<p> OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY HONOR ROLL STUDENTS SPRING 2007 (* INDICATES PRESIDENTS HONOR ROLL) </p><p>ACHILLE Burns, Mindy Fay 2006 Stillwater High School </p><p>ADA * Aldrich, Vanessa Kay 2004 Byng High School Bell, Leslie Renae 2004 Ada Senior High School * Burden, Melissa Nicole 2003 Ada Senior High School Coble, Hayley Rae 2005 Ada Senior High School Coffee, Kiley Marie 2006 Stonewall High School * Cothren, Kyle Ray 2005 Ada Senior High School Hale, Laura Elaine 2005 Ada Senior High School * Hall, Grant Alan 2004 Ada Senior High School * Leach, Alex Benton 2006 Ada Senior High School Nixon, Katie Janelle 2006 Ada Senior High School * Omohundro, Marshall Ryan 2006 Ada Senior High School Reyes, Martina Lanae 2005 Ada Senior High School Roach, Adam Paul 2006 Byng High School Sutton, Lauren Ashley 2004 Ada Senior High School Taylor, Lindsay Marie 2004 Byng High School Timmons, Candace Nicole Timmons, Cortney Ann 2004 Byng High School Walker, Monika Elizabeth 2005 Vanoss High School </p><p>ADAIR * Little, Alex Ross </p><p>ADDINGTON Farris, Dell Allen 2006 Waurika High School </p><p>AFTON Marsh, Erin Beath 2005 Afton High School Robinson, Michael Scott Sullivan, Robert M 2003 Vinita High School </p><p>AGRA Pina, Philip Andrew 1962 Norwell High School</p><p>ALINE * Anthony, Nicki Lynne 2005 Fairview High School </p><p>ALTUS * Bailey, Rebecca Lindsey 2003 Altus High School * Busby, Andrea Suzanne 2005 Altus High School Courtney, Samantha Jo 2005 Altus High School Hepner, Lynsey Lee 2004 Altus High School * Kelly, Jonathan Perry * McAskill, John Blake 2003 Altus High School Moreno, Priscila * Phillips, Michelle Leigh 2005 Altus High School Pope, Meredith Ellen 2006 Altus High School Robins, Dustin James 2003 Altus High School * Vaughan, Raegan Keith 2006 Altus High School Whitaker, Kendra Denise 2004 Navajo High School Zach, Christoper Thomas 2005 Altus High School </p><p>ALVA Gagnon, Abbey Marie 2005 Alva Senior High School Glass, Evan Taylor 2005 Alva Senior High School * Gum, Whitney Dawn 2003 Waynoka High School * Harkin, Sean Patrick 2005 Alva Senior High School * Harris, Ladanna Fay 2003 Alva Senior High School Jones, Austin James 2006 Alva Senior High School May, Jerry Lee 2003 South Barber High School O'Neal, Robert Joseph 2006 Alva Senior High School Ross, Jennifer Dian 2006 Alva Senior High School </p><p>ANADARKO Lafferty, Ashton Brooke 2005 Anadarko High School </p><p>ANTLERS Smallwood, Jenna Marie White, Katie Beth</p><p>APACHE Hill, Heather Dawn 2000 Carnegie High School Orf, Dakota Keith 2006 Burkburnett High School </p><p>ARAPAHO * Cabaniss, Cole Andrew 2002 Arapaho High School Cabaniss, Morgan Schree 2003 Arapaho High School </p><p>ARCADIA * West, Valerie Page 2002 Heritage Hall Upper School </p><p>ARDMORE * Aldridge, Chelsea Lizanne 2006 Plainview High School Allison, Travis Lee 2005 Ardmore Senior High School Bates, Jason Paul 2004 Madill High School Brecht, Amber Renee 2005 Ardmore Senior High School Capraro, Anthony Vincent 2002 Plainview High School Capraro, Selena Rose Mary 2005 Plainview High School Cross, Andrea Lynne 2005 Ardmore Senior High School * Elledge, Jordan Taylor 2003 Plainview High School Elledge, Kelsey Jane 2006 Plainview High School * Fisher, Jonathan Ross 2004 Plainview High School * Harris, Nancy Sophia 2004 Ardmore Senior High School * Idell, Covenant N 2006 Ardmore Senior High School Lehman, Derek Earl 2004 Ardmore Senior High School McGee, Justin Lynn 2006 Dickson High School * Merritt, Clay Michael 2006 Plainview High School * Merritt, Clint Matthew 2006 Plainview High School Newton, Katie A 2005 Plainview High School Perryman, Larae Anne 2004 Plainview High School * Reed, Jeffrey Connor 2005 Ardmore Senior High School * Seals, Meagan Carruth 2006 Plainview High School * Smiley, Sara Allison 2003 Lone Grove High School Veith, Lindsay Jane 2004 Lone Grove High School * Hanus, Meagan Brooke 2005 Bixby High School </p><p>ARNETT Blaylock, Julie Tess 2004 Cheyenne High School Word, Trevor Bryce 2006 Arnett High School </p><p>BARNSDALL Gann, Hans Edward 2001 Barnsdall High School Keene, Courtney Jyn 2006 Barnsdall High School </p><p>BARTLESVILLE Adams, Jessica Joanne 2006 Bartlesville High School * Adams, Sarah Michelle 2003 Bartlesville High School Ambler, Kelsey Ann 2005 Bartlesville High School Ayers, Nichole Dawn 2006 Cinco Ranch High School Bagga, Shweta 2005 Bartlesville High School Baillargeon, David Sebastien 2006 Bartlesville High School Baker, Cassandra Layne 2006 Bartlesville High School Bean, Lauren Ashley 2006 Bartlesville High School * Bell, Katrina Lynn 2004 Bartlesville High School Blumert, Bonnie Jean 2004 Bartlesville High School Blumert, Carrie Esther 2006 Bartlesville High School Bobsein, Marley Kaye 2003 Bartlesville High School Bonner, Bobby Jay 2002 Pretty Prairie High School Burro, Jeffrey Robert 2004 Bartlesville High School Carrig, Ian Andrew 2002 Bartlesville High School Casad, Kelsey Ann 2004 Bartlesville High School Christian, Thomas Clark 2003 Bartlesville High School Commons, Jennifer Lynn 2003 Viewmont High School Cook, Randii Lauren 2005 Bartlesville High School Cosby, Katherine Elizabeth 2006 Bartlesville High School Craddock, Alice Faye 2006 Bartlesville High School * Cragun, Paul Michael 2001 Dewey High School Defrees, Samuel Ray 2006 Bartlesville High School * Evans, Sarah Elizabeth 2006 Bartlesville High School Findlay, William David 2005 Bartlesville High School Frana, Joseph Michael 2006 Bartlesville High School * Grismore, David Andrew 2006 Bartlesville High School * Grismore, Michael Allen 2003 Bartlesville High School Heisserer, Christina Marie 2004 Bartlesville High School * Hendrickson, Jacob Stephen 2005 Bartlesville High School Hossain, Omar Saadat 2006 Bartlesville High School Hotchkin, Timothy John 2006 Bartlesville High School Hough, Ashley Dee 2003 Bartlesville High School Jenkinson, Gavan Brent 2003 Ponca City Senior High School * Johannesen, Nikolas Karl 2005 Bartlesville High School Johns, Alisha Catherine 2003 Bartlesville High School * Johnson, Daniel Miller 2004 Bartlesville High School * Keller, Matthew Storm 2005 Bartlesville High School * Kesselhuth, Lindsey Dean 2004 Bartlesville High School Key, Jonathan Mark 2003 Bartlesville High School Kim, Eric Heysung 2005 Bartlesville High School Kimble, Greg Steele 2005 Bartlesville High School * Kirkpatrick, Blair Austin 2006 Bartlesville High School McAfee, Sarah Kathleen 2003 Bartlesville High School * McDaniel, Maddie Anne 2006 Bartlesville High School McMillan, Erin Lea 2006 Bartlesville High School * McPhillips, Shelly Nicole 2003 Bartlesville High School Messer, Katie Elizabeth 2003 Bartlesville High School Miller, Brittany Leigh 2004 Bartlesville High School Miller, Nicholas Clyde 2006 Bartlesville High School * O’Grady, Sean Timothy Joseph 2003 Ponca City Senior High School Oliver, Jeffrey Kirk 2004 Bartlesville High School Oliver, Ryan Talison 2005 Dewey High School Penquite, Jennifer Rose 2004 Bartlesville High School Perrine, Samuel Thomas 2006 Bartlesville High School Phelps, Travis Taylor 2003 Bartlesville High School Phillips, Grant Lavon 2003 Bartlesville High School Pickel, Steven James 2003 Bartlesville High School Pryor, Rebecca Elizabeth 2004 Bartlesville High School Roberts, Corey Lee Rohrs, Spenser Martin 2004 Bartlesville High School Sauceda, Richard Christopher 2003 Ponca City Senior High School Shioyama, Christopher Scott 2003 Bartlesville High School * Shoemake, Bret Thomas 2005 Bartlesville High School * Sippy, Andrew Jordan 2004 Bartlesville High School Smith, Christopher David 2004 Bartlesville High School Stahley, Christopher Ryan 2004 Bartlesville High School * Venamon, Brett Alan 2004 Bartlesville High School * Venamon, Kyle Brian 2006 Bartlesville High School Vines, Jennifer Marie 2004 Bartlesville High School Walsh, Donald Klein, III 2004 Bartlesville High School Watters, Rachel Dawn 2004 Bartlesville High School Williams, Matthew Russell 2006 Cy-Fair Senior High School * Wilson, Cody Michael 2005 Bartlesville High School * Wilson, Tyler Mckinley 2004 Bartlesville High School Davis, Cody Preston 2003 Union High School Henry, Brandon Howard * McSpadden, Alex Thomas 2006 Bartlesville High School </p><p>BATTIEST * Oliver, Mary Elizabeth 2004 Battiest High School </p><p>BEAVER Gomez, Anabel 2006 Beaver High School Hilton, Britt Preston 2003 Beaver High School Howard, Kassandra Ariel 2004 Beaver High School </p><p>BEGGS Bartmann, Katie Marie 2006 Beggs High School Critser, Danielle Nicole * Yeargain, Brent David </p><p>BETHANY Gillham, Katherine Lynn 2003 Putnam City West High School Gladney, Megan Elizabeth 2005 Putnam City West High School McCaslin, Amy Lynn 2003 Putnam City West High School * Mendus, Teresa L Nix, Stephanie Rene'E 2004 Putnam City West High School Pond, Shayna Marie 2004 Putnam City West High School Radke, Victoria Lauren 2004 Bethany High School * Smith, Kristen Renee' 2003 Bethany High School </p><p>BINGER McMahan, Mindy Jean 2004 Binger-Oney High School Stover, Alicia Ann 2004 Binger-Oney High School </p><p>BIXBY Ackerman, Andrew Stephen 2004 Bixby High School Anderson, Alan Demilliones Beck, Casi Marie 2005 Bixby High School * Branch, Michelle Nicole 2005 Bixby High School Burress, Amanda Marie Butler, Jake Ryan 2006 Bixby High School Calvert, Julie Heather 2004 Bixby High School * Choisnet, Blake Lucas 2006 Bixby High School Dickinson, Chase Alan 2006 Glenpool High School Durkee, Mary Elizabeth 2004 Bixby High School Ernce, Megan D'Ann 2003 Bixby High School * Gent, Stephen Richard 2004 Bixby High School Gigas, John Tanner 2004 Metro Christian Academy Heister, Rachael Kay 2006 Bixby High School * Hightower, Zachary Adam 2003 Glenpool High School Hink, Whitney Leigh 2004 Bixby High School * King, Michael Dylan 2004 Bixby High School Leiker, Daniel Wayne 2004 Bixby High School Longmore, Jessica Diane 2004 Bixby High School Mitchell, Micha Bailey 2003 Bixby High School * Moore, Kacy Leigh Morgan, Casi Nichole 2004 Bixby High School Moyer, Sarah Elizabeth 2005 Bixby High School * Neil, Joshua Ryan 2004 Bixby High School Nix, Bryan Michael 2004 Bixby High School Parker, Daniel Edward Patterson, Jennifer Lynn 2003 Jenks High School Sommer, Andrew Robert 2004 Bixby High School * Spencer, Julia Rachelle 2003 Jenks High School * Stake, Audrey Joan 2004 Bixby High School Tipton, Audra Stacey Westerman, Michelle Marie </p><p>BLACKWELL Courtney, Shane Allan 2003 Blackwell High School * Wyckoff, Jonathon Charles 2006 Blackwell High School </p><p>BLANCHARD Conrad, Tamra Nicole 2004 Alex High School Dibert, Allyson Diane 2004 Bridge Creek High School Doerksen, Kyle Edward 2005 Blanchard High School Olivieri, Bettina Teresa * Simpson, Suzanne Elizabeth 2006 Blanchard High School </p><p>BOISE CITY Betz, Abbie Laine 2004 Checotah High School Crabtree, Clay Preston 2003 Boise City High School James, Adam Bradly 2003 Boise City High School Prather, Jillian Renae 2005 Boise City High School </p><p>BOKCHITO * Klement, Lance Paul 2002 Durant Senior High School </p><p>BOKOSHE * Richards, James Daniel 2003 Bokoshe High School </p><p>BOSWELL Eastwood, Joseph Aaron </p><p>BOYNTON * Gerig, Rhonda Michelle Simpson, Amber Nicole </p><p>BRISTOW * Bacon, Kyle Matthew 2002 Bristow Senior High School Barrett, Malarie J'Ann 2006 Bristow Senior High School Hutchings, Gabrielle Elyse 2006 Kellyville High School Leverett, Johnny Mack 2003 Bristow Senior High School Pickett, Stacy Lynn 2005 Sapulpa High School </p><p>BROKEN ARROW Archibald, Matthew Robert Beam, Catherine Marie 2005 Broken Arrow High School Bossart, Abbey Ann Bowling, Brent Alan 2005 Broken Arrow High School * Daft, Brendon Tray 2005 Broken Arrow High School Duarte, Diana Araceli * Evans, Jessica Michelle 2004 Broken Arrow High School Fisher, Amanda Leigh 2004 Broken Arrow High School * Gunning, Eric William 2002 Broken Arrow High School Hamilton, Kirk Lanie Hodges, Daniel Kenneth Hubert, Courtney Kathryn 2006 Broken Arrow High School Hughes, Jeffrey Michael 2005 Broken Arrow High School Jones, Spencer Lloyd 2005 Broken Arrow High School Kelley, Ian P 2003 Broken Arrow High School Kendall, Heath Leland 2003 Coweta High School * Little, Allison Marie 2005 Broken Arrow High School Martin, Derek Wayne 2003 Broken Arrow High School * Martinez, Melissa Renee * Miller, Russell Johannes 2002 Broken Arrow High School Miller, Wade Adam 2003 Broken Arrow High School Moss, Stephen James 2004 Broken Arrow High School * Nelson, Stacia Dawn 2004 Broken Arrow High School Nelson, Whitney Len 2006 Bishop Kelley High School Pratchard, Eric Garth Raymond, Kaitlyn Marie 2005 Holland Hall School Robinson, Benjamin Joseph 2006 Bishop Kelley High School Roskam, Lacey Michelle 2005 Broken Arrow High School Smith, Scott Ray 2005 Broken Arrow High School * Troglin, Casandra Lynn Tuller, Allen Shea Wells, Vanessa Renee 2005 Broken Arrow High School West, Amelia Anne 2005 Union High School Wilcox, Dillon Tyler 2006 Broken Arrow High School Ahrens, Nicholas Keith 2003 Broken Arrow High School Ariola, Laurie Renee 2004 Broken Arrow High School * Ball, Patrick Jameson 2005 Broken Arrow High School Bennett, Sara Marie Broken Arrow High School * Braaten, Tyler Allen 2005 Victory Christian School Dullea, James Cameron 2004 Metro Christian Academy Dullea, Layne Elizabeth 2006 Metro Christian Academy * Foland, Robert William 2003 Broken Arrow High School Guy, Brittani Lynn 2004 Union High School Harris, Erin Christine Jenks High School Helm, Ashley Brooke 2006 Broken Arrow High School Hill, Gregory Alan 2003 Broken Arrow High School Kollmann, Andrea Legare 2004 Broken Arrow High School * Laurent, Ashley Nicole 2003 Broken Arrow High School Lawson, David Brian 2003 Broken Arrow High School Mercer, Mark Edward O'Dell, Robert Ryan 2006 Broken Arrow High School * Pannell, Sarah Katherine 2005 Broken Arrow High School * Pentas, Lindsay Ann 2004 Broken Arrow High School Scocos, Reed William Scott, Piper Reagan 2003 Metro Christian Academy Spencer, Kelly Elizabeth 2005 Broken Arrow High School * Spencer, Kimberley Lauren 2006 Broken Arrow High School * Stiner, Matthew Lace Summers, Greg Lee 2003 Broken Arrow High School Weatherford, Aubrey Layne 2004 Broken Arrow High School * Ames, Thomas Stephen 2004 Union High School Anderson, Megan Elizabeth 2006 Union High School * Bailey, Brad Allen 2003 Union High School Balenti, Michael Anthony 2003 Union High School * Beck, Dana Kathryn 2003 Union High School * Beck, Jimikaye 2005 Union High School * Bergman, Danielle Michelle 2004 Broken Arrow High School * Brainerd, Christal Lynne 2005 Union High School Brown, Kathryn Lorraine 2005 Broken Arrow High School Brown, Sean Christopher 2004 Union High School Burk, Amanda Faye 2005 Union High School * Burris, Heather Renee 2003 Broken Arrow High School * Concienne, Marcus Brandon 2004 Union High School * Coryell, Jessica Lee 2005 Union High School Crotchett, James Alan 2003 Broken Arrow High School * Dexter, Amanda Carol 2006 Union High School * Dunlavey, Joseph Michael 2003 Grace Fellowship Christian Sch Egan, Paul Francis 2004 Union High School Eidson, Brooke Elyse 2004 Union High School * Farris, Emily Kate 2004 Union High School Frazier, Jonathan Jay 2004 Broken Arrow High School Frescott, Shaun Paul Gann, Michael Thomas Hall, Kevin Bernard Hatter, Mona Theresa * Helberg, Laura Michelle 2005 Union High School Hildebrand, Daniel Steven 2005 Metro Christian Academy * Jeter, Jessica Lynn 2004 Union High School King, Tonya Renea 2005 Broken Arrow High School Ko, Angela Eunsun 2006 Broken Arrow High School Lack, Rudolph Lee, III 2003 Broken Arrow High School * Le, Lam Quang 2005 Broken Arrow High School * Lewis, Stephanie Lynn * Lofton, Joshua Jon Madewell, Daniel Ryan 2003 Union High School Malfacini, Douglas Figueredo McDermott, Alicia Lynn 2004 Grace Fellowship Christian McLean, Michael John 2001 Memorial Senior High School Miller, Christopher Allen 2004 Broken Arrow High School Mullennax, Mason Ross 2001 Broken Arrow High School Myers, Evan Lawrence 2004 Broken Arrow High School * Nolen, Matthew Stephen 2006 Union High School Padden, Brandon Patrick 2006 Union High School * Parish, Keri Anne 2004 Broken Arrow High School Parker, Andrew Joel 2005 Broken Arrow High School Pham, Ngoc-Lan Thi 2003 Union High School Pike, Jill Melissa 2001 Bixby High School * Polakow, Shelly Denise Pollnow, Jonathan Frank 2000 Jenks High School Pratt, Morgan Nicole 2003 Broken Arrow High School Randolph, Shannon Leann 2003 Union High School Rhoads, Jeffrey Christopher 2003 Union High School Roth, Amanda Marie 2006 Union High School * Sexton, Katelynn Shea 2003 Union High School * Siebert, Samantha Beth 2005 Union High School * Sisney, Kendra Lee 2003 Broken Arrow High School * Skinner, Tara Jo 2004 Union High School Smith, Christina Lynn 2005 Union High School * Sowersby, Robert Erwin Spencer, Leslie Ann 2004 Holland Hall School Steen, Graham Edley 2005 Union High School Stockwell, Michael David 2003 Broken Arrow High School Strothmann, Marybeth Patricia 2005 Broken Arrow High School Wade, Aaron Robert 2003 Broken Arrow High School * Walker, Ashley Joan 2004 Booker T Washington High * Walters, Cassi Lynette 2004 Broken Arrow High School Wanner, Jimmy Lanne * Wild, Christopher Robert 2005 Union High School Williams, Crystina Renee Anderson, Heather Marie 2005 Broken Arrow High School Ayers, John Kevin 2005 Broken Arrow High School Baker, Sharon Marie * Banes, Thomas Morgan 2003 Memorial Senior High School Bernardi Rivera, Carlos E Bilby, Craig Wayne 2006 Broken Arrow High School * Lewis, Tamara Dawn May, Tori Ann 2003 Broken Arrow High School Nowisczski, Jamie Lannor 2003 Broken Arrow High School * Palfreyman, Richard John 1999 Memorial Senior High Ramsey, Emily Eve Roberts, Taylor Zachary 2006 Owasso High School * Wyckoff, Kristin Kelli 2005 Broken Arrow High School Hewson, Kayla Marie 2006 Broken Arrow High School </p><p>BROKEN BOW Ash, Jeremy Kyle 2003 Broken Bow High School Holeman, Nathan Michael 2005 Broken Bow High School </p><p>BUFFALO * Aranda, Rigoberto Lozano 2004 Buffalo High School Hughes, Jeremy Lee Ives, Cole Jordan 2003 Buffalo High School Sizelove, Dalaina Kelli 2004 Buffalo High School </p><p>BURLINGTON Loeser, Natalie Rochelle </p><p>BURNEYVILLE * Tracy, Brianna Joy 2004 Marietta High School </p><p>CALUMET * Leck, Dustin Vincent 2005 Calumet High School </p><p>CAMERON Hansel, Jessica Lynn 2005 Poteau Senior High School Hansel, Jill Lynn 2006 Poteau Senior High School </p><p>CANADIAN Thompson, Matthew Timothy 2006 Canadian High School </p><p>CANTON Foster, Candice Jean 2003 Canton High School * Hammer, Dallas Ian 1999 Terrell High School Haub, Jackie Lynne 2004 Canton High School * Smith, Emily Elizabeth 2004 Seiling High School</p><p>CANUTE * Poff, Randi Jean 2004 Elk City High School </p><p>CARNEY Turner, Kira Jane 1997 Antelope Union High School * Turner, Micah James </p><p>CARRIER Watkins, Tricia Danielle </p><p>CARTER Street, Justin Kyle </p><p>CASHION Barr, Mollie Elizabeth 2005 Cashion High School </p><p>CATOOSA * Armstrong, Randall Marcus Bunnell, Chelsey Rae 2005 Memorial Senior High School Spontarelli, Rebecca Faith</p><p>CHANDLER * Acord, Jeremy Wade 2003 Home Schooled Arterbery, Andrew Paul * Boyd, Cody Wayne 2005 Chandler High School * Bridges, Brian Lee 2004 Chandler High School Kinnamon, Christopher Don 2004 Stroud Senior High School Milburn, Janiece Nicole 2006 Carney High School * Spalvieri, Kayla Marie 2005 Chandler High School * Thompson, Nathan Glen 2005 Davenport High School * White, Andrew Sherman 2004 Davenport High School * Deisher, Kandace Ann 2005 Chandler High School </p><p>CHATTANOOGA * Fischer, Abby Jo 2002 Chattanooga High School Goodknight, Cody Wayne 2004 Chattanooga High School </p><p>CHECOTAH Fisher, Ryan Manson 2003 Eufaula High School Henderson, Judith Kathleen * Henderson, Lori Ann * Ramsey, Amber Lea 2004 Checotah High School * Garrett, Julie Ann </p><p>CHELSEA * Bible, Andrew Clay 2002 Chelsea High School Griffith, Carly Danyale 2002 Adair High School * Kelton, William Shelby 2006 Chelsea High School * Walker, Mitchell Sean 2003 Adair High School Weyen, Elijah Henry-Preston 2003 Adair High School Wooley, Steven Jay 2005 Chelsea High School </p><p>CHEROKEE * Butler, Janea Elizabeth 2006 Burlington School * Elmore, Dustin Allen 2004 Cherokee Senior High School Goodwin, Mallory Marie 2006 Cherokee Senior High School Guffy, Matthew Allen 2003 Cherokee Senior High School Highfill, Shayla Nicole 2003 Cherokee Senior High School Masquelier, Dennicia Shea 2004 Cherokee Senior High School Ramy, Jamie Lynn 2005 Alva Senior High School Stein, Patrick Leroy 2004 Cherokee Senior High School Woods, Na'Cole Dawn 2002 Cherokee Senior High School </p><p>CHESTER * Meister, Laura A </p><p>CHICKASHA * Bradford, Angelo Dominic 2004 Chickasha High School * Gearhart, Steven Matthew 2003 Chickasha High School Gordon, Bailey Anne 2004 Chickasha High School Holt, Billy Wayne 2006 Chickasha High School Horn, Amanda Kay 2006 Chickasha High School McKnight, Madison Mae 2006 Carthage Senior High School Osborn, Jilene Carol 2006 Chickasha High School * Pearce, Mark Daniel 2002 Chickasha High School Perryman, James M 2005 Chickasha High School * Posey, Elise Cherie 2004 Chickasha High School Pruitt, Tiffani Jo 2005 Chickasha High School Spencer, Chelsea Talla 2006 Chickasha High School Sutherland, Valerie Elizabeth 2004 Chickasha High School </p><p>CHOCTAW * Wendte, Jered M Gdanski, Trevor Anthony 2003 Oklahoma School Of Sci & Math Kriwanek, Sarah Megan 2002 Bethel High School Mako, Rhiannon Nicole 2004 Choctaw High School Nash, Daniel Earl 2004 Choctaw High School Nawotka, Ann Marie 2004 Christian Heritage Academy * Stanolis, Joan Aileen 2006 Jones High School * Wright, Robert Edward 2003 Choctaw High School </p><p>CHOUTEAU McCartney, Allison Kay </p><p>CLAREMORE Allen, Sarah Marie 2004 Chelsea High School Atwood, Leah Faith 1999 Claremore High School Barto, Bridget Ann 2003 Foyil High School * Becker, Donald Lee 2006 Oologah High School Burton, Kristen Denise 2004 Claremore High School * Carter, Stephanie Marie 2000 Stillwater High School Clark, Robert Allan, III 2006 Claremore High School Coghill, Michael Ron 2001 Foyil High School Coleman, Christopher Don 2002 Oologah High School * Conners, Rebecca Anne 2005 Home Schooled * Converse, Andrew Peter 2002 Claremore High School Durick, Jennifer Lorraine French, Rachael Alexandra 2004 Verdigris School * Fry, Lacey Nicole 2003 Claremore High School * Hammett, Andrew Mark Harrison, Amanda Michelle 2006 Sequoyah High School * Hayes, Daniel Kent, Jr 2005 Owasso High School Hendrix, Bailey Kay 2005 Claremore High School Hnatusko, Aubrey Lynn 2005 Verdigris School Horner, Kendall Wayne 2004 Claremore Christian School * Jackson, Crystal Marie Jackson, Doran Joseph 2003 Verdigris School Jerchau, Rachael Anne 2006 Sequoyah High School Johnson, Sarah Ann 2006 Claremore High School * Kuehn, Andrew Vernon 2003 Sequoyah High School Lemmons, Kelsey Danielle 2006 Claremore High School * List, Patrick Wayne 1999 Claremore High School * Long, Brandon Wayne 2003 Verdigris School * Mathew, Tina Rachel McDonald, Katy June 2005 Claremore High School Michael, Justin Lavelle Claremore High School Morris, Devon Michael 2003 Verdigris School Moss, Joanna Faye Nave, Rachel Nicole 2004 Claremore High School Ochsankehl, Andrew James Oliver, Steven Roy 2002 Foyil High School Pancoast, Whitney Rae 2005 Thomas A Edison High School Perry, Jami Dyan 2004 Claremore High School Persson, Benjamin Keith 2004 Home Schooled Purdum, Megan Elizabeth 2003 Sequoyah High School Rains, Kimberly Michelle 2004 Owasso High School Richards, Allie Marie 2006 Claremore High School Sanchez, Amber Layne 2003 Claremore High School * Schroeder, Megan Abbott-Siler 2005 Claremore High School Stair, Bradley Dale 2004 Claremore High School Steinbrook, William Garrett 2006 Claremore High School * Stender, Jase Larkin 2003 Claremore High School Stephens, Ashley Nicole 2002 Claremore High School Sullivan, Michael Andrew 2004 Ponca City Senior High School Trease, Adam Brent 2005 Claremore High School Watkins, Ryan Anthony 2006 Claremore High School White, Mary Elizabeth 2004 Claremore High School * Fields, Cody Ryan 2006 Claremore High School * Blackmore, David Michael </p><p>CLAYTON Smallwood, Sara Jane 2004 Clayton High School </p><p>CLEVELAND Dye, Valerie Leigh 2000 Cleveland High School * Endicott, Andrea Lea 2004 Cleveland High School Hammond, Trey Christopher 2003 Cleveland High School * Irwin, Allison Kathleen 2004 Charles Page High School * Jech, Tera Michelle 1995 Cleveland High School Jimison, Riki Lynn * Jones, Frank Anthony Sloat, Tiffany Sybille 2006 Cleveland High School * Spess, Ashley Ann 2004 Cleveland High School Walden, Angela Joy 1111 Vinita High School * Willhite, Jay Paul 2005 Cleveland High School Yates, Jenna Michelle 2005 Cleveland High School </p><p>CLINTON Alden, Darrell Shane Cecil, Michael Alden 2006 Clinton High School Cornelius, Jessi Lea 2004 Clinton High School Linderer, Jeffrey Scott 2003 Clinton High School Moore, Lindsay Jo 2003 Clinton High School Stangl, Amber Renae 2003 Clinton High School Stangl, Shannon Marie 2004 Clinton High School Nordean, Joanna Paige 2003 Edmond Memorial High School </p><p>COLCORD Kinzey, Jason Wayne </p><p>COLLINSVILLE Allen, Amanda Gayle 2006 Collinsville High School Fulton, Matthew Eric Hart, Joseph Ryan 2004 Collinsville High School Mewbourne, Kacie Nicole 2001 Deer Creek High School Moyers, Brandy Karen 2004 Collinsville High School Munger, Joshua Douglas 2003 Owasso High School Munger, Marcus Andrew 2005 Owasso High School * Peterson, Keelie Jo 2003 Collinsville High School * Salusky, Robert Brian * Schultheiss, Lindsey B 2004 Collinsville High School Staves, Cassandra Jean 2004 Plano Senior High School Conley, Traci Wilmath Barnes, Trenton Keane 2003 Collinsville High School * Battles, Ashley Marie * Burgett, Nikki Janell Chappell, Ashley Marie 2004 Owasso High School Cuccio, Keeley Janeen 2006 Owasso High School Joice, Brandi Michelle 2004 Collinsville High School * Larew, Serena Lynne Martinez, Jose Alberto * Owen, Brette Elise 2006 Skiatook High School Six, Brandy Rene * Smith, Brett Kendrick 2005 Collinsville High School Smith, Justin Eric 2004 Collinsville High School * Troglin, Johnna Kay </p><p>COMANCHE Boyer, Amanda Karen 2005 Comanche High School Branch, Chadwick Kyle 2006 Comanche High School * Branch, Christopher Brian 2004 Comanche High School * Lyle, Erin Rebekah 2006 Comanche High School Olheiser, Brandon Steve 2006 Comanche High School </p><p>COPAN Pollock, Samantha Jane 2004 Copan High School </p><p>CORDELL * Jaronek, Jeffrey Roy 2004 Cordell High School </p><p>CORN Dyck, Craig Allen 2003 Corn Bible Academy</p><p>COVINGTON Stewart, Kayla Jo 2006 Covington-Douglas High School </p><p>COWETA Collingsworth, Charlotte Anne 2005 Broken Arrow High School Collingsworth, Samantha Marie 2005 Broken Arrow High School Hodges, David Michael 2003 Metro Christian Academy * Holmes, Heather Dawn 2006 Coweta High School * Morris, Trevor John 2006 Broken Arrow High School * Norton, Mitchell Everett 2005 Coweta High School * Wyatt, Karen Marie 2006 Coweta High School </p><p>COYLE * Bareiss, Daman Frank 2006 Coyle High School McMillen, Tiffany Rose 2006 Coyle High School * Schmidt, Jodee Lynn 2005 Coyle High School </p><p>CRESCENT Davis, Kathryn Anne 2004 Crescent Senior High School * Miller, Jene Lyne 2003 Frontier School Wheeler, Shyloh Shanae 2004 Crescent Senior High School </p><p>CROWDER * Horn, Heather Dawn 2005 Collinsville High School </p><p>CUSHING Bright, Mary Joann 2000 Cushing High School Cooper, Kaylee Marie 2005 Cushing High School Eubank, Bryan Chase 2004 Cushing High School Gaunder, Dustin Paul 2005 Cushing High School Gillespie, Misty Dawn 2005 Cushing High School Karlin, Andrew David 2001 Cushing High School Katz, Aiden Samuel * Linduff, Amanda Beth 2006 Cushing High School * Luckinbill, Leighanne Brox 2002 Mustang High School McCool, Megan Nicole 2006 Oilton High School Nichols, Quanah Lamar 1984 Edmond Memorial High School Rose, Robert Phillip Strong, Courtney Lea Thompson, Kara Lynn 2004 Cushing High School Toland, Ashley Brooke 2004 Cushing High School Toland, Colby John 2003 Cushing High School * Vincent, Stephen Todd 2006 Cushing High School</p><p>CUSTER CITY * Jones, Brittany Lynn 2004 Thomas High School </p><p>DAVIS Edwards, Coree Deshawn 2005 Davis High School </p><p>DEER CREEK Harrold, Melissa Nicole Deer Creek Lamont High School * Hohmann, Katelin Ann 2003 Deer Creek Lamont High School </p><p>DEL CITY Crall, Rachel Elizabeth 2004 Mount Saint Marys High School Hughes, Brandi Melissa Booth, Jacob William Del City High School Carlberg, Kelcey Renee 2006 Christian Heritage Academy Carpenter, Karalena Beth 2000 Midwest City High School Ledford, Ashley Dawn 2006 Del City High School * O'Neil, Timothy Darrin 2002 Christian Heritage Academy Pearson, Jeremy Wayne </p><p>DEVOL Beard, Joe Bredy 2006 Big Pasture High School Pinkerman, Cody Wayne 2004 Oklahoma School Of Sci & Math </p><p>DEWEY Frye, Lisa Jeanine Dewey High School Keah Tigh, Candace Corinne 2003 Dewey High School </p><p>DILL CITY Green, Cassey Renee 2005 Burns Flat-Dill City High Sch </p><p>DOVER Barr, Jamie Lynn 2003 Dover High School </p><p>DRUMRIGHT Brown, Cassie Lynn 2006 Glenpool High School Cooper, Sarah Michele 2003 Ardmore Senior High School Lemmons, Matthew Lynn 2003 Drumright High School Nicholson, Ruby Denice Suter, Annie May 1992 Pittsburg High School Young, Jessica Kay 2006 Cushing High School </p><p>DUKE Holsey, Mary Lauren 2003 Altus High School </p><p>DUNCAN Baker, John Austin 2003 Duncan High School * Berning, Natalie Kate 2003 Duncan High School * Bethany, Jenna Kelby 2006 Duncan High School Branch, Meredith Elise 2006 Duncan High School * Brewer, Taryn Nicole 2004 Duncan High School Bridges, Bethany Brooke 2006 Duncan High School * Brown, Bandi R 2004 Velma Alma High School * Caldwell, Allyson Nicole 2005 Duncan High School * Carnes, Brett Edward * Cathey, Sarah Elizabeth 2003 Duncan High School Fiorillo, Anthony Franklin, Jr 2002 Duncan High School * Flesher, Deren Doyle 2003 Duncan High School * Fuller, Adam Michael 2002 Duncan High School * Gray, Christopher Michael 2003 Duncan High School * Hare, Lyndsey Marie 2003 Duncan High School Matthews, Elizabeth Kate 2005 Duncan High School McCabe, Larissa Cheryl 2005 Duncan High School * Null, Brandon Scott 2005 Empire Consolidated High Sch * Shepherd, Sydney Danielle 2006 Duncan High School Shondelmyer, Brooke Danielle 2002 Duncan High School Skinner, Amber Denise * Taylor, Caysie Alisha 2005 Duncan High School * Wanzor, Christopher Devin 2003 Comanche High School Garza, Nichole Marie 2006 Duncan High School </p><p>DURANT Armstrong, Brandon Robertson 2003 Durant Senior High School * Coleman, Erin Ashley 2004 Durant Senior High School * Collier, Shanetha Linn 2005 Durant Senior High School * Conway, Kassidy Nichole 2003 Durant Senior High School * Lee, Kathryn Diane 2003 Durant Senior High School Midgley, Taber Leon 2006 Durant Senior High School Rowland, Evan Scott 2002 Durant Senior High School Searcy-Repak, Paul William 2004 Silo High School Sumner, Brandon James 2004 Durant Senior High School </p><p>EAGLETOWN Arnold, Chad Sherel Arnold, Regina Kaye </p><p>EDMOND Adams, Justine Michelle 2006 Deer Creek High School Burrus, Joshua Bruce 2006 Edmond North High School Carter, Chase Randall 2004 Edmond North High School Coldiron, Katherine Jeannette 2004 Broken Arrow High School * Collins, Courtney Elizabeth 2005 Oklahoma Bible Academy Collins, Megan Lynn 2003 Oklahoma Bible Academy * Costner, Mekall Denae 2005 Claremore High School Donehue, Andrew Joseph 2002 Enid High School Ferster, Danika Renee 2006 Guthrie Senior High School Hager, Christine Robin 2002 Edmond North High School McWhirter, Katherine Theresa 2005 Guthrie Senior High School Mooney, Jonathon Patrick 2003 Stillwater High School * Nichols, Ryan Glenn 2003 Edmond Santa Fe High School * Nida, Natalie Kaye 2004 Perry Senior High School O’Mealey, Christopher Dean 2005 Edmond Santa Fe High School Richards, Matthew Donald 2005 Kickapoo High School * Shrauner, Sarah Elizabeth 2005 West Jessamine High School * Spall, Benjamin Forrest Strubhart, Joseph Christopher 2002 Hobbs High School * Thiessen, Krysten Lynn 2006 Weatherford High School Whitesell, Jessica Brooke 2003 Oklahoma Christian Academy * Arms, Jennifer Kathryn 2005 Edmond North High School * Bagby, Bryan Michael 2003 Deer Creek High School Baker, Toby Joe 2003 Edmond Santa Fe High School Barker, Angela Michelle 2005 Edmond North High School Bell, Bryce Allen 2004 Deer Creek High School Blair, Robert Stevenson 2005 Edmond Santa Fe High School * Blair, Susan Katherine 2003 Piedmont High School Camp, Geoffrey Alexander Cargill, Laura Kathleen 2003 Edmond Memorial High School Dunham, Ashleigh Rene 2005 Edmond North High School Erickson, Joel William 2003 Edmond North High School Evans, Tiffany Lynn 2005 Edmond North High School Fennell, Allison Mary 2003 Edmond Santa Fe High School Foster, Blake Everett 2006 Edmond Santa Fe High School Gorman, Sean Michael 2003 Deer Creek High School * Gregory, Lauren Elaine 2005 Deer Creek High School Griffin, Kayla Breanne 2004 Edmond Memorial High School Hall, Lindsey Rae 2003 Edmond Santa Fe High School * Hepp, Alisha Eileen 2005 Deer Creek High School Hopkins, Alyssa Danee 2005 Deer Creek High School Horst, Rachel Allison 2006 Edmond North High School * Kiely, Desra Kay 2004 Edmond Memorial High School Kite, Megan Ashley 2005 Edmond Memorial High School * Koning, Theresa Lynn 2006 Putnam City North High School Lada, Timothy Michael * Lassiter, Jamie Lynn 2006 Home Schooled Long, Ashley Diane 2003 Edmond Santa Fe High School * Marlin, Megan Elizabeth 2003 Edmond Santa Fe High School Matthews, Meredith Renee 2006 Edmond Santa Fe High School * McDougal, Kristin Lynn 2003 James E Taylor High School Miller, Amanda Caitlin 2006 Edmond Santa Fe High School * Milliken, Christy Michelle 2004 Bishop McGuinness High School * Mock, Philip Donald 2003 Edmond Santa Fe High School Moyles, Alyssa Patrice 2003 Edmond Santa Fe High School * Muscaro, Elise Renee 2003 Edmond Santa Fe High School * Muscaro, Melissa Jo 2003 Edmond Santa Fe High School * Plant, Alexander John 2006 Edmond North High School * Popham, Justin Daniel 2005 Deer Creek High School Quiring, Blair Lee 2004 Edmond Santa Fe High School Riggs, Robert Wallace 2005 Edmond Memorial High School Roberts, Daniel Scott 2005 Edmond Santa Fe High School * Roberts, Samuel Leo 2006 Edmond North High School Sanders, Dacia Sueann 2003 Deer Creek High School Schwarz, Jenna Michelle 2004 Edmond Santa Fe High School Scoggin, Sarah Nichole 2006 Edmond North High School Short, Kerri Noel 2006 Deer Creek High School * Short, Kevin Matthew 2004 Deer Creek High School * Suellentrop, Jessica Ann 2006 Edmond North High School * Thompson, Durfey Nathaniel, III 2004 Edmond Santa Fe High School Urrutia, Corinne Michele 2005 Edmond North High School Veronneau, Karen Danielle 2006 Edmond North High School Walker, Hollis Kristen 2004 Edmond North High School * Wallenmeyer, Jennifer Elaine Westphalen, Justin Michael 2005 Bishop McGuinness High School * Wiist, David Alan 2003 Edmond Santa Fe High School Wiist, Jessica Rene' 2006 Edmond Santa Fe High School Willis, Brandon Alan * Wittrock, Robert Joseph 2006 Deer Creek High School * Abernathy, Devon Jane 2003 Edmond Memorial High School Adair, Sarah Elizabeth 2006 Edmond Memorial High School * Boothe, Melissa Nicole 2006 Edmond Memorial High School Bowlware, Janeane Nicole 2004 Edmond Memorial High School Boyd, Matthew Dunkerley 2005 Edmond Memorial High School Brenner, Andrea Allison 2006 Edmond Memorial High School Brenner, Edward Andrew 2003 Edmond Memorial High School Bristow, James Claude 2006 Edmond Memorial High School * Britt, Jolie Janae 2005 Casady School Brown, Colin William 2003 Edmond Memorial High School Buckbee, Ashley Noel 2004 Edmond North High School Buschelman, Megan Louise 2003 Edmond Memorial High School Buxton, Sally Neal 2003 Edmond Memorial High School Casso, Stephanie Nicole 2003 Casady School Clark, Amy Carolyn 2004 Edmond Memorial High School Cocannouer, Janie Lyn 2006 Edmond Santa Fe High School * Coffman, Samantha Gail 2004 Putnam City North High School Dean, Courtney Suzanne 2004 Edmond Memorial High School * Denton, Mary Abigail 2006 Edmond Memorial High School Duncan, Lindsay Jordan 2003 Edmond Memorial High School * Durant, James Mcmahan 2006 Edmond Memorial High School Edison, Christopher Thomas 2003 Edmond Memorial High School Ellis-Cobb, Latasha Darice * Evans, Michael Blake 2005 Edmond Santa Fe High School Fagan, Andrew Michael 2006 Edmond Memorial High School * Forcina, Blake Daniel 2003 Edmond Santa Fe High School Forcina, Brooke Danielle 2005 Edmond Santa Fe High School Gambill, Hunter Stone 2004 Skiatook High School * Gooden, Aubrey Jane 2006 Edmond Memorial High School Gotcher, Ryan Neal 2005 Edmond Memorial High School Hammond, Kate Lynnette 2005 Edmond Memorial High School Harms, Allison Nicole 2006 Oklahoma Christian Schools Harris, Eric Donovan 2003 Edmond North High School * Henry, Lyndsay Allyson 2002 Christian Heritage Academy Hensley, Elizabeth Colleen 2005 Edmond Santa Fe High School * Hill, Abby Elizabeth 2003 Edmond Memorial High School Hogue, Rachael Marie 2005 Edmond Santa Fe High School Hufnagel, Kristina Marie 2003 Bishop McGuinness High School Leonard, Joseph Ryan 2006 Edmond Memorial High School Lewis, Aaron Vern 2000 Putnam City North High School * Lueb, Brian Joseph * Lueb, Jennifer Lynn Lyon, Kelli Elizabeth 2006 Edmond Memorial High School * McCurdy, Andrea Jane 2003 Edmond Memorial High School Messenger, Nicholas Gregory Morse, Kyle Laurence 2005 Edmond Santa Fe High School Murry, Tyler Matthew 2005 Edmond Memorial High School Nance, Daniel Melvin 2005 Edmond Memorial High School Owen, Adrian Annette Ponder-Moore, Kristen Tierra 2005 Edmond Santa Fe High School * Pratt, Jonathan Paul 2006 Oklahoma Christian Schools Reynolds, Cole Wayne 2005 Edmond Memorial High School Rhodes, Carolyn Mccuskey 2006 Edmond North High School Robinson, Lauren Kate 2002 Edmond Memorial High School Robinson, William Clark 2003 Edmond Memorial High School * Rogge, Paula Marie 2004 Bishop McGuinness High School * Saunders, Tiffany Dawn 2006 Edmond Memorial High School Shipley, Rebecca Jo 2005 Edmond Santa Fe High School * Speed, Emily Anne 2005 Edmond Santa Fe High School * Thomas, Holly Lynn 2003 Edmond Memorial High School * Toler, Stephen Robert 2003 Edmond Memorial High School Towns, Christa Louise 2005 Edmond Memorial High School Walker, Steven Brett 2004 Oklahoma Christian Schools Ward, Taylor Brooke 2005 Edmond Memorial High School Warren, Kelsie Ray 2003 Edmond Santa Fe High School Warren, Lindsie Paige 2006 Edmond Santa Fe High School Whitley, John G, III 2001 Putnam City High School Wible, Megan Elizabeth 2005 Edmond Memorial High School Woods, Jacoby Devin 2005 Edmond Santa Fe High School * Zuckermandel, Allison Ann 1999 Edmond Memorial High School * Wright, Kyler Benjamin 2005 Edmond Memorial High School * Absher, Angela Dale 2003 Edmond North High School Bardisbanian, Joseph James * Bardwell, Lindsey Diane 2005 Edmond North High School Belcher, Grant Philip 2006 Edmond Memorial High School Burgess, Aleithia Joy 2004 Edmond Memorial High School * Bush, Kiley Marie 2006 Edmond Memorial High School * Chang, Michael Aaron 2006 Edmond North High School Clark, Kathryn Lynn 2006 Edmond North High School Clifton, Jerra Denay 2006 Edmond North High School Cobbs, Amy Michelle 2005 Edmond North High School Cook, Bryan Duane 2003 Edmond North High School Daniluk, Marc Thomas 2006 Edmond North High School Denneny, Eric Michael 2003 Edmond North High School Digney, Kevin Michael 2003 Bishop McGuinness High School Dubberstein, Zane Matthew 2005 Edmond Memorial High School Duncan, Whitney Layne 2004 Edmond Memorial High School Eskridge, Laura Marie 2004 Edmond North High School Farahani, Melody Marie 2004 Edmond North High School Ferster, Jehna Lea 2003 Edmond Memorial High School * Ford, Kyle Douglas 2006 Edmond North High School Grignon, Claire Kathryn 2006 Edmond North High School * Hager, Zachary James 2006 Edmond North High School Hammonds, Lauren Elizabeth 2006 Edmond Memorial High School Harper, Aaron Michael 2005 Edmond North High School Harvey, Brenda Nadine 2006 Home Schooled * Hines, Heather Elon 2006 Edmond North High School Hopkins, Casey Marie 2006 Edmond Memorial High School Hopkins, Madison Lynn 2006 Edmond Memorial High School * Hopkins, Taylor Martin 2004 Edmond Memorial High School Hulshizer, Eric Dale 2005 Edmond North High School Huston, Leigha Whitney 2005 Edmond Memorial High School Jackson, Sasa Koren 2004 Edmond Memorial High School King, Channing Elan * Kirk, Adam Jess 2003 Edmond Memorial High School * Kirk, Sarah Elizabeth 2006 Edmond Memorial High School Lee, Eric Joseph 2006 Edmond North High School * Loeber, Sara Marie 2003 Oklahoma Christian Schools Loveland, Melissa Kay 2006 Edmond North High School * Mason, Jill Whitney 2004 Edmond North High School McAlister, Kalyn Leigh 2004 Oklahoma Christian Schools McVay, Megan Dawn 2004 Edmond North High School * Mitchell, Alee Anne 2005 Edmond North High School Nelson, Alyssa Marie 2006 Edmond North High School * Parks, Zachary Tyler 2006 Edmond North High School Phipps, Emily Marie 2004 Edmond North High School * Poland, Tyler James 2004 Edmond North High School * Prather, Landon Mitchell 2003 Edmond Santa Fe High School Provo, Eric Daniel 2005 Edmond North High School Quade, Amy Susanna 2005 Edmond North High School * Reid, Jessica Lynn 2004 Edmond North High School * Robertson, Andrew Sterett 2002 Edmond North High School Robison, Marybeth Rene' 2006 Edmond North High School * Rogers, Phillip Andrew 2005 Edmond Memorial High School * Royall, Jennifer Marie 2006 Edmond Memorial High School * Schlipf, Owen David 2003 Edmond Santa Fe High School Shriver, Sarah Grace Stacy, Benjamin Ridge 2004 Edmond North High School Strawn, Elizabeth Ann 2005 Edmond Memorial High School * Turner, Hollie Michelle 2003 Edmond North High School Wallace, Kristin Nicole 2005 Edmond Memorial High School Wilkerson, Lauren Ashley 2004 Edmond North High School * Williams, Caroline Coffey 1999 Edmond North High School Wilson, Alison Elizabeth * Winter, Elisabeth Laurel 2005 Edmond Memorial High School Wood, Nicolas Timothy 2006 Edmond North High School Poulain, James Mark 2003 Bixby High School </p><p>EL RENO Bosler, Nicki Lynn 2003 El Reno High School * Carey, Steffen Eugene Craven, Dixie Adair 2006 Yukon High School * Hoselton, Chesley Marie 2003 El Reno High School * Hufnagel, Kevin Thomas 2006 Okarche High School Johnson, Chance Wade 2004 El Reno High School Johnson, Jennifer Elizabeth 2005 El Reno High School * Krittenbrink, Amanda Michelle 2005 El Reno High School * Lagaly, Dana Vanessa 2004 Union City High School * Taylor, Lauren Nicole 2004 James E Taylor High School * Wilds, Aspen Candace 2004 El Reno High School Wise, Mallory Claire 2005 El Reno High School Wise, Parker Campbell 2005 El Reno High School Vassilakos, Ashley Renee 1999 El Reno High School </p><p>ELGIN * Kirkpatrick, Heather Jean 2005 Elgin High School Kirkpatrick, Nathan Trace 1999 Elgin High School Kirkpatrick, Ty Douglas 2003 Elgin High School * Sims, Mary Catherine 2004 Elgin High School </p><p>ELK CITY Anderson, Joshua Gotlieb 2006 Elk City High School Jackson, Kendall Marie Lucas, Sondra Lynn 2004 Elk City High School Merz, Jared Dewayne 2006 Elk City High School Merz, Kelby Dean 2004 Elk City High School Noah, Hayli Ann 2004 Bishop Kelley High School * Nowlin, Alexander Hartwell 2006 Elk City High School * Pasby, Jacob Edward 2005 Elk City High School * Rogers, Janelle Elizabeth 2006 Elk City High School Smith, Kirby Lee 2004 Elk City High School Smith, Tyler Parrish 2003 Elk City High School * Zent, Caitlin Theresa 2006 A Beka Correspondence School </p><p>ENID Adair, Lauren Elizabeth 2003 Waukomis High School Aholt, Michael Wayne 2004 Enid High School Alcorn, Michelle Ranae 2005 Enid High School Allen, Ryan Elizabeth 2005 Enid High School Allison, Jonathan Howard 2006 Enid High School Antilla, Amanda Gayle 2004 Enid High School Baker, Kyle Garrett 2003 Enid High School Bowersox, Adam C 2003 Enid High School Brown, Lori Brooks 2004 Enid High School * Buller, Andrea Lane 2003 Chisholm High School Burghardt, Stacy Lynn 2003 Chisholm High School * Campbell, Laura Christine 2006 Enid High School * Chambers, Evander Evans, IV 2002 Enid High School Cofer, Anna Cene' 2006 Enid High School * Cole, Jessica Leigh 2005 Enid High School Collingsworth, Matthew Aaron 2000 Chisholm High School Cooper, Kathryn Elaine 2006 Home Schooled Cranford, Rachael Nichole 2005 Enid High School * Delay-Fast, Taryn Brooke 2003 Enid High School Deterding, Kevin Michael 2003 Pond Creek-Hunter Sr High * Dreher, Nola Katrina Evans, Alison Lynn 2004 Timberlake High School * Frazer, Jennifer Kathryn 2004 Enid High School * Friesen, Phillip Austen 2005 Enid High School * Glasgow, Jeff Edward 2005 Drummond High School Glazier, Kendale Faith 2006 Enid High School Graff, Laura Michelle 2006 Chisholm High School Grieshober, Kate Lauren 2003 Chisholm High School * Hamm, Lauren Kay 2004 Enid High School Hempfling, James Warren 2003 Enid High School * Highfill, Carrie Marie 2006 Chisholm High School Howerton, Jared R 2004 Drummond High School * Hutchison, Christopher James 2004 Enid High School Imgarten, Mandy Lynn James, Clinton Reed 2002 Enid High School * James, Reed Everett 2003 Pond Creek-Hunter Sr High Sch Johnson, Katie Beth 2004 Pioneer Consolidated School * Keuchel, Mark Andrew 2005 Chisholm High School Lang, Kathryn Kaye 2006 Enid High School Litchfield, Arthur Raymond, III McGehee, Anna Marie 2006 Enid High School * McIlwee, Chelsea Erin 2003 Chisholm High School * McPherson, Cheryl Denise 1986 Seneca High School * Meibergen, Madeline Antonia 2005 Enid High School * Meibergen, Melissa Ann 2003 Enid High School * Miles, Jeremy Allen 2003 Enid High School Miller, Caroline Rose 2006 Pioneer Consolidated School Morris, Erin Leigh 2006 Chisholm High School * Mugg, Sarah Molly Elanor 2005 Oklahoma Bible Academy * Newby, Laura Elizabeth 2006 Kremlin-Hillsdale Schools Newman, Jayme Lee 2003 Chisholm High School Nixon, Joseph Russell 2006 Chisholm High School Novak, Melanie Dawn 2005 Enid High School Pastor, Caitlin Elizabeth 2004 Enid High School Phillips, Jimmy Lee Phillips, Shelby Lynn 2006 Oklahoma Bible Academy Porter, Cody Michael 2003 Chisholm High School Rank, Kaelyn Kinsey 2003 Chisholm High School Raupe, James Bartholomew 2003 Pioneer Consolidated School Rempel, Stacia Lynne 2005 Enid High School Robinson, Carey Ann 2004 Enid High School * Rose, Hunt Joseph 2006 Enid High School * Rosendale, Danielle Regina 2006 Enid High School * Sheets, Matthew Thomas 2003 Enid High School * Shields, Gregory Dean 2003 Enid High School Simpson, Randi Nicole 2006 Chisholm High School * Steinert, Haley Beth 2005 Garber High School Stewart, Megan Nicole 2003 Enid High School Strickler, Sara Ashton 2004 Oklahoma Bible Academy * Trojan, Brandon Paul 2003 Enid High School Trojan, Ryan Joseph 2003 Enid High School * Ullom, Kaylene Marie 2005 Chisholm High School Williams, Tyler Joe 2003 Enid High School Woodward, Eva Nichole 2005 Enid High School * Sanford, Brian Arthur 2003 Chisholm High School </p><p>ERICK * Sutton, Shayla Michelle 2006 Erick High School </p><p>EUFAULA Rea, Maranda Sue 2005 Eufaula Senior High School </p><p>FAIRFAX Ehler, Terry Clay 2005 Woodland High School Kelley, Robyn Nicole 2005 Woodland High School Lamborn, Steven Kenneth 2001 Fairfax High School Lockett, William Scott 2000 Woodland High School * Moore, Jessica Rosemary 2003 Woodland High School Myers, Mary Elizabeth Mannford High School</p><p>FAIRLAND Goodman, Melinda Marie Trease, Jeni Leigh </p><p>FAIRMONT Reinert, Andrew Theodore 2004 Pioneer Consolidated School Steinert, Grace Delynn 2005 Covington-Douglas High School </p><p>FAIRVIEW Boehs, Tessa Dae 2003 Fairview High School Eldridge, Elizabeth Devon 2006 Fairview High School Glenn, Jamie Louise 2003 Fairview High School Nusz, Joseph William 2006 Fairview High School Pembrook, Mitchell Bennett 2006 Fairview High School Smith, Carri Jo 2006 Fairview High School Smith, Mackenzie Leigh 2002 Fairview High School Zimmerman, Dillon David 2005 Fairview High School </p><p>FARGO Schneider, Lauren Leigh 2004 Fargo High School </p><p>FAXON * Patton, Stacy Bethanne 2005 Chattanooga High School </p><p>FAY Scott, Katelyn Marianne 2006 Thomas High School </p><p>FITZHUGH Roberts, Megan Lynn 2005 Ada Senior High School </p><p>FLETCHER * Davies, Danielle Lea 2004 Fletcher High School Harless, Krystal Gwen Hayes, Rachel Marie 2003 Fletcher High School Holden, Dustin Robert 2002 Fletcher High School * Stevenson, Johnna Joy 2005 Fletcher High School </p><p>FOREST PARK Figures, Candace Dionne 2003 Millwood High School </p><p>FORT COBB * Davidson, Jered Tyler 2005 Fort Cobb-Broxton School </p><p>FORT GIBSON Brown, Julie Rae 2005 Fort Gibson High School Cook, Emily Elizabeth 2006 Fort Gibson High School Dieman, Chelsea Kay 2006 Fort Gibson High School * Freeling, Katherine Jane 2004 Fort Gibson High School * Harris, Jayne Lanee 2006 Fort Gibson High School Macklin, Sidney Thomas 2005 Fort Gibson High School * Price, Alton Clifton Sheffield, Jessica Lynn 2003 Fort Gibson High School Stacey, Monica Kathleen 2005 Fort Gibson High School Sutterfield, Ashley Nicole 2003 Fort Gibson High School </p><p>FORT TOWSON Pollard, Jayson Paul </p><p>FOSS Matz, Derek Louis </p><p>FREDERICK * Couger, Matthew Brian 2003 Frederick High School * Graves, Janina Dawn 2006 Frederick High School * Hamm, Jessica Elaine 2006 Frederick High School * Varner, Brandon Thomas 2006 Frederick High School </p><p>FREEDOM Turner, Taylor Elyse 2006 Freedom High School * Walker, Kelli Alayna 2006 Freedom High School Wares, Courtney Michelle 2005 Freedom High School Wilson, Trista Elizabeth </p><p>GANS Woodruff, Jordan Duane 2004 Gans Public School </p><p>GARBER Vencl, Chase Tyler 2006 Garber High School </p><p>GARVIN * Coffman, Courtney Jo 2005 Valliant High School </p><p>GEARY * Miller, Ashley Rose 2005 Geary High School </p><p>GERONIMO * Castleberry, Steven Andrew 2005 Billings High School </p><p>GLENCOE Bishop, Addie Summer 2003 Stillwater High School * Haken, Jennifer Marie Lilly, Bernadean Lovell, Eric James 2005 Glencoe High School Rains, Samuel Fredrick 2001 Glencoe High School Reiber, Deanna Lyn Webber, Dawn Michelle </p><p>GLENPOOL * Andrews, Arthur Robert, III 2004 Union High School Bockman, Ashley Anne 2003 Jenks High School * Bruner, Crystal Diane 2003 Glenpool High School Butterworth, Sarah Elizabeth 2005 Glenpool High School * Callaway, Jason Lee 2004 Glenpool High School Dunlap, Elaine Marie 2006 Glenpool High School Evans, Jeremy Scott 2002 Glenpool High School Fuchs, Crystal Anni 2001 Glenpool High School * Johnson, Nicholas Adam 2002 Kellyville High School * Rothell, April Lynn 2004 Glenpool High School * Roy, Jason Matthew 2004 Home Schooled * Weig, Erron Thomas 2002 Bixby High School White, Melinda Lee 2003 Glenpool High School </p><p>GOLDEN * Dee, Timmy Ray </p><p>GOLTRY Voss, John Jacob 2004 Chisholm High School </p><p>GORE Evans, Amy Kathleen 2003 Vian High School Henry, Aubrey Micale 2004 Gore High School Montgomery, Brooke Ashton 2005 Gore High School </p><p>GRANITE Hogg, David Allen 2003 Granite High School </p><p>GROVE Bennett, Craig John 2006 Grove High School Epperson, Emily Ruth * Ferguson, Sarah Ashlee Shelley, Ashley Nicole 2004 Grove High School Steen, Timothy Lee 2005 Grove High School Teel, Jarrett Russell 2006 Grove High School Yirsa, Alison Jolee </p><p>GUTHRIE * Chace, Kari Leanne 2004 Guthrie Senior High School * Coffin, April B 1998 Sturgeon Bay High School * Colorio, Zachary James 2004 Guthrie Senior High School * Crawford, Kyle Ray 2005 Oklahoma Christian Schools Datin, Douglas Dennis 2001 Guthrie Senior High School * Davis, Benjamin Kyle 2005 Guthrie Senior High School * Davis, Sarah Caitlin 2006 Guthrie Senior High School Geurin, Carolyn Rosalee 2000 Enid High School Gilliam, Tyler David 2000 Bartlesville High School * Harvey, Marvin Ryan James, Kyle David 2004 Mulhall-Orlando High School Jenkins, Erin Michael 2005 Guthrie Senior High School * Knight, Katherine Elizabeth 2005 Guthrie Senior High School * Leclair, Alisha Cherie * McCormack, Kimberly Ann 2004 Guthrie Senior High School McNally, Leeanna Kathleen 2004 Guthrie Senior High School Morlan, Rebecca Michelle 2000 Guthrie Senior High School O'Meilia, Katy Michelle 2003 Cashion High School Opfer, Brent Michael 2004 Deer Creek High School * Powell, Robert Tyler 2006 Guthrie Senior High School Shipman, Ashley Nicole 2003 Guthrie Senior High School * Shoopman, Erik William 1995 Round Rock High School Schroeder, Kristi Lynn 2003 Courtland High School Schroeder, Lisa Marie 2003 Courtland High School Sykes, Kyle David 2004 Guthrie Senior High School * Williams, Michael Wells 2003 Deer Creek High School </p><p>GUYMON Booth, Justin Lee 2005 Guymon Senior High School Burkhart, Brady James 2006 Guymon Senior High School * Zakrzewicz, Christopher J 2005 Guymon Senior High School * Zigler, Megan Charleen 2004 Canyonville Bible Academy </p><p>HARRAH Burwell, Whitney Kaye 2004 Tahlequah Senior High School Rodgers, Casey Lynn 2004 Harrah High School Burt, James Wesley 2005 Harrah High School Jackson, Alexander Thomas 2006 Harrah High School Roper, Leah Michelle 2006 McLoud High School </p><p>HAWORTH Tapley, Amy Kalynn 2005 Haworth High School </p><p>HELENA Johnson, Curtis Lane 2003 Timberlake High School Norton, Jeannessa Dawn 2004 Timberlake High School </p><p>HENDRIX * Boatner, Sandy Lynn 2004 Achille High School </p><p>HENNESSEY * Bossa, Amanda Sue 2005 Hennessey High School Bradley, Kristopher Irl * Choate, Kacy Marie 2003 Hennessey High School * Duell, Jason Russell 2004 Hennessey High School * Gibbons, Trevor Reed 2006 Hennessey High School * Hughes, Meagan Sofi 2003 Hennessey High School Mackey, Linzie Rae 2004 Hennessey High School * Riddle, Kimberly Brooke 2004 Hennessey High School * Simunek, Ashley Brooke 2005 Hennessey High School Stewart, Erin Elizabeth 2006 Hennessey High School * Taylor, Abby Michelle 2004 Hennessey High School * Wright, Sarah Denise 2005 Hennessey High School * Curran, Kelsey Rae 2004 Owasso High School </p><p>HENRYETTA Brown, Sarah Elizabeth 2006 Dewar High School </p><p>HILLSDALE Hoffsommer, Zachary Aaron 2003 Oklahoma Bible Academy </p><p>HINTON * Findley, Jessica Renae 2004 Hinton High School </p><p>HOBART Braun, Mathew Thomas 2004 Hobart High School * Corcorran, Martin Russell 2004 Hobart High School * Harris, Audra Beth 2003 Hobart High School * Krieger, Joy Elizabeth 2003 Hobart High School * Russell, Audrey Beatrice 2003 Hobart High School Stoup, Shawna Rene' 2006 Hobart High School </p><p>HOLDENVILLE Stallings, Destyn D 2006 Holdenville High School </p><p>HOLLIS Cary, Jacob Miles 2005 Hollis High School </p><p>HOMINY * Delong, Christopher Chance 2004 Hominy High School * Delong, Courtney Lynne 2006 Hominy High School Smith, Megan Nicole 2006 Hominy High School Moles, Joshua Stephen 2004 Hominy High School </p><p>HOOKER Campbell, Colby Landon 2003 Hooker High School Clark, Rusty Shadow 2005 Guymon Senior High School * Duncan, Megan Michelle </p><p>HUGO Pollard, Malinda Gail </p><p>HULBERT * Chester, Stephanie Anne 2004 Hulbert High School * Nace, Ryan Edward 1999 Tahlequah Senior High School </p><p>HUNTER * Alvey, Joseph Charles 1999 Pond Creek-Hunter Sr High Sch * Brewer, Brady Eugene 2006 Deer Creek Lamont High School Campbell, Timothy Aaron 2002 Pond Creek-Hunter Sr High Sch * Chain, Rebecca Kay 2006 Pond Creek-Hunter Sr High Sch </p><p>HYDRO * Beerwinkle, Austin Dale 2005 Hydro-Eakly High School </p><p>IDABEL Acker, Jennifer Nicole 2002 Idabel High School Herron, Julia May 2003 Idabel High School * McCreary, Candace Michelle 2006 Idabel High School Valentine, Jessica Anne 2004 Idabel High School </p><p>INOLA Allcorn, Jasey Deleea 2005 Inola High School </p><p>JAY Gibson, Darren Andrew 2005 Jay High School Jungermann, Kimberly Dawn * Masters, Joshua Neal 2004 Jay High School Price, Levi Kane 2004 Jay High School Teel, Jason Todd 2004 Jay High School </p><p>JENKS Belcourt, Cody Alexander 2002 Bishop Kelley High School Bruch Agee, Leeann Donn 2000 Metro Christian Academy Sartin, Andrea Michele 2005 Hebron High School * Baldridge, Stephen Franklin 2005 Jenks High School Blankenship, Ashley Marie 2006 Jenks High School * Burman, Carl Edward 2003 Glenpool High School Carballo, Cristina Teresa 2005 Jenks High School Croucher, Patricia Fay Marie 2005 Jenks High School Delacerda, Jared Luke 2005 Jenks High School Dyer, Amanda Gayle 2005 Jenks High School * Freeman, Jonathan Michael Gordon 2006 Jenks High School Gaskins, Mallory Lauren 2006 Jenks High School Grounds, Jason Lucas Hooker High School Howard, Bailee Kit 2005 Jenks High School * Kriley, Embrey Sharlene * Lawrence, Matthew Allen 2004 Jenks High School Meister, Alicia Kaye Monroe, Ashley Elizabeth 2006 Jenks High School * Myers, Brittany Carol 2004 Jenks High School * Polk, Lance Michael 2006 Memorial Senior High School Ricks, Katie Amelia 2006 Jenks High School Rogers, Lauren Elizabeth 2006 Union High School * Sewell, Dana Janell 2006 Jenks High School * Sharp, Curt Edward 2006 Jenks High School * Spitza, Lauren Amelia 2006 Bishop Kelley High School</p><p>JENNINGS Holzbauer, Jillian Dale 2004 Cleveland High School Kunkler, Sarah Kay 2004 Mannford High School </p><p>JONES * Cook, Travis Raymond 2005 Jones High School Keester, Jared Dale 2005 Edmond Memorial High School * Shields, Sarah Elizabeth 2006 Edmond Memorial High School </p><p>KANSAS Lankston, Lauren Michelle 2004 Kansas High School </p><p>KELLYVILLE Choquette, Matthew Cody 2006 Kellyville High School * Dotson, Jerod Ryan * Hill, Jason E </p><p>KINGFISHER Carpenter, Kathryn Constance 2000 Kingfisher High School Dunn, Laura Christina 2004 Oklahoma School Of Sci & Math * Goodson, Ciara Liane 2005 Kingfisher High School Hauser, Brian Wesley 2006 Kingfisher High School * Jech, Lindsey Erin 2003 Kingfisher High School * Kadavy, Marie Michelle 2005 Kingfisher High School Krepel, Jonathan David 2004 Kingfisher High School * Kusik, Kelsey Jo 2004 Kingfisher High School Leatherwood, Lynda Kay 2004 Okarche High School McMullin, Kari Irene 2006 Kingfisher High School Peck, Ty Aaron 2003 Kingfisher High School Schoeling, Melissa Kay 2003 Okarche High School * Stephens, Kristin Katherine 2003 Home Schooled Thiems, Grady Earl 2004 Kingfisher High School * Wilczek, Blake Edward 2004 Kingfisher High School </p><p>KREBS Prescott, David Anthony 2003 McAlester High School </p><p>KREMLIN * Streck, James Paul 2006 Kremlin-Hillsdale Schools </p><p>LAMONT Metcalf, Garrett Lee * Tebow, Tanner Trent 2004 Deer Creek Lamont High School </p><p>LAVERNE Bradley, Charles Paul 2006 Palisade Senior High School Carlisle, K'Dawn Larae 2004 Laverne High School * Jett, Brianna Adair 2005 Laverne High School * Jett, Travis Verl 2003 Laverne High School * McGuire, Matthew Allen 2006 Laverne High School </p><p>LAWTON Adams, Travis Keith 2006 Eisenhower Senior High School Bowles, Abby Jane 2006 Lawton High School Brink, Shane Hugh Curry, Andrea Dawn 2004 Sterling High School Dedmon, Sunny Lauren 2004 Lawton High School Fernandes-Flack, Jessica Lee 2006 Eisenhower Senior High School * Fitz, Evan Kenneth 2002 Lawton High School * Foster, Robert Christian 2003 Eisenhower Senior High School * Freeman, Rachael Leigh 2005 Eisenhower Senior High School Gatlin, Tembra Ryan 1998 Eisenhower Senior High School * Gibson, Ashleigh Marie 2003 Lawton High School * Hatch, Tyler Reed 2005 Eisenhower Senior High School Hill, Ebonie Kalaiwale 2004 Macarthur High School John, Matthew Broc 2006 Eisenhower Senior High School John, Nathan Blake 2005 Eisenhower Senior High School Loveless, Brian Allen 2000 Macarthur High School Marshall, Mark Orlando 2006 Eisenhower Senior High School Miller, Abby Lerai 2005 Eisenhower Senior High School Miller, Jennifer Michelle 2001 Lawton High School Osborn, Steven Chad 2004 Lawton High School * Pannell, Eric Michael George 2004 Eisenhower Senior High School * Riddle, Jamie Michelle 2003 Macarthur High School Rother, Lindsay Michelle 2005 Eisenhower Senior High School * Smith, Amanda Louise 2004 Eisenhower Senior High School Smith, Megan Lee 2001 Eisenhower Senior High School Stradtmann, Troy Henry 2003 Macarthur High School Stuler, Angelika Joy 2002 Macarthur High School * Stuler, Christopher Marcus 2003 Lawton High School Taylor, Kimberly Michelle 2005 Eisenhower Senior High School * Trope, Megan Ellen 2005 Macarthur High School * Wade, Tiffany Ann 2005 Eisenhower Senior High School West, Ashley Marie 2003 Eisenhower Senior High School Wheeler, Meagan Alisha 2005 Eisenhower Senior High School Woodall, Ashleigh Marie Woodson, Tiffany M 2003 Eisenhower Senior High School </p><p>LEEDEY Belden, Alison Nicole 2005 Ledyard High School * Clem, Teela Jalee 2003 Leedey High School Longley, Britnee Michele 2005 Leedey High School Switzer, Emily Erin 2006 Leedey High School </p><p>LEXINGTON * Hamm, Matthew Scott 2003 Lexington High School </p><p>LINDSAY * Clary, Zachary Kent 2006 Lindsay High School Davis, Christopher Scott 2004 Lindsay High School Herrin, Brian Hale 2005 Lindsay High School Jackson, Kelsey Elizabeth 2004 Lindsay High School Jones, Adam Brock 2004 Lindsay High School * Kuykendall, Klinton Kyle 2004 Lindsay High School * Little, Lacee Leann 2006 Lindsay High School </p><p>LOCUST GROVE * Downing, Megan Leigh 2004 Locust Grove High School Osborne, John Frederick 2002 Pryor High School Cobler, Brett Alan Neel, Joe Michael </p><p>LONE GROVE Watterson, Rebekah Alison 2005 Lone Grove High School </p><p>LOYAL Vilhauer, Landon Clark 2005 Lomega High School </p><p>LUTHER McRay, Michael Wayne 2004 Luther High School </p><p>MADILL Parkey, Brent Allan 2003 Madill High School * Rogers, James Michael * Warren, Kristen Lynell 2003 Madill High School </p><p>MANGUM Clayton, Megan Lindsay 2003 Mangum High School Graumann, Allison Michell 2006 Mangum High School </p><p>MANNFORD Boone, Brandon Scott 2005 Mannford High School Braswell, Tia Delyn 2004 Mannford High School * Fulghum, Kelley Ann 1985 Jenks High School Hix, Misti Dawn 2003 Bridge Creek High School Kastl, Brandy Cale 2001 Sapulpa High School * Kemp, Jamie Lynn Kila, Nicholas Keone 2004 Mannford High School * Lewis, Lisa Renee Harrah High School * Lewis, Lori Ann 2005 Mannford High School * McCrackin, Cody Dewitt 2004 Mannford High School </p><p>MARLAND Clouse, Matthew Edward 2001 Frontier High School </p><p>MARLOW Carroll, Katie Brooke 2004 Marlow High School * Davis, Kara Lynn 2006 Marlow High School Gallaway, Randis Marie 2004 Duncan High School Hollarn, Krystina Elizabeth 2003 Marlow High School Manke, Kelly Renee 2006 Marlow High School Padgham, Matthew Cole 2005 Duncan High School * Tidwell, Alyson Renee 2005 Home Schooled * West, Logan Samuel </p><p>MARSHALL Shimanek, Stacy Marie 2004 Hennessey High School </p><p>MARTHA * Horschler, Kerri Elizabeth 2005 Duke High School </p><p>MCALESTER Bogard, David Wayne Burris, Blaine Allen Kiowa High School Cable, Kensey Mckay 2005 McAlester High School Clark, James Ray 1999 McAlester High School * Cosgrove, Clinton Travis 2002 Savanna High Schools * Dees, Darryl Dustin Dupuy, Emily Claire 2003 McAlester High School * England, Hallie Elizabeth 2005 Oklahoma School Of Sci & Math Fisher, Nicole Danielle 2001 Evanston High School Golla, Julie Michelle 2004 McAlester High School Harris, Amanda Nicole 2004 McAlester High School Jurkiewicz, Tiffani L 2004 McAlester High School Key, Cody Ryan 2004 McAlester High School King, Stephanie Ann 2003 McAlester High School * Miller, Heath Martin 2003 McAlester High School Nichols, Ashley Rebecca 2002 McAlester High School Scifres, Kara Lucille 2005 McAlester High School * Shaw, Parker T 2004 McAlester High School Shoup, Amanda Paige 2003 McAlester High School Ward, Ross Michael 2003 McAlester High School Wilson, Kayla Leshae 2004 Savanna High Schools </p><p>MCLOUD Block, Stacy Leann 2003 Harrah High School * Haynes, Sarah Michelle 2003 McLoud High School Hodde, Candice Janae 2006 McLoud High School Pritchard, Lindsey May 2004 Meeker High School </p><p>MEDFORD * Farney, Tiffany Beth 2006 Medford High School Hancock, Brandee Renee 2001 Perkins Tryon High School Jones, Michelle Elizabeth 2006 Medford High School * Kilian, Emily Joyce 2005 Medford High School * Kilian, Jacob Mark 2003 Medford High School Kilian, Kristin Lea 2003 Medford High School * League, Matthew Tyler 2004 Medford High School Mennem, Kent Ryan 2002 Medford High School Reimer, Lindsey Rae 2005 Medford High School </p><p>MEEKER * Marak, Stephanie Marie 2003 Meeker High School Tate, Sarah Mayre 2003 Meeker High School </p><p>MIAMI * Ankenman, Lacey Lee 2005 Miami High School Cline, Chad Lee 2005 Miami High School * Creech, James Robert 2005 Miami High School Froman, Courtney Pauline 2005 Miami High School Leggett, Alexia Nicole 2004 Miami High School * Schartz, Meredith Diane 2005 Miami High School * Sommer, Kristal Lea Turner, Emily Ann 2004 Wyandotte High School </p><p>MIDWEST CITY Mathews, Julie Leann 2003 Cushing High School * Potts, Rachel Marie 2005 Ponca City Senior High School * Huffaker, Lauren Amanda 2005 Midwest City High School * Small, Caroline Menzies 2004 Midwest City High School * Tribble, Kourtney Rachel 2003 Midwest City High School Beckel, Jamie Kathleen 2006 Choctaw High School Dunn, Jacklyn Sue 2006 Carl Albert Senior High School Dunn, Steven Luke 2004 Carl Albert Senior High School Forbes, Alexander Keith 2003 Choctaw High School Hill, Jeremy Lee 2005 Carl Albert Senior High School Kelch, Karly Alyssa 2006 Carl Albert Senior High School * Moore, Mallory Christine 2006 Carl Albert Senior High School Owen, Mackenzie Wade 2005 Carl Albert Senior High School Saunders, Warren James 2004 Carl Albert Senior High School Simmons, Molly Kristine 2002 Midwest City High School * Sullivan, Ryan Kevin 2005 Carl Albert Senior High School </p><p>MILL CREEK Penner, Kelly Christina 2003 Tishomingo High School </p><p>MINCO * Barr, Stephanie Kay 2005 Minco High School Frisbie, Eric Russell 2005 Minco High School Murie, Monica Elaine * Whalen, Elizabeth Suzanne 2003 Minco High School </p><p>MOORE Almonte, Melina * Cregan, Rachel Nichole 2003 Moore High School * Fleming, Colby Scott 2004 Moore High School Tomson, Brandon Eugene 2000 Westmoore High School Vickers, Nicholas Ray 2002 Moore High School * Williams, Matthew James 2002 Moore High School </p><p>MOORELAND Murley, Cassity Larisa 2003 Mooreland High School Sharp, Jill Christine 2005 Mooreland High School </p><p>MORRIS Roberts, Jake Aaron 2003 Morris High School </p><p>MORRISON Bowers, Monica Jo 2004 Stillwater High School * Browne, Brandy Leigh 2003 Morrison High School * Collins, Dahrenda Lee 2003 Morrison High School Cottom, Jerod Clem 2006 Morrison High School * Henderson, Loren David 2005 Morrison High School Kirkendall, Kara May 2004 Glencoe High School Luckey, Amanda Marie 2004 Morrison High School Rowland, Sarah Lanell 2003 Rock Creek High School Thompson, Michelle Lee 2003 Morrison High School * Veit, Kaleb Tanner 2004 Morrison High School </p><p>MOUNDS Boyd, Morgan Charles 2005 Liberty High School Brown, Sarah Danielle 2006 Liberty High School Hulet, Terence Wayne 2003 Perry Senior High School * Baker, Andrew Paul 2005 Metro Christian Academy Hill, Sarah Ellen 2006 Bixby High School Reed, Bryan Joe 2002 Cushing High School </p><p>MOUNTAIN PARK * Roberts, Caitlyn Dianna 2003 Snyder High School </p><p>MOUNTAIN VIEW Hopkins, Tanner Lee 2005 Mountain View-Gotebo High Sch </p><p>MULHALL Redman, Kelley Ann 2003 Mulhall-Orlando High School * Stewart, Jessica Lea </p><p>MUSKOGEE Bladen, Laura Margaret 2003 Fort Gibson High School Engelbrecht, Kelcie Quaye 2005 Muskogee High School Fine, Kathryn Elizabeth * Fine, Scott Thomas Grober, Emily Alison 2003 Muskogee High School Harris, Jeremy Haven 2005 Muskogee High School Luton, Emily Caroline 2003 Muskogee High School * Mike, Jessica Marie 2005 Muskogee High School Moore, Jennifer Nicole 2004 Muskogee High School Mosteller, Lindsey Kay 2004 Muskogee High School * Saghi, Jason Matthew 2004 Hilldale High School Thomas, Wilbur Gene, Jr 2005 Muskogee High School Voegeli, Ryan Michael 2004 Muskogee High School Williams, David Bruce 2006 Hilldale High School </p><p>MUSTANG * Beaty, Austin Makenzie 2005 Mustang High School * Beaty, Jordan Alexis Brown, Gregory James 2004 Mustang High School * Connell, Kaleen Marie 2006 Duncan High School * Freymiller, Andrea Mae 2004 Mustang High School Greenwood, Jennifer Renee 2006 Mustang High School * Hauenstein, Ann Nicole 2004 Mustang High School McDonald, Jairus Reese 2003 Mustang High School Oliver, Marissa Elyse 2004 Mustang High School * Seewald, Amy Michelle 2004 Mustang High School Willis, Justin Ray 2006 Mustang High School </p><p>NARDIN * Reese, Drew James 2006 Deer Creek Lamont High School </p><p>NASH * Parks, Bennett Joe 2002 Timberlake High School </p><p>NEWALLA * Jennings, Eric Wayne Lacefield, Leonard Udel 2002 Harrah High School </p><p>NEWCASTLE Allen, Shawna Wynne 2004 Newcastle High School Castle, Megan Danyle 2006 Newcastle High School * Littlejohn, Emily Gay 2005 Newcastle High School Straka, Chelsie Nicole </p><p>NEWKIRK Greer, Hollie Christine 2004 Newkirk High School Hutchason, Meghan Marie 2006 Newkirk High School Johnson, Carrie Rebecca 2004 Newkirk High School Wolf, Eric Thomas 2003 Newkirk High School </p><p>NICOMA PARK * Pezant, Nathan Paul 2005 Choctaw High School </p><p>NINNEKAH Cox, Dana Marie McLemore, Mindy Rae 2006 Chickasha High School </p><p>NOBLE * Jobe, Kevin Scott 2003 Noble High School </p><p>NORMAN Allen, Pamela Kay 2004 Moore High School Arbuckle, Sarah Christine Barton, Kara Nicole 2003 Norman High School Blankenship, Brittany Nicole 2005 Norman High School * Brown, Sandra Catherine 2006 Norman High School Buchanan, Justin William 2006 Oklahoma School Of Sci & Math * Burns, Whitney Deign 2004 Norman High School * Carter, Jessica Leigh 2002 Norman High School Carter, Kendall Claire 2003 Norman High School Cheek, Lindsey Danielle 2004 Norman North High School Chute, Brittany Nicole 2006 Norman North High School Dmytryk, Kristen Lynn 2003 Norman High School Doerneman, Michael Paul 2006 Norman High School Gillis, Scott William 2004 Norman North High School * Lawmaster, Jennifer Lynn 2006 Norman High School Little Jim, Justin D Lockard, Robert Scott 2005 Norman High School Martin, Sarah Elizabeth 2006 Norman North High School McGowen, Tamara Ellen Post, Myla Sue 2004 Norman High School Roberts, Maria Nicole 2006 Norman North High School Robson, Shana Elizabeth 2003 Norman High School Schemmer, Matthew Paul 2006 Norman North High School * Stock, Leah Michelle 2006 Norman North High School Stringer, Melissa Anne 2006 Norman North High School </p><p>NOWATA Branham, Amy Kathrine 2003 Nowata Senior High School * Hamit, Joshua Nathaniel * Howell, Candice Nicole 2003 Nowata Senior High School Hunter, Jasey Lynn 2005 Perryton High School Norris, David Leroy 2002 Nowata Senior High School </p><p>OCHELATA * Holtsclaw, Jolene Rene McCullough, Sharon Ann 2004 Bartlesville High School Stricklin, Amanda Michelle 2004 Caney Valley School </p><p>OKARCHE Baustert, Matthew John 2002 Okarche High School Grellner, Lesley Ann 2005 Okarche High School * Grellner, Lindsey B 2005 Okarche High School * Jacobs, Nicole Paige 2005 Okarche High School Knecht, Alison Rose 2006 Okarche High School Knecht, Laura Ann 2006 Okarche High School Petty, Meggan Elizabeth 2005 Okarche High School Schroder, Tyler Dean 2003 Okarche High School Sturgeon, Lauren Elaine 2006 Okarche High School Vogt, Terri Suzanne * Watkins, Kelli Lauren 2006 Okarche High School </p><p>OKEENE * Kramp, Jessica Lynn 2006 Okeene High School Lamle, Danielle Jari 2002 Okeene High School Nelson, Kourtne Renee 2004 Fairview High School </p><p>OKEMAH * Wilson, Blake Kenyon 2004 Okemah Senior High School </p><p>OKLAHOMA CITY * Purvis, Emily Michelle 73003 2006 Putnam City North High School Smith, Lauren Michelle 73103 2006 Bishop McGuinness High School * Fulmer, Jennifer Paige 73105 2005 Edmond Santa Fe High School Akers, Justin Thomas 73107 1998 Northwest Classen High school Almon, Jeremy Temple 73107 2003 Bishop McGuinness High School Bond, Lauren Llewellyn 73107 2004 Classen School Advanced Stds Greenwood, Dylan David 73107 2003 Classen School Advanced Stds Jaramillo, Brittany Rose 73107 2006 Mount Saint Marys High School Loftin, Stephanie Anne 73107 2001 Norman High School Pender, Elizabeth Janelle 73107 2005 Northwest Classen High School Segraves, Whitney Blake 73107 2003 Putnam City North High School Vu, Vo Minh 73107 1999 Northwest Classen High School Washington, Kimberly Brooke 73107 2004 Classen School Advanced Stds * Altendorf, Megan Clare 73112 2006 Bishop McGuinness High School Barnett, Amy Elizabeth 73112 2004 Putnam City High School * Choate, Jonathan Eric 73112 2005 Putnam City North High School * Hechtner, Allison Leigh 73112 2005 Putnam City High School Heidebrecht, Julie Ann 73112 2006 Oklahoma Christian Schools Kughn, Katie Jo 73112 2006 Putnam City West High School * Maliskas, Mary Rose 73112 2006 Classen School Advanced Stds McKnight, David William 73112 2004 Putnam City North High School Moore, Andrew Justin Ray 73112 2004 Putnam City North High School * Oliver, Beth Ann 73112 2006 Bishop McGuinness High School * Parmenter, Emily Ruth 73112 2003 Putnam City High School Ray, Michael Adam 73112 2004 Episcopal High School * Shepard, Alyson Marie 73112 2004 Putnam City West High School * Tillery, Carolyn Suzanne 73112 2005 Corn Bible Academy Bell, Ayanna Starr 73114 1999 Classen School Advanced Stds * Johnston, John Addison 73114 2003 Casady School * Boughton, Matthew Glen 73116 2004 Bishop McGuinness High School Cody, Thomas Bud 73116 2005 Classen School Advanced Stds * Dumbell, Laura Michelle 73116 2004 Bishop McGuinness High School Humphrey, Ryan Ward 73116 2005 Bishop McGuinness High School * Kouhdari, Brian Alaverdi 73116 2004 Putnam City High School Milburn, David Michael 73116 2005 Putnam City High School * Pfenninger, Christina Colleen 73116 2006 Putnam City North High School * Worley, Evan Carl 73116 2002 Putnam City High School Storandt, Lyall C 73117 2003 Millwood High School Hicks, Caroline Elisse 73118 2004 Edmond Memorial High School Mackey, Rachel Maureen 73118 2005 Bishop McGuinness High School Matthews, Brian Douglas 73118 2003 Bishop McGuinness High School Rains, Ryan Timothy 73118 Atoka High School Abernathy, Kristina Marie 73120 2004 Bishop McGuinness High School * Chastain, Lisa Marie 73120 2005 Bishop McGuinness High School * Cloyde, Tyler Ray 73120 2004 Tuttle High School Coe, Clint Ikard 73120 Fraser, Margaret Lauren 73120 2005 Edmond Santa Fe High School Gull, Hayley Margaret 73120 2006 Deer Creek High School Janes, Mechell Renee' 73120 Mid-Del Christian School Johnson, Ge'Andra Denise 73120 2005 Classen School Advanced Stds Klingenberg, Richard Adam 73120 2002 Bishop McGuinness High School Malherbe, Stephanie Dianne 73120 2006 Bishop McGuinness High School McAllister, Brenda Alise 73120 2003 Edmond Santa Fe High School Reel, Michael Edward 73120 2004 Bishop McGuinness High School * Reel, Stephanie Rhea 73120 2006 Bishop McGuinness High School * Roby, Kaylan Scott 73120 2004 Bartlesville High School Ronck, Abbey Lauren 73120 2003 Bishop McGuinness High School * Schooley, Tara Elizabeth 73120 2006 Oklahoma Christian Schools Spears, Brandon Kyle 73120 2002 Bishop McGuinness High School Thompson, Hannah Hale 73120 2003 Edmond Memorial High School * Vaught, Thomas Hunter 73120 2006 Oklahoma Christian Academy * Wilson, Elizabeth Kay 73120 2006 Classen School Advanced Stds Zuck, Lindsay K 73120 2003 Bethany High School Hails, Heather Ann 73122 2003 Putnam City West High School Huddleston, Russell Clark 73122 2002 Edmond North High School Logan, Nathan Thomas 73122 2003 Putnam City West High School Malthaner, Keli 73122 2003 Putnam City High School * Winters, Jenny Kathryn 73122 2005 Classen School Advanced Stds Wyckoff, Gene Douglas 73122 2003 Putnam City High School Wyckoff, Joanna Beth 73122 2005 Putnam City High School Bear, Megan Alexis 73127 2004 Putnam City West High School Curtis, Tyler Vincent 73127 2003 Putnam City West High School Harrison, Megan Danielle 73127 2004 Putnam City West High School Irwin, Tiffany Nicole 73127 2006 Putnam City West High School Lanfair, Deborah Lynn 73127 2004 Putnam City West High School * Paden, John Lawrence 73127 2002 Putnam City West High School Paden, Zachary Taylor 73127 2005 Putnam City West High School Perkins, Lindsay Beth 73128 2004 Mustang High School * Reimers, Katy Lynne 73128 2003 Mustang High School Mears, Richard Lee 73129 2000 Anadarko High School * Craven, Effie Lee 73130 2005 Arnett High School Brown, Callan Kendall 73131 2006 Heritage Hall Upper School * Morris, Ariel Robyn-Pearce 73131 2005 Edmond North High School * Sewell, Jamie Nicole 73131 2005 Edmond Memorial High School Allen, Michael Robert 73132 2003 Putnam City High School Boontheekul, Marrina 73132 2006 Putnam City North High School * Brady, Jordan Thomas 73132 2005 Putnam City High School Cain, Veronica Anne 73132 * Childress, Kathleen Marie 73132 2005 Putnam City High School * Cooley, Robert Bradley 73132 2004 Putnam City High School Creekmore, Amy Lynn 73132 2004 Putnam City North High School Delano, Gregory Donald 73132 2004 Putnam City North High School Grayson, Terrell Jamal 73132 2006 Putnam City High School Hawkins, Lauren Elizabeth 73132 2005 Putnam City North High School Henderson, Ryan Matthew 73132 2003 Putnam City High School Hnot, Jeramie Randall 73132 2005 Putnam City North High School * James, Cody Austin 73132 2004 Putnam City North High School Neill, Jay Dustin 73132 2005 Putnam City West High School * Ruhlmann, Jeremy Alexandre 73132 2006 Putnam City High School Stallings, Brendan Townsend 73132 2004 Putnam City High School Stearman, Loren Waverly 73132 2004 Putnam City North High School Tse, Kearn Che 73132 2004 Putnam City North High School Willingham, Kelly Geraldine 73132 2006 Putnam City High School * Wood, Michael Grey 73132 2004 Putnam City North High School * Hlubek, Randall John 73134 * Rose, Megan Elyse 73134 2003 Plainview High School Finch, Alissa Ann 73135 2004 Carl Albert Senior High School Hunt, Charles Douglas 73135 2005 Midwest City High School Lopez, Daniel Andres 73135 2004 Del City High School Marshall, Kamaryne Nycole 73135 2003 Southeast High School Mason, Kristin Nicole 73135 2006 Midwest City High School Wright, Melanie Denise 73135 2003 Midwest City High School Pham, Haiduong Xuan 73139 2005 Mount Saint Marys High School Duty, Stephanie Michelle 73142 2004 Putnam City North High School Kluck, Jonathan Houston 73142 2003 Putnam City High School * Neal, Kalyn Beth 73142 2006 Deer Creek High School Oxley, Heath Brandon 73142 2004 Deer Creek High School * Rayner, Brian Colin 73142 2004 Putnam City North High School * Ring, Breanne Elaine 73142 2006 Home Schooled * Shanbour, Maria Nicole 73142 2006 Deer Creek High School Sheffield, Dennis Quitman 73142 2003 Deer Creek High School Vanzandt, Crystal Dawn 73142 2005 Bishop McGuinness High School * Vanzandt, Danielle Lyn 73142 2003 Bishop McGuinness High School Zelten, Erin Elizabeth 73142 2004 Putnam City North High School Pham, Anh Lan 73149 2002 Westmoore High School Doonkeen, Ryan Kinsey 73150 2003 Carl Albert Senior High School Harris, Robert Lowell 73150 2005 Carl Albert Senior High School Moss, Brian Anthony 73150 2003 Carl Albert Senior High School McGraw, Sean Patrick 73151 2004 Edmond Memorial High School Silver, Laura Nicole 73151 2003 Edmond Memorial High School Smith, Stephanie Lea 73151 2006 Edmond Memorial High School Johnson, Rylee Elizabeth 73156 Moaning, April J 73156 2006 Classen School Advanced Stds * Chastain, Dennis Lee, III 73159 2006 Westmoore High School McDonald, Ashley Jordan 73159 2006 Westmoore High School Perez, Lupita Leividiana 73159 Walker, Eric Steven 73159 2006 Westmoore High School * Baldwin, Abigail Marie 73162 2004 Putnam City North High School * Blackwell, Starla Milanie 73162 2003 Bethany High School Blansett, Brice A 73162 2006 Putnam City North High School Box, Kristin Meredith 73162 2006 Putnam City North High School Braun, Brett Michael 73162 2006 Putnam City North High School Brinlee, Madison Anne 73162 2005 Putnam City North High School Colton, Jennifer Anne 73162 2004 Putnam City North High School Cundiff, Cary Lynn 73162 2004 Putnam City North High School Davidson, Tara Whitney 73162 2004 Putnam City North High School Eissenstat, Christopher Eric 73162 2006 Putnam City North High School Fansher, Neely Michele 73162 2004 Kingwood High School * Fiegel, Natalie Michelle 73162 2006 Putnam City North High School German, Kyle Thomas 73162 2003 Putnam City North High School Givens, Matthew Kw 73162 2003 Putnam City High School Hammack, Kurtis Gene 73162 2003 Heritage Hall Upper School * Harsha, Julie Kay 73162 2006 Putnam City North High School Hensley, Melissa Ann 73162 2004 Putnam City North High School Huckabay, Brian Cole 73162 2002 Putnam City High School Isch, Nancy Gail 73162 2006 Putnam City North High School Jackson, Keith Allen 73162 2005 Tishomingo High School Kerce, Kristin Michele 73162 2006 Putnam City North High School Kirk, Sarah Irene 73162 2005 Piedmont High School * Laurent, John Patrick 73162 2006 Putnam City North High School Looper, Donald Kyle 73162 2004 Putnam City North High School * Loud, Colby Rey 73162 2006 Yukon High School Maxwell, Megan Christine 73162 2005 Putnam City North High School McMahan, Nathan Brennan 73162 2002 Putnam City North High School Mesigh, Katie Frances 73162 2005 Putnam City North High School Michalko, Stephanie Marie 73162 2006 Putnam City North High School * Milbourn, Elisa Kristine 73162 2003 Putnam City North High School * Moore, Schuyler David 73162 2006 Putnam City North High School Morris, Kendall Leigh 73162 2006 Putnam City North High School * Murphy, Allison Corinne 73162 2003 Putnam City North High School * Nelson, Clayton Ellis 73162 2003 Putnam City North High School Odom, Danielle Rae 73162 2003 Putnam City North High School * Parker, Samantha Jeanne 73162 2005 Putnam City North High School * Potts, Jeffrey Robert 73162 2003 Putnam City North High School * Redden, Jennifer Marie 73162 2004 Putnam City North High School Reimers, Emily Aleace 73162 2003 Putnam City North High School * Rodwell, Heather Anne 73162 2003 Putnam City North High School * Schoeb, Emiley Ruth 73162 2005 Putnam City North High School * Sieber, Joseph Koehn 73162 2002 Putnam City North High School * Sliger, Kristyn Nicole 73162 2006 Heritage Hall Upper School Thiry, Nathan Lee 73162 2005 Putnam City North High School Thomason, Breanne Kali 73162 2006 Putnam City North High School Thomason, Britton Alene 73162 2004 Putnam City North High School * Upton, Elizabeth Joy 73162 2006 Putnam City North High School Upton, Katherine Lee 73162 2004 Putnam City North High School Vaughan, David Lee, III 73162 Walters, Erin Courtney 73162 2004 Putnam City North High School Watkins, Shelbi Dawn 73162 2004 Choctaw High School * Webb, Colin Bill 73162 2004 Southwest Covenant School * White, Beth Ann 73162 2004 Putnam City North High School Williams, Jared Randall 73162 2001 Macarthur High School * Winzeler, John Preston 73162 2006 Putnam City North High School * Winzeler, Matthew Douglas 73162 2005 Putnam City North High School Gentry, Michael Ray 73165 2005 Carl Albert Senior High School * Youngblood, David Ray 73169 2005 Mustang High School * Bross, Ashley Anne 73170 2004 Westmoore High School Lemmon, Justin Thomas 73170 2006 Westmoore High School * Basden, Zachary Ryan 73170 2004 Westmoore High School * Bedford, Ashley Brooke 73170 2004 Westmoore High School * Bentley, Heather Marie 73170 2004 Westmoore High School Davis, Sarah Catherine 73170 2005 Mount Saint Marys High School Howe, Amy Jo 73170 Leonard, Michelle Brownlee 73170 2004 Westmoore High School Nguyen, Doann Hong 73170 2004 Mount Saint Marys High School Nguyen, Jennifer Vi 73170 2006 Oklahoma School Of Sci & Math Nguyen, Vincent Quang 73170 2003 Westmoore High School Phillips, Todd Michael 73170 2005 Westmoore High School * Stachmus, Adriane Danielle 73170 2004 Westmoore High School * Vickers, Brittani Erin 73170 2004 Westmoore High School Webb, Alicia N 73170 * Winfree, Walter Ryan 73170 2003 Westmoore High School Cerny, Valerie Loraine 73179 2004 Mustang High School </p><p>OKMULGEE Adams, Valerie Kay * Busby, Jennifer Kay 1998 Beggs High School Culley, Robyn Kaye Graham, Victoria Dee Martin, Nancy Jo 2005 Okmulgee High School Suiter, Sandra Lee Zografos, Nicholas Alexander 2003 Kellyville High School </p><p>OKTAHA * Hough, Matthew Walker 2004 Oktaha High School </p><p>OOLOGAH Bogart, Phillip Wright 2003 Oologah High School Davis, Cassandra Jo 2005 Oologah High School * Mitchell, Kelsie Elizabeth 2006 Claremore High School Robinson, Paul James-Cole 2005 Collinsville High School Robinson, Shannon Marie Smith, Lindsey Jo 2003 Oologah High School * Timson, Sally Jane 2004 Oologah High School </p><p>OPTIMA Fischer, Camra Brea 2006 Guymon Senior High School </p><p>OWASSO * Ahmed, Brittany Nicole 2005 Owasso High School Baker, Andrew Logan Begemann, Jared Steven 2005 Owasso High School Dunkerson, Dena Marie 2005 Owasso High School Duvall, James David 2003 Owasso High School Farthing, Ashley Elizabeth 2003 Owasso High School Gibson, Jesse Carter 2003 Owasso High School Harrison, Michael Anthony Hatcher, Justin Glen Johnson, Brandon Paul Josserand, Terry Michael 2003 Owasso High School Kozma, Meghann Y 2004 Owasso High School Kujawa, Sarah Marie 2005 California High School Leake, Jennifer Nicole 2003 Owasso High School Loder, Scott Cameron Macdonald, Jason Nicolas 2005 Owasso High School Martin, Salem Noel 2006 Owasso High School McKenzie, Jennifer Rae 2003 Owasso High School Mudroch, Ruth Ellen 2004 Linn-Mar High School Muse, Jenna Kylene 2004 Owasso High School Muse, Megan Leigh 2006 Owasso High School * Nelson, Sally Ann 2006 Owasso High School * Neph, Evan Wade 2005 Owasso High School * Polge, Marcie Leanne 2006 Owasso High School Sanow, Laura Marie Sellers, John Henry Home Schooled Shephard, Nichole Lynn 2003 Owasso High School * Smith, Mark Allen 2003 Owasso High School * Stipe, David Jonathan 2005 Home Schooled Strain, Jessica Dawn Todd, Sherry Lynn 2003 Owasso High School Tucker, Anthony Charles 2005 Owasso High School Viejo, Matthew Peter 2003 Owasso High School * Whitty, Kimberly Ann Wilkes, Sarah Ann 2005 Owasso High School Winner, Emily Anne 2004 Cleveland High School Alberty, Cory Trey Anderson, Marshall Heath 2001 Owasso High School Bear, Marie Christine 2004 Owasso High School Bippus, Michael Dean Boyles, Anna Lee 2004 Owasso High School Burwell, David William 2004 Owasso High School * Burwell, Michael James 2006 Owasso High School Bynum, Jennifer Lynn * Coke, Robert Shaun 2004 Owasso High School * Eckerd, Nick Allan * Esposito, Paula Kay * Gartner, Ryan Adam 2005 Owasso High School Gilchrist, Megan Dawn 2005 Owasso High School Hayes, David Wayne 2005 Owasso High School Heerwagen, Paul Killian, IV 2003 Owasso High School Hendricks, Molly Kathleen 2006 Owasso High School * Hulsey, Laura Brooke 2005 Owasso High School * Humbolt, Meagan Ann 2006 Owasso High School * Marinari, Nicholas David * Moore, Megan Nicole Morton, Blake E 2005 Owasso High School Pride, Mitchell Wayne 2003 Owasso High School * Purdum, A Brook * Reeve, Meredith Anne 2003 Owasso High School Rich, Heather M 2003 Wright Christian Academy Richard, Jenna Marie Rimpley, Kristie R * Schaefer, Leddia Melinda * Schnorrenberg, Zachary Clay 2004 Owasso High School Sherrell, Stacey Marie 2005 Memorial Senior High School * Slater, Chase Oltman 2004 Owasso High School * Solnok, Christopher Lysle 1998 Burkburnett High School Welsh, Laura Marie Worley, Justin Lee 2005 Owasso High School * Brusto, Jennifer Kathleen 2004 Owasso High School </p><p>PANAMA Potts, Gerianna Dawn </p><p>PARK HILL * Heard, Carlton Buck 2003 Tahlequah Senior High School Heard, Corbin Larry 2003 Tahlequah Senior High School * Musgrove, Barbara Allison 2000 Tahlequah Senior High School </p><p>PAULS VALLEY Beadles, Logan Kane 2006 Pauls Valley Sr High School Forrester, Kyle Brenton 2004 Pauls Valley Sr High School McCabe, Aleisha Marie 2004 Pauls Valley Sr High School * Messec, Kaylee Jean 2004 Pauls Valley Sr High School Sims, Tanner Austin 2003 Pauls Valley Sr High School Vietzke, Thomas Jake Smith 2003 Pauls Valley Sr High School White, Genta Marie </p><p>PAWHUSKA Barnes, Amanda Dawn 2006 Pawhuska High School * Carter, Kendall Cason 2003 Pawhuska High School * Carter, Robert Daniel 2004 Pawhuska High School Chambers, Kate Ellen 2004 Pawhuska High School Evans, Fallon Alayna 2006 Pawhuska High School * Gould, Lauren Holt 2004 Pawhuska High School Kendrick, Christina Ladawn 2003 Pawhuska High School Reed, Phillip Taylor 2003 Pawhuska High School * Thill, Kathleen Sue 2006 Bartlesville High School Thill, Megan Elizabeth 2003 Bartlesville High School </p><p>PAWNEE Brown, Candace Elaine 2001 Pawnee High School Brown, Cassie Michelle 2004 Pawnee High School Buchanan, Emilia Patience 2003 Pawnee High School * Copeland, Breah Shea Dietz, Amanda Hartwick 2005 Pawnee High School Ellington, Katherine Dee 2005 Pawnee High School Lamb, Sarah Dawn 2003 Pawnee High School Madron, Bethany Louise 2003 Pawnee High School Paolucci, Corey Michelle 2004 Union High School Parker, Grace Ana * Ripley, Daniel Ray 2004 Morrison High School Young, Allan Lee 2003 Pawnee High School * Zweiacker, Jillianne Leigh 2004 Pawnee High School </p><p>PERKINS * Champion, Stephanie Michelle 2006 Perkins Tryon High School * Clarke, Jennifer Margaret 2004 Stillwater High School Clay, Brooke Nicole Isley 2005 Perkins Tryon High School Dukes, Jessica Elizabeth 2004 Perkins Tryon High School Evans, Elizabeth Faye 2003 Duncan High School Good, Nikki Sue Gordon, Kasi Lynn 2006 Perkins Tryon High School Johnson, Tammy Jean 1994 Watonga High School * Jordan, Leigh Angel * Miles, Amanda Jo 2004 Perkins Tryon High School Plank, Brian Adrian * Ray, Whitney Elyse 2005 Perkins Tryon High School Rodman, Lindsey Kay 2005 Home Schooled * Shelton, Christopher Dale 2003 Perkins Tryon High School Shipman, Debra Lynn Shurtz, Sarah Bridget 2005 Kingwood High School Smith, Nathaniel Andrew * Tharp, Laura Elizabeth 2003 Perkins Tryon High School Tipton, Tyler Eugene 2000 Newcastle High School * Whitfield, Chase Tanner 2003 Perkins Tryon High School * Wollenberg, Gena Suela 2003 Perkins Tryon High School </p><p>PERRY Bolay, Karolyn Marie 2006 Perry Senior High School * Bolay, Kathryn Renee 2003 Perry Senior High School * Cantrell, Kelcie Lynn 2003 Perry Senior High School Coldiron, Brett Allen 2002 Perry Senior High School Cook, Duain Joshua 2004 Perry Senior High School * Dvorak, Matthew John 2004 Perry Senior High School Henley, Allison Rae 2005 Perry Senior High School Hodge, Jana Marie Johnson, Jessica Renee 2003 Perry Senior High School Johnson, Myriah Dawn 2005 Perry Senior High School Johnson, Tate William 2004 Perry Senior High School Pagel, Shawn Brett 2003 Perry Senior High School * Pollard, Brandy Joelen 2003 Perry Senior High School Railey, Leellen Rebecca Rice, Amanda Marie 2004 Perry Senior High School Sharp, Anne Michele 2004 Perry Senior High School * Spurlin, Carita Lynn 2003 Colony High School Stone, Andrea D 2002 Perry Senior High School Stone, Ben Gregory 2000 Perry Senior High School Subketkaew, Aswin Tony 2004 Perry Senior High School Treiner, Katherine Claire 2004 Perry Senior High School Wilson, Aubrey Denise 1996 Blackwell High School</p><p>PIEDMONT Davis, Sara Michelle 2006 Piedmont High School * Graybill, Garrett Lynn 2005 Piedmont High School * Lockwood, Kristen Lynn 2005 Piedmont High School McCormack, Casey Ryan 2003 Piedmont High School Perryman, Rachel Marie 2003 Piedmont High School Reynolds, Ryan Edward 2006 Piedmont High School Robertson, Jared Scott Wilkinson, Joseph Henry, III 2006 Piedmont High School </p><p>POCOLA * Gass, Leslie Anne 2006 Pocola Okla High School * Kelley, Anna Melissa 2005 Pocola Okla High School Swearingen, Casandra Lynn 2006 Pocola Okla High School </p><p>PONCA CITY Allen, Eric Nicholas 2006 Ponca City Senior High School Allen, Lacey Hope 2006 Ponca City Senior High School Allison, Douglas Brent 2002 Ponca City Senior High School * Baugh, Megan Elizabeth 2003 Ponca City Senior High School * Benyshek, Megan Leigh 2004 Ponca City Senior High School Biemiller, Christopher Paul 1998 Longmont High School Brown, Allison Nicole 2005 Ponca City Senior High School Daniel, Jennifer Elise 2005 Ponca City Senior High School Doerksen, Bethany Kathryn 2005 Ponca City Senior High School Drouhard, Matthew Michael 2004 Ponca City Senior High School * Dyer, Maleah Casey 2005 Ponca City Senior High School * Engle, Oliver Richard 1999 Ponca City Senior High School Eyster, David John 2005 Oklahoma School Of Sci & Math * Fender, Mackenzie Eran 2003 Ponca City Senior High School Fender, Tyler Ross 2005 Ponca City Senior High School * Fore, Melissa Sue 2003 Ponca City Senior High School * Gamble, Michael David 2003 Ponca City Senior High School * Guss, Kara Nicole * Harris, Andra Jo 2004 Ponca City Senior High School Harris, Cody James 2005 Ponca City Senior High School * Hart, Sarah Leigh 2004 Ponca City Senior High School Hawkins, Kristine Norina Grey Hay, Benjamin Louis 2002 Ponca City Senior High School * Henning, Bryan Lee 2004 Ponca City Senior High School Hunt, Derek Jo 2002 Ponca City Senior High School * Jones, Aaron Lee 2002 Ponca City Senior High School Keen, Steve Lee * Knight, Justin Lee * Kruckeberg, Dawn Katherine La Rue, Jessop Lee Latimer, Annette Marie 2005 Ponca City Senior High School * Latimer, Cathy Ann 2003 Ponca City Senior High School Lechtenberg, Devon Michael 2004 Ponca City Senior High School Martin, Halli Ann 2002 Ponca City Senior High School Matlock, Jennifer Lynn 2002 Ponca City Senior High School * McGaughey, Jamie Michelle 2006 Ponca City Senior High School Meier, Sonya R * Meister, Morgan Elizabeth 2003 Ponca City Senior High School * Mick, Jayme Leigh 2006 Bartlesville High School Mongold, Gray Michael 2006 Ponca City Senior High School Moore, Amanda Kay 2005 Ponca City Senior High School * Muchmore, Shannon Teresa 2003 Ponca City Senior High School * Murray, Stacy Lyn 2003 Ponca City Senior High School * Musgrove, Kati Bet 2006 Ponca City Senior High School Myers, Gregory John 2006 Ponca City Senior High School Myers, Tiffany Rene 2005 Ponca City Senior High School O'Connor, Ryan Patrick 2005 Ponca City Senior High School * Otto, Kelle Elizabeth 2005 Ponca City Senior High School * Perz, Robert Thomas 2006 Ponca City Senior High School * Phipps, Catherine Jean Plunk, Amanda Rose 2005 Ponca City Senior High School Quillin, Kori Cotten 2004 Ponca City Senior High School * Radka, Kristen Mischelle 2003 Keller High School Root, Krystle Joy 2003 Ponca City Senior High School Sarafin, Carol Ann * Shepard, Jessica Taylor 2005 Ponca City Senior High School Sievert, Kristen Paige 2002 Ponca City Senior High School Smith, Troy Elliott * Taber, Ashley Michelle 2004 Ponca City Senior High School Thompsen, Rebekah Jane 2006 Home Schooled * Trant, Robert Charles, II 2002 Ponca City Senior High School Van Arsdale, Erik Bryan 2004 Ponca City Senior High School * Vap, Jerod Patrick 2006 Ponca City Senior High School Walters, Ashely Hope 2006 Ponca City Senior High School * Ward, Jeremy Lee 2004 Ponca City Senior High School White, Sherryl Ann Wood, Christopher Michael 2000 International High Schools Wynn, Krista Marie Wynn, Tommy James</p><p>POND CREEK * Hendrix, Brenton Paul 2003 Pond Creek-Hunter Sr High Sch </p><p>PORTER Davidson, Sarah Dawn 2000 Porter High School Ernstsen, Emily Kristine 2004 Porter High School Slater, Holly Dawn Wright Christian Academy </p><p>POTEAU * Barber, Brittney Ann 2005 Poteau Senior High School Billey, Sabrina Elaine 2003 Poteau Senior High School England, Casey Lynae 2005 Howe High School </p><p>PRAGUE Fridrich, Kyle Aaron Marsh, Scott Kendall 2003 Prague Senior High School * Patak, Heather Leann 2005 Prague Senior High School Stricklin, Ramanda Gayle 2004 Prague Senior High School Watkins, Whitney Dawn 2004 Prague Senior High School Williams, Derek Wayne </p><p>PROCTOR Barnett, Mary Anna 2003 Westville High School </p><p>PRYOR * Borgstrom, Andrew John 2006 Pryor High School * Carrick, Kristen Ruth 2004 Pryor High School Carrick, Marla Joanne 2005 Pryor High School Crawford, Lindsey Rae' * Jarboe, Cody Ross 2005 Pryor High School Jordan, Courtney Rae 2004 Pryor High School * Lee, Aimee Nicole 2005 Pryor High School Letzig, Brian Jeremy 2004 Pryor High School * Marty, Seth Alan 2003 Adair High School Nutter, Jared Keith 2002 Pryor High School Webster, Jenny Leann 2005 Pryor High School Whitham, Chelsea Lynn 2006 Pryor High School </p><p>PURCELL * Suchy, Carlee Rachelle Turner, Kevin Glenn 2005 Purcell High School * Wood, Landon Roy 2005 Lexington High School </p><p>RALSTON Gibson, Heath Scott 2003 Woodland High School </p><p>RAMONA * Coggins, James Terry, Jr 2005 Collinsville High School Fronkier, Benjamin Alan 2005 Caney Valley School * Harris, Elizabeth Ann 2003 Caney Valley School </p><p>RATLIFF CITY Pruitt, Barkley Cole 2002 Velma Alma High School * Pruitt, Whitney Alyse 2005 Velma Alma High School </p><p>RED ROCK * Andrews, Shannon Lucretia * Imgarten, Jerri Ann 2004 Perry Senior High School * Williams, Megan Elizabeth 2004 Frontier High School </p><p>RINGWOOD Davidson, Samantha Ann 2004 Ringwood High School Rapp, Kelsey Ann 2004 Ringwood High School Robison, Toby Michael 2003 Ringwood High School </p><p>RIPLEY Balcer, Sarah Elizabeth 2006 Ripley High School Davis, Shannon Danea 2004 Ripley High School Deaver, Reagan Nicole 2006 Perkins Tryon High School Graves, April Renee 1998 Glencoe High School James, Carla Deneise 1984 Stroud Senior High School Mace, Christopher Glenn 2005 Ripley High School * Mutschelknaus, Sarah Ann 2004 Ripley High School * Sadler, Lisa Marie </p><p>ROLAND * Roberts, Linzie Bess 2006 Roland High School * Smith, Haylee Diane 2006 Roland High School </p><p>SALINA Wolf, Abby Gail 2005 Locust Grove High School </p><p>SALLISAW Matthews, William Burt-Lewis 2003 Sallisaw High School Pangburn, Kristen Grace 2003 Muskogee High School </p><p>SAND SPRINGS Baker, Ashley Nycole Crimmins, William Gordon 2004 Cleveland High School Cunningham, Ryan Scott 2005 Charles Page High School * Hollaway, Haley Machel 2004 Charles Page High School Overton, Ryan Patrick Charles Page High School Quimby, Candice Marie 2006 Charles Page High School * Soto, Aaron Peter * Vincent, Michael Ian Charles Page High School Waldrup, Justin Ray 2003 Sapulpa High School Wimmer, Brenton Rylan 2004 Charles Page High School * Bridges, Jessica Lynn Carrell, Rachel Diane 2003 Charles Page High School Cartwright, Megan Leigh 2005 Charles Page High School * Choate, Kendall Thomas 2006 Putnam City North High School Cowan, Kellen R * Daniels, Katrina Renee 2003 Charles Page High School Drymon, Kristin Dianne 2004 Charles Page High School Dye, Rachel Elise 2004 Charles Page High School Dyer, Amanda Diane 2003 Charles Page High School Fairchild, Emily Anne 2006 Charles Page High School Garrett, Ryan James 2005 Charles Page High School Gomez, Megan Nicole 2004 Charles Page High School Gorman, Emily Kristine 2005 Charles Page High School Greene, Jean Marie Hall, Angela Dawn * Hoey, Margaret Denise 2005 Charles Page High School Hoey, Rebecca Leigh 2004 Charles Page High School Hoffman, Matthew Michael 2005 Charles Page High School Jolliff, Kathryn Elise Kisling, Kyle Douglas 2003 Union High School Krebs, Shannon Aliese 2005 Charles Page High School Krzmarzick, Daniel John Kuns, Gregory Michael Lumsden, Andrea Nicole 2004 Charles Page High School * McGrew, Heather Nicole * Morelli, Katherine Rose 2004 Charles Page High School * Morris, Kelly Elizabeth 2004 Charles Page High School O'Malley, Mackenzie Rae 2004 Charles Page High School * Potter, Adam David Pucket, Megan Renee 2006 Charles Page High School Rankin, Timothy Loyd 2006 Charles Page High School * Sinkbeil, Kyle Wesley 2006 Charles Page High School * Smith, Leslie Nicole 2003 Charles Page High School Smith, Niketa Irene 1997 Ripley High School * Tameny, Shannon Kelly * Turner, Patrick Alan 2005 Charles Page High School * White, Megan Cathleen 2003 Charles Page High School Williams, Joey Michelle 2006 Charles Page High School Zweifel, Heather Dawn 2005 Charles Page High School </p><p>SAPULPA Adair, Daric Ryun 2004 Sapulpa High School Barnett, Jerus Nathan 2002 Sapulpa High School Collins, Janell Leigh Collins, Tucker Lane 2004 Sapulpa High School Elbert, Mitchell Davis 2006 Mounds High School Fothergill, Kristy Kaye Fuchs, Jacob Kenneth 2002 Jenks High School * Gibson, Erin Michelle 2004 Sapulpa High School * Ham, Blake Barrett 2003 Sapulpa High School Harmon, Julie Delane 2003 Berryhill High School Herman, Bryce Taylor Herod, Shelley Leigh 2004 Sapulpa High School Hoover, Christopher Michael 2006 Sapulpa High School Hupman, Elyse Nicole 2003 Berryhill High School * Hurst, Jordan Rae 2004 Kellyville High School Johnson, Beau Tyler 2002 Sapulpa High School Kaiser, Ashley Marie 2003 Charles Page High School Marshall, Bethany Linn 2006 Sapulpa High School * Misner, Kenner Gene 2004 Sapulpa High School Pettit, Stacy Michelle 2005 Sapulpa High School * Scheuerman, David Scott 2005 Bixby High School Sieck, Joshua James 2003 Metro Christian Academy Swint, Amy L * Thayer, Mindy Janea 2004 Sapulpa High School Whisenhunt, Chad Ryan 2001 Sapulpa High School Evans, Sherry Lynn * Salisbury, Ashley Heather Thurman, Kathleen Danielle 2005 Sapulpa High School </p><p>SAYRE Phillips, Meggie Ann 2004 Sayre High School </p><p>SEILING Rutz, Kristy Lynn 2004 Seiling High School </p><p>SELMAN Storer, Dillon Howard 2005 Buffalo High School </p><p>SEMINOLE * Conner, Andrew Kahlen 2004 Seminole High School * Harrington, Cheri Danniel 2005 Seminole High School </p><p>SHARON Nail, Dustyn Christopher 2006 Sharon-Mutual High School </p><p>SHATTUCK Starbuck, Andrew David 2006 Shattuck High School </p><p>SHAWNEE Blakemore, Kendall Grant Brownell, Katie Beth 2005 Shawnee Senior High School Clifton, Steven Levi 2005 Dale School Grundmann, Joshua David 2003 Shawnee Senior High School * Hammons, Baylee Jo * Herron, Carrie Dawn 2003 Shawnee Senior High School * Kershner, Kayli Rae 2005 Meeker High School Lemons, Meagan Elizabeth 2004 Dale School McAboy, Jonathan Cory 2004 Shawnee Senior High School Montgomery, Kristen Miller 2005 Dale School Odell, Andrew Thomas 2003 Dale School Palmer, Courtney Renee 2003 Liberty Academy Parsons, Alisha Nicole 2003 Wynnewood High School * Pounds, Ethan Kyle 2006 Shawnee Senior High School Reese, Jonathan Logan 2004 Shawnee Senior High School Rinderer, Nicholas Richard 2006 Shawnee Senior High School Scott, Stephanie Renee' 2004 Shawnee Senior High School Shadid, Alex Taylor 2005 Shawnee Senior High School * Smith, Steven Chad 2005 Shawnee Senior High School Stanley, Matthew Ross 2004 Oklahoma School Of Sci & Math * Tate, Taryn Alise 2006 Shawnee Senior High School Thomas, David Warren Thompson, Richard William 2005 Shawnee Senior High School Wall, Tanner Donovan 2006 Shawnee Senior High School Crothers, Alexandra Kinsey 2006 Shawnee Senior High School </p><p>SKIATOOK * Aikman, Blake Andrew 2006 Skiatook High School Horn, Daniel Lance 2003 Owasso High School * Lord, Preston Brooks, Jr * Matlock, Erin Stephanie 2003 Skiatook High School * Newcomb, Joshua Seth 2003 Skiatook High School Short, James Tyler 2005 Skiatook High School Ward, Justin Roy 2003 Skiatook High School * Brooks, Rachel Michelle 2006 Skiatook High School </p><p>SMITHVILLE Johnson, Bradley Lynn </p><p>SNYDER Wisdom, Kindra Ann 2006 Snyder High School Woodward, Lynsey Don 2006 Snyder High School </p><p>SOUTH COFFEYVILLE Ames, Andrew Thomas 2005 South Coffeyville School Hassenplug, Steven Michael Houser, Amber Rachelle 2004 Oklahoma Union High School </p><p>SPENCER * Curtis, Clayburn Thomas 2003 Bishop McGuinness High School Harris, Brittany 2005 Choctaw High School </p><p>SPERRY Bridgeman, Jay Eric Dunn, Brian Patrick 1999 Wright Christian Academy Firestone, James Sheldon 2005 Sperry High School Gentry, Ernest David Herrington, Jessica Marie 2005 Owasso High School </p><p>SPIRO Trent, Natalie Ann 2003 Oklahoma School Of Sci & Math </p><p>STILLWATER * Adel, Jennifer Diane 2004 Fort Bend Baptist Academy Adkison, David Mark 2002 Stillwater High School * Aiken, Christina D 2002 Stillwater High School Albright, Lydia Aleene 2003 International High Schools Allen, Mark Anthony, Jr 2005 Stillwater High School * Alton, Kristian Leigh * Alvey, James William Amey, Dustin Allan 2002 Ripley High School * Atkins, Richard Matthew 2005 Perkins Tryon High School Bailes, Jennifer Kay 1990 Shawnee Mission Northwest H S Baldwin, Julie Ann Ball, Sean Charles 2004 Stillwater High School Banks, Benjamin D 2005 Home Schooled Barber, Jennifer Lee * Barnes, Aaron Mark 1996 Hennessey High School Baumgarner, Jessica Diane 2006 Stillwater High School Becker, Emily Renee 2003 Stillwater High School Beichler, Brandon Charles 2005 Enid High School Beier, Matthew Alan 2003 Stillwater High School * Bellatti, Bradley Jacob 2004 Stillwater High School * Berry, Erin Leach 2001 Laguna Hills High School * Black, Evan Leighton 2004 Stillwater High School Blessen, Leah Danielle 2006 Stillwater High School * Brawley, Tessa Marie 2005 Stillwater High School Brazee, Constance Lee 1972 Mainland Senior High School * Broadway, Leah Marie 2003 Stillwater High School * Brockman, Benjamin Davis 1999 Stillwater High School Brown, Glenn Edsen 2001 Stillwater High School Brown, Holly Suzanne 2002 Stillwater High School * Brown, Vanessa Necole 2004 Cushing High School * Bryant, Michelle Ann Bushong, Annette Kristine 2003 Notre Dame Regional High Sch Campbell, Casady Diane 2003 Stillwater High School Campbell, Jeffrey Patrick Campbell, Natalie J Carter, Alton O Carter, Jarad Ace 2003 Woodward High School * Carver, Jason Ross 2006 Stillwater High School Cave, Keli Dawn 2004 Perry Senior High School Chang, David Dongwon 2005 Stillwater High School Charles, Ashton Nicole 2005 Stillwater High School Chillemi, Kendra Ann 2004 Stillwater High School Chrisman, Jeremiah David 2002 Putnam City High School Chrisman, Stephanie Dawn 1999 Union High School Chung, Hanbit 2003 Stillwater High School * Clarkson, Shaunalynn Rene'E 2006 Stillwater High School * Clewell, Shannon Ross Cochran, Melody Lane 2003 Shawnee Senior High School Coffee, Justin Wade 2004 Stillwater High School Colasacco, Melissa Marie 2005 Perry Senior High School * Cortez, Juan Manuel, Jr 2006 Stillwater High School * Coslett, Michele Renae 1999 Horizon High School Cosner, William Thomas 2005 Roland High School Courtright, Dara Diane 2005 Stillwater High School Craig, Angelica Nicole * Criswell, Amy Marie 2004 Stillwater High School Cronin, Jacob Michael 2004 Stillwater High School * Curtis, Ashleigh Brooke 2003 Yale High School Dapron, Andrea Nicole Enid High School Darbe, Brianne Noelle 2005 Alva Senior High School * Davis, Melissa Nicole 2004 Pawhuska High School * Davis, Morgan Rae 2006 Stillwater High School Dawson, Drew Samuel 2006 Stillwater High School Demoss, James Bradley 2002 Stillwater High School Dennis, Whitney Blair 2006 Yale High School Deveny, Mark Joseph 2005 Stillwater High School Deyong, Shannon D 2003 Stillwater High School * Dickey, Lauren Brooks 2006 Stillwater High School Dickey, Matthew William 2004 Home Schooled * Dixon, Caitlin Elizabeth 2006 Stillwater High School * Doughty, Sarah Ruth 2005 Stillwater High School * Downs, Jenna Rae 2003 Stillwater High School Downs, Travis O'Neal 2004 Stillwater High School Edwards, Jennifer Lynn 2003 Muldrow Senior High School * El Rassi, Edward Tarek 2004 Stillwater High School Elliott, Michael Lee 2005 Stillwater High School Ellis, Ashley Marie 2005 Stillwater High School Evers, Casey James 2005 Stillwater High School * Eyster, Kristi D 2003 Vici High School Fazel, Payvand 2004 Stillwater High School * Ferguson, Aaron James 2003 Home Schooled Forsyth, Jennifer Lynn 2002 Stillwater High School Franzmann, Katherine Jennifer Friesen, Alyson A 2003 Stillwater High School Fry, Adam Gregory 2003 Stillwater High School * Fry, Nicole Breanne 2005 Keyes High School * Gaddy, Cameron Patrick 2006 Stillwater High School Gallimore, Bo Evans 1998 Stillwater High School Gasem, Manal Khaled 2003 Stillwater High School * Gay, Farral David Gentry, Jordan Marie 2006 Stillwater High School * Ghajar, Aria Jahanshani 2006 Stillwater High School Gilliland, Stephen Wayne Goodwin, Casey Allegra 2006 Stillwater High School Gray, Stephen Taylor 2001 Stillwater High School Grunau, Shandi Diann 2005 Perryton High School * Hawkins, Adrien Michele 2003 Stillwater High School Hayes, Dustin T Hecker, Neil T * Hempstead, Julie Erin * Henderson, Stephanie Nicole 2006 Stillwater High School Hendrix, Billy Joe Henigman, Ryan Joseph 2003 Stillwater High School Hennings, Bridgette Deenail 2002 Bartlesville High School Hensch, Daniel Ryan 2003 Stillwater High School Hentges, Amber Ranae 2004 Stillwater High School Hernandez, Kaci Nicole 2004 Stillwater High School Hill, Adam Charles 2004 Stillwater High School Hobbs, Reagan Leigh 2003 Stillwater High School Hoffman, Kami Lyn 2006 Stillwater High School * Hollingsworth, Jesse James 2005 Stillwater High School Holloway, Brian Kyle 2001 Trinity Christian School Holt, Kelley Dare 2006 Stillwater High School * Howerton, Ross Jordan 2006 Stillwater High School Hutchens, Jill L 2000 Stillwater High School Jacobson, David Isaac 2004 Deer Creek High School * Jankowski, Gwendolyn Robertson * Jantz, Lauren Darelle 2005 Stillwater High School Jeffery, Tara Nicole 2004 Stillwater High School Jenkins, Allen Michael 2006 Stillwater High School Johnson, Jon Mark, II 2001 Stillwater High School Jones, Tarissa K Lynn 2004 Stillwater High School Kammerzell, Steven Ray Kanga-Tharalingam, Myuran 2005 Stillwater High School Kayne, Natalie Michelle 2001 Putnam City North High School Kayne, Warren David * Keith, Kelly Ann 2002 Stillwater High School Kelln, Audra Beth Kelton, Danielle Renee Kenslow, Sarah Elizabeth 2002 Neuqua Valley High School * Ketch, Joshua Robert 2006 Perry Senior High School Kloeckler, James Henry 1996 Stillwater High School Kruse, Ashley Leanne 2005 Morrison High School Lambert, Clarence Frank Skip 2006 Stillwater High School Lane, May Lantz, Kiley Nicole 2004 Sapulpa High School * Lee, Charissa Dawn 1995 Jenks High School * Lee, Chengdao Kosmos 2004 Stillwater High School Lemley, Kassidy Lynne 2006 Stillwater High School * Lewis, Christopher James 2003 Stillwater High School Lewis, Frank Wyatt, III 2004 Stillwater High School Lin, Bo 2005 Cushing High School * Lin, Jin 2005 Cushing High School Livsey, Daniel North 2006 Stillwater High School Longan, Mandy Jo 2003 Stillwater High School * Love, Owen Paul 2006 Stillwater High School Lovelace, Eric M Luster, Summer Renee 2005 Stillwater High School Lynch, Jeremy Lee 1999 Ozark Adventist Academy * Macallister, Carin Michele 2005 Stillwater High School Maness, Paul Alexander 2001 Carl Junction R-I High School * Marcom, Erin Marie 2006 Frederick High School Marcom, Melissa Kay 2004 Frederick High School Mason, Brandon Russell 2004 Home Schooled * Mason, Brittany Mae 2004 Hugoton High School Matthes, Anita Maxson, Brittni Renee 2006 Stillwater High School Mayberry, Mandy Nicole 2004 Enid High School McConachie, Erin Lynn McCorey, Lauren Nichole 2005 Lincoln Academy McCoy, Gregory Walter 2005 James W Martin High School McCullar, Lacy Julianne McDonald, Deidra Deshea 2003 Stillwater High School McGaw, Kristen Danielle * McLain, Kurt Ashley 1998 Dickson High School McNeil, Bryan Gregory 2004 Stillwater High School * Meeks, Brent Wesley 2003 Ripley High School Mendoza, Anastasia Kristine 2004 El Camino High School Meyer, Cameron Paul 2000 Glencoe High School * Miller, Holly Michelle 2003 Stillwater High School Miller, James Stanley 2006 Stillwater High School * Miller, Julie Kae * Miller, Lauren Elizabeth 2005 Stillwater High School * Miller, Michol Malia 2005 Stillwater High School Moler, Amber Nicole 2005 Stillwater High School Moore, Tara Lynn 2004 Ardmore Senior High School Morgan, Matthew James 2005 Stillwater High School * Morton, Kerry Kathryn 2004 Perkins Tryon High School * Mount, Melissa Ann 2001 Mustang High School Mulder, Adam Phillip 1998 Stillwater High School Mullins, Elaina Marie Mullins, Nicholas L 2001 Eisenhower Senior High School Murphy, Stephen Clark * Murray, Cody Jay 2003 Stillwater High School Mussgnug, Adrian Martin * Norton, Jeremy Paul 2004 Stillwater High School Norton, Joshua Kyle 2006 Stillwater High School * O'Brien, Jared Keith Okuda, Kengo Oner, Alan V 2005 Stillwater High School Packard, Zachary Cole 2004 Pryor High School Padgett, Matthew Alan 2005 Stillwater High School Panebianco, Angela Jeree 2004 New Braunfels Sr High School Patterson, Henry Caleb 2001 Home Schooled Penaloza-Encarnacion, Alejandra 2003 Stillwater High School Pendleton, Amber Nicole 2005 Stillwater High School * Perk, Timothy George 2006 Stillwater High School Petrin, Daniel Thomas 2005 Stillwater High School Pina, Fatima * Pitner, Lindsey Catherine * Pittman, Sarah Rebecca 2004 Stillwater High School * Portman, Erin Fay 2003 Calera High School * Powell, Perry Albert 2003 Sapulpa High School * Pratt, Jennifer Murray 2003 Stillwater High School Presley, Whitney Jo * Pringle, Brie Lyn Ramsey, Remington Lea 2003 Sublette High School Randolph, Ronnie Eric Reust, Michael Marsh Rice, Nathan Daniel 2003 Stillwater High School Rice, Stephanee Ruth 2000 Stillwater High School Richardson, Heidi Lynne 2002 Jenks High School Ritthaler, Janet Lynn 2004 Morrison High School * Robinson, Lindsay Sha 2002 Glencoe High School * Royse, Ryan Daryl * Rudd, Benton Gardner 2003 Perkins Tryon High School * Sanders, Lindsey Nicole * Scarborough, Alan Brandon 2004 Stillwater High School Scarborough, Jennifer Malini 2005 Stillwater High School * Schatzer, Jamie Ray 2006 Stillwater High School Schieffer, Sara Beth 2004 Stillwater High School * Schley, Laura Anne 2003 Jay High School Schnacke, Haley Marie 2005 Stillwater High School * Schwenk, Evan Walter 2005 Stillwater High School Seagraves, Catherine Rose 2003 Stillwater High School Sharp, Alea Kathrine 2006 Stillwater High School Sheller, Dale Steven 2003 Stillwater High School Shriver, Chelsea Diane 2003 Stillwater High School * Silva, George William 2006 Stillwater High School Simkins, Walton Thomas 2005 Stillwater High School * Sites, Rebecca Michelle 2004 Stillwater High School * Sluch, Ilya Mikhaylovich 2006 Oklahoma School Of Sci & Math Smith, Benjamin Duane 2006 Stillwater High School Sneed, Autry Dale 2006 Stillwater High School Spaulding, Clinton Douglas 2003 Stillwater High School Spicer, Michael Jeffrey 2006 Stillwater High School * Stellman, Jeffrey Taylor 2002 Stillwater High School * Stevens, Beau Allen 2005 Nacogdoches High School Stevenson, Morgan Nicole 2006 Haworth High School Stone, Bethany K 2004 Home Schooled * Stroukoff, Katharine Rose 2005 Oklahoma School Of Sci & Math * Sutton, Tamarie Jo Swank, Brittany Anne 2005 Trenton Senior High School Swenson, Emily Danelle 2004 Stillwater High School Tabish, Elizabeth Marie 2004 Stillwater High School Talent, Troy Lee 2004 Stillwater High School Tarrant, Marshall Asa 2005 Home Schooled Taylor, Charles Alan 2004 Perkins Tryon High School * Teel, Trevor Travis 2006 Sallisaw High School Tefertiller, Jaime Lloyd 2001 Stillwater High School Testerman, Cynthia Ann Thompson, Caitlin Christina 2005 Stillwater High School Thorp, Leah Turnbaugh 2002 Stillwater High School Tingler, Erin Rogers * Tingler, Marshall David Touqan, Abdul-Rahman Muhammed 2003 International High Schools * Tree, David Roland 2001 Stillwater High School Trent, James, III 2006 Stillwater High School Tucker, Geoff * Udoka, Johnathan Silvanus 2004 Stillwater High School * Unrast, Morgan Ann Vap, Sarah Beth 2002 Newkirk High School Vasso, Christopher Thomas 2006 Stillwater High School * Vogle, Ashleigh Nicole 2006 Morrison High School * Waldo, Kristin Greta 1979 Bartlesville High School * Walker, Kelsey Brooke 2004 Stillwater High School Wannebo, Jessica Rae Washam, Isaac Arnold 2005 Stillwater High School Weaver, John Matthew 2003 Stillwater High School Welch, Elizabeth Francesca Wells, Lindsay Dyan 2002 Stillwater High School * Whiteley, Linda Ann 2003 Stillwater High School Whitley, Derick Brett * Wilkinson, Marci Paige 2003 Stillwater High School Williams, Lauren Rae 2004 Stillwater High School Wilson, Aaron Vonell 2004 Stillwater High School Wilson, Allen Gerald Winfrey, Rosanna Wesley 2006 Stillwater High School * Wittwer, Chelsea Lynn 2003 Stillwater High School Woodard, Paul Johnson Cushing High School Woodington, Matthew Kevin * Wooten, Alex Robert 2005 Stillwater High School Wright, Amanda Kae 2004 Riverside High School Wright, Taleri Layne 2004 Stillwater High School * Yang, Sora 2006 Stillwater High School Zook, Caleb Lee 2003 Waynoka High School * Sims, William Tyler 2004 Edmond Memorial High School Abbey, Jessica Jo 2005 Union High School Carter, Matthew Ryan 2004 Norman High School * Carver, Michael Kevin, Jr 2006 Putnam City North High School Chrisman, Johnathan Wayne 1999 Putnam City High School Cole, Alison Cecilia 2003 Putnam City North High School Eckert, Justine Julianne 2003 Union High School Furber, Lakan Marie 2005 Edmond Santa Fe High School Harback, Meghan Marie 2003 Bishop McGuinness High School * Hughes, Sara Terese 2005 Bishop Kelley High School Jones, Taylor Macbeth 2005 Edmond Memorial High School * Kirk, Ryan Loury 2003 Bixby High School * Kubier, Amy Elizabeth Ada Senior High School McCarthy, David Michael 2006 Edmond North High School McLaughlin, Samantha Marie Newman, Amanda Joyce 2004 Edmond North High School * Newman, Ashley Patricia 2004 Edmond North High School O'Connor, William Joseph 2003 Bishop Kelley High School * Phillips, Neely Adams Prince, Andrew James 2005 Bishop McGuinness High School * Reed, Ashley A * Schley, Steven Ross 2003 Del City High School Schwarz, Taylor Nicole 2003 Classen School Advanced Stds Seaton, Dale Allen 2003 Bixby High School Siegerist, Clayton Paul 2005 Bishop Kelley High School * Wyatt, Sean Daniel 2005 Union High School Adel, Joshua William 2004 Oklahoma Christian Schools Choplin, Ryan Anthony 2003 Cascia Hall Preparatory School Gaither, Brenda Gail * Hassell, Diane Stanford Laughlin, Ronald Adam 2000 Deer Creek High School Lewis, David P Bishop Kelley High School Rivas, Claudia Sarai 2004 Northwest Classen High School Rogers, Rhea Lynette Sieber, Jamie Nicole Smith, Jeremy Gray 2004 Putnam City North High School Stegall, Stuard Joseph 2001 Nathan Hale High School Stubblefield, Cody Dale 2002 Stillwater High School Thomason, Joseph Niles 2000 Thomas A Edison High School Tushka, Kathryn Ann 2003 Edmond Memorial High School * Weeks, Charles Colter 2003 Broken Arrow High School * Wilson, Michael Don * Warren, Matthew Richardson 1984 Rolla Senior High School Von Groote, Peter Edward Allmand, Misty D 1999 Woodland High School </p><p>STONEWALL * Newport, John Caleb 2003 Ada Senior High School </p><p>STROUD * Brown, Misty Michelle 2006 Stroud Senior High School * Crittenden, Kirsten Leann 2005 Stroud Senior High School * Dixon, Kara Beth 2005 Stroud Senior High School * Jenkins, Emily Margaret 2005 Agra High School Wilson, Matthew Christopher 2002 Stroud Senior High School </p><p>SULPHUR Caldwell, Stefanie Ellen 2001 Sulphur High School * Krug, Luisa Teresa 2006 Sulphur High School Sloan, Lacey Danielle 2004 Sulphur High School Todd, Chase Seward 2004 Sulphur High School </p><p>TAHLEQUAH * Bell, Amanda Marie 2004 Tahlequah Senior High School Bone, Jamie Dianne 2004 Tahlequah Senior High School Chapman, Tara Ashley 2004 Tahlequah Senior High School * Daniel, Charlotte Marian 2005 Tahlequah Senior High School Fennell, James Earle 2006 Tahlequah Senior High School * Ferguson, Whitney Jeanne 2006 Tahlequah Senior High School French, Stefen Antoni 2005 Tahlequah Senior High School * Gilmore, Sarah Maria 2004 Tahlequah Senior High School Gosnell, Brian Charles 2004 Tahlequah Senior High School Hamilton, Hannah Lee 2005 Tahlequah Senior High School Hicks, Tia Alexis 2005 Tahlequah Senior High School * McLaughlin, Benjamin George 2004 Mercer Christian Academy * Rountree, Jared Kent 2005 Tahlequah Senior High School Stogsdill, Rebecca Jane 2003 Tahlequah Senior High School Wade, Sara J 2005 Tahlequah Senior High School </p><p>TALALA Oldacre, Matt Lance 2004 Oologah High School Parrett, Tadd Michael 2004 Oologah High School Ouverson, Michael Brazeal 2005 Oologah High School </p><p>TALIHINA Knapp, Lacey Janee' 2005 Buffalo Valley High School * Waller, Ashley Dawn 2003 Talihina High School </p><p>TALOGA Miller, Desiree Nicole </p><p>TECUMSEH * Raney, Lauren Yvonne 2005 Tecumseh High School </p><p>TEXHOMA Freeman, Ciera Nicole 2004 Texhoma High School</p><p>THACKERVILLE * Torgerson, Emily Lynn 2005 Marietta High School </p><p>THOMAS Eyster, Eric David McVay, Joshua Nelson 2004 Olive High School </p><p>TISHOMINGO Hilt, Megan Marie 2003 Tishomingo High School </p><p>TONKAWA Hoover, Tiffany Dianne 2003 Tonkawa High School * McIntyre, Jillian Renee 2003 Tonkawa High School </p><p>TRYON * McClain, Mattie Lynn 2004 Perkins Tryon High School Sever, Katherine Lin 2005 Perkins Tryon High School </p><p>TULSA * Steinmeyer, Danetta 74037 Shadday, Daniel George 74101 Clark, Matthew Ryan 74104 Broken Arrow High School Dewalt, Lindsey Anne 74104 2004 Thomas A Edison High School * Geier, Wesly Warren 74104 2006 Grace Fellowship Christian Sch Horan, Mary Elizabeth 74104 Howard, Stephanie Jean 74104 2002 Thomas A Edison High School * Olsen, Pearl Marie 74104 2006 Thomas A Edison High School Olson, Erik Shane 74104 2005 Mingo Valley Christian School * Schiewe, Jade Paul 74104 * Tucker, Mallory Anne Chambers 74104 Wood, Christina Marie 74104 * Wood, Jack Richard 74104 Alaback, Patricia Marie 74105 2006 Metro Christian Academy Allen, Kyle Vest 74105 2006 Cascia Hall Preparatory School * Bendel, Elizabeth Anne 74105 2006 Cascia Hall Preparatory School Blakemore, Natalie Beth 74105 2006 Thomas A Edison High School Bodenhamer, Shannon Michelle 74105 2004 Memorial Senior High School Bohan, Jennifer Barbara 74105 2002 Victory Christian School Davied, Lauren Rachel 74105 2002 Memorial Senior High School Deatherage, Madeline L 74105 2003 Booker T Washington High Sch Farrar, Rachel Lynne 74105 Fisher, John Robert 74105 2004 Booker T Washington High Sch * Gruse, Jennifer Lee 74105 Hill Haven Christian Academy * Hale, Kevin Daniel 74105 Hamra, Daniel Henry 74105 2001 Booker T Washington High Sch * Harp, Erin Elizabeth 74105 2006 Bishop Kelley High School * Healey, Lisa Michelle 74105 2006 Home Schooled Huggins, Kari Amanda 74105 2005 Thomas A Edison High School Kaiser, Alex Stuart 74105 2003 Bishop Kelley High School Kidd, Vanessa Lauren 74105 * Laizure, Sarah Marie 74105 2003 Memorial Senior High School Layman, Bailey Renee 74105 2006 Memorial Senior High School * Leikam, James Alexander 74105 2005 Bishop Kelley High School * Lewis, Mandy Jane 74105 1998 Grace Fellowship Christian Sch McVey, Brandon Wade 74105 2005 Memorial Senior High School Nelson, Aaron Edward 74105 Otey, Lydia Ruth 74105 2003 Cascia Hall Preparatory School * Smith, Megann A 74105 Thomas A Edison High School Swartz, Mary Michele 74105 2000 Cascia Hall Preparatory School Teel, Lauren Suzanne 74105 2004 Memorial Senior High School Vivion, Jody Mcgill 74105 2005 Cascia Hall Preparatory School * Weber, Lauren Ashley 74105 2006 Holland Hall School Weber, Lauren Elizabeth 74105 West, Nathan Michael 74105 2005 Memorial Senior High School Williams, Kathryn Marotta 74105 2006 Booker T Washington High Sch Wilson, Amy Kristen 74105 Flowers, Shenelle Nicole 74106 2006 Thomas A Edison High School Landon, Megan Marie 74106 2006 Jenks High School Miller, Ciera Latese 74106 2006 Central High School Pratt, Shayla Nicole 74106 * Bailey, David Ward 74107 2006 Daniel Webster High School Bailey, Lisa Renee 74107 2005 Daniel Webster High School * Bland, Diana Marcela 74107 * Bryant, Mark Anthony 74107 * Crawford, Kristina Janae 74107 2006 Berryhill High School Dye, Ashlee Morgan 74107 * Forester, Ashley Brook 74107 Gibson, Samuel Jason 74107 2001 Booker T Washington High Sch Hall, Lauren Amanda 74107 * Hansen, Courtland Dwight 74107 Hester, Kristen Kay 74107 2006 Berryhill High School Mascioletti, Chaya Yvonne 74107 McCrate, Janee' Marie 74107 Oglesby, Mindy Renee 74107 2004 Cornerstone Christian Academy Phillips, Logan J 74107 2001 Berryhill High School * Robins, Amber Danielle 74107 * Warren, Kassandra Leigh 74107 2006 Sapulpa High School Wilson, Derek L 74107 2003 Berryhill High School Bushyhead, Joshua Robert 74108 Cary, Sarah A 74108 Dewell, Layna Jae 74108 2005 Bishop Kelley High School Meyer, April Christina 74108 2005 Memorial Senior High School North, Hollie Marie 74108 2005 Union High School Wood, Kerrie Rae 74108 East Central Senior High School * Hacena, Jamal James 74110 2006 Memorial Senior High School Stanton, Michael Lee 74110 Belanger, Daniel Lee 74112 Contreras, Andrew Eduardo 74112 2004 Tulsa School For Arts & Sciences Contreras, Elizabeth Rose 74112 2006 Tulsa School For Arts & Sciences * Going, Jerry Eugene 74112 1999 Cushing High School Hodges, Ashley Marie 74112 2002 Booker T Washington High Sch * Letterman, Tara Nicole 74112 2003 Nathan Hale High School Price, Katherine Cashion 74112 2001 Thomas A Edison High School Wrona, Whitney E 74112 2006 Bishop Kelley High School Zemina, Ashley Nichole 74112 2003 Owasso High School * Anderson, Heather Ann 74114 * Badzinski, Nicholas Ryan 74114 * Brewer, Brittany Nicole 74114 2006 Booker T Washington High Sch Brown, M Janene 74114 Butterworth, Ashley Erin 74114 2004 Cascia Hall Preparatory School * Butts, Matthew Lee 74114 2003 Cascia Hall Preparatory School * Campbell, Allyson Michelle 74114 2006 Memorial Senior High School Day, Zachary Joseph 74114 2003 Bishop Kelley High School Eidson, Tybie Satin 74114 2003 Booker T Washington High Sch Freeman, Thomas William 74114 2004 Cascia Hall Preparatory School Gotcher, Brandon Reed 74114 2006 Jenks High School Gum, Christopher Cameron 74114 2006 Booker T Washington High Sch Hawley, Megan Kathleen 74114 2003 Tulsa School For Arts & Sciences Henze, Sarah Ellison 74114 2005 Metro Christian Academy * Herrmann, Benjamin Charles 74114 2005 Booker T Washington High Sch * Hogan, Janine Elizabeth 74114 Jones, Jessica Lynn 74114 2004 Holland Hall School Jones, Kirk Benjamin 74114 2004 Booker T Washington High Sch Jones, William Bruce 74114 2006 Cascia Hall Preparatory School Krout, Devin Jed 74114 Jenks High School Land, Jennifer Renee 74114 * Legener, Natalie Ann 74114 2006 Bishop Kelley High School Lovett, Leslie Nicole 74114 2002 Nathan Hale High School McGuire, Maris Elizabeth 74114 2003 Bishop Kelley High School Mohaupt, Allison Lee 74114 2003 Bartlesville High School Nelson, Michael Ryan 74114 2004 Memorial Senior High School Nichols, Bryan Tyler 74114 2005 Memorial Senior High School Peoples-Sellers, Brandy Nichole 74114 * Reins, Mitchell Douglas 74114 2006 Thomas A Edison High School Sappenfield, Andrew Blake 74114 * Swift, Kristen Marie 74114 2005 Bishop Kelley High School Thomas, Sarah Elizabeth 74114 Southside High School Whiteneck, Mary Katherine 74114 Cascia Hall Preparatory School Williams, Kasey Layne 74114 2006 Thomas A Edison High School Greene, Chase Andrew 74115 2002 Will Rogers High School Howard, Shanna Leigh 74115 Morey, Jessica Leann 74115 2006 Thomas A Edison High School Nichols, Elizabeth Elaine 74115 Sherman, Jennifer Dianne 74115 2004 Ponca City Senior High School Adams, Julie Catherine 74119 2003 Thomas A Edison High School * Hohulski, Carrie Marie 74119 2004 Booker T Washington High Sch McKay, Jacquelyn Renee 74119 2003 Bishop Kelley High School Mikulin, Sandra Jennifer 74119 Schneider, Jodi Beth 74119 * Wallander, Amber Renee 74119 2004 Booker T Washington High Sch Caldwell, Louis Andrew Smith 74120 2002 Booker T Washington High Sch * Caldwell, Meredith Jayne Smith 74120 2004 Booker T Washington High Sch * Smoots, Derek Sean 74120 Brydie, David Denson 74127 2006 Booker T Washington High Sch Campbell, Scott Carlile 74127 Dawson, Terry Augustus, Jr 74127 2003 Booker T Washington High Sch Kimble, Rashawna Nicole 74127 2003 Haskell High School Stapleton, Jessica Anne 74127 Stokes, Erick Kelly 74127 2003 Charles Page High School * Surrell, Christina Denise 74127 2003 Booker T Washington High Sch Williams, Iman Taliba 74127 2005 Memorial Senior High School Yost, Jessica Rae 74127 2006 Charles Page High School * Constien, Heather Lynn 74128 2004 Bishop Kelley High School Monday, Stacie Nicole 74128 2005 Booker T Washington High Sch Monselle, Lyndsy Davielle 74128 2005 Wright Christian Academy * Rosson, Emily Dawn 74128 2005 Claremore High School Ackerman, Jamie Marie 74129 2004 Enid High School Brock, Branwen Chance 74129 2001 Thomas A Edison High School Cowan, Joseph Roy 74129 2005 Thomas A Edison High School Cowan, Mary Lynn 74129 2003 Thomas A Edison High School Garren, Evelyn Adele 74129 2004 Thomas A Edison High School Hirsch, Jamison William 74129 2003 Thomas A Edison High School Kilburn, Robert Zachary 74129 2004 Tulsa School For Arts & Sciences * McCarroll, Melanie Kay 74129 2004 Memorial Senior High School Morreau, Sarah Diane 74129 2004 Tulsa School For Arts & Sciences Schaefer, Audrey Lynn 74129 2004 Memorial Senior High School Yancey, Ashton Laura 74129 2006 Memorial Senior High School King, Brittainey Letoria 74130 2004 Booker T Washington High Sch * Trigalet, Barbara Frances 74131 2005 Sapulpa High School * Wagner, Jessie Diane 74131 2004 Home Schooled Brown, Bradley Kenneth 74132 2002 Jenks High School Cassidy, Jordan Meredith 74132 2005 Holland Hall School Cox, James Andrew 74132 2006 Jenks High School Green, Chris Kyoo-Shik 74132 2005 Jenks High School Gross, Kaylor Brooke 74132 2005 Jenks High School * Hathaway, Joshua Paul 74132 * Johnson, Amanda Louise 74132 2005 Jenks High School * Johnson, Tara Dawn 74132 2006 Jenks High School Kirkpatrick, Megan Nicole 74132 2006 Jenks High School * Matlock, Jazmin 74132 2003 Jenks High School Nelson, Derick Logan 74132 2006 Jenks High School Rich, Davilyn Renee 74132 2005 Metro Christian Academy Ripperger, Gregory Ray 74132 2003 Jenks High School Rodich, Rachael Leigh 74132 2006 Jenks High School Shacklett, Andrew Garret 74132 2005 Mingo Valley Christian School * Walker, Ginger M 74132 * Adams, Bryan Wesley 74133 2004 Memorial Senior High School * Adkins, Eric Matthew 74133 2004 Bishop Kelley High School Alexander, Tracy Dianne 74133 2003 Union High School Amburn, Kimberly Ann 74133 2006 Memorial Senior High School Anderson, Jessica Ashlann 74133 2003 Union High School Bachman, Carey Bess 74133 2002 Union High School Barnard, Kristina Elise 74133 2003 Jenks High School Barnes, Jonathon Edward 74133 2005 Geneva Community High School Barron, Diane Michelle 74133 2003 Memorial Senior High School Bell, Brandon Michael 74133 2004 Union High School * Blythe, Callie Ann 74133 2003 Union High School Brooks, Brandon Michael 74133 2005 Union High School Brown, Andrew Michael 74133 2006 Jenks High School Brown, Kiersten Alisha 74133 2006 Jenks High School * Burnam, Joseph Jess 74133 Butters, Brewster Stephen 74133 Buwa, Amanda Elizabeth 74133 2003 Union High School * Castell, Daniel William 74133 2003 Union High School Castell, Timothy Michael 74133 2006 Union High School Castillo, Russell Gray 74133 Poteau Senior High School * Chan, Augustus Chung-Wei 74133 2003 Jenks High School * Clark, Courtney Anne 74133 2006 Bixby High School Coats, Andria Lanay 74133 2004 Jenks High School * Dalton, Mallory Leigh 74133 2005 Jenks High School Davis, Erica Lee 74133 2004 Union High School * Dickey, Morgan Lane 74133 2000 Memorial Senior High School * Ellis, Derek Stephen 74133 2006 Booker T Washington High Sch Else, Corey James 74133 2004 Jenks High School * Fisher, Mandy Kay 74133 2004 Metro Christian Academy Foreman, Andrew Benjamin 74133 2003 Union High School Foster, Carissa Ann 74133 2006 Union High School Fox, Tristan James 74133 2005 Union High School Furr, Julia Meghan 74133 2005 Metro Christian Academy Gamble, Katelyn Justine 74133 2006 Union High School * Greer, Adam Benjamin 74133 2006 Union High School * Habib, Nour Khaled 74133 Hairston, Joshua Michael 74133 2006 Union High School Hart, Brandon Douglas 74133 2004 Union High School * Hendrickson, Andrew Charles 74133 2004 Bixby High School Hossain, Rizwana 74133 Huddleston, Sarah Anne 74133 2004 Union High School Jaberinasab, Shahin Mitchell 74133 2005 Union High School * Jobe, Jillian Leigh 74133 2005 Jenks High School Johnson, Whitney Renee 74133 2005 Memorial Senior High School Kennedy, Paige Erin 74133 2004 Jenks High School Kirby, Ashley Denise 74133 2004 Union High School * Knight, Kevin Michael 74133 2003 Memorial Senior High School * Korner, Stacy Lynn 74133 2006 Union High School * Krause, Emily Jane 74133 2004 Union High School * Lallier, Ashley Marie 74133 2003 Cascia Hall Preparatory School * Lea, Bethany Elise 74133 2003 Milford High School Lefler, Angela Nicole 74133 2005 Union High School Lloyd, John Paul, Jr 74133 * Lorenz, Joseph Allen 74133 2006 Metro Christian Academy * Lynn, Melissa Kay 74133 2004 Grace Fellowship Christian Sch * Maguire, Natalie Elizabeth 74133 2006 Bishop Kelley High School * Mason, Leigh Alexandra 74133 2006 Union High School * McMahon, Russell Blake 74133 2006 Memorial Senior High School McNamara, Shannon Kristine 74133 2005 Union High School * Messer, Amanda Krystine 74133 2002 Jenks High School * Miles, Alisa Renee 74133 2005 Union High School * Miller, Nicholas Conrad 74133 2005 Union High School * Milton, Rebecca Doyle 74133 2000 Jenks High School Musicus, Allison Jenni 74133 2003 Union High School Neely, Robert Mitchell 74133 2004 Union High School Nicholas, Katherine Clarice 74133 2005 Union High School * Nivens, Kaley Elizabeth 74133 2005 Memorial Senior High School * Noordyke, Jennifer Michelle 74133 2006 Metro Christian Academy * Norsworthy, Brooke Erin 74133 2005 Union High School Nye, Jennifer Suzanne 74133 2003 Union High School * O'Brien, Andrea Danae 74133 2004 Bishop Kelley High School Osko, Joshua Cole 74133 2005 Bixby High School Peterson, Megan Rae 74133 2005 Broken Arrow High School Piard, Wendy Renee 74133 2004 Union High School Rayment, Allyson Elaine 74133 2005 Metro Christian Academy * Redard, Corinna Katherine 74133 2006 Memorial Senior High School * Redard, Raleigh John 74133 2005 Memorial Senior High School * Richardson, Robert William 74133 2004 Memorial Senior High School Rowan, Jennifer Rebecca 74133 Sayler, Michael Andrew 74133 2003 Union High School * Sharon, Trevor Scott 74133 2004 Union High School Slaughter, Donald Jon 74133 Steele, Jonathan Fletcher 74133 2003 Edmond Memorial High School Taliaferro, Michael Austin 74133 2006 Union High School Tauss, Ryan B 74133 2006 Grace Fellowship Christian Sch * Thomas, Garrett Carter 74133 2004 Union High School * Tines, Ellen Austin 74133 2006 Grace Fellowship Christian Sch * Townley, Laura Ruth 74133 2002 Home Schooled * Twyman, Nicole Cheri 74133 2005 Victory Christian School * Vera, Maria Louisa 74133 2006 Union High School Walehwa, Joel Case 74133 2004 Jenks High School Westermark, Leanne Marie 74133 2005 Jenks High School Wiebe, Nathan Arthur 74133 2006 Jenks High School * Wills, Amy Lea 74133 2000 Grace Fellowship Christian Sch * Wyatt, Stephanie Louise 74133 2005 Memorial Senior High School * Zinn, David Lloyd 74133 2004 Jenks High School Zsiga, Luke Mathieson 74133 2005 Union High School Daughhetee, Joshua Scott 74134 Gamble, Dustin Eli 74134 2003 Union High School Jeffers, Chelsey Dawn 74134 2006 Thunderridge High School * Murphy, Jennifer Anne 74134 2004 Union High School Nelson, Timothy Michael 74134 1999 American School Ngo, Minh Trieu 74134 2004 Union High School Stump, Anna Michelle 74134 2006 Broken Arrow High School Briggs, Jennifer Elizabeth 74135 2004 Memorial Senior High School Briggs, Leslie Kathleen 74135 2006 Memorial Senior High School Brown, Jessica Mary Sue 74135 * Chapman, Gregory Dewey 74135 Daggett, Tracy Lauren 74135 Union High School Dill, Margaux E 74135 2003 Memorial Senior High School * Eaton, Ashley Brown 74135 2004 Memorial Senior High School * Evans, Kendall Brooke 74135 2004 Metro Christian Academy * Fuqua, Blake Edward 74135 * Holmes, Charles Gordon, Jr 74135 2003 Bishop Kelley High School Holmes, Garrett Joseph 74135 2005 Bishop Kelley High School Johnston, Stephen Thomas 74135 2002 Memorial Senior High School Locke, Jessica Larun 74135 2005 Jenks High School McCool, Grant Lucas 74135 2004 Metro Christian Academy Mirkin, Christopher Sean 74135 2003 Bishop Kelley High School Morris, Jennifer Michelle 74135 2003 Memorial Senior High School * O'Connor, Joseph Kevin 74135 2005 Bishop Kelley High School Pitts, Lauren Michelle 74135 2004 Memorial Senior High School Rhyne, Heather Nicole 74135 2003 Booker T Washington High Sch Shunatona, Emily Tchinina 74135 2006 Bishop Kelley High School Summers, Kyle F 74135 2005 Thomas A Edison High School * Sweet, Carrie Ann 74135 Webb, Amy Suzanne 74135 2002 Memorial Senior High School Wilkerson, Brandon J 74135 2003 Edison Preparatory * Williams, Amanda Lynn 74135 Thomas A Edison High School * Wood, Robert Aaron 74135 2004 Tulsa School For Arts & Sciences * Wood, Ronald Allen 74135 2003 Memorial Senior High School Allen, Peter Christopher 74136 2002 Booker T Washington High Sch Amilian, Matthew James 74136 2003 Union High School Bacon, Michael Cody 74136 2006 Metro Christian Academy Brookover, Austin Tanner 74136 2006 Bishop Kelley High School * Broyles, Allison Elizabeth 74136 2006 Jenks High School Clinton, Sarah Dawn 74136 2003 Edmond North High School * Clinton, Tessa Jean 74136 2006 Jenks High School * Craig, Charles Everett 74136 2005 Bishop Kelley High School Curry, Krista Nicole 74136 2006 Metro Christian Academy Dahlgren, Ryan William 74136 1999 Bartlesville High School Davis, Andrew Bradley 74136 2003 Memorial Senior High School Dean, Lauren Elizabeth 74136 2006 Booker T Washington High Sch * Dunnie, Mary Christine 74136 2005 Union High School Feamster, Blake Meredith 74136 2005 Union High School Fischer, Brenton Lee 74136 2003 Booker T Washington High Sch * Francis, Carole Elizabeth 74136 2006 Metro Christian Academy * Guidry, Jacqueline Anne 74136 2005 Union High School Hackett, Jennifer Leigh 74136 2004 Union High School Hebard, Katharine Marie 74136 2004 Jenks High School * Jacoby, Stephanie Noel 74136 2006 Union High School * Kernoske, Stephanie Jean 74136 2003 Memorial Senior High School Kondos, Alexandra Elizabeth 74136 2006 Metro Christian Academy Kondos, Jennifer Caroline 74136 2006 Jenks High School Koontz, Zachary Douglas 74136 * Lanham, Jessica Elizabeth 74136 2005 Union High School McQuarters, Devin Michelle 74136 2006 Victory Christian School Parker, Zachary Eric 74136 2005 Broken Arrow High School Remis, Emery Harrison 74136 2004 Thomas A Edison High School Revere, Kyle Thomas 74136 2003 Memorial Senior High School * Sullivan, Lacey Nicole 74136 Turutsin, Maksim Feodorovich 74136 Warren, Lyndee Kathleen 74136 2004 Jenks High School Weller, Jillian Cozette 74136 2006 Broken Arrow High School Woodliff, Lindsey Nicole 74136 2004 Edmond Memorial High School Wyers, Sara Rose 74136 * Anderson, Ryan Steven 74137 2002 Blaine High School Beale, Benjamin Jacob 74137 2006 Jenks High School Blackman, Whitney Rae 74137 2004 Jenks High School * Bloomer, James Kyle 74137 2006 Jenks High School * Boswell, Courtney Elizabeth 74137 2006 Union High School Bowers, Clint Jared 74137 2003 Claremore High School Brimmer, Laura Rachelle 74137 2003 Broken Arrow High School * Bugh, Lauren Elizabeth 74137 2006 Jenks High School * Burn, Patricia Leigh 74137 * Carson, Anna Lindsey 74137 2005 Greenwood High School Chambers, Timothy Paul 74137 2002 Bob Jones High School Colwell, Lauren Michelle 74137 2002 Jenks High School * Colwell, Lisa Marie 74137 2004 Jenks High School Dailey, Matthew Jon 74137 2006 Bishop Kelley High School Davis, Jeremy Ryan 74137 Dubois, Jessica Diane 74137 2004 Grove High School * Dupont, Chelsea Rose 74137 2004 Jenks High School Ellison, Claire Elizabeth 74137 2006 Jenks High School Evans, Joanna Broach 74137 2006 Jenks High School * Field, Abbie Elizabeth 74137 2006 Jenks High School Fisher, Erin D 74137 Foster, Leah Christine 74137 2005 Jenks High School Gemeinhart, Amanda Renee 74137 2003 Jenks High School Gifford, Katherine Ann 74137 2003 Jenks High School * Gill, Tammy Larain 74137 * Grapengater, Laura Susan 74137 2004 Jenks High School Greenwell, Stephanie Terese 74137 2005 Bishop Kelley High School * Hall, Amy Kristen 74137 2006 Jenks High School Herrington, Timothy David 74137 2005 Union High School Hesser, Andrea Christine 74137 2006 Jenks High School * Hill, Andrew Gregory 74137 2004 Jenks High School Holder, Alexandra Marie 74137 2005 Union High School Holsey, Mark Daniel 74137 2004 Tenaha High School Humphrey, Amanda Leigh 74137 2005 Jenks High School Humphrey, Katelyn Paige 74137 2003 Jenks High School Jefferson, Pierce Randolph 74137 2004 Jenks High School * Jesiolowski, Michael Andrew 74137 2002 Jenks High School John, Brandon Michael 74137 2004 Jenks High School Johnson, Megan Michele 74137 2005 Union High School Kay, Jessie Lou 74137 2004 Jenks High School * Koon, Jennifer Nicole 74137 2006 Jenks High School * Kott, Timothy Michael 74137 * Lasater, Courtney Michelle 74137 2004 Jenks High School * Likins, Amanda Michelle 74137 2006 Jenks High School List, Amy Louise 74137 2003 Jenks High School Lundquist, Erika Marie 74137 2004 Jenks High School Magers, Justin William 74137 2004 Union High School Mahan, Conner Blazer 74137 2006 Jenks High School Mason, Ashley Elizabeth 74137 2006 Jenks High School * McGuire, Jennifer Marie 74137 * McVay, David Eric 74137 2004 Jenks High School Meeks, Adam Martin 74137 2003 Jenks High School Moore, Stephanie Michelle 74137 2006 Metro Christian Academy * Mortensen, Taylor Marin 74137 2005 Jenks High School Nelligan, Bradley Miles 74137 2006 Jenks High School * Oliver, Melissa Grace 74137 2005 Jenks High School * Panzer, Joseph Robert 74137 2003 Bixby High School * Paul, Ryan Christensen 74137 2006 Union High School * Pauling, Samuel Kenneth 74137 Phillips, Kirk Anthony 74137 2006 Union High School Phillips, Mallory Jane 74137 2004 Jenks High School * Pitcock, Daniel Ryan 74137 2003 Jenks High School * Pitcock, Elizabeth Ann 74137 2006 Jenks High School * Price, Mckenzie Minyeong 74137 2004 Union High School * Rezaee, Shahram Bob, II 74137 2001 Northgate High School Richert, Luke Anthony 74137 2004 Jenks High School Roe, Timothy Eric 74137 * Roth, Amy Christine 74137 2006 Metro Christian Academy Schiller, Scott Singer 74137 Seaman, Amanda Marie 74137 * Seaman, Gideon Harley 74137 Shafer, Andrea Beth 74137 2004 Jenks High School * Sherwood, Susan Page 74137 2004 Norman North High School * Shwayyat, Sophia Ayman 74137 Smith, Lauren Diana 74137 2005 Jenks High School Smith, Shinae Christine 74137 2006 Union High School * Thomison, Jessica Laurel 74137 2004 Cascia Hall Preparatory * Thompson, Rachel Elizabeth 74137 2005 Union High School Turner, Jacqueline Dyan 74137 2006 Jenks High School * Wackenhuth, Christy Lee 74137 2004 Jenks High School Wiese, Paige Elizabeth 74137 2005 Holland Hall School Wiese, Sara Marie 74137 2004 Holland Hall School Willis, Matthew Michael 74137 2006 Union High School Wilson, Callie Grant 74137 2004 Jenks High School * Young, Brittany Elise 74137 2006 Jenks High School Young, Emily Claire 74137 2006 Jenks High School * Anderson, Erik Sven 74145 * Berumen, Lindsay Marie 74145 2003 Union High School Blevins, Kasey Nicole 74145 2004 Nathan Hale High School * Bowen, Matthew Stewart 74145 2004 Memorial Senior High Clare, Rachel Beth 74145 2004 Thomas A Edison High School * Geilfuss, Joseph Bryan 74145 2002 Nathan Hale High School Khatab, Fouad 74145 Kristian, Cara Ann 74145 2004 Thomas A Edison High School Merrell, Michael Phillip 74145 2006 Metro Christian Academy Morris, Kathryn Lynn 74145 2006 Memorial Senior High School * Murray, Kevin Andrew 74145 2003 Metro Christian Academy Smith, Kyle Andrew 74145 2005 Union High School Steinkirchner, Sarah Marie 74145 2005 Bishop Kelley High School Turner, Eric Paul 74145 2004 Thomas A Edison High School Vasicek, Amanda Rae 74145 1998 Bishop Kelley High School Xiong, Thana 74145 Anderson, James Michael 74146 Hart, Heather Aleece 74146 2003 Union High School McNabb, Jason Vee 74146 * Nguyen, An Thien 74146 2005 Union High School * Page, John Wayne 74146 Teague, Patrick Joseph 74146 2001 Union High School Hancock, Terry Shannon 74159 * Ponder, Lacey Nicole 74169 2003 Memorial Senior High School Edwards, Dezeray Jean 74170 </p><p>TURPIN * Becker, Jason Tyler 2006 Turpin High School Goodwin, Kyle Brent 2006 Turpin High School Lynch, Rebecca Anne 2003 Turpin High School </p><p>TUTTLE * Hogland, Emily Diane 2005 Tuttle High School Steverson, Jacob Kyle Thomas, Meagan Raye 2003 Tuttle High School * True, Chad Dustin 2004 Bridge Creek High School * Williams, Martin Kyle 2003 Tuttle High School </p><p>TYRONE Harrison, Melanie Elizabeth 2006 Hooker High School McDonald, Kristi Ann Stoup, Shannon Kaye 2003 Tyrone High School * Thomas, Nicholas Steven </p><p>UNION CITY Sanders, Cody Gene </p><p>VALLIANT Ensley, Kyle Brock 2005 Wright City High School </p><p>VINITA * Baker, Ryan Douglas 2004 Ketchum High School Boyd, Kali Marie 2004 Vinita High School Fimple, Brandon Jay 2004 Vinita High School * Fry, Cedric Allen 2004 Vinita High School McSpadden, Newly Ray 2004 Vinita High School * Mixson, Timothy Andrew 2004 Vinita High School Piguet, Kelli Dawn 2005 Vinita High School </p><p>WAGONER Hall, Blake Lee 2004 Wagoner High School * Self, Jerod Clayton 2004 Coweta High School Sperling, Micah Joel 2002 Wagoner High School * Tackett, Brittany Danielle 2006 Wagoner High School </p><p>WALTERS Tulloh, David Austin 2005 Walters High School </p><p>WANN Rinkenbaugh, Haley Jo </p><p>WAPANUCKA * Nay, Kara Ann 2006 Atoka High School </p><p>WARR ACRES Hoch, Stephen Joseph 2006 Bishop McGuinness High School </p><p>WATONGA Davis, Molly Grace 2004 Watonga High School Flynn, Brittany Dione 2006 Watonga High School Goerke, Austin Edward 2006 Watonga High School * Moore, Amanda Jo 2003 Watonga High School * Oler, Jeffrey Ray 2002 Watonga High School Roach, Justin Don 2002 Watonga High School Tech, Lanae Paige 2004 Watonga High School Tomlinson, Spencer Jay 2004 Watonga High School </p><p>WATSON Youngblood, Bradley Lynn 2002 Wickes High School </p><p>WEATHERFORD * Brandhorst, Stacey Anne 2006 Weatherford High School Branson, Kelsie Leanne 2004 Weatherford High School * Dyck, Elizabeth Marie Easter, Audreyann Lowry, Kathryn Nicole 2006 Weatherford High School Massey, Cody Alan 2003 Weatherford High School Thiessen, Kyle D 2002 Weatherford High School * Young, Blake Allison 2006 Weatherford High School </p><p>WELCH Chaney, Jeremy Ray 2003 Welch High School McKeon, Clark Dalton 2003 Oklahoma School Of Sci & Math </p><p>WELEETKA * Chancey, Denton Duane 2005 Graham High School </p><p>WELLSTON Berry, Emily Jean 1996 Little River High School Imel, Hayley Christine 2006 Chandler High School Stein, Autumn Bliss 2003 Wellston High School * Welch, Rachel Anne 2001 Home Schooled </p><p>WESTVILLE Atha, Jeremiah Joe Westville High School * Grooms, Suzanna Lee 2005 Westville High School </p><p>WETUMKA Peel, Dayla Randi 2005 Wetumka High School </p><p>WEWOKA Bryant Williams, Ashli D 1999 Wewoka High School Hargrave, Melissa Rae 2006 Wewoka High School * Howard, John Adrian 2005 Wewoka High School </p><p>WILLOW Miller, Kelsey Jan 2004 Mangum High School </p><p>WILSON Brewer, Caleb Joseph 2005 Healdton High School Burch, Savanah Janea 2004 Wilson High School </p><p>WISTER Furr, Conor Daniel 2001 Darlington School Williams, Rachel Diann </p><p>WOODWARD Busellato, Brittney Lynn 2005 Woodward High School Campbell, Audra Jean 2004 Home Schooled * Crain, Derek Wade 2004 Fargo High School * Crain, Jared Levi 2006 Fargo High School * Fewin, Micah Stephen 2006 Woodward High School Henderson, David Jacob 2004 Woodward High School Hunter, Clarissa Hope 2006 Woodward High School Miller, Lauren Nicole 2004 Woodward High School * Minnick, Dallyn Mikelle 2005 Woodward High School Moore, Amanda Lynn 2003 Woodward High School Nelson, Corley Rae 2003 Woodward High School Oblander, Carl Dean 2003 Woodward High School Riddle, Chad Aaron 2003 Woodward High School Ross, Morgan Leigh 2004 Woodward High School Schneider, Rikki Jo 2004 Woodward High School * White, Mary E 2006 Woodward High School </p><p>WRIGHT CITY Puttkammer, Leah Rose 2002 Wright City High School </p><p>WYANDOTTE Crawford, Devin Leon 2005 Wyandotte High School Johnson, Rebekah Lea 2003 Grove High School </p><p>WYNNEWOOD * Deakins, Patrick Wayne 2005 Oklahoma School Of Sci & Math * Musgrove, Jenna Lee 2003 Purcell High School Oller, Bobbi Lin Shannon, Kyle Reed 2005 Davis High School Soutee, Matthew Richard 2005 Wynnewood High School </p><p>YALE Brown, Jonathan Eston 2006 Yale High School * Holmes, Jeffery D </p><p>YUKON * Ahern, Laura Leigh 2004 Yukon High School Barboza, Gloriana 2005 Yukon High School Blackwell, Zachary Russell 2004 Yukon High School * Canada, Nathan Chase 2004 Southwest Covenant School Cleary, Michael Casey 2005 Mustang High School Cooksey, Steven Robert 2003 Southwest Covenant School Doggett, Lauren Bethany 2005 Yukon High School Dowdy, Danielle Renee 2006 Yukon High School Dudek, Chelsea Erin 2004 Yukon High School Elwell, Lucas Ben 2005 Mustang High School * Fichte, Jami Ray 2003 Mustang High School France, Lauren Alysse 2006 Mustang High School Gray, Erica Catherine 2002 Mustang High School * Greer, Gloria Renee 2005 Mustang High School Haley, Allison Anne 2005 Yukon High School Hernandez, Alicia Anette 2005 Yukon High School * Hoefler, Joe Tyler 2003 Mustang High School Holman, Emily Ann 2005 Yukon High School Holmes, Theodore Verity 2003 Heritage Hall Upper School * Hooge, Katie Marie 2003 Yukon High School * Horn, Stanley Austin 2005 Yukon High School Hovde, Mallory Irene 2006 Bishop McGuinness High School Krshka, Kyle Thomas 2003 Yukon High School Lampe, Cynthia Ann 2004 Bishop McGuinness High School Lee, Tiffany Thao 2004 Bishop McGuinness High School Lister, Sara Colleen 2000 Putnam City High School Lofties, Allison Marie 2003 Mount Saint Marys High School Mackelvie, Michael Sloan 2006 Mustang High School Manning, Victoria Ann 2005 Yukon High School McLaughlin, Casey Michelle 2005 Yukon High School McNeely, Kyle Brandon 2004 Yukon High School Miller, Courtney Anne 2003 Southwest Covenant School * Orr, Kristen Dee 2005 Yukon High School * Ownbey, Micah Kristopher 2003 Yukon High School Pickle, Duston Leon Ramsey, Bart Henry 2003 Yukon High School Schroder, Jason Cole Scott, Austin Cody 2005 Yukon High School Smith, Dale Eugene 2004 Yukon High School Smith, Lauren Whitney 2005 Heritage Hall Upper School Spencer, Kacia Denea 2003 Yukon High School Stuhr, Kendall Denise 2003 Yukon High School Sullivan, Sydni Lauren 2006 Yukon High School Thiessen, Sara Danielle 2003 Yukon High School Treadwell, John Thomas 2006 Mustang High School Wagner, Justin Charles 2004 Yukon High School Waller, Jenny Lee 2004 Yukon High School Wardlow, Kelsi Deeann 2004 Yukon High School Shanaki, Saura Charlene 2006 Putnam City North High School </p><p>INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS</p><p>AICHI Matsubara, Shingo Yoshida, Chieko </p><p>AKASHI * Okita, Risa </p><p>ALCOY Bataller Olcina, Sergio </p><p>ALMATY Temirova, Aiman Yessetovna Tleumbetova, Zhanel </p><p>ALTAIF Alkhaldi, Eid Jabbur </p><p>ALUSHTA * Nedovyesov, Oleksandr </p><p>ANYANG-SI Lee, Rak-Heun </p><p>ASHIYA-SHI Yamasaki, Megumi </p><p>ASTANA Sagandykova, Dinara </p><p>AWAJI Komatsu, Mika </p><p>BANGKAPI * Kupgan, Grit</p><p>BARRANQUILLA De La Cruz, Andres Alberto </p><p>BEIJING Wu, Yun</p><p>BOGOTA * Bernal, Carlos Arturo </p><p>BUKIT MERTAJAM * Lim, Seng Giap</p><p>CA Redekopp, Scott David 2001 Walden III Middle and High School</p><p>CAMBRIDGE Bradley, Sarah Jessica </p><p>CARACAS Garcia Camara, Victor Manuel </p><p>CHAAH Kam, Moo Kway </p><p>CHANGSHA Zhou, Xiaoqi 2005 Woodlands High School The </p><p>CHIHUAHUA * Makita Esperon, Mario Antonio </p><p>CHRISTCHURCH Poskitt, Jennifer Monique </p><p>DAEJEON Park, Seong Hae</p><p>DEAJEON * Kim, Younggwan </p><p>FANLING NT Chan, Ka Man </p><p>FUJI-SHI * Mori, Yuriko </p><p>FUKUSHIMA-KEN Kobayashi, Asagi </p><p>FUKUSHIMA-SHI Fujikawa, Yoko </p><p>GABARONE Myint, Nangsu Hlaing</p><p>GANGNEUNG Park, Jieun </p><p>GIFU-SHI Kawai, Yasuka </p><p>HAGUENAU * Wacker, Severine Marie Liliane </p><p>HAMANA-GUN Suzuki, Akihiro </p><p>HANDASHI Takeuchi, Shohei </p><p>HANNAN CITY * Kato, Tetsuro </p><p>HANNAN SHI Matsuo, Yuka </p><p>HO CHI MINH Le, Phuong Minh Ly, Luan Chan * Nguyen, Chau Bich Pham, Quynh Thi Ngoc * Vo, Vy Khanh Nguyen, Van Dinh * Trinh, Ngoc Hong Huynh, Hieu Khac Nguyen, Mong To * Nguyen, Tien Thi Thuy Thai, Can Van * Tran, Thao Thi Phuong</p><p>HONG KONG * Lam, Ho Yuen 2005 Preston High School Tse, Janet Pui Ying 2005 North High School Wong, Ka Wai </p><p>IBARA-SHI * Nago, Takahiro </p><p>ILESHA Adeyemi, Oluwafeyikemi F</p><p>IPOH Foong, Sook Sze </p><p>IRUMA-SHI * Hatanaka, Yuko </p><p>IWAKI Goromaru, Hironori </p><p>JAKARTA * Canthini * Haryadi, Stephanus Eric Sunggoro * Mulia, Wira Damis 2003 Stratford High School Adhitya, Vicky</p><p>JAKARTA DKI JAKAR * Dharmaradhana, Andreas </p><p>JAKARTA UTARA Hong, Thomas Hong, Tommy </p><p>KAMENICE Tomankova, Eva </p><p>KAMINOYAMA-SHI * Hasegawa, Hiroki </p><p>KARACHI Ahmed, Anwar</p><p>KASHIRA * Kanke, Yumiko </p><p>KATHMANDU Modi, Hulas Chand Shah, Anu</p><p>KAWAGOE Sekiguchi, Akito </p><p>KIAMBU * Likimani, Phyllis Njambi </p><p>KIEV Kotsiuk, Oleksandr Mykhailovych Petrov, Dmytro </p><p>KITA KU Masuda, Noriyuki </p><p>KUALA KANGSAR Soo, Hooi Ken </p><p>KUALA LUMPUR Lor, Poh Yeen </p><p>KUWAIT Alaqeeli, Nawaf Zaki </p><p>KUWANA-SHI * Yamashita, Sayaka </p><p>KYUNG-GI Kim, Young Jin</p><p>KYOTO Kujuro, Maya</p><p>LAGOS * Saxena, Lekha Otomewo, Emmanuel Babatunde</p><p>MAIBARA Hara, Yuka </p><p>MIE-KEN Okuda, Yohei </p><p>MII-GUN Oba, Fumika </p><p>MINSK Shatkovskaya, Nataliya Yurievna </p><p>MORIOKA-SHI * Kimura, Tomoko </p><p>MUSCAT Al Kharusi, Muntasar Mohamed S </p><p>MY THO Nguyen, Ngan Hoang Ngoc </p><p>NAGANO Kuroishi, Shuichi </p><p>NAGOYA Takashima, Yurie 2003 Castlewood High School </p><p>NAGOYA AICHI Hiraoka, Akiko * Iwama, Sonoka </p><p>NAGOYA SHI * Yoshino, Ryo Nakashima, Yoshiki </p><p>NARA * Kozono, Emiko </p><p>NERIMAKU Oguchi, Maho </p><p>NILAI Liew, Chia How</p><p>NORRKOPING Kinnerud, Karin Ingrid Linnea </p><p>NUGEGODA * Galhena, Dilrukshi Hashini</p><p>OKAYAMA Namba, Nozomi</p><p>OMUTA * Onoue, Mai </p><p>OSAKA Kunimoto, Kazuki</p><p>OSTERBYBRUK Odenyo, Yolanda Achieng </p><p>OSUN Magbegor, Ewomazino </p><p>OTARU-SHI * Ikeda, Mitsuyoshi </p><p>OTTOBRUNN * Hofbauer, Jean-Marie </p><p>OUGADOUOU * Niankara, Ibrahim L C Oumar</p><p>RIYADH * Tabassum, Nazia</p><p>SA Alnasser, Abdullah Saad</p><p>SAKAIDE Shikaku, Junya </p><p>SANSAI Boonyanate, Suprapa </p><p>SEMEY Serikkaliuly, Duman</p><p>SEOUL * Choi, Soo Youn * Kim, Minjee Hur, Eun-Joo * Jang, Hoon</p><p>SHIBUKAWA * Komiya, Megumi</p><p>SHUMILOR Shumilova, Maria Sergeevna </p><p>SOKCHO Kang, Hye In </p><p>SOLMS Otto, Nils </p><p>SOUTHAM Randall, David Peter </p><p>SPRUCE GROVE Armstrong, Beau Brown </p><p>SUFFOLK Barnes-Smith, Matthew Thomas </p><p>SUNGAI PETANI Chew, Wai Ping </p><p>SUGINAMIKU Ohshima, Yu</p><p>SURABAYA Ongwijaya, Yohanes Kurnian </p><p>SW Lindberg, Anna Pernilla</p><p>TAKAMATSU-SHI * Miyoshi, Kenta </p><p>TAKASAKI Todokoro, Yuichi </p><p>TAVERS * Castro Galeano, Luisa Fernanda </p><p>TEPLICE * Slavikova, Eva</p><p>TIMARU * Welsh, Kyla Monique </p><p>TOKYO * Nakatani, Emi * Suzuki, Shigeru </p><p>TORREON Lozano, Claudia Margarita F </p><p>TRANCOSA Galindo, Ignacio Reyes </p><p>UPPSALA Holst, Hanna Eva Emelie</p><p>USSELN * Niemeier, Annika </p><p>UST-KAMENOGORSK * Murtazin, Olzhas </p><p>VANDZENE Blumbaha, Baiba </p><p>WARRI * Ziregbe, Emurode Rachel </p><p>WARSZAWA Osinska, Zuzanna Klara </p><p>WHANGAREI Davies, Mary Helen Jamieson </p><p>YAMATOKORIYAMA * Iguchi, Takashi </p><p>YOKKAICHI-SHI Fukuoka, Mataki </p><p>YOKOHAMA Okamura, Ippei </p><p>YOKOHAMA SHI * Ishii, Emi Ishii, Eri Mayuzumi, Tomohiro </p><p>YUKOHAMA-SHI * Fukumine, Eri </p><p>OTHER STATE HONOR ROLL STUDENTS</p><p>ALABAMA GADSDEN * Barton, Matthew Paul </p><p>HAMPTON COVE Johnson, Lyndsey Jo 2004 Mangum High School </p><p>HUNTSVILLE Wilson, Sarah Allison</p><p>ALASKA ANCHORAGE Noah, Patrick Ryan </p><p>ARIZONA CHANDLER * Hoffman, Brandon Michael 85249 2002 Jenks High School </p><p>FT HUACHUCA * Green, Danielle Ernestine </p><p>HEREFORD McGill, Hannah Marie 2005 Eldorado High School </p><p>PATAGONIA * Sebesta, Jennifer Marie 2003 Holtville High School</p><p>TUCSON Boykin-Moore, Aspen Emily 85737 2003 Mountain View High School </p><p>ARKANSAS BELLA VISTA Kappel, Erica Jean 2003 Claremore High School </p><p>BENTONVILLE Clinard, Robert Luke 2002 Bentonville High School Filla, Nicholas Andrew 2005 Bentonville High School Quinn, Shannon Lee 2004 Plano West Sr High School </p><p>CONWAY Hinchey, Malia Lynn 2005 Putnam City High School * McElroy, Tyler James 2006 Enid High School </p><p>FAYETTEVILLE Booth, Christina Ann Laughlin, Rachel Dawn 2003 Marshall Senior High School * Milligan, Samuel Louis 2006 Fayetteville Sr High School Rudasill, Dennis Jordan 2006 Fayetteville Sr High School Shaddox, Courtney Carlton Stine, Gregory David 2006 Harrison High School </p><p>FORT SMITH Stec, Nicole Louise 2002 Southside High School </p><p>GRAVETTE Leonard, Amanda Sue 2005 Gravette High School </p><p>GREENWOOD Hash, William Barry 2006 Greenwood High School </p><p>HOT SPRINGS * Clingenpeel, Lindsay Catherine 2006 Lakeside High School </p><p>LAVACA * Woods, Lindsey Merrill 2004 Southside High School </p><p>LITTLE ROCK * Noblitt, Laura Elizabeth 2004 Pulaski Academy * Smith, Patrick Kennedy 2006 Lutheran High School </p><p>MARION Carpenter, Katherine Ann </p><p>MAUMELLE Ostrowski, Sonya Lea 2003 Oak Grove High School </p><p>NEWPORT Campbell, Cary Kentner 2001 Newport High School </p><p>PRAIRIE GROVE Bacon, Cassie Lynnette 2005 Prairie Grove High School Wells, Catherine Dawn 2004 Prairie Grove High School </p><p>ROGERS * Overstreet, Brittany Nicole 72758 2004 Union High School </p><p>RUSSELLVILLE Akridge, Heather Danielle 1999 Russellville High School </p><p>SILOAM SPRINGS * McBride, Stephanie Nachole 2004 Siloam Springs High School </p><p>SPRINGDALE Clinkscales, Kaitlyn Dawn 2006 Springdale Senior High School Davis, Mark Chase 2006 Springdale Senior High School * McMullin, Sarah Kate 2004 Springdale Senior High School Parsons, Emily Kaye 2005 Home Schooled </p><p>TEXARKANA * Contreras, William Joseph 2003 Texas High School * Edwards, Margaret Whitney 2004 Texas High School </p><p>CALIFORNIA BAKERSFIELD Bell, Janice Lynne 2004 Bakersfield High School </p><p>CAMBRIA * Herman, Julie Marilee 2004 Atascadero High School </p><p>FAWNSKIN * Barrentine, Kelly Anne 92337 2004 Enid High School </p><p>LA GRANGE Houret, Sara Louise 2003 Hughson High School </p><p>LADERA RANCH Shumsky, Cory Anne 2003 Aliso Niguel High School </p><p>LAGUNA NIGUEL * Simmons, Lauren Ashley 2003 Smithtown High School </p><p>LAKESIDE Stokes, Jessica May </p><p>LOS OLIVOS Herthel, Troy D </p><p>POWAY * Pham, Linh Hoang </p><p>RIPON Duerr, Troy James 2005 Ripon High School </p><p>RIVERSIDE * Elizarraras, Brandon Michael </p><p>ROSSMOOR * Grimaldi, Niccole Leanne 2004 Los Alamitos High School </p><p>SAN DIEGO * Kaye, Kimberly Eve 92117 </p><p>COLORADO AURORA * Thorp, Lindsey Erin 80016 2002 Broken Arrow High School </p><p>BROOMFIELD Stevenson, Kari Lynn-French 2003 Broomfield High School</p><p>CASTLE ROCK Mauch, Kendall Lee 2005 Mountain Vista High School </p><p>CENTENNIAL Failing, Katherine Elizabeth 2003 Littleton High School </p><p>COLORADO SPRINGS Catron, Corrie Ann 2004 William J Palmer High School </p><p>FORT COLLINS Dent, Mathew Edward 2003 Poudre High School Lasich, Rebecca Nicole </p><p>GREELEY * Melhauser, Preston Michael 2004 Greeley Central High School </p><p>LARKSPUR * Montgomery, Katy Jean 2005 Carroll High School </p><p>LITTLETON * Bass, Ward Russell 2005 Chatfield Senior High School Trehus, Geneva Alexandra 2005 Heritage High School Tullius, Sean Alexander 2005 Heritage High School </p><p>LONGMONT * Wiland, Amanda Leigh </p><p>PAGOSA SPRINGS Matzdorf, Jacob Christopher 2004 Pagosa Springs High School </p><p>PUEBLO Genova, Suzanne Gail Rose, Jacob Allan 2005 Rye Senior High School </p><p>SOUTH FORK Duffy, Megan Mariah 2004 Bixby High School * Ward, Sandra Mae 2004 Del Norte High School </p><p>WELLINGTON McAfoos, Dustin Wade 2004 Randall High School</p><p>CONNECTICUT LITCHFIELD Sawula, Catherine Marie 06759 </p><p>DELAWARE WILMINGTON * Scofield, David Bennett </p><p>FLORIDA PALM BCH GARDEN * Mahoney, Bailey White 2004 Kings Academy The </p><p>GEORGIA AUBURN Schumacher, Kelly Marie 2004 Grangeville High School</p><p>AUGUSTA Brown, Marcus Alex </p><p>CALHOUN Walraven, Thomas Milton </p><p>CANTON Mercer, Seth Allen 1999 Union High School</p><p>CHATSWORTH McCurdy, Donald Matthew </p><p>CHULA Johnson, John David </p><p>COLUMBUS Savage, Dantrell Montanner 2004 Jordan Vocational High School </p><p>MACON * Glover, Alexandria </p><p>SUWANEE Cargill, Matthew Travis 2003 Perry Senior High School </p><p>TEMPLE * Lawrence, Cecil Andrew 2005 Paulding County High School </p><p>HAWAII KANEOHE * Peterson, Michelle Elise</p><p>IOWA CARROLL Frank, Scott David 2002 Kuemper Catholic High School </p><p>COUNCIL BLUFFS * Beckman, Raymond James 51503 </p><p>DAVENPORT Wood, Peter David Arnould 2006 Assumption High School </p><p>MAQUOKETA Schnoor, Ashley Ann </p><p>URBANDALE Patterson, Patrick J 50323 2003 Bishop Kelley High School</p><p>IDAHO CALDWELL * Johnson, Eric David 2004 Caldwell Senior High School </p><p>IDAHO FALLS * Jankowski, David C 2003 Skyline High School * Williams, Tamara Ann 2003 Beaverhead County High School </p><p>ILLINOIS BELLEVILLE * Harden, John Matthew 2001 Fort Madison Senior High Sch</p><p>CHICAGO Brown, Jamaal Moore </p><p>CRESTWOOD * Rons, Michael Richard 2002 Lincoln-Way Community High Sch </p><p>DANVILLE Nagy, Kyle Evan 2003 Danville High School </p><p>GREENVIEW Flessner, Kelsey Renee 2004 Greenview Community High Sch </p><p>HOFFMAN ESTATES Dombkowski, Timothy John </p><p>KANKAKEE Conner, Leah Christine 2005 Kankakee High School </p><p>LAKE ZURICH * Gross, Stephanie Gale </p><p>MCHENRY * Eschner, Nicholas Carl 2004 McHenry Cmty High School West Miller, David Michael 2006 Johnsburg High School </p><p>METROPOLIS * Zeiler, Dane Richard 2005 Massac County High School </p><p>MINIER * Harrison, Corinne Jeannette 2004 Olympia High School </p><p>NEW BADEN Brancheck, Joseph, Jr 2005 Wesclin Jr-Sr High School </p><p>RALEIGH Rapp, Michelle Kathryn</p><p>SPRINGFIELD * Baum, Scott Alan 2004 Glenwood High School Nelson, Ryan Arne 2004 Glenwood High School </p><p>TOLONO King, Kimberly Nicole 2003 Indian River Sr High School</p><p>VERNON HILLS Brown, Zackary Benton </p><p>VIRGINIA * Drennan, Joel Anderson </p><p>INDIANA BLUFFTON * Yoder, Wesley Everett 2002 Bluffton High School </p><p>NOBLESVILLE Neal, Jessica Leigh 2004 Noblesville High School </p><p>KANSAS ANDOVER Oller, Ann Marie 2005 Andover High School * Stinson, Daniel Nolan 2005 Andover High School </p><p>ARKANSAS CITY Aldridge, Bryan Gregory 2005 Arkansas City High School Anstine, Levi Wayne 2005 Arkansas City High School * Squires, Scott Thomas 2006 Arkansas City High School </p><p>CALDWELL * Lebeda, Jode Michael 2004 Caldwell High School </p><p>COFFEYVILLE * Bromley, Dustin Ray Hurlbutt, Matthew Lee </p><p>COLWICH * Spexarth, Michael Allen 2003 Andale High School </p><p>DERBY Noltensmeyer, Craig August 2004 Derby High School Phillips, Danielle Renae </p><p>DOUGLAS * McDaniel, Mallory D 2005 Douglass High School </p><p>GARDEN CITY Adams, David Lee 2004 Garden City Senior High School</p><p>GODDARD * Berry, Ashlea Elizabeth 2006 Maize High School </p><p>HARPER Mathes, Bailey Diane 2004 Chaparral High School </p><p>HAYS * Johansen, Elise Janay 2004 Hays High School </p><p>HAYSVILLE * Hoppock, Jessica Leigh 2003 Campus High School</p><p>HUGOTON * Broaddus, Brandi Laura 2004 Moscow High School </p><p>HUTCHINSON Grubb, Cody Wilson 2004 Hutchinson Senior High School * Kroeker, Clarissa Mae 2003 Pretty Prairie High School Lanning, Alexandra Lee 2004 Hutchinson Senior High School </p><p>INDEPENDENCE Balke, Collin Carter 2006 International High Schools </p><p>IOLA Steele, Emily Suzanne</p><p>LAKE QUIVIRA * Weems, Tucker Thurman 2006 Shawnee Mission Northwest H S </p><p>LAWRENCE Nottingham, Braxton Lane 2006 Baldwin High School </p><p>LEAWOOD * Benson, Robert Herrick 2005 Blue Valley Northwest High Sch </p><p>LENEXA * Hetrick, Rachel Elizabeth 2004 Shawnee Mission West High Sch * Richey, Brittany Ann 2005 Shawnee Mission South High Sch </p><p>LIBERAL Sill, Alaina M 2004 Liberal High School * Sumner, Derek Lynn 2003 Liberal High School </p><p>LINDSBORG Hildebrandt, Paul Isaac</p><p>MANHATTAN * Miller, Jennifer Michal 2004 Manhattan High School * Noblett, Amy Elizabeth 2002 Manhattan High School </p><p>MCLOUTH Lawrence, Megan Renee </p><p>MULVANE Montgomery, Tiffany Gale 2003 Mulvane High School </p><p>NEWTON Thompson, Adrienne Marie 2004 Clearwater High School </p><p>NORTH NEWTON Coady, Ruth Marie 2003 Newton High School Histand, Benjamin David 2006 Newton High School </p><p>OLATHE Fernandez, Kylie Kristine 2005 Olathe East High School </p><p>OVERLAND PARK Blume, Rebekah Anne 2006 Blue Valley North High School Bower, Jacquelyn Shea 2005 Blue Valley West Hs Goetzman, Rachel Ann 2006 Blue Valley Northwest High Sch Haddad, Ashley Elizabeth 2003 Shawnee Mission South High Sch Hooser, Sara Ashley 2003 Blue Valley North High School * Keith, Hannah Janette 2005 Shawnee Mission South High Sch </p><p>POMONA Novick, Michael J 2003 Ottawa High School</p><p>SHAWNEE Kremers, Kyle Russell 2006 Shawnee Mission Northwest H S </p><p>SOUTH HAVEN Fitch, Lindsey Naommi 2004 South Haven High School</p><p>TORONTO * Butler, Katie Ann 2006 Eureka High School </p><p>ULYSSES Sneyd, Kaleb Kotton 2004 Ulysses High School </p><p>VALLEY CENTER Ellis, Krista Lauren 2006 Valley Center High School </p><p>WALDRON * Waldschmidt, Kevin Mark 2006 Chaparral High School </p><p>WELLINGTON * Hefley, Kerby Daniel 2006 Wellington Senior High School * Renn, Ashley Michelle 2004 Wellington Senior High School * Woodbridge, Maverick Thomas 2006 Wellington Senior High School </p><p>WHITE CITY Harmison, Jenna Sue </p><p>WICHITA Adrian, Christine Anne 2003 Bartlesville High School Bastian, Sarah Christine 2005 Independent High School * Baum, Lucy Elizabeth 2003 Wichita Hs Northwest * Bruce, Mary Catherine * Dauner, Celeste Nicole 2004 Andover High School Dubach, Brianna Lynn 2006 Andover High School * Hillard, Austin Scott 2006 Maize High School Hurst, Erin Lindsay Hurst, Kaley Michelle 2005 Wichita Hs North Moore, Tyler Stane * Roark, Douglas Schroeder 2004 Independent High School </p><p>WINFIELD Barrier, Andrew C 2003 Winfield High School Feaster, Ashley Ann 2004 Winfield High School Meysing, Daniel Michael 2005 Winfield High School </p><p>YATES CENTER Vernon, Jennifer Lindsay 2006 Yates Center High School </p><p>LOUISIANA BATON ROUGE David, Kevin Michael 2006 Catholic High School </p><p>BELLE CHASE * Grogan, John Spencer 2001 Escambia High School </p><p>BOSSIER CITY * Middlebrooks, Michael Gregory 2006 Airline High School * Moore, Meagan Patricia 2006 Airline High School </p><p>PINEVILLE Vantrease, Celeste Nicole 2006 West Monroe High School</p><p>MAINE ORONO * Steiger, Benjamin Allen 2006 Orono High School </p><p>YARMOUTH * Hunt, Meaghan Grace 2003 Thornton Academy </p><p>MARYLAND BROOKEVILLE Staiger, Elizabeth Ann 2003 Sherwood High School </p><p>WESTMINSTER Selby, William Allan </p><p>MASSACHUSETTS BYFIELD Laffey, Scott David 2004 Newburyport High School </p><p>FISKDALE Fowler, Michaela Marzialo 2006 Tantasqua Regional High School </p><p>FRANKLIN Nevells, Jenny Marie 2005 Franklin High School </p><p>MICHIGAN GRAND HAVEN Parsons, Travis Tyler 2005 Grand Haven High School </p><p>MOUNT CLEMENS Miller, Christopher Michael 2005 Mount Clemens High School </p><p>MINNESOTA EXCELSIOR Foster, Alex Thomas 2005 Minnetonka High School Foster, Ryan James 2005 Minnetonka High School </p><p>GRAND RAPIDS * Northard, Alexandra Braley 2006 Northome High School </p><p>OWATONNA Jensen, Brody Wyman 2004 Owatonna High School </p><p>WOODBURY Nack, Chelsey Elizabeth 2003 Tomah Senior High School </p><p>MISSISSIPPI GULFPORT Birchfield, Mary Angela 2006 Hilldale High School</p><p>MISSOURI BELLE Marquart, Ashley Rae 2003 Maries County R-Ii High School </p><p>BILLINGS * Hosick, Taylor Grant 2004 Republic R-Iii Sr High School </p><p>BLUE SPRINGS * Kunkel, Keith Edward 2003 Blue Springs High School </p><p>COLUMBIA Gaynor, Breanne Nicole 2003 Watonga High School Geisert, Ryan Winslow 2004 Stillwater High School </p><p>GRAHAM * Miller, Russel Jay 2006 Nodaway-Holt R-Vii High School </p><p>JACKSON Rooks, Jason Kyle 2003 Sperry High School </p><p>JEFFERSON CITY Vanpool, Melissa Ann 2003 Jefferson City High School </p><p>KANSAS CITY McGregor, Scot Cameron 64114 2003 Putnam City High School </p><p>LAMAR * Owen, Lynsey Erin </p><p>LEES SUMMIT Fritchie, Amber Jean * Mott, Allison Rebecca 2006 Lees Summit Senior High School </p><p>LIBERTY Johnson, Jimmy Darrell, Jr 2003 Kearney R-1 Sr High School </p><p>MARTHASVILLE Brewe, Amber Nicole 2005 Warren County R-3 Senior High </p><p>ROCKY COMFORT Leiby, Brian Lee </p><p>SPRINGFIELD Freeman, Ryan Owen 2003 Kickapoo High School McElroy, Megan Lyne 2006 Glendale High School Peebles, Ashley Nicole 2003 Glendale High School * Stockdale, Sarah Beth 2006 Glendale High School </p><p>WALKER Smotherman, Kinley Kay 2003 Nevada High School </p><p>WASHBURN * Wright, Renee Nicole 65772 2003 Broken Arrow High School </p><p>MONTANA BOZEMAN Stoudt, Cameron Ann</p><p>FAIRVIEW Birch, Sharla Mae</p><p>WHITEFISH Cockrell, Leslie Marie 2004 Whitefish High School </p><p>NEBRASKA BENKELMAN Parker, Nathaniel Dean 2001 Dundy County High School </p><p>BURWELL Price, Lindsey Renee </p><p>ELGIN Bode, Megan Claire </p><p>FALLS CITY Nutzman, Devan Jon 2006 Falls City High School </p><p>HOLDREGE Bohr, Kathrine Mae 2003 Holdrege High School </p><p>KEARNEY * Phipps, Wravenna Nadyne </p><p>LINCOLN * Countryman, Zachary Richard </p><p>MCCOOK * Roberts, Jacqueline Suzanne 2005 McCook Senior High School </p><p>NORTH PLATTE Kautz, Kira Lee </p><p>OMAHA Dietz, Merritt Jane 2005 Millard North High School </p><p>SIDNEY * Kuehn, Leah Marie 2006 Leyton High School </p><p>VELENTINE * Monroe, Amy Dawn </p><p>WILCOX Harms, Eric Michael 2005 Wilcox High School </p><p>NEVADA LAS VEGAS * Gutting, Ann Elizabeth 2001 Norman North High School </p><p>NEW HAMPSHIRE MT VERNON Murdock, Scott Jarvis 2006 Bishop Guertin High School </p><p>NEW JERSEY NORTHBERGEN * Mocco, Colleen 2004 West High School </p><p>OCEANPORT Bender, Kaitlyn </p><p>SOMERSET * Kasten, Avery Elizabeth </p><p>SWEDESBORO Magazu, Michelle Catherine </p><p>WAYNE Connington, Douglas Glenn </p><p>NEW MEXICO ALBUQUERQUE Kalivoda, Sarah Katherine Lepley, Laura Marie 2004 Albuquerque High School Poore, Desiree Megan * Scharrer, Olivia Diane 87111 2004 Home Schooled Weber, Chelsea Rebecca 2005 La Cueva High School </p><p>ARTESIA * Knorr, John Sharp 2005 Artesia High School </p><p>CARLSBAD Henricks, Jordan Elliott 2003 Oklahoma Bible Academy </p><p>CLOVIS Henderlite, Charles Roderick 1998 Clovis High School </p><p>FARMINGTON McCord, Tucker Charles 2006 Farmington High School </p><p>FORT SUMNER Cortese, Ross Lee 2005 Fort Sumner High School * McCollum, Ryan Mark 2001 Fort Sumner High School </p><p>HOBBS Maclaskey, Sean Kelly 2005 Hobbs High School </p><p>RUIDOSO DOWNS Hedin, Nathanael Edward </p><p>NEW YORK BROWNVILLE Bettinger, Ben Thomas 2006 Eisenhower Senior High School </p><p>HOPEWELL JUNCTION Hale, Melinda Rae * Hale, Renee Suzanne </p><p>MIDDLE VILLAGE Hall, Seth Nathaniel 2003 Lawton High School </p><p>ROCHESTER Cohen, Shaun Dael 2004 Brighton High School </p><p>NORTH CAROLINA BURLINGTON Curry, Jameson Davis 2004 Eastern High School </p><p>GREENSBORO Nelson, Mary Kathryn 2005 Grimsley High School </p><p>HENDERSONVILLE Neugebauer, Gina Marie </p><p>PINNACLE * Hauser, Michael Brady 2003 East Surry High School </p><p>OHIO CLEVELAND * Podolny, Jared Patrick 2003 Enid High School Glende, Eric William 44143 </p><p>ENGLEWOOD Pike, Jessica Rae 2005 Northmont Senior High School </p><p>LEBANON Housh, Elizabeth Zoe </p><p>LIMA Settlemire, Sara Louise 2006 Allen East High School</p><p>NEWARK * Lemons, Joel Sanderson 2003 Newark Catholic High School </p><p>NORTHWOOD Niese, Benjamin Warren 2004 Northwood High School </p><p>WEST CHESTER Cochran, Krista Marie 2005 Cincinnati Hills Chrstn Acad </p><p>WOOSTER * Snyder, Jaci Lynn 2004 Norwayne High School</p><p>OREGON GRESHAM Vail, Ryan Patrick 2004 Centennial High School </p><p>PENNSYLVANIA ATHENS Benish, Michelle Angela 2003 Sayre Area High School </p><p>CAMP HILL Grote, Joshua Richard 2005 Home Schooled </p><p>JERSEY SHORE Decapria, Romance </p><p>MECHANICSBURG Terronez, Britton Danielle </p><p>PHILADELPHIA Johnson, Loren </p><p>THRONTON Popiel, Adam Philip </p><p>SOUTH CAROLINA ELGIN * Duckworth, Luke Aaron 2006 Harker Heights High School </p><p>HONEA PATH Taylor, William Richard 2004 Belton-Honea Path High School </p><p>LITTLE RIVER Gerber, Justin David</p><p>SOUTH DAKOTA RAPID CITY * Petty, Ronald Eugene, III 2005 Oklahoma Bible Academy </p><p>WHITE LAKE Kroupa, Tyler Gene 2005 Kimball High School </p><p>TENNESSEE FAIRVIEW Morrison, Molly Elizabeth 2006 Fairview High School </p><p>JOELTON Heintzman, Lesa Renee 2004 Goodpasture Christian School </p><p>KNOXVILLE McKee, Jesse Marcus 2004 Farragut High School </p><p>STANTONVILLE Blythe, Kevin Wesley 38379 </p><p>WATERTOWN McKinnis, Katherine Margaret 2006 Watertown High School </p><p>TEXAS ABILENE Marshall, Chad Richard 2005 Cooper High School </p><p>ALBA Gould, Marti Lauren </p><p>ALEDO Mankin, Ryan Winslow 2006 Aledo High School </p><p>ALLEN Gossett, Robert Earl, Jr 2006 Allen High School * Hope, Erin Michelle 2006 Allen High School Riddle, Ross Denton 2005 Prestonwood Christian Academy Stephens, Amanda Jean 2006 Allen High School Terrell, Paul Richard 2006 Allen High School </p><p>AMARILLO Ashley, Erin Suzanne 2004 Stratford High School * Murry, Blake Robert 2003 Perryton High School Steinman, Rachel Diane 2006 Amarillo High School Strickland, Mary Christine 2005 Amarillo High School </p><p>ARGYLE Slough, Bailey Dianne 2006 Argyle High School </p><p>ARLINGTON Campbell, Christopher John 2006 Mansfield High School * Cunningham, Lauren Yvonne * Kunisch, Max Roland 2002 James W Martin High School Leavell, Tamara Autumn 2005 M B Lamar High School Macdowell, Lindsey Patricia 2003 Grapevine Senior High School Williams, Kellie Danae 2004 M B Lamar High School </p><p>AUBREY Chadwick, Jennifer Aileen </p><p>AUSTIN Beims, Kari Elizabeth 2003 James Bowie High School Lucas, Kyle Thomas 2004 Westwood High School </p><p>AZLE Dignum, Ryan Andrew 2004 Azle High School Gomas, Tiffany Deanne 2003 Azle High School * Posey, Trisha Marie 2004 Fort Worth Christian School </p><p>BEDFORD Hodges, Holston Hines 2005 Flower Mound High School</p><p>BELLS Jeffrey, Robert Bandy 2002 Bells High School </p><p>BIG SPRING * Knight, Jeremy Alan</p><p>BONHAM Skogen, Amanda Lynn</p><p>BORGER Bates, Caleb Alan 2003 Borger High School * Gordon, Brian Patrick 2003 Borger High School * Sanders, Samantha Erin 2005 Borger High School </p><p>BRIDGEPORT Hurd, Caleb Allen 2003 Bridgeport High School </p><p>BURKBURNETT Roddy, Zachary Lowell 2005 Burkburnett High School </p><p>CANADIAN Bentley, Amanda Ranae 2003 Canadian High School</p><p>CANYON Cravey, Sarah Anne 2006 Canyon High School </p><p>CARROLLTON * Henry, Laura Kay 2003 Newman Smith High School Moss, John William 2006 Creekview High School Paa, Jonathan Reynolds 2004 Creekview High School Reichert, Megan Christine 2006 Creekview High School Slavonic, Corey Joseph 2003 Creekview High School * Slesinger, Michael Neal 2004 Creekview High School * Thomas, Brittany Glennda 2004 Newman Smith High School Toliver, Guy Eldon, Jr 2006 Creekview High School Weir, Emily Christine 2006 Hebron High School Womack, Dustyn Jared 2006 Trinity Christian Academy </p><p>CELINA Kiesling, Kristina Marie 2005 Celina High School </p><p>COLLEGE STATION Duguay, Sean Gilles 2003 A&M Consolidated High School * Licht, Holly Ruth 2003 A&M Consolidated High School * Shaw, Marshall David 2003 A&M Consolidated High School </p><p>COLLEYVILLE Carnley, Lindsey Katheren 2005 Grapevine Senior High School * Ledterman, Jarrod Briggs 2005 Colleyville Heritage High Sch Moan, Ashley Marie 2004 Grapevine Senior High School * Propp, Sarah Christine 2004 Colleyville Heritage High Sch Weir, Austin Ryan 2004 Grapevine Senior High School </p><p>COMFORT Matthews, Zara Lynn 2006 Douglas Macarthur High School </p><p>COMMERCE * Hill, Jennafer Nicole 2003 Commerce High School * Lampe, Emily Gish 2003 Commerce High School </p><p>COPPELL * Dowell, Ashley Elise 2006 Coppell Senior High School McCormick, Adrienne Renee 2006 Coppell Senior High School * Weber, Jill Danielle 2005 Ursuline Academy </p><p>CORINTH McLaughlin, Jennifer Lauren 2006 Ursuline Academy </p><p>CORPUS CHRISTI Horn, Jason Allen 2004 Mary Carroll High School </p><p>CROWLEY * Blakely, Ashley Renee 2005 Crowley High School </p><p>CUT N SHOOT Manning, Marisa Diane 2002 Caney Creek High School </p><p>CYPRESS * Tarrant, Jeffrey Lee 2005 Cypress Community Christian Sc </p><p>DALLAS * Ball, Leslie Elizabeth 2005 Bishop Lynch High School Carter, Suzanne Rene 2006 Woodrow Wilson High School Flanders, Kathryn Rose 2006 Ursuline Academy * Hakert, James Damian, II 2006 Highland Park High School Hess, Meredith Kathleen 2005 Lake Highlands High School * Hicks, Taylor Lee 2005 J J Pearce High School Maguire, Blake Larsen 2006 Jesuit College Preparatory Sch Masnic, Zana 2002 J J Pearce High School Murry, Sable Peyton 2006 Plano West Sr High School * Musick, Devin Lake 2006 Highland Park High School Rainer, Carlson Allen 2003 Lake Highlands High School Reznicek, Megan Julia 2005 Bishop Lynch High School * Schindler, John David, IV Spears, Kendra Lessett 2004 Okemah Senior High School Stroope, Angela Ruth 2004 Plano West Sr High School Van Zant, Emily Clark 2006 Bishop Lynch High School * Zimmerman, Hayley Ann 2006 Ursuline Academy Nordstog, Dara Catherine 75231 2005 Union High School </p><p>DAMON Ferguson, Dustin James 2002 Needville High School </p><p>DENTON Bowers, Katherine Frances 2005 Billy C Ryan High School Dlugensky, Edmund Louis, III 2004 Denton High School Engelbrecht, Jonathan Dale 2001 Denton High School </p><p>DESOTO Long, Mathies Alan 2006 Bishop Dunne High School </p><p>DOUBLE OAK * Holman, James Randolph 2005 Edward S Marcus High School Jenkins, Ashley Renee 2004 Edward S Marcus High School </p><p>DRIPPING SPRINGS * Flessner, Sarah Evelyn 2003 Dripping Springs High School </p><p>EDINBURG Luna, Michael Anthony 2003 Edinburg High School </p><p>ELGIN Ruiz, Alejandro P 2004 Elgin High School </p><p>EULESS * Paul, Germaine Tramineo 2005 Trinity High School Sullard, Rachel Ryan 2005 Grapevine Senior High School </p><p>FAIRVIEW * Wideman, Amanda Michelle 2005 Allen High School </p><p>FLOWER MOUND * Blaylock, Stacey Renee 2006 Flower Mound High School Brunkenhoefer, Travis Lee 2005 Flower Mound High School Burch, Jessica E * Chaky, Allison Marie 2004 Flower Mound High School * Ciaccio, Anthony Sam 2005 Flower Mound High School * Degroot, Renee Lynn 2005 Flower Mound High School * Dow, Ashlyn Elizabeth 2006 Flower Mound High School Keyes, Trevor Scott 2005 Flower Mound High School Moudy, Jennifer Anne 2004 Flower Mound High School Nelinson, Janna L 2005 Edward S Marcus High School * Nichols, Caroline Renee 2006 Flower Mound High School Phillips, Michael William 2006 Flower Mound High School Sherwood, Kriston Michelle 2005 Flower Mound High School Sirucek, Malisa Rae 2006 Flower Mound High School Timms, Ryan Paul 2005 Flower Mound High School Tyler, Mallory Dale 2005 Flower Mound High School Weaver, Meghan Elizabeth 2005 Flower Mound High School </p><p>FORT WORTH Bittle, Joshua Andrew 2004 Robert L Paschal High School Church, Amy Elizabeth 2004 Arlington Heights High School Koch, Darcy Renee 2004 Southwest High School Neill, Scott Ryan 2006 James W Martin High School Perroni, Kathryn Alyssa 2005 North Crowley High School * Tatum, Bradley Carte 2005 Fort Worth Country Day School </p><p>FRISCO * Akers, Matthew Douglas * Carlisle, Ashley Alene 2004 Frisco High School Hales, Brian Matthew 2006 Frisco High School * Neal, Allison Nicole 2004 Plano Senior High School Watson, Matthew William 75035 2004 Jenks High School </p><p>FRITCH Austin, Amy Elizabeth 2003 Sanford-Fritch High School </p><p>GARLAND Gilmore, Mary Kathryn 2004 Bishop Lynch High School Osteen, Aurora Nicole 2004 L V Berkner High School Petry, Jacob Alexander 2005 L V Berkner High School </p><p>GEORGETOWN Sebesta, John Ernest 2006 Georgetown High School </p><p>GLADEWATER * Rounsaville, Jami Lee 2006 Gladewater High School </p><p>GRANBURY Donarumo, Joseph Michael 2003 Granbury Senior High School</p><p>GRAND PRAIRIE * Molinar, Crystal Kendra 2005 South Grand Prairie High Sch </p><p>GRAPEVINE Bulleri, Nicholas Paul 2003 Trinity High School * Hapgood, Alexa Morgan 2005 Grapevine Senior High School Hueber, Amanda Michelle 2003 Grapevine Senior High School * Justice, Jacob Charles 2003 Colleyville Heritage High Sch * Lemmon, Heather Nicole 2004 Sam Houston High School Wenneker, Corey Richard 2006 Colleyville Heritage High Sch Williams, Leigh Kathryn 2006 Grapevine Senior High School </p><p>HICKORY CREEK Jarrell, Jessica 2005 Edward S Marcus High School </p><p>HIGHLAND VILLAGE Alcorn, Ashleigh Lauren 2006 Edward S Marcus High School Bohannan, Brandon Duane 2004 Edward S Marcus High School Fryt, Lora Elizabeth 2004 Edward S Marcus High School Mills, Leeann Jean 75077 2006 Edward S Marcus High School </p><p>HORSESHOE BAY Ely, John Mason</p><p>HOUSTON Billingsley, Alice Virginia 2006 Stratford High School Crawford, Lyndsay Elizabeth 2006 Cypress Creek High School Harris, Abbey Maria 2005 Clear Lake High School Harris, Helen Kathleen 2005 Clear Lake High School Russell, Jared Robert 2006 Langham Creek High School Sinton, James Kenny 2002 Ponca City Senior High School Voth, Vanessa Diane 2006 Stratford High School Whitefield, Laura Elizabeth 2006 Saint Agnes Academy Young, America Ann 2006 Cypress Springs High School * Bourgeois, Lauren Elizabeth 77065 2003 Jenks High School </p><p>HUNTINGTON Whiddon, Anna Lea 2006 Huntington High School </p><p>KATY Arnold, Laci Paige 2006 James E Taylor High School Brown, Caroline Alayne 2005 Cinco Ranch High School * Brown, Erika Adrianne 2004 Cinco Ranch High School Brown, Marie Elizabeth 2003 Ponca City Senior High School Butterfield, Lindsay Leigh 2004 James E Taylor High School Fenner, Elizabeth Ann 2006 Cinco Ranch High School Fletcher, Sarah Ashley 2004 Katy High School Kouba, Cole Sewell 2004 Cinco Ranch High School Lehrmann, Meagan Sue 2005 James E Taylor High School * Lewis, Jessica Lynn 2003 International High Schools McCormick, Mallory Kate 2006 Cinco Ranch High School Menghini, Caroline Marie 2004 Cinco Ranch High School Miller, Alyssa Megan 2006 Cinco Ranch High School * Miller, Sara Ashley 2004 Cinco Ranch High School Musgrove, Grant Omer 2003 Cinco Ranch High School Oglesby, Amy Marie 2004 Bartlesville High School Overman, Nicole Ann 2005 Cinco Ranch High School Stewart, Brett Nicholas 2006 Cinco Ranch High School * Tiffin, Megan Nicole 2006 Cinco Ranch High School Webb, Katelyn Rebekah 2004 Cinco Ranch High School Yoesting, Tyler Kent 2004 Cinco Ranch High School Zavala, Ricardo Andres 2004 International High Schools </p><p>KELLER * Bolton, Bria Shannon 2005 Keller High School * Millington, Michelle Leanne 2005 Keller High School Williams, Lauren Nicole 2006 Covenant Christian Academy * Dobbs, Susan Marie 76248 2003 Edmond Memorial High School </p><p>KINGWOOD * Collier, Paula Margaret 2006 Kingwood High School Pate, Meredith Alanna 2006 Kingwood High School * Waterman, Bethany Megan 2006 Kingwood High School </p><p>LAKE DALLAS Kuban, Jenni Leigh 2006 Liberty Christian School Kuban, Lindsay Christine 2006 Liberty Christian School </p><p>LAKE JACKSON Conch, Adam Joseph 2003 Borger High School </p><p>LAKESIDE CITY Cole, Kailey Michelle 2003 Holliday High School </p><p>LAMESA Schweers, Sara Jane </p><p>LEWISVILLE Edmiston, Ross Alan 2005 Hebron High School Marusa, Kristen Marie 2005 Lewisville High School </p><p>LOCKNEY * Dietrich, Jalee Denise </p><p>LONGVIEW * Colquitt, John Adam, II 2004 Pine Tree High School Gabehart, Allison Klair 2005 Pine Tree High School </p><p>LUBBOCK Sarten, Jordan Derik 2005 Coronado High School </p><p>LUMBERTON Paladino, Dana Lynn 2006 Lumberton High School </p><p>MANSFIELD * Myers, Quentin Marcel 2004 Mansfield High School </p><p>MCKINNEY Adler, Megan Louise 2006 Allen High School Apple, Kellie Elaine 2005 McKinney High School Blizzard, Brittany Leann 2005 McKinney High School North Buchanan, Jeffrey Michael 2005 McKinney High School Bucklin, Emily Laura 2005 McKinney High School North * Carley, Megan Elizabeth 2003 Plano Senior High School Claus, Kimberly Nicole Duty, Elizabeth Ann 2004 Plano West Sr High School * Van Rees, Christopher Ryan 2003 McKinney High School Ward, Christopher Dwayne 2006 McKinney High School Winchester, Cody 2005 Plano East Senior High School </p><p>MESQUITE * Hollingsworth, Jonathan Lee 2006 Home Schooled Spencer, Kali Ann 2006 Poteet High School * Stoppelmoor, Emily Elaine 2006 Poteet High School </p><p>MIDLAND Cunningham, Patricia Jane 2004 Midland High School Wiggins, Cara Marie 2006 Robert E Lee High School </p><p>MIDLOTHIAN Kidd, Jordan Daniel 2002 Midlothian High School </p><p>MISSOURI CITY Curtis, Gabrielle Aileen 2004 Elkins High School Teague, Christine Nicole 2006 Fort Bend Baptist Academy </p><p>MONTGOMERY * Ovelgonne, Lauren Jane 2004 Montgomery High School </p><p>MUENSTER Walterscheid, David Anthony 2006 Sacred Heart High School </p><p>MURPHY Hodge, Sarah Victoria 2006 Plano East Senior High School </p><p>N RICHLAND * Schallawitz, Cortny Alese 2006 Richland Senior High School </p><p>N RICHLND HLS Jung, Sarah Marie 2006 Richland Senior High School Cushenbery, Pierce Andrew 2004 Richland Senior High School </p><p>NEW BRAUNFELS Pickelman, Jordan Christine 2005 Canyon High School </p><p>ORANGE Budd, Jason Roy 2004 Little Cypress-Mauriceville Hs </p><p>PANHANDLE Young, Christopher Todd 2002 Panhandle High School</p><p>PARIS Martin, Ashley Jade 2004 North Lamar High School </p><p>PERRYTON * Allen, Zoel Glen, III 2005 Perryton High School Beyea, Lauren Christine 2005 Perryton High School File, Gregory Alen 2006 Perryton High School Lamunyon, Britny Lorn 2005 Perryton High School * Noe, Megan Gwyn 2003 Perryton High School </p><p>PLANO * Banks, Aundre Jorod 2003 Plano East Senior High School Collins, William Nicholas 2006 Bishop Lynch High School * Crawford, Kristen R 2005 Plano West Sr High School Dillender, Meagan Marie 2005 Plano Senior High School Durbin, Alyssa Marie 2005 Plano East Senior High School Freeman, Kyle Jason 2006 Plano West Sr High School Hager, Austin Lee 2003 Plano West Sr High School Hazelton, Leah Michelle 2005 Lutheran High School Kibler, Travis James 2003 Plano West Sr High School Koh, Chern Lin 2002 Plano Senior High School * Leal, Christine Ann 2005 Plano High School Pearson, David Andrew 2006 Plano East Senior High School Peters, Kathryn Elizabeth 2003 Plano West Sr High School Rose, Johnathon Lynn 2006 Plano Senior High School Scarborough, William Bradley, Jr 2006 Plano East Senior High School * Sealey, Brian Lawson 2004 Plano Senior High School * Slack, Ryan Thomas 2003 Plano West Sr High School Smith, Amanda Marie 2004 Plano Senior High School </p><p>PORT ARTHUR Neal, Julius Fitzgerald 1999 Abraham Lincoln Sr High School </p><p>PORT O'CONNOR Sonnier, Ted Markham </p><p>PORTLAND Tabor, Eric Lloyd 2003 Edmond North High School </p><p>POTTSBORO * Martin, Ashlee Nicole 2002 Naaman Forest High School Randles, Kevin Neal 2003 Pottsboro High School Stewart, William Christopher 2003 Pottsboro High School </p><p>PROSPER Braig, Erinn Elizabeth 2006 Prosper High School </p><p>RICHARDSON Balsley, Stephen Craig 2003 Plano East Senior High School * Barnett, Amanda Elizabeth 2006 Plano East Senior High School Fleming, Zachary Miles 2006 J J Pearce High School Gauntt, Christina Elizabeth 2005 Newman Smith High School Geddie, Kimberly Maia Danielle 2006 Richardson High School * Gessel, Ana Maria 2006 Plano East Senior High School Harris, Scott Aaron * Keffer, Michelle Ashley 2003 L V Berkner High School Noble, Malcolm Douglas 2005 Mount Lebanon High School Robertson, Emily Ann 2005 J J Pearce High School Semones, Adrian Lee 2005 J J Pearce High School * Stetson, Glenn Wykeham 2003 J J Pearce High School Van Wye, Rachel Nicole 2004 L V Berkner High School </p><p>ROUND ROCK Osteen, Allison Amy 2004 McNeil High School </p><p>ROWLETT * Elliott, Christopher Mark 2006 Bishop Lynch High School </p><p>SAN ANTONIO Gendron, Kelsey Ann 2005 Altus High School Miller, Christopher Allen 2005 Ronald Reagan High School Nelson, Lindsay Caitlin 2005 San Antonio Christian High Sch Sartin, Christopher William 2004 Winston Churchill High School </p><p>SANGER * Clements, Sebastian Hunter 2004 Sanger High School * Johnson, Alycia Elizabeth 2005 Flower Mound High School </p><p>SHALLOWATER * Brackett, Joanna Rose 2005 Trinity Christian Schools</p><p>SOUR LAKE Bailey, Irby Scott 2002 Cushing High School </p><p>SOUTHLAKE Abbood, Amanda Rachel 2005 Carroll High School Awtry, Marissa Ann 2005 Carroll High School Baker, Jenny Marie 2005 Carroll High School Cook, Erin Michele 2003 Carroll High School * Duenckel, John Robert 2004 Carroll High School * Fiss, Brittany Lauren 2004 Carroll High School * Keene, Brittany Ellaine 2006 Carroll High School * Keiser, Kristen Lau 2006 Carroll High School * King, Bradley Burdette 2005 Carroll High School Maganzini, Ryan Marshall 2006 Carroll High School * Nesbitt, Erin Leigh 2005 Carroll High School * Reznik, John Gerald 2004 Carroll High School * Roberts, Ryan Charles 2003 Carroll High School * Rossi, Christopher G 2004 Carroll High School * Rozell, Amanda Anne 2006 Carroll High School * Ryon, Whitney Leigh 2004 Carroll High School Sabbatis, Baley Ann 2004 Carroll High School Savage, Ford Matthew 2005 Carroll High School Skinner, Johnathan Melville 2005 Carroll High School * Smiley, Kevin Frederick 2004 Carroll High School Swaim, Lindsey Nichole 2003 Carroll High School * Swinford, Jeffrey Benjamin 2004 Carroll High School </p><p>SPEARMAN * O’Neal, Jessica Lauren 2002 Weatherford High School Sauer, Randall Scott 2003 Spearman High School * Vaquera, Claudia 2004 Spearman High School </p><p>SPRING Ash, Jason Tyler 2005 Klein-Collins High School Bracken, Stephen Shea 2002 Stillwater High School Herman, Patricia Kathleen 2006 Klein High School * Jackson, Erin Mallory 2004 Klein High School Warne, Sarah Ross 2004 Klein High School </p><p>STRATFORD Bell, Brady Alan 2006 Stratford High School </p><p>SUGAR LAND Brumley, Renae Christine 2004 William P Clements High School Furrh, Whitney Leigh 2005 Stephen F Austin High School </p><p>SULPHUR SPRINGS Stump, Elizabeth Ann 2005 Sulphur Springs High School </p><p>SUNNYVALE Charles, Mark Wesley 2003 Lake Highlands High School </p><p>SUNSET Zajac, Brian Matthew 2005 Carroll High School </p><p>TEXARKANA Hughes, Jesse Lee 2006 Redwater High School </p><p>THE COLONY Foster, Brittany Leigh 2005 Colony High School The </p><p>THE WOODLANDS Colbert, Lauren Elise 2005 John Cooper School The * Gillaspie, Christopher Leonard Markaverich, Jamie Elizabeth 2004 Woodlands High School The Reynolds, Amanda Beth 2005 Oak Ridge High School Roberts, Brooke Elizabeth 2002 Woodlands High School The Roberts, Claire Melinda 2005 Woodlands High School The Wallace, Airika Michelle 2003 Woodlands High School The * Wambaugh, Abigail Annette 2003 Oak Ridge High School </p><p>TYLER * McGaha, Bethany Joan 2003 Grace Community School McGaha, Paul Kent, II 2005 Chapel Hill High School </p><p>VALLEY VIEW * Pickrel, Stephanie Jane 2005 Pilot Point High School </p><p>WEATHERFORD * Wagner, Meghan Leigh 2004 Chico Senior High School </p><p>WESTLAKE Smith, Gregory Martin 2005 Carroll High School </p><p>WHARTON Eldridge, James Ross 2004 Boling High School </p><p>WHITEDEER Looney, Kali Morgan 2005 Canadian High School </p><p>WICHITA FALLS Damaska, Christopher Reed 2004 Hirschi Math/Science Ib Magnet Edmondson, Kayla Renee 2003 S H Rider High School Foster, Reid Banks 2004 Chattanooga High School * Graves, Robert Edward 2006 Wichita Falls High School Kable, John Ward, Jr 2004 Wichita Falls High School Miller, Micheal David 2004 S H Rider High School Schaffner, John Randall Villa, Christopher Anthony 2004 S H Rider High School * Warnock, Emily Anne 2005 Wichita Falls High School </p><p>WYLIE Swanson, Rebekah Ann 2004 Wylie High School </p><p>UTAH SANDY * Osborn, Taylor Renee' 2006 Brighton High School </p><p>VIRGINIA ARLINGTON Largent, Kelly Douglas 22207 </p><p>CENTREVILLE Beauchemin, Katherine Leigh 2005 Westfield High School </p><p>DALEVILLE Merryman, Lauren Amanda 2003 Carroll High School</p><p>FAIRFAX Ringdahl, Rachel Elizabeth 2004 Buena High School </p><p>JAINESVILLE * Alsabti, Ahmad Omar 20155 2006 International High Schools </p><p>NORFOLK * Halstead, Scott Lee 1999 Norview High School</p><p>SPOTSYLVANIA * Molzahn, Melissa Faith 22553 2003 Courtland High School </p><p>VIRGINIA BEACH Wilcox, Max K </p><p>WASHINGTON KENT Mach, Tyler John</p><p>LYNNWOOD * Harroun, Hailey Elin 2006 Meadowdale Senior High School </p><p>MOSES LAKE * Sackmann, Julie Christine </p><p>MOUNT VERNON Wortham, Emily Catherine 2006 Mount Vernon Christian School </p><p>RIDGEFIELD * Dillingham, Andrew Ray 2004 Haskell High School </p><p>SAMMAMISH Pinckney, Jeremy Fitzgerald 2006 Eastlake High School </p><p>SNOHOMISH Hamilton, Heather Ann 2002 West Seattle High School</p><p>WOODLAND Vernon, Raymond Anthony 2005 Woodland High School </p><p>YAKIMA Ehlis, Brian James 2003 West Valley High School </p><p>WISCONSIN LODI * Kuzma, Lindsey Rachel 2004 Sauk Prairie High School </p><p>MILWAUKEE Lund, Jonathan Kristopher </p><p>SAUK CITY * Schroeder, Leah Marie 2006 Sauk Prairie High School </p><p>WYOMING CASPER Burch, Connie Elizabeth 2003 Natrona County High School </p><p>RANCHESTER Oswald-Hobart, Megan Nicole</p>
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