<p> Tel. Directory (As on D/o Revenue’s website)</p><p>OFFICERS OF DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE (HEADQUARTERS)</p><p>(As on 27.11.2010) Inter Name of Officer Division/Office Designation Tel. No. Room No. -com 23092653, Shri Sunil Mitra Secretary Office Revenue Secretary 5353 128-A/NB 23092111 Shri A.K. Seth Secretary Office PS to RS 23092653 5354 128-B/NB Shri K. Jose Cyriac Addl. Secretary Office Addl. Secy. (Rev.) 23092264 5356 146-C/NB Shri J. Daniel GodfreyAddl. Secretary Office PS 23092264 5357 144-B/NB Shri Anoop Kumar Administration Joint Secy. (Revenue) 23094595 5387 46/NB Srivastava Shri Shikhar Agrawal Administration Dir. (ST) 23092878 5364 66-A/NB Ms. Priya V.K. Singh Administration Dir (Coord) 23092282 5363 48-C/NB Ms. Madhu Sharma Administration Dir (OL) 23092499 5365 264-A/NB Shri Sudhir Kumar Administration Director(HQ) 23092504 5361 51-I/NB Tyagi Shri Labh Singh Administration DS (Admn.) 23092103 5534 48-A/NB Chane Scientist-D, NIC Cell, Shri P.K. Garg Administration 26192578 623, HVB HVB 23093990/ Ms. Nita Gupta Administration US(PITNDPS) 26/CRH 23093991 Shri S.K. Mohanty Administration US(Ad.I C/AAR) 23095578 5578 55/NB Shri Sanjay Kumar Administration US (Parl.Cell) 23092579 5374 32-B/NB Shri R.G. Chhabra Administration Under Secy. (ST) 23095376 5376 226/NB Shri Vacant Administration Under Secy. (Per.) DT 23095577 5577 267-D/NB Shri S.P. Roy Administration US(TC) 23095540 5540 252-C/NB Shri Arvind Kumar Administration US(ST) 23095376 5381 226/NB Shri S.K. Chatterjee Administration DD(OL-I) 23092368 5378 243-E/NB Shri S.G.P. Verghese Administration US (ES Cell) 23093051 5371 55/NB Shri Victor James Administration US (CAT) 23095367 5367 220-A/NB Shri Bhupinder Singh Administration US (GAR/Cash/R&I) 23093050 5366 66-D,NB Shri L.K. Haldar Administration US (Coord.) 23095539 5539 267-D/NB Shri Anand Upadhyay Administration US(Ad.IA&B) 23093277 5368 77-A/NB Shri S.P.S. Verghese Administration US(ES Cell/Ad.ED) 23095377 5377 55/NB Shri V. SreeKumar Administration US (Ad.I) 23093277 5416 77-A/NB Shri Pramod Kumar Administration US(ED) 23095377 5377 55/NB Ku. Purnima Sharma Administration DD(OL-II) 23092368 5329 243-E,/NB Shri Sanjay Administration SO (Ad. I) 23095380 5380 54/NB Shri K.T. Lepcha Administration SO(IWSU) 23093514 22/CRH Shri Sube Singh Administration SO(Ad.IA) 23095375 5375 60/NB Shri R.N. Tripathi Administration AD(Hindi-III) 23095392 5392 262/NB Administration AD(Hindi-IV) 23095393 5393 257-B/NB Ms. Manjula Sharda Administration SO (RTI) 23095588 5588 B-31/NB Shri M.S.Kainth Administration SO (E.S. Cell) 23095388 5388 55/NB Ku. Meena K. SharmaAdministration SO (Ad./ED) 23095459 5459 55/NB Shri K.K. Sapra Administration SO (GAR-II) 23095384 5556 B-9, /NB </p><p>Shri Rajeshwar Lal Administration SO(Ad.I) 23095380 5380 54/NB </p><p>Shri R.P.Tyagi Administration SO(TC) 23092395 5394 227-C/NB 218 & Shri I.A. Ansari Administration Librarian 23364619 27/JDB 248 Shri Suresh Yadav Administration SO(Parliament Cell) 23092579 5374 32-b/nb Shri Somvir Singh Administration SO(Coord.) 23092395 5372 227-D/NB Shri Vivekanand Administration SO(Personnel) DT 23095373 5373 38/NB Shri Rajeev Kumar Administration SO(ST) 23093068 5390 275/NB 5384 23095384/ Shri M.M.Tlhakur Administration Caretaker & B-9/NB 23095385 5385 Shri Manoj Kr. Rai Administration Incharge, Vigilance Cell 23095582 5582 269-B/NB 5384 23095384/ Shri B..K.P. Angam Administration SO (GAR-I) & B-9/NB 23095385 5385 Shri M.K. Rai Administration SO(Per) EC 23095386 5386 38/NB Shri Mani Ram Administration SO (CA) 23095586 5586 51-II, NB Shri Ashok Kumar Administration SO(Ad.IB) 23095382 5382 44/NB Minhas 5383 23095383/ Shri M.L. Sharma Administration SO(Cash) & 256/NB 23095398 5398 </p><p>Shri J.K. Dora Administration SO(Ad.IA) 23095375 5375 60/NB Shri Padmanav Administration SO(P) DT 23095373 5373 38/NB Beheha SO(Computerisation Shri Rajesh Kumar Administration 23095473 5473 51-II/NB Cell) Shri Jetha Singh Administration Incharge(Record Cell) 23341482 4th /JDB Senior Gestnator Shri Hirday Singh Administration 23095593 5593 227/NB Operator Shri Sanjay Kumar Administration SO, R&I(D) 23095389 5389 B-31/NB Singh Shri C.P. Saxena Administration SO, R&I(R) 23095395 5395 B-31/NB Outer Dak Receipt SO, Outer Dak Receipt Administration 23093909 53/NB Counter Counter Shri Vishnu Dayal Administration Cashier 23095398 5398 256/NB Shri Jugal Kishore Administration Asstt. Dir. (Hindi-II) 23095391 5391 262/NB Ms. Surekha Bindra Administration Asstt. Dir.(Hindi-I) 26161574 7th F,HVB Shri Pranav Khullar Integrated Finance Director (Fin./EC) 23093978 5401 71-B/NB Shri A.K. Vajpayee Integrated Finance Director (Fin./DT) 23093269 5402 70-B/NB Shri Ravinder Singh Integrated Finance US (IFU-III) 23092428 5403 233-A/NB Shri Tapan Mitra Integrated Finance US(IFU-III) 23092428 5404 233-A/ NB Shri V.K. Sethi Integrated Finance US (IFU-II) EC 23093386 9/CRH Shri S.P. Singh Integrated Finance US(IFU/B&A) EC 23093594 20/CRH Shri Umesh Sharma Integrated Finance US(IFU/B&A) DT 23092258 12/CRH Ms. Savitri Pratap Integrated Finance SO(IFU/B&A) EC 23093594 20/CRH Shri Krishan Gopal Integrated Finance SO(IFU-III) EC 23095405 5405 252-C/NB Shri Rajender Singh Integrated Finance SO(IFU/B&A) DT 23092790 24/CRH Yadav Shri Nahar Singh Integrated Finance PPS to FA(Finance) 23092332 5603 163/NB Secretary (NC) & Ms. Anita Kapur NC for PSAEW 26108402 803/HVB JS(FT&TR-I) Shri Naveen Chandra NC for PSAEW Dir.(NC) 23093907 5410 266-A/NB Shri Radha Krishan NC for PSAEW S.O.(NC) 23092598 5411 17/CRH Central Economic 23739367, Shri A.P.Kala DG(CEIB) 41 1/JB Intelligence Bureau 23328958 Central Economic 23325976, Shri Raj Kumar DDG & JS(IT) 20 23/JB Intelligence Bureau 23326495 Central Economic 23717665, Shri Vineet Kumar DDG & JS(A) 23/JB Intelligence Bureau 2371253 Central Economic Ms. Rasheeda Husain JS (Cofeposa) 23712574 /JB Intelligence Bureau Central Economic Shri ADG (Admn.) 23325997 25 Intelligence Bureau Central Economic Shri Samir Kumar ADG/DS 23325051 44 3/JB Intelligence Bureau Central Economic Shri B.Kulshrestha ADG 23325468 29 /JB Intelligence Bureau Central Economic Shri A.K.Barna DS (Cofeposa) 23325052 55 14/JB Intelligence Bureau Shri Sohan Singh Central Economic Sr. Statistian 23712451 42 /JB Bhati Intelligence Bureau Central Economic Shri A.V.Lakra US (Ad.) 23712295 53 10/JB Intelligence Bureau Central Economic Shri A.K.Sharma US (Ad.) 23712452 49 17/JB Intelligence Bureau Shri Krishnan Kumar Central EconomicSO (Cofeposa) 23325462 46 15/JB Intelligence Bureau 23325053, Ms. Rasheeda Husain PITNDPS JS (PITNDPS/Cofeposa) 55 /JB 23712594 Shri K.S. Sharma PITNDPS DS(PITNDPS) 23093049 26-A, CRH 23093990/ Ms. Nita Gupta PITNDPS US (PITNDPS) 26/CRH 23093991 23093990/ Shri M.K.Nirbheek PITNDPS SO (PITNDPS) 17-A/ CRH 23093991 Shri Aoop Kumar Narcotics Control JS (Rev.& NCD) 23094595 5598 46,NB Srivastava Shri P.V. Subba Rao Narcotics Control Dir.(NC) 23092686 5450 48-A/NB Shri B.L. Choudhary Narcotics Control Dy. Legal Adviser 23092893 10/CRH Ms. Vimla Bakshi Narcotics Control US (NC-I) 23095415 5415 267-D/NB Shri Ramesh Kaushal Narcotics Control SO (NC-II) 23095419 5419 B-9/NB Shri A.K. Singh Narcotics Control SO (NC-II) 23095419 5419 B-9/NB Shri S.K. Jain Narcotics Control SO (NC-I) 23095418 5418 267-B/NB Secretary(Committtee of Shri Sunder Rajan Narcotics Control 23095420 5420 B-9/NB Management)</p><p>Central Board of Excise and Customs</p><p>Inter Name of Officer Division/Office Designation Tel. No. Room No. -com Central Board of Shri P.C. Jha Chairman(CBEC) 23092849 5496 156/NB Excise & Custom Central Board ofMember(Customs,RI&I, Shri J.K. Batra 23094788 5502 156-C/NB Excise & Custom Ex.&Safeguards)) Central Board of Shri V. Sridhar Member (P&V & Budget) 23092346 5500 158-B/NB Excise & Custom Central Board of Ms. Chitra Gouri Lal Member(L&J) 23092417 5504 156-E/NB Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri Rakesh Sharma Member(ST& Comp.) 23092568 5498 156-D/NB Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri Vijay Singh Member(Central Excise) 23094828 5506 144/NB Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri N.K. Bhujbal Commissioner(RI&I) 26161273 505 505, HVB Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri Rajeev Tandon Commissioner (Coord.) 23092038 5524 245-C, NB Excise & Custom Shri Gautam Central Board of JS(TRU-II) 23093027 5516 147-A/NB Bhattacharya Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri P.S. Pruthi Comm.(Customs/EP) 23092080 5576 252-B/NB Excise & Custom Shri Vacant Central Board ofComm.(ST) 23092275 5481 263-A/NB Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri Vivek Johri JS(TRU-I) 23092687 5514 146-I/NB Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri Najib Shah JS (Drawback) 23341079 203 1JDB Excise & Custom Central Board of Commr. (PAC) 26177602 601, HVB Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri K.K. Jha JS (Review & Judicial) 26177580 410, HVB Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri L.K. Gupta JS [Admn.(EC)] 23092262 5508 155-C/NB Excise & Custom Central Board ofCommissioner(Service Shri Sushil Solanki 23092230 5512 154-B/NB Excise & Custom Tax) Central Board of Shri S.K. Goel CVO 26173380 613, HVB Excise & Custom Ms. Kameswari Central Board of JS(Customs) 23092978 5510 156-B/NB Subramanian Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri M.D. Singh Commissioner (A&J) 26161042 518 518, HVB Excise & Custom Shri Labh Singh Central Board of Director (Ad.V) 26173378 615, HVB Chane Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri Sanjiv Srivastava Director (CX-I & IV) 23092812 5527 47-A/NB Excise & Custom Central Board of Ku. Simmi Jain Director (Legal) 26162152 521 521, HVB Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri Navneet Goel Director (DBK) 23360581 208 3/JDB Excise & Custom Shri Satish Kumar Central Board of Dir. (ICD) 23093380 5521 49/NB Reddy Excise & Custom Central Board of Ms. Rita Khorana Director(Ad.IIIB) 26162693 905, HVB Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri D.K. Banerjee Dir.(Stat./TRU) 23093361 5581 146/NB Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri Ravinder Saroop Dir.(TRU) 23092236 5526 146-H/NB Excise & Custom Central Board of Ku. Mallika Arya Dir.(CX-3) 23094793 5528 47-B/NB Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri M.M. Parthiban Dir.(Customs) 23093908 5523 159-A/NB Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri V.K. Saxena Dir.(Review) 26162156 402/HVB Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri Vivek Ranjan OSD(CX-9) 23094793 5520 47-B/NB Excise & Custom Ku. Hemambika Central Board ofDir.(CX- 23093874 5519 144-A/NB R.Priya Excise & Custom 6/8)/Spokesperson (CBEC) Central Board of Shri Vacant Dir. (Cx.7) 26161184 619 619, HVB Excise & Custom Central Board of Ms. Limatula Yaden DS(TRU) 23092753 5518 146-J/NB Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri J.M.Kennedy DS(TRU) 23092634 5522 146-F/NB Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri L.R. Aggarwal DS(Ad.II A & B) 23093102 5530 274-A/NB Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri S.Mishra DS (Ad.IV/IV-A) 26162675 806, HVB Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri S.K. Thakur DS(Ad.IIIA & Ad.VIII-EC26162694 904 904,HVB Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri K. Ramakrishnan DS (AS) 26177519 520 520, HVB Excise & Custom Shri Raveesh Central Board of DS(Ad.II ) 23092401 5525 52/NB Sanehwal Excise & Custom Shri Sunil Kumar Central Board of PPS(Budget) 23092568 5499 154-D Gupta Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri US (ICD/FTT) 23093947 5552 267-A/NB Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri S.K. Deb US(Ad.II) 23092327 5532 253-A/NB Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri B.L.Meena US(DBK) 23360473 224 18-D/JDB Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri US(Ad.IIA) 23095554 5554 243-E/NB Excise & Custom Central Board of Shri US(CX-I) 23095535 5535 254/NB Excise & Custom</p>
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