorded to protect the innocent.</p><p>We have uncovered allegations that will rock the boat about a number of officers that received gallantry medals etc when they were not even in attendance as well as those that missed out because the so called quota system, which in a number of cases was an excuse to cover up matters that should not of occurred</p><p>Another matter that has come to light very recently is the attendance of Australian troops in Cambodia who have had their files disappear or worse and some members have even had all service records wiped including Vietnam service because the nature of this operation.</p><p>Regards Briggsy</p><p>From: Briggsy Date: 6/01/2009 3:29:49 PM</p><p>To: undisclosed-recipients</p><p>Subject: Fw: Fergus Fuk Yuen yet again</p><p>Just as further confirmation on the "Kill Billson" issue, I was the the person that posted to the public and also the pollies. I was also the person that was investigated and interviewed by police on the instruction of john Howard after it was mentioned in federal parliament. I was not the creator of the piece but I know as do a handful of others, who it was but I can honestly attest that it defiantly was not Jim. The creator of the piece still remains a tight secret that I did not even divulge to the police. Therefore Curt Ainsworth is talking out of his arse and showing he will not let the truth get in the way of his stories</p><p>Regards Briggsy</p><p>From: Briggsy </p><p>To: V Alan Wheatley ; VV Blue Ryan </p><p>Sent: Wednesday, 11 March 2009 11:36 PM</p><p>Subject: Has the ESO TPI GRANT been officially authorized to be SQUANDERED by the TPI executive? </p><p>Last year myself and others dared to challenge the legality of the national president of the T&PI to provide a ******* in his capacity as national president, to a known and convicted child sex offender. Not just any type of child sex offender, but one that had practiced his gross deeds upon the son of a fellow ANZAC and on a military establishment. </p><p>Instead of acknowledging and responding to my concerns the WA state branch sent me a letter advising me I was unfinancial and that I should return my badge. </p><p>Is this why the TPI executive that I assisted, at the request of the membership and at my own expense, to investigate alleged fraud, mismanagement and misappropriation, now directed me to hand back my TPI badge simply because I have become un-financial? Or maybe it was because I challenged the state and national executive re an unauthorized personal public endorsement of a convicted child sex offender, by the national president. Or was my punishment simply because I refused to provide money for a Rolls Royce coffee making machine? </p><p>Another financial member that also raised his concerns over the same issue, has received a letter from the associations solicitors. </p><p>Instead of dealing with the concerns of members we seem to be singled out here for some unknown reason. These issues were raised by me and others with the WA State president in the first instance and then again with the acting state president, more recently. </p><p>Far be it for me to assume that this may be some form of intimidation but one must be a little sus when none of these concerns have seen the public light of day. A process expected under the constitution when such a serious matter is raised by member/s in witting. </p><p>I am still awaiting a response from the state executive on the original matter as well as one to my response of their letter of my unfinancial position. </p><p>Some members have expressed grave concerns that the recent state meeting could place the state executive's need for coffee in the same importance category as the recent Victorian fire victims. They approved a $5000 payment to the fire victims and the exact same amount to the coffee maker. </p><p>Members can be hounded in this manner for annual dues simply to ensure enough funding for the executive coffee machine, how grossly obscene, not to mention the large surplus funds sitting in reserve doing nothing for anyone. </p><p>I am beginning to agree with the vast majority of TPI's that see this association as nothing more than a self gratification old boys club. Like so many of the other ESO's has completely lost interest in advancing the veteran cause. </p><p>Regards, Briggsy</p><p>From: Jim Wiltshire </p><p>Sent: Wednesday, 11 March 2009 1:37 PM</p><p>Subject: Has the ESO TPI GRANT been officially authorized to be SQUANDERED by the TPI executive? </p><p>IF the below is correct, is it symptomatic of yet another ESO that has become inept, corrupt, uncaring, and proficient at endorsing known criminal behaviour? </p><p>Has any-one bothered to actually check out what the 'character' of the person referred to in the endorsement (also below) has been proven in court to be? Has any-one bothered to actually check his "internationally recognized" website and or read his abusive emails? Has any-one actually bothered to speak to 'Blue' Ryan about his 'character reference' given below and other matters regarding ********? </p><p>I have. Several times. At length. </p><p>I am disgusted that things have been allowed to degenerate to this level for so long, and suggest very strongly that 'some' member's of the Exec of 'some' ESO's should review their commitment to their fellow Veteran's and *perhaps* resign "with honour" while they still can. </p><p>Regards, Jim Wiltshire </p><p>107 Phillips St, </p><p>Wodonga 3690 Ph: 02 6024 1079. Mob: 0412 161 047 </p><p>Currently (unfinancial) member of RSL and of (Vic) TPI Assoc.</p><p>From: Briggsy </p><p>Cc: ; V Alan Wheatley ; VV Blue Ryan </p><p>Sent: Thursday, 12 March 2009 7:19 PM</p><p>Subject: FIRESTORM // has the ESO TPI GRANT been officially authorized to be SQUANDERED by the TPI executive?</p><p>Having been personally involved in this matter since it began, and fearful it was driving a wedge between veterans, I sought clarification and guidance from the WA T&PI for a ruling based upon its constitution. </p><p>The fact that the national president furnished this child sex offender with a ******* is one thing, however to do so in his official capacity and to sign it as national president is a complete different matter. For him to do this he has committed every member of the association to support his words. He should have issued such a ******** to this person in a completely private manner as a personal opinion and not as national president. </p><p>The person to which he gave the ****** had been openly attacking members of the T&PI association, causing great distress to some of these members. He has also openly and very publicly referred to these people as "The National Lunatic association", thus siding with the subject of the ******* against some of his own membership. </p><p>Under the constitution anyone causing this type of unrest within the association is libel to dismissal and it does not exclude the national president. Also the constitution has no provision allowing any member or executive member, to issue a testimonial/reference in the name of the association, with or without authorisation. </p><p>I for one was extremely distressed to learn that the national president, representing me and other members, issued such a ************ to a convicted child sex offender. An offender that had committed this vile crime against a fellow soldiers child and on a military establishment. </p><p>I as are all members of the association bound legally to this ********* until it is either revoked publicly or resign our membership in the association. Because I for one would never have been party to allowing such a ********* to be linked to my name </p><p>During our conversations, Blue was highly concerned that ***** would strike back against him, if he, (Blue), denied the 'NLA' allegations and or rescinded his '*****', which by now had been distributed by ***** along with similar '******'. Blue's concern was that he and ****** had had close contact for a number of years, and ***** was privy to matters 'of delicacy' which could be used against Blue. </p><p>The content of this above paragraph may give rise to something more sinister being behind the issuing of the testimonial in the first instance. Should this be the case then the actions in issuing it may also constitute a serious criminal act and this could well leave the association open to legal damages.</p><p>I as others can at this stage await the reply from the association on the matters that have been raised. </p><p>Regards Briggsy</p>
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