<p> 50 points PART (1): Access to Information from a Written Text</p><p>Kite Festivals1 </p><p>Children and adults2 all over the world love to fly kites. There are many kite festivals around the world.</p><p>In India, on January 14 every year, there is a kite festival to celebrate3 the end of winter and the beginning of spring. There 5 are many beautiful kites in the sky. They come in different4 colors, shapes5 and sizes. Some kites look like dragons or butterflies. Some are so big that six people have to hold the kite.</p><p>Another famous kite festival is called "Painting the Skies". This is an international6 festival in Italy. More than 10,000 people from all over the world go to Lake 10 Trasimeno to fly their kites. For five days at the end of April, visitors can see beautiful kites and balloons in all colors. They can eat delicious Italian food and listen to music. </p><p>There is also a kite festival in Israel every year. It is just before Rosh Hashanah. It is at the Apollonia National Park. People bring their own kites or make kites at the 15 festival. Parents and children write wishes for a good New Year on the kites and send them into the sky. </p><p>If you want to learn how to make a kite or find out more about kite festivals, you can find many websites7 on the Internet. </p><p>يحتفلون بـ = celebrate 3 بالغون = adults 2 مهرجانات الطائرات الورقية = Kite Festivals 1 </p><p>مواقع إنترنت = websites 7 عالمي = international 6 أشكال = shapes 5 مختلف = different 4 .(التعليمات) Answer questions 1-13 in English according to the text and the instructions</p><p>1. (a) People around the world don’t like to fly kites. YES / NO (lines 1-2) (2 points) (b) Copy the words that justify your answer.</p><p>______(3 points)</p><p>2. When do people in India have a kite festival? (lines 3-7)</p><p>______</p><p>(4 points)</p><p>3. (a) The kites have one color, one shape and one size. YES / NO (lines 3-7) (2 points) (b) Copy the words that justify your answer.</p><p>______(3 points)</p><p>4. Why do six people hold one kite sometimes? (lines 3-7)</p><p>______(4 points)</p><p>5. “Painting the Sky” is the name of an ______in Italy. (lines 8-12) (3 points)</p><p>6. (a) Only people from Italy fly kites at Lake Trasimeno. YES / NO (lines 8-12) (2 points) (b) Copy the words that justify your answer.</p><p>______(3 points) 7. What can visitors see at the end of April in Italy? (lines 8-12)</p><p>______(4 points)</p><p>8. The place of the kite festival in Israel is ______. (lines 13-16) (3 points)</p><p>9. Put an by the THREE things that people do NOT do at the kite festival. (lines 13-16) </p><p>____ They all buy kites. ____ They write their wishes on the kites.</p><p>____ They fly balloons in all colors. ____ They take their kites home.</p><p>____ They fly their kites. (3 points)</p><p>10. To know more about kite festivals, go to… (lines 17-18) </p><p> i) the school magazine. ii) the internet. iii) kite shops. (2 points)</p><p>11.Reference: “They” (line 5) refers to ______(4 points) ______It” (line 13) refers to“ (على من يعود الضمير) </p><p>12. Synonyms: “a lot of” (line 1): ______(4 points)</p><p>______:(yummy / tasty” (line 11“ (المرادف) </p><p>13. Antonyms: “small” (line 7): ______(4 points) ______:(after” (line 13“ (العكس) .(التعليمات) Answer questions 1-13 in English according to the text and the instructions</p><p>1. (a) People have a lot of kite festivals around the world. YES / NO (lines 1-2) (2 points) (b) Copy the words that justify your answer.</p><p>______(3 points)</p><p>2. (a) Every year, people in India have a kite festival on 14.1. YES / NO (lines 3-7) (2 points) (b) Copy the words that justify your answer.</p><p>______(3 points)</p><p>3. Why do people in India have a kite festival? (lines 3-7)</p><p>______(4 points)</p><p>4. When some of the kites are too big, ______hold one kite. (lines 3-7) (3 points)</p><p>5. What is the international kite festival in Italy called? (lines 8-12)</p><p>______(4 points)</p><p>6. (a) Not only people from Italy fly kites at Lake Trasimeno. YES / NO (lines 8-12) (2 points) (b) Copy the words that justify your answer.</p><p>______(3 points) 7. What things can visitors do at the end of April in Italy? Write ONE thing. (lines 8-12)</p><p>______(4 points)</p><p>8. The time of the kite festival in Israel is ______. (lines 13-16) (3 points)</p><p>9. Put an by the THREE things that people do at the kite festival. (lines 13-16) </p><p>____ They write their wishes on the kites. ____ They make new kites.</p><p>____ They take their kites home. ____ They fly kites.</p><p>____ They fly balloons in all colors.</p><p>(3 points)</p><p>10. To know how to make a kite, go to… (lines 17-18) </p><p> i) kite shops. ii) websites on the internet. iii) the school magazine. (2 points)</p><p>11. Reference: “They” (line 11) refers to ______(4 points) ______them” (line 16) refers to“ (على من يعود الضمير) </p><p>12. Synonyms: “like” (line 1): ______(4 points)</p><p>______:(popular” (line 8“ (المرادف) </p><p>13. Antonyms: “ugly” (line 5): ______(4 points) ______:(bad” (line 15“ (العكس) 40 points PART (2): Appreciation of Language</p><p>A. Match the nouns to the pronouns. (0.54= 2 p.)</p><p>___ my sister a. we</p><p>___ a man b. they</p><p>___ my brother and I c. she</p><p>___ dogs d. he</p><p>B. Replace the subject nouns with pronouns. (13= 3 p.) Sentences Rewrite the Sentences!</p><p>The cat is small.</p><p>Halah and Nana are nurses.</p><p>The girl is tall and beautiful.</p><p>C. Complete the sentences with has / have and a / an. (13= 3 p.)</p><p>1. The tables ______orange color.</p><p>2. Natalie ______shirt.</p><p>3. The child ______English book.</p><p>D. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. (13= 3 p.)</p><p>1.a / Sam / has / ball /. </p><p>______</p><p>2.woman / reads / The / stories /. </p><p>______</p><p>3.clean / The / are / rooms / not /. </p><p>______E. Add the missing verbs: To BE ( am / is / are ) or have / has. (14= 4 p.)</p><p>رررر: 1. ررر رر ررر ررررر ررر رررررر. 2. قرر ما إذا كان معنى الجملة كامل ثم اختر الفعل المناسب- فعل ) (رر رررر رر ررر ررر رررر Wrong Sentences Correct Sentences</p><p>Majd a good boy.</p><p>Lara and I an umbrella.</p><p>She a new pen.</p><p>The girls at school.</p><p>F. Write the plural of the sentences. (13= 3 p.)</p><p>1. My brother is a good doctor. → ______</p><p>2. The mouse is running. → ______</p><p>3. The girl has a big box. → ______</p><p>G. Fill in the suitable preposition. (0.54= 2 p.)</p><p>1. We have a test in / on / at Sunday.</p><p>2. Where is he? He is at / on / in home.</p><p>3. The cat is behind / in / between the tree.</p><p>.above / under / in the table (ررر ) The pencil fell .4 </p><p>H. Translate the sentences. (14= 4 p.) English Arabic</p><p>The boys are very tall. هي ليست حزينة. </p><p>I have a hard test today. أب يلك سيارتي. I. Circle the correct answer to complete the passage. (16= 6 p.) They { have / is / are } ten .( )رررررر Mark and Jack { am / is / are } twins </p><p> years old. They { have / are / has } one sister. Their sister { haves / has / have } </p><p> so many cats. The cats sleep { between / in / above } her bed. The mother and </p><p> the father are { a teacher / teachers / teacher } at school. They have a nice little</p><p> family. </p><p>J. Categorize (parts of speech). (0.520= 10 p.)</p><p> read / in / small / he / cake / go / long / next to / milk / we / am / WORDS happy / between / has / sleep / hand / eat / singer / is / under</p><p>Nouns Pronouns Verbs Verb to be Adjectives Prepositions</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>40 points PART (2): Appreciation of Language A. Match the nouns to the pronouns. (0.54= 2 p.)</p><p>___ a mouse a. they </p><p>___ children b. he</p><p>___ Kamal c. she</p><p>___ my mother d. it</p><p>B. Replace the subject nouns with pronouns. (13= 3 p.) Sentences Rewrite the Sentences!</p><p>The boys are clever.</p><p>The board is clean.</p><p>Shadi and I are brothers.</p><p>C. Complete the sentences with has / have and a / an. (13= 3 p.)</p><p>1. My grandma ______old house.</p><p>2. The trees ______nice color.</p><p>3. Mariam ______apple.</p><p>D. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. (13= 3 p.)</p><p>1. have / pupils / pencils / The /. </p><p>______</p><p>2. drink / babies / The / milk /. </p><p>______</p><p>3. am / person / nice / I / a /. </p><p>______</p><p>E. Add the missing verbs: To BE ( am / is / are ) or have / has. (14= 4 p.) رررر: 1. ررر رر ررر ررررر ررر رررررر. 2. قرر ما إذا كان معنى الجملة كامل ثم اختر الفعل المناسب- فعل ) (رر رررر رر ررر ررر رررر Wrong Sentences Correct Sentences</p><p>You angry.</p><p>The woman a red car.</p><p>My sister at the pool.</p><p>We a lot of chocolate.</p><p>F. Write the plural of the sentences. (13= 3 p.)</p><p> a. It is an ugly cat. → ______</p><p> b. The dog is swimming. → ______</p><p> c. The wife has a big cake. → ______</p><p>G. Fill in the suitable preposition. (0.54= 2 p.)</p><p> a. Sally is on / in front of / between me. I can’t see you.</p><p> b. In class, I am sitting above / under / between Samar and Qamar.</p><p> c. She has a party on / in / at Monday.</p><p> d. Do you know where they are? Yes, they are at / on / in school.</p><p>H. Translate the sentences. (14= 4 p.) English Arabic</p><p>The doctor is not good. أمية تلك عشرة قطط. </p><p>I am very happy now. المتحان يوم الحد. I. Circle the correct answer to complete the passage. (16= 6 p.) Samia lives { in / at / on } London. { He / She / It } has three sisters and </p><p> one brother. Samia has beautiful { toys / toies / toyes }. They { is / are / have } </p><p> colorful and cute. Samia's sister { have / has / haves } a big Barbie house </p><p>{ between / in / above } her room. All sisters play with it together. </p><p>J. Categorize (parts of speech). (0.520= 10 p.)</p><p> write / sad / they / on / sing / in front of / house / fruit / at / he / are / WORDS dancer / have / easy / sleep / fat / class / is / hungry / jump</p><p>Nouns Pronouns Verbs Verb to be Adjectives Prepositions</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>10 points PART (3): Written Presentation .اكتب 5 جمل واصفا الصور التالية (.Write 5 sentences describing the pictures. (25= 10 p .انتبه إلى القواعد والملء وعلمات الترقيم .Pay attention to grammar, spelling and punctuation</p><p> sit - رررر think - رررر study - ررر ر read - look for - ررررر Word Bank speak</p><p>- write - pencil - book - chair - ررررر رررر desk - ررررر library </p><p>- test - shirt - hair - رر ررر busy - رررر paper - رررر table lamp </p><p> phone</p><p>1.______</p><p>2.______</p><p>3.______</p><p>4.______</p><p>5.______</p>
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