<p> Minutes of the Burton Farmers Gin Association</p><p>Directors Meeting Jan 14, 1980</p><p>Directors Meeting called to order by the Vice president with the following present, Larry Winkelmann, Walter Kieke, Elfon Hinze, Gus Draeger Jr, Alfred Sommerfeld and E. T. Neutzler. Previous Directors minutes were read by the secretary and Upon a Motion made and second to accept same. Carried. A Motion made and seconded to accept Financial report as read by Larry Winkelmann. Carried. As no further business the meeting adjourned. E. T. Neutzler Sec.</p><p>Burton Farmers Gin Ass’n Inc Annual Stockholders Meeting Jan 26, 1980</p><p>Stockholders Meeting called to order by the president with the Roll Call indicating that 29 present with a vote of 69 Shares and 74 Proxy. Votes making a total of 143 shares Vote. Previous Stockholders minutes was read by the secretary and a Motion made and second to accept same. Carried. Financial report was read by Larry Winkelmann after discussion a Motion was made and seconded to accept same. Carried. Motion made and seconded to take a vote on selling all the Burton Farmers Gin Ass’n Inc property, the vote indicated 23 for and 6 against for selling same. Carried. Books were audited by finance committee and found same correct. In Election of officers Louis Maass and Franklin Fuchs were nominated for Directors and L. C. Prenzler as finance committee man [sic]. They were elected with the rest of Directors by acclamation as follows: Willie C. Knipstein Pres, Larry Winkelmann V Pres, E. T. Neutzler Sec, Gus Draeger Jr. Treas, Alfred Sommerfeld Director, Louis Maass Dir, Franklin fuchs Dir and Finance Committee as L. A. Schmidt resigned L. C. Prenzler, Otto Bosse and M. C. Kieke were elected, with a Vote of 129 votes. Carried. As no further business the meeting adjourned. E. T. Neutzler Sec.</p><p>Burton Farmers Gin Ass’n Inc Directors Meeting Feb 6, 1980 Directors Meeting called to order by the president with the following present, W. C. Knipstein, E. T. Neutzler, Gus Draeger Jr, Franklin Fuchs, Louis Maass, Alfred Sommerfeld & Larry Winkelmann. Directors Minutes were read by the secretary. Upon a Motion made and seconded to accept same Carried. Financial report was read by Larry Winkelmann upon discussing same a Motion ws made and seconded to accept same. Carried. Motion made and seconded to appoint Louis Maass and Franklin Fuchs to see Lucheck on his account due the Burton Farmers Gin and try to collect same. Carried. Agreed to see Blue Bonnet Ele Co to disconnect Electricity at Whse and same was turned over to the president to look into same.</p><p>1 Minutes of the Burton Farmers Gin Association</p><p>Agreed to see lawyer for information for drawing up plans for dissolution of the Burton Farmers Gin Ass’ Inc and same was left up to the president & Secretary. Agreed that Larry Winkelmann hand out pencil as he ordered and pay him for same. As no further business the meeting adjourned. E. T. Neutzler Sec.</p><p>Burton Farmers Fin Ass’n Inc March 7, 1980 Directors meeting called to order by the president with the following present, Willie Knipstein, E. T. Neutzler, Larry Winkelmann and Gus Draeger Jr. Directors Minutes were read by the Secretary. Upon Motion made and seconded to accept same. Carried. Financial Report was read by Larry Winkelmann upon discussion of same a Motion was made and seconded to accept report. Carried. Motion made and seconed [sic] by the Board of Directors to accept resolution of dissolution of the Burton Farmers Gin Ass’n Inc as drawn up by an attorney this 7th day of March 1980 at 1:30 PM at Burton firehouse. Agreed to sell all property of the Burton Farmers Gin Ass’n Inc ask a price of $40,000 excluding merchandise in stock or Inventory on hand on same bids to be accepted or rejected. Carried. A Motion made and seconded to accept resolution of dissoulition [sic] drawn up by an attorney and same be attach on the above. Carried. As no further business the meeting adjourned. E. T. Neutzler Sec.</p><p>Burton Farmers Gin Ass’n Inc April 11, 1980 Directors Meeting</p><p>Directors Meeting called to order by the President with the following present; Willie Knipstein, E. T. Neutzer, Alfred Sommerfeld, Gus Draeger Jr, Louis Maass, Franklin Fuchs, and Larry Winkelmann. Minutes of previous meeting was read by the Secretary, a motion made and second to accept same. Carried. Financial report was read by the bookkeeper and accept as read. As no further business the meeting adjourned. E. T. Neutzler Sec</p><p>[the following was typed] March 7, 1980</p><p>TO:Shareholders of lBurton Farmers Gin Association Inc</p><p>2 Minutes of the Burton Farmers Gin Association</p><p>Enclosed you will find notice of a special meeting of the shareholders of the corporation, called by the Board of Directors for the purpose of considering dissolution of the corporation. You will also find a copy of the resolution passed by the board recommending dissolution at a meeting of the board which was held on March 7, 1980.</p><p>Because the corporation has been unable to obtain a fair profit from operations of the business, the board feels that it would be in the best interest of the shareholders to sell the assets and dissolve the corporation. The board believes the property should sell for approximately $60 40,000.</p><p>Because of the importance of this meeting, the board requests that you make every effort to attend. If you are unable to attend, you may use the attached proxy form to designate your proxy.</p><p>Yours truly,</p><p>Burton Farmers Gin Association Inc</p><p>By: E. T. Neutzler [signature] Secretary</p><p>To the Shareholder Addressed: Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of all the shareholders of Burton Farmers Gin Corporation will be held at the Burton Firehouse in the City of Burton, State of Texas, on the 14th day of April, 1979, at 1:30 o’clock P. M. to consider and act upon the recommendation of the board of directors of said corporation that said corporation be dissolved pursuant to the Plan of Complete Liquidation attached hereto.</p><p>Dated: March 25, 1979 By order of the board of directors:</p><p>E. T. Neutzler [signature Secretary</p><p>RESOLUTION</p><p>WHEREAS, the board of directors believes it is in the best interest of the corporation to dissolve, Burton Farmers Gin Association; Resolved, that the board does hereby recommend that the corporation be dissolved pursuant to this Plan of Complete Liquidation: 1. Burton Farmers Gin Association, a corporation organized by and under the laws of the State of Texas shall proceed to a complete liquidation according to the procedure set forth in this Plan. 2. The Plan shall be approved by the Board of Directors at a meeting called for that purpose, and, upon such approval, the Plan shall be deemed to have been adopted. Notice of the adoption of the Plan shall be given to the Director of Internal Revenue, in the appropriate office, </p><p>3 Minutes of the Burton Farmers Gin Association within thirty days thereafter, in accordance with Section 6043 of the Internal Revenue Code, upon an appropriate form, as prescribed in said Code. 3. The shareholders of said Corporation shall promptly meet, upon a proper call for such meeting, to consider a resolution ratifying the action of the Board of Directors, after having examined the Plan and proposed terms and conditions for the sale of all its assets. The affirmative vote of holders of record, and entitled to vote, of a least two-thirds of all such outstanding shares, shall be necessary to pass the resolution, and no agreement for the sale of the Corporation’s assets shall be binding unless the Plan is thus approved by the shareholders. 4. Upon the adoption of this Plan of complete liquidation the Corporation will thereupon do no further business unless it be necessary to wind up its affairs. The corporation shall sell its assets, publicly or by private sale, and pay or provide for its debts and liabilities. 5. The Directors shall declare, and issue, partial distribution resulting from the sale, and from its surplus, if any, to the shareholders, as soon as practicable thereafter. Such distributions shall be made prior to the expiration of one year after the adoption of this plan of complete liquidation, except that the Corporation may either retain sufficient cash or property to meet claims as meant by Section 337 of the Internal Revenue Code )26 U.S.C.A.), or require the buyer or buyers of the corporate assets to assert any claim, or claims, for liability prior to the expiration of said twelve month period. 6. After, the consummation of the sale of the corporate assets under this Plan, the said Corporation shall be dissolved in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, and, after the payment of the liabilities of the Corporation, and less any amounts needed to meet claims as meant by Section 337 of the Internal Revenue Code, the balance shall be distributed to the shareholders outstanding. Such distribution shall be made prior to the expiration of said one year period. 7. The Officers of the Corporation, so authorized by the Board of Directors, and by law, shall perform such acts as are necessary to carry out the details of the Plan, shall execute, acknowledge and deliver all deeds, bills of sale, and any other documents necessary to transfer the Corporation’s assets and to carry out the Plan as hereinbefore set forth. Further resolved that the question of such dissolution and the adoption of said Plan of Complete Liquidation be submitted to a vote of the shareholders to be held at Burton Firehouse in the City of Burton, State of Texas, on the 12th day of April, 1980, at 1:30 o’clock P.M. Further resolved that if the shareholders approve the dissolution and plan of liquidation, the President or any Vice President and the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary be, and they hereby are, authorized to execute articles of dissolution and such other documents as many be necessary or appropriate to complete the dissolution of the corporation pursuant to said plan of Liquidation.</p><p>Burton Farmers Gin Ass’n Inc Special Stockholders April 12, 1980</p><p>Special Stockholders Meeting called to order by the president with the Roll Call Indicating 25 Shareholders present with a vote 160 shares, as follows 54 Votes present 106 Proxies. 160. A Motion made and seconded to accept Directors Meeting Minutes of March 7, 1980 as read by the secretary. Carried. Motion made and seconded to vote on Dissolution off [sic] resolving [sic] the Burton Farmers Gin Ass’n Inc. Vote carried by the vote 145 for and 15 Votes against on same. Carried. The above Carried by the Vote 145 for and 15 Votes against selling the above. Motion made and seconded to sell Burton Farmers Gin Ass’n Inc property and advertise same in three News papers as follows, Brenham Banner Pres, Giddings & Hempstead papers. Sale </p><p>4 Minutes of the Burton Farmers Gin Association being be on seal bids and or cash on same. Bids may be accepted or rejected by the Board of Directors. Carried. A Motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. Carried. E. T. Neutzler Sec.</p><p>May 23, 1980 Directors Meeting</p><p>Directors Meeting called to order by the president with the following present: Larry Winkelmann, Willie Knipstein, Alfred Sommerfeld, Gus Draeger, Louis Maass and E. T. Neutzler. Previous Minutes and financial reports were read and a Motion made and seconded to accept same. Carried. As no bids were received on Burton Farms [sic] Gin Ass’n Inc on the three advertisement on papers which was run three times, after discussion on same It was agreed to send a postal card to all Stockholders to have a Special Stockholders meeting Sat June 14 1980 at Burton Fire House 1:30 P.M. and Secretary take care off [sic] same. Carried. As no further business the meeting adjourned. E. T. Neutzler, Sec</p><p>P.S. A offer of $38,000 was received from Chester Lucheck.</p><p>June 14, 1980 Special Stockholders Meeting.</p><p>Special Stockholders Meeting called to order by the President with the “roll call” indicating that 21 Stockholders present. Previous Stockholders minutes were read by the Secretary, upon a Motion and seconded to accept same Carried. A Motion made and second to turn over the Sale of the property Burton Farmers Gin Ass’n Inc to Robert Horne Realty and give him 90 days to sell same. Carried. Agreed that the president look after same and see Robert Horne Realty. Motion made and second to adjourn the Meeting. Carried.</p><p>P.S. Offer of $38,000 from Check Lucheck was rejected and agreed to turn Property over to realty. Carried.</p><p>June 20, 1980 Directors Meeting</p><p>Directors Meeting called to order by the president with the following present, Willie Knipstein, Alfred Sommerfeld, Larry Winkelmann, Gus Draeger Jr. Louis Maass and E. T. Neutzler. Secretary read previous Minutes. Upon a Motion made and seconded to accept same. Carried. Treasurers report was given by Larry Winkelmann. A Motion made and seconded to accept same. Carried. A Motion made and seconded to pay directors for trips to Brenham or further a fee of 10.00 and trips localy [sic] 5.00. Carried. Agreed to measure Derrick Bldg, Kelm’s Bldg and Mill Bldg and find the Dimension of same and hand Real Estate man as he Demanded for same.</p><p>5 Minutes of the Burton Farmers Gin Association</p><p>As Real Estate man Pierce Roberts agreed to have time from June 19, 1980 to Sept 19, 1980 or Ninety days to sell the property of the Burton Farmers Gin. As no further business the meeting adjourned. E. T. Neutzler Sec.</p><p>P.S. To ask $4200.00 for Same – Robert Horne Realty</p><p>Aug 7, 1980 Directors Meeting.</p><p>Directors Meeting called to order by the president with the following present, Willie C. Knipstein, E. T. Neutzler, Gus Draeger Jr, Louis Maass, Alfred Sommerfeld and Larry Winkelmann. Secretary read minutes of previous meeting. Upon a Motion made and seconed [sic] to accept same. Carried. Agreed to repair corn sheller at Mill House. A Motion made and seconded to order ¼ Screen for hammer Mill. Carried. Agreed to buy Shovel at Mill and same was turned over to president. Motion made and seconded to repair Water Pump at Mill house and same was turned over to the secretary & President to look into. Carried. As no further business the meeting adjourned. E. T. Neutaler Sec.</p><p>Sept 23, 1980 Directors Meeting</p><p>Directors Meeting called to order by the president with the following present: Willie C. Knipstein, E. T. Neutzler, Alfred Sommerfeld, Gus Draeger Jr, Louis Maass and Larry Winkelmann. Previous Minutes and financial report were read. Upon a motion made and seconded to accept same. Carried. As no offers were received on the Burton Farmers Gin property on the Ninety days which it was listed with Robert Horn Realty – a offer of $22,000 was made by a group for further consideration and study. Agreed to seek an attorney for information, on Friday Sept 26th. Agreed to have Board Meeting Oct 3, 1980, Friday 7:30 P.M. to consider offer of $22,000.00 and plus Inventory to be added on the above. As no further business the meeting adjourned. E. T. Neutzler Sec</p><p>Oct 11, 1980 Special Stockholders Meeting Stockholders Meeting called to order by the president with “Roll Call’ indicating 23 Stockholders present. Previous Stockholders Meeting minutes was read by the Secretary. Upon a Motion made and seconded to accept same. Carried.</p><p>6 Minutes of the Burton Farmers Gin Association</p><p>President read the following offers which were received for selling the Burton Farmers Gin Ass’n Inc property as follows: Elwood Golding offered $25,000 with the agreement to keep business closed which was rejected by the stockholders. Jerry Schultz offer of 21,500.00 was lowest offer and was turned down. W. C. Knipstein, Larry Winkelmann and Raymond Loewe offered a sum of $22,000.00 the offer was accepted as read: A Motion made by J. R. Bredthauer and seconded by Ed Muehlbradt to accept offer and sell property of Bt Gin Ass’n Inc for $22,000.00 to the following: Raymond Loewe, Larry Winkelmann and W. C. Knipstein. As a Vote was taken and carried: 20 patrons for selling and 2 patrons against. Carried. As further agreed that property be surveyed and a deed and Title policy be furnished to the above a total 22,000.00 cash to be paid, of which 10% of money being placed in escrow at Burton State Bank, which being $2,200.00, Balance of $19,800.00 being paid when all legal work is complete by an attorney. As no further business the Meeting adjourned. E. T. Neutzler Secretary</p><p>Burton Farmers Gin Ass’n Inc. Directors Meeting Oct 14, 1980</p><p>Directors Meeting called to order by the president with the following present: W. C. Knipstein, Alfred Sommerfeld, Larry Winkelman, Louis Maass, Gus Draeger Jr, Franklin Fuchs and E. T. Neutzler. Motion made and seconded to accept previous minutes as read by the secretary. Carried. Motion made and seconded that manager try to collect all outstanding accounts and pay all our outstanding Bills. Carried. Agreed that secretary fill out all 199 & 1096 forms for the year 1980. Carried. Agreed that all directors collect their money for trips made and same be paid by the manager. As no further business the Meeting adjourned. E. T. Neutzler Sec</p><p>Burton Farmers Gin Ass’n Inc Directors Meeting Nov 3, 1980</p><p>Directors Meeting called to order by the president with the following present, W. C. Knipstein, Alfred Sommerfeld, Larry Winkelmann, Louis Masass, Gus Draeger Jr, Frankling Fuchs and E. T. Neutzler. Inventory was taken on the above date and amount will be decided Later. Motion made and seconded to transfer, Telephone, Insurance, Elec to New owners of the Burton Farmers Gin Ass’n Inc, which was decided by the Board of Directors. Carried. Motion made and seconded to Turn over New business to, W. C. Knipstein, Larry Winkelmann and Raymond Loewe on Wed November 5, 1980, which passed unimously [sic] by the board of Directors. Carried. Motion made and seconded to preserve all Valueable [sic] papersfor a period of 5 years. Carried.</p><p>7 Minutes of the Burton Farmers Gin Association</p><p>Agreed to pay all taxes and same was turned over to bookkeeper to take care off [sic]. Agreed by the board of Directors that the secretary take care and look into, of all the L.C.R.A. Certificates the money that Burton Farmers Gin Ass’n Inc Deposit on same. Carried. As no further business the Meeting adjourned. E. T. Neutzler</p><p>PS On Nov 21, 1980 the following met at attorney office A W. Hodde: E. T. Neutzler, Raymond Lowewe, W. C. Knipstein and Larry Winkelmann. A Deed and Title Policy from the Burton Farmers Gin Ass’n Inc was delivered to 4 Way Farm Supply of Burton Texas, Owners Raymond Loewe, Larry Winkelmann and W. C. Knipstein. In the present of E. T. Neutzler Secretary of Burton Farmers Gin Ass’n Inc, Burton , Texas a check of a total of $21,077.00 ws paid to the above E.T.N. and Deposit in the Burton State Bank on the above date. Also agreed by the above Directors that attorney A. W. Hodde write all Stockholders a letter to forward all Gin Certificates to him.</p><p>Directors Meeting Dec 8, 1980</p><p>Directors Meeting called to order by the president with following present: F. Fuchs, Gus Draeger Jr, Louis Maass, W. C. Knipstein, E. T. Neutzler, and Larry Winkelmann. Previous Minutes were read by the secretary and also financial report was given. Upon a Motion made and seconded to accept same. Carried. Financial report showed that a balance of $43,174.03 including Time Deposit in Burton State Bank. Agreed by the Board of the directors to pay out a total of $200.00 per share provided it does not exceed the expenses of all charges. As no further business the meeting adjourned. E. T. Neutzler Sec</p><p>Directors Meeting Jan 20, 1981</p><p>Directors Meeting called to order by the President with the following present: W. C. Knipstein, E. T. Neutzler, Larry Winkelmann, Gus Draeger Jr, Alfred Sommerfeld, Louis Maass and Franklin Fuchs. Previous minutes were read by the secretary and accepted as read. Bookkeeper gave report and approved as read. Agreed to collect all past due Bills due to the Burton Farmers Gin. Agreed By the Board of Directors that all officers and Directors sign their names, address and hand them over to A. W. Hodde attorney for Dissolution of the Burton Farmers Gin. As no further business the meeting adjourned. E. T. Neutzler Sec.</p><p>Feb 12, 1981 P.S. E. T. Neutzler & Willie Knipstein met at A. W. Hodde’s office Thursday Feb 12, 1981 and all checks were signed on the above date and mailed to stockholders.</p><p>8 Minutes of the Burton Farmers Gin Association</p><p>Names of officers & directors</p><p>President: Willie C. Knipstein Route 4 Box 623, Brenham, Texas 77893 Box 623</p><p>Vice Pres: Larry Winkelmann Cororado [sic] St Burton Texas Box 56—77835</p><p>Secretary: E. T. Neutzler Route 2 Box 217 Burton Texas 77835</p><p>Treasurer: Gus Draeger Jr. Route 3 Box 436 Brenham Texas 77835</p><p>Director: Alfred Sommerfeld Rt #2 Box 36 Burton Texas 77835</p><p>Director: Louis P. Maass: Route 1 Burton Texas 77835</p><p>Director: Franklin Fuchs Route 3 Box 430 Brenham Texas 77833</p><p>Page 259 Minutes Book April 12, 1980 Total of 160 Votes For Dissolution: 145 Votes Against : : 15 Votes</p><p>No of Shares 3 Bosse, Anna}Sold to B.F.G ASS’ 3 “ Fritz} 1 “ Louis F 1 “ Otto 1 Boeker, Gus Est. 1 Boehnemann, Chas 2 “ , Fritz 2 Braun, Louis Sold to B.G.G. Ass’n Inc. 3 Bredthauer, Mrs Minnie 2 Broesche, W. M. (6) (2) Donna Brethauer 1 Buck, Mrs Minnie 6 Dallmeyer, Mrs Alma (7) 2 BFGin 2 “ , Mrs Herm. Sold Burton Farmers Gin 4 “ , Wm (2), Fred Dallmeyer (1) 3 “ , Ervin 3 “ , Wm Co.</p><p>9 Minutes of the Burton Farmers Gin Association</p><p>3 Draeger, Gus & 1 – Gus Draeger Jr 1 Derrick, C. F. 1 Dieckmeier, Ed 1 Drews, Willie 1 “ , Chas 1 “ , Hy 2 Eberhardt, Ed 1 Eberhardt, Armond 1 1 “ , Fritz Mrs Alma Fischer Sold to 2 Felder, Ed J to T. A. Felder 4 2 “ , Theo 1 Fisher, Miss Mamie 2 “ , Miss Louisa 3 Fuchs, R. A. 4 “ , Mrs Martha 3 “ , Ed. J. 1 “ , J. C. 1 “ , Franklin 2 “ , Lorenz W 3 Gatewood, B. C. or Jane W 1 Hanath, Richard 1 Hertel, Willie 1 Hinze, Elfon 1 “ , Roger J. 1 Hopmann, Mrs Ed. 2 Heine, Fred 1 “ , Mrs Bertha 1 Hodde, A. W. Sold to Gus Draeger Sr (1) 5 Jaster, A. P. 1 Kessler, A. E. Mrs 2 Kieke, Willie 1 “ , M. C. 1 “ , Alex W. Mrs Martha L Kieke 4 “ , Walter Paul Kessler Jr (2) 2 Knebel, Otto M. A. 2 Knittel, Thad Jr. 4 Knipstein, Albert 4 2 “ , Willie C. 2 “ , Otto Sold BF Gin Ass’n Inc (2) 6 “ , Fritz “ BF Gin Ass’n Inc (6) 1 Koerth, Ed 1 Kramer, Chas 1 Kunkel, Fritz (1) Herbert Kunkel 1 “ , Miss Olga (1) Alfred Kunkel 1 Ludwig, John 2 Maass, Gus 2 Matthies, E. T. Mrs A. E. Matthies 1 2 Meier, Chas 4 “ , Wilfred 1 Muehlbrad, Fritz 1 “ , Edward</p><p>10 Minutes of the Burton Farmers Gin Association</p><p>4 Neutzler, Mrs Hedwig (Mervin Neutzler (2) 2 “ , E. T. 4 “ , Oran (4) (2) Wilburn (Bosse Shares) Neutzler 2 Nitzschke, Fritz 1 Oevermann, Mrs Emilie Sold to 5 “ , Chas Oran Neutzler 3 Wilburn Neutzler 2 6 “ , Hy 2 Prenzler, Fritz Hy, L. C. 1 Prenzler, F. L. 1 “ , Norman 1 “Sold, F. C. Sold to BF Gin (1) 1 Schalz, Herm Sold to Fred Dallmeyer (1) 2 Schulz, Mrs Rud Sold to B F G Ass 1 “ , Mrs Ad. Sold to lRoy Schmidt 1 Schatz, Chas L. Transferred to Mrs. C. L. Schatz 3 Schmidt, Lawrence 3 2 Sommerfeld, Alfred 2 “ , Fritz Transferred to Alfred Sommerfeld Mrs A. E. Matthies 1 Smith, Henry C. or Mary E. 1 Stark, Walter 4 Stolz, Mrs Minnie D. 1 Vick, James H. or Ura Lee Vick 3 Watson, Mrs B. C. (3) (2 “ , J. F. ) (3) Transferred to (1 “ , Thos Est) John F. Watson Estate 4 Wegner, Mrs Ed. Sr. 1 “ , Ed Jr. 2 “ , Otto F. 1 Wehring, Otto 1 “ , Mrs Otto 2 “ , H. C. Sr. 1 “ , H. C. Jr. 2 “ , Mrs Ella 1 Wendler, Wm Edmund 5 Zuehlke, Max A. 48 10 Burton Farmers Gin Ass’n Inc Rick Kessler Jr (F Prenzler-1) ( Bosse (2)-1) Dallmeyer Sold To Donna Brethauer Knipstein (6) Sold to Alfred Kunkel (1) F. C. Prenzler) (Bonus Share) 8 Sold</p><p>1 Edwin Bethke 1 Bosse Louis F. 1 “ Otto 1 Boeker, Gus Est</p><p>11 Minutes of the Burton Farmers Gin Association</p><p>1 Boehnemann, Chas 2 “ , Fritz 3 Bredthauer, Mrs Minnie 6 “ , Mrs Donna Sold to B F Gin 2 Broesche, W. M. (BFGin) 1 Buck, Mrs Minnie 6 Dallmeyer Mrs Alma SS# 455-62-5856 1 “ Fred 4 “ Wm (Sold to BFGin) Resold to: 2 Willie Knipstein 1 Franklin Neutzler 1 Edwin Bethke 3 “ Ervin 1 Earl Neutzler 1 Sold to [?] 1 Sold To Glenwood Hinze 3 “ Wm Co. (Sold to BFG) 2 BFG Left 3 Draeger Gus Sr 1 “ Gus Jr 1 Derrick C. F. 1 Dieckmeir Est (Transferred to Philip Dieckmeir) 1 Drews Willie Philip 1 “ Henry 1 “ Chas 2 Eberhardt, Ed. 1 “ Armond 1 Fischer Mrs Alma 2 Ray W. Felder 4 Felder, T. A. Theodore August SS# 449-03-6074 1 Fisher, Miss Mamie 2 “ , Mrs Louise 3 Fuchs, R. A. 4 “ Mrs Martha 460-16-2411B 3 “ Ed Sold to 1 “ J Sold to BFGin Transferred to Mrs Elsie Fuchs 1 “ Franklin 2 “ Lorenz W. 3 Gatewood B. C. or Jane @. 1 Hanath, Richard Sr 1 Heitel, Willie 1 Hinze, Elfon 1 Hinze Glenwood 1 Hinze Roger J. 1 Hopmann, Mrs Ed 2 Heine, Fred 1 “ , Mrs Bertha Transferred (5) Jaster A P.) {Raymond Jaster 2 shares sold { Louis Stolz Transferred to BF Gin 1 Kessler Mrs A. E {2 To BFGC (2) Earl lRay Neutzler</p><p>12 Minutes of the Burton Farmers Gin Association</p><p>2 “ Paul Jr 2 Kieke Willie 1 “ M. C. 1 “ Mrs Martha L 4 “ Walter Ernst – 445-66-6551 2 Knebel, Otto M. A. Transferred to Mrs Laura L Knebel 2 Knittel, Thad Jr (456-26-5474 LM) 4 Knipstein, Albert (462-64-9963) 6 4 “ , Willie C. SS# 467-60-2461 1 Koerth, Ed 1 Kramer Chas 1 Kunkel, Fritz 1 “ Mrs Olga 1 “ Herbert 1 “ Alfred 1 Ludwig, John 2 Maass Gus 2 Matthies E. T. Sold to B F Gin Co 1 “ Mrs A. E. 2 Meier, Chas 4 “ Wilfred 1 Muehlbrad, Fritz (1) Harry Muehlbrad 1 “ Edward 4 Neutzler, Mrs Hedwig SS 455-62-5564 4 “ Oran SS# 467-22-6795 4 “ Wilburn SS # 465-46-8673 2 “ E. T. 1 “ Franklin Neutzler (3) 2 “ Mervin 3 Earl Ray Neutzler 463-68-9289 2 Nitzschke, Fritz (1) 1 Oevermann, Mrs Emilie (1) Wilbert A. Mayer 6 “ Hy 3 Mrs Alains Heine 3 Emma Wendlers 2 Prenzler, L. C. 1 “ F. L. 1 “ Norman Sold 2 Schulz, Mrs Rud (Sold to B F G Ass’n Inc) (1 SOLD TO Harry Muehlbrad) (1 Mervin Neutzler) 1 Schmidt Roy 3 “ Lawrence 3 Sommerfeld, Alfred 1 Smith, Henry C. or Mary E. Sold 1 (Stark Walter) Earl Ray Neutzler (1) 4 Stolz, Mrs Minnie D. 1 Vick, James H. or Ura Lee 3 Watson, Mrs B. C. 3 “ , J. F. Estate (Thomas Executor) 4 Wagner Mrs Ed.</p><p>13 Minutes of the Burton Farmers Gin Association</p><p>1 “ Edward Jr 2 “ Otto 1 Wehring Otto 1 “ Mrs Oto 2 “ H. C. Sr 1 “ H C Jr 2 “ Mrs Ella 1 Wendler, Edmund 5 Zuehlke, Max A. SS#454-52-2478 1 Schatz Mrs Chas L.</p><p>Sold (2) Shares B. F. Gin Co. (Wm Dallmeyer Co.) 1 Oliver Neutzler 1 Earl “ (1) “ “ “ “ “ (Mrs A. E. Kessler) 1 “ “ 2 “ “ “ “ “ (W. M Broesche) (Mrs J. R. Bredthauer) 1 “ Sold “ “ “ “ (Mrs Elsie Fuchs) “ 3 “ “ “ “ “ (Raymond Jaster) “ 6 share 2 “ “ “ “ “ E. T. Matthies } 3 Minnie Bredthauer } J R Bredthauer</p><p>List of Stockholders 1969-97 Shareholders Shares 1 Edwin Bethke 1 Louis F. Bosse 1 Otto Bosse 454-50-3051 11/4/73 1 Gus Boeker Est (Tran to Mrs Willie C. Knipstein) (Sold to Burton Farmers Gin Inc) (Resold Mrs Willie KNipstein 1 Chas Boehnemann 2 Fritz John “ 455-52-1861 6 Hy Bredthauer Jr 457-30-1215 6 Miss Donna Faye Bredthauer SS#449-84-6824 6 Mrs Evelyn J. C. Bredthauer SS 449-05-3138 1 Mrs Minnie Buck 6 Mrs Alma Dallmeyer Transferred (2 Fred Dallmeyer) (2 Wilfred Matthies) (2 Mrs Ora Nell Dallmeyer) 3 4 Fred Dallmeyer SS 467-16-7759 3 E. O. “ SS# 449-03-6688 3 Gus Draeger Sr SS#462-62-2800 1 “ Draeger Jr SS454-52-0718 1 C F Derrick 1 Philip Dieckmeir 1 Willie Drews 1 Henry “ 1 Chas Drews 2 Ed Eerhardt</p><p>14 Minutes of the Burton Farmers Gin Association</p><p>1 Armond “ 1 Mrs Alma Fischer 4 F. A. Felder Theodore August SS # 449-03-6074 Transferred to 2 – Ray W. Felder 2 – Nelson T. Felder 1 Mamie Fisher 2 Mrs. Louise W. Fisher SS#465-01-1753 3 R. A. Fuchs Robert A Fuchs SS# 460-16-2411 –(77833) 4 Mrs Martha Fuchs SS#460-16-2411B – 77833 3 Ed J. Fuchs SS#455-16-1707A 1 Franklin Fuchs 467-22-6796 3 B. C. Gatewood SS# or Jane W. SS # 460-01-5216 2 Lorenz W. Fuchs SS# 455-16-4107 1 Richard Hanath Sr 1 Willie Hertel 1 Elfon Chas Hinze SS#451-22-4056 1 Glenwood Hinze G. R. Hinze458-92-8883 1 Roger J “ 1 Mrs Ed. Hopmann 2 Fred Heine 1 Mrs Bertha Heine 3 Mrs Alvina Heine SS#453-40-2432 2 Paul Kessler Jr 300A W Alamo Brenham Texas 77833 2 W H. Kieke 1 M C Hieke 452-26-5784 1 Mrs Matha Kieke 4 Walter Ernst Kieke #455-16-6551 2 Mrs Laura L Knebel 2 Thad Knittel Jr 4 Albert Knipstein SS# 462-64-9963 Transferred Dec 28-73 to Louis P Maass 6 Will C. “ SS#467-60-2461 2 Mrs Willie C. Knipstein 1 Ed Koerth 1 Chas Kramer 1 Fritz Kunkel 1 Mrs Olga “ Transferred to L. G. Herzog 1 Herbert “ SS# 451-14-0224 1 Alfred “ 1 John Ludwig Sold to BFG Ass’n 2/23/72 Resold Nelson Neutzler 3 Mrs Emma McKandless SS# 457-44-0037 2 Gus Maass 607 West Ross Hamilton Tex 76531 1 Mrs A. E. Matthies 2 Chas Meir 4 Wilfred Meir SS# 451-44-0865 1 Wilbert A. Meyer SS-463-60-1893 1 Harry Muehlbrad 1 Edward “ 1 Fritz “ 4 Mrs Hedwig K Neutzler SS# 455-62-5564 4 Oran F “ SS#467-22-6795 4 Wilburn “ SS#464-46-8673</p><p>15 Minutes of the Burton Farmers Gin Association</p><p>5 Earl Ray “ SS#464-67-9280 3 Mervin “ SS#466-56-4631 2 E. T. Neutzler SS#461-18-2017 1 Franklin “ 454-52-7402 1 Oliver “ 450-28-5608 3 Nelson Neutzler 2 Fritz Nitzschke (Transferred to Carl Wendler) 2 L. C. Prenzler 1 F. L. “ 1 Norman “ 1 Roy Schmidt 3 L. A. “ SS# 455-16-6553 3 Alfred Sommerfeld SS #461-18-3501 1 Henry C. Smith or Mary E 4 Mrs Minnie D. Stolz (Mrs Minnie Stolz Wisnoski SS#460-01-5047 102 Oak Place 77006) 1 James H. Vic or Ura Lee 3 Mrs B. C. Watson Clara B. Watson SS#450-26-3505 3 J. F. Watson Estate 74-6067-660 Sold to BFGin Ass’n 2 Nelson Neutzler 1 Hy Bredthauer 4 Mrs Ed Wegner SS#449-64-4743 2 Otto J “ Leroy Wegner 1 Otto Wehring 1 Mrs Otto “ 2 H. C. Wehring Sr 2 Mrs Ella Wehring 1 Edmund Wendler 5 Max A. Zuehlke SS#454-52-2478 1 Mrs Chas L. Schatz 1 H C Wehring Jr 2 Mis Ora Nell Dallmeyer 2 Mr or Mrs Weldon Matthies 2 Mrs Sillie C Knipstein 4 Louis P. Maass 456-26-5474</p><p>Shares List of Stockholders 1973 1 Edwin Bethke 454-42-2431 1 Louis F. Bosse 1307 S Austin, Brenham 77833 1 Otto Bosse 454-50-3051 2 Fritz John Boehnemann SS#455-52-1861 6 Hy Bredthauer Jr SS#457-30-1215 6 Miss Donna Faye Bredthauer 449-84-6824 6 Mrs Evelyn Bredthauer 449-05-3138 1 Mrs Minnie Buck 451-17-2629 3 Fred Dallmeyer 467-16-7759 2 Miss Orna Nell Dallmeyer 455-61-5857 3 E. O. Dallmeyer 449-03-6688 3 Gus Draeger Sr 462-62-2800 1 Gus Draeger Jr 454-52-0718 1 C. F. Derrick 449-17-7451</p><p>16 Minutes of the Burton Farmers Gin Association</p><p>1 Philip Dieckmeir (535-48-7998) 1748 Bowman Av Olympia Wash 98501 1 Willie Drews 709 E. Burress, Houston 467-16-6958 1 Henry “ 453-26-7246 1 Chas “ 451-44-2491 2 Ed Eberhardt 451-60-1853 1 Armond Eberhardt 451-60-1853 1 Mrs Alma Fischer 454-76-9046 2 Ray Wayne Felder 466-56-9145 2 Nelson “ 466-56-9140 1 Mamie Fisher 459-20-7894 2 Mrs Louise W Fisher 465-01-1753 Transferred to Thomas Elwood Fisher 465-09-8424 3307 Stevenson Austin Tex 78703 3 Robert A Fuchs 460-16-2411 4 Mrs Martha Fuchs 460-16-2411B 3 Ed J Fuchs 455-16-1107A Sold to Roy Schmidt 1 Franklin Fuchs 467-22-6796 2 Lorenz William Fuchs 455-16-4107 3 B. C. Gatwood [sic] or Jane W. 460-01-5216 1 Richard Hanath Annie Emma 452-17-3075 Brenham Rt 4 1009 Ewing St 1 Elfon Chas Hinze 457-22-4056 1 Glenwood R. Hinze 458-92-8883 1 Mrs Ed Hopmann 2 Fred Heine 451-60-0259A 1 Mrs Bertha Heine “ “ “ 3 Mrs Alvina Heine 453-40-2432 300A W Alamo Brenham Texas 77833 2 Paul A Kessler Jr 465-12-8683 1 L. G. Herzog (463-52-1255)(405 ½ Botts Brenham 2 W. H. Kieke Mrs 454-76-9016 Judy (1) Darrell (1) 1 M. C. “ 452-26-5784 1 Mrs Martha Kieke 450-74-1784 4 Walter Ernst Kieke 455-16-6551 2 Mrs Laura L Knebel 462-58-3532 Sold B F Gin Inc Travis Rosenbaum 2 Thad Knittell Jr SS#425-48-5851 100 2nd St Brenham 6 Willie C Knipstein 462-64-9963 467-60-2161 2 Mrs Willie C Knipstein (B) “ “ 1 Ed Koerth 467-60-3872 1 Chas Kramer 451-60-2872B 1 Fritz Kunkel 461-60-2282 1 Herbert “ 451-14-0224 1 Alfred Kunkel 451-44-0457 3 Mrs Emma McKandless 457-44-0037 607 West Ross 76531 Hamilton Tex 2 Gus Maass Alfred Maass 451-60-1586 1 Mrs A. E. Matthies 449-78-5693 Matide 2 Chas Meier (463-86-9470) 4 Wilfred Meier 451-44-0865 1 Wilbert A. Meyer 463-60-1893 1 Harry Muehlbrad 455-16-1708 1 Edward Muehlbrad 461-12-9578 1 Fritz Charley “ 455-16-6556</p><p>17 Minutes of the Burton Farmers Gin Association</p><p>4 Louis P. Maass 456-26-5474 4 Mrs Hedwig K Neutzler 455-62-5564 4 Oran F. Neutzler 467-22-6795 700 3rd St 4 Wilburn W. “ 464-46-8673 5 Earl Ray Neutzler 463-68-9280 3 Mervin “ 466-56-4631 2 E. T. Neutzler 461-18-2017 1 Franklin Neutzler 454-52-7402 1 Oliver “ 450-28-5608 3 Nelson “ 449-78-5311 2 Mr or Mrs Weldon Matthies SS# 452-26-5782 2 Fritz Nitschke Carl Wendler Louis 2 L. C. Prenzler 459-20-8098 1 F. L. “ 467-16-8881 1 Norman Prenzler 467-48-2449 Rt 3 Brenham 4 Roy Schmidt 462-84-6258 3 L. A. “ 455-16-6553 3 Alfred Sommerfeld 461-18-3501 1 Henry C. Smith or May E (HCS) (230-09-7527) (Mary 417-60-0607 4 Mrs Minnie Stolz Wisnoski (SS 460-01-5047 102 Oak Place 77006 Houston 1 James H. Vick or Ura Lee 450-76-3028 3318 Sackett Houston Texas 77006 3 Mrs Clara B. Watson #450-26-3505 Sold to BFGin Resold to H. Bredthauer 4 Mrs Ed Wegner 449-64-4743 2 Leroy Wegner SS#464-64-6463 1 Otto Wehring 467-16-4353A 1 Mrs Otto “ 456-17-2664 2 H. C. Wehring Sr To J. C. Wehring Jr 2 Mrs Ella Wehring 4 Nell Moseley 57-30-0499 1 Edmond Wendler 455-62-5721 5 Max A. Zuehlke 454-52-2478 1 Mrs Chas L. Schatz 449-03-6696 1 Edward Wegner 467-24-5442 3 1 H. C. Wehring Jr 460-48-7495 2 Mrs Ora Nell 3 Heath Bredthauer Winkelmann 2 Mr or Mrs Travis Rosenbaun Marjorie (Mrs) 454-70-7787 2 Carl Louis Wendler (SS#461-22-4538) Schulenburg Tex 78956 Box 145 1 Miss Judy L. Kieke 459-29-0277 1 Darrell W. Kieke 459-29-2416</p><p>Address Mrs Thad KNittel (3909 Pebble Poth, Austin Texas 78731 Paul Schmidt – 454-52-2701</p><p>Mr H. C. Smith Jr P.O. Box 414 Gunterville, Ala 35976</p><p>18 Minutes of the Burton Farmers Gin Association</p><p>List of Stockholders 1976 Shares 1 Gilbert Buck - 11719 N Ridgewood Houston 77091 463-52-0499 1 Edwin Bethke – 454-42-2431 1 L. C. Bosse 453-24-6829 (202 W Tom Green Brenham 77833) 1 Otto Bosse 454-50-3051 2 Fritz John Boehnemann SS# 455-52-1861 6 Hy Bredthauer Jr 457-30-1215 6 Donna Faye Bredthauer 449-84-6824 6 Mrs Evelyn “ 449-05-3138 1 Mrs Minnie Buck To Gilbert Buck 451-17-2629 463-32-0499 3 Fred Dallmeyer – 467-16-7759 2 Miss Ora Nell Dallmeyer – 455-62-5857 604 W 3rd St Brenham 77833 3 E. O. Dallmeyer – 449-03-6688 1 Gus Draeger Jr – 452-52-0718 3 Gus “ Sr – 462-62-2800 1 C. F. Derrick 499-17-7451 Eula Adele Kieke 1 Philip Dieckmeyer – 535-48-7998 Olymphia 323 W. D St Tunwater, Wash 98502 1 Willie Drews – 467-16-6958 – 709 E. Burress Houston 77022 (D) 1 Henry Drews Jr – 453-26-7246 1002 Marie Brenham 77833 D 1 Chas Drews – 451-44-2491</p><p>(D) 2 Ed Eberhardt 451-60-1853 1 Armond Eberhardt – 451-60-1853</p><p>1 Mrs Alma Fischer – 454-76-9046 2 Roy Wayne Felder – 466-56-9145 2 Nelson T. Felder – 466-56-9140 1 Miss Mamie Fisher 459-20-7894 2 Thomas Elwood Fisher – 465-09-8424 3307 Stevenson Austin 78703 To Larry Winkelmann (D) 4 Robert A. Fuchs = 460-16-2411 4 Mrs Martha Fuchs – 460-16-2411B 1 Franklin Fuchs – 467-22-6796 2 Lorenz William Fuchs – 45-16-4107 1301 Tom Dee Dr Brenham 3 B. C Gatewood or Jane W. 460-01-5216</p><p>(D) 1 Richard or Annie Emma Hanath Alvin Hanath 452-17-3075 Rt #4 Brenham 1 Willie Hertel – 467-16-7302 – 1009 Ewing St Brenham 1 Elfon Chas Hinze – 457-22-4056 1 Glenwood R. Hinze – 458-92-8883 1 Robert J Hinze – 452-30-8884 Fred D 1 Miss Ed Hopmann 20-148-58 460-46-3541 77034 (D) 2 Fred Heine 1049 Elmhurst St Houston 451-60-0259A 1 Mrs Bertha Heine “ “ “ 3 Mrs Alvina Heine 453-40-2432 200A W Alamo Brenham 77833 1 – Pamela Wehring 1 – H C. Wehring III</p><p>19 Minutes of the Burton Farmers Gin Association</p><p>1 – James 1 L G Herzog – 463-52-1255 – (405 ½ Botts Brenham) 2 Lorraine Knittel Hunt 425-48-5851 P.O. Box 261 Buchanan Dam, Texas 78609 2 Paul Kessler Jr 465-12-8683 1 M. C. Kieke 452-26-5784 1 Miss Judy L. Kieke 459-29-0277 1 Darrell W. Kieke 459-29-2416 1 Mrs Martha Kieke 450-74-1784 (Carmine 78932) 4 Walter Ernst Kieke 455-16-6551 2053 Dixie 2 Thad Knittel Jr 425-48-5851 3909 Pebble Poth Austin, Texas 78731 Transferred 6 Willie C Knipstein 467-60-2461 Sold 1 2 Mrs Willie C Knipstein “ “ “ 1 – Sold 1 Ed Koerth 467-60-3872 Deceased 1 Chas Kramer – 451-60-2872B 1 1 Fritz Kunkel – 467-60-2282 Sold to Gene Kunkel 453-72-8561 1513 West Main Brenham 77833 1 Herbert “ - 451-14-0224 1 Alfred “ – 451-44-0457 1 Mrs Eula Adele Kieke 411 N. Baylor Brenham SS# 467-16-5325 3 Miss Emma McKandless 457-44-0037 Transferred to Lorenz Wehring Cancelled 607 West Ross, HamiltonTex 76531 2 Alfred Maass 451-60-1586 1 Mrs A. E. Matthies – 449-78-5683 2 (Matilda) Chas Meier463-86-9470 4 Wildred Meier 451-44-0865 1 Wilbert Meyer – 463-60-1893</p><p>List of Stockholders 1976 Shares 1 Harry Muehlbrad 455-16-1708 1 Edward “ 461-12-9578 1 Fritz Charley “ 455-16-6556 4 Louis P. Maass 456-26-5474 2 Mr Or Mrs Weldon Matthies 452-26-5782 2 Nell Mosley 457-30-0499 5015 5015 Way Cross Houston Texas 77035 4 Oran F Neutzler 467-22-6795 (700 W 3rd St) 4 Wilburn W. Neutzler 464-46-86-73 5 Earl Ray Neutzler – 463-68-9280 3 Mervin “ - 466-56-4631 2 E. T. Neutzler- 461-18-2017 1 Franklin Neutzler - 454-52-7402 1 Oliver Neutzler - 450-28-5608 5 Nelson Neutzler – 449-78-5311 (2) Wehring 4 Elmer “ - 462-44-6966 1505 N Park St</p><p>2 L. C. Prenzler – 459-20-8098 1 F. L. “ - 467-16-8881 Sold 1 Norman Prenzler - 467-48-2449 (Rt #3 Brenham) 2 Mr Or Mrs Travis Rosebaum (Marjorie) (454-70-7787) 4 Roy Schmidt 462-84-6258</p><p>20 Minutes of the Burton Farmers Gin Association</p><p>3 L. A. Schmidt 455-16-6553 3 Alfred Sommerfeld 461-18-3501 1 Henry C. Smith or Mary E (HC) – 230-09-7527 (PO Box 414 Gunterville Ala 35976 (ME) – 417-60-0607 1 Mrs Chas L Schatz 449-03-6696</p><p>1 Ura Lee Bick – 450-76-3028 – 3318 Sackett Houston 77098</p><p>4 Mrs Minnie Stolz Wisnoski - 460-01-5047 102 Oak Place Houston Texas 77006 4 (Mrs) Ed Wegner 449-64-4743 2 Leroy Wegner 464-64-6463 Sold to (1 Otto Wehring – 467-16-4353A (Out) Sold Nelson (1 Mrs Otto Wehring 456-17-2664 Out (Sold) Neutzler1 Edmund Wendler – 455-62-5721 1 Edward Wagner – 467-24-5442 5 3 H C Wehring Jr – 460-48-7495 116185 Sandman San Antonio 78216 3 Heath Winkelmann – 62-21-0744 2 Carl Louis Wendler – 461-22-4538 Schulenburg Tex 78956 – Box 145 2 Larry Winkelmann 451-86-8893 6 Donna Winkelmann 449-84-6824 5 Max A Zuehlke – 454-52-2478 304 Horton St Brenham Max A Zuehlke Estate – 74-6255836 3 Lorene F. Wehring SS#455-52-5814 Burton 3 1 Pamela D Wehring SS# 451-37-9201 3 1 Henry C Wehring SS# 452-15-1812 3 1 James T. Wehring SS 460-487-495 (?) Address H C Wehring Jr 11618 Sandmann P.O. Box 18386 San Antonio, Texas (78218) (Burton, Texas) 78216</p><p>96 Shareholders</p><p>List of Stockholders 1980 Shares SS# address 1 Gilbert Buck 463-52-0499 Burton 1 Edwin Bethke 452-42-2431 “ 1 L. C. Bosse 458-24-6829 202 W Tom Green St Brenham 77833 1 Otto Bosse 454-50-3051 Burton 2 Fritz John Boehnemann 455-52-1861 Burton Rt 2 6 Hy Bredthauer Jr 457-30-4215 Burton 6 Mrs Evelyn Bredthauer 449-05-3138 “ 3 Fred Dallmeyer 467-16-7759 Burton Rt 2 2 Miss Ora Nell Dallmeyer 455-62-5857 604 W 3rd St Brenham</p><p>21 Minutes of the Burton Farmers Gin Association</p><p>3 E. O. Dallmeyer 449-03-6688 Burton 1 Gus Draeger 452-52-0718 Brenham Rt #3 3 Gus “ Sr 462-62-2800 Brenham Rt #3 1 Philip Dieckmeir 535-48-7998 323 W. D St Tunwater, Wash 98502 1 Willie Drews 467-16-6958 709 E Burress Houston 77022 1 Henry Drews 453-26-7246 County Rd 39 Brenham 1 Chas Drews 451-44-2491 2 Ed Eberhardt 451-60-1853 Burton Rt #1 1 Armond Eberhardt 451-60-1853 “ “ 1 Mrs Alma Fischer 451-76-9046 Burton Rt 1 2 Ray Wayne Felder 466-56-9145 Burton 2 Nelson T. Felder 466-56-9140 “ 1 Miss Mamie Fisher 459-20-7894 Burton 3 Robert A Fuchs 460-16-2411 Brenham Rt 3 4 Mrs Matha Fuchs 460-16-2411B “ “ “ 1 Franklin fuchs 467-22-6791 “ “ “ 2 Lorenz William Fuchs 455-16-4107 1301 Tom Dee Dr. Brenham 3 B. C. Gatewood 460-01-5216 Burton 1 Willie Hertel 467-16-7302 1009 Ewing St Brenham 1 Elfon C. Hinze 457-22-4056 Burton Rt #1 1 Glenwood R. Hinze 458-92-8883 “ “ “ 1 Roger J. Hinze 452-30-8884 “ “ “ 1 Ed Hopmann 460-46-2541 10119 Elmhurst Houston 77034 1 Richard Hanath 451-173075 Brenham Texas Rt #4 2 Fred Heine 451-60-0259A Brenham Rt #3 77833 1 Mrs Bertha Heine 451-60-0259B Brenham Rt #3 1 L G. Herzog 463-52-1255 405 ½ Bott Brenham 2 Lorraine Knittel Hunt 425-48-5851 PO #261 Buchanan Dam Texas 78609 2 Paul Kessler Jr 465-12-8683 Burton 77835 1 M C Kieke 452-26-5784 “ “ 1 Miss Judy Kieke 459-29-0277 “ “ 1 Darrell Kieke 459-29-2416 “ “ 1 Mrs Martha Kieke 450-74-1784 Carmine 78932 4 Walter Ernst Kieke 455-16-6551 205 S Dixie Brenham 77833 (1) 6 Willie Knipstein 467-60-2461 (6) Sold to Wehring Rt 3 Brenham 2 Mrs Willie Knipstein (1) sold Willie C Knipstein (1) H C Wehring 1 Ed Koerth 467-60-3872 Burton Rt #2 1 Mrs Chas Kramer 451-60-2872B Brenham Rt # 3 1 Gene Kunkel 452-72-8561 1513 West Main Brenham 1 Herert Kunkel 451-14-0224 Burton Rt # 1 1 Alfred Kunkel 451-44-0457 Brenham Rt 3 1 Mrs Eula Adele Kieke467-16-5325 411 N Baylor Brenham 2 Alfred Maass 451-60-1586 Brenham Rt # 3 1 Mrs A. E. Matthies 449-78-5693 Burton 2 (Matilde) Chas Meier463-86-9470 Burton 4 Wilfred Meier 451-44-0865 Burton 1 Wilbert Meyer 463-60-1893 Burton Rt # 2 1 Harry Muehlbrad 455-16-1708 “ “ “ 1 Edward “ 461-12-9578 “ “ “ 1 Fritz Charley “ 455-16-6556 “ “ Rt #1</p><p>22 Minutes of the Burton Farmers Gin Association</p><p>4 Louis P. Maass 456-26-5478 “ “ “ 2 Mr or Mrs Weldon Matthies 45226-5782 Burton 2 2 Nell Mosley 457-30-0499 5015 Way Cross Houston 77035 4 Oran F Neutzler 467-22-6795 700 W 3rd St Brenham 4 Wilburn “ 464-46-8673 “ “ “ 5 Earl Ray “ 463-68-9280 Burton Rt # 2 3 Mervin “ 466-56-4631 “ “ “ 2 E. T. Neutzler “ 461-18-2017 “ “ “ 1 Franklin “ 454-52-7402 “ “ “ 1 Oliver “ 450-28-5608 “ “ “ 5 Nelson Neutzler 449-78-5311 Burton Rt # 2 4 Elmer Neutzler 462-44-6966 1505 N Park Brenham 2 L. C. Prenzler 459-20-8098 Brenham Rt #3 Sold 1 L L “ 467-16-8881 Sold to H C Wehring Jr Burton 1 Norman Prenzler 467-48-2449 Brenham Rt #3 2 Mr or Mrs Travis Rosenbaum 454-70-7787 Burton 4 Roy Schmidt 462-84-6258 8223 Windy Acres Houston 7704 3 L. A. Schmidt 455-16-6553 Burton Rt 2 77835 3 Alfred Sommerfeld 461-18-3501 Burton 77835 1 Henry C or Mary E Smith (H 230-09-7527 Gunterville Ala PO 414 35976 (M 417-60-0607 1 Mrs Chas L Schatz 449-03-6696 Burton 1 Ura Lee Vick 450-76-3028 3318 Sackett Houston 77098 4 Mrs Minnie Stolz Wisnoski 460-01-5047 102 Oak Place Houston 77006 4 Mrs Ed Wegner 449-64-4743 Brenham Rt #3 2 Leroy Wegner 464-64-6463 “ “ “ 1 Edmund Wendler 455-62-592 Brenham Rt 3 1 Edward Wegner 467-24-5442 “ Rt 3 5 H C Wehring Jr 460-48-7495 Burton 3 Heath Winkelmann 462-21-0744 Burton 2 Carl Louis Wendler 461-22-4538 Schulenburg Box 145 78956 2 Larry Winkelmann 451-86-8893 Burton 6 Donna “ 449-84-6824 5 Max A. Zuehlke 454-52-2478 “ “ “ Estate 74-6255836 304 Horton Brenham 3 Lorene F Wehring 455-52-5814 Burton 3 1 Pamela “ 451-37-9201 “ 3 1 Henry C “ III 452-15-1812 “ 3 1 James “ 460-48-7495 “ Time Dep [marked cashed) Date Amt Period #3214 March 7, 1978 $10,000.00 48 mo 7 ¼% 3215 Feb 18, 1978 4,000.00 12 mo 6% 3577 Nov 21, 1978 4,000.00 12 mo 6% Canceled Nov 21, 1980 Cashed on above Date Nov 1980</p><p>23</p>
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